local core = require "core" local common = require "core.common" local config = require "core.config" local style = require "core.style" local keymap = require "core.keymap" local Object = require "core.object" local View = require "core.view" local CommandView = require "core.commandview" local NagView = require "core.nagview" local DocView = require "core.docview" local EmptyView = View:extend() local function draw_text(x, y, color) local th = style.big_font:get_height() local dh = 2 * th + style.padding.y * 2 local x1, y1 = x, y + (dh - th) / 2 x = renderer.draw_text(style.big_font, "Lite XL", x1, y1, color) renderer.draw_text(style.font, "version " .. VERSION, x1, y1 + th, color) x = x + style.padding.x renderer.draw_rect(x, y, math.ceil(1 * SCALE), dh, color) local lines = { { fmt = "%s to run a command", cmd = "core:find-command" }, { fmt = "%s to open a file from the project", cmd = "core:find-file" }, { fmt = "%s to change project folder", cmd = "core:change-project-folder" }, { fmt = "%s to open a project folder", cmd = "core:open-project-folder" }, } th = style.font:get_height() y = y + (dh - (th + style.padding.y) * #lines) / 2 local w = 0 for _, line in ipairs(lines) do local text = string.format(line.fmt, keymap.get_binding(line.cmd)) w = math.max(w, renderer.draw_text(style.font, text, x + style.padding.x, y, color)) y = y + th + style.padding.y end return w, dh end function EmptyView:draw() self:draw_background(style.background) local w, h = draw_text(0, 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }) local x = self.position.x + math.max(style.padding.x, (self.size.x - w) / 2) local y = self.position.y + (self.size.y - h) / 2 draw_text(x, y, style.dim) end local Node = Object:extend() function Node:new(type) self.type = type or "leaf" self.position = { x = 0, y = 0 } self.size = { x = 0, y = 0 } self.views = {} self.divider = 0.5 if self.type == "leaf" then self:add_view(EmptyView()) end self.hovered = {x = -1, y = -1 } self.hovered_close = 0 self.tab_shift = 0 self.tab_offset = 1 self.tab_width = style.tab_width self.move_towards = View.move_towards end function Node:propagate(fn, ...) self.a[fn](self.a, ...) self.b[fn](self.b, ...) end function Node:on_mouse_moved(x, y, ...) if self.type == "leaf" then self.hovered.x, self.hovered.y = x, y self.active_view:on_mouse_moved(x, y, ...) else self:propagate("on_mouse_moved", x, y, ...) end end function Node:on_mouse_released(...) if self.type == "leaf" then self.active_view:on_mouse_released(...) else self:propagate("on_mouse_released", ...) end end function Node:consume(node) for k, _ in pairs(self) do self[k] = nil end for k, v in pairs(node) do self[k] = v end end local type_map = { up="vsplit", down="vsplit", left="hsplit", right="hsplit" } -- The "locked" argument below should be in the form {x = <boolean>, y = <boolean>} -- and it indicates if the node want to have a fixed size along the axis where the -- boolean is true. If not it will be expanded to take all the available space. -- The "resizable" flag indicates if, along the "locked" axis the node can be resized -- by the user. If the node is marked as resizable their view should provide a -- set_target_size method. function Node:split(dir, view, locked, resizable) assert(self.type == "leaf", "Tried to split non-leaf node") local node_type = assert(type_map[dir], "Invalid direction") local last_active = core.active_view local child = Node() child:consume(self) self:consume(Node(node_type)) self.a = child self.b = Node() if view then self.b:add_view(view) end if locked then assert(type(locked) == 'table') self.b.locked = locked self.b.resizable = resizable or false core.set_active_view(last_active) end if dir == "up" or dir == "left" then self.a, self.b = self.b, self.a return self.a end return self.b end function Node:remove_view(root, view) if #self.views > 1 then local idx = self:get_view_idx(view) if idx < self.tab_offset then self.tab_offset = self.tab_offset - 1 end table.remove(self.views, idx) if self.active_view == view then self:set_active_view(self.views[idx] or self.views[#self.views]) end else local parent = self:get_parent_node(root) local is_a = (parent.a == self) local other = parent[is_a and "b" or "a"] if other:get_locked_size() then self.views = {} self:add_view(EmptyView()) else parent:consume(other) local p = parent while p.type ~= "leaf" do p = p[is_a and "a" or "b"] end p:set_active_view(p.active_view) if self.is_primary_node then p.is_primary_node = true end end end core.last_active_view = nil end function Node:close_view(root, view) local do_close = function() self:remove_view(root, view) end view:try_close(do_close) end function Node:close_active_view(root) self:close_view(root, self.active_view) end function Node:add_view(view, idx) assert(self.type == "leaf", "Tried to add view to non-leaf node") assert(not self.locked, "Tried to add view to locked node") if self.views[1] and self.views[1]:is(EmptyView) then table.remove(self.views) end table.insert(self.views, idx or (#self.views + 1), view) self:set_active_view(view) end function Node:set_active_view(view) assert(self.type == "leaf", "Tried to set active view on non-leaf node") self.active_view = view core.set_active_view(view) end function Node:get_view_idx(view) for i, v in ipairs(self.views) do if v == view then return i end end end function Node:get_node_for_view(view) for _, v in ipairs(self.views) do if v == view then return self end end if self.type ~= "leaf" then return self.a:get_node_for_view(view) or self.b:get_node_for_view(view) end end function Node:get_parent_node(root) if root.a == self or root.b == self then return root elseif root.type ~= "leaf" then return self:get_parent_node(root.a) or self:get_parent_node(root.b) end end function Node:get_children(t) t = t or {} for _, view in ipairs(self.views) do table.insert(t, view) end if self.a then self.a:get_children(t) end if self.b then self.b:get_children(t) end return t end -- return the width including the padding space and separately -- the padding space itself local function get_scroll_button_width() local w = style.icon_font:get_width(">") local pad = w return w + 2 * pad, pad end function Node:get_divider_overlapping_point(px, py) if self.type ~= "leaf" then local p = 6 local x, y, w, h = self:get_divider_rect() x, y = x - p, y - p w, h = w + p * 2, h + p * 2 if px > x and py > y and px < x + w and py < y + h then return self end return self.a:get_divider_overlapping_point(px, py) or self.b:get_divider_overlapping_point(px, py) end end function Node:get_visible_tabs_number() return math.min(#self.views - self.tab_offset + 1, config.max_tabs) end function Node:get_tab_overlapping_point(px, py) if #self.views == 1 then return nil end local tabs_number = self:get_visible_tabs_number() local x1, y1, w, h = self:get_tab_rect(self.tab_offset) local x2, y2 = self:get_tab_rect(self.tab_offset + tabs_number) if px >= x1 and py >= y1 and px < x2 and py < y1 + h then return math.floor((px - x1) / w) + self.tab_offset end end local function close_button_location(x, w) local cw = style.icon_font:get_width("C") local pad = style.padding.y return x + w - pad - cw, cw, pad end function Node:get_scroll_button_index(px, py) if #self.views == 1 then return end for i = 1, 2 do local x, y, w, h = self:get_scroll_button_rect(i) if px >= x and px < x + w and py >= y and py < y + h then return i end end end function Node:tab_hovered_update(px, py) local tab_index = self:get_tab_overlapping_point(px, py) self.hovered_tab = tab_index self.hovered_close = 0 self.hovered_scroll_button = 0 if tab_index then local x, y, w, h = self:get_tab_rect(tab_index) local cx, cw = close_button_location(x, w) if px >= cx and px < cx + cw and py >= y and py < y + h and config.tab_close_button then self.hovered_close = tab_index end else self.hovered_scroll_button = self:get_scroll_button_index(px, py) or 0 end end function Node:get_child_overlapping_point(x, y) local child if self.type == "leaf" then return self elseif self.type == "hsplit" then child = (x < self.b.position.x) and self.a or self.b elseif self.type == "vsplit" then child = (y < self.b.position.y) and self.a or self.b end return child:get_child_overlapping_point(x, y) end function Node:get_scroll_button_rect(index) local w, pad = get_scroll_button_width() local h = style.font:get_height() + style.padding.y * 2 local x = self.position.x + (index == 1 and 0 or self.size.x - w) return x, self.position.y, w, h, pad end function Node:get_tab_rect(idx) local sbw = get_scroll_button_width() local maxw = self.size.x - 2 * sbw local x0 = self.position.x + sbw local x1 = x0 + common.clamp(self.tab_width * (idx - 1) - self.tab_shift, 0, maxw) local x2 = x0 + common.clamp(self.tab_width * idx - self.tab_shift, 0, maxw) local h = style.font:get_height() + style.padding.y * 2 return x1, self.position.y, x2 - x1, h end function Node:get_divider_rect() local x, y = self.position.x, self.position.y if self.type == "hsplit" then return x + self.a.size.x, y, style.divider_size, self.size.y elseif self.type == "vsplit" then return x, y + self.a.size.y, self.size.x, style.divider_size end end -- Return two values for x and y axis and each of them is either falsy or a number. -- A falsy value indicate no fixed size along the corresponding direction. function Node:get_locked_size() if self.type == "leaf" then if self.locked then local size = self.active_view.size -- The values below should be either a falsy value or a number local sx = (self.locked and self.locked.x) and size.x local sy = (self.locked and self.locked.y) and size.y return sx, sy end else local x1, y1 = self.a:get_locked_size() local x2, y2 = self.b:get_locked_size() -- The values below should be either a falsy value or a number local sx, sy if self.type == 'hsplit' then if x1 and x2 then local dsx = (x1 < 1 or x2 < 1) and 0 or style.divider_size sx = x1 + x2 + dsx end sy = y1 or y2 else if y1 and y2 then local dsy = (y1 < 1 or y2 < 1) and 0 or style.divider_size sy = y1 + y2 + dsy end sx = x1 or x2 end return sx, sy end end local function copy_position_and_size(dst, src) dst.position.x, dst.position.y = src.position.x, src.position.y dst.size.x, dst.size.y = src.size.x, src.size.y end -- calculating the sizes is the same for hsplits and vsplits, except the x/y -- axis are swapped; this function lets us use the same code for both local function calc_split_sizes(self, x, y, x1, x2, y1, y2) local n local ds = ((x1 and x1 < 1) or (x2 and x2 < 1)) and 0 or style.divider_size if x1 then n = x1 + ds elseif x2 then n = self.size[x] - x2 else n = math.floor(self.size[x] * self.divider) end self.a.position[x] = self.position[x] self.a.position[y] = self.position[y] self.a.size[x] = n - ds self.a.size[y] = self.size[y] self.b.position[x] = self.position[x] + n self.b.position[y] = self.position[y] self.b.size[x] = self.size[x] - n self.b.size[y] = self.size[y] end function Node:update_layout() if self.type == "leaf" then local av = self.active_view if #self.views > 1 then local _, _, _, th = self:get_tab_rect(1) av.position.x, av.position.y = self.position.x, self.position.y + th av.size.x, av.size.y = self.size.x, self.size.y - th else copy_position_and_size(av, self) end else local x1, y1 = self.a:get_locked_size() local x2, y2 = self.b:get_locked_size() if self.type == "hsplit" then calc_split_sizes(self, "x", "y", x1, x2) elseif self.type == "vsplit" then calc_split_sizes(self, "y", "x", y1, y2) end self.a:update_layout() self.b:update_layout() end end function Node:scroll_tabs_to_visible() local index = self:get_view_idx(self.active_view) if index then local tabs_number = self:get_visible_tabs_number() if self.tab_offset > index then self.tab_offset = index elseif self.tab_offset + tabs_number - 1 < index then self.tab_offset = index - tabs_number + 1 elseif tabs_number < config.max_tabs and self.tab_offset > 1 then self.tab_offset = #self.views - config.max_tabs + 1 end end end function Node:scroll_tabs(dir) local view_index = self:get_view_idx(self.active_view) if dir == 1 then if self.tab_offset > 1 then self.tab_offset = self.tab_offset - 1 local last_index = self.tab_offset + self:get_visible_tabs_number() - 1 if view_index > last_index then self:set_active_view(self.views[last_index]) end end elseif dir == 2 then local tabs_number = self:get_visible_tabs_number() if self.tab_offset + tabs_number - 1 < #self.views then self.tab_offset = self.tab_offset + 1 local view_index = self:get_view_idx(self.active_view) if view_index < self.tab_offset then self:set_active_view(self.views[self.tab_offset]) end end end end function Node:target_tab_width() local n = self:get_visible_tabs_number() local w = self.size.x - get_scroll_button_width() * 2 return common.clamp(style.tab_width, w / config.max_tabs, w / n) end function Node:update() if self.type == "leaf" then self:scroll_tabs_to_visible() for _, view in ipairs(self.views) do view:update() end self:tab_hovered_update(self.hovered.x, self.hovered.y) local tab_width = self:target_tab_width() self:move_towards("tab_shift", tab_width * (self.tab_offset - 1)) self:move_towards("tab_width", tab_width) else self.a:update() self.b:update() end end function Node:draw_tabs() local x, y, w, h, scroll_padding = self:get_scroll_button_rect(1) local ds = style.divider_size local dots_width = style.font:get_width("…") core.push_clip_rect(x, y, self.size.x, h) renderer.draw_rect(x, y, self.size.x, h, style.background2) renderer.draw_rect(x, y + h - ds, self.size.x, ds, style.divider) if self.tab_offset > 1 then local button_style = self.hovered_scroll_button == 1 and style.text or style.dim common.draw_text(style.icon_font, button_style, "<", nil, x + scroll_padding, y, 0, h) end local tabs_number = self:get_visible_tabs_number() if #self.views > self.tab_offset + tabs_number - 1 then local xrb, yrb, wrb = self:get_scroll_button_rect(2) local button_style = self.hovered_scroll_button == 2 and style.text or style.dim common.draw_text(style.icon_font, button_style, ">", nil, xrb + scroll_padding, yrb, 0, h) end for i = self.tab_offset, self.tab_offset + tabs_number - 1 do local view = self.views[i] local x, y, w, h = self:get_tab_rect(i) local text = view:get_name() local color = style.dim local padding_y = style.padding.y renderer.draw_rect(x + w, y + padding_y, ds, h - padding_y * 2, style.dim) if view == self.active_view then color = style.text renderer.draw_rect(x, y, w, h, style.background) renderer.draw_rect(x + w, y, ds, h, style.divider) renderer.draw_rect(x - ds, y, ds, h, style.divider) end local cx, cw, cspace = close_button_location(x, w) local show_close_button = ((view == self.active_view or i == self.hovered_tab) and config.tab_close_button) if show_close_button then local close_style = self.hovered_close == i and style.text or style.dim common.draw_text(style.icon_font, close_style, "C", nil, cx, y, 0, h) end if i == self.hovered_tab then color = style.text end local padx = style.padding.x -- Normally we should substract "cspace" from text_avail_width and from the -- clipping width. It is the padding space we give to the left and right of the -- close button. However, since we are using dots to terminate filenames, we -- choose to ignore "cspace" accepting that the text can possibly "touch" the -- close button. local text_avail_width = cx - x - padx core.push_clip_rect(x, y, cx - x, h) x, w = x + padx, w - padx * 2 local align = "center" if style.font:get_width(text) > text_avail_width then align = "left" for i = 1, #text do local reduced_text = text:sub(1, #text - i) if style.font:get_width(reduced_text) + dots_width <= text_avail_width then text = reduced_text .. "…" break end end end common.draw_text(style.font, color, text, align, x, y, w, h) core.pop_clip_rect() end core.pop_clip_rect() end function Node:draw() if self.type == "leaf" then if #self.views > 1 then self:draw_tabs() end local pos, size = self.active_view.position, self.active_view.size core.push_clip_rect(pos.x, pos.y, size.x + pos.x % 1, size.y + pos.y % 1) self.active_view:draw() core.pop_clip_rect() else local x, y, w, h = self:get_divider_rect() renderer.draw_rect(x, y, w, h, style.divider) self:propagate("draw") end end function Node:is_empty() if self.type == "leaf" then return #self.views == 0 or (#self.views == 1 and self.views[1]:is(EmptyView)) else return self.a:is_empty() and self.b:is_empty() end end function Node:close_all_docviews() if self.type == "leaf" then local i = 1 while i <= #self.views do local view = self.views[i] if view:is(DocView) and not view:is(CommandView) then table.remove(self.views, i) else i = i + 1 end end if #self.views == 0 and self.is_primary_node then self:add_view(EmptyView()) end else self.a:close_all_docviews() self.b:close_all_docviews() if self.a:is_empty() and not self.a.is_primary_node then self:consume(self.b) elseif self.b:is_empty() and not self.b.is_primary_node then self:consume(self.a) end end end -- Returns true for nodes that accept either "proportional" resizes (based on the -- node.divider) or "locked" resizable nodes (along the resize axis). function Node:is_resizable(axis) if self.type == 'leaf' then return not self.locked or not self.locked[axis] or self.resizable else local a_resizable = self.a:is_resizable(axis) local b_resizable = self.b:is_resizable(axis) return a_resizable and b_resizable end end -- Return true iff it is a locked pane along the rezise axis and is -- declared "resizable". function Node:is_locked_resizable(axis) return self.locked and self.locked[axis] and self.resizable end function Node:resize(axis, value) if self.type == 'leaf' then -- If it is not locked we don't accept the -- resize operation here because for proportional panes the resize is -- done using the "divider" value of the parent node. if self:is_locked_resizable(axis) then return self.active_view:set_target_size(axis, value) end else if self.type == (axis == "x" and "hsplit" or "vsplit") then -- we are resizing a node that is splitted along the resize axis if self.a:is_locked_resizable(axis) and self.b:is_locked_resizable(axis) then local rem_value = value - self.a.size[axis] if rem_value >= 0 then return self.b.active_view:set_target_size(axis, rem_value) else self.b.active_view:set_target_size(axis, 0) return self.a.active_view:set_target_size(axis, value) end end else -- we are resizing a node that is splitted along the axis perpendicular -- to the resize axis local a_resizable = self.a:is_resizable(axis) local b_resizable = self.b:is_resizable(axis) if a_resizable and b_resizable then self.a:resize(axis, value) self.b:resize(axis, value) end end end end local RootView = View:extend() function RootView:new() RootView.super.new(self) self.root_node = Node() self.deferred_draws = {} self.mouse = { x = 0, y = 0 } end function RootView:defer_draw(fn, ...) table.insert(self.deferred_draws, 1, { fn = fn, ... }) end function RootView:get_active_node() return self.root_node:get_node_for_view(core.active_view) end local function get_primary_node(node) if node.is_primary_node then return node end if node.type ~= "leaf" then return get_primary_node(node.a) or get_primary_node(node.b) end end function RootView:get_active_node_default() local node = self.root_node:get_node_for_view(core.active_view) if node.locked then local default_view = self:get_primary_node().views[1] assert(default_view, "internal error: cannot find original document node.") core.set_active_view(default_view) node = self:get_active_node() end return node end function RootView:get_primary_node() return get_primary_node(self.root_node) end function RootView:open_doc(doc) local node = self:get_active_node_default() for i, view in ipairs(node.views) do if view.doc == doc then node:set_active_view(node.views[i]) return view end end local view = DocView(doc) node:add_view(view) self.root_node:update_layout() view:scroll_to_line(view.doc:get_selection(), true, true) return view end function RootView:close_all_docviews() self.root_node:close_all_docviews() end -- Function to intercept mouse pressed events on the active view. -- Do nothing by default. function RootView.on_view_mouse_pressed(button, x, y, clicks) end function RootView:on_mouse_pressed(button, x, y, clicks) local div = self.root_node:get_divider_overlapping_point(x, y) if div then self.dragged_divider = div return end local node = self.root_node:get_child_overlapping_point(x, y) if node.hovered_scroll_button > 0 then node:scroll_tabs(node.hovered_scroll_button) return end local idx = node:get_tab_overlapping_point(x, y) if idx then if button == "middle" or node.hovered_close == idx then node:close_view(self.root_node, node.views[idx]) else self.dragged_node = { node, idx } node:set_active_view(node.views[idx]) end else core.set_active_view(node.active_view) if not self.on_view_mouse_pressed(button, x, y, clicks) then node.active_view:on_mouse_pressed(button, x, y, clicks) end end end function RootView:on_mouse_released(...) if self.dragged_divider then self.dragged_divider = nil end if self.dragged_node then self.dragged_node = nil end self.root_node:on_mouse_released(...) end local function resize_child_node(node, axis, value, delta) local accept_resize = node.a:resize(axis, value) if not accept_resize then accept_resize = node.b:resize(axis, node.size[axis] - value) end if not accept_resize then node.divider = node.divider + delta / node.size[axis] end end function RootView:on_mouse_moved(x, y, dx, dy) if core.active_view == core.nag_view then core.request_cursor("arrow") core.active_view:on_mouse_moved(x, y, dx, dy) return end if self.dragged_divider then local node = self.dragged_divider if node.type == "hsplit" then x = common.clamp(x, 0, self.root_node.size.x * 0.95) resize_child_node(node, "x", x, dx) elseif node.type == "vsplit" then y = common.clamp(y, 0, self.root_node.size.y * 0.95) resize_child_node(node, "y", y, dy) end node.divider = common.clamp(node.divider, 0.01, 0.99) return end self.mouse.x, self.mouse.y = x, y self.root_node:on_mouse_moved(x, y, dx, dy) local node = self.root_node:get_child_overlapping_point(x, y) local div = self.root_node:get_divider_overlapping_point(x, y) local tab_index = node and node:get_tab_overlapping_point(x, y) if node and node:get_scroll_button_index(x, y) then core.request_cursor("arrow") elseif div then local axis = (div.type == "hsplit" and "x" or "y") if div.a:is_resizable(axis) and div.b:is_resizable(axis) then core.request_cursor(div.type == "hsplit" and "sizeh" or "sizev") end elseif tab_index then core.request_cursor("arrow") elseif node then core.request_cursor(node.active_view.cursor) end if node and self.dragged_node and (self.dragged_node[1] ~= node or (tab_index and self.dragged_node[2] ~= tab_index)) and node.type == "leaf" and #node.views > 0 and node.views[1]:is(DocView) then local tab = self.dragged_node[1].views[self.dragged_node[2]] if self.dragged_node[1] ~= node then for i, v in ipairs(node.views) do if v.doc == tab.doc then tab = nil break end end if tab then self.dragged_node[1]:remove_view(self.root_node, tab) node:add_view(tab, tab_index) self.root_node:update_layout() self.dragged_node = { node, tab_index or #node.views } core.redraw = true end else table.remove(self.dragged_node[1].views, self.dragged_node[2]) table.insert(node.views, tab_index, tab) self.dragged_node = { node, tab_index } end end end function RootView:on_mouse_wheel(...) local x, y = self.mouse.x, self.mouse.y local node = self.root_node:get_child_overlapping_point(x, y) node.active_view:on_mouse_wheel(...) end function RootView:on_text_input(...) core.active_view:on_text_input(...) end function RootView:on_focus_lost(...) -- We force a redraw so documents can redraw without the cursor. core.redraw = true end function RootView:update() copy_position_and_size(self.root_node, self) self.root_node:update() self.root_node:update_layout() end function RootView:draw() self.root_node:draw() while #self.deferred_draws > 0 do local t = table.remove(self.deferred_draws) t.fn(table.unpack(t)) end if core.cursor_change_req then system.set_cursor(core.cursor_change_req) core.cursor_change_req = nil end end return RootView