local core = require "core" local common = require "core.common" local style = require "core.style" local keymap = require "core.keymap" local Object = require "core.object" local View = require "core.view" local DocView = require "core.docview" local Node = require "core.node" local function copy_position_and_size(dst, src) dst.position.x, dst.position.y = src.position.x, src.position.y dst.size.x, dst.size.y = src.size.x, src.size.y end local RootView = View:extend() function RootView:new() RootView.super.new(self) self.root_node = Node() self.deferred_draws = {} self.mouse = { x = 0, y = 0 } end function RootView:defer_draw(fn, ...) table.insert(self.deferred_draws, 1, { fn = fn, ... }) end function RootView:get_active_node() return self.root_node:get_node_for_view(core.active_view) end function RootView:open_doc(doc) local node = self:get_active_node() if node.locked and core.last_active_view then core.set_active_view(core.last_active_view) node = self:get_active_node() end assert(not node.locked, "Cannot open doc on locked node") for i, view in ipairs(node.views) do if view.doc == doc then node:set_active_view(node.views[i]) return view end end local view = DocView(doc) node:add_view(view) self.root_node:update_layout() view:scroll_to_line(view.doc:get_selection(), true, true) return view end function RootView:on_mouse_pressed(button, x, y, clicks) local div = self.root_node:get_divider_overlapping_point(x, y) if div then self.dragged_divider = div return end local node = self.root_node:get_child_overlapping_point(x, y) local idx = node:get_tab_overlapping_point(x, y) if idx then node:set_active_view(node.views[idx]) if button == "middle" then node:close_active_view(self.root_node) end else core.set_active_view(node.active_view) node.active_view:on_mouse_pressed(button, x, y, clicks) end end function RootView:on_mouse_released(...) if self.dragged_divider then self.dragged_divider = nil end self.root_node:on_mouse_released(...) end function RootView:on_mouse_moved(x, y, dx, dy) if self.dragged_divider then local node = self.dragged_divider if node.type == "hsplit" then node.divider = node.divider + dx / node.size.x else node.divider = node.divider + dy / node.size.y end node.divider = common.clamp(node.divider, 0.01, 0.99) return end self.mouse.x, self.mouse.y = x, y self.root_node:on_mouse_moved(x, y, dx, dy) local node = self.root_node:get_child_overlapping_point(x, y) local div = self.root_node:get_divider_overlapping_point(x, y) if div then system.set_cursor(div.type == "hsplit" and "sizeh" or "sizev") elseif node:get_tab_overlapping_point(x, y) then system.set_cursor("arrow") else system.set_cursor(node.active_view.cursor) end end function RootView:on_mouse_wheel(...) local x, y = self.mouse.x, self.mouse.y local node = self.root_node:get_child_overlapping_point(x, y) node.active_view:on_mouse_wheel(...) end function RootView:on_text_input(...) core.active_view:on_text_input(...) end function RootView:update() copy_position_and_size(self.root_node, self) self.root_node:update() self.root_node:update_layout() end function RootView:draw() self.root_node:draw() while #self.deferred_draws > 0 do local t = table.remove(self.deferred_draws) t.fn(table.unpack(t)) end end return RootView