Adding -r and -C options to h2load

This commit is contained in:
Nora Shoemaker 2015-07-13 11:28:15 -07:00
parent 1940413eb3
commit 2482dd7f77
2 changed files with 183 additions and 34 deletions

View File

@ -75,7 +75,8 @@ Config::Config()
: data_length(-1), addrs(nullptr), nreqs(1), nclients(1), nthreads(1),
max_concurrent_streams(-1), window_bits(30), connection_window_bits(30),
no_tls_proto(PROTO_HTTP2), data_fd(-1), port(0), default_port(0),
verbose(false) {}
nconns(0), rate(0), current_worker(0) {}
Config::~Config() {
@ -85,6 +86,10 @@ Config::~Config() {
bool Config::is_rate_mode() {
return (this->rate != 0);
Config config;
namespace {
@ -261,7 +266,7 @@ void Client::process_abandoned_streams() {
void Client::report_progress() {
if (worker->id == 0 &&
if (!worker->config->is_rate_mode() && worker->id == 0 &&
worker->stats.req_done % worker->progress_interval == 0) {
std::cout << "progress: "
<< worker->stats.req_done * 100 / worker->stats.req_todo
@ -962,6 +967,33 @@ std::vector<std::string> read_uri_from_file(std::istream &infile) {
} // namespace
namespace {
// Called every second when rate mode is being used
void second_timeout_cb(EV_P_ ev_timer *w, int revents) {
auto config = static_cast<Config *>(w->data);
auto nclients_per_worker = config->rate;
auto nreqs_per_worker = config->max_concurrent_streams * config->rate;
if(config->current_worker >= std::max(0. , (config->seconds - 1.))) {
nclients_per_worker = config->rate + config->conns_remainder;
nreqs_per_worker = (int)config->max_concurrent_streams *
(config->rate + config->conns_remainder);
ev_timer_stop(config->rate_loop, w);
} // namespace
namespace {
void print_version(std::ostream &out) {
out << "h2load nghttp2/" NGHTTP2_VERSION << std::endl;
@ -1027,6 +1059,7 @@ Options:
-p, --no-tls-proto=<PROTOID>
Specify ALPN identifier of the protocol to be used when
accessing http URI without SSL/TLS.)";
out << R"(
Available protocols: spdy/2, spdy/3, spdy/3.1 and )";
@ -1039,6 +1072,24 @@ Options:
-d, --data=<FILE>
Post FILE to server. The request method is changed to
-r, --rate=<N>
Specified the fixed rate at which connections are
created. The rate must be a positive integer,
representing the number of connections to be made per
second. When the rate is 0, the program will run as it
normally does, creating connections at whatever variable
rate it wants. The default value for this option is 0.
-C, --num-conns=<N>
Specifies the total number of connections to create. The
total number of connections must be a positive integer.
On each connection, '-m' requests are made. The test
stops once as soon as the N connections have either
completed or failed. When the number of connections is
0, the program will run as it normally does, creating as
many connections as it needs in order to make the '-n'
requests specified. The defauly value for this option is
0. The '-n' option is not required if the '-C' option
is being used.
-v, --verbose
Output debug information.
--version Display version information and exit.
@ -1073,10 +1124,12 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
{"help", no_argument, nullptr, 'h'},
{"version", no_argument, &flag, 1},
{"ciphers", required_argument, &flag, 2},
{"rate", required_argument, nullptr, 'r'},
{"num-conns", required_argument, nullptr, 'C'},
{nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0}};
int option_index = 0;
auto c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hvW:c:d:m:n:p:t:w:H:i:", long_options,
auto c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hvW:c:d:m:n:p:t:w:H:i:r:C:",
long_options, &option_index);
if (c == -1) {
@ -1170,6 +1223,24 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
case 'r':
config.rate = strtoul(optarg, nullptr, 10);
if (config.rate <= 0) {
std::cerr << "-r: the rate at which connections are made "
<< "must be positive."
<< std::endl;
case 'C':
config.nconns = strtoul(optarg, nullptr, 10);
if (config.nconns <= 0) {
std::cerr << "-C: the total number of connections made "
<< "must be positive."
<< std::endl;
case 'v':
config.verbose = true;
@ -1238,6 +1309,25 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
<< "cores." << std::endl;
if (config.nconns < 0) {
std::cerr << "-C: the total number of connections made "
<< "cannot be negative."
<< std::endl;
if (config.rate < 0) {
std::cerr << "-r: the rate at which connections are made "
<< "cannot be negative."
<< std::endl;
if (config.rate != 0 && config.nthreads != 1) {
std::cerr << "-r, -t: warning: the -t option will be ignored when the -r "
<< "option is in use." << std::endl;
if (!datafile.empty()) {
config.data_fd = open(datafile.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
if (config.data_fd == -1) {
@ -1405,46 +1495,92 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Worker>> workers;
// if not in rate mode, continue making workers and clients normally
if (!config.is_rate_mode()) {
std::vector<std::future<void>> futures;
for (size_t i = 0; i < config.nthreads - 1; ++i) {
auto nreqs = nreqs_per_thread + (nreqs_rem-- > 0);
auto nclients = nclients_per_thread + (nclients_rem-- > 0);
std::cout << "spawning thread #" << i << ": " << nclients
<< " concurrent clients, " << nreqs << " total requests"
<< std::endl;
make_unique<Worker>(i, ssl_ctx, nreqs, nclients, &config));
auto &worker = workers.back();
std::async(std::launch::async, [&worker]() { worker->run(); }));
std::vector<std::future<void>> futures;
for (size_t i = 0; i < config.nthreads - 1; ++i) {
auto nreqs = nreqs_per_thread + (nreqs_rem-- > 0);
auto nclients = nclients_per_thread + (nclients_rem-- > 0);
std::cout << "spawning thread #" << i << ": " << nclients
<< " concurrent clients, " << nreqs << " total requests"
<< std::endl;
make_unique<Worker>(i, ssl_ctx, nreqs, nclients, &config));
auto &worker = config.workers.back();
std::async(std::launch::async, [&worker]() { worker->run(); }));
#endif // NOTHREADS
auto nreqs_last = nreqs_per_thread + (nreqs_rem-- > 0);
auto nclients_last = nclients_per_thread + (nclients_rem-- > 0);
std::cout << "spawning thread #" << (config.nthreads - 1) << ": "
<< nclients_last << " concurrent clients, " << nreqs_last
<< " total requests" << std::endl;
workers.push_back(make_unique<Worker>(config.nthreads - 1, ssl_ctx,
nreqs_last, nclients_last, &config));
auto nreqs_last = nreqs_per_thread + (nreqs_rem-- > 0);
auto nclients_last = nclients_per_thread + (nclients_rem-- > 0);
std::cout << "spawning thread #" << (config.nthreads - 1) << ": "
<< nclients_last << " concurrent clients, " << nreqs_last
<< " total requests" << std::endl;
config.workers.push_back(make_unique<Worker>(config.nthreads - 1, ssl_ctx,
nreqs_last, nclients_last, &config));
for (auto &fut : futures) {
for (auto &fut : futures) {
#endif // NOTHREADS
} //!config.is_rate_mode()
// if in rate mode, create a new worker each second
else {
// set various config values
config.seconds = std::min(n_time, c_time);
if ((int)config.nreqs < config.nconns) {
config.seconds = c_time;
else if (config.nconns == 0) {
config.seconds = n_time;
else {
config.conns_remainder = config.nconns % config.rate;
// config.seconds must be positive or else an exception is thrown
if (config.seconds <= 0) {
std::cerr << "Test cannot be run with current option values."
<< " Please look at documentation for -r option for"
<< " more information." << std::endl;
config.current_worker = 0;
config.ssl_ctx = ssl_ctx;
// create timer that will go off every second
ev_timer timeout_watcher;
// create loop for running the timer
struct ev_loop *rate_loop = EV_DEFAULT;
config.rate_loop = rate_loop;
// giving the second_timeout_cb access to config = &config;
ev_init(&timeout_watcher, second_timeout_cb);
timeout_watcher.repeat = 1.;
ev_timer_again(rate_loop, &timeout_watcher);
ev_run(rate_loop, 0);
} // end rate mode section
auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
auto duration =
std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(end - start);
Stats stats(0);
for (const auto &w : workers) {
for (const auto &w : config.workers) {
const auto &s = w->stats;
stats.req_todo += s.req_todo;
@ -1463,7 +1599,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
auto ts = process_time_stats(workers);
auto ts = process_time_stats(config.workers);
// Requests which have not been issued due to connection errors, are
// counted towards req_failed and req_error.
@ -1476,7 +1612,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// [1]
// [2]
size_t rps = 0;
double rps = 0;
int64_t bps = 0;
if (duration.count() > 0) {
auto secd = static_cast<double>(duration.count()) / (1000 * 1000);

View File

@ -76,6 +76,10 @@ struct Config {
ssize_t max_concurrent_streams;
size_t window_bits;
size_t connection_window_bits;
// rate at which connections should be made
ssize_t rate;
// number of connections made
ssize_t nconns;
enum { PROTO_HTTP2, PROTO_SPDY2, PROTO_SPDY3, PROTO_SPDY3_1 } no_tls_proto;
// file descriptor for upload data
int data_fd;
@ -83,8 +87,17 @@ struct Config {
uint16_t default_port;
bool verbose;
ssize_t current_worker;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Worker>> workers;
SSL_CTX *ssl_ctx;
struct ev_loop *rate_loop;
ssize_t seconds;
ssize_t conns_remainder;
bool is_rate_mode();
struct RequestStat {