Merge branch 'validate-authority-scheme'

This commit is contained in:
Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa 2016-01-16 16:04:07 +09:00
commit 584567cacc
6 changed files with 278 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -185,6 +185,66 @@ func TestH1H1HostRewrite(t *testing.T) {
// TestH1H1BadHost tests that server rejects request including bad
// characters in host header field.
func TestH1H1BadHost(t *testing.T) {
st := newServerTester(nil, t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
t.Errorf("server should not forward this request")
defer st.Close()
if _, err := io.WriteString(st.conn, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nTest-Case: TestH1H1HBadHost\r\nHost: foo\"bar\r\n\r\n"); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error io.WriteString() = %v", err)
resp, err := http.ReadResponse(bufio.NewReader(st.conn), nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error http.ReadResponse() = %v", err)
if got, want := resp.StatusCode, 400; got != want {
t.Errorf("status: %v; want %v", got, want)
// TestH1H1BadAuthority tests that server rejects request including
// bad characters in authority component of requset URI.
func TestH1H1BadAuthority(t *testing.T) {
st := newServerTester(nil, t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
t.Errorf("server should not forward this request")
defer st.Close()
if _, err := io.WriteString(st.conn, "GET http://foo\"bar/ HTTP/1.1\r\nTest-Case: TestH1H1HBadAuthority\r\nHost: foobar\r\n\r\n"); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error io.WriteString() = %v", err)
resp, err := http.ReadResponse(bufio.NewReader(st.conn), nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error http.ReadResponse() = %v", err)
if got, want := resp.StatusCode, 400; got != want {
t.Errorf("status: %v; want %v", got, want)
// TestH1H1BadScheme tests that server rejects request including
// bad characters in scheme component of requset URI.
func TestH1H1BadScheme(t *testing.T) {
st := newServerTester(nil, t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
t.Errorf("server should not forward this request")
defer st.Close()
if _, err := io.WriteString(st.conn, "GET http*:// HTTP/1.1\r\nTest-Case: TestH1H1HBadScheme\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n"); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error io.WriteString() = %v", err)
resp, err := http.ReadResponse(bufio.NewReader(st.conn), nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error http.ReadResponse() = %v", err)
if got, want := resp.StatusCode, 400; got != want {
t.Errorf("status: %v; want %v", got, want)
// TestH1H1HTTP10 tests that server can accept HTTP/1.0 request
// without Host header field
func TestH1H1HTTP10(t *testing.T) {

View File

@ -606,6 +606,46 @@ func TestH2H1InvalidMethod(t *testing.T) {
// TestH2H1BadAuthority tests that server rejects request including
// bad characters in :authority header field.
func TestH2H1BadAuthority(t *testing.T) {
st := newServerTester(nil, t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
t.Errorf("server should not forward this request")
defer st.Close()
res, err := st.http2(requestParam{
name: "TestH2H1BadAuthority",
authority: `foo\bar`,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error st.http2() = %v", err)
if got, want := res.errCode, http2.ErrCodeProtocol; got != want {
t.Errorf("res.errCode: %v; want %v", got, want)
// TestH2H1BadScheme tests that server rejects request including
// bad characters in :scheme header field.
func TestH2H1BadScheme(t *testing.T) {
st := newServerTester(nil, t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
t.Errorf("server should not forward this request")
defer st.Close()
res, err := st.http2(requestParam{
name: "TestH2H1BadScheme",
scheme: "http*",
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error st.http2() = %v", err)
if got, want := res.errCode, http2.ErrCodeProtocol; got != want {
t.Errorf("res.errCode: %v; want %v", got, want)
// TestH2H1AssembleCookies tests that crumbled cookies in HTTP/2
// request is assembled into 1 when forwarding to HTTP/1 backend link.
func TestH2H1AssembleCookies(t *testing.T) {

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
package nghttp2
import (
@ -230,6 +230,46 @@ func TestS3H1InvalidMethod(t *testing.T) {
// TestS3H1BadHost tests that server rejects request including bad
// character in :host header field.
func TestS3H1BadHost(t *testing.T) {
st := newServerTesterTLS([]string{"--npn-list=spdy/3.1"}, t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
t.Errorf("server should not forward this request")
defer st.Close()
res, err := st.spdy(requestParam{
name: "TestS3H1BadHost",
authority: `foo\bar`,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error st.spdy() = %v", err)
if got, want := res.status, 400; got != want {
t.Errorf("status: %v; want %v", got, want)
// TestS3H1BadScheme tests that server rejects request including bad
// character in :scheme header field.
func TestS3H1BadScheme(t *testing.T) {
st := newServerTesterTLS([]string{"--npn-list=spdy/3.1"}, t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
t.Errorf("server should not forward this request")
defer st.Close()
res, err := st.spdy(requestParam{
name: "TestS3H1BadScheme",
scheme: `http*`,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error st.spdy() = %v", err)
if got, want := res.status, 400; got != want {
t.Errorf("status: %v; want %v", got, want)
// TestS3H1ReqPhaseSetHeader tests mruby request phase hook
// modifies request header fields.
func TestS3H1ReqPhaseSetHeader(t *testing.T) {

View File

@ -284,9 +284,101 @@ static int http_response_on_header(nghttp2_stream *stream, nghttp2_nv *nv,
return 0;
/* Generated by */
static char VALID_AUTHORITY_CHARS[] = {
0 /* NUL */, 0 /* SOH */, 0 /* STX */, 0 /* ETX */, 0 /* EOT */,
0 /* ENQ */, 0 /* ACK */, 0 /* BEL */, 0 /* BS */, 0 /* HT */,
0 /* LF */, 0 /* VT */, 0 /* FF */, 0 /* CR */, 0 /* SO */,
0 /* SI */, 0 /* DLE */, 0 /* DC1 */, 0 /* DC2 */, 0 /* DC3 */,
0 /* DC4 */, 0 /* NAK */, 0 /* SYN */, 0 /* ETB */, 0 /* CAN */,
0 /* EM */, 0 /* SUB */, 0 /* ESC */, 0 /* FS */, 0 /* GS */,
0 /* RS */, 0 /* US */, 0 /* SPC */, 1 /* ! */, 0 /* " */,
0 /* # */, 1 /* $ */, 1 /* % */, 1 /* & */, 1 /* ' */,
1 /* ( */, 1 /* ) */, 1 /* * */, 1 /* + */, 1 /* , */,
1 /* - */, 1 /* . */, 0 /* / */, 1 /* 0 */, 1 /* 1 */,
1 /* 2 */, 1 /* 3 */, 1 /* 4 */, 1 /* 5 */, 1 /* 6 */,
1 /* 7 */, 1 /* 8 */, 1 /* 9 */, 1 /* : */, 1 /* ; */,
0 /* < */, 1 /* = */, 0 /* > */, 0 /* ? */, 1 /* @ */,
1 /* A */, 1 /* B */, 1 /* C */, 1 /* D */, 1 /* E */,
1 /* F */, 1 /* G */, 1 /* H */, 1 /* I */, 1 /* J */,
1 /* K */, 1 /* L */, 1 /* M */, 1 /* N */, 1 /* O */,
1 /* P */, 1 /* Q */, 1 /* R */, 1 /* S */, 1 /* T */,
1 /* U */, 1 /* V */, 1 /* W */, 1 /* X */, 1 /* Y */,
1 /* Z */, 1 /* [ */, 0 /* \ */, 1 /* ] */, 0 /* ^ */,
1 /* _ */, 0 /* ` */, 1 /* a */, 1 /* b */, 1 /* c */,
1 /* d */, 1 /* e */, 1 /* f */, 1 /* g */, 1 /* h */,
1 /* i */, 1 /* j */, 1 /* k */, 1 /* l */, 1 /* m */,
1 /* n */, 1 /* o */, 1 /* p */, 1 /* q */, 1 /* r */,
1 /* s */, 1 /* t */, 1 /* u */, 1 /* v */, 1 /* w */,
1 /* x */, 1 /* y */, 1 /* z */, 0 /* { */, 0 /* | */,
0 /* } */, 1 /* ~ */, 0 /* DEL */, 0 /* 0x80 */, 0 /* 0x81 */,
0 /* 0x82 */, 0 /* 0x83 */, 0 /* 0x84 */, 0 /* 0x85 */, 0 /* 0x86 */,
0 /* 0x87 */, 0 /* 0x88 */, 0 /* 0x89 */, 0 /* 0x8a */, 0 /* 0x8b */,
0 /* 0x8c */, 0 /* 0x8d */, 0 /* 0x8e */, 0 /* 0x8f */, 0 /* 0x90 */,
0 /* 0x91 */, 0 /* 0x92 */, 0 /* 0x93 */, 0 /* 0x94 */, 0 /* 0x95 */,
0 /* 0x96 */, 0 /* 0x97 */, 0 /* 0x98 */, 0 /* 0x99 */, 0 /* 0x9a */,
0 /* 0x9b */, 0 /* 0x9c */, 0 /* 0x9d */, 0 /* 0x9e */, 0 /* 0x9f */,
0 /* 0xa0 */, 0 /* 0xa1 */, 0 /* 0xa2 */, 0 /* 0xa3 */, 0 /* 0xa4 */,
0 /* 0xa5 */, 0 /* 0xa6 */, 0 /* 0xa7 */, 0 /* 0xa8 */, 0 /* 0xa9 */,
0 /* 0xaa */, 0 /* 0xab */, 0 /* 0xac */, 0 /* 0xad */, 0 /* 0xae */,
0 /* 0xaf */, 0 /* 0xb0 */, 0 /* 0xb1 */, 0 /* 0xb2 */, 0 /* 0xb3 */,
0 /* 0xb4 */, 0 /* 0xb5 */, 0 /* 0xb6 */, 0 /* 0xb7 */, 0 /* 0xb8 */,
0 /* 0xb9 */, 0 /* 0xba */, 0 /* 0xbb */, 0 /* 0xbc */, 0 /* 0xbd */,
0 /* 0xbe */, 0 /* 0xbf */, 0 /* 0xc0 */, 0 /* 0xc1 */, 0 /* 0xc2 */,
0 /* 0xc3 */, 0 /* 0xc4 */, 0 /* 0xc5 */, 0 /* 0xc6 */, 0 /* 0xc7 */,
0 /* 0xc8 */, 0 /* 0xc9 */, 0 /* 0xca */, 0 /* 0xcb */, 0 /* 0xcc */,
0 /* 0xcd */, 0 /* 0xce */, 0 /* 0xcf */, 0 /* 0xd0 */, 0 /* 0xd1 */,
0 /* 0xd2 */, 0 /* 0xd3 */, 0 /* 0xd4 */, 0 /* 0xd5 */, 0 /* 0xd6 */,
0 /* 0xd7 */, 0 /* 0xd8 */, 0 /* 0xd9 */, 0 /* 0xda */, 0 /* 0xdb */,
0 /* 0xdc */, 0 /* 0xdd */, 0 /* 0xde */, 0 /* 0xdf */, 0 /* 0xe0 */,
0 /* 0xe1 */, 0 /* 0xe2 */, 0 /* 0xe3 */, 0 /* 0xe4 */, 0 /* 0xe5 */,
0 /* 0xe6 */, 0 /* 0xe7 */, 0 /* 0xe8 */, 0 /* 0xe9 */, 0 /* 0xea */,
0 /* 0xeb */, 0 /* 0xec */, 0 /* 0xed */, 0 /* 0xee */, 0 /* 0xef */,
0 /* 0xf0 */, 0 /* 0xf1 */, 0 /* 0xf2 */, 0 /* 0xf3 */, 0 /* 0xf4 */,
0 /* 0xf5 */, 0 /* 0xf6 */, 0 /* 0xf7 */, 0 /* 0xf8 */, 0 /* 0xf9 */,
0 /* 0xfa */, 0 /* 0xfb */, 0 /* 0xfc */, 0 /* 0xfd */, 0 /* 0xfe */,
0 /* 0xff */
static int check_authority(const uint8_t *value, size_t len) {
const uint8_t *last;
for (last = value + len; value != last; ++value) {
return 0;
return 1;
static int check_scheme(const uint8_t *value, size_t len) {
const uint8_t *last;
if (len == 0) {
return 0;
if (!(('A' <= *value && *value <= 'Z') || ('a' <= *value && *value <= 'z'))) {
return 0;
last = value + len;
for (; value != last; ++value) {
if (!(('A' <= *value && *value <= 'Z') ||
('a' <= *value && *value <= 'z') ||
('0' <= *value && *value <= '9') || *value == '+' || *value == '-' ||
*value == '.')) {
return 0;
return 1;
int nghttp2_http_on_header(nghttp2_session *session, nghttp2_stream *stream,
nghttp2_frame *frame, nghttp2_nv *nv, int token,
int trailer) {
int rv;
/* We are strict for pseudo header field. One bad character should
lead to fail. OTOH, we should be a bit forgiving for regular
headers, since existing public internet has so much illegal
@ -313,7 +405,15 @@ int nghttp2_http_on_header(nghttp2_session *session, nghttp2_stream *stream,
if (!nghttp2_check_header_value(nv->value, nv->valuelen)) {
if (token == NGHTTP2_TOKEN__AUTHORITY || token == NGHTTP2_TOKEN_HOST) {
rv = check_authority(nv->value, nv->valuelen);
} else if (token == NGHTTP2_TOKEN__SCHEME) {
rv = check_scheme(nv->value, nv->valuelen);
} else {
rv = nghttp2_check_header_value(nv->value, nv->valuelen);
if (rv == 0) {
assert(nv->namelen > 0);
if (nv->name[0] == ':') {

View File

@ -271,11 +271,24 @@ int htp_hdrs_completecb(http_parser *htp) {
return -1;
if (req.http_major == 1 && req.http_minor == 1 &&
!req.fs.header(http2::HD_HOST)) {
auto host = req.fs.header(http2::HD_HOST);
if (req.http_major == 1 && req.http_minor == 1 && !host) {
return -1;
if (host) {
const auto &value = host->value;
// Not allow at least '"' or '\' in host. They are illegal in
// authority component, also they cause headaches when we put them
// in quoted-string.
if (std::find_if(std::begin(value), std::end(value), [](char c) {
return c == '"' || c == '\\';
}) != std::end(value)) {
return -1;
if (method != HTTP_CONNECT) {
@ -301,7 +314,6 @@ int htp_hdrs_completecb(http_parser *htp) {
req.path = http2::rewrite_clean_path(std::begin(path), std::end(path));
auto host = req.fs.header(http2::HD_HOST);
if (host) {
req.authority = host->value;

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@ -218,6 +218,27 @@ void on_ctrl_recv_callback(spdylay_session *session, spdylay_frame_type type,
if (std::find_if(std::begin(host->value), std::end(host->value),
[](char c) { return c == '"' || c == '\\'; }) !=
std::end(host->value)) {
if (upstream->error_reply(downstream, 400) != 0) {
ULOG(FATAL, upstream) << "error_reply failed";
if (scheme) {
for (auto c : scheme->value) {
if (!(util::is_alpha(c) || util::is_digit(c) || c == '+' || c == '-' ||
c == '.')) {
if (upstream->error_reply(downstream, 400) != 0) {
ULOG(FATAL, upstream) << "error_reply failed";
// For other than CONNECT method, path must start with "/", except
// for OPTIONS method, which can take "*" as path.
if (!is_connect && path->value[0] != '/' &&