nghttpx: Use raw-string iteral to output help

This commit is contained in:
Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa 2014-03-22 22:03:13 +09:00
parent e4dacb2f6f
commit 8ccb6e463d
1 changed files with 303 additions and 308 deletions

View File

@ -467,8 +467,8 @@ void print_version(std::ostream& out)
namespace {
void print_usage(std::ostream& out)
out << "Usage: nghttpx [OPTIONS]... [<PRIVATE_KEY> <CERT>]\n"
<< "A reverse proxy for HTTP/2, HTTP/1 and SPDY." << std::endl;
out << R"(Usage: nghttpx [OPTIONS]... [<PRIVATE_KEY> <CERT>]
A reverse proxy for HTTP/2, HTTP/1 and SPDY.)" << std::endl;
} // namespace
@ -476,313 +476,308 @@ namespace {
void print_help(std::ostream& out)
out << "\n"
<< " <PRIVATE_KEY> Set path to server's private key. Required\n"
<< " unless -p, --client or --frontend-no-tls\n"
<< " are given.\n"
<< " <CERT> Set path to server's certificate. Required\n"
<< " unless -p, --client or --frontend-no-tls\n"
<< " are given.\n"
<< "Options:\n"
<< " The options are categorized into several groups.\n"
<< "\n"
<< "Connections:\n"
<< " -b, --backend=<HOST,PORT>\n"
<< " Set backend host and port.\n"
<< " Default: '"
out << R"(
<PRIVATE_KEY> Set path to server's private key. Required
unless -p, --client or --frontend-no-tls are
<CERT> Set path to server's certificate. Required
unless -p, --client or --frontend-no-tls are
The options are categorized into several groups.
-b, --backend=<HOST,PORT>
Set backend host and port.
Default: ')"
<< get_config()->downstream_host << ","
<< get_config()->downstream_port << "'\n"
<< " -f, --frontend=<HOST,PORT>\n"
<< " Set frontend host and port.\n"
<< " Default: '"
<< get_config()->host << "," << get_config()->port << "'\n"
<< " --backlog=<NUM> Set listen backlog size. If -1 is given,\n"
<< " libevent will choose suitable value.\n"
<< " Default: "
<< get_config()->backlog << "\n"
<< " --backend-ipv4 Resolve backend hostname to IPv4 address\n"
<< " only.\n"
<< " --backend-ipv6 Resolve backend hostname to IPv6 address\n"
<< " only.\n"
<< "\n"
<< "Performance:\n"
<< " -n, --workers=<CORES>\n"
<< " Set the number of worker threads.\n"
<< " Default: "
<< get_config()->num_worker << "\n"
<< " --read-rate=<RATE> Set maximum average read rate on frontend\n"
<< " connection. Setting 0 to this option means\n"
<< " read rate is unlimited.\n"
<< " Default: "
<< get_config()->read_rate << "\n"
<< " --read-burst=<SIZE>\n"
<< " Set maximum read burst size on frontend\n"
<< " connection. Setting 0 to this option means\n"
<< " read burst size is unlimited.\n"
<< " Default: "
<< get_config()->read_burst << "\n"
<< " --write-rate=<RATE>\n"
<< " Set maximum average write rate on frontend\n"
<< " connection. Setting 0 to this option means\n"
<< " write rate is unlimited.\n"
<< " Default: "
<< get_config()->write_rate << "\n"
<< " --write-burst=<SIZE>\n"
<< " Set maximum write burst size on frontend\n"
<< " connection. Setting 0 to this option means\n"
<< " write burst size is unlimited.\n"
<< " Default: "
<< get_config()->write_burst << "\n"
<< " --worker-read-rate=<RATE>\n"
<< " Set maximum average read rate on frontend\n"
<< " connection per worker. Setting 0 to this\n"
<< " option means read rate is unlimited.\n"
<< " Default: "
<< get_config()->worker_read_rate << "\n"
<< " --worker-read-burst=<SIZE>\n"
<< " Set maximum read burst size on frontend\n"
<< " connection per worker. Setting 0 to this\n"
<< " option means read burst size is unlimited.\n"
<< " Default: "
<< get_config()->worker_read_burst << "\n"
<< " --worker-write-rate=<RATE>\n"
<< " Set maximum average write rate on frontend\n"
<< " connection per worker. Setting 0 to this\n"
<< " option means write rate is unlimited.\n"
<< " Default: "
<< get_config()->worker_write_rate << "\n"
<< " --worker-write-burst=<SIZE>\n"
<< " Set maximum write burst size on frontend\n"
<< " connection per worker. Setting 0 to this\n"
<< " option means write burst size is unlimited.\n"
<< " Default: "
<< get_config()->worker_write_burst << "\n"
<< "\n"
<< "Timeout:\n"
<< " --frontend-http2-read-timeout=<SEC>\n"
<< " Specify read timeout for HTTP/2.0 and SPDY frontend\n"
<< " connection. Default: "
<< get_config()->http2_upstream_read_timeout.tv_sec << "\n"
<< " --frontend-read-timeout=<SEC>\n"
<< " Specify read timeout for HTTP/1.1 frontend\n"
<< " connection. Default: "
<< get_config()->upstream_read_timeout.tv_sec << "\n"
<< " --frontend-write-timeout=<SEC>\n"
<< " Specify write timeout for all frontends.\n"
<< " connection. Default: "
<< get_config()->upstream_write_timeout.tv_sec << "\n"
<< " --backend-read-timeout=<SEC>\n"
<< " Specify read timeout for backend connection.\n"
<< " Default: "
<< get_config()->downstream_read_timeout.tv_sec << "\n"
<< " --backend-write-timeout=<SEC>\n"
<< " Specify write timeout for backend\n"
<< " connection. Default: "
<< get_config()->downstream_write_timeout.tv_sec << "\n"
<< " --backend-keep-alive-timeout=<SEC>\n"
<< " Specify keep-alive timeout for backend\n"
<< " connection. Default: "
<< get_config()->downstream_idle_read_timeout.tv_sec << "\n"
<< " --backend-http-proxy-uri=<URI>\n"
<< " Specify proxy URI in the form\n"
<< " http://[<USER>:<PASS>@]<PROXY>:<PORT>. If\n"
<< " a proxy requires authentication, specify\n"
<< " <USER> and <PASS>. Note that they must be\n"
<< " properly percent-encoded. This proxy is used\n"
<< " when the backend connection is HTTP/2.0. First,\n"
<< " make a CONNECT request to the proxy and\n"
<< " it connects to the backend on behalf of\n"
<< " nghttpx. This forms tunnel. After that, nghttpx\n"
<< " performs SSL/TLS handshake with the\n"
<< " downstream through the tunnel. The timeouts\n"
<< " when connecting and making CONNECT request\n"
<< " can be specified by --backend-read-timeout\n"
<< " and --backend-write-timeout options.\n"
<< "\n"
<< "SSL/TLS:\n"
<< " --ciphers=<SUITE> Set allowed cipher list. The format of the\n"
<< " string is described in OpenSSL ciphers(1).\n"
<< " If this option is used, --honor-cipher-order\n"
<< " is implicitly enabled.\n"
<< " --honor-cipher-order\n"
<< " Honor server cipher order, giving the\n"
<< " ability to mitigate BEAST attacks.\n"
<< " -k, --insecure Don't verify backend server's certificate\n"
<< " if -p, --client or --http2-bridge are given\n"
<< " and --backend-no-tls is not given\n"
<< " --cacert=<PATH> Set path to trusted CA certificate file\n"
<< " if -p, --client or --http2-bridge are given\n"
<< " and --backend-no-tls is not given\n"
<< " The file must be in PEM format. It can\n"
<< " contain multiple certificates. If the\n"
<< " linked OpenSSL is configured to load system\n"
<< " wide certificates, they are loaded\n"
<< " at startup regardless of this option.\n"
<< " --private-key-passwd-file=<FILEPATH>\n"
<< " Path to file that contains password for the\n"
<< " server's private key. If none is given and\n"
<< " the private key is password protected it'll\n"
<< " be requested interactively.\n"
<< " --subcert=<KEYPATH>:<CERTPATH>\n"
<< " Specify additional certificate and private\n"
<< " key file. nghttpx will choose certificates\n"
<< " based on the hostname indicated by client\n"
<< " using TLS SNI extension. This option can be\n"
<< " used multiple times.\n"
<< " --backend-tls-sni-field=<HOST>\n"
<< " Explicitly set the content of the TLS SNI\n"
<< " extension. This will default to the backend\n"
<< " HOST name.\n"
<< " --dh-param-file=<PATH>\n"
<< " Path to file that contains DH parameters in\n"
<< " PEM format. Without this option, DHE cipher\n"
<< " suites are not available.\n"
<< " --npn-list=<LIST> Comma delimited list of NPN/ALPN protocol sorted\n"
<< " in the order of preference. That means\n"
<< " most desirable protocol comes first.\n"
<< " The parameter must be delimited by a single\n"
<< " comma only and any white spaces are treated\n"
<< " as a part of protocol string.\n"
<< " Default: " << DEFAULT_NPN_LIST << "\n"
<< " --verify-client Require and verify client certificate.\n"
<< " --verify-client-cacert=<PATH>\n"
<< " Path to file that contains CA certificates\n"
<< " to verify client certificate.\n"
<< " The file must be in PEM format. It can\n"
<< " contain multiple certificates.\n"
<< " --client-private-key-file=<PATH>\n"
<< " Path to file that contains client private\n"
<< " key used in backend client authentication.\n"
<< " --client-cert-file=<PATH>\n"
<< " Path to file that contains client\n"
<< " certificate used in backend client\n"
<< " authentication.\n"
<< " --tls-proto-list=<LIST>\n"
<< " Comma delimited list of SSL/TLS protocol to\n"
<< " be enabled.\n"
<< " The following protocols are available:\n"
<< " TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.0, SSLv3\n"
<< " The name matching is done in case-insensitive\n"
<< " manner.\n"
<< " The parameter must be delimited by a single\n"
<< " comma only and any white spaces are treated\n"
<< " as a part of protocol string.\n"
<< " Default: " << DEFAULT_TLS_PROTO_LIST << "\n"
<< "\n"
<< "HTTP/2.0 and SPDY:\n"
<< " -c, --http2-max-concurrent-streams=<NUM>\n"
<< " Set the maximum number of the concurrent\n"
<< " streams in one HTTP/2.0 and SPDY session.\n"
<< " Default: "
<< get_config()->http2_max_concurrent_streams << "\n"
<< " --frontend-http2-window-bits=<N>\n"
<< " Sets the per-stream initial window size of HTTP/2.0\n"
<< " SPDY frontend connection. For HTTP/2.0, the size is\n"
<< " 2**<N>-1. For SPDY, the size is 2**<N>\n"
<< " Default: "
<< get_config()->http2_upstream_window_bits << "\n"
<< " --frontend-http2-connection-window-bits=<N>\n"
<< " Sets the per-connection window size of HTTP/2.0 and\n"
<< " SPDY frontend connection. For HTTP/2.0, the size is\n"
<< " 2**<N>-1. For SPDY, the size is 2**<N>.\n"
<< " Default: "
<< get_config()->http2_upstream_connection_window_bits << "\n"
<< " --frontend-no-tls Disable SSL/TLS on frontend connections.\n"
<< " --backend-http2-window-bits=<N>\n"
<< " Sets the initial window size of HTTP/2.0 backend\n"
<< " connection to 2**<N>-1.\n"
<< " Default: "
<< get_config()->http2_downstream_window_bits << "\n"
<< " --backend-http2-connection-window-bits=<N>\n"
<< " Sets the per-connection window size of HTTP/2.0\n"
<< " backend connection to 2**<N>-1.\n"
<< " Default: "
<< get_config()->http2_downstream_connection_window_bits << "\n"
<< " --backend-no-tls Disable SSL/TLS on backend connections.\n"
<< " --http2-no-cookie-crumbling\n"
<< " Don't crumble cookie header field.\n"
<< " --padding=<N> Add at most <N> bytes to a HTTP/2 frame payload\n"
<< " as padding.\n"
<< " Specify 0 to disable padding. This option is\n"
<< " meant for debugging purpose and not intended\n"
<< " to enhance protocol security.\n"
<< "\n"
<< "Mode:\n"
<< " (default mode) Accept HTTP/2.0, SPDY and HTTP/1.1 over\n"
<< " SSL/TLS. If --frontend-no-tls is used,\n"
<< " accept HTTP/2.0 and HTTP/1.1. The incoming\n"
<< " HTTP/1.1 connection can be upgraded to\n"
<< " HTTP/2.0 through HTTP Upgrade.\n"
<< " The protocol to the backend is HTTP/1.1.\n"
<< " -s, --http2-proxy Like default mode, but enable secure proxy mode.\n"
<< " --http2-bridge Like default mode, but communicate with the\n"
<< " backend in HTTP/2.0 over SSL/TLS. Thus the\n"
<< " incoming all connections are converted\n"
<< " to HTTP/2.0 connection and relayed to\n"
<< " the backend. See --backend-http-proxy-uri\n"
<< " option if you are behind the proxy and want\n"
<< " to connect to the outside HTTP/2.0 proxy.\n"
<< " --client Accept HTTP/2.0 and HTTP/1.1 without SSL/TLS.\n"
<< " The incoming HTTP/1.1 connection can be\n"
<< " upgraded to HTTP/2.0 connection through\n"
<< " HTTP Upgrade.\n"
<< " The protocol to the backend is HTTP/2.0.\n"
<< " To use nghttpx as a forward proxy, use -p\n"
<< " option instead.\n"
<< " -p, --client-proxy Like --client option, but it also requires\n"
<< " the request path from frontend must be\n"
<< " an absolute URI, suitable for use as a\n"
<< " forward proxy.\n"
<< "\n"
<< "Logging:\n"
<< " -L, --log-level=<LEVEL>\n"
<< " Set the severity level of log output.\n"
<< " Default: WARNING\n"
<< " --accesslog Print simple accesslog to stderr.\n"
<< " --syslog Send log messages to syslog.\n"
<< " --syslog-facility=<FACILITY>\n"
<< " Set syslog facility.\n"
<< " Default: "
<< str_syslog_facility(get_config()->syslog_facility) << "\n"
<< "\n"
<< "Misc:\n"
<< " --add-x-forwarded-for\n"
<< " Append X-Forwarded-For header field to the\n"
<< " downstream request.\n"
<< " --no-via Don't append to Via header field. If Via\n"
<< " header field is received, it is left\n"
<< " unaltered.\n"
<< " --frontend-http2-dump-request-header=<PATH>\n"
<< " Dumps request headers received by HTTP/2.0\n"
<< " frontend to the file denoted in PATH.\n"
<< " The output is done in HTTP/1 header field\n"
<< " format and each header block is followed by\n"
<< " an empty line.\n"
<< " This option is not thread safe and MUST NOT\n"
<< " be used with option -n=N, where N >= 2.\n"
<< " --frontend-http2-dump-response-header=<PATH>\n"
<< " Dumps response headers sent from HTTP/2.0\n"
<< " frontend to the file denoted in PATH.\n"
<< " The output is done in HTTP/1 header field\n"
<< " format and each header block is followed by\n"
<< " an empty line.\n"
<< " This option is not thread safe and MUST NOT\n"
<< " be used with option -n=N, where N >= 2.\n"
<< " -o, --frontend-frame-debug\n"
<< " Print HTTP/2 frames in frontend to stderr.\n"
<< " This option is not thread safe and MUST NOT\n"
<< " be used with option -n=N, where N >= 2.\n"
<< " -D, --daemon Run in a background. If -D is used, the\n"
<< " current working directory is changed to '/'.\n"
<< " --pid-file=<PATH> Set path to save PID of this program.\n"
<< " --user=<USER> Run this program as USER. This option is\n"
<< " intended to be used to drop root privileges.\n"
<< " --conf=<PATH> Load configuration from PATH.\n"
<< " Default: "
<< get_config()->conf_path << "\n"
<< " -v, --version Print version and exit.\n"
<< " -h, --help Print this help and exit.\n"
<< get_config()->downstream_port << R"('
-f, --frontend=<HOST,PORT>
Set frontend host and port.
Default: ')"
<< get_config()->host << "," << get_config()->port << R"('
--backlog=<NUM> Set listen backlog size. If -1 is given,
libevent will choose suitable value.
Default: )"
<< get_config()->backlog << R"(
--backend-ipv4 Resolve backend hostname to IPv4 address only.
--backend-ipv6 Resolve backend hostname to IPv6 address only.
-n, --workers=<CORES>
Set the number of worker threads.
Default: )"
<< get_config()->num_worker << R"(
Set maximum average read rate on frontend
connection. Setting 0 to this option means read
rate is unlimited.
Default: )"
<< get_config()->read_rate << R"(
Set maximum read burst size on frontend
connection. Setting 0 to this option means read
burst size is unlimited.
Default: )"
<< get_config()->read_burst << R"(
Set maximum average write rate on frontend
connection. Setting 0 to this option means write
rate is unlimited.
Default: )"
<< get_config()->write_rate << R"(
Set maximum write burst size on frontend
connection. Setting 0 to this option means write
burst size is unlimited.
Default: )"
<< get_config()->write_burst << R"(
Set maximum average read rate on frontend
connection per worker. Setting 0 to this option
means read rate is unlimited.
Default: )"
<< get_config()->worker_read_rate << R"(
Set maximum read burst size on frontend
connection per worker. Setting 0 to this option
means read burst size is unlimited.
Default: )"
<< get_config()->worker_read_burst << R"(
Set maximum average write rate on frontend
connection per worker. Setting 0 to this option
means write rate is unlimited.
Default: )"
<< get_config()->worker_write_rate << R"(
Set maximum write burst size on frontend
connection per worker. Setting 0 to this option
means write burst size is unlimited.
Default: )"
<< get_config()->worker_write_burst << R"(
Specify read timeout for HTTP/2 and SPDY frontend
Default: )"
<< get_config()->http2_upstream_read_timeout.tv_sec << R"(
Specify read timeout for HTTP/1.1 frontend
Default: )"
<< get_config()->upstream_read_timeout.tv_sec << R"(
Specify write timeout for all frontend
Default: )"
<< get_config()->upstream_write_timeout.tv_sec << R"(
Specify read timeout for backend connection.
Default: )"
<< get_config()->downstream_read_timeout.tv_sec << R"(
Specify write timeout for backend connection.
Default: )"
<< get_config()->downstream_write_timeout.tv_sec << R"(
Specify keep-alive timeout for backend
Default: )"
<< get_config()->downstream_idle_read_timeout.tv_sec << R"(
Specify proxy URI in the form
http://[<USER>:<PASS>@]<PROXY>:<PORT>. If a
proxy requires authentication, specify <USER> and
<PASS>. Note that they must be properly
percent-encoded. This proxy is used when the
backend connection is HTTP/2. First, make a
CONNECT request to the proxy and it connects to
the backend on behalf of nghttpx. This forms
tunnel. After that, nghttpx performs SSL/TLS
handshake with the downstream through the tunnel.
The timeouts when connecting and making CONNECT
request can be specified by
--backend-read-timeout and
--backend-write-timeout options.
--ciphers=<SUITE> Set allowed cipher list. The format of the
string is described in OpenSSL ciphers(1). If
this option is used, --honor-cipher-order is
implicitly enabled.
Honor server cipher order, giving the ability to
mitigate BEAST attacks.
-k, --insecure
Don't verify backend server's certificate if -p,
--client or --http2-bridge are given and
--backend-no-tls is not given.
--cacert=<PATH> Set path to trusted CA certificate file if -p,
--client or --http2-bridge are given and
--backend-no-tls is not given. The file must be
in PEM format. It can contain multiple
certificates. If the linked OpenSSL is
configured to load system wide certificates, they
are loaded at startup regardless of this option.
Path to file that contains password for the
server's private key. If none is given and the
private key is password protected it'll be
requested interactively.
Specify additional certificate and private key
file. nghttpx will choose certificates based on
the hostname indicated by client using TLS SNI
extension. This option can be used multiple
Explicitly set the content of the TLS SNI
extension. This will default to the backend HOST
Path to file that contains DH parameters in PEM
format. Without this option, DHE cipher suites
are not available.
--npn-list=<LIST> Comma delimited list of NPN/ALPN protocol sorted
in the order of preference. That means most
desirable protocol comes first. The parameter
must be delimited by a single comma only and any
white spaces are treated as a part of protocol
Default: )" << DEFAULT_NPN_LIST << R"(
--verify-client Require and verify client certificate.
Path to file that contains CA certificates to
verify client certificate. The file must be in
PEM format. It can contain multiple
Path to file that contains client private key
used in backend client authentication.
Path to file that contains client certificate
used in backend client authentication.
Comma delimited list of SSL/TLS protocol to be
enabled. The following protocols are available:
TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.0 and SSLv3. The name
matching is done in case-insensitive manner. The
parameter must be delimited by a single comma
only and any white spaces are treated as a part
of protocol string.
Default: )" << DEFAULT_TLS_PROTO_LIST << R"(
HTTP/2 and SPDY:
-c, --http2-max-concurrent-streams=<NUM>
Set the maximum number of the concurrent streams
in one HTTP/2 and SPDY session.
Default: )"
<< get_config()->http2_max_concurrent_streams << R"(
Sets the per-stream initial window size of HTTP/2
SPDY frontend connection. For HTTP/2, the size
is 2**<N>-1. For SPDY, the size is 2**<N>.
Default: )"
<< get_config()->http2_upstream_window_bits << R"(
Sets the per-connection window size of HTTP/2 and
SPDY frontend connection. For HTTP/2, the size
is 2**<N>-1. For SPDY, the size is 2**<N>.
Default: )"
<< get_config()->http2_upstream_connection_window_bits << R"(
--frontend-no-tls Disable SSL/TLS on frontend connections.
Sets the initial window size of HTTP/2 backend
connection to 2**<N>-1.
Default: )"
<< get_config()->http2_downstream_window_bits << R"(
Sets the per-connection window size of HTTP/2
backend connection to 2**<N>-1.
Default: )"
<< get_config()->http2_downstream_connection_window_bits << R"(
--backend-no-tls Disable SSL/TLS on backend connections.
Don't crumble cookie header field.
--padding=<N> Add at most <N> bytes to a HTTP/2 frame payload
as padding. Specify 0 to disable padding. This
option is meant for debugging purpose and not
intended to enhance protocol security.
(default mode) Accept HTTP/2, SPDY and HTTP/1.1 over SSL/TLS.
If --frontend-no-tls is used, accept HTTP/2 and
HTTP/1.1. The incoming HTTP/1.1 connection can
be upgraded to HTTP/2 through HTTP Upgrade. The
protocol to the backend is HTTP/1.1.
-s, --http2-proxy Like default mode, but enable secure proxy mode.
--http2-bridge Like default mode, but communicate with the
backend in HTTP/2 over SSL/TLS. Thus the
incoming all connections are converted to HTTP/2
connection and relayed to the backend. See
--backend-http-proxy-uri option if you are behind
the proxy and want to connect to the outside
HTTP/2 proxy.
--client Accept HTTP/2 and HTTP/1.1 without SSL/TLS. The
incoming HTTP/1.1 connection can be upgraded to
HTTP/2 connection through HTTP Upgrade. The
protocol to the backend is HTTP/2. To use
nghttpx as a forward proxy, use -p option
-p, --client-proxy
Like --client option, but it also requires the
request path from frontend must be an absolute
URI, suitable for use as a forward proxy.
-L, --log-level=<LEVEL>
Set the severity level of log output. <LEVEL>
must be one of INFO, WARNING, ERROR and FATAL.
Default: WARNING
--accesslog Print simple accesslog to stderr.
--syslog Send log messages to syslog.
Set syslog facility to <FACILITY>.
Default: )"
<< str_syslog_facility(get_config()->syslog_facility) << R"(
Append X-Forwarded-For header field to the
downstream request.
--no-via Don't append to Via header field. If Via header
field is received, it is left unaltered.
Dumps request headers received by HTTP/2 frontend
to the file denoted in <PATH>. The output is
done in HTTP/1 header field format and each
header block is followed by an empty line. This
option is not thread safe and MUST NOT be used
with option -n<N>, where <N> >= 2.
Dumps response headers sent from HTTP/2 frontend
to the file denoted in <PATH>. The output is
done in HTTP/1 header field format and each
header block is followed by an empty line. This
option is not thread safe and MUST NOT be used
with option -n<N>, where <N> >= 2.
-o, --frontend-frame-debug
Print HTTP/2 frames in frontend to stderr. This
option is not thread safe and MUST NOT be used
with option -n=N, where N >= 2.
-D, --daemon
Run in a background. If -D is used, the current
working directory is changed to '/'.
--pid-file=<PATH> Set path to save PID of this program.
--user=<USER> Run this program as <USER>. This option is
intended to be used to drop root privileges.
--conf=<PATH> Load configuration from <PATH>.
Default: )"
<< get_config()->conf_path << R"(
-v, --version Print version and exit.
-h, --help Print this help and exit.)"
<< std::endl;
} // namespace