Update static table

This commit is contained in:
Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa 2014-04-02 01:30:50 +09:00
parent 7877b676e3
commit b1722cbe28
2 changed files with 59 additions and 58 deletions

View File

@ -39,74 +39,75 @@
/* Sorted by hash(name) and its table index */
static nghttp2_hd_static_entry static_table[] = {
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(19, "age", "", 96511u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(58, "via", "", 116750u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(31, "date", "", 3076014u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(32, "etag", "", 3123477u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(35, "from", "", 3151786u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(36, "host", "", 3208616u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(43, "link", "", 3321850u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(57, "vary", "", 3612210u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(37, "if-match", "", 34533653u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(40, "if-range", "", 39145613u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(20, "age", "", 96511u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(59, "via", "", 116750u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(32, "date", "", 3076014u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(33, "etag", "", 3123477u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(36, "from", "", 3151786u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(37, "host", "", 3208616u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(44, "link", "", 3321850u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(58, "vary", "", 3612210u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(38, "if-match", "", 34533653u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(41, "if-range", "", 39145613u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(3, ":path", "/", 56997727u, 47u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(4, ":path", "/index.html", 56997727u, 2144181430u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(20, "allow", "", 92906313u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(48, "range", "", 108280125u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(13, "accept-charset", "", 124285319u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(42, "last-modified", "", 150043680u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(47, "proxy-authorization", "", 329532250u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(56, "user-agent", "", 486342275u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(39, "if-none-match", "", 646073760u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(29, "content-type", "", 785670158u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(15, "accept-language", "", 802785917u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(49, "referer", "", 1085069613u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(50, "refresh", "", 1085444827u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(54, "strict-transport-security", "", 1153852136u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(53, "set-cookie", "", 1237214767u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(55, "transfer-encoding", "", 1274458357u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(16, "accept-ranges", "", 1397189435u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(41, "if-unmodified-since", "", 1454068927u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(45, "max-forwards", "", 1619948695u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(44, "location", "", 1901043637u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(51, "retry-after", "", 1933352567u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(24, "content-encoding", "", 2095084583u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(27, "content-location", "", 2284906121u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(38, "if-modified-since", "", 2302095846u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(17, "accept", "", 2871506184u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(28, "content-range", "", 2878374633u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(21, "authorization", "", 2909397113u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(30, "cookie", "", 2940209764u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(21, "allow", "", 92906313u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(49, "range", "", 108280125u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(14, "accept-charset", "", 124285319u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(43, "last-modified", "", 150043680u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(48, "proxy-authorization", "", 329532250u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(57, "user-agent", "", 486342275u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(40, "if-none-match", "", 646073760u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(30, "content-type", "", 785670158u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(16, "accept-language", "", 802785917u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(50, "referer", "", 1085069613u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(51, "refresh", "", 1085444827u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(55, "strict-transport-security", "", 1153852136u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(54, "set-cookie", "", 1237214767u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(56, "transfer-encoding", "", 1274458357u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(17, "accept-ranges", "", 1397189435u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(42, "if-unmodified-since", "", 1454068927u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(46, "max-forwards", "", 1619948695u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(45, "location", "", 1901043637u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(52, "retry-after", "", 1933352567u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(25, "content-encoding", "", 2095084583u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(28, "content-location", "", 2284906121u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(39, "if-modified-since", "", 2302095846u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(18, "accept", "", 2871506184u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(29, "content-range", "", 2878374633u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(22, "authorization", "", 2909397113u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(31, "cookie", "", 2940209764u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(0, ":authority", "", 2962729033u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(34, "expires", "", 2985731892u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(33, "expect", "", 3005803609u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(23, "content-disposition", "", 3027699811u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(25, "content-language", "", 3065240108u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(35, "expires", "", 2985731892u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(34, "expect", "", 3005803609u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(24, "content-disposition", "", 3027699811u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(26, "content-language", "", 3065240108u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(1, ":method", "GET", 3153018267u, 70454u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(2, ":method", "POST", 3153018267u, 2461856u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(26, "content-length", "", 3162187450u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(18, "access-control-allow-origin", "", 3297999203u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(27, "content-length", "", 3162187450u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(19, "access-control-allow-origin", "", 3297999203u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(5, ":scheme", "http", 3322585695u, 3213448u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(6, ":scheme", "https", 3322585695u, 99617003u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(7, ":status", "200", 3338091692u, 49586u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(8, ":status", "500", 3338091692u, 52469u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(9, ":status", "404", 3338091692u, 51512u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(10, ":status", "403", 3338091692u, 51511u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(8, ":status", "204", 3338091692u, 49590u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(9, ":status", "206", 3338091692u, 49592u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(10, ":status", "304", 3338091692u, 50551u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(11, ":status", "400", 3338091692u, 51508u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(12, ":status", "401", 3338091692u, 51509u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(52, "server", "", 3389140803u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(46, "proxy-authenticate", "", 3993199572u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(59, "www-authenticate", "", 4051929931u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(22, "cache-control", "", 4086191634u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(14, "accept-encoding", "", 4127597688u, 0u)
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(12, ":status", "404", 3338091692u, 51512u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(13, ":status", "500", 3338091692u, 52469u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(53, "server", "", 3389140803u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(47, "proxy-authenticate", "", 3993199572u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(60, "www-authenticate", "", 4051929931u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(23, "cache-control", "", 4086191634u, 0u),
MAKE_STATIC_ENT(15, "accept-encoding", "", 4127597688u, 0u),
/* Index to the position in static_table */
const size_t static_table_index[] = {
38, 43, 44, 10, 11, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 14, 59, 20,
26, 34, 46, 0 , 12, 36, 58, 41, 31, 42, 45, 32, 35, 19, 37, 2 ,
3 , 40, 39, 4 , 5 , 8 , 33, 18, 9 , 27, 15, 6 , 29, 28, 56, 16,
13, 21, 22, 30, 55, 24, 23, 25, 17, 7 , 1 , 57
38, 43, 44, 10, 11, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 14, 60,
20, 26, 34, 46, 0 , 12, 36, 59, 41, 31, 42, 45, 32, 35, 19, 37,
2 , 3 , 40, 39, 4 , 5 , 8 , 33, 18, 9 , 27, 15, 6 , 29, 28, 57,
16, 13, 21, 22, 30, 56, 24, 23, 25, 17, 7 , 1 , 58
static const size_t STATIC_TABLE_LENGTH =

View File

@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ void test_nghttp2_hd_inflate_indname_noinc(void)
for(i = 0; i < ARRLEN(nv); ++i) {
CU_ASSERT(0 == nghttp2_hd_emit_indname_block(&bufs, 56, &nv[i], 0));
CU_ASSERT(0 == nghttp2_hd_emit_indname_block(&bufs, 57, &nv[i], 0));
blocklen = nghttp2_bufs_len(&bufs);
@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ void test_nghttp2_hd_inflate_indname_inc(void)
CU_ASSERT(0 == nghttp2_hd_emit_indname_block(&bufs, 56, &nv, 1));
CU_ASSERT(0 == nghttp2_hd_emit_indname_block(&bufs, 57, &nv, 1));
blocklen = nghttp2_bufs_len(&bufs);
@ -400,10 +400,10 @@ void test_nghttp2_hd_inflate_indname_inc_eviction(void)
nv.flags = NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NONE;
CU_ASSERT(0 == nghttp2_hd_emit_indname_block(&bufs, 13, &nv, 1));
CU_ASSERT(0 == nghttp2_hd_emit_indname_block(&bufs, 14, &nv, 1));
CU_ASSERT(0 == nghttp2_hd_emit_indname_block(&bufs, 15, &nv, 1));
CU_ASSERT(0 == nghttp2_hd_emit_indname_block(&bufs, 16, &nv, 1));
CU_ASSERT(0 == nghttp2_hd_emit_indname_block(&bufs, 17, &nv, 1));
blocklen = nghttp2_bufs_len(&bufs);