Document HTTP Messaging enforcement performed by nghttp2 library

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Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa 2015-02-20 23:06:14 +09:00
parent fe84ec5e8b
commit dec115cff3
1 changed files with 51 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -31,3 +31,54 @@ do not consume client connection preface unless
value. The applications are responsible to receive it before calling
these functions if :type:`nghttp2_session` is configured as server and
`nghttp2_option_set_recv_client_preface()` is not used.
HTTP Messaging
By default, nghttp2 library checks HTTP messaging rules described in
`HTTP/2 specification, section 8
Everything described in that section is not validated however. We
briefly describe what the library does in this area. In the following
description, without loss of generality we omit CONTINUATION frame
since they must follow HEADERS frame and are processed atomically. In
other words, they are just one big HEADERS frame.
For HTTP request, including those carried by PUSH_PROMISE, HTTP
message starts with one HEADERS frame containing request headers. It
is followed by zero or more DATA frames containing request body, which
is followed by zero or one HEADERS containing trailer headers. The
request headers must include ":scheme", ":method" and ":path" pseudo
header fields unless ":method" is not "CONNECT". ":authority" is
optional, but nghttp2 requires either ":authority" or "Host" header
field must be present. If ":method" is "CONNECT", the request headers
must include ":method" and ":authority" and must omit ":scheme" and
For HTTP response, HTTP message starts with zero or more HEADERS
frames containing non-final response (status code 1xx). They are
followed by one HEADERS frame containing final response headers
(non-1xx). It is followed by zero or more DATA frames containing
response body, which is followed by zero or one HEADERS containing
trailer headers. The non-final and final response headers must
contain ":status" pseudo header field containing 3 digits only.
All request and response headers must include exactly one valid value
for each pseudo header field. Additionally nghttp2 requires all
request headers must not include more than one "Host" header field.
Each header field name and value must obey the field-name and
field-value production rules described in `RFC 7230, section
3.2. <>`_.
Additionally, all field name must be lower cased.
nghttp2 enforces "Content-Length" validation as well. All request or
response headers must not contain more than one "Content-Length"
header field. If "Content-Length" header field is present, it must be
parsed as 64 bit signed integer. The sum of data length in the
following DATA frames must match with the number in "Content-Length"
header field if it is present (this does not include padding bytes).
Any deviation results in stream error of type PROTOCOL_ERROR. If
error is found in PUSH_PROMISE frame, stream error is raised against
promised stream.