This change implements spdylay_map functions in iterative approach
instead of original recursive approach. The iterative version is
overall faster than recursive one. The traversal function
(spdylay_map_each) is slightly slower but it is not noticeable.
The reason why we choose SPDY/2 as default for SPDY prxy was due to
Chrome's window update bug. Now its fix is available in Chrome stable,
we make SPDY/3 as default.
The on_ctrl_not_send_callback, on_ctrl_recv_parse_error_callback and
on_unknown_ctrl_recv_callback were added. The latter 2 callbacks are
purely debugging purpose. In on_ctrl_not_send_callback, If sending
SYN_REPLY failed, issue RST_STREAM to avoid a stream hanging around.
If resultant length of a frame exceeds the maximum value (which is
2**24 - 1 for SPDY/2 and 3), SPDYLAY_ERR_FRAME_TOO_LARGE is used to
indicate this error. This error will be notified by
When deciding whether to close the client connection, check
request_connection_close_ of Downstream in addition of
response_connection_close_. Also we only add "Connection: Keep-Alive"
header to the HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/0.9 clients.
github translates "Client/Server" in section header to "#clientserver"
fragment, but if it is referred by `Client/Server`_, it is translated
into "#client-server". It is best to avoid '/' in section header.
In practice, Session.resume_data() will be used without checking there
is deferred data or not. Actually, there is no API to check this. So
it is better not to raise exception. Instead return False to notify
error. If the method succeeds, it returns True.
When --enable-src is given, the programs in src directory will be
built. If --disable-src is given, those programs will not be built. If
none of them are given, --enable-src is assumed.
To distinguish the to-be-installed programs and non-installable
example source code, the former programs, spdycat, spdydyd and shrpx,
were moved to src directory. spdynative was removed from Makefile
because it does not appeal to any users much.