We thought that this kind of rewrite can be achieved by the configuration
of the backend severs, but in some configuration, however, it may get
complicated. So we decided to implement at least location rewrite in
This commit also contains a fix to the bug which prevents the http2
backend request from concatenating header fields with the same value.
In client mode, now SPDY connection to the backend server is
established per thread. The frontend connections which belong to the
same thread share the SPDY connection.
With --client-mode option, shrpx now accepts unencrypted HTTP
connections and communicates with backend server in SPDY. In short,
this is the "reversed" operation mode against normal mode. This may
be useful for testing purpose because it can sit between HTTP client
and shrpx "normal" mode.
To distinguish the to-be-installed programs and non-installable
example source code, the former programs, spdycat, spdydyd and shrpx,
were moved to src directory. spdynative was removed from Makefile
because it does not appeal to any users much.