The nghttp2 library itself is still h2-14. To experiment with the
implementations to require h2-16 to test new features (e.g.,
prioritization), nghttp, nghttpx, nghttpd and h2load now support h2-16
as well as h2-14. Cleartext HTTP Upgrade is still limited to h2-14
For HTTP/1 backend, -b option can be used several times to specify
multiple backend address. HTTP/2 backend does not support multiple
addresses and only uses first address even if multiple addresses are
This commit limits the number of concurrent HTTP/1 downstream
connections to same host. By defualt, it is limited to 8 connections.
--backend-connections-per-frontend option was replaced with
--backend-http1-connections-per-host, which changes the maximum number
of connections per host. This limitation only kicks in when h2 proxy
is used (-s option).
This is unfortunate but help2man behaves badly when there is indented
lines in help messages in commnad-line args. We removed indentations
to make help2man happy.
This commit adds functionality to customize access logging format in
nghttpx. The format variables are inspired by nginx. The default
format is combined format.
This is simply programming error, but it is interesting that using
libstdc++ does not reveal this error. With clang++-libc++, we got
std::system_error: mutex lock faild: Invalid argument. This is
because we did not give a name to lock object, so it is immediately
destructed. I think this will fix the reported crash on Mac OSX.
Android lacks /dev/stderr, so directly use /proc/self/fd/2 as default
errorlog-file. Android does not like O_APPEND for /proc/self/fd/1 and
/proc/self/fd/2, so omit the flag for these paths.
This option limits the number of backend connections per frontend.
This is meaningful for the combination of HTTP/2 and SPDY frontend and
HTTP/1 backend.
nghttpx supports hot deploy feature using signals. The host deploy in
nghttpx is multi step process. First send USR2 signal to nghttpx
process. It will do fork and execute new executable, using same
command-line arguments and environment variables. At this point, both
current and new processes can accept requests. To gracefully shutdown
current process, send QUIT signal to current nghttpx process. When
all existing frontend connections are done, the current process will
exit. At this point, only new nghttpx process exists and serves
incoming requests.
--no-location-rewrite option disallows location header rewrite on
--http2-bridge, --client and default mode. This option is useful when
connecting nghttpx proxy with --http2-bridge to backend nghttpx with
http2-proxy mode.
It might be useful to clean the unused stream out to make up the room
for new streams. On the other hand, proxy should maintain the
connection between upstream client and downstream server and they have
the timeout for their own. Proxy just reacts to their decision.
Reworked no automatic WINDOW_UPDATE feature. We added new API
nghttp2_session_consume() which tells the library how many bytes are
consumed by the application. Instead of submitting WINDOW_UPDATE by
the application, the library is now responsible to submit
WINDOW_UPDATE based on consumed bytes. This is more reliable method,
since it enables us to properly send WINDOW_UPDATE for stream and
connection individually. The previous implementation of nghttpx had
broken connection window management.