/* * nghttp2 - HTTP/2.0 C Library * * Copyright (c) 2013 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "nghttp2_hd.h" #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "nghttp2_frame.h" #include "nghttp2_helper.h" #include "nghttp2_int.h" /* Make scalar initialization form of nghttp2_nv */ #define MAKE_STATIC_ENT(I, N, V, NH, VH) \ { { { (uint8_t*)N, (uint8_t*)V, sizeof(N) - 1, sizeof(V) - 1 }, \ NH, VH, 1, NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_NONE }, I } /* Sorted by hash(name) and its table index */ static nghttp2_hd_static_entry static_table[] = { MAKE_STATIC_ENT(19, "age", "", 96511u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(58, "via", "", 116750u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(31, "date", "", 3076014u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(32, "etag", "", 3123477u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(35, "from", "", 3151786u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(36, "host", "", 3208616u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(43, "link", "", 3321850u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(57, "vary", "", 3612210u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(37, "if-match", "", 34533653u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(40, "if-range", "", 39145613u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(3, ":path", "/", 56997727u, 47u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(4, ":path", "/index.html", 56997727u, 2144181430u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(20, "allow", "", 92906313u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(48, "range", "", 108280125u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(13, "accept-charset", "", 124285319u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(42, "last-modified", "", 150043680u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(47, "proxy-authorization", "", 329532250u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(56, "user-agent", "", 486342275u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(39, "if-none-match", "", 646073760u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(29, "content-type", "", 785670158u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(15, "accept-language", "", 802785917u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(49, "referer", "", 1085069613u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(50, "refresh", "", 1085444827u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(54, "strict-transport-security", "", 1153852136u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(53, "set-cookie", "", 1237214767u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(55, "transfer-encoding", "", 1274458357u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(16, "accept-ranges", "", 1397189435u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(41, "if-unmodified-since", "", 1454068927u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(45, "max-forwards", "", 1619948695u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(44, "location", "", 1901043637u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(51, "retry-after", "", 1933352567u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(24, "content-encoding", "", 2095084583u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(27, "content-location", "", 2284906121u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(38, "if-modified-since", "", 2302095846u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(17, "accept", "", 2871506184u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(28, "content-range", "", 2878374633u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(21, "authorization", "", 2909397113u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(30, "cookie", "", 2940209764u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(0, ":authority", "", 2962729033u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(34, "expires", "", 2985731892u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(33, "expect", "", 3005803609u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(23, "content-disposition", "", 3027699811u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(25, "content-language", "", 3065240108u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(1, ":method", "GET", 3153018267u, 70454u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(2, ":method", "POST", 3153018267u, 2461856u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(26, "content-length", "", 3162187450u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(18, "access-control-allow-origin", "", 3297999203u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(5, ":scheme", "http", 3322585695u, 3213448u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(6, ":scheme", "https", 3322585695u, 99617003u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(7, ":status", "200", 3338091692u, 49586u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(8, ":status", "500", 3338091692u, 52469u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(9, ":status", "404", 3338091692u, 51512u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(10, ":status", "403", 3338091692u, 51511u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(11, ":status", "400", 3338091692u, 51508u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(12, ":status", "401", 3338091692u, 51509u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(52, "server", "", 3389140803u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(46, "proxy-authenticate", "", 3993199572u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(59, "www-authenticate", "", 4051929931u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(22, "cache-control", "", 4086191634u, 0u), MAKE_STATIC_ENT(14, "accept-encoding", "", 4127597688u, 0u) }; /* Index to the position in static_table */ const size_t static_table_index[] = { 38, 43, 44, 10, 11, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 14, 59, 20, 26, 34, 46, 0 , 12, 36, 58, 41, 31, 42, 45, 32, 35, 19, 37, 2 , 3 , 40, 39, 4 , 5 , 8 , 33, 18, 9 , 27, 15, 6 , 29, 28, 56, 16, 13, 21, 22, 30, 55, 24, 23, 25, 17, 7 , 1 , 57 }; static const size_t STATIC_TABLE_LENGTH = sizeof(static_table)/sizeof(static_table[0]); static int memeq(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n) { const uint8_t *a = (const uint8_t*)s1, *b = (const uint8_t*)s2; uint8_t c = 0; while(n > 0) { c |= (*a++) ^ (*b++); --n; } return c == 0; } static uint32_t hash(const uint8_t *s, size_t n) { uint32_t h = 0; while(n > 0) { h = h * 31 + *s++; --n; } return h; } typedef struct { nghttp2_nv *nva; size_t nvacap; size_t nvlen; } nghttp2_nva_out; int nghttp2_hd_entry_init(nghttp2_hd_entry *ent, uint8_t flags, uint8_t *name, uint16_t namelen, uint8_t *value, uint16_t valuelen) { int rv = 0; if((flags & NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_NAME_ALLOC) && (flags & NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_NAME_GIFT) == 0) { if(namelen == 0) { /* We should not allow empty header field name */ ent->nv.name = NULL; } else { ent->nv.name = nghttp2_memdup(name, namelen); if(ent->nv.name == NULL) { rv = NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM; goto fail; } } } else { ent->nv.name = name; } if((flags & NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_VALUE_ALLOC) && (flags & NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_VALUE_GIFT) == 0) { if(valuelen == 0) { ent->nv.value = NULL; } else { ent->nv.value = nghttp2_memdup(value, valuelen); if(ent->nv.value == NULL) { rv = NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM; goto fail2; } } } else { ent->nv.value = value; } ent->nv.namelen = namelen; ent->nv.valuelen = valuelen; ent->ref = 1; ent->flags = flags; if(ent->nv.name) { ent->name_hash = hash(ent->nv.name, ent->nv.namelen); } else { ent->name_hash = 0; } if(ent->nv.value) { ent->value_hash = hash(ent->nv.value, ent->nv.valuelen); } else { ent->value_hash = 0; } return 0; fail2: if(flags & NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_NAME_ALLOC) { free(ent->nv.name); } fail: return rv; } void nghttp2_hd_entry_free(nghttp2_hd_entry *ent) { assert(ent->ref == 0); if(ent->flags & NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_NAME_ALLOC) { free(ent->nv.name); } if(ent->flags & NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_VALUE_ALLOC) { free(ent->nv.value); } } static int nghttp2_hd_ringbuf_init(nghttp2_hd_ringbuf *ringbuf, size_t bufsize) { size_t size; for(size = 1; size < bufsize; size <<= 1); ringbuf->buffer = malloc(sizeof(nghttp2_hd_entry*)*size); if(ringbuf->buffer == NULL) { return NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM; } ringbuf->mask = size - 1; ringbuf->first = 0; ringbuf->len = 0; return 0; } static nghttp2_hd_entry* nghttp2_hd_ringbuf_get(nghttp2_hd_ringbuf *ringbuf, size_t index) { assert(index < ringbuf->len); return ringbuf->buffer[(ringbuf->first + index) & ringbuf->mask]; } static int nghttp2_hd_ringbuf_reserve(nghttp2_hd_ringbuf *ringbuf, size_t bufsize) { size_t i; size_t size; nghttp2_hd_entry **buffer; if(ringbuf->mask + 1 >= bufsize) { return 0; } for(size = 1; size < bufsize; size <<= 1); buffer = malloc(sizeof(nghttp2_hd_entry*) * size); if(buffer == NULL) { return NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM; } for(i = 0; i < ringbuf->len; ++i) { buffer[i] = nghttp2_hd_ringbuf_get(ringbuf, i); } free(ringbuf->buffer); ringbuf->buffer = buffer; ringbuf->mask = size - 1; ringbuf->first = 0; return 0; } static void nghttp2_hd_ringbuf_free(nghttp2_hd_ringbuf *ringbuf) { size_t i; if(ringbuf == NULL) { return; } for(i = 0; i < ringbuf->len; ++i) { nghttp2_hd_entry *ent = nghttp2_hd_ringbuf_get(ringbuf, i); --ent->ref; nghttp2_hd_entry_free(ent); free(ent); } free(ringbuf->buffer); } static size_t nghttp2_hd_ringbuf_push_front(nghttp2_hd_ringbuf *ringbuf, nghttp2_hd_entry *ent) { assert(ringbuf->len <= ringbuf->mask); ringbuf->buffer[--ringbuf->first & ringbuf->mask] = ent; ++ringbuf->len; return 0; } static void nghttp2_hd_ringbuf_pop_back(nghttp2_hd_ringbuf *ringbuf) { assert(ringbuf->len > 0); --ringbuf->len; } static int nghttp2_hd_context_init(nghttp2_hd_context *context, nghttp2_hd_role role, nghttp2_hd_side side, size_t deflate_hd_table_bufsize_max) { int rv; context->role = role; context->side = side; context->bad = 0; context->no_refset = 0; context->hd_table_bufsize_max = NGHTTP2_HD_DEFAULT_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE; rv = nghttp2_hd_ringbuf_init (&context->hd_table, context->hd_table_bufsize_max/NGHTTP2_HD_ENTRY_OVERHEAD); if(rv != 0) { return rv; } context->ent_keep = NULL; context->name_keep = NULL; context->value_keep = NULL; context->end_headers_index = 0; context->deflate_hd_table_bufsize_max = deflate_hd_table_bufsize_max; context->deflate_hd_table_bufsize = 0; context->deflate_hd_tablelen = 0; context->hd_table_bufsize = 0; return 0; } int nghttp2_hd_deflate_init(nghttp2_hd_context *deflater, nghttp2_hd_side side) { return nghttp2_hd_deflate_init2(deflater, side, NGHTTP2_HD_DEFAULT_MAX_DEFLATE_BUFFER_SIZE); } int nghttp2_hd_deflate_init2(nghttp2_hd_context *deflater, nghttp2_hd_side side, size_t deflate_hd_table_bufsize_max) { return nghttp2_hd_context_init(deflater, NGHTTP2_HD_ROLE_DEFLATE, side, deflate_hd_table_bufsize_max); } int nghttp2_hd_inflate_init(nghttp2_hd_context *inflater, nghttp2_hd_side side) { return nghttp2_hd_context_init(inflater, NGHTTP2_HD_ROLE_INFLATE, side, NGHTTP2_HD_DEFAULT_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE); } static void hd_inflate_keep_free(nghttp2_hd_context *inflater) { if(inflater->ent_keep) { if(inflater->ent_keep->ref == 0) { nghttp2_hd_entry_free(inflater->ent_keep); free(inflater->ent_keep); } inflater->ent_keep = NULL; } free(inflater->name_keep); free(inflater->value_keep); inflater->name_keep = NULL; inflater->value_keep = NULL; } static void nghttp2_hd_context_free(nghttp2_hd_context *context) { nghttp2_hd_ringbuf_free(&context->hd_table); } void nghttp2_hd_deflate_free(nghttp2_hd_context *deflater) { nghttp2_hd_context_free(deflater); } void nghttp2_hd_inflate_free(nghttp2_hd_context *inflater) { hd_inflate_keep_free(inflater); nghttp2_hd_context_free(inflater); } void nghttp2_hd_deflate_set_no_refset(nghttp2_hd_context *deflater, uint8_t no_refset) { deflater->no_refset = no_refset; } static size_t entry_room(size_t namelen, size_t valuelen) { return NGHTTP2_HD_ENTRY_OVERHEAD + namelen + valuelen; } static int emit_indexed_header(nghttp2_hd_context *inflater, nghttp2_nv *nv_out, nghttp2_hd_entry *ent) { DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "Header emission:\n")); DEBUGF(fwrite(ent->nv.name, ent->nv.namelen, 1, stderr)); DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, ": ")); DEBUGF(fwrite(ent->nv.value, ent->nv.valuelen, 1, stderr)); DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "\n")); /* ent->ref may be 0. This happens if the careless stupid encoder emits literal block larger than header table capacity with indexing. */ ent->flags |= NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_EMIT; *nv_out = ent->nv; return 0; } static int emit_newname_header(nghttp2_hd_context *inflater, nghttp2_nv *nv_out, nghttp2_nv *nv) { DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "Header emission:\n")); DEBUGF(fwrite(nv->name, nv->namelen, 1, stderr)); DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, ": ")); DEBUGF(fwrite(nv->value, nv->valuelen, 1, stderr)); DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "\n")); *nv_out = *nv; return 0; } static int emit_indname_header(nghttp2_hd_context *inflater, nghttp2_nv *nv_out, nghttp2_hd_entry *ent, uint8_t *value, size_t valuelen) { DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "Header emission:\n")); DEBUGF(fwrite(ent->nv.name, ent->nv.namelen, 1, stderr)); DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, ": ")); DEBUGF(fwrite(value, valuelen, 1, stderr)); DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "\n")); nv_out->name = ent->nv.name; nv_out->namelen = ent->nv.namelen; nv_out->value = value; nv_out->valuelen = valuelen; return 0; } static int ensure_write_buffer(uint8_t **buf_ptr, size_t *buflen_ptr, size_t offset, size_t need) { int rv; /* TODO Remove this limitation when header continuation is implemented. */ if(need + offset > NGHTTP2_MAX_FRAME_LENGTH) { return NGHTTP2_ERR_HEADER_COMP; } rv = nghttp2_reserve_buffer(buf_ptr, buflen_ptr, offset + need); if(rv != 0) { return NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM; } return 0; } static size_t count_encoded_length(size_t n, int prefix) { size_t k = (1 << prefix) - 1; size_t len = 0; if(n >= k) { n -= k; ++len; } else { return 1; } do { ++len; if(n >= 128) { n >>= 7; } else { break; } } while(n); return len; } static size_t encode_length(uint8_t *buf, size_t n, int prefix) { size_t k = (1 << prefix) - 1; size_t len = 0; *buf &= ~k; if(n >= k) { *buf++ |= k; n -= k; ++len; } else { *buf++ |= n; return 1; } do { ++len; if(n >= 128) { *buf++ = (1 << 7) | (n & 0x7f); n >>= 7; } else { *buf++ = n; break; } } while(n); return len; } /* * Decodes |prefx| prefixed integer stored from |in|. The |last| * represents the 1 beyond the last of the valid contiguous memory * region from |in|. The decoded integer must be strictly less than 1 * << 16. * * This function returns the next byte of read byte. This function * stores the decoded integer in |*res| if it succeeds, or stores -1 * in |*res|, indicating decoding error. */ static uint8_t* decode_length(ssize_t *res, uint8_t *in, uint8_t *last, int prefix) { int k = (1 << prefix) - 1, r; if(in == last) { *res = -1; return in; } if((*in & k) == k) { *res = k; } else { *res = (*in) & k; return in + 1; } ++in; for(r = 0; in != last; ++in, r += 7) { *res += (*in & 0x7f) << r; if(*res >= (1 << 16)) { *res = -1; return in + 1; } if((*in & (1 << 7)) == 0) { break; } } if(in == last || *in & (1 << 7)) { *res = -1; return NULL; } else { return in + 1; } } static int emit_indexed0(uint8_t **buf_ptr, size_t *buflen_ptr, size_t *offset_ptr) { int rv; rv = ensure_write_buffer(buf_ptr, buflen_ptr, *offset_ptr, 1); if(rv != 0) { return rv; } *(*buf_ptr + *offset_ptr) = 0x80u; ++*offset_ptr; return 0; } static int emit_indexed_block(uint8_t **buf_ptr, size_t *buflen_ptr, size_t *offset_ptr, size_t index) { int rv; uint8_t *bufp; size_t blocklen = count_encoded_length(index + 1, 7); rv = ensure_write_buffer(buf_ptr, buflen_ptr, *offset_ptr, blocklen); if(rv != 0) { return rv; } bufp = *buf_ptr + *offset_ptr; *bufp = 0x80u; encode_length(bufp, index + 1, 7); *offset_ptr += blocklen; return 0; } static size_t emit_string(uint8_t *buf, size_t buflen, size_t enclen, int huffman, const uint8_t *str, size_t len, nghttp2_hd_side side) { size_t rv; *buf = huffman ? 1 << 7 : 0; rv = encode_length(buf, enclen, 7); buf += rv; if(huffman) { nghttp2_hd_huff_encode(buf, buflen - rv, str, len, side); } else { assert(enclen == len); memcpy(buf, str, len); } return rv + enclen; } static int emit_indname_block(uint8_t **buf_ptr, size_t *buflen_ptr, size_t *offset_ptr, size_t index, const uint8_t *value, size_t valuelen, int inc_indexing, nghttp2_hd_side side) { int rv; uint8_t *bufp; size_t encvallen = nghttp2_hd_huff_encode_count(value, valuelen, side); size_t blocklen = count_encoded_length(index + 1, 6); int huffman = encvallen < valuelen; if(!huffman) { encvallen = valuelen; } blocklen += count_encoded_length(encvallen, 7) + encvallen; rv = ensure_write_buffer(buf_ptr, buflen_ptr, *offset_ptr, blocklen); if(rv != 0) { return rv; } bufp = *buf_ptr + *offset_ptr; *bufp = inc_indexing ? 0 : 0x40u; bufp += encode_length(bufp, index + 1, 6); bufp += emit_string(bufp, *buflen_ptr - (bufp - *buf_ptr), encvallen, huffman, value, valuelen, side); assert(bufp - (*buf_ptr + *offset_ptr) == (ssize_t)blocklen); *offset_ptr += blocklen; return 0; } static int emit_newname_block(uint8_t **buf_ptr, size_t *buflen_ptr, size_t *offset_ptr, nghttp2_nv *nv, int inc_indexing, nghttp2_hd_side side) { int rv; uint8_t *bufp; size_t encnamelen = nghttp2_hd_huff_encode_count(nv->name, nv->namelen, side); size_t encvallen = nghttp2_hd_huff_encode_count(nv->value, nv->valuelen, side); size_t blocklen = 1; int name_huffman = encnamelen < nv->namelen; int value_huffman = encvallen < nv->valuelen; if(!name_huffman) { encnamelen = nv->namelen; } if(!value_huffman) { encvallen = nv->valuelen; } blocklen += count_encoded_length(encnamelen, 7) + encnamelen + count_encoded_length(encvallen, 7) + encvallen; rv = ensure_write_buffer(buf_ptr, buflen_ptr, *offset_ptr, blocklen); if(rv != 0) { return rv; } bufp = *buf_ptr + *offset_ptr; *bufp++ = inc_indexing ? 0 : 0x40u; bufp += emit_string(bufp, *buflen_ptr - (bufp - *buf_ptr), encnamelen, name_huffman, nv->name, nv->namelen, side); bufp += emit_string(bufp, *buflen_ptr - (bufp - *buf_ptr), encvallen, value_huffman, nv->value, nv->valuelen, side); *offset_ptr += blocklen; return 0; } /* * Emit common header with |index| by toggle off and on (thus 2 * indexed representation emissions). */ static int emit_implicit(uint8_t **buf_ptr, size_t *buflen_ptr, size_t *offset_ptr, size_t index) { int i; int rv; for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { rv = emit_indexed_block(buf_ptr, buflen_ptr, offset_ptr, index); if(rv != 0) { return rv; } } return 0; } static nghttp2_hd_entry* add_hd_table_incremental(nghttp2_hd_context *context, uint8_t **buf_ptr, size_t *buflen_ptr, size_t *offset_ptr, nghttp2_nv *nv, uint8_t entry_flags) { int rv; nghttp2_hd_entry *new_ent; size_t room = entry_room(nv->namelen, nv->valuelen); while(context->hd_table_bufsize + room > context->hd_table_bufsize_max && context->hd_table.len > 0) { size_t index = context->hd_table.len - 1; nghttp2_hd_entry* ent = nghttp2_hd_ringbuf_get(&context->hd_table, index); context->hd_table_bufsize -= entry_room(ent->nv.namelen, ent->nv.valuelen); if(context->hd_table_bufsize < context->deflate_hd_table_bufsize) { context->deflate_hd_table_bufsize -= entry_room(ent->nv.namelen, ent->nv.valuelen); --context->deflate_hd_tablelen; } if(context->role == NGHTTP2_HD_ROLE_DEFLATE) { if(ent->flags & NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_IMPLICIT_EMIT) { /* Emit common header just before it slips away from the table. If we don't do this, we have to emit it in literal representation which hurts compression. */ rv = emit_implicit(buf_ptr, buflen_ptr, offset_ptr, index); if(rv != 0) { return NULL; } } } DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "Remove item from header table:\n")); DEBUGF(fwrite(ent->nv.name, ent->nv.namelen, 1, stderr)); DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, ": ")); DEBUGF(fwrite(ent->nv.value, ent->nv.valuelen, 1, stderr)); DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "\n")); nghttp2_hd_ringbuf_pop_back(&context->hd_table); if(--ent->ref == 0) { nghttp2_hd_entry_free(ent); free(ent); } } while(context->deflate_hd_table_bufsize + room > context->deflate_hd_table_bufsize_max && context->deflate_hd_tablelen > 0) { size_t index = context->deflate_hd_tablelen - 1; nghttp2_hd_entry *ent = nghttp2_hd_ringbuf_get(&context->hd_table, index); context->deflate_hd_table_bufsize -= entry_room(ent->nv.namelen, ent->nv.valuelen); --context->deflate_hd_tablelen; if(ent->flags & NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_IMPLICIT_EMIT) { /* Just like a normal eviction, implicit header must be emitted twice. */ rv = emit_implicit(buf_ptr, buflen_ptr, offset_ptr, index); if(rv != 0) { return NULL; } ent->flags ^= NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_IMPLICIT_EMIT; } if(ent->flags & NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_REFSET) { /* We need to drop entry from reference set. */ rv = emit_indexed_block(buf_ptr, buflen_ptr, offset_ptr, index); if(rv != 0) { return NULL; } ent->flags ^= NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_REFSET; } /* Release memory. We don't remove entry from the header table at this moment. */ if(ent->flags & NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_NAME_ALLOC) { free(ent->nv.name); ent->nv.name = NULL; ent->flags ^= NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_NAME_ALLOC; } if(ent->flags & NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_VALUE_ALLOC) { free(ent->nv.value); ent->nv.value = NULL; ent->flags ^= NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_VALUE_ALLOC; } } new_ent = malloc(sizeof(nghttp2_hd_entry)); if(new_ent == NULL) { return NULL; } if(context->role == NGHTTP2_HD_ROLE_DEFLATE && room > context->deflate_hd_table_bufsize_max) { uint8_t flags = entry_flags & ~(NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_NAME_ALLOC | NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_VALUE_ALLOC | NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_NAME_GIFT | NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_VALUE_GIFT); rv = nghttp2_hd_entry_init(new_ent, flags, NULL, nv->namelen, NULL, nv->valuelen); if(rv != 0) { free(new_ent); return NULL; } if(flags & NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_NAME_GIFT) { free(nv->name); nv->name = NULL; } if(flags & NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_VALUE_GIFT) { free(nv->value); nv->value = NULL; } /* caller must emit indexed repr to toggle off new_ent from reference set. We cannot do it here because it may break the indexing. */ } else { rv = nghttp2_hd_entry_init(new_ent, entry_flags, nv->name, nv->namelen, nv->value, nv->valuelen); if(rv != 0) { free(new_ent); return NULL; } } if(room > context->hd_table_bufsize_max) { /* The entry taking more than NGHTTP2_HD_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE is immediately evicted. */ --new_ent->ref; } else { context->hd_table_bufsize += room; nghttp2_hd_ringbuf_push_front(&context->hd_table, new_ent); if(room <= context->deflate_hd_table_bufsize_max) { new_ent->flags |= NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_REFSET; context->deflate_hd_table_bufsize += room; ++context->deflate_hd_tablelen; } } return new_ent; } static int name_eq(const nghttp2_nv *a, const nghttp2_nv *b) { return a->namelen == b->namelen && memeq(a->name, b->name, a->namelen); } static int value_eq(const nghttp2_nv *a, const nghttp2_nv *b) { return a->valuelen == b->valuelen && memeq(a->value, b->value, a->valuelen); } typedef struct { ssize_t index; /* Nonzero if both name and value are matched. */ uint8_t name_value_match; } search_result; static search_result search_hd_table(nghttp2_hd_context *context, nghttp2_nv *nv) { search_result res = { -1, 0 }; size_t i; uint32_t name_hash = hash(nv->name, nv->namelen); uint32_t value_hash = hash(nv->value, nv->valuelen); ssize_t left = -1, right = STATIC_TABLE_LENGTH; for(i = 0; i < context->deflate_hd_tablelen; ++i) { nghttp2_hd_entry *ent = nghttp2_hd_ringbuf_get(&context->hd_table, i); if(ent->name_hash == name_hash && name_eq(&ent->nv, nv)) { if(res.index == -1) { res.index = i; } if(ent->value_hash == value_hash && value_eq(&ent->nv, nv)) { res.index = i; res.name_value_match = 1; return res; } } } while(right - left > 1) { ssize_t mid = (left + right) / 2; nghttp2_hd_entry *ent = &static_table[mid].ent; if(ent->name_hash < name_hash) { left = mid; } else { right = mid; } } for(i = right; i < STATIC_TABLE_LENGTH; ++i) { nghttp2_hd_entry *ent = &static_table[i].ent; if(ent->name_hash != name_hash) { break; } if(name_eq(&ent->nv, nv)) { if(res.index == -1) { res.index = context->hd_table.len + static_table[i].index; } if(ent->value_hash == value_hash && value_eq(&ent->nv, nv)) { res.index = context->hd_table.len + static_table[i].index; res.name_value_match = 1; return res; } } } return res; } int nghttp2_hd_change_table_size(nghttp2_hd_context *context, size_t hd_table_bufsize_max) { int rv; rv = nghttp2_hd_ringbuf_reserve (&context->hd_table, hd_table_bufsize_max / NGHTTP2_HD_ENTRY_OVERHEAD); if(rv != 0) { return rv; } context->hd_table_bufsize_max = hd_table_bufsize_max; if(context->role == NGHTTP2_HD_ROLE_INFLATE) { context->deflate_hd_table_bufsize_max = hd_table_bufsize_max; } while(context->hd_table_bufsize > context->hd_table_bufsize_max && context->hd_table.len > 0) { size_t index = context->hd_table.len - 1; nghttp2_hd_entry* ent = nghttp2_hd_ringbuf_get(&context->hd_table, index); context->hd_table_bufsize -= entry_room(ent->nv.namelen, ent->nv.valuelen); if(context->hd_table_bufsize < context->deflate_hd_table_bufsize) { context->deflate_hd_table_bufsize -= entry_room(ent->nv.namelen, ent->nv.valuelen); --context->deflate_hd_tablelen; } nghttp2_hd_ringbuf_pop_back(&context->hd_table); if(--ent->ref == 0) { nghttp2_hd_entry_free(ent); free(ent); } } return 0; } static void clear_refset(nghttp2_hd_context *context) { size_t i; for(i = 0; i < context->hd_table.len; ++i) { nghttp2_hd_entry *ent = nghttp2_hd_ringbuf_get(&context->hd_table, i); ent->flags &= ~NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_REFSET; } } static int check_index_range(nghttp2_hd_context *context, size_t index) { return index < context->hd_table.len + STATIC_TABLE_LENGTH; } nghttp2_hd_entry* nghttp2_hd_table_get(nghttp2_hd_context *context, size_t index) { assert(check_index_range(context, index)); if(index < context->hd_table.len) { return nghttp2_hd_ringbuf_get(&context->hd_table, index); } else { return &static_table[static_table_index[index - context->hd_table.len]].ent; } } #define name_match(NV, NAME) \ (nv->namelen == sizeof(NAME) - 1 && memeq(nv->name, NAME, sizeof(NAME) - 1)) static int should_indexing(const nghttp2_nv *nv) { #ifdef NGHTTP2_XHD return !name_match(nv, NGHTTP2_XHD); #else /* !NGHTTP2_XHD */ return !name_match(nv, "set-cookie") && !name_match(nv, "content-length") && !name_match(nv, "location") && !name_match(nv, "etag") && !name_match(nv, ":path"); #endif /* !NGHTTP2_XHD */ } static int deflate_nv(nghttp2_hd_context *deflater, uint8_t **buf_ptr, size_t *buflen_ptr, size_t *offset_ptr, nghttp2_nv *nv) { int rv; nghttp2_hd_entry *ent; search_result res; res = search_hd_table(deflater, nv); if(res.index != -1 && res.name_value_match) { size_t index = res.index; ent = nghttp2_hd_table_get(deflater, index); if(index >= deflater->hd_table.len) { nghttp2_hd_entry *new_ent; /* It is important to first add entry to the header table and let eviction go. If NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_IMPLICIT_EMIT entry is evicted, it must be emitted before the |nv|. */ new_ent = add_hd_table_incremental(deflater, buf_ptr, buflen_ptr, offset_ptr, &ent->nv, NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_NONE); if(!new_ent) { return NGHTTP2_ERR_HEADER_COMP; } if(new_ent->ref == 0) { nghttp2_hd_entry_free(new_ent); free(new_ent); new_ent = NULL; } else if(new_ent->nv.name != NULL) { /* new_ent->ref > 0 and nv.name is not NULL means that new_ent is in the reference set and in deflate_hd_table_bufsize */ new_ent->flags |= NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_EMIT; } rv = emit_indexed_block(buf_ptr, buflen_ptr, offset_ptr, index); if(rv != 0) { return rv; } } else if((ent->flags & NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_REFSET) == 0) { ent->flags |= NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_REFSET | NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_EMIT; rv = emit_indexed_block(buf_ptr, buflen_ptr, offset_ptr, index); if(rv != 0) { return rv; } } else { int num_emits = 0; if(ent->flags & NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_EMIT) { /* occurrences of the same indexed representation. Emit index twice. */ num_emits = 2; } else if(ent->flags & NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_IMPLICIT_EMIT) { /* ent was implicitly emitted because it is the common header field. To support occurrences of the same indexed representation, we have to emit 4 times. This is because "implicitly emitted" means actually not emitted at all. So first 2 emits performs 1st header appears in the reference set. And another 2 emits are done for 2nd (current) header. */ ent->flags ^= NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_IMPLICIT_EMIT; ent->flags |= NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_EMIT; num_emits = 4; } else { /* This is common header and not emitted in the current run. Just mark IMPLICIT_EMIT, in the hope that we are not required to emit anything for this. We will emit toggle off/on for this entry if it is removed from the header table. */ ent->flags |= NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_IMPLICIT_EMIT; } for(; num_emits > 0; --num_emits) { rv = emit_indexed_block(buf_ptr, buflen_ptr, offset_ptr, index); if(rv != 0) { break; } } } } else { ssize_t index = -1; int incidx = 0; if(res.index != -1) { index = res.index; } if(should_indexing(nv) && entry_room(nv->namelen, nv->valuelen) <= NGHTTP2_HD_MAX_ENTRY_SIZE) { nghttp2_hd_entry *new_ent; if(index >= (ssize_t)deflater->hd_table.len) { nghttp2_nv nv_indname; nv_indname = *nv; nv_indname.name = nghttp2_hd_table_get(deflater, index)->nv.name; new_ent = add_hd_table_incremental(deflater, buf_ptr, buflen_ptr, offset_ptr, &nv_indname, NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_VALUE_ALLOC); } else { new_ent = add_hd_table_incremental(deflater, buf_ptr, buflen_ptr, offset_ptr, nv, NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_NAME_ALLOC | NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_VALUE_ALLOC); } if(!new_ent) { return NGHTTP2_ERR_HEADER_COMP; } if(new_ent->ref == 0) { nghttp2_hd_entry_free(new_ent); free(new_ent); } else if(new_ent->nv.name != NULL) { /* new_ent->ref > 0 and nv.name is not NULL means that new_ent is in the reference set and in deflate_hd_table_bufsize */ new_ent->flags |= NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_EMIT; } incidx = 1; } if(index == -1) { rv = emit_newname_block(buf_ptr, buflen_ptr, offset_ptr, nv, incidx, deflater->side); } else { rv = emit_indname_block(buf_ptr, buflen_ptr, offset_ptr, index, nv->value, nv->valuelen, incidx, deflater->side); } if(rv != 0) { return rv; } } return 0; } static int deflate_post_process_hd_entry(nghttp2_hd_entry *ent, size_t index, uint8_t **buf_ptr, size_t *buflen_ptr, size_t *offset_ptr) { int rv; if((ent->flags & NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_REFSET) && (ent->flags & NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_IMPLICIT_EMIT) == 0 && (ent->flags & NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_EMIT) == 0) { /* This entry is not present in the current header set and must be removed. */ ent->flags ^= NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_REFSET; rv = emit_indexed_block(buf_ptr, buflen_ptr, offset_ptr, index); if(rv != 0) { return rv; } } ent->flags &= ~(NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_EMIT | NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_IMPLICIT_EMIT); return 0; } ssize_t nghttp2_hd_deflate_hd(nghttp2_hd_context *deflater, uint8_t **buf_ptr, size_t *buflen_ptr, size_t nv_offset, nghttp2_nv *nv, size_t nvlen) { size_t i, offset; int rv = 0; if(deflater->bad) { return NGHTTP2_ERR_HEADER_COMP; } offset = nv_offset; if(deflater->no_refset) { rv = emit_indexed0(buf_ptr, buflen_ptr, &offset); if(rv != 0) { goto fail; } clear_refset(deflater); } for(i = 0; i < nvlen; ++i) { rv = deflate_nv(deflater, buf_ptr, buflen_ptr, &offset, &nv[i]); if(rv != 0) { goto fail; } } for(i = 0; i < deflater->deflate_hd_tablelen; ++i) { nghttp2_hd_entry *ent = nghttp2_hd_ringbuf_get(&deflater->hd_table, i); rv = deflate_post_process_hd_entry(ent, i, buf_ptr, buflen_ptr, &offset); if(rv != 0) { goto fail; } } return offset - nv_offset; fail: deflater->bad = 1; return rv; } ssize_t nghttp2_hd_inflate_hd(nghttp2_hd_context *inflater, nghttp2_nv *nv_out, int *final, uint8_t *in, size_t inlen) { int rv = 0; uint8_t *first = in; uint8_t *last = in + inlen; DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "infalte_hd start\n")); if(inflater->bad) { return NGHTTP2_ERR_HEADER_COMP; } *final = 0; hd_inflate_keep_free(inflater); for(; in != last;) { uint8_t c = *in; if(c & 0x80u) { /* Indexed Header Repr */ ssize_t index; nghttp2_hd_entry *ent; in = decode_length(&index, in, last, 7); DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "Indexed repr index=%zd\n", index)); if(index < 0) { DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "Index out of range index=%zd\n", index)); rv = NGHTTP2_ERR_HEADER_COMP; goto fail; } if(index == 0) { DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "Clearing reference set\n")); clear_refset(inflater); continue; } --index; if(!check_index_range(inflater, index)) { DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "Index out of range index=%zd\n", index)); rv = NGHTTP2_ERR_HEADER_COMP; goto fail; } ent = nghttp2_hd_table_get(inflater, index); if(index >= (ssize_t)inflater->hd_table.len) { nghttp2_hd_entry *new_ent; new_ent = add_hd_table_incremental(inflater, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ent->nv, NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_NONE); if(!new_ent) { rv = NGHTTP2_ERR_HEADER_COMP; goto fail; } /* new_ent->ref == 0 may be hold but emit_indexed_header tracks new_ent, so there is no leak. */ emit_indexed_header(inflater, nv_out, new_ent); inflater->ent_keep = new_ent; return in - first; } else { ent->flags ^= NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_REFSET; if(ent->flags & NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_REFSET) { emit_indexed_header(inflater, nv_out, ent); return in - first; } else { DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "Toggle off item:\n")); DEBUGF(fwrite(ent->nv.name, ent->nv.namelen, 1, stderr)); DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, ": ")); DEBUGF(fwrite(ent->nv.value, ent->nv.valuelen, 1, stderr)); DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "\n")); } } if(rv != 0) { goto fail; } } else if(c == 0x40u || c == 0) { /* Literal Header Repr - New Name */ nghttp2_nv nv; ssize_t namelen, valuelen; int name_huffman, value_huffman; uint8_t *decoded_huffman_name = NULL, *decoded_huffman_value = NULL; DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "Literal header repr - new name\n")); if(++in == last) { rv = NGHTTP2_ERR_HEADER_COMP; goto fail; } name_huffman = *in & (1 << 7); in = decode_length(&namelen, in, last, 7); if(namelen < 0 || in + namelen > last) { DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "Invalid namelen=%zd\n", namelen)); rv = NGHTTP2_ERR_HEADER_COMP; goto fail; } if(name_huffman) { rv = nghttp2_hd_huff_decode(&nv.name, in, namelen, inflater->side); if(rv < 0) { DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "Name huffman decoding failed\n")); goto fail; } decoded_huffman_name = nv.name; nv.namelen = rv; } else { nv.name = in; nv.namelen = namelen; } in += namelen; if(in == last) { DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "No value found\n")); free(decoded_huffman_name); rv = NGHTTP2_ERR_HEADER_COMP; goto fail; } value_huffman = *in & (1 << 7); in = decode_length(&valuelen, in, last, 7); if(valuelen < 0 || in + valuelen > last) { DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "Invalid valuelen=%zd\n", valuelen)); free(decoded_huffman_name); rv = NGHTTP2_ERR_HEADER_COMP; goto fail; } if(value_huffman) { rv = nghttp2_hd_huff_decode(&nv.value, in, valuelen, inflater->side); if(rv < 0) { DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "Value huffman decoding failed\n")); free(decoded_huffman_name); goto fail; } decoded_huffman_value = nv.value; nv.valuelen = rv; } else { nv.value = in; nv.valuelen = valuelen; } in += valuelen; if(c == 0x40u) { int flags = NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_NONE; if(name_huffman) { flags |= NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_NAME_GIFT; } if(value_huffman) { flags |= NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_VALUE_GIFT; } emit_newname_header(inflater, nv_out, &nv); inflater->name_keep = decoded_huffman_name; inflater->value_keep = decoded_huffman_value; return in - first; } else { nghttp2_hd_entry *new_ent; uint8_t ent_flags = NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_NAME_ALLOC | NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_VALUE_ALLOC; if(name_huffman) { ent_flags |= NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_NAME_GIFT; } if(value_huffman) { ent_flags |= NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_VALUE_GIFT; } new_ent = add_hd_table_incremental(inflater, NULL, NULL, NULL, &nv, ent_flags); if(new_ent) { emit_indexed_header(inflater, nv_out, new_ent); inflater->ent_keep = new_ent; return in - first; } else { free(decoded_huffman_name); free(decoded_huffman_value); rv = NGHTTP2_ERR_HEADER_COMP; } } if(rv != 0) { goto fail; } } else { /* Literal Header Repr - Indexed Name */ nghttp2_hd_entry *ent; uint8_t *value; ssize_t valuelen, index; int value_huffman; uint8_t *decoded_huffman_value = NULL; DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "Literal header repr - indexed name\n")); in = decode_length(&index, in, last, 6); if(index <= 0) { DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "Index out of range index=%zd\n", index)); rv = NGHTTP2_ERR_HEADER_COMP; goto fail; } --index; if(!check_index_range(inflater, index)) { DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "Index out of range index=%zd\n", index)); rv = NGHTTP2_ERR_HEADER_COMP; goto fail; } ent = nghttp2_hd_table_get(inflater, index); if(in == last) { DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "No value found\n")); rv = NGHTTP2_ERR_HEADER_COMP; goto fail; } value_huffman = *in & (1 << 7); in = decode_length(&valuelen, in , last, 7); if(valuelen < 0 || in + valuelen > last) { DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "Invalid valuelen=%zd\n", valuelen)); rv = NGHTTP2_ERR_HEADER_COMP; goto fail; } if(value_huffman) { rv = nghttp2_hd_huff_decode(&value, in, valuelen, inflater->side); if(rv < 0) { DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "Value huffman decoding failed\n")); goto fail; } decoded_huffman_value = value; in += valuelen; valuelen = rv; } else { value = in; in += valuelen; } if((c & 0x40u) == 0x40u) { emit_indname_header(inflater, nv_out, ent, value, valuelen); inflater->value_keep = decoded_huffman_value; return in - first; } else { nghttp2_nv nv; nghttp2_hd_entry *new_ent; uint8_t ent_flags = NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_VALUE_ALLOC; if(value_huffman) { ent_flags |= NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_VALUE_GIFT; } ++ent->ref; nv.name = ent->nv.name; if((size_t)index < inflater->hd_table.len) { ent_flags |= NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_NAME_ALLOC; } nv.namelen = ent->nv.namelen; nv.value = value; nv.valuelen = valuelen; new_ent = add_hd_table_incremental(inflater, NULL, NULL, NULL, &nv, ent_flags); if(--ent->ref == 0) { nghttp2_hd_entry_free(ent); free(ent); } if(new_ent) { emit_indexed_header(inflater, nv_out, new_ent); inflater->ent_keep = new_ent; return in - first; } else { free(decoded_huffman_value); rv = NGHTTP2_ERR_HEADER_COMP; } } if(rv != 0) { goto fail; } } } for(; inflater->end_headers_index < inflater->hd_table.len; ++inflater->end_headers_index) { nghttp2_hd_entry *ent; ent = nghttp2_hd_ringbuf_get(&inflater->hd_table, inflater->end_headers_index); if((ent->flags & NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_REFSET) && (ent->flags & NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_EMIT) == 0) { emit_indexed_header(inflater, nv_out, ent); return in - first; } ent->flags &= ~NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_EMIT; } *final = 1; return in - first; fail: inflater->bad = 1; return rv; } int nghttp2_hd_inflate_end_headers(nghttp2_hd_context *inflater) { hd_inflate_keep_free(inflater); inflater->end_headers_index = 0; return 0; } int nghttp2_hd_emit_indname_block(uint8_t **buf_ptr, size_t *buflen_ptr, size_t *offset_ptr, size_t index, const uint8_t *value, size_t valuelen, int inc_indexing, nghttp2_hd_side side) { return emit_indname_block(buf_ptr, buflen_ptr, offset_ptr, index, value, valuelen, inc_indexing, side); } int nghttp2_hd_emit_newname_block(uint8_t **buf_ptr, size_t *buflen_ptr, size_t *offset_ptr, nghttp2_nv *nv, int inc_indexing, nghttp2_hd_side side) { return emit_newname_block(buf_ptr, buflen_ptr, offset_ptr, nv, inc_indexing, side); }