/* * nghttp2 - HTTP/2.0 C Library * * Copyright (c) 2012 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "shrpx_http_downstream_connection.h" #include "shrpx_client_handler.h" #include "shrpx_upstream.h" #include "shrpx_downstream.h" #include "shrpx_config.h" #include "shrpx_error.h" #include "shrpx_http.h" #include "http2.h" #include "util.h" using namespace nghttp2; namespace shrpx { namespace { const size_t OUTBUF_MAX_THRES = 64*1024; } // namespace // Workaround for the inability for Bufferevent to remove timeout from // bufferevent. Specify this long timeout instead of removing. namespace { timeval max_timeout = { 86400, 0 }; } // namespace HttpDownstreamConnection::HttpDownstreamConnection (ClientHandler *client_handler) : DownstreamConnection(client_handler), bev_(nullptr), ioctrl_(nullptr), response_htp_{0} {} HttpDownstreamConnection::~HttpDownstreamConnection() { if(bev_) { bufferevent_disable(bev_, EV_READ | EV_WRITE); bufferevent_free(bev_); } // Downstream and DownstreamConnection may be deleted // asynchronously. if(downstream_) { downstream_->set_downstream_connection(nullptr); } } int HttpDownstreamConnection::attach_downstream(Downstream *downstream) { if(LOG_ENABLED(INFO)) { DCLOG(INFO, this) << "Attaching to DOWNSTREAM:" << downstream; } auto upstream = downstream->get_upstream(); if(!bev_) { auto evbase = client_handler_->get_evbase(); bev_ = bufferevent_socket_new (evbase, -1, BEV_OPT_CLOSE_ON_FREE | BEV_OPT_DEFER_CALLBACKS); if(!bev_) { DCLOG(INFO, this) << "bufferevent_socket_new() failed"; return SHRPX_ERR_NETWORK; } int rv = bufferevent_socket_connect (bev_, // TODO maybe not thread-safe? const_cast(&get_config()->downstream_addr.sa), get_config()->downstream_addrlen); if(rv != 0) { bufferevent_free(bev_); bev_ = nullptr; return SHRPX_ERR_NETWORK; } if(LOG_ENABLED(INFO)) { DCLOG(INFO, this) << "Connecting to downstream server"; } } downstream->set_downstream_connection(this); downstream_ = downstream; ioctrl_.set_bev(bev_); http_parser_init(&response_htp_, HTTP_RESPONSE); response_htp_.data = downstream_; bufferevent_setwatermark(bev_, EV_READ, 0, SHRPX_READ_WARTER_MARK); bufferevent_enable(bev_, EV_READ); bufferevent_setcb(bev_, upstream->get_downstream_readcb(), upstream->get_downstream_writecb(), upstream->get_downstream_eventcb(), this); // HTTP request/response model, we first issue request to downstream // server, so just enable write timeout here. bufferevent_set_timeouts(bev_, &max_timeout, &get_config()->downstream_write_timeout); return 0; } int HttpDownstreamConnection::push_request_headers() { downstream_->assemble_request_cookie(); downstream_->normalize_request_headers(); auto end_headers = std::end(downstream_->get_request_headers()); // Assume that method and request path do not contain \r\n. std::string hdrs = downstream_->get_request_method(); hdrs += " "; if(downstream_->get_request_method() == "CONNECT") { if(!downstream_->get_request_http2_authority().empty()) { hdrs += downstream_->get_request_http2_authority(); } else { hdrs += downstream_->get_request_path(); } } else if(get_config()->http2_proxy && !downstream_->get_request_http2_scheme().empty() && !downstream_->get_request_http2_authority().empty() && downstream_->get_request_path().c_str()[0] == '/') { // Construct absolute-form request target because we are going to // send a request to a HTTP/1 proxy. hdrs += downstream_->get_request_http2_scheme(); hdrs += "://"; hdrs += downstream_->get_request_http2_authority(); hdrs += downstream_->get_request_path(); } else { // No proxy case. get_request_path() may be absolute-form but we // don't care. hdrs += downstream_->get_request_path(); } hdrs += " HTTP/1.1\r\n"; if(downstream_->get_norm_request_header("host") == end_headers && !downstream_->get_request_http2_authority().empty()) { hdrs += "Host: "; hdrs += downstream_->get_request_http2_authority(); hdrs += "\r\n"; } http2::build_http1_headers_from_norm_headers (hdrs, downstream_->get_request_headers()); if(!downstream_->get_assembled_request_cookie().empty()) { hdrs += "Cookie: "; hdrs += downstream_->get_assembled_request_cookie(); hdrs += "\r\n"; } if(downstream_->get_request_connection_close()) { hdrs += "Connection: close\r\n"; } auto xff = downstream_->get_norm_request_header("x-forwarded-for"); if(get_config()->add_x_forwarded_for) { hdrs += "X-Forwarded-For: "; if(xff != end_headers) { hdrs += (*xff).second; http2::sanitize_header_value(hdrs, hdrs.size() - (*xff).second.size()); hdrs += ", "; } hdrs += downstream_->get_upstream()->get_client_handler()->get_ipaddr(); hdrs += "\r\n"; } else if(xff != end_headers) { hdrs += "X-Forwarded-For: "; hdrs += (*xff).second; http2::sanitize_header_value(hdrs, hdrs.size() - (*xff).second.size()); hdrs += "\r\n"; } if(downstream_->get_request_method() != "CONNECT") { hdrs += "X-Forwarded-Proto: "; if(!downstream_->get_request_http2_scheme().empty()) { hdrs += downstream_->get_request_http2_scheme(); hdrs += "\r\n"; } else if(util::istartsWith(downstream_->get_request_path(), "https:")) { hdrs += "https\r\n"; } else { hdrs += "http\r\n"; } } auto expect = downstream_->get_norm_request_header("expect"); if(expect != end_headers && !util::strifind((*expect).second.c_str(), "100-continue")) { hdrs += "Expect: "; hdrs += (*expect).second; http2::sanitize_header_value(hdrs, hdrs.size() - (*expect).second.size()); hdrs += "\r\n"; } auto via = downstream_->get_norm_request_header("via"); if(get_config()->no_via) { if(via != end_headers) { hdrs += "Via: "; hdrs += (*via).second; http2::sanitize_header_value(hdrs, hdrs.size() - (*via).second.size()); hdrs += "\r\n"; } } else { hdrs += "Via: "; if(via != end_headers) { hdrs += (*via).second; http2::sanitize_header_value(hdrs, hdrs.size() - (*via).second.size()); hdrs += ", "; } hdrs += http::create_via_header_value(downstream_->get_request_major(), downstream_->get_request_minor()); hdrs += "\r\n"; } hdrs += "\r\n"; if(LOG_ENABLED(INFO)) { const char *hdrp; std::string nhdrs; if(get_config()->tty) { nhdrs = http::colorizeHeaders(hdrs.c_str()); hdrp = nhdrs.c_str(); } else { hdrp = hdrs.c_str(); } DCLOG(INFO, this) << "HTTP request headers. stream_id=" << downstream_->get_stream_id() << "\n" << hdrp; } auto output = bufferevent_get_output(bev_); int rv; rv = evbuffer_add(output, hdrs.c_str(), hdrs.size()); if(rv != 0) { return -1; } // When downstream request is issued, set read timeout. We don't // know when the request is completely received by the downstream // server. This function may be called before that happens. Overall // it does not cause problem for most of the time. If the // downstream server is too slow to recv/send, the connection will // be dropped by read timeout. bufferevent_set_timeouts(bev_, &get_config()->downstream_read_timeout, &get_config()->downstream_write_timeout); return 0; } int HttpDownstreamConnection::push_upload_data_chunk (const uint8_t *data, size_t datalen) { ssize_t res = 0; int rv; int chunked = downstream_->get_chunked_request(); auto output = bufferevent_get_output(bev_); if(chunked) { char chunk_size_hex[16]; rv = snprintf(chunk_size_hex, sizeof(chunk_size_hex), "%X\r\n", static_cast(datalen)); res += rv; rv = evbuffer_add(output, chunk_size_hex, rv); if(rv == -1) { DCLOG(FATAL, this) << "evbuffer_add() failed"; return -1; } } rv = evbuffer_add(output, data, datalen); if(rv == -1) { DCLOG(FATAL, this) << "evbuffer_add() failed"; return -1; } res += rv; if(chunked) { rv = evbuffer_add(output, "\r\n", 2); if(rv == -1) { DCLOG(FATAL, this) << "evbuffer_add() failed"; return -1; } res += 2; } return res; } int HttpDownstreamConnection::end_upload_data() { if(downstream_->get_chunked_request()) { auto output = bufferevent_get_output(bev_); if(evbuffer_add(output, "0\r\n\r\n", 5) != 0) { DCLOG(FATAL, this) << "evbuffer_add() failed"; return -1; } } return 0; } namespace { // Gets called when DownstreamConnection is pooled in ClientHandler. void idle_eventcb(bufferevent *bev, short events, void *arg) { auto dconn = static_cast(arg); if(events & BEV_EVENT_CONNECTED) { // Downstream was detached before connection established? // This may be safe to be left. if(LOG_ENABLED(INFO)) { DCLOG(INFO, dconn) << "Idle connection connected?"; } return; } if(events & BEV_EVENT_EOF) { if(LOG_ENABLED(INFO)) { DCLOG(INFO, dconn) << "Idle connection EOF"; } } else if(events & BEV_EVENT_TIMEOUT) { if(LOG_ENABLED(INFO)) { DCLOG(INFO, dconn) << "Idle connection timeout"; } } else if(events & BEV_EVENT_ERROR) { if(LOG_ENABLED(INFO)) { DCLOG(INFO, dconn) << "Idle connection network error"; } } auto client_handler = dconn->get_client_handler(); client_handler->remove_downstream_connection(dconn); delete dconn; } } // namespace void HttpDownstreamConnection::detach_downstream(Downstream *downstream) { if(LOG_ENABLED(INFO)) { DCLOG(INFO, this) << "Detaching from DOWNSTREAM:" << downstream; } downstream->set_downstream_connection(0); downstream_ = 0; ioctrl_.force_resume_read(); bufferevent_enable(bev_, EV_READ); bufferevent_setcb(bev_, 0, 0, idle_eventcb, this); // On idle state, just enable read timeout. Normally idle downstream // connection will get EOF from the downstream server and closed. bufferevent_set_timeouts(bev_, &get_config()->downstream_idle_read_timeout, &get_config()->downstream_write_timeout); client_handler_->pool_downstream_connection(this); } bufferevent* HttpDownstreamConnection::get_bev() { return bev_; } void HttpDownstreamConnection::pause_read(IOCtrlReason reason) { ioctrl_.pause_read(reason); } int HttpDownstreamConnection::resume_read(IOCtrlReason reason) { ioctrl_.resume_read(reason); return 0; } void HttpDownstreamConnection::force_resume_read() { ioctrl_.force_resume_read(); } bool HttpDownstreamConnection::get_output_buffer_full() { auto output = bufferevent_get_output(bev_); return evbuffer_get_length(output) >= OUTBUF_MAX_THRES; } namespace { int htp_hdrs_completecb(http_parser *htp) { auto downstream = static_cast(htp->data); downstream->set_response_http_status(htp->status_code); downstream->set_response_major(htp->http_major); downstream->set_response_minor(htp->http_minor); downstream->set_response_connection_close(!http_should_keep_alive(htp)); downstream->set_response_state(Downstream::HEADER_COMPLETE); downstream->check_upgrade_fulfilled(); if(downstream->get_upgraded()) { downstream->set_response_connection_close(true); } if(downstream->get_upstream()->on_downstream_header_complete(downstream) != 0) { return -1; } if(downstream->get_upgraded()) { // Upgrade complete, read until EOF in both ends if(downstream->get_upstream()->resume_read(SHRPX_MSG_BLOCK, downstream) != 0) { return -1; } downstream->set_request_state(Downstream::HEADER_COMPLETE); if(LOG_ENABLED(INFO)) { LOG(INFO) << "HTTP upgrade success. stream_id=" << downstream->get_stream_id(); } } unsigned int status = downstream->get_response_http_status(); // Ignore the response body. HEAD response may contain // Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding: chunked. Some server send // 304 status code with nonzero Content-Length, but without response // body. See // http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-p1-messaging-20#section-3.3 return downstream->get_request_method() == "HEAD" || (100 <= status && status <= 199) || status == 204 || status == 304 ? 1 : 0; } } // namespace namespace { int htp_hdr_keycb(http_parser *htp, const char *data, size_t len) { auto downstream = static_cast(htp->data); if(downstream->get_response_header_key_prev()) { downstream->append_last_response_header_key(data, len); } else { downstream->add_response_header(std::string(data, len), ""); } if(downstream->get_response_headers_sum() > Downstream::MAX_HEADERS_SUM) { if(LOG_ENABLED(INFO)) { DLOG(INFO, downstream) << "Too large header block size=" << downstream->get_response_headers_sum(); } return -1; } return 0; } } // namespace namespace { int htp_hdr_valcb(http_parser *htp, const char *data, size_t len) { auto downstream = static_cast(htp->data); if(downstream->get_response_header_key_prev()) { downstream->set_last_response_header_value(std::string(data, len)); } else { downstream->append_last_response_header_value(data, len); } if(downstream->get_response_headers_sum() > Downstream::MAX_HEADERS_SUM) { if(LOG_ENABLED(INFO)) { DLOG(INFO, downstream) << "Too large header block size=" << downstream->get_response_headers_sum(); } return -1; } return 0; } } // namespace namespace { int htp_bodycb(http_parser *htp, const char *data, size_t len) { auto downstream = static_cast(htp->data); return downstream->get_upstream()->on_downstream_body (downstream, reinterpret_cast(data), len); } } // namespace namespace { int htp_msg_completecb(http_parser *htp) { auto downstream = static_cast(htp->data); downstream->set_response_state(Downstream::MSG_COMPLETE); // Block reading another response message from (broken?) // server. This callback is not called if the connection is // tunneled. downstream->pause_read(SHRPX_MSG_BLOCK); return downstream->get_upstream()->on_downstream_body_complete(downstream); } } // namespace namespace { http_parser_settings htp_hooks = { nullptr, /*http_cb on_message_begin;*/ nullptr, /*http_data_cb on_url;*/ nullptr, /*http_cb on_status_complete */ htp_hdr_keycb, /*http_data_cb on_header_field;*/ htp_hdr_valcb, /*http_data_cb on_header_value;*/ htp_hdrs_completecb, /*http_cb on_headers_complete;*/ htp_bodycb, /*http_data_cb on_body;*/ htp_msg_completecb /*http_cb on_message_complete;*/ }; } // namespace int HttpDownstreamConnection::on_read() { auto input = bufferevent_get_input(bev_); size_t inputlen = evbuffer_get_length(input); auto mem = evbuffer_pullup(input, -1); if(downstream_->get_upgraded()) { // For upgraded connection, just pass data to the upstream. int rv; rv = downstream_->get_upstream()->on_downstream_body (downstream_, reinterpret_cast(mem), inputlen); if(rv != 0) { return rv; } if(evbuffer_drain(input, inputlen) != 0) { DCLOG(FATAL, this) << "evbuffer_drain() failed"; return -1; } return 0; } size_t nread = http_parser_execute(&response_htp_, &htp_hooks, reinterpret_cast(mem), inputlen); if(evbuffer_drain(input, nread) != 0) { DCLOG(FATAL, this) << "evbuffer_drain() failed"; return -1; } auto htperr = HTTP_PARSER_ERRNO(&response_htp_); if(htperr == HPE_OK) { return 0; } else { if(LOG_ENABLED(INFO)) { DCLOG(INFO, this) << "HTTP parser failure: " << "(" << http_errno_name(htperr) << ") " << http_errno_description(htperr); } return SHRPX_ERR_HTTP_PARSE; } } int HttpDownstreamConnection::on_write() { return 0; } void HttpDownstreamConnection::on_upstream_change(Upstream *upstream) { bufferevent_setcb(bev_, upstream->get_downstream_readcb(), upstream->get_downstream_writecb(), upstream->get_downstream_eventcb(), this); } } // namespace shrpx