nghttp2 - HTTP/2.0 C Library ============================ This is an experimental implementation of Hypertext Transfer Protocol version 2.0. Development Status ------------------ We started to implement HTTP-defat-04/2.0 ( based on spdylay code base. The following features are not implemented: * Header compression: currently, the library still uses SPDY/2 style header compression. * Header continuation: the library does not handle header continuation and END_HEADERS flag has no meaning. * Client connection header: spdycat and spdyd do not send/handle client connection header. * ALPN: spdycat and spdyd use openssl without ALPN support and still uses NPN to negotiate HTTP-draft-04/2.0. With those missing parts, the library is still not inter-operable right now. The spdycat and spdyd are (the names are now odd for HTTP/2.0) working now assuming the above limitation. You can see the HTTP/2.0 frames back and forth and connection-level and stream level flow controls.