FILES ----- */etc/nghttpx/nghttpx.conf* The default configuration file path nghttpx searches at startup. The configuration file path can be changed using :option:`--conf` option. Those lines which are staring ``#`` are treated as comment. The option name in the configuration file is the long command-line option name with leading ``--`` stripped (e.g., ``frontend``). Put ``=`` between option name and value. Don't put extra leading or trailing spaces. The options which do not take argument in the command-line *take* argument in the configuration file. Specify ``yes`` as an argument (e.g., ``http2-proxy=yes``). If other string is given, it is ignored. To specify private key and certificate file which are given as positional arguments in commnad-line, use ``private-key-file`` and ``certificate-file``. :option:`--conf` option cannot be used in the configuration file and will be ignored if specified. SIGNALS ------- SIGQUIT Shutdown gracefully. First accept pending connections and stop accepting connection. After all connections are handled, nghttpx exits. SIGUSR1 Reopen log files. SIGUSR2 Fork and execute nghttpx. It will execute the binary in the same path with same command-line arguments and environment variables. After new process comes up, sending SIGQUIT to the original process to perform hot swapping. SERVER PUSH ----------- nghttpx supports HTTP/2 server push in default mode. nghttpx looks for Link header field (`RFC 5988 <>`_) in response headers from backend server and extracts URI-reference with parameter ``rel=preload`` (see `preload <>`_) and pushes those URIs to the frontend client. Here is a sample Link header field to initiate server push: .. code-block:: http Link: </fonts/font.woff>; rel=preload Link: </css/theme.css>; rel=preload Currently, the following restrictions are applied for server push: 1. URI-reference must not contain authority. If it exists, it is not pushed. ``/fonts/font.woff`` and ``css/theme.css`` are eligible to be pushed. ```` and ``//`` are not. 2. The associated stream must have method "GET" or "POST". The associated stream's status code must be 200. These limitations may be loosened in the future release. UNIX DOMAIN SOCKET ------------------ nghttpx supports UNIX domain socket with a filename for both frontend and backend connections. Please note that current nghttpx implementation does not delete a socket with a filename. And on start up, if nghttpx detects that the specified socket already exists in the file system, nghttpx first deletes it. However, if SIGUSR2 is used to execute new binary and both old and new configurations use same filename, new binary does not delete the socket and continues to use it. SEE ALSO -------- :manpage:`nghttp(1)`, :manpage:`nghttpd(1)`, :manpage:`h2load(1)`