/* * nghttp2 - HTTP/2 C Library * * Copyright (c) 2012 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "http2.h" #include "util.h" namespace nghttp2 { namespace http2 { std::string get_status_string(unsigned int status_code) { switch (status_code) { case 100: return "100 Continue"; case 101: return "101 Switching Protocols"; case 200: return "200 OK"; case 201: return "201 Created"; case 202: return "202 Accepted"; case 203: return "203 Non-Authoritative Information"; case 204: return "204 No Content"; case 205: return "205 Reset Content"; case 206: return "206 Partial Content"; case 300: return "300 Multiple Choices"; case 301: return "301 Moved Permanently"; case 302: return "302 Found"; case 303: return "303 See Other"; case 304: return "304 Not Modified"; case 305: return "305 Use Proxy"; // case 306: return "306 (Unused)"; case 307: return "307 Temporary Redirect"; case 308: return "308 Permanent Redirect"; case 400: return "400 Bad Request"; case 401: return "401 Unauthorized"; case 402: return "402 Payment Required"; case 403: return "403 Forbidden"; case 404: return "404 Not Found"; case 405: return "405 Method Not Allowed"; case 406: return "406 Not Acceptable"; case 407: return "407 Proxy Authentication Required"; case 408: return "408 Request Timeout"; case 409: return "409 Conflict"; case 410: return "410 Gone"; case 411: return "411 Length Required"; case 412: return "412 Precondition Failed"; case 413: return "413 Payload Too Large"; case 414: return "414 URI Too Long"; case 415: return "415 Unsupported Media Type"; case 416: return "416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable"; case 417: return "417 Expectation Failed"; case 421: return "421 Misdirected Request"; case 426: return "426 Upgrade Required"; case 428: return "428 Precondition Required"; case 429: return "429 Too Many Requests"; case 431: return "431 Request Header Fields Too Large"; case 451: return "451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons"; case 500: return "500 Internal Server Error"; case 501: return "501 Not Implemented"; case 502: return "502 Bad Gateway"; case 503: return "503 Service Unavailable"; case 504: return "504 Gateway Timeout"; case 505: return "505 HTTP Version Not Supported"; case 511: return "511 Network Authentication Required"; default: return util::utos(status_code); } } const char *stringify_status(unsigned int status_code) { switch (status_code) { case 100: return "100"; case 101: return "101"; case 200: return "200"; case 201: return "201"; case 202: return "202"; case 203: return "203"; case 204: return "204"; case 205: return "205"; case 206: return "206"; case 300: return "300"; case 301: return "301"; case 302: return "302"; case 303: return "303"; case 304: return "304"; case 305: return "305"; // case 306: return "306"; case 307: return "307"; case 308: return "308"; case 400: return "400"; case 401: return "401"; case 402: return "402"; case 403: return "403"; case 404: return "404"; case 405: return "405"; case 406: return "406"; case 407: return "407"; case 408: return "408"; case 409: return "409"; case 410: return "410"; case 411: return "411"; case 412: return "412"; case 413: return "413"; case 414: return "414"; case 415: return "415"; case 416: return "416"; case 417: return "417"; case 421: return "421"; case 426: return "426"; case 428: return "428"; case 429: return "429"; case 431: return "431"; case 451: return "451"; case 500: return "500"; case 501: return "501"; case 502: return "502"; case 503: return "503"; case 504: return "504"; case 505: return "505"; case 511: return "511"; default: return nullptr; } } void capitalize(DefaultMemchunks *buf, const StringRef &s) { buf->append(util::upcase(s[0])); for (size_t i = 1; i < s.size(); ++i) { if (s[i - 1] == '-') { buf->append(util::upcase(s[i])); } else { buf->append(s[i]); } } } bool lws(const char *value) { for (; *value; ++value) { switch (*value) { case '\t': case ' ': continue; default: return false; } } return true; } void copy_url_component(std::string &dest, const http_parser_url *u, int field, const char *url) { if (u->field_set & (1 << field)) { dest.assign(url + u->field_data[field].off, u->field_data[field].len); } } Headers::value_type to_header(const uint8_t *name, size_t namelen, const uint8_t *value, size_t valuelen, bool no_index, int32_t token) { return Header(std::string(reinterpret_cast(name), namelen), std::string(reinterpret_cast(value), valuelen), no_index, token); } void add_header(Headers &nva, const uint8_t *name, size_t namelen, const uint8_t *value, size_t valuelen, bool no_index, int32_t token) { if (valuelen > 0) { size_t i, j; for (i = 0; i < valuelen && (value[i] == ' ' || value[i] == '\t'); ++i) ; for (j = valuelen - 1; j > i && (value[j] == ' ' || value[j] == '\t'); --j) ; value += i; valuelen -= i + (valuelen - j - 1); } nva.push_back(to_header(name, namelen, value, valuelen, no_index, token)); } const Headers::value_type *get_header(const Headers &nva, const char *name) { const Headers::value_type *res = nullptr; for (auto &nv : nva) { if (nv.name == name) { res = &nv; } } return res; } std::string value_to_str(const HeaderRefs::value_type *nv) { if (nv) { return nv->value.str(); } return ""; } bool non_empty_value(const HeaderRefs::value_type *nv) { return nv && !nv->value.empty(); } namespace { nghttp2_nv make_nv_internal(const std::string &name, const std::string &value, bool no_index, uint8_t nv_flags) { uint8_t flags; flags = nv_flags | (no_index ? NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NO_INDEX : NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NONE); return {(uint8_t *)name.c_str(), (uint8_t *)value.c_str(), name.size(), value.size(), flags}; } } // namespace namespace { nghttp2_nv make_nv_internal(const StringRef &name, const StringRef &value, bool no_index, uint8_t nv_flags) { uint8_t flags; flags = nv_flags | (no_index ? NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NO_INDEX : NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NONE); return {(uint8_t *)name.c_str(), (uint8_t *)value.c_str(), name.size(), value.size(), flags}; } } // namespace nghttp2_nv make_nv(const std::string &name, const std::string &value, bool no_index) { return make_nv_internal(name, value, no_index, NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NONE); } nghttp2_nv make_nv(const StringRef &name, const StringRef &value, bool no_index) { return make_nv_internal(name, value, no_index, NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NONE); } nghttp2_nv make_nv_nocopy(const std::string &name, const std::string &value, bool no_index) { return make_nv_internal(name, value, no_index, NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NO_COPY_NAME | NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NO_COPY_VALUE); } nghttp2_nv make_nv_nocopy(const StringRef &name, const StringRef &value, bool no_index) { return make_nv_internal(name, value, no_index, NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NO_COPY_NAME | NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NO_COPY_VALUE); } namespace { void copy_headers_to_nva_internal(std::vector &nva, const HeaderRefs &headers, uint8_t nv_flags) { for (auto &kv : headers) { if (kv.name.empty() || kv.name[0] == ':') { continue; } switch (kv.token) { case HD_COOKIE: case HD_CONNECTION: case HD_FORWARDED: case HD_HOST: case HD_HTTP2_SETTINGS: case HD_KEEP_ALIVE: case HD_PROXY_CONNECTION: case HD_SERVER: case HD_TE: case HD_TRANSFER_ENCODING: case HD_UPGRADE: case HD_VIA: case HD_X_FORWARDED_FOR: case HD_X_FORWARDED_PROTO: continue; } nva.push_back(make_nv_internal(kv.name, kv.value, kv.no_index, nv_flags)); } } } // namespace void copy_headers_to_nva(std::vector &nva, const HeaderRefs &headers) { copy_headers_to_nva_internal(nva, headers, NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NONE); } void copy_headers_to_nva_nocopy(std::vector &nva, const HeaderRefs &headers) { copy_headers_to_nva_internal(nva, headers, NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NO_COPY_NAME | NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NO_COPY_VALUE); } void build_http1_headers_from_headers(DefaultMemchunks *buf, const HeaderRefs &headers) { for (auto &kv : headers) { if (kv.name.empty() || kv.name[0] == ':') { continue; } switch (kv.token) { case HD_CONNECTION: case HD_COOKIE: case HD_FORWARDED: case HD_HOST: case HD_HTTP2_SETTINGS: case HD_KEEP_ALIVE: case HD_PROXY_CONNECTION: case HD_SERVER: case HD_UPGRADE: case HD_VIA: case HD_X_FORWARDED_FOR: case HD_X_FORWARDED_PROTO: continue; } capitalize(buf, kv.name); buf->append(": "); buf->append(kv.value); buf->append("\r\n"); } } int32_t determine_window_update_transmission(nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id) { int32_t recv_length, window_size; if (stream_id == 0) { recv_length = nghttp2_session_get_effective_recv_data_length(session); window_size = nghttp2_session_get_effective_local_window_size(session); } else { recv_length = nghttp2_session_get_stream_effective_recv_data_length( session, stream_id); window_size = nghttp2_session_get_stream_effective_local_window_size( session, stream_id); } if (recv_length != -1 && window_size != -1) { if (recv_length >= window_size / 2) { return recv_length; } } return -1; } void dump_nv(FILE *out, const char **nv) { for (size_t i = 0; nv[i]; i += 2) { fprintf(out, "%s: %s\n", nv[i], nv[i + 1]); } fputc('\n', out); fflush(out); } void dump_nv(FILE *out, const nghttp2_nv *nva, size_t nvlen) { auto end = nva + nvlen; for (; nva != end; ++nva) { fprintf(out, "%s: %s\n", nva->name, nva->value); } fputc('\n', out); fflush(out); } void dump_nv(FILE *out, const Headers &nva) { for (auto &nv : nva) { fprintf(out, "%s: %s\n", nv.name.c_str(), nv.value.c_str()); } fputc('\n', out); fflush(out); } void dump_nv(FILE *out, const HeaderRefs &nva) { for (auto &nv : nva) { fprintf(out, "%s: %s\n", nv.name.c_str(), nv.value.c_str()); } fputc('\n', out); fflush(out); } StringRef rewrite_location_uri(BlockAllocator &balloc, const StringRef &uri, const http_parser_url &u, const StringRef &match_host, const StringRef &request_authority, const StringRef &upstream_scheme) { // We just rewrite scheme and authority. if ((u.field_set & (1 << UF_HOST)) == 0) { return StringRef{}; } auto field = &u.field_data[UF_HOST]; if (!util::starts_with(std::begin(match_host), std::end(match_host), &uri[field->off], &uri[field->off] + field->len) || (match_host.size() != field->len && match_host[field->len] != ':')) { return StringRef{}; } auto len = 0; if (!request_authority.empty()) { len += upstream_scheme.size() + str_size("://") + request_authority.size(); } if (u.field_set & (1 << UF_PATH)) { field = &u.field_data[UF_PATH]; len += field->len; } if (u.field_set & (1 << UF_QUERY)) { field = &u.field_data[UF_QUERY]; len += 1 + field->len; } if (u.field_set & (1 << UF_FRAGMENT)) { field = &u.field_data[UF_FRAGMENT]; len += 1 + field->len; } auto iov = make_byte_ref(balloc, len + 1); auto p = iov.base; if (!request_authority.empty()) { p = std::copy(std::begin(upstream_scheme), std::end(upstream_scheme), p); p = util::copy_lit(p, "://"); p = std::copy(std::begin(request_authority), std::end(request_authority), p); } if (u.field_set & (1 << UF_PATH)) { field = &u.field_data[UF_PATH]; p = std::copy_n(&uri[field->off], field->len, p); } if (u.field_set & (1 << UF_QUERY)) { field = &u.field_data[UF_QUERY]; *p++ = '?'; p = std::copy_n(&uri[field->off], field->len, p); } if (u.field_set & (1 << UF_FRAGMENT)) { field = &u.field_data[UF_FRAGMENT]; *p++ = '#'; p = std::copy_n(&uri[field->off], field->len, p); } *p = '\0'; return StringRef{iov.base, p}; } int check_nv(const uint8_t *name, size_t namelen, const uint8_t *value, size_t valuelen) { if (!nghttp2_check_header_name(name, namelen)) { return 0; } if (!nghttp2_check_header_value(value, valuelen)) { return 0; } return 1; } int parse_http_status_code(const StringRef &src) { if (src.size() != 3) { return -1; } int status = 0; for (auto c : src) { if (!isdigit(c)) { return -1; } status *= 10; status += c - '0'; } if (status < 100) { return -1; } return status; } int lookup_token(const std::string &name) { return lookup_token(reinterpret_cast(name.c_str()), name.size()); } int lookup_token(const StringRef &name) { return lookup_token(name.byte(), name.size()); } // This function was generated by genheaderfunc.py. Inspired by h2o // header lookup. https://github.com/h2o/h2o int lookup_token(const uint8_t *name, size_t namelen) { switch (namelen) { case 2: switch (name[1]) { case 'e': if (util::streq_l("t", name, 1)) { return HD_TE; } break; } break; case 3: switch (name[2]) { case 'a': if (util::streq_l("vi", name, 2)) { return HD_VIA; } break; } break; case 4: switch (name[3]) { case 'e': if (util::streq_l("dat", name, 3)) { return HD_DATE; } break; case 'k': if (util::streq_l("lin", name, 3)) { return HD_LINK; } break; case 't': if (util::streq_l("hos", name, 3)) { return HD_HOST; } break; } break; case 5: switch (name[4]) { case 'h': if (util::streq_l(":pat", name, 4)) { return HD__PATH; } break; case 't': if (util::streq_l(":hos", name, 4)) { return HD__HOST; } break; } break; case 6: switch (name[5]) { case 'e': if (util::streq_l("cooki", name, 5)) { return HD_COOKIE; } break; case 'r': if (util::streq_l("serve", name, 5)) { return HD_SERVER; } break; case 't': if (util::streq_l("expec", name, 5)) { return HD_EXPECT; } break; } break; case 7: switch (name[6]) { case 'c': if (util::streq_l("alt-sv", name, 6)) { return HD_ALT_SVC; } break; case 'd': if (util::streq_l(":metho", name, 6)) { return HD__METHOD; } break; case 'e': if (util::streq_l(":schem", name, 6)) { return HD__SCHEME; } if (util::streq_l("upgrad", name, 6)) { return HD_UPGRADE; } break; case 'r': if (util::streq_l("traile", name, 6)) { return HD_TRAILER; } break; case 's': if (util::streq_l(":statu", name, 6)) { return HD__STATUS; } break; } break; case 8: switch (name[7]) { case 'n': if (util::streq_l("locatio", name, 7)) { return HD_LOCATION; } break; } break; case 9: switch (name[8]) { case 'd': if (util::streq_l("forwarde", name, 8)) { return HD_FORWARDED; } break; } break; case 10: switch (name[9]) { case 'e': if (util::streq_l("keep-aliv", name, 9)) { return HD_KEEP_ALIVE; } break; case 'n': if (util::streq_l("connectio", name, 9)) { return HD_CONNECTION; } break; case 't': if (util::streq_l("user-agen", name, 9)) { return HD_USER_AGENT; } break; case 'y': if (util::streq_l(":authorit", name, 9)) { return HD__AUTHORITY; } break; } break; case 12: switch (name[11]) { case 'e': if (util::streq_l("content-typ", name, 11)) { return HD_CONTENT_TYPE; } break; } break; case 13: switch (name[12]) { case 'l': if (util::streq_l("cache-contro", name, 12)) { return HD_CACHE_CONTROL; } break; } break; case 14: switch (name[13]) { case 'h': if (util::streq_l("content-lengt", name, 13)) { return HD_CONTENT_LENGTH; } break; case 's': if (util::streq_l("http2-setting", name, 13)) { return HD_HTTP2_SETTINGS; } break; } break; case 15: switch (name[14]) { case 'e': if (util::streq_l("accept-languag", name, 14)) { return HD_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE; } break; case 'g': if (util::streq_l("accept-encodin", name, 14)) { return HD_ACCEPT_ENCODING; } break; case 'r': if (util::streq_l("x-forwarded-fo", name, 14)) { return HD_X_FORWARDED_FOR; } break; } break; case 16: switch (name[15]) { case 'n': if (util::streq_l("proxy-connectio", name, 15)) { return HD_PROXY_CONNECTION; } break; } break; case 17: switch (name[16]) { case 'e': if (util::streq_l("if-modified-sinc", name, 16)) { return HD_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE; } break; case 'g': if (util::streq_l("transfer-encodin", name, 16)) { return HD_TRANSFER_ENCODING; } break; case 'o': if (util::streq_l("x-forwarded-prot", name, 16)) { return HD_X_FORWARDED_PROTO; } break; } break; } return -1; } void init_hdidx(HeaderIndex &hdidx) { std::fill(std::begin(hdidx), std::end(hdidx), -1); } void index_header(HeaderIndex &hdidx, int32_t token, size_t idx) { if (token == -1) { return; } assert(token < HD_MAXIDX); hdidx[token] = idx; } const Headers::value_type *get_header(const HeaderIndex &hdidx, int32_t token, const Headers &nva) { auto i = hdidx[token]; if (i == -1) { return nullptr; } return &nva[i]; } Headers::value_type *get_header(const HeaderIndex &hdidx, int32_t token, Headers &nva) { auto i = hdidx[token]; if (i == -1) { return nullptr; } return &nva[i]; } namespace { template InputIt skip_lws(InputIt first, InputIt last) { for (; first != last; ++first) { switch (*first) { case ' ': case '\t': continue; default: return first; } } return first; } } // namespace namespace { template InputIt skip_to_next_field(InputIt first, InputIt last) { for (; first != last; ++first) { switch (*first) { case ' ': case '\t': case ',': continue; default: return first; } } return first; } } // namespace namespace { // Skip to the right dquote ('"'), handling backslash escapes. // Returns |last| if input is not terminated with '"'. template InputIt skip_to_right_dquote(InputIt first, InputIt last) { for (; first != last;) { switch (*first) { case '"': return first; case '\\': ++first; if (first == last) { return first; } break; } ++first; } return first; } } // namespace namespace { // Returns true if link-param does not match pattern |pat| of length // |patlen| or it has empty value (""). |pat| should be parmname // followed by "=". bool check_link_param_empty(const char *first, const char *last, const char *pat, size_t patlen) { if (first + patlen <= last) { if (std::equal(pat, pat + patlen, first, util::CaseCmp())) { // we only accept URI if pat is followd by "" (e.g., // loadpolicy="") here. if (first + patlen + 2 <= last) { if (*(first + patlen) != '"' || *(first + patlen + 1) != '"') { return false; } } else { // here we got invalid production (anchor=") or anchor=? return false; } } } return true; } } // namespace namespace { // Returns true if link-param consists of only parmname, and it // matches string [pat, pat + patlen). bool check_link_param_without_value(const char *first, const char *last, const char *pat, size_t patlen) { if (first + patlen > last) { return false; } if (first + patlen == last) { return std::equal(pat, pat + patlen, first, util::CaseCmp()); } switch (*(first + patlen)) { case ';': case ',': return std::equal(pat, pat + patlen, first, util::CaseCmp()); } return false; } } // namespace namespace { std::pair parse_next_link_header_once(const char *first, const char *last) { first = skip_to_next_field(first, last); if (first == last || *first != '<') { return {{StringRef{}}, last}; } auto url_first = ++first; first = std::find(first, last, '>'); if (first == last) { return {{StringRef{}}, first}; } auto url_last = first++; if (first == last) { return {{StringRef{}}, first}; } // we expect ';' or ',' here switch (*first) { case ',': return {{StringRef{}}, ++first}; case ';': ++first; break; default: return {{StringRef{}}, last}; } auto ok = false; auto ign = false; for (;;) { first = skip_lws(first, last); if (first == last) { return {{StringRef{}}, first}; } // we expect link-param if (!ign) { if (!ok) { // rel can take several relations using quoted form. static constexpr char PLP[] = "rel=\""; static constexpr size_t PLPLEN = str_size(PLP); static constexpr char PLT[] = "preload"; static constexpr size_t PLTLEN = str_size(PLT); if (first + PLPLEN < last && *(first + PLPLEN - 1) == '"' && std::equal(PLP, PLP + PLPLEN, first, util::CaseCmp())) { // we have to search preload in whitespace separated list: // rel="preload something http://example.org/foo" first += PLPLEN; auto start = first; for (; first != last;) { if (*first != ' ' && *first != '"') { ++first; continue; } if (start == first) { return {{StringRef{}}, last}; } if (!ok && start + PLTLEN == first && std::equal(PLT, PLT + PLTLEN, start, util::CaseCmp())) { ok = true; } if (*first == '"') { break; } first = skip_lws(first, last); start = first; } if (first == last) { return {{StringRef{}}, last}; } assert(*first == '"'); ++first; if (first == last || *first == ',') { goto almost_done; } if (*first == ';') { ++first; // parse next link-param continue; } return {{StringRef{}}, last}; } } // we are only interested in rel=preload parameter. Others are // simply skipped. static constexpr char PL[] = "rel=preload"; static constexpr size_t PLLEN = str_size(PL); if (first + PLLEN == last) { if (std::equal(PL, PL + PLLEN, first, util::CaseCmp())) { // ok = true; // this is the end of sequence return {{{url_first, url_last}}, last}; } } else if (first + PLLEN + 1 <= last) { switch (*(first + PLLEN)) { case ',': if (!std::equal(PL, PL + PLLEN, first, util::CaseCmp())) { break; } // ok = true; // skip including ',' first += PLLEN + 1; return {{{url_first, url_last}}, first}; case ';': if (!std::equal(PL, PL + PLLEN, first, util::CaseCmp())) { break; } ok = true; // skip including ';' first += PLLEN + 1; // continue parse next link-param continue; } } // we have to reject URI if we have nonempty anchor parameter. static constexpr char ANCHOR[] = "anchor="; static constexpr size_t ANCHORLEN = str_size(ANCHOR); if (!ign && !check_link_param_empty(first, last, ANCHOR, ANCHORLEN)) { ign = true; } // reject URI if we have non-empty loadpolicy. This could be // tightened up to just pick up "next" or "insert". static constexpr char LOADPOLICY[] = "loadpolicy="; static constexpr size_t LOADPOLICYLEN = str_size(LOADPOLICY); if (!ign && !check_link_param_empty(first, last, LOADPOLICY, LOADPOLICYLEN)) { ign = true; } // reject URI if we have nopush attribute. static constexpr char NOPUSH[] = "nopush"; static constexpr size_t NOPUSHLEN = str_size(NOPUSH); if (!ign && check_link_param_without_value(first, last, NOPUSH, NOPUSHLEN)) { ign = true; } } auto param_first = first; for (; first != last;) { if (util::in_attr_char(*first)) { ++first; continue; } // '*' is only allowed at the end of parameter name and must be // followed by '=' if (last - first >= 2 && first != param_first) { if (*first == '*' && *(first + 1) == '=') { ++first; break; } } if (*first == '=' || *first == ';' || *first == ',') { break; } return {{StringRef{}}, last}; } if (param_first == first) { // empty parmname return {{StringRef{}}, last}; } // link-param without value is acceptable (see link-extension) if // it is not followed by '=' if (first == last || *first == ',') { goto almost_done; } if (*first == ';') { ++first; // parse next link-param continue; } // now parsing link-param value assert(*first == '='); ++first; if (first == last) { // empty value is not acceptable return {{StringRef{}}, first}; } if (*first == '"') { // quoted-string first = skip_to_right_dquote(first + 1, last); if (first == last) { return {{StringRef{}}, first}; } ++first; if (first == last || *first == ',') { goto almost_done; } if (*first == ';') { ++first; // parse next link-param continue; } return {{StringRef{}}, last}; } // not quoted-string, skip to next ',' or ';' if (*first == ',' || *first == ';') { // empty value return {{StringRef{}}, last}; } for (; first != last; ++first) { if (*first == ',' || *first == ';') { break; } } if (first == last || *first == ',') { goto almost_done; } assert(*first == ';'); ++first; // parse next link-param } almost_done: assert(first == last || *first == ','); if (first != last) { ++first; } if (ok && !ign) { return {{{url_first, url_last}}, first}; } return {{StringRef{}}, first}; } } // namespace std::vector parse_link_header(const char *src, size_t len) { auto first = src; auto last = src + len; std::vector res; for (; first != last;) { auto rv = parse_next_link_header_once(first, last); first = rv.second; auto &link = rv.first; if (!link.uri.empty()) { res.push_back(link); } } return res; } namespace { void eat_file(std::string &path) { if (path.empty()) { path = "/"; return; } auto p = path.size() - 1; if (path[p] == '/') { return; } p = path.rfind('/', p); if (p == std::string::npos) { // this should not happend in normal case, where we expect path // starts with '/' path = "/"; return; } path.erase(std::begin(path) + p + 1, std::end(path)); } } // namespace namespace { void eat_dir(std::string &path) { if (path.empty()) { path = "/"; return; } auto p = path.size() - 1; if (path[p] != '/') { p = path.rfind('/', p); if (p == std::string::npos) { // this should not happend in normal case, where we expect path // starts with '/' path = "/"; return; } } if (path[p] == '/') { if (p == 0) { return; } --p; } p = path.rfind('/', p); if (p == std::string::npos) { // this should not happend in normal case, where we expect path // starts with '/' path = "/"; return; } path.erase(std::begin(path) + p + 1, std::end(path)); } } // namespace std::string path_join(const StringRef &base_path, const StringRef &base_query, const StringRef &rel_path, const StringRef &rel_query) { std::string res; if (rel_path.empty()) { if (base_path.empty()) { res = "/"; } else { res.assign(std::begin(base_path), std::end(base_path)); } if (rel_query.empty()) { if (!base_query.empty()) { res += '?'; res.append(std::begin(base_query), std::end(base_query)); } return res; } res += '?'; res.append(std::begin(rel_query), std::end(rel_query)); return res; } auto first = std::begin(rel_path); auto last = std::end(rel_path); if (rel_path[0] == '/') { res = "/"; ++first; } else if (base_path.empty()) { res = "/"; } else { res.assign(std::begin(base_path), std::end(base_path)); } for (; first != last;) { if (*first == '.') { if (first + 1 == last) { break; } if (*(first + 1) == '/') { first += 2; continue; } if (*(first + 1) == '.') { if (first + 2 == last) { eat_dir(res); break; } if (*(first + 2) == '/') { eat_dir(res); first += 3; continue; } } } if (res.back() != '/') { eat_file(res); } auto slash = std::find(first, last, '/'); if (slash == last) { res.append(first, last); break; } res.append(first, slash + 1); first = slash + 1; for (; first != last && *first == '/'; ++first) ; } if (!rel_query.empty()) { res += '?'; res.append(std::begin(rel_query), std::end(rel_query)); } return res; } bool expect_response_body(int status_code) { return status_code / 100 != 1 && status_code != 304 && status_code != 204; } bool expect_response_body(const std::string &method, int status_code) { return method != "HEAD" && expect_response_body(status_code); } bool expect_response_body(int method_token, int status_code) { return method_token != HTTP_HEAD && expect_response_body(status_code); } int lookup_method_token(const std::string &name) { return lookup_method_token(reinterpret_cast(name.c_str()), name.size()); } int lookup_method_token(const StringRef &name) { return lookup_method_token(name.byte(), name.size()); } // This function was generated by genmethodfunc.py. int lookup_method_token(const uint8_t *name, size_t namelen) { switch (namelen) { case 3: switch (name[2]) { case 'T': if (util::streq_l("GE", name, 2)) { return HTTP_GET; } if (util::streq_l("PU", name, 2)) { return HTTP_PUT; } break; } break; case 4: switch (name[3]) { case 'D': if (util::streq_l("HEA", name, 3)) { return HTTP_HEAD; } break; case 'E': if (util::streq_l("MOV", name, 3)) { return HTTP_MOVE; } break; case 'K': if (util::streq_l("LOC", name, 3)) { return HTTP_LOCK; } break; case 'T': if (util::streq_l("POS", name, 3)) { return HTTP_POST; } break; case 'Y': if (util::streq_l("COP", name, 3)) { return HTTP_COPY; } break; } break; case 5: switch (name[4]) { case 'E': if (util::streq_l("MERG", name, 4)) { return HTTP_MERGE; } if (util::streq_l("PURG", name, 4)) { return HTTP_PURGE; } if (util::streq_l("TRAC", name, 4)) { return HTTP_TRACE; } break; case 'H': if (util::streq_l("PATC", name, 4)) { return HTTP_PATCH; } break; case 'L': if (util::streq_l("MKCO", name, 4)) { return HTTP_MKCOL; } break; } break; case 6: switch (name[5]) { case 'E': if (util::streq_l("DELET", name, 5)) { return HTTP_DELETE; } break; case 'H': if (util::streq_l("SEARC", name, 5)) { return HTTP_SEARCH; } break; case 'K': if (util::streq_l("UNLOC", name, 5)) { return HTTP_UNLOCK; } break; case 'T': if (util::streq_l("REPOR", name, 5)) { return HTTP_REPORT; } break; case 'Y': if (util::streq_l("NOTIF", name, 5)) { return HTTP_NOTIFY; } break; } break; case 7: switch (name[6]) { case 'H': if (util::streq_l("MSEARC", name, 6)) { return HTTP_MSEARCH; } break; case 'S': if (util::streq_l("OPTION", name, 6)) { return HTTP_OPTIONS; } break; case 'T': if (util::streq_l("CONNEC", name, 6)) { return HTTP_CONNECT; } break; } break; case 8: switch (name[7]) { case 'D': if (util::streq_l("PROPFIN", name, 7)) { return HTTP_PROPFIND; } break; case 'T': if (util::streq_l("CHECKOU", name, 7)) { return HTTP_CHECKOUT; } break; } break; case 9: switch (name[8]) { case 'E': if (util::streq_l("SUBSCRIB", name, 8)) { return HTTP_SUBSCRIBE; } break; case 'H': if (util::streq_l("PROPPATC", name, 8)) { return HTTP_PROPPATCH; } break; } break; case 10: switch (name[9]) { case 'R': if (util::streq_l("MKCALENDA", name, 9)) { return HTTP_MKCALENDAR; } break; case 'Y': if (util::streq_l("MKACTIVIT", name, 9)) { return HTTP_MKACTIVITY; } break; } break; case 11: switch (name[10]) { case 'E': if (util::streq_l("UNSUBSCRIB", name, 10)) { return HTTP_UNSUBSCRIBE; } break; } break; } return -1; } StringRef to_method_string(int method_token) { // we happened to use same value for method with http-parser. return StringRef{http_method_str(static_cast(method_token))}; } StringRef get_pure_path_component(const StringRef &uri) { int rv; http_parser_url u{}; rv = http_parser_parse_url(uri.c_str(), uri.size(), 0, &u); if (rv != 0) { return StringRef{}; } if (u.field_set & (1 << UF_PATH)) { auto &f = u.field_data[UF_PATH]; return StringRef{uri.c_str() + f.off, f.len}; } return StringRef::from_lit("/"); } int construct_push_component(BlockAllocator &balloc, StringRef &scheme, StringRef &authority, StringRef &path, const StringRef &base, const StringRef &uri) { int rv; StringRef rel, relq; http_parser_url u{}; rv = http_parser_parse_url(uri.c_str(), uri.size(), 0, &u); if (rv != 0) { if (uri[0] == '/') { return -1; } // treat link_url as relative URI. auto end = std::find(std::begin(uri), std::end(uri), '#'); auto q = std::find(std::begin(uri), end, '?'); rel = StringRef{std::begin(uri), q}; if (q != end) { relq = StringRef{q + 1, std::end(uri)}; } } else { if (u.field_set & (1 << UF_SCHEMA)) { scheme = util::get_uri_field(uri.c_str(), u, UF_SCHEMA); } if (u.field_set & (1 << UF_HOST)) { auto auth = util::get_uri_field(uri.c_str(), u, UF_HOST); auto len = auth.size(); auto port_exists = u.field_set & (1 << UF_PORT); if (port_exists) { len += 1 + str_size("65535"); } auto iov = make_byte_ref(balloc, len + 1); auto p = iov.base; p = std::copy(std::begin(auth), std::end(auth), p); if (port_exists) { *p++ = ':'; p = util::utos(p, u.port); } *p = '\0'; authority = StringRef{iov.base, p}; } if (u.field_set & (1 << UF_PATH)) { auto &f = u.field_data[UF_PATH]; rel = StringRef{uri.c_str() + f.off, f.len}; } else { rel = StringRef::from_lit("/"); } if (u.field_set & (1 << UF_QUERY)) { auto &f = u.field_data[UF_QUERY]; relq = StringRef{uri.c_str() + f.off, f.len}; } } path = http2::path_join(balloc, base, StringRef{}, rel, relq); return 0; } namespace { template InputIt eat_file(InputIt first, InputIt last) { if (first == last) { *first++ = '/'; return first; } if (*(last - 1) == '/') { return last; } auto p = last; for (; p != first && *(p - 1) != '/'; --p) ; if (p == first) { // this should not happend in normal case, where we expect path // starts with '/' *first++ = '/'; return first; } return p; } } // namespace namespace { template InputIt eat_dir(InputIt first, InputIt last) { auto p = eat_file(first, last); --p; assert(*p == '/'); return eat_file(first, p); } } // namespace StringRef path_join(BlockAllocator &balloc, const StringRef &base_path, const StringRef &base_query, const StringRef &rel_path, const StringRef &rel_query) { auto res = make_byte_ref( balloc, std::max(static_cast(1), base_path.size()) + rel_path.size() + 1 + std::max(base_query.size(), rel_query.size()) + 1); auto p = res.base; if (rel_path.empty()) { if (base_path.empty()) { *p++ = '/'; } else { p = std::copy(std::begin(base_path), std::end(base_path), p); } if (rel_query.empty()) { if (!base_query.empty()) { *p++ = '?'; p = std::copy(std::begin(base_query), std::end(base_query), p); } *p = '\0'; return StringRef{res.base, p}; } *p++ = '?'; p = std::copy(std::begin(rel_query), std::end(rel_query), p); *p = '\0'; return StringRef{res.base, p}; } auto first = std::begin(rel_path); auto last = std::end(rel_path); if (rel_path[0] == '/') { *p++ = '/'; ++first; } else if (base_path.empty()) { *p++ = '/'; } else { p = std::copy(std::begin(base_path), std::end(base_path), p); } for (; first != last;) { if (*first == '.') { if (first + 1 == last) { break; } if (*(first + 1) == '/') { first += 2; continue; } if (*(first + 1) == '.') { if (first + 2 == last) { p = eat_dir(res.base, p); break; } if (*(first + 2) == '/') { p = eat_dir(res.base, p); first += 3; continue; } } } if (*(p - 1) != '/') { p = eat_file(res.base, p); } auto slash = std::find(first, last, '/'); if (slash == last) { p = std::copy(first, last, p); break; } p = std::copy(first, slash + 1, p); first = slash + 1; for (; first != last && *first == '/'; ++first) ; } if (!rel_query.empty()) { *p++ = '?'; p = std::copy(std::begin(rel_query), std::end(rel_query), p); } *p = '\0'; return StringRef{res.base, p}; } StringRef normalize_path(BlockAllocator &balloc, const StringRef &path, const StringRef &query) { // First, decode %XX for unreserved characters, then do // http2::join_path // We won't find %XX if length is less than 3. if (path.size() < 3 || std::find(std::begin(path), std::end(path), '%') == std::end(path)) { return path_join(balloc, StringRef{}, StringRef{}, path, query); } // includes last terminal NULL. auto result = make_byte_ref(balloc, path.size() + 1); auto p = result.base; auto it = std::begin(path); for (; it + 2 < std::end(path);) { if (*it == '%') { if (util::is_hex_digit(*(it + 1)) && util::is_hex_digit(*(it + 2))) { auto c = (util::hex_to_uint(*(it + 1)) << 4) + util::hex_to_uint(*(it + 2)); if (util::in_rfc3986_unreserved_chars(c)) { *p++ = c; it += 3; continue; } *p++ = '%'; *p++ = util::upcase(*(it + 1)); *p++ = util::upcase(*(it + 2)); it += 3; continue; } } *p++ = *it++; } p = std::copy(it, std::end(path), p); *p = '\0'; return path_join(balloc, StringRef{}, StringRef{}, StringRef{result.base, p}, query); } std::string normalize_path(const StringRef &path, const StringRef &query) { BlockAllocator balloc(1024, 1024); return normalize_path(balloc, path, query).str(); } StringRef rewrite_clean_path(BlockAllocator &balloc, const StringRef &src) { if (src.empty() || src[0] != '/') { return src; } // probably, not necessary most of the case, but just in case. auto fragment = std::find(std::begin(src), std::end(src), '#'); auto query = std::find(std::begin(src), fragment, '?'); if (query != fragment) { ++query; } return normalize_path(balloc, StringRef{std::begin(src), query}, StringRef{query, fragment}); } } // namespace http2 } // namespace nghttp2