

**nghttpd** [OPTION]... <PORT> [<PRIVATE_KEY> <CERT>]


HTTP/2 experimental server

.. describe:: <PORT>

    Specify listening port number.

.. describe:: <PRIVATE_KEY>

    Set  path  to  server's private  key.   Required  unless
    :option:`--no-tls` is specified.

.. describe:: <CERT>

    Set  path  to  server's  certificate.   Required  unless
    :option:`--no-tls` is specified.


.. option:: -a, --address=<ADDR>

    The address to bind to.  If not specified the default IP
    address determined by getaddrinfo is used.

.. option:: -D, --daemon

    Run in a background.  If :option:`-D` is used, the current working
    directory is  changed to '*/*'.  Therefore  if this option
    is used, :option:`-d` option must be specified.

.. option:: -V, --verify-client

    The server  sends a client certificate  request.  If the
    client did  not return  a certificate, the  handshake is
    terminated.   Currently,  this  option just  requests  a
    client certificate and does not verify it.

.. option:: -d, --htdocs=<PATH>

    Specify document root.  If this option is not specified,
    the document root is the current working directory.

.. option:: -v, --verbose

    Print debug information  such as reception/ transmission
    of frames and name/value pairs.

.. option:: --no-tls

    Disable SSL/TLS.

.. option:: -c, --header-table-size=<SIZE>

    Specify decoder header table size.

.. option:: --color

    Force colored log output.

.. option:: -p, --push=<PATH>=<PUSH_PATH,...>

    Push  resources <PUSH_PATH>s  when <PATH>  is requested.
    This option  can be used repeatedly  to specify multiple
    push  configurations.    <PATH>  and   <PUSH_PATH>s  are
    relative  to   document  root.   See   :option:`--htdocs`  option.
    Example: :option:`-p`\/=/foo.png :option:`-p`\/doc=/bar.css

.. option:: -b, --padding=<N>

    Add at  most <N>  bytes to a  frame payload  as padding.
    Specify 0 to disable padding.

.. option:: -n, --workers=<N>

    Set the number of worker threads.

    Default: ``1``

.. option:: -e, --error-gzip

    Make error response gzipped.

.. option:: --dh-param-file=<PATH>

    Path to file that contains  DH parameters in PEM format.
    Without  this   option,  DHE   cipher  suites   are  not

.. option:: --early-response

    Start sending response when request HEADERS is received,
    rather than complete request is received.

.. option:: --version

    Display version information and exit.

.. option:: -h, --help

    Display this help and exit.

The <SIZE> argument is an integer and an optional unit (e.g., 10K is
10 * 1024).  Units are K, M and G (powers of 1024).


:manpage:`nghttp(1)`, :manpage:`nghttpx(1)`, :manpage:`h2load(1)`