# - Try to find libevent #.rst # FindLibevent # ------------ # # Find Libevent include directories and libraries. Invoke as:: # # find_package(Libevent # [version] [EXACT] # Minimum or exact version # [REQUIRED] # Fail if Libevent is not found # [COMPONENT <C>...]) # Libraries to look for # # Valid components are one or more of:: libevent core extra pthreads openssl. # Note that 'libevent' contains both core and extra. You must specify one of # them for the other components. # # This module will define the following variables:: # # LIBEVENT_FOUND - True if headers and requested libraries were found # LIBEVENT_INCLUDE_DIRS - Libevent include directories # LIBEVENT_LIBRARIES - Libevent libraries to be linked # LIBEVENT_<C>_FOUND - Component <C> was found (<C> is uppercase) # LIBEVENT_<C>_LIBRARY - Library to be linked for Libevent component <C>. find_package(PkgConfig QUIET) pkg_check_modules(PC_LIBEVENT QUIET libevent) # Look for the Libevent 2.0 or 1.4 headers find_path(LIBEVENT_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES event2/event-config.h event-config.h HINTS ${PC_LIBEVENT_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) if(LIBEVENT_INCLUDE_DIR) set(_version_regex "^#define[ \t]+_EVENT_VERSION[ \t]+\"([^\"]+)\".*") if(EXISTS "${LIBEVENT_INCLUDE_DIR}/event2/event-config.h") # Libevent 2.0 file(STRINGS "${LIBEVENT_INCLUDE_DIR}/event2/event-config.h" LIBEVENT_VERSION REGEX "${_version_regex}") else() # Libevent 1.4 file(STRINGS "${LIBEVENT_INCLUDE_DIR}/event-config.h" LIBEVENT_VERSION REGEX "${_version_regex}") endif() string(REGEX REPLACE "${_version_regex}" "\\1" LIBEVENT_VERSION "${LIBEVENT_VERSION}") unset(_version_regex) endif() set(_LIBEVENT_REQUIRED_VARS) foreach(COMPONENT ${Libevent_FIND_COMPONENTS}) set(_LIBEVENT_LIBNAME libevent) # Note: compare two variables to avoid a CMP0054 policy warning if(COMPONENT STREQUAL _LIBEVENT_LIBNAME) set(_LIBEVENT_LIBNAME event) else() set(_LIBEVENT_LIBNAME "event_${COMPONENT}") endif() string(TOUPPER "${COMPONENT}" COMPONENT_UPPER) find_library(LIBEVENT_${COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY NAMES ${_LIBEVENT_LIBNAME} HINTS ${PC_LIBEVENT_LIBRARY_DIRS} ) if(LIBEVENT_${COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY) set(Libevent_${COMPONENT}_FOUND 1) endif() list(APPEND _LIBEVENT_REQUIRED_VARS LIBEVENT_${COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY) endforeach() unset(_LIBEVENT_LIBNAME) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) # handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and set LIBEVENT_FOUND to TRUE # if all listed variables are TRUE and the requested version matches. find_package_handle_standard_args(Libevent REQUIRED_VARS ${_LIBEVENT_REQUIRED_VARS} LIBEVENT_INCLUDE_DIR VERSION_VAR LIBEVENT_VERSION HANDLE_COMPONENTS) if(LIBEVENT_FOUND) set(LIBEVENT_INCLUDE_DIRS ${LIBEVENT_INCLUDE_DIR}) set(LIBEVENT_LIBRARIES) foreach(COMPONENT ${Libevent_FIND_COMPONENTS}) string(TOUPPER "${COMPONENT}" COMPONENT_UPPER) list(APPEND LIBEVENT_LIBRARIES ${LIBEVENT_${COMPONENT_UPPER}_LIBRARY}) set(LIBEVENT_${COMPONENT_UPPER}_FOUND ${Libevent_${COMPONENT}_FOUND}) endforeach() endif() mark_as_advanced(LIBEVENT_INCLUDE_DIR ${_LIBEVENT_REQUIRED_VARS}) unset(_LIBEVENT_REQUIRED_VARS)