/* * nghttp2 - HTTP/2 C Library * * Copyright (c) 2013 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef NGHTTP2_HD_H #define NGHTTP2_HD_H #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #include <nghttp2/nghttp2.h> #include "nghttp2_hd_huffman.h" #include "nghttp2_buf.h" #include "nghttp2_mem.h" #define NGHTTP2_HD_DEFAULT_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE NGHTTP2_DEFAULT_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE #define NGHTTP2_HD_ENTRY_OVERHEAD 32 /* The maximum length of one name/value pair. This is the sum of the length of name and value. This is not specified by the spec. We just chose the arbitrary size */ #define NGHTTP2_HD_MAX_NV 65536 /* Default size of maximum table buffer size for encoder. Even if remote decoder notifies larger buffer size for its decoding, encoder only uses the memory up to this value. */ #define NGHTTP2_HD_DEFAULT_MAX_DEFLATE_BUFFER_SIZE (1 << 12) /* Exported for unit test */ #define NGHTTP2_STATIC_TABLE_LENGTH 61 /* Generated by genlibtokenlookup.py */ typedef enum { NGHTTP2_TOKEN__AUTHORITY = 0, NGHTTP2_TOKEN__METHOD = 1, NGHTTP2_TOKEN__PATH = 3, NGHTTP2_TOKEN__SCHEME = 5, NGHTTP2_TOKEN__STATUS = 7, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_ACCEPT_CHARSET = 14, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_ACCEPT_ENCODING = 15, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = 16, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_ACCEPT_RANGES = 17, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_ACCEPT = 18, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN = 19, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_AGE = 20, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_ALLOW = 21, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_AUTHORIZATION = 22, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_CACHE_CONTROL = 23, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_CONTENT_DISPOSITION = 24, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_CONTENT_ENCODING = 25, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_CONTENT_LANGUAGE = 26, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_CONTENT_LENGTH = 27, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_CONTENT_LOCATION = 28, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_CONTENT_RANGE = 29, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_CONTENT_TYPE = 30, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_COOKIE = 31, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_DATE = 32, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_ETAG = 33, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_EXPECT = 34, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_EXPIRES = 35, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_FROM = 36, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_HOST = 37, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_IF_MATCH = 38, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE = 39, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_IF_NONE_MATCH = 40, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_IF_RANGE = 41, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE = 42, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_LAST_MODIFIED = 43, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_LINK = 44, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_LOCATION = 45, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_MAX_FORWARDS = 46, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_PROXY_AUTHENTICATE = 47, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION = 48, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_RANGE = 49, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_REFERER = 50, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_REFRESH = 51, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_RETRY_AFTER = 52, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_SERVER = 53, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_SET_COOKIE = 54, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_STRICT_TRANSPORT_SECURITY = 55, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_TRANSFER_ENCODING = 56, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_USER_AGENT = 57, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_VARY = 58, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_VIA = 59, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_WWW_AUTHENTICATE = 60, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_TE, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_CONNECTION, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_KEEP_ALIVE, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_PROXY_CONNECTION, NGHTTP2_TOKEN_UPGRADE } nghttp2_token; typedef enum { NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_NONE = 0, /* Indicates name was dynamically allocated and must be freed */ NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_NAME_ALLOC = 1, /* Indicates value was dynamically allocated and must be freed */ NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_VALUE_ALLOC = 1 << 1, /* Indicates that the name was gifted to the entry and no copying necessary. */ NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_NAME_GIFT = 1 << 2, /* Indicates that the value was gifted to the entry and no copying necessary. */ NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_VALUE_GIFT = 1 << 3 } nghttp2_hd_flags; typedef struct { nghttp2_nv nv; /* nghttp2_token value for nv.name. It could be -1 if we have no token for that header field name. */ int token; /* Reference count */ uint8_t ref; uint8_t flags; } nghttp2_hd_entry; typedef struct { nghttp2_hd_entry **buffer; size_t mask; size_t first; size_t len; } nghttp2_hd_ringbuf; typedef enum { NGHTTP2_HD_OPCODE_NONE, NGHTTP2_HD_OPCODE_INDEXED, NGHTTP2_HD_OPCODE_NEWNAME, NGHTTP2_HD_OPCODE_INDNAME } nghttp2_hd_opcode; typedef enum { NGHTTP2_HD_STATE_OPCODE, NGHTTP2_HD_STATE_READ_TABLE_SIZE, NGHTTP2_HD_STATE_READ_INDEX, NGHTTP2_HD_STATE_NEWNAME_CHECK_NAMELEN, NGHTTP2_HD_STATE_NEWNAME_READ_NAMELEN, NGHTTP2_HD_STATE_NEWNAME_READ_NAMEHUFF, NGHTTP2_HD_STATE_NEWNAME_READ_NAME, NGHTTP2_HD_STATE_CHECK_VALUELEN, NGHTTP2_HD_STATE_READ_VALUELEN, NGHTTP2_HD_STATE_READ_VALUEHUFF, NGHTTP2_HD_STATE_READ_VALUE } nghttp2_hd_inflate_state; typedef enum { NGHTTP2_HD_WITH_INDEXING, NGHTTP2_HD_WITHOUT_INDEXING, NGHTTP2_HD_NEVER_INDEXING } nghttp2_hd_indexing_mode; typedef struct { /* dynamic header table */ nghttp2_hd_ringbuf hd_table; /* Memory allocator */ nghttp2_mem *mem; /* Abstract buffer size of hd_table as described in the spec. This is the sum of length of name/value in hd_table + NGHTTP2_HD_ENTRY_OVERHEAD bytes overhead per each entry. */ size_t hd_table_bufsize; /* The effective header table size. */ size_t hd_table_bufsize_max; /* If inflate/deflate error occurred, this value is set to 1 and further invocation of inflate/deflate will fail with NGHTTP2_ERR_HEADER_COMP. */ uint8_t bad; } nghttp2_hd_context; struct nghttp2_hd_deflater { nghttp2_hd_context ctx; /* The upper limit of the header table size the deflater accepts. */ size_t deflate_hd_table_bufsize_max; /* Minimum header table size notified in the next context update */ size_t min_hd_table_bufsize_max; /* If nonzero, send header table size using encoding context update in the next deflate process */ uint8_t notify_table_size_change; }; struct nghttp2_hd_inflater { nghttp2_hd_context ctx; /* header buffer */ nghttp2_bufs nvbufs; /* Stores current state of huffman decoding */ nghttp2_hd_huff_decode_context huff_decode_ctx; /* Pointer to the nghttp2_hd_entry which is used current header emission. This is required because in some cases the ent_keep->ref == 0 and we have to keep track of it. */ nghttp2_hd_entry *ent_keep; /* Pointer to the name/value pair buffer which is used in the current header emission. */ uint8_t *nv_keep; /* The number of bytes to read */ size_t left; /* The index in indexed repr or indexed name */ size_t index; /* The length of new name encoded in literal. For huffman encoded string, this is the length after it is decoded. */ size_t newnamelen; /* The maximum header table size the inflater supports. This is the same value transmitted in SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE */ size_t settings_hd_table_bufsize_max; /* The number of next shift to decode integer */ size_t shift; nghttp2_hd_opcode opcode; nghttp2_hd_inflate_state state; /* nonzero if string is huffman encoded */ uint8_t huffman_encoded; /* nonzero if deflater requires that current entry is indexed */ uint8_t index_required; /* nonzero if deflater requires that current entry must not be indexed */ uint8_t no_index; }; /* * Initializes the |ent| members. If NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_NAME_ALLOC bit * set in the |flags|, the content pointed by the |name| with length * |namelen| is copied. Likewise, if NGHTTP2_HD_FLAG_VALUE_ALLOC bit * set in the |flags|, the content pointed by the |value| with length * |valuelen| is copied. The |token| is enum number looked up by * |name|. It could be -1 if we don't have that enum value. * * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following * negative error codes: * * NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM * Out of memory. */ int nghttp2_hd_entry_init(nghttp2_hd_entry *ent, uint8_t flags, uint8_t *name, size_t namelen, uint8_t *value, size_t valuelen, int token, nghttp2_mem *mem); void nghttp2_hd_entry_free(nghttp2_hd_entry *ent, nghttp2_mem *mem); /* * Initializes |deflater| for deflating name/values pairs. * * The encoder only uses up to * NGHTTP2_HD_DEFAULT_MAX_DEFLATE_BUFFER_SIZE bytes for header table * even if the larger value is specified later in * nghttp2_hd_change_table_size(). * * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following * negative error codes: * * NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM * Out of memory. */ int nghttp2_hd_deflate_init(nghttp2_hd_deflater *deflater, nghttp2_mem *mem); /* * Initializes |deflater| for deflating name/values pairs. * * The encoder only uses up to |deflate_hd_table_bufsize_max| bytes * for header table even if the larger value is specified later in * nghttp2_hd_change_table_size(). * * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following * negative error codes: * * NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM * Out of memory. */ int nghttp2_hd_deflate_init2(nghttp2_hd_deflater *deflater, size_t deflate_hd_table_bufsize_max, nghttp2_mem *mem); /* * Deallocates any resources allocated for |deflater|. */ void nghttp2_hd_deflate_free(nghttp2_hd_deflater *deflater); /* * Deflates the |nva|, which has the |nvlen| name/value pairs, into * the |bufs|. * * This function expands |bufs| as necessary to store the result. If * buffers is full and the process still requires more space, this * funtion fails and returns NGHTTP2_ERR_HEADER_COMP. * * After this function returns, it is safe to delete the |nva|. * * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following * negative error codes: * * NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM * Out of memory. * NGHTTP2_ERR_HEADER_COMP * Deflation process has failed. * NGHTTP2_ERR_BUFFER_ERROR * Out of buffer space. */ int nghttp2_hd_deflate_hd_bufs(nghttp2_hd_deflater *deflater, nghttp2_bufs *bufs, const nghttp2_nv *nva, size_t nvlen); /* * Initializes |inflater| for inflating name/values pairs. * * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following * negative error codes: * * :enum:`NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM` * Out of memory. */ int nghttp2_hd_inflate_init(nghttp2_hd_inflater *inflater, nghttp2_mem *mem); /* * Deallocates any resources allocated for |inflater|. */ void nghttp2_hd_inflate_free(nghttp2_hd_inflater *inflater); /* * Similar to nghttp2_hd_inflate_hd(), but this takes additional * output parameter |token|. On successful header emission, it * contains nghttp2_token value for nv_out->name. It could be -1 if * we don't have enum value for the name. Other than that return * values and semantics are the same as nghttp2_hd_inflate_hd(). */ ssize_t nghttp2_hd_inflate_hd2(nghttp2_hd_inflater *inflater, nghttp2_nv *nv_out, int *inflate_flags, int *token, uint8_t *in, size_t inlen, int in_final); /* For unittesting purpose */ int nghttp2_hd_emit_indname_block(nghttp2_bufs *bufs, size_t index, nghttp2_nv *nv, int indexing_mode); /* For unittesting purpose */ int nghttp2_hd_emit_newname_block(nghttp2_bufs *bufs, nghttp2_nv *nv, int indexing_mode); /* For unittesting purpose */ int nghttp2_hd_emit_table_size(nghttp2_bufs *bufs, size_t table_size); /* For unittesting purpose */ NGHTTP2_EXTERN nghttp2_hd_entry *nghttp2_hd_table_get(nghttp2_hd_context *context, size_t index); /* For unittesting purpose */ ssize_t nghttp2_hd_decode_length(uint32_t *res, size_t *shift_ptr, int *final, uint32_t initial, size_t shift, uint8_t *in, uint8_t *last, size_t prefix); /* Huffman encoding/decoding functions */ /* * Counts the required bytes to encode |src| with length |len|. * * This function returns the number of required bytes to encode given * data, including padding of prefix of terminal symbol code. This * function always succeeds. */ size_t nghttp2_hd_huff_encode_count(const uint8_t *src, size_t len); /* * Encodes the given data |src| with length |srclen| to the |bufs|. * This function expands extra buffers in |bufs| if necessary. * * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following * negative error codes: * * NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM * Out of memory. * NGHTTP2_ERR_BUFFER_ERROR * Out of buffer space. */ int nghttp2_hd_huff_encode(nghttp2_bufs *bufs, const uint8_t *src, size_t srclen); void nghttp2_hd_huff_decode_context_init(nghttp2_hd_huff_decode_context *ctx); /* * Decodes the given data |src| with length |srclen|. The |ctx| must * be initialized by nghttp2_hd_huff_decode_context_init(). The result * will be added to |dest|. This function may expand |dest| as * needed. The caller is responsible to release the memory of |dest| * by calling nghttp2_bufs_free(). * * The caller must set the |final| to nonzero if the given input is * the final block. * * This function returns the number of read bytes from the |in|. * * If this function fails, it returns one of the following negative * return codes: * * NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM * Out of memory. * NGHTTP2_ERR_BUFFER_ERROR * Maximum buffer capacity size exceeded. * NGHTTP2_ERR_HEADER_COMP * Decoding process has failed. */ ssize_t nghttp2_hd_huff_decode(nghttp2_hd_huff_decode_context *ctx, nghttp2_bufs *bufs, const uint8_t *src, size_t srclen, int final); #endif /* NGHTTP2_HD_H */