/* * Spdylay - SPDY Library * * Copyright (c) 2012 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "shrpx_spdy_upstream.h" #include #include #include "shrpx_client_handler.h" #include "shrpx_downstream.h" #include "shrpx_downstream_connection.h" #include "shrpx_config.h" #include "shrpx_http.h" #include "util.h" using namespace spdylay; namespace shrpx { namespace { const size_t SHRPX_SPDY_UPSTREAM_OUTPUT_UPPER_THRES = 64*1024; } // namespace namespace { ssize_t send_callback(spdylay_session *session, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, int flags, void *user_data) { int rv; SpdyUpstream *upstream = reinterpret_cast(user_data); ClientHandler *handler = upstream->get_client_handler(); bufferevent *bev = handler->get_bev(); evbuffer *output = bufferevent_get_output(bev); // Check buffer length and return WOULDBLOCK if it is large enough. if(evbuffer_get_length(output) > SHRPX_SPDY_UPSTREAM_OUTPUT_UPPER_THRES) { return SPDYLAY_ERR_WOULDBLOCK; } rv = evbuffer_add(output, data, len); if(rv == -1) { return SPDYLAY_ERR_CALLBACK_FAILURE; } else { return len; } } } // namespace namespace { ssize_t recv_callback(spdylay_session *session, uint8_t *data, size_t len, int flags, void *user_data) { SpdyUpstream *upstream = reinterpret_cast(user_data); ClientHandler *handler = upstream->get_client_handler(); bufferevent *bev = handler->get_bev(); evbuffer *input = bufferevent_get_input(bev); int nread = evbuffer_remove(input, data, len); if(nread == -1) { return SPDYLAY_ERR_CALLBACK_FAILURE; } else if(nread == 0) { return SPDYLAY_ERR_WOULDBLOCK; } else { return nread; } } } // namespace namespace { void on_stream_close_callback (spdylay_session *session, int32_t stream_id, spdylay_status_code status_code, void *user_data) { if(ENABLE_LOG) { LOG(INFO) << "Upstream spdy Stream " << stream_id << " is being closed"; } SpdyUpstream *upstream = reinterpret_cast(user_data); Downstream *downstream = upstream->find_downstream(stream_id); if(downstream) { if(downstream->get_request_state() == Downstream::CONNECT_FAIL) { upstream->remove_downstream(downstream); delete downstream; } else { downstream->set_request_state(Downstream::STREAM_CLOSED); if(downstream->get_response_state() == Downstream::MSG_COMPLETE) { // At this point, downstream response was read if(!downstream->get_response_connection_close()) { // Keep-alive DownstreamConnection *dconn; dconn = downstream->get_downstream_connection(); if(dconn) { dconn->detach_downstream(downstream); } } upstream->remove_downstream(downstream); } else { // At this point, downstream read may be paused. To reclaim // file descriptor, enable read here and catch read // notification. And delete downstream there. downstream->force_resume_read(); } } } } } // namespace namespace { void on_ctrl_recv_callback (spdylay_session *session, spdylay_frame_type type, spdylay_frame *frame, void *user_data) { SpdyUpstream *upstream = reinterpret_cast(user_data); switch(type) { case SPDYLAY_SYN_STREAM: { if(ENABLE_LOG) { LOG(INFO) << "Upstream spdy received upstream SYN_STREAM stream_id=" << frame->syn_stream.stream_id; } Downstream *downstream; downstream = new Downstream(upstream, frame->syn_stream.stream_id, frame->syn_stream.pri); upstream->add_downstream(downstream); downstream->init_response_body_buf(); char **nv = frame->syn_stream.nv; for(size_t i = 0; nv[i]; i += 2) { if(strcmp(nv[i], ":path") == 0) { downstream->set_request_path(nv[i+1]); } else if(strcmp(nv[i], ":method") == 0) { downstream->set_request_method(nv[i+1]); } else if(nv[i][0] != ':') { downstream->add_request_header(nv[i], nv[i+1]); } } downstream->add_request_header("X-Forwarded-Spdy", "true"); if(ENABLE_LOG) { std::stringstream ss; for(size_t i = 0; nv[i]; i += 2) { ss << nv[i] << ": " << nv[i+1] << "\n"; } LOG(INFO) << "Upstream spdy request headers:\n" << ss.str(); } DownstreamConnection *dconn; dconn = upstream->get_client_handler()->get_downstream_connection(); int rv = dconn->attach_downstream(downstream); if(rv != 0) { // If downstream connection fails, issue RST_STREAM. upstream->rst_stream(downstream, SPDYLAY_INTERNAL_ERROR); downstream->set_request_state(Downstream::CONNECT_FAIL); return; } downstream->push_request_headers(); downstream->set_request_state(Downstream::HEADER_COMPLETE); if(frame->syn_stream.hd.flags & SPDYLAY_CTRL_FLAG_FIN) { if(ENABLE_LOG) { LOG(INFO) << "Upstream spdy " << "Setting Downstream::MSG_COMPLETE for Downstream " << downstream; } downstream->set_request_state(Downstream::MSG_COMPLETE); } break; } default: break; } } } // namespace namespace { void on_data_chunk_recv_callback(spdylay_session *session, uint8_t flags, int32_t stream_id, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, void *user_data) { SpdyUpstream *upstream = reinterpret_cast(user_data); Downstream *downstream = upstream->find_downstream(stream_id); if(downstream) { downstream->push_upload_data_chunk(data, len); if(upstream->get_flow_control()) { downstream->inc_recv_window_size(len); if(downstream->get_recv_window_size() > upstream->get_initial_window_size()) { if(ENABLE_LOG) { LOG(INFO) << "Flow control error: recv_window_size=" << downstream->get_recv_window_size() << ", initial_window_size=" << upstream->get_initial_window_size(); } upstream->rst_stream(downstream, SPDYLAY_FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR); return; } } if(flags & SPDYLAY_DATA_FLAG_FIN) { if(ENABLE_LOG) { LOG(INFO) << "Upstream spdy " << "setting Downstream::MSG_COMPLETE for Downstream " << downstream; } downstream->set_request_state(Downstream::MSG_COMPLETE); } } } } // namespace SpdyUpstream::SpdyUpstream(uint16_t version, ClientHandler *handler) : handler_(handler), session_(0) { //handler->set_bev_cb(spdy_readcb, 0, spdy_eventcb); handler->set_upstream_timeouts(&get_config()->spdy_upstream_read_timeout, &get_config()->spdy_upstream_write_timeout); spdylay_session_callbacks callbacks; memset(&callbacks, 0, sizeof(callbacks)); callbacks.send_callback = send_callback; callbacks.recv_callback = recv_callback; callbacks.on_stream_close_callback = on_stream_close_callback; callbacks.on_ctrl_recv_callback = on_ctrl_recv_callback; callbacks.on_data_chunk_recv_callback = on_data_chunk_recv_callback; int rv; rv = spdylay_session_server_new(&session_, version, &callbacks, this); assert(rv == 0); if(version == SPDYLAY_PROTO_SPDY3) { int val = 1; flow_control_ = true; initial_window_size_ = 64*1024; // specified by SPDY/3 spec. rv = spdylay_session_set_option(session_, SPDYLAY_OPT_NO_AUTO_WINDOW_UPDATE, &val, sizeof(val)); assert(rv == 0); } else { flow_control_ = false; initial_window_size_ = 0; } // TODO Maybe call from outside? spdylay_settings_entry entry[2]; entry[0].settings_id = SPDYLAY_SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS; entry[0].value = get_config()->spdy_max_concurrent_streams; entry[0].flags = SPDYLAY_ID_FLAG_SETTINGS_NONE; entry[1].settings_id = SPDYLAY_SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE; entry[1].value = initial_window_size_; entry[1].flags = SPDYLAY_ID_FLAG_SETTINGS_NONE; rv = spdylay_submit_settings (session_, SPDYLAY_FLAG_SETTINGS_NONE, entry, sizeof(entry)/sizeof(spdylay_settings_entry)); assert(rv == 0); // TODO Maybe call from outside? send(); } SpdyUpstream::~SpdyUpstream() { spdylay_session_del(session_); } int SpdyUpstream::on_read() { int rv; if((rv = spdylay_session_recv(session_)) || (rv = spdylay_session_send(session_))) { if(rv != SPDYLAY_ERR_EOF) { LOG(ERROR) << "spdylay error: " << spdylay_strerror(rv); DIE(); } } return 0; } int SpdyUpstream::on_write() { send(); return 0; } int SpdyUpstream::send() { int rv; if((rv = spdylay_session_send(session_))) { LOG(ERROR) << "spdylay error: " << spdylay_strerror(rv); DIE(); } return 0; } int SpdyUpstream::on_event() { return 0; } ClientHandler* SpdyUpstream::get_client_handler() const { return handler_; } namespace { void spdy_downstream_readcb(bufferevent *bev, void *ptr) { if(ENABLE_LOG) { LOG(INFO) << "spdy_downstream_readcb"; } DownstreamConnection *dconn = reinterpret_cast(ptr); Downstream *downstream = dconn->get_downstream(); SpdyUpstream *upstream; upstream = static_cast(downstream->get_upstream()); if(downstream->get_request_state() == Downstream::STREAM_CLOSED) { // If upstream SPDY stream was closed, we just close downstream, // because there is no consumer now. Downstream connection is also // closed in this case. upstream->remove_downstream(downstream); delete downstream; return; } int rv = downstream->parse_http_response(); if(rv != 0) { if(ENABLE_LOG) { LOG(INFO) << "Downstream HTTP parser failure"; } if(downstream->get_response_state() == Downstream::HEADER_COMPLETE) { upstream->rst_stream(downstream, SPDYLAY_INTERNAL_ERROR); } else { upstream->error_reply(downstream, 502); } downstream->set_response_state(Downstream::MSG_COMPLETE); // Clearly, we have to close downstream connection on http parser // failure. downstream->set_downstream_connection(0); delete dconn; dconn = 0; } upstream->send(); } } // namespace namespace { void spdy_downstream_writecb(bufferevent *bev, void *ptr) { DownstreamConnection *dconn = reinterpret_cast(ptr); Downstream *downstream = dconn->get_downstream(); SpdyUpstream *upstream; upstream = static_cast(downstream->get_upstream()); if(upstream->get_flow_control()) { if(downstream->get_recv_window_size() >= upstream->get_initial_window_size()/2) { upstream->window_update(downstream); } } } } // namespace namespace { void spdy_downstream_eventcb(bufferevent *bev, short events, void *ptr) { DownstreamConnection *dconn = reinterpret_cast(ptr); Downstream *downstream = dconn->get_downstream(); SpdyUpstream *upstream; upstream = static_cast(downstream->get_upstream()); if(events & BEV_EVENT_CONNECTED) { if(ENABLE_LOG) { LOG(INFO) << "Downstream connection established. Downstream " << downstream; } } else if(events & BEV_EVENT_EOF) { if(ENABLE_LOG) { LOG(INFO) << "Downstream EOF stream_id=" << downstream->get_stream_id(); } if(downstream->get_request_state() == Downstream::STREAM_CLOSED) { // If stream was closed already, we don't need to send reply at // the first place. We can delete downstream. upstream->remove_downstream(downstream); delete downstream; } else { // Delete downstream connection. If we don't delete it here, it // will be pooled in on_stream_close_callback. downstream->set_downstream_connection(0); delete dconn; dconn = 0; // downstream wil be deleted in on_stream_close_callback. if(downstream->get_response_state() == Downstream::HEADER_COMPLETE) { // Server may indicate the end of the request by EOF if(ENABLE_LOG) { LOG(INFO) << "Assuming downstream content-length is 0 byte"; } downstream->set_response_state(Downstream::MSG_COMPLETE); upstream->on_downstream_body_complete(downstream); } else if(downstream->get_response_state() != Downstream::MSG_COMPLETE) { // If stream was not closed, then we set MSG_COMPLETE and let // on_stream_close_callback delete downstream. upstream->error_reply(downstream, 502); downstream->set_response_state(Downstream::MSG_COMPLETE); upstream->send(); } } } else if(events & (BEV_EVENT_ERROR | BEV_EVENT_TIMEOUT)) { if(ENABLE_LOG) { LOG(INFO) << "Downstream error/timeout. Downstream " << downstream; } if(downstream->get_request_state() == Downstream::STREAM_CLOSED) { upstream->remove_downstream(downstream); delete downstream; } else { // Delete downstream connection. If we don't delete it here, it // will be pooled in on_stream_close_callback. downstream->set_downstream_connection(0); delete dconn; dconn = 0; if(downstream->get_response_state() != Downstream::MSG_COMPLETE) { if(downstream->get_response_state() == Downstream::HEADER_COMPLETE) { upstream->rst_stream(downstream, SPDYLAY_INTERNAL_ERROR); } else { int status; if(events & BEV_EVENT_TIMEOUT) { status = 504; } else { status = 502; } upstream->error_reply(downstream, status); } downstream->set_response_state(Downstream::MSG_COMPLETE); upstream->send(); } } } } } // namespace int SpdyUpstream::rst_stream(Downstream *downstream, int status_code) { if(ENABLE_LOG) { LOG(INFO) << "RST_STREAM stream_id=" << downstream->get_stream_id(); } int rv; rv = spdylay_submit_rst_stream(session_, downstream->get_stream_id(), status_code); if(rv < SPDYLAY_ERR_FATAL) { DIE(); } else { return 0; } } int SpdyUpstream::window_update(Downstream *downstream) { int rv; rv = spdylay_submit_window_update(session_, downstream->get_stream_id(), downstream->get_recv_window_size()); downstream->set_recv_window_size(0); if(rv < SPDYLAY_ERR_FATAL) { DIE(); } else { return 0; } } namespace { ssize_t spdy_data_read_callback(spdylay_session *session, int32_t stream_id, uint8_t *buf, size_t length, int *eof, spdylay_data_source *source, void *user_data) { Downstream *downstream = reinterpret_cast(source->ptr); evbuffer *body = downstream->get_response_body_buf(); assert(body); int nread = evbuffer_remove(body, buf, length); if(nread == 0 && downstream->get_response_state() == Downstream::MSG_COMPLETE) { *eof = 1; } if(nread == 0 && *eof != 1) { return SPDYLAY_ERR_DEFERRED; } return nread; } } // namespace int SpdyUpstream::error_reply(Downstream *downstream, int status_code) { int rv; std::string html = http::create_error_html(status_code); downstream->init_response_body_buf(); evbuffer *body = downstream->get_response_body_buf(); rv = evbuffer_add(body, html.c_str(), html.size()); if(rv == -1) { DIE(); } downstream->set_response_state(Downstream::MSG_COMPLETE); spdylay_data_provider data_prd; data_prd.source.ptr = downstream; data_prd.read_callback = spdy_data_read_callback; const char *nv[] = { ":status", http::get_status_string(status_code), ":version", "http/1.1", "content-type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8", "server", get_config()->server_name, 0 }; rv = spdylay_submit_response(session_, downstream->get_stream_id(), nv, &data_prd); if(rv < SPDYLAY_ERR_FATAL) { DIE(); } else { return 0; } } bufferevent_data_cb SpdyUpstream::get_downstream_readcb() { return spdy_downstream_readcb; } bufferevent_data_cb SpdyUpstream::get_downstream_writecb() { return spdy_downstream_writecb; } bufferevent_event_cb SpdyUpstream::get_downstream_eventcb() { return spdy_downstream_eventcb; } void SpdyUpstream::add_downstream(Downstream *downstream) { downstream_queue_.add(downstream); } void SpdyUpstream::remove_downstream(Downstream *downstream) { downstream_queue_.remove(downstream); } Downstream* SpdyUpstream::find_downstream(int32_t stream_id) { return downstream_queue_.find(stream_id); } spdylay_session* SpdyUpstream::get_spdy_session() { return session_; } int SpdyUpstream::on_downstream_header_complete(Downstream *downstream) { if(ENABLE_LOG) { LOG(INFO) << "Downstream on_downstream_header_complete"; } size_t nheader = downstream->get_response_headers().size(); // 6 means :status, :version and possible via header field. const char **nv = new const char*[nheader * 2 + 6 + 1]; size_t hdidx = 0; std::string via_value; nv[hdidx++] = ":status"; nv[hdidx++] = http::get_status_string(downstream->get_response_http_status()); nv[hdidx++] = ":version"; nv[hdidx++] = "HTTP/1.1"; for(Headers::const_iterator i = downstream->get_response_headers().begin(); i != downstream->get_response_headers().end(); ++i) { if(util::strieq((*i).first.c_str(), "transfer-encoding") || util::strieq((*i).first.c_str(), "keep-alive") || // HTTP/1.0? util::strieq((*i).first.c_str(), "connection") || util:: strieq((*i).first.c_str(), "proxy-connection")) { // These are ignored } else if(util::strieq((*i).first.c_str(), "via")) { via_value = (*i).second; } else { nv[hdidx++] = (*i).first.c_str(); nv[hdidx++] = (*i).second.c_str(); } } if(!via_value.empty()) { via_value += ", "; } via_value += http::create_via_header_value(downstream->get_response_major(), downstream->get_response_minor()); nv[hdidx++] = "via"; nv[hdidx++] = via_value.c_str(); nv[hdidx++] = 0; if(ENABLE_LOG) { std::stringstream ss; for(size_t i = 0; nv[i]; i += 2) { ss << nv[i] << ": " << nv[i+1] << "\n"; } LOG(INFO) << "Upstream spdy response headers\n" << ss.str(); } spdylay_data_provider data_prd; data_prd.source.ptr = downstream; data_prd.read_callback = spdy_data_read_callback; spdylay_submit_response(session_, downstream->get_stream_id(), nv, &data_prd); delete [] nv; return 0; } int SpdyUpstream::on_downstream_body(Downstream *downstream, const uint8_t *data, size_t len) { if(ENABLE_LOG) { LOG(INFO) << "Downstream on_downstream_body"; } evbuffer *body = downstream->get_response_body_buf(); evbuffer_add(body, data, len); spdylay_session_resume_data(session_, downstream->get_stream_id()); size_t bodylen = evbuffer_get_length(body); if(bodylen > SHRPX_SPDY_UPSTREAM_OUTPUT_UPPER_THRES) { downstream->pause_read(SHRPX_NO_BUFFER); } return 0; } int SpdyUpstream::on_downstream_body_complete(Downstream *downstream) { if(ENABLE_LOG) { LOG(INFO) << "Downstream on_downstream_body_complete"; } spdylay_session_resume_data(session_, downstream->get_stream_id()); return 0; } bool SpdyUpstream::get_flow_control() const { return flow_control_; } int32_t SpdyUpstream::get_initial_window_size() const { return initial_window_size_; } } // namespace shrpx