
390 lines
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The default configuration file path nghttpx searches at startup.
The configuration file path can be changed using :option:`--conf`
Those lines which are staring ``#`` are treated as comment.
The option name in the configuration file is the long command-line
option name with leading ``--`` stripped (e.g., ``frontend``). Put
``=`` between option name and value. Don't put extra leading or
trailing spaces.
The options which do not take argument in the command-line *take*
argument in the configuration file. Specify ``yes`` as an argument
(e.g., ``http2-proxy=yes``). If other string is given, it is
To specify private key and certificate file which are given as
positional arguments in command-line, use ``private-key-file`` and
:option:`--conf` option cannot be used in the configuration file and
will be ignored if specified.
Shutdown gracefully. First accept pending connections and stop
accepting connection. After all connections are handled, nghttpx
Reopen log files.
Fork and execute nghttpx. It will execute the binary in the same
path with same command-line arguments and environment variables.
After new process comes up, sending SIGQUIT to the original process
to perform hot swapping.
nghttpx supports HTTP/2 server push in default mode. nghttpx looks
for Link header field (`RFC 5988
<>`_) in response headers from
backend server and extracts URI-reference with parameter
``rel=preload`` (see `preload
and pushes those URIs to the frontend client. Here is a sample Link
header field to initiate server push:
.. code-block:: http
Link: </fonts/font.woff>; rel=preload
Link: </css/theme.css>; rel=preload
Currently, the following restriction is applied for server push:
1. The associated stream must have method "GET" or "POST". The
associated stream's status code must be 200.
This limitation may be loosened in the future release.
nghttpx supports UNIX domain socket with a filename for both frontend
and backend connections.
Please note that current nghttpx implementation does not delete a
socket with a filename. And on start up, if nghttpx detects that the
specified socket already exists in the file system, nghttpx first
deletes it. However, if SIGUSR2 is used to execute new binary and
both old and new configurations use same filename, new binary does not
delete the socket and continues to use it.
OCSP query is done using external Python script
``fetch-ocsp-response``, which has been originally developed in Perl
as part of h2o project (, and was
translated into Python.
The script file is usually installed under
``$(prefix)/share/nghttp2/`` directory. The actual path to script can
be customized using :option:`--fetch-ocsp-response-file` option.
If OCSP query is failed, previous OCSP response, if any, is continued
to be used.
nghttpx supports TLS session resumption through both session ID and
session ticket.
By default, session ID is shared by all worker threads.
If :option:`--tls-session-cache-memcached` is given, nghttpx will
insert serialized session data to memcached with
``nghttpx:tls-session-cache:`` + lowercased hex string of session ID
as a memcached entry key, with expiry time 12 hours. Session timeout
is set to 12 hours.
By default, session ticket is shared by all worker threads. The
automatic key rotation is also enabled by default. Every an hour, new
encryption key is generated, and previous encryption key becomes
decryption only key. We set session timeout to 12 hours, and thus we
keep at most 12 keys.
If :option:`--tls-ticket-key-memcached` is given, encryption keys are
retrieved from memcached. nghttpx just reads keys from memcached; one
has to deploy key generator program to update keys frequently (e.g.,
every 1 hour). The example key generator tlsticketupdate.go is
available under contrib directory in nghttp2 archive. The memcached
entry key is ``nghttpx:tls-ticket-key``. The data format stored in
memcached is the binary format described below::
| VERSION (4) |LEN (2)|KEY(48 or 80) ...
^ |
| |
(LEN, KEY) pair can be repeated
All numbers in the above figure is bytes. All integer fields are
network byte order.
First 4 bytes integer VERSION field, which must be 1. The 2 bytes
integer LEN field gives the length of following KEY field, which
contains key. If :option:`--tls-ticket-key-cipher`\=aes-128-cbc is
used, LEN must be 48. If
:option:`--tls-ticket-key-cipher`\=aes-256-cbc is used, LEN must be
80. LEN and KEY pair can be repeated multiple times to store multiple
keys. The key appeared first is used as encryption key. All the
remaining keys are used as decryption only.
If :option:`--tls-ticket-key-file` is given, encryption key is read
from the given file. In this case, nghttpx does not rotate key
automatically. To rotate key, one has to restart nghttpx (see
.. warning::
The current mruby extension API is experimental and not frozen. The
API is subject to change in the future release.
nghttpx allows users to extend its capability using mruby scripts.
nghttpx has 2 hook points to execute mruby script: request phase and
response phase. The request phase hook is invoked after all request
header fields are received from client. The response phase hook is
invoked after all response header fields are received from backend
server. These hooks allows users to modify header fields, or common
HTTP variables, like authority or request path, and even return custom
response without forwarding request to backend servers.
To set request phase hook, use :option:`--request-phase-file` option.
To set response phase hook, use :option:`--response-phase-file`
For request and response phase hook, user calls :rb:meth:``
with block. The :rb:class:`Nghttpx::Env` is passed to the block.
User can can access :rb:class:`Nghttpx::Request` and
:rb:class:`Nghttpx::Response` objects via :rb:attr:`Nghttpx::Env#req`
and :rb:attr:`Nghttpx::Env#resp` respectively.
.. rb:module:: Nghttpx
.. rb:classmethod:: run(&block)
Run request or response phase hook with given *block*.
:rb:class:`Nghttpx::Env` object is passed to the given block.
.. rb:const:: REQUEST_PHASE
Constant to represent request phase.
.. rb:const:: RESPONSE_PHASE
Constant to represent response phase.
.. rb:class:: Env
Object to represent current request specific context.
.. rb:attr_reader:: req
Return :rb:class:`Request` object.
.. rb:attr_reader:: resp
Return :rb:class:`Response` object.
.. rb:attr_reader:: ctx
Return Ruby hash object. It persists until request finishes.
So values set in request phase hoo can be retrieved in
response phase hook.
.. rb:attr_reader:: phase
Return the current phase.
.. rb:attr_reader:: remote_addr
Return IP address of a remote client.
.. rb:class:: Request
Object to represent request from client. The modification to
Request object is allowed only in request phase hook.
.. rb:attr_reader:: http_version_major
Return HTTP major version.
.. rb:attr_reader:: http_version_minor
Return HTTP minor version.
.. rb:attr_accessor:: method
HTTP method. On assignment, copy of given value is assigned.
We don't accept arbitrary method name. We will document them
later, but well known methods, like GET, PUT and POST, are all
.. rb:attr_accessor:: authority
Authority (i.e.,, including optional port
component . On assignment, copy of given value is assigned.
.. rb:attr_accessor:: scheme
Scheme (i.e., http, https). On assignment, copy of given
value is assigned.
.. rb:attr_accessor:: path
Request path, including query component (i.e., /index.html).
On assignment, copy of given value is assigned. The path does
not include authority component of URI.
.. rb:attr_reader:: headers
Return Ruby hash containing copy of request header fields.
Changing values in returned hash does not change request
header fields actually used in request processing. Use
:rb:meth:`Nghttpx::Request#add_header` or
:rb:meth:`Nghttpx::Request#set_header` to change request
header fields.
.. rb:method:: add_header(key, value)
Add header entry associated with key. The value can be single
string or array of string. It does not replace any existing
values associated with key.
.. rb:method:: set_header(key, value)
Set header entry associated with key. The value can be single
string or array of string. It replaces any existing values
associated with key.
.. rb:method:: clear_headers
Clear all existing request header fields.
.. rb:method:: push uri
Initiate to push resource identified by *uri*. Only HTTP/2
protocol supports this feature. For the other protocols, this
method is noop. *uri* can be absolute URI, absolute path or
relative path to the current request. For absolute or
relative path, scheme and authority are inherited from the
current request. Currently, method is always GET.
.. rb:class:: Response
Object to represent response from backend server.
.. rb:attr_reader:: http_version_major
Return HTTP major version.
.. rb:attr_reader:: http_version_minor
Return HTTP minor version.
.. rb:attr_accessor:: status
HTTP status code. It must be in the range [200, 999],
inclusive. The non-final status code is not supported in
mruby scripting at the moment.
.. rb:attr_reader:: headers
Return Ruby hash containing copy of response header fields.
Changing values in returned hash does not change response
header fields actually used in response processing. Use
:rb:meth:`Nghttpx::Response#add_header` or
:rb:meth:`Nghttpx::Response#set_header` to change response
header fields.
.. rb:method:: add_header(key, value)
Add header entry associated with key. The value can be single
string or array of string. It does not replace any existing
values associated with key.
.. rb:method:: set_header(key, value)
Set header entry associated with key. The value can be single
string or array of string. It replaces any existing values
associated with key.
.. rb:method:: clear_headers
Clear all existing response header fields.
.. rb:method:: return(body)
Return custom response *body* to a client. When this method
is called in request phase hook, the request is not forwarded
to the backend, and response phase hook for this request will
not be invoked. When this method is called in resonse phase
hook, response from backend server is canceled and discarded.
The status code and response header fields should be set
before using this method. To set status code, use :rb:meth To
set response header fields, use
:rb:attr:`Nghttpx::Response#status`. If status code is not
set, 200 is used. :rb:meth:`Nghttpx::Response#add_header` and
:rb:meth:`Nghttpx::Response#set_header`. When this method is
invoked in response phase hook, the response headers are
filled with the ones received from backend server. To send
completely custom header fields, first call
:rb:meth:`Nghttpx::Response#clear_headers` to erase all
existing header fields, and then add required header fields.
It is an error to call this method twice for a given request.
Modify requet path:
.. code-block:: ruby do |env|
env.req.path = "/apps#{env.req.path}"
Note that the file containing the above script must be set with
:option:`--request-phase-file` option since we modify request path.
Restrict permission of viewing a content to a specific client
.. code-block:: ruby do |env|
allowed_clients = ["", "::1"]
if env.req.path.start_with?("/log/") &&
!allowed_clients.include?(env.remote_addr) then
env.resp.status = 404
env.resp.return "permission denied"
:manpage:`nghttp(1)`, :manpage:`nghttpd(1)`, :manpage:`h2load(1)`