
283 lines
8.9 KiB

.. program:: h2load
**h2load** [OPTIONS]... [URI]...
benchmarking tool for HTTP/2 and SPDY server
.. describe:: <URI>
Specify URI to access. Multiple URIs can be specified.
URIs are used in this order for each client. All URIs
are used, then first URI is used and then 2nd URI, and
so on. The scheme, host and port in the subsequent
URIs, if present, are ignored. Those in the first URI
are used solely. Definition of a base URI overrides all
scheme, host or port values.
.. option:: -n, --requests=<N>
Number of requests.
Default: ``1``
.. option:: -c, --clients=<N>
Number of concurrent clients.
Default: ``1``
.. option:: -t, --threads=<N>
Number of native threads.
Default: ``1``
.. option:: -i, --input-file=<PATH>
Path of a file with multiple URIs are separated by EOLs.
This option will disable URIs getting from command-line.
If '-' is given as <PATH>, URIs will be read from stdin.
URIs are used in this order for each client. All URIs
are used, then first URI is used and then 2nd URI, and
so on. The scheme, host and port in the subsequent
URIs, if present, are ignored. Those in the first URI
are used solely. Definition of a base URI overrides all
scheme, host or port values.
.. option:: -m, --max-concurrent-streams=(auto|<N>)
Max concurrent streams to issue per session. If "auto"
is given, the number of given URIs is used.
Default: ``auto``
.. option:: -w, --window-bits=<N>
Sets the stream level initial window size to (2\*\*<N>)-1.
For SPDY, 2**<N> is used instead.
Default: ``30``
.. option:: -W, --connection-window-bits=<N>
Sets the connection level initial window size to
(2**<N>)-1. For SPDY, if <N> is strictly less than 16,
this option is ignored. Otherwise 2\*\*<N> is used for
Default: ``30``
.. option:: -H, --header=<HEADER>
Add/Override a header to the requests.
.. option:: --ciphers=<SUITE>
Set allowed cipher list. The format of the string is
described in OpenSSL ciphers(1).
.. option:: -p, --no-tls-proto=<PROTOID>
Specify ALPN identifier of the protocol to be used when
accessing http URI without SSL/TLS.
Available protocols: spdy/2, spdy/3, spdy/3.1 and h2c
Default: ``h2c``
.. option:: -d, --data=<PATH>
Post FILE to server. The request method is changed to
.. option:: -r, --rate=<N>
Specifies the fixed rate at which connections are
created. The rate must be a positive integer,
representing the number of connections to be made per
second. When the rate is 0, the program will run as it
normally does, creating connections at whatever variable
rate it wants. The default value for this option is 0.
.. option:: -C, --num-conns=<N>
Specifies the total number of connections to create.
The total number of connections must be a positive
integer. On each connection, :option:`-m` requests are made. The
test stops once as soon as the <N> connections have
either completed or failed. When the number of
connections is 0, the program will run as it normally
does, creating as many connections as it needs in order
to make the :option:`-n` requests specified. The default value
for this option is 0. The :option:`-n` option is not required if
the :option:`-C` option is being used.
.. option:: -T, --connection-active-timeout=<N>
Specifies the maximum time that h2load is willing to
keep a connection open, regardless of the activity on
said connection. <N> must be a positive integer,
specifying the number of seconds to wait. When no
timeout value is set (either active or inactive), h2load
will keep a connection open indefinitely, waiting for a
.. option:: -N, --connection-inactivity-timeout=<N>
Specifies the amount of time that h2load is willing to
wait to see activity on a given connection. <N> must be
a positive integer, specifying the number of seconds to
wait. When no timeout value is set (either active or
inactive), h2load will keep a connection open
indefinitely, waiting for a response.
.. option:: --timing-script-file=<PATH>
Path of a file containing one or more lines separated by
EOLs. Each script line is composed of two tab-separated
fields. The first field represents the time offset from
the start of execution, expressed as milliseconds with
microsecond resolution. The second field represents the
URI. This option will disable URIs getting from
command-line. If '-' is given as <PATH>, script lines
will be read from stdin. Script lines are used in order
for each client. If :option:`-n` is given, it must be less than
or equal to the number of script lines, larger values are
clamped to the number of script lines. If :option:`-n` is
not given, the number of requests will default to the
number of script lines. The scheme, host and port defined
in the first URI are used solely. Values contained in
other URIs, if present, are ignored. Definition of a
base URI overrides all scheme, host or port values.
.. option:: -B, --base-uri=<URI>
Specify URI from which the scheme, host and port will be
used for all requests. The base URI overrides all
values defined either at the command line or inside
input files.
.. option:: -v, --verbose
Output debug information.
.. option:: --version
Display version information and exit.
.. option:: -h, --help
Display this help and exit.
The number of requests h2load was instructed to make.
The number of requests h2load has started.
The number of requests completed.
The number of requests completed successfully. Only HTTP status
code 2xx or3xx are considered as success.
The number of requests failed, including HTTP level failures
(non-successful HTTP status code).
The number of requests failed, except for HTTP level failures.
This is the subset of the number reported in ``failed`` and most
likely the network level failures or stream was reset by
The number of requests whose connection timed out before they were
completed. This is the subset of the number reported in
status codes
The number of status code h2load received.
The number of bytes received from the server "on the wire". If
requests were made via TLS, this value is the number of decrpyted
The number of response header bytes from the server without
decompression. For HTTP/2, this is the sum of the payload of
HEADERS frame. For SPDY, this is the sum of the payload of
SYN_REPLY frame.
The number of response body bytes received from the server.
time for request
The minimum time taken for request and response.
The maximum time taken for request and response.
The mean time taken for request and response.
The standard deviation of the time taken for request and response.
+/- sd
The fraction of the number of requests within standard deviation
range (mean +/- sd) against total number of successful requests.
time for connect
The minimum time taken to connect to a server.
The maximum time taken to connect to a server.
The mean time taken to connect to a server.
The standard deviation of the time taken to connect to a server.
+/- sd
The fraction of the number of connections within standard
deviation range (mean +/- sd) against total number of successful
time for 1st byte (of (decrypted in case of TLS) application data)
The minimum time taken to get 1st byte from a server.
The maximum time taken to get 1st byte from a server.
The mean time taken to get 1st byte from a server.
The standard deviation of the time taken to get 1st byte from a
+/- sd
The fraction of the number of connections within standard
deviation range (mean +/- sd) against total number of successful
h2load sets large flow control window by default, and effectively
disables flow control to avoid under utilization of server
performance. To set smaller flow control window, use :option:`-w` and
:option:`-W` options. For example, use ``-w16 -W16`` to set default
window size described in HTTP/2 and SPDY protocol specification.
:manpage:`nghttp(1)`, :manpage:`nghttpd(1)`, :manpage:`nghttpx(1)`