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2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
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< div class = "title" > opj_codec_private Struct Reference< / div > < / div >
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< p > Main codec handler used for compression or decompression.
< a href = "structopj__codec__private.html#details" > More...< / a > < / p >
< p > < code > #include < < a class = "el" href = "opj__codec_8h_source.html" > opj_codec.h< / a > > < / code > < / p >
< table class = "memberdecls" >
< tr class = "heading" > < td colspan = "2" > < h2 class = "groupheader" > < a name = "pub-attribs" > < / a >
Data Fields< / h2 > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:acad1e886fe9dd93863fe69edfd9bc17b" > < td class = "memItemLeft" > union {< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:ac070fac228c95a067d93cedaeb5b7767" > < td class = "memItemLeft" >       struct < b > opj_decompression< / b > {< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a0c71fda4fb01e8c3df88e5cb78b92f6d" > < td class = "memItemLeft" >             < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (*      < a class = "el" href = "structopj__codec__private.html#a63bed644bddf0ac684fd9b31fdf631d0" > opj_read_header< / a > )(struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__stream__private.html" > opj_stream_private< / a > < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  *cio, void *p_codec, < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a5c557180c59d54a2f1d29e8639687aa4" > opj_image_t< / a > **p_image, struct < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  < a class = "el" href = "structopj__event__mgr.html" > opj_event_mgr< / a > *p_manager)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:a0c71fda4fb01e8c3df88e5cb78b92f6d" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > Main header reading function handler. < a href = "#a0c71fda4fb01e8c3df88e5cb78b92f6d" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a0c71fda4fb01e8c3df88e5cb78b92f6d" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:aa172f48657f36d97c6d16a29f52ce49d" > < td class = "memItemLeft" >             < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (*      < a class = "el" href = "structopj__codec__private.html#a5a882189b793b6beba6111efb865e21d" > opj_decode< / a > )(void *p_codec, struct < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  < a class = "el" href = "structopj__stream__private.html" > opj_stream_private< / a > *p_cio, < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a5c557180c59d54a2f1d29e8639687aa4" > opj_image_t< / a > *p_image, struct < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  < a class = "el" href = "structopj__event__mgr.html" > opj_event_mgr< / a > *p_manager)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:aa172f48657f36d97c6d16a29f52ce49d" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > Decoding function. < a href = "#aa172f48657f36d97c6d16a29f52ce49d" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:aa172f48657f36d97c6d16a29f52ce49d" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a00c31265981c90dca7a0f294f62635a6" > < td class = "memItemLeft" >             < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (*      < a class = "el" href = "structopj__codec__private.html#af0c0eea84456bad053ff25f2616b31df" > opj_read_tile_header< / a > )(void *p_codec, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a4cb1e6e6b6ef2df499d5c02f7df54cbb" > OPJ_UINT32< / a > < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  *p_tile_index, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a4cb1e6e6b6ef2df499d5c02f7df54cbb" > OPJ_UINT32< / a > < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  *p_data_size, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a3cec91ef9e73677f0dbd60d4e42401b9" > OPJ_INT32< / a > < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  *p_tile_x0, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a3cec91ef9e73677f0dbd60d4e42401b9" > OPJ_INT32< / a > < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  *p_tile_y0, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a3cec91ef9e73677f0dbd60d4e42401b9" > OPJ_INT32< / a > < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  *p_tile_x1, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a3cec91ef9e73677f0dbd60d4e42401b9" > OPJ_INT32< / a > < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  *p_tile_y1, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a4cb1e6e6b6ef2df499d5c02f7df54cbb" > OPJ_UINT32< / a > < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  *p_nb_comps, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  *p_should_go_on, struct < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  < a class = "el" href = "structopj__stream__private.html" > opj_stream_private< / a > *p_cio, < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__event__mgr.html" > opj_event_mgr< / a > < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  *p_manager)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:a00c31265981c90dca7a0f294f62635a6" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > FIXME DOC. < a href = "#a00c31265981c90dca7a0f294f62635a6" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a00c31265981c90dca7a0f294f62635a6" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a16aa7ec61acc6c764ef6d597a7903ec2" > < td class = "memItemLeft" >             < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (*      < a class = "el" href = "structopj__codec__private.html#ac49179e15d7187487d58779151cad0cd" > opj_decode_tile_data< / a > )(void *p_codec, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a4cb1e6e6b6ef2df499d5c02f7df54cbb" > OPJ_UINT32< / a > < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  p_tile_index, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a22de44e15bddae7edfacf4e9ac9bb199" > OPJ_BYTE< / a > *p_data, < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a4cb1e6e6b6ef2df499d5c02f7df54cbb" > OPJ_UINT32< / a > p_data_size, struct < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  < a class = "el" href = "structopj__stream__private.html" > opj_stream_private< / a > *p_cio, < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__event__mgr.html" > opj_event_mgr< / a > < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  *p_manager)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:a16aa7ec61acc6c764ef6d597a7903ec2" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > FIXME DOC. < a href = "#a16aa7ec61acc6c764ef6d597a7903ec2" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a16aa7ec61acc6c764ef6d597a7903ec2" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:ae8a5b142c1f18d1b5599418d1c1553e0" > < td class = "memItemLeft" >             < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (*      < a class = "el" href = "structopj__codec__private.html#a46c9001de3fa2776c8748f620eef1dde" > opj_end_decompress< / a > )(void *p_codec, struct < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  < a class = "el" href = "structopj__stream__private.html" > opj_stream_private< / a > *cio, < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__event__mgr.html" > opj_event_mgr< / a > < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  *p_manager)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:ae8a5b142c1f18d1b5599418d1c1553e0" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > Reading function used after codestream if necessary. < a href = "#ae8a5b142c1f18d1b5599418d1c1553e0" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:ae8a5b142c1f18d1b5599418d1c1553e0" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a27624eba3e45d28e23f23f30466b3968" > < td class = "memItemLeft" >             void(*      < a class = "el" href = "structopj__codec__private.html#ab5c6c1ca688a05a62accca8e33a58146" > opj_destroy< / a > )(void *p_codec)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:a27624eba3e45d28e23f23f30466b3968" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > Codec destroy function handler. < a href = "#a27624eba3e45d28e23f23f30466b3968" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a27624eba3e45d28e23f23f30466b3968" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a1fcbba5d0cd72b3fe2827fa91193aaed" > < td class = "memItemLeft" >             void(*      < a class = "el" href = "structopj__codec__private.html#a19cb6b8fdf4de37a7d755a849ce13b1a" > opj_setup_decoder< / a > )(void *p_codec, < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a6b6650daf87a8d475f9a33f1744d8356" > opj_dparameters_t< / a > *p_param)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:a1fcbba5d0cd72b3fe2827fa91193aaed" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > Setup decoder function handler. < a href = "#a1fcbba5d0cd72b3fe2827fa91193aaed" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a1fcbba5d0cd72b3fe2827fa91193aaed" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:ac0ab3f562052ceb05c3a8e8e1422eb16" > < td class = "memItemLeft" >             < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (*      < a class = "el" href = "structopj__codec__private.html#af14bab9e09e5650eb8269a4a6569474d" > opj_set_decode_area< / a > )(void *p_codec, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a5c557180c59d54a2f1d29e8639687aa4" > opj_image_t< / a > < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  *p_image, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a3cec91ef9e73677f0dbd60d4e42401b9" > OPJ_INT32< / a > p_start_x, < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a3cec91ef9e73677f0dbd60d4e42401b9" > OPJ_INT32< / a > p_end_x, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a3cec91ef9e73677f0dbd60d4e42401b9" > OPJ_INT32< / a > < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  p_start_y, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a3cec91ef9e73677f0dbd60d4e42401b9" > OPJ_INT32< / a > p_end_y, < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__event__mgr.html" > opj_event_mgr< / a > < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  *p_manager)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:ac0ab3f562052ceb05c3a8e8e1422eb16" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > Set decode area function handler. < a href = "#ac0ab3f562052ceb05c3a8e8e1422eb16" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:ac0ab3f562052ceb05c3a8e8e1422eb16" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:acb495c23f64f806ae029876b7325258c" > < td class = "memItemLeft" >             < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (*      < a class = "el" href = "structopj__codec__private.html#a55573df7c2bcc775d300dda63ec31061" > opj_get_decoded_tile< / a > )(void *p_codec, < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  < a class = "el" href = "group___c_i_o.html#gacd21503a80c1803724c96c8baf9fd645" > opj_stream_private_t< / a > *p_cio, < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a5c557180c59d54a2f1d29e8639687aa4" > opj_image_t< / a > *p_image, struct < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  < a class = "el" href = "structopj__event__mgr.html" > opj_event_mgr< / a > *p_manager, < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a4cb1e6e6b6ef2df499d5c02f7df54cbb" > OPJ_UINT32< / a > tile_index)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:acb495c23f64f806ae029876b7325258c" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > Get tile function. < a href = "#acb495c23f64f806ae029876b7325258c" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:acb495c23f64f806ae029876b7325258c" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:ae857ce021d455cf04032299a01207956" > < td class = "memItemLeft" >             < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (*      < a class = "el" href = "structopj__codec__private.html#a599fac2e420b487fcb946fa64d03cab1" > opj_set_decoded_resolution_factor< / a > )(void *p_codec, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a4cb1e6e6b6ef2df499d5c02f7df54cbb" > OPJ_UINT32< / a > < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  res_factor, < a class = "el" href = "event_8h.html#a4cba85f9ee037b1f2c6bceb903051d96" > opj_event_mgr_t< / a > < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  *p_manager)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:ae857ce021d455cf04032299a01207956" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > Set the decoded resolution factor. < a href = "#ae857ce021d455cf04032299a01207956" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:ae857ce021d455cf04032299a01207956" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2017-10-05 00:57:21 +02:00
< tr class = "memitem:ad6b5b9ae52f3f2276d7db843a836623a" > < td class = "memItemLeft" >             < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (*      < a class = "el" href = "structopj__codec__private.html#ad06884ebbbf3bdf412feff80c4d9bca5" > opj_set_decoded_components< / a > )(void *p_codec, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a4cb1e6e6b6ef2df499d5c02f7df54cbb" > OPJ_UINT32< / a > < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  num_comps, const < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a4cb1e6e6b6ef2df499d5c02f7df54cbb" > OPJ_UINT32< / a > < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  *comps_indices, < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  < a class = "el" href = "event_8h.html#a4cba85f9ee037b1f2c6bceb903051d96" > opj_event_mgr_t< / a > *p_manager)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:ad6b5b9ae52f3f2276d7db843a836623a" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > Set the decoded components. < a href = "#ad6b5b9ae52f3f2276d7db843a836623a" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:ad6b5b9ae52f3f2276d7db843a836623a" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< tr class = "memitem:ac070fac228c95a067d93cedaeb5b7767" > < td class = "memItemLeft" valign = "top" >       }      < a class = "el" href = "structopj__codec__private.html#a49ec8119cd2b16a366f706ad415dfbdd" > m_decompression< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:ac070fac228c95a067d93cedaeb5b7767" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:ad5461544b63db8c22a7e66eec21276b7" > < td class = "memItemLeft" >       struct < b > opj_compression< / b > {< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:addca418b797879ae4169a4272ab07960" > < td class = "memItemLeft" >             < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (*      < a class = "el" href = "structopj__codec__private.html#aab10fcc6bc8b4b1a4b424aeb4d4cd4da" > opj_start_compress< / a > )(void *p_codec, struct < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  < a class = "el" href = "structopj__stream__private.html" > opj_stream_private< / a > *cio, < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__image.html" > opj_image< / a > *p_image, < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__event__mgr.html" > opj_event_mgr< / a > < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  *p_manager)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:addca418b797879ae4169a4272ab07960" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a5d4f23bf6428935ab0a9c36bb2d9d73f" > < td class = "memItemLeft" >             < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (*      < a class = "el" href = "structopj__codec__private.html#a87e9eaff305985042114b0e044d36458" > opj_encode< / a > )(void *p_codec, struct < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  < a class = "el" href = "structopj__stream__private.html" > opj_stream_private< / a > *p_cio, < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__event__mgr.html" > opj_event_mgr< / a > < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  *p_manager)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a5d4f23bf6428935ab0a9c36bb2d9d73f" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:ad481f08c56971792015bed34a0b430df" > < td class = "memItemLeft" >             < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (*      < a class = "el" href = "structopj__codec__private.html#a8309394482a52e3872eb3b5bcaad5123" > opj_write_tile< / a > )(void *p_codec, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a4cb1e6e6b6ef2df499d5c02f7df54cbb" > OPJ_UINT32< / a > < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  p_tile_index, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a22de44e15bddae7edfacf4e9ac9bb199" > OPJ_BYTE< / a > *p_data, < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a4cb1e6e6b6ef2df499d5c02f7df54cbb" > OPJ_UINT32< / a > p_data_size, struct < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  < a class = "el" href = "structopj__stream__private.html" > opj_stream_private< / a > *p_cio, < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__event__mgr.html" > opj_event_mgr< / a > < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  *p_manager)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:ad481f08c56971792015bed34a0b430df" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a51c57ebc41b14b674a7134c8275f3358" > < td class = "memItemLeft" >             < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (*      < a class = "el" href = "structopj__codec__private.html#a6969eb61c803c719ff207ffd099b1778" > opj_end_compress< / a > )(void *p_codec, struct < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  < a class = "el" href = "structopj__stream__private.html" > opj_stream_private< / a > *p_cio, < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__event__mgr.html" > opj_event_mgr< / a > < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  *p_manager)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a51c57ebc41b14b674a7134c8275f3358" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a151db04afe6087261f1199238f150f61" > < td class = "memItemLeft" >             void(*      < a class = "el" href = "structopj__codec__private.html#ab5c6c1ca688a05a62accca8e33a58146" > opj_destroy< / a > )(void *p_codec)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a151db04afe6087261f1199238f150f61" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a4b09771fb90fe658860c5ab16a185a6e" > < td class = "memItemLeft" >             < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (*      < a class = "el" href = "structopj__codec__private.html#ae4cd96320c1912110091dacd4b08a684" > opj_setup_encoder< / a > )(void *p_codec, < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a5c303dd5ddb702b9e6f82b8fbf69637d" > opj_cparameters_t< / a > *p_param, < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__image.html" > opj_image< / a > *p_image, < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__event__mgr.html" > opj_event_mgr< / a > < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  *p_manager)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a4b09771fb90fe658860c5ab16a185a6e" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< tr class = "memitem:a63507910426127d7701173f1338e5505" > < td class = "memItemLeft" >             < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (*      < a class = "el" href = "structopj__codec__private.html#a2a816288a43b193db5e9b2c06c747b36" > opj_encoder_set_extra_options< / a > )(void *p_codec, const char < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  *const *p_options, struct < br class = "typebreak" / >
                  < a class = "el" href = "structopj__event__mgr.html" > opj_event_mgr< / a > *p_manager)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a63507910426127d7701173f1338e5505" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< tr class = "memitem:ad5461544b63db8c22a7e66eec21276b7" > < td class = "memItemLeft" valign = "top" >       }      < a class = "el" href = "structopj__codec__private.html#ad2e8fc92edffc06808ec5ebe069b52ca" > m_compression< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:ad5461544b63db8c22a7e66eec21276b7" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:acad1e886fe9dd93863fe69edfd9bc17b" > < td class = "memItemLeft" valign = "top" > }  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "structopj__codec__private.html#acad1e886fe9dd93863fe69edfd9bc17b" > m_codec_data< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:acad1e886fe9dd93863fe69edfd9bc17b" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > FIXME DOC. < a href = "#acad1e886fe9dd93863fe69edfd9bc17b" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:acad1e886fe9dd93863fe69edfd9bc17b" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a59b2256a734fada5d6775b0e49ae8209" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > void *  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "structopj__codec__private.html#a59b2256a734fada5d6775b0e49ae8209" > m_codec< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:a59b2256a734fada5d6775b0e49ae8209" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > FIXME DOC. < a href = "#a59b2256a734fada5d6775b0e49ae8209" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a59b2256a734fada5d6775b0e49ae8209" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a80c19f6fb64d1bd40b8593042730ea16" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a class = "el" href = "event_8h.html#a4cba85f9ee037b1f2c6bceb903051d96" > opj_event_mgr_t< / a >   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "structopj__codec__private.html#a80c19f6fb64d1bd40b8593042730ea16" > m_event_mgr< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:a80c19f6fb64d1bd40b8593042730ea16" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > Event handler. < a href = "#a80c19f6fb64d1bd40b8593042730ea16" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a80c19f6fb64d1bd40b8593042730ea16" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a2b260d149ef24ac3bef21d80a804e34e" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a >   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "structopj__codec__private.html#a2b260d149ef24ac3bef21d80a804e34e" > is_decompressor< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:a2b260d149ef24ac3bef21d80a804e34e" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > Flag to indicate if the codec is used to decode or encode. < a href = "#a2b260d149ef24ac3bef21d80a804e34e" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a2b260d149ef24ac3bef21d80a804e34e" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:aab9f27707ff821e374dde5beac90ca9f" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > void(*  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "structopj__codec__private.html#aab9f27707ff821e374dde5beac90ca9f" > opj_dump_codec< / a > )(void *p_codec, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a3cec91ef9e73677f0dbd60d4e42401b9" > OPJ_INT32< / a > info_flag, FILE *output_stream)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:aab9f27707ff821e374dde5beac90ca9f" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a13ebe213da45238c20de1bc2004c76bd" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a6450987526732e77d4477b02e466b89e" > opj_codestream_info_v2_t< / a > *(*  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "structopj__codec__private.html#a13ebe213da45238c20de1bc2004c76bd" > opj_get_codec_info< / a > )(void *p_codec)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a13ebe213da45238c20de1bc2004c76bd" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2017-08-10 06:39:58 +02:00
< tr class = "memitem:a5c41b629596dcc3a8d02fa0255c3d02b" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#ae966d4f546d13751ce3de7765de7fc53" > opj_codestream_index_t< / a > *(*  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "structopj__codec__private.html#a5c41b629596dcc3a8d02fa0255c3d02b" > opj_get_codec_index< / a > )(void *p_codec)< / td > < / tr >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< tr class = "separator:a5c41b629596dcc3a8d02fa0255c3d02b" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2017-08-10 06:39:58 +02:00
< tr class = "memitem:a29f011df297704faaded798ed269ef75" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (*  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "structopj__codec__private.html#a29f011df297704faaded798ed269ef75" > opj_set_threads< / a > )(void *p_codec, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a4cb1e6e6b6ef2df499d5c02f7df54cbb" > OPJ_UINT32< / a > num_threads)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:a29f011df297704faaded798ed269ef75" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > Set number of threads. < a href = "#a29f011df297704faaded798ed269ef75" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a29f011df297704faaded798ed269ef75" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< / table >
< a name = "details" id = "details" > < / a > < h2 class = "groupheader" > Detailed Description< / h2 >
< div class = "textblock" > < p > Main codec handler used for compression or decompression. < / p >
< / div > < h2 class = "groupheader" > Field Documentation< / h2 >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "a2b260d149ef24ac3bef21d80a804e34e" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > opj_codec_private::is_decompressor< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > Flag to indicate if the codec is used to decode or encode. < / p >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > Referenced by < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a990851329975143ee0ad6d9fdf461f06" > opj_create_compress()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a411e8a7a5ea89724038fd143a48a6892" > opj_create_decompress()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a5d8f796e2757145918bb630ac37fb349" > opj_decode()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a8373b5a0732390d0400545e57674eceb" > opj_decode_tile_data()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a4703066003416217f2a108b99f50c4d5" > opj_destroy_codec()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a07b1a78e17f8c23f7fd1a4d282b9537b" > opj_encode()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#af850f0334031b7c707ab7167801ef017" > opj_encoder_set_extra_options()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a0db5facf635c28129d1bbbd6626950b6" > opj_end_compress()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a5b747bfbcf5be1b36aec8f1b8447d085" > opj_end_decompress()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#aa67a413455bb7e2b53f4e4c2c1e604ef" > opj_get_decoded_tile()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#ab7ccce9a2fb0cf5caa18d814e7f2947f" > opj_read_header()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a1e19d815afde20f647102ae9f5beead2" > opj_read_tile_header()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a29648f3323808658b11710fc5a7cfa89" > opj_set_decode_area()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#af7aa8f8295d792db318dc214f692e679" > opj_set_decoded_components()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#accb6a7b065e3808777237012011e6894" > opj_setup_decoder()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a9292a3d2e289e49cbb1df3a4976092cb" > opj_setup_encoder()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#afaaf1b749d982c1fe36749b0542b581b" > opj_start_compress()< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a0a8bf8169aceca7b355f54700759a1f0" > opj_write_tile()< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "a59b2256a734fada5d6775b0e49ae8209" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > void* opj_codec_private::m_codec< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > FIXME DOC. < / p >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > Referenced by < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a0962545f4b1c98e695daf3c3fb667536" > opj_codec_set_threads()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a990851329975143ee0ad6d9fdf461f06" > opj_create_compress()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a411e8a7a5ea89724038fd143a48a6892" > opj_create_decompress()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a5d8f796e2757145918bb630ac37fb349" > opj_decode()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a8373b5a0732390d0400545e57674eceb" > opj_decode_tile_data()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a4703066003416217f2a108b99f50c4d5" > opj_destroy_codec()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#ad62cb2f523825f2036ddad0387b1e2b2" > opj_dump_codec()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a07b1a78e17f8c23f7fd1a4d282b9537b" > opj_encode()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#af850f0334031b7c707ab7167801ef017" > opj_encoder_set_extra_options()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a0db5facf635c28129d1bbbd6626950b6" > opj_end_compress()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a5b747bfbcf5be1b36aec8f1b8447d085" > opj_end_decompress()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a94daf46def250f24e7aeca800818e7d8" > opj_get_cstr_index()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#ac4209d9dff9fee40d6604d0c3781a036" > opj_get_cstr_info()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#aa67a413455bb7e2b53f4e4c2c1e604ef" > opj_get_decoded_tile()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#ab7ccce9a2fb0cf5caa18d814e7f2947f" > opj_read_header()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a1e19d815afde20f647102ae9f5beead2" > opj_read_tile_header()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a29648f3323808658b11710fc5a7cfa89" > opj_set_decode_area()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#af7aa8f8295d792db318dc214f692e679" > opj_set_decoded_components()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a1212c14b4728546170c329acd0c04e78" > opj_set_decoded_resolution_factor()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#accb6a7b065e3808777237012011e6894" > opj_setup_decoder()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a9292a3d2e289e49cbb1df3a4976092cb" > opj_setup_encoder()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#afaaf1b749d982c1fe36749b0542b581b" > opj_start_compress()< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a0a8bf8169aceca7b355f54700759a1f0" > opj_write_tile()< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "acad1e886fe9dd93863fe69edfd9bc17b" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > union { ... } opj_codec_private::m_codec_data< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > FIXME DOC. < / p >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > Referenced by < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a990851329975143ee0ad6d9fdf461f06" > opj_create_compress()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a411e8a7a5ea89724038fd143a48a6892" > opj_create_decompress()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a5d8f796e2757145918bb630ac37fb349" > opj_decode()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a8373b5a0732390d0400545e57674eceb" > opj_decode_tile_data()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a4703066003416217f2a108b99f50c4d5" > opj_destroy_codec()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a07b1a78e17f8c23f7fd1a4d282b9537b" > opj_encode()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#af850f0334031b7c707ab7167801ef017" > opj_encoder_set_extra_options()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a0db5facf635c28129d1bbbd6626950b6" > opj_end_compress()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a5b747bfbcf5be1b36aec8f1b8447d085" > opj_end_decompress()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#aa67a413455bb7e2b53f4e4c2c1e604ef" > opj_get_decoded_tile()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#ab7ccce9a2fb0cf5caa18d814e7f2947f" > opj_read_header()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a1e19d815afde20f647102ae9f5beead2" > opj_read_tile_header()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a29648f3323808658b11710fc5a7cfa89" > opj_set_decode_area()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#af7aa8f8295d792db318dc214f692e679" > opj_set_decoded_components()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a1212c14b4728546170c329acd0c04e78" > opj_set_decoded_resolution_factor()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#accb6a7b065e3808777237012011e6894" > opj_setup_decoder()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a9292a3d2e289e49cbb1df3a4976092cb" > opj_setup_encoder()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#afaaf1b749d982c1fe36749b0542b581b" > opj_start_compress()< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a0a8bf8169aceca7b355f54700759a1f0" > opj_write_tile()< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "ad2e8fc92edffc06808ec5ebe069b52ca" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > struct { ... } ::opj_compression opj_codec_private::m_compression< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > Referenced by < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a990851329975143ee0ad6d9fdf461f06" > opj_create_compress()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a4703066003416217f2a108b99f50c4d5" > opj_destroy_codec()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a07b1a78e17f8c23f7fd1a4d282b9537b" > opj_encode()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#af850f0334031b7c707ab7167801ef017" > opj_encoder_set_extra_options()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a0db5facf635c28129d1bbbd6626950b6" > opj_end_compress()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a9292a3d2e289e49cbb1df3a4976092cb" > opj_setup_encoder()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#afaaf1b749d982c1fe36749b0542b581b" > opj_start_compress()< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a0a8bf8169aceca7b355f54700759a1f0" > opj_write_tile()< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "a49ec8119cd2b16a366f706ad415dfbdd" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > struct { ... } ::opj_decompression opj_codec_private::m_decompression< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > Referenced by < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a411e8a7a5ea89724038fd143a48a6892" > opj_create_decompress()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a5d8f796e2757145918bb630ac37fb349" > opj_decode()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a8373b5a0732390d0400545e57674eceb" > opj_decode_tile_data()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a4703066003416217f2a108b99f50c4d5" > opj_destroy_codec()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a5b747bfbcf5be1b36aec8f1b8447d085" > opj_end_decompress()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#aa67a413455bb7e2b53f4e4c2c1e604ef" > opj_get_decoded_tile()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#ab7ccce9a2fb0cf5caa18d814e7f2947f" > opj_read_header()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a1e19d815afde20f647102ae9f5beead2" > opj_read_tile_header()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a29648f3323808658b11710fc5a7cfa89" > opj_set_decode_area()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#af7aa8f8295d792db318dc214f692e679" > opj_set_decoded_components()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a1212c14b4728546170c329acd0c04e78" > opj_set_decoded_resolution_factor()< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#accb6a7b065e3808777237012011e6894" > opj_setup_decoder()< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "a80c19f6fb64d1bd40b8593042730ea16" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > < a class = "el" href = "event_8h.html#a4cba85f9ee037b1f2c6bceb903051d96" > opj_event_mgr_t< / a > opj_codec_private::m_event_mgr< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > Event handler. < / p >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > Referenced by < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a990851329975143ee0ad6d9fdf461f06" > opj_create_compress()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a411e8a7a5ea89724038fd143a48a6892" > opj_create_decompress()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a5d8f796e2757145918bb630ac37fb349" > opj_decode()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a8373b5a0732390d0400545e57674eceb" > opj_decode_tile_data()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a07b1a78e17f8c23f7fd1a4d282b9537b" > opj_encode()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#af850f0334031b7c707ab7167801ef017" > opj_encoder_set_extra_options()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a0db5facf635c28129d1bbbd6626950b6" > opj_end_compress()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a5b747bfbcf5be1b36aec8f1b8447d085" > opj_end_decompress()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#aa67a413455bb7e2b53f4e4c2c1e604ef" > opj_get_decoded_tile()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#ab7ccce9a2fb0cf5caa18d814e7f2947f" > opj_read_header()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a1e19d815afde20f647102ae9f5beead2" > opj_read_tile_header()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a29648f3323808658b11710fc5a7cfa89" > opj_set_decode_area()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#af7aa8f8295d792db318dc214f692e679" > opj_set_decoded_components()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a1212c14b4728546170c329acd0c04e78" > opj_set_decoded_resolution_factor()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a52a1f826dd3a2d257fa5b935b60a82ac" > opj_set_error_handler()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#ac887f1d80d30a49fe20b673836783696" > opj_set_info_handler()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#ae24aa81acf8ec8154f099bbe35703c0a" > opj_set_warning_handler()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#accb6a7b065e3808777237012011e6894" > opj_setup_decoder()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a9292a3d2e289e49cbb1df3a4976092cb" > opj_setup_encoder()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#afaaf1b749d982c1fe36749b0542b581b" > opj_start_compress()< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a0a8bf8169aceca7b355f54700759a1f0" > opj_write_tile()< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "a5a882189b793b6beba6111efb865e21d" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (* opj_codec_private::opj_decode) (void *p_codec, struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__stream__private.html" > opj_stream_private< / a > *p_cio, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a5c557180c59d54a2f1d29e8639687aa4" > opj_image_t< / a > *p_image, struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__event__mgr.html" > opj_event_mgr< / a > *p_manager)< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > Decoding function. < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "ac49179e15d7187487d58779151cad0cd" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (* opj_codec_private::opj_decode_tile_data) (void *p_codec, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a4cb1e6e6b6ef2df499d5c02f7df54cbb" > OPJ_UINT32< / a > p_tile_index, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a22de44e15bddae7edfacf4e9ac9bb199" > OPJ_BYTE< / a > *p_data, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a4cb1e6e6b6ef2df499d5c02f7df54cbb" > OPJ_UINT32< / a > p_data_size, struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__stream__private.html" > opj_stream_private< / a > *p_cio, struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__event__mgr.html" > opj_event_mgr< / a > *p_manager)< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > FIXME DOC. < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "ab5c6c1ca688a05a62accca8e33a58146" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > void(* opj_codec_private::opj_destroy) (void *p_codec)< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > Codec destroy function handler. < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "aab9f27707ff821e374dde5beac90ca9f" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > void(* opj_codec_private::opj_dump_codec) (void *p_codec, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a3cec91ef9e73677f0dbd60d4e42401b9" > OPJ_INT32< / a > info_flag, FILE *output_stream)< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > Referenced by < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a411e8a7a5ea89724038fd143a48a6892" > opj_create_decompress()< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#ad62cb2f523825f2036ddad0387b1e2b2" > opj_dump_codec()< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "a87e9eaff305985042114b0e044d36458" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (* opj_codec_private::opj_encode) (void *p_codec, struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__stream__private.html" > opj_stream_private< / a > *p_cio, struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__event__mgr.html" > opj_event_mgr< / a > *p_manager)< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "a2a816288a43b193db5e9b2c06c747b36" > < / a >
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (* opj_codec_private::opj_encoder_set_extra_options) (void *p_codec, const char *const *p_options, struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__event__mgr.html" > opj_event_mgr< / a > *p_manager)< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
2019-04-02 16:25:55 +02:00
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
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< a class = "anchor" id = "a6969eb61c803c719ff207ffd099b1778" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (* opj_codec_private::opj_end_compress) (void *p_codec, struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__stream__private.html" > opj_stream_private< / a > *p_cio, struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__event__mgr.html" > opj_event_mgr< / a > *p_manager)< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "a46c9001de3fa2776c8748f620eef1dde" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (* opj_codec_private::opj_end_decompress) (void *p_codec, struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__stream__private.html" > opj_stream_private< / a > *cio, struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__event__mgr.html" > opj_event_mgr< / a > *p_manager)< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > Reading function used after codestream if necessary. < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "a5c41b629596dcc3a8d02fa0255c3d02b" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
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< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
2017-08-10 06:39:58 +02:00
< td class = "memname" > < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#ae966d4f546d13751ce3de7765de7fc53" > opj_codestream_index_t< / a > *(* opj_codec_private::opj_get_codec_index) (void *p_codec)< / td >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > Referenced by < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a411e8a7a5ea89724038fd143a48a6892" > opj_create_decompress()< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a94daf46def250f24e7aeca800818e7d8" > opj_get_cstr_index()< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "a13ebe213da45238c20de1bc2004c76bd" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a6450987526732e77d4477b02e466b89e" > opj_codestream_info_v2_t< / a > *(* opj_codec_private::opj_get_codec_info) (void *p_codec)< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > Referenced by < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a411e8a7a5ea89724038fd143a48a6892" > opj_create_decompress()< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#ac4209d9dff9fee40d6604d0c3781a036" > opj_get_cstr_info()< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "a55573df7c2bcc775d300dda63ec31061" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (* opj_codec_private::opj_get_decoded_tile) (void *p_codec, < a class = "el" href = "group___c_i_o.html#gacd21503a80c1803724c96c8baf9fd645" > opj_stream_private_t< / a > *p_cio, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a5c557180c59d54a2f1d29e8639687aa4" > opj_image_t< / a > *p_image, struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__event__mgr.html" > opj_event_mgr< / a > *p_manager, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a4cb1e6e6b6ef2df499d5c02f7df54cbb" > OPJ_UINT32< / a > tile_index)< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > Get tile function. < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "a63bed644bddf0ac684fd9b31fdf631d0" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
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< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (* opj_codec_private::opj_read_header) (struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__stream__private.html" > opj_stream_private< / a > *cio, void *p_codec, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a5c557180c59d54a2f1d29e8639687aa4" > opj_image_t< / a > **p_image, struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__event__mgr.html" > opj_event_mgr< / a > *p_manager)< / td >
< / tr >
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< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > Main header reading function handler. < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "af0c0eea84456bad053ff25f2616b31df" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
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< td class = "memname" > < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (* opj_codec_private::opj_read_tile_header) (void *p_codec, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a4cb1e6e6b6ef2df499d5c02f7df54cbb" > OPJ_UINT32< / a > *p_tile_index, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a4cb1e6e6b6ef2df499d5c02f7df54cbb" > OPJ_UINT32< / a > *p_data_size, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a3cec91ef9e73677f0dbd60d4e42401b9" > OPJ_INT32< / a > *p_tile_x0, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a3cec91ef9e73677f0dbd60d4e42401b9" > OPJ_INT32< / a > *p_tile_y0, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a3cec91ef9e73677f0dbd60d4e42401b9" > OPJ_INT32< / a > *p_tile_x1, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a3cec91ef9e73677f0dbd60d4e42401b9" > OPJ_INT32< / a > *p_tile_y1, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a4cb1e6e6b6ef2df499d5c02f7df54cbb" > OPJ_UINT32< / a > *p_nb_comps, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > *p_should_go_on, struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__stream__private.html" > opj_stream_private< / a > *p_cio, struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__event__mgr.html" > opj_event_mgr< / a > *p_manager)< / td >
< / tr >
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< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > FIXME DOC. < / p >
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2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "af14bab9e09e5650eb8269a4a6569474d" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
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< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (* opj_codec_private::opj_set_decode_area) (void *p_codec, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a5c557180c59d54a2f1d29e8639687aa4" > opj_image_t< / a > *p_image, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a3cec91ef9e73677f0dbd60d4e42401b9" > OPJ_INT32< / a > p_start_x, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a3cec91ef9e73677f0dbd60d4e42401b9" > OPJ_INT32< / a > p_end_x, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a3cec91ef9e73677f0dbd60d4e42401b9" > OPJ_INT32< / a > p_start_y, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a3cec91ef9e73677f0dbd60d4e42401b9" > OPJ_INT32< / a > p_end_y, struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__event__mgr.html" > opj_event_mgr< / a > *p_manager)< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > Set decode area function handler. < / p >
2017-10-05 00:57:21 +02:00
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2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "ad06884ebbbf3bdf412feff80c4d9bca5" > < / a >
2017-10-05 00:57:21 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
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< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (* opj_codec_private::opj_set_decoded_components) (void *p_codec, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a4cb1e6e6b6ef2df499d5c02f7df54cbb" > OPJ_UINT32< / a > num_comps, const < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a4cb1e6e6b6ef2df499d5c02f7df54cbb" > OPJ_UINT32< / a > *comps_indices, < a class = "el" href = "event_8h.html#a4cba85f9ee037b1f2c6bceb903051d96" > opj_event_mgr_t< / a > *p_manager)< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > Set the decoded components. < / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
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< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "a599fac2e420b487fcb946fa64d03cab1" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
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< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (* opj_codec_private::opj_set_decoded_resolution_factor) (void *p_codec, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a4cb1e6e6b6ef2df499d5c02f7df54cbb" > OPJ_UINT32< / a > res_factor, < a class = "el" href = "event_8h.html#a4cba85f9ee037b1f2c6bceb903051d96" > opj_event_mgr_t< / a > *p_manager)< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > Set the decoded resolution factor. < / p >
< / div >
2017-08-10 06:39:58 +02:00
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2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "a29f011df297704faaded798ed269ef75" > < / a >
2017-08-10 06:39:58 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
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< tr >
< td class = "memname" > < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (* opj_codec_private::opj_set_threads) (void *p_codec, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a4cb1e6e6b6ef2df499d5c02f7df54cbb" > OPJ_UINT32< / a > num_threads)< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > Set number of threads. < / p >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > Referenced by < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a0962545f4b1c98e695daf3c3fb667536" > opj_codec_set_threads()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a990851329975143ee0ad6d9fdf461f06" > opj_create_compress()< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a411e8a7a5ea89724038fd143a48a6892" > opj_create_decompress()< / a > .< / p >
2017-08-10 06:39:58 +02:00
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2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
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2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "a19cb6b8fdf4de37a7d755a849ce13b1a" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
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< tr >
< td class = "memname" > void(* opj_codec_private::opj_setup_decoder) (void *p_codec, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a6b6650daf87a8d475f9a33f1744d8356" > opj_dparameters_t< / a > *p_param)< / td >
< / tr >
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< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > Setup decoder function handler. < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "ae4cd96320c1912110091dacd4b08a684" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
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< tr >
< td class = "memname" > < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (* opj_codec_private::opj_setup_encoder) (void *p_codec, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a5c303dd5ddb702b9e6f82b8fbf69637d" > opj_cparameters_t< / a > *p_param, struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__image.html" > opj_image< / a > *p_image, struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__event__mgr.html" > opj_event_mgr< / a > *p_manager)< / td >
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2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "aab10fcc6bc8b4b1a4b424aeb4d4cd4da" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
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< tr >
< td class = "memname" > < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (* opj_codec_private::opj_start_compress) (void *p_codec, struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__stream__private.html" > opj_stream_private< / a > *cio, struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__image.html" > opj_image< / a > *p_image, struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__event__mgr.html" > opj_event_mgr< / a > *p_manager)< / td >
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2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "a8309394482a52e3872eb3b5bcaad5123" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
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< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > (* opj_codec_private::opj_write_tile) (void *p_codec, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a4cb1e6e6b6ef2df499d5c02f7df54cbb" > OPJ_UINT32< / a > p_tile_index, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a22de44e15bddae7edfacf4e9ac9bb199" > OPJ_BYTE< / a > *p_data, < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a4cb1e6e6b6ef2df499d5c02f7df54cbb" > OPJ_UINT32< / a > p_data_size, struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__stream__private.html" > opj_stream_private< / a > *p_cio, struct < a class = "el" href = "structopj__event__mgr.html" > opj_event_mgr< / a > *p_manager)< / td >
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