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< div class = "summary" >
< a href = "#nested-classes" > Data Structures< / a > |
< a href = "#typedef-members" > Typedefs< / a > |
< a href = "#func-members" > Functions< / a > < / div >
< div class = "headertitle" >
< div class = "title" > index_manager.h File Reference< / div > < / div >
< / div > <!-- header -->
< div class = "contents" >
< div class = "textblock" > < code > #include " opj_config.h" < / code > < br / >
< code > #include " < a class = "el" href = "opj__includes_8h_source.html" > opj_includes.h< / a > " < / code > < br / >
< code > #include " < a class = "el" href = "byte__manager_8h_source.html" > byte_manager.h< / a > " < / code > < br / >
< code > #include " < a class = "el" href = "faixbox__manager_8h_source.html" > faixbox_manager.h< / a > " < / code > < br / >
< code > #include " < a class = "el" href = "metadata__manager_8h_source.html" > metadata_manager.h< / a > " < / code > < br / >
< code > #include " < a class = "el" href = "mhixbox__manager_8h_source.html" > mhixbox_manager.h< / a > " < / code > < br / >
< / div >
< p > < a href = "index__manager_8h_source.html" > Go to the source code of this file.< / a > < / p >
< table class = "memberdecls" >
< tr class = "heading" > < td colspan = "2" > < h2 class = "groupheader" > < a name = "nested-classes" > < / a >
Data Structures< / h2 > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > struct   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html" > SIZmarker_param< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > progression order < a href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html#details" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > struct   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "struct_c_o_dmarker__param.html" > CODmarker_param< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > A.6.1 Coding style default (COD) < a href = "struct_c_o_dmarker__param.html#details" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > struct   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "structindex__param.html" > index_param< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > index parameters < a href = "structindex__param.html#details" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > struct   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "structrange__param.html" > range_param< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > 1-dimensional range parameters < a href = "structrange__param.html#details" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< / table > < table class = "memberdecls" >
< tr class = "heading" > < td colspan = "2" > < h2 class = "groupheader" > < a name = "typedef-members" > < / a >
Typedefs< / h2 > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:aad063c864473ce7ae7a16d9955594f3a" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > typedef struct < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html" > SIZmarker_param< / a >   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#aad063c864473ce7ae7a16d9955594f3a" > SIZmarker_param_t< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:aad063c864473ce7ae7a16d9955594f3a" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > progression order < a href = "#aad063c864473ce7ae7a16d9955594f3a" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:aad063c864473ce7ae7a16d9955594f3a" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a4b304973391a206d69d52931370350c3" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > typedef struct < a class = "el" href = "struct_c_o_dmarker__param.html" > CODmarker_param< / a >   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#a4b304973391a206d69d52931370350c3" > CODmarker_param_t< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:a4b304973391a206d69d52931370350c3" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > A.6.1 Coding style default (COD) < a href = "#a4b304973391a206d69d52931370350c3" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a4b304973391a206d69d52931370350c3" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:ac47781e88a7799358fb9c56238a6a251" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > typedef struct < a class = "el" href = "structindex__param.html" > index_param< / a >   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#ac47781e88a7799358fb9c56238a6a251" > index_param_t< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:ac47781e88a7799358fb9c56238a6a251" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > index parameters < a href = "#ac47781e88a7799358fb9c56238a6a251" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:ac47781e88a7799358fb9c56238a6a251" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a3de46cb732f0f7edb4a5e04b3fcdd8c7" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > typedef struct < a class = "el" href = "structrange__param.html" > range_param< / a >   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#a3de46cb732f0f7edb4a5e04b3fcdd8c7" > range_param_t< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:a3de46cb732f0f7edb4a5e04b3fcdd8c7" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > 1-dimensional range parameters < a href = "#a3de46cb732f0f7edb4a5e04b3fcdd8c7" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a3de46cb732f0f7edb4a5e04b3fcdd8c7" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< / table > < table class = "memberdecls" >
< tr class = "heading" > < td colspan = "2" > < h2 class = "groupheader" > < a name = "func-members" > < / a >
Functions< / h2 > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:aeda761f27ce8cb0ed202d0ea2aa64c7e" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#ac47781e88a7799358fb9c56238a6a251" > index_param_t< / a > *  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#aeda761f27ce8cb0ed202d0ea2aa64c7e" > parse_jp2file< / a > (int fd)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:aeda761f27ce8cb0ed202d0ea2aa64c7e" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > parse JP2 file AnnexI: Indexing JPEG2000 files for JPIP < a href = "#aeda761f27ce8cb0ed202d0ea2aa64c7e" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:aeda761f27ce8cb0ed202d0ea2aa64c7e" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:acba4fd559491e3b10a80e0d14839c8bf" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > void  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#acba4fd559491e3b10a80e0d14839c8bf" > print_index< / a > (< a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#ac47781e88a7799358fb9c56238a6a251" > index_param_t< / a > index)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:acba4fd559491e3b10a80e0d14839c8bf" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > print index parameters < a href = "#acba4fd559491e3b10a80e0d14839c8bf" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:acba4fd559491e3b10a80e0d14839c8bf" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a13edadac7bbb0f6c68e320955f61e9d0" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > void  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#a13edadac7bbb0f6c68e320955f61e9d0" > print_SIZ< / a > (< a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#aad063c864473ce7ae7a16d9955594f3a" > SIZmarker_param_t< / a > SIZ)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:a13edadac7bbb0f6c68e320955f61e9d0" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > print Image and Tile SIZ parameters < a href = "#a13edadac7bbb0f6c68e320955f61e9d0" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a13edadac7bbb0f6c68e320955f61e9d0" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a91bf084c1866b14553ed020304e38f9a" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > void  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#a91bf084c1866b14553ed020304e38f9a" > print_COD< / a > (< a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#a4b304973391a206d69d52931370350c3" > CODmarker_param_t< / a > COD)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:a91bf084c1866b14553ed020304e38f9a" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > print Coding style default COD parameters < a href = "#a91bf084c1866b14553ed020304e38f9a" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a91bf084c1866b14553ed020304e38f9a" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a8547a6683f5846c256ed1a0b5a55ad29" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > void  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#a8547a6683f5846c256ed1a0b5a55ad29" > delete_index< / a > (< a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#ac47781e88a7799358fb9c56238a6a251" > index_param_t< / a > **index)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:a8547a6683f5846c256ed1a0b5a55ad29" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > delete index < a href = "#a8547a6683f5846c256ed1a0b5a55ad29" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a8547a6683f5846c256ed1a0b5a55ad29" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a02ddb84f0afb66d882fd5c795e35e7a9" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > void  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#a02ddb84f0afb66d882fd5c795e35e7a9" > delete_COD< / a > (< a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#a4b304973391a206d69d52931370350c3" > CODmarker_param_t< / a > COD)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:a02ddb84f0afb66d882fd5c795e35e7a9" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > delete dynamic arrays in COD marker < a href = "#a02ddb84f0afb66d882fd5c795e35e7a9" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a02ddb84f0afb66d882fd5c795e35e7a9" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a2e6b72c6590f693f84e3975997c94989" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#a3de46cb732f0f7edb4a5e04b3fcdd8c7" > range_param_t< / a >   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#a2e6b72c6590f693f84e3975997c94989" > get_tile_Xrange< / a > (< a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#aad063c864473ce7ae7a16d9955594f3a" > SIZmarker_param_t< / a > SIZ, < a class = "el" href = "byte__manager_8h.html#aad2d957f29839c12c87e4dd945807d36" > Byte4_t< / a > tile_id, int level)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:a2e6b72c6590f693f84e3975997c94989" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > get horizontal range of the tile in reference grid < a href = "#a2e6b72c6590f693f84e3975997c94989" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a2e6b72c6590f693f84e3975997c94989" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:aa881371ab6d9fe66e6150451d43fd4f6" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#a3de46cb732f0f7edb4a5e04b3fcdd8c7" > range_param_t< / a >   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#aa881371ab6d9fe66e6150451d43fd4f6" > get_tile_Yrange< / a > (< a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#aad063c864473ce7ae7a16d9955594f3a" > SIZmarker_param_t< / a > SIZ, < a class = "el" href = "byte__manager_8h.html#aad2d957f29839c12c87e4dd945807d36" > Byte4_t< / a > tile_id, int level)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:aa881371ab6d9fe66e6150451d43fd4f6" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > get vertical range of the tile in reference grid < a href = "#aa881371ab6d9fe66e6150451d43fd4f6" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:aa881371ab6d9fe66e6150451d43fd4f6" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a363e109f12af309bc22a5fbc251b46ce" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a class = "el" href = "byte__manager_8h.html#aad2d957f29839c12c87e4dd945807d36" > Byte4_t< / a >   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#a363e109f12af309bc22a5fbc251b46ce" > get_tile_XSiz< / a > (< a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#aad063c864473ce7ae7a16d9955594f3a" > SIZmarker_param_t< / a > SIZ, < a class = "el" href = "byte__manager_8h.html#aad2d957f29839c12c87e4dd945807d36" > Byte4_t< / a > tile_id, int level)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:a363e109f12af309bc22a5fbc251b46ce" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > get tile wdith at the decomposition level < a href = "#a363e109f12af309bc22a5fbc251b46ce" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a363e109f12af309bc22a5fbc251b46ce" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a89abd290cab4747e57da4648eab0103d" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a class = "el" href = "byte__manager_8h.html#aad2d957f29839c12c87e4dd945807d36" > Byte4_t< / a >   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#a89abd290cab4747e57da4648eab0103d" > get_tile_YSiz< / a > (< a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#aad063c864473ce7ae7a16d9955594f3a" > SIZmarker_param_t< / a > SIZ, < a class = "el" href = "byte__manager_8h.html#aad2d957f29839c12c87e4dd945807d36" > Byte4_t< / a > tile_id, int level)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a89abd290cab4747e57da4648eab0103d" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:ae9e9b509e0078e503da1c0564644a193" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a >   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#ae9e9b509e0078e503da1c0564644a193" > isJPTfeasible< / a > (< a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#ac47781e88a7799358fb9c56238a6a251" > index_param_t< / a > index)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memdesc:ae9e9b509e0078e503da1c0564644a193" > < td class = "mdescLeft" >   < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > answers if the target is feasible to JPT-stream < a href = "#ae9e9b509e0078e503da1c0564644a193" > More...< / a > < br / > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:ae9e9b509e0078e503da1c0564644a193" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< / table >
< h2 class = "groupheader" > Typedef Documentation< / h2 >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "a4b304973391a206d69d52931370350c3" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > typedef struct < a class = "el" href = "struct_c_o_dmarker__param.html" > CODmarker_param< / a > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#a4b304973391a206d69d52931370350c3" > CODmarker_param_t< / a > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > A.6.1 Coding style default (COD) < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "ac47781e88a7799358fb9c56238a6a251" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > typedef struct < a class = "el" href = "structindex__param.html" > index_param< / a > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#ac47781e88a7799358fb9c56238a6a251" > index_param_t< / a > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > index parameters < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "a3de46cb732f0f7edb4a5e04b3fcdd8c7" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > typedef struct < a class = "el" href = "structrange__param.html" > range_param< / a > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#a3de46cb732f0f7edb4a5e04b3fcdd8c7" > range_param_t< / a > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > 1-dimensional range parameters < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "aad063c864473ce7ae7a16d9955594f3a" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > typedef struct < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html" > SIZmarker_param< / a > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#aad063c864473ce7ae7a16d9955594f3a" > SIZmarker_param_t< / a > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > progression order < / p >
< p > A.5.1 Image and tile size (SIZ) < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
< h2 class = "groupheader" > Function Documentation< / h2 >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "a02ddb84f0afb66d882fd5c795e35e7a9" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > void delete_COD < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#a4b304973391a206d69d52931370350c3" > CODmarker_param_t< / a >   < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > COD< / em > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > delete dynamic arrays in COD marker < / p >
< dl class = "params" > < dt > Parameters< / dt > < dd >
< table class = "params" >
< tr > < td class = "paramdir" > [in]< / td > < td class = "paramname" > COD< / td > < td > COD marker information < / td > < / tr >
< / table >
< / dd >
< / dl >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > References < a class = "el" href = "group___m_i_s_c.html#ga2bd00e2482ae36197631bde0665cfdfe" > opj_free()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "struct_c_o_dmarker__param.html#aecda2eeb8332cff348b11d0c09540b9c" > CODmarker_param::XPsiz< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "struct_c_o_dmarker__param.html#a9991aeac9582166cff53a31a17ac4e1a" > CODmarker_param::YPsiz< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > Referenced by < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#a8547a6683f5846c256ed1a0b5a55ad29" > delete_index()< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "jp2k__encoder_8c.html#a5aafbf746124f238d36a0eeeb442ac7a" > recons_codestream_from_JPPstream()< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "a8547a6683f5846c256ed1a0b5a55ad29" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > void delete_index < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#ac47781e88a7799358fb9c56238a6a251" > index_param_t< / a > **  < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > index< / em > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > delete index < / p >
< dl class = "params" > < dt > Parameters< / dt > < dd >
< table class = "params" >
< tr > < td class = "paramdir" > [in,out]< / td > < td class = "paramname" > index< / td > < td > addressof the index pointer < / td > < / tr >
< / table >
< / dd >
< / dl >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > References < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8c.html#a02ddb84f0afb66d882fd5c795e35e7a9" > delete_COD()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "faixbox__manager_8c.html#a1581a7f929f81787b929fb8666152cd7" > delete_faixbox()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "metadata__manager_8c.html#aaf53c8e8dc223c54970487cafe2ba7eb" > delete_metadatalist()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "mhixbox__manager_8c.html#a93e96cdf2beb6d3a4d5f30e462e2c079" > delete_mhixbox()< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "group___m_i_s_c.html#ga2bd00e2482ae36197631bde0665cfdfe" > opj_free()< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > Referenced by < a class = "el" href = "target__manager_8h.html#ab1b6dde48f43ef27ae5c48582412d5e9" > delete_target()< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "openjpip_8h.html#a94cba1bb36c08739e9983119af4d47e2" > destroy_index()< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "a2e6b72c6590f693f84e3975997c94989" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#a3de46cb732f0f7edb4a5e04b3fcdd8c7" > range_param_t< / a > get_tile_Xrange < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#aad063c864473ce7ae7a16d9955594f3a" > SIZmarker_param_t< / a >   < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > SIZ< / em > , < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "paramkey" > < / td >
< td > < / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > < a class = "el" href = "byte__manager_8h.html#aad2d957f29839c12c87e4dd945807d36" > Byte4_t< / a >   < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > tile_id< / em > , < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "paramkey" > < / td >
< td > < / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > int  < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > level< / em >   < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td > < / td >
< td > )< / td >
< td > < / td > < td > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > get horizontal range of the tile in reference grid < / p >
< dl class = "params" > < dt > Parameters< / dt > < dd >
< table class = "params" >
< tr > < td class = "paramdir" > [in]< / td > < td class = "paramname" > SIZ< / td > < td > SIZ marker information < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td class = "paramdir" > [in]< / td > < td class = "paramname" > tile_id< / td > < td > tile id < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td class = "paramdir" > [in]< / td > < td class = "paramname" > level< / td > < td > decomposition level < / td > < / tr >
< / table >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< dl class = "section return" > < dt > Returns< / dt > < dd > structured range parameter < / dd > < / dl >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > References < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8c.html#a61077e24d0da732927e3eea3a5413348" > get_tile_range()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html#aafe7317077e6f622c29cbad5c76b1e0e" > SIZmarker_param::XOsiz< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html#a9a138921fb5a8e902b627ae02b6ffb3f" > SIZmarker_param::Xsiz< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html#a79168a3b2807f62ba9efd85676e4ca7c" > SIZmarker_param::XTnum< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html#a90f95a5cbb8edd382b995e8bfd0f56f9" > SIZmarker_param::XTOsiz< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html#ad8dca49bdd3b445532a377cf29cc5616" > SIZmarker_param::XTsiz< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > Referenced by < a class = "el" href = "jpip__parser_8c.html#a72490e3e8ccd2d8d102a15affea987ec" > enqueue_imagedata()< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#a363e109f12af309bc22a5fbc251b46ce" > get_tile_XSiz()< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "a363e109f12af309bc22a5fbc251b46ce" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > < a class = "el" href = "byte__manager_8h.html#aad2d957f29839c12c87e4dd945807d36" > Byte4_t< / a > get_tile_XSiz < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#aad063c864473ce7ae7a16d9955594f3a" > SIZmarker_param_t< / a >   < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > SIZ< / em > , < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "paramkey" > < / td >
< td > < / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > < a class = "el" href = "byte__manager_8h.html#aad2d957f29839c12c87e4dd945807d36" > Byte4_t< / a >   < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > tile_id< / em > , < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "paramkey" > < / td >
< td > < / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > int  < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > level< / em >   < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td > < / td >
< td > )< / td >
< td > < / td > < td > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > get tile wdith at the decomposition level < / p >
< dl class = "params" > < dt > Parameters< / dt > < dd >
< table class = "params" >
< tr > < td class = "paramdir" > [in]< / td > < td class = "paramname" > SIZ< / td > < td > SIZ marker information < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td class = "paramdir" > [in]< / td > < td class = "paramname" > tile_id< / td > < td > tile id < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td class = "paramdir" > [in]< / td > < td class = "paramname" > level< / td > < td > decomposition level < / td > < / tr >
< / table >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< dl class = "section return" > < dt > Returns< / dt > < dd > tile width < / dd > < / dl >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > References < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8c.html#a2e6b72c6590f693f84e3975997c94989" > get_tile_Xrange()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "structrange__param.html#a610da2d205ffde3ab43c83ef0eaaf3c1" > range_param::maxvalue< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "structrange__param.html#adf2276321c59f98453800a4d35435048" > range_param::minvalue< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > Referenced by < a class = "el" href = "jp2k__encoder_8c.html#af9e2f5bb2cb187a84fcbe42ea66bf3ca" > comp_numOfprcts()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "jpip__parser_8c.html#aca2006bf1afcda0f917aa7794bb6f287" > enqueue_allprecincts()< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "jpip__parser_8c.html#aebe387634751d8d7d253ec5b9273f093" > enqueue_precincts()< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "aa881371ab6d9fe66e6150451d43fd4f6" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#a3de46cb732f0f7edb4a5e04b3fcdd8c7" > range_param_t< / a > get_tile_Yrange < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#aad063c864473ce7ae7a16d9955594f3a" > SIZmarker_param_t< / a >   < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > SIZ< / em > , < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "paramkey" > < / td >
< td > < / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > < a class = "el" href = "byte__manager_8h.html#aad2d957f29839c12c87e4dd945807d36" > Byte4_t< / a >   < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > tile_id< / em > , < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "paramkey" > < / td >
< td > < / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > int  < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > level< / em >   < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td > < / td >
< td > )< / td >
< td > < / td > < td > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > get vertical range of the tile in reference grid < / p >
< dl class = "params" > < dt > Parameters< / dt > < dd >
< table class = "params" >
< tr > < td class = "paramdir" > [in]< / td > < td class = "paramname" > SIZ< / td > < td > SIZ marker information < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td class = "paramdir" > [in]< / td > < td class = "paramname" > tile_id< / td > < td > tile id < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td class = "paramdir" > [in]< / td > < td class = "paramname" > level< / td > < td > decomposition level < / td > < / tr >
< / table >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< dl class = "section return" > < dt > Returns< / dt > < dd > structured range parameter < / dd > < / dl >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > References < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8c.html#a61077e24d0da732927e3eea3a5413348" > get_tile_range()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html#a79168a3b2807f62ba9efd85676e4ca7c" > SIZmarker_param::XTnum< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html#a6871c1df6924ded7d2bbda1db7d4d22e" > SIZmarker_param::YOsiz< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html#a0f9f980e4c36fb394b87f4041b8344c6" > SIZmarker_param::Ysiz< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html#a3d2f0d96ab372070bcd8a9d3b85a2d07" > SIZmarker_param::YTOsiz< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html#aa1dc0a9082714efdd8bfa4c6ed6e3327" > SIZmarker_param::YTsiz< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > Referenced by < a class = "el" href = "jpip__parser_8c.html#a72490e3e8ccd2d8d102a15affea987ec" > enqueue_imagedata()< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#a89abd290cab4747e57da4648eab0103d" > get_tile_YSiz()< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "a89abd290cab4747e57da4648eab0103d" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > < a class = "el" href = "byte__manager_8h.html#aad2d957f29839c12c87e4dd945807d36" > Byte4_t< / a > get_tile_YSiz < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#aad063c864473ce7ae7a16d9955594f3a" > SIZmarker_param_t< / a >   < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > SIZ< / em > , < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "paramkey" > < / td >
< td > < / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > < a class = "el" href = "byte__manager_8h.html#aad2d957f29839c12c87e4dd945807d36" > Byte4_t< / a >   < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > tile_id< / em > , < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "paramkey" > < / td >
< td > < / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > int  < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > level< / em >   < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td > < / td >
< td > )< / td >
< td > < / td > < td > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > References < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8c.html#aa881371ab6d9fe66e6150451d43fd4f6" > get_tile_Yrange()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "structrange__param.html#a610da2d205ffde3ab43c83ef0eaaf3c1" > range_param::maxvalue< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "structrange__param.html#adf2276321c59f98453800a4d35435048" > range_param::minvalue< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > Referenced by < a class = "el" href = "jp2k__encoder_8c.html#af9e2f5bb2cb187a84fcbe42ea66bf3ca" > comp_numOfprcts()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "jpip__parser_8c.html#aca2006bf1afcda0f917aa7794bb6f287" > enqueue_allprecincts()< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "jpip__parser_8c.html#aebe387634751d8d7d253ec5b9273f093" > enqueue_precincts()< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "ae9e9b509e0078e503da1c0564644a193" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#abb5dad6294f4611f1925388e919b16f4" > OPJ_BOOL< / a > isJPTfeasible < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#ac47781e88a7799358fb9c56238a6a251" > index_param_t< / a >   < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > index< / em > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > answers if the target is feasible to JPT-stream < / p >
< dl class = "params" > < dt > Parameters< / dt > < dd >
< table class = "params" >
< tr > < td class = "paramdir" > [in]< / td > < td class = "paramname" > index< / td > < td > index parameters < / td > < / tr >
< / table >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< dl class = "section return" > < dt > Returns< / dt > < dd > true if JPT-stream is feasible < / dd > < / dl >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > References < a class = "el" href = "faixbox__manager_8c.html#a9dc6a52e3b73d819c3cca6ee29c1485d" > get_nmax()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#ac672bfd7db39c609e828acb07a321964" > OPJ_FALSE< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "openjpeg_8h.html#a04830036d767cba56cbf5ae5bdc481d3" > OPJ_TRUE< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "structindex__param.html#abbf2b7d27ed7e860fd67ba9a58af1514" > index_param::tilepart< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > Referenced by < a class = "el" href = "target__manager_8h.html#afff9d3a8abcbaa01253c294506dc96ba" > gene_target()< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "aeda761f27ce8cb0ed202d0ea2aa64c7e" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#ac47781e88a7799358fb9c56238a6a251" > index_param_t< / a > * parse_jp2file < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > int  < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > fd< / em > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > parse JP2 file AnnexI: Indexing JPEG2000 files for JPIP < / p >
< dl class = "params" > < dt > Parameters< / dt > < dd >
< table class = "params" >
< tr > < td class = "paramdir" > [in]< / td > < td class = "paramname" > fd< / td > < td > file descriptor of the JP2 file < / td > < / tr >
< / table >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< dl class = "section return" > < dt > Returns< / dt > < dd > pointer to the generated structure of index parameters < / dd > < / dl >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > References < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8c.html#aef72d99e5b07983bcf9b7ba3b76f0c61" > check_JP2boxidx()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "metadata__manager_8c.html#a03c8182628aa31f07dbca72fe966676a" > const_metadatalist()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "box__manager_8c.html#ad72e15be902a7c0cdfee23468250fff5" > delete_boxlist()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8c.html#a77b5d5af2adb2cfa7ec785b592fc4074" > FCGI_stderr< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "box__manager_8c.html#a0c5e97f8df3073b59d319c237844d3fd" > get_boxstructure()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "byte__manager_8c.html#a955af5bd7b57f186c3174728fa160ff0" > get_filesize()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8c.html#a31c99676da88bb0bcdb350710f00fa96" > logstream< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "structindex__param.html#aff731fe41300090d3dce7fb28d6cb245" > index_param::metadatalist< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "group___m_i_s_c.html#ga2bd00e2482ae36197631bde0665cfdfe" > opj_free()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "group___m_i_s_c.html#ga49c70931cbed786f6eef5f095bcb2917" > opj_malloc()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "box__manager_8c.html#ad9d347a84614e1e2bfd4464f22fbd2c5" > search_box()< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8c.html#a1bca84a98c266c9da610ebbb5d17e83c" > set_cidxdata()< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > Referenced by < a class = "el" href = "target__manager_8h.html#afff9d3a8abcbaa01253c294506dc96ba" > gene_target()< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "openjpip_8h.html#a191391a64b5ce564276e3ed5f9ac138b" > get_index_from_JP2file()< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "a91bf084c1866b14553ed020304e38f9a" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > void print_COD < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#a4b304973391a206d69d52931370350c3" > CODmarker_param_t< / a >   < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > COD< / em > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > print Coding style default COD parameters < / p >
< dl class = "params" > < dt > Parameters< / dt > < dd >
< table class = "params" >
< tr > < td class = "paramdir" > [in]< / td > < td class = "paramname" > COD< / td > < td > COD marker information < / td > < / tr >
< / table >
< / dd >
< / dl >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > References < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8c.html#a31c99676da88bb0bcdb350710f00fa96" > logstream< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "struct_c_o_dmarker__param.html#a8b5a7ec3922783dbb050dd2c6ee729a3" > CODmarker_param::numOfdecomp< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "struct_c_o_dmarker__param.html#a4b9375e1901cd5ab4ac9b1326f404758" > CODmarker_param::numOflayers< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "struct_c_o_dmarker__param.html#a5ae73f1bec721bdd4d33728091db15b6" > CODmarker_param::prog_order< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "struct_c_o_dmarker__param.html#a4fa6918eab9671421653498def3f4df7" > CODmarker_param::Scod< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "struct_c_o_dmarker__param.html#aecda2eeb8332cff348b11d0c09540b9c" > CODmarker_param::XPsiz< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "struct_c_o_dmarker__param.html#a9991aeac9582166cff53a31a17ac4e1a" > CODmarker_param::YPsiz< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > Referenced by < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#acba4fd559491e3b10a80e0d14839c8bf" > print_index()< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "acba4fd559491e3b10a80e0d14839c8bf" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > void print_index < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#ac47781e88a7799358fb9c56238a6a251" > index_param_t< / a >   < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > index< / em > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > print index parameters < / p >
< dl class = "params" > < dt > Parameters< / dt > < dd >
< table class = "params" >
< tr > < td class = "paramdir" > [in]< / td > < td class = "paramname" > index< / td > < td > index parameters < / td > < / tr >
< / table >
< / dd >
< / dl >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > References < a class = "el" href = "structindex__param.html#afa72b843bc8f565df4952f6c32c719c9" > index_param::COD< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html#a8de864778880574d3b7c27dd13462a85" > SIZmarker_param::Csiz< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "structindex__param.html#af732c1871097cef89530934204d4823b" > index_param::length< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8c.html#a31c99676da88bb0bcdb350710f00fa96" > logstream< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "structindex__param.html#aff731fe41300090d3dce7fb28d6cb245" > index_param::metadatalist< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "structindex__param.html#a43ec7f75fe5fc903531e69de5737658d" > index_param::mhead_length< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "structindex__param.html#a923a5652592c70120e7e85e865063dae" > index_param::offset< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "structindex__param.html#a7400fd13418cd272c8049388721688aa" > index_param::precpacket< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "metadata__manager_8c.html#a8ec018d5900f7a94fed49db0d823e508" > print_allmetadata()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8c.html#a91bf084c1866b14553ed020304e38f9a" > print_COD()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "faixbox__manager_8c.html#a3a0527aede0de06ba60cfc8cfebc029e" > print_faixbox()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "mhixbox__manager_8c.html#a2639dde4d8531a6c04887b46cded28c5" > print_mhixbox()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8c.html#a13edadac7bbb0f6c68e320955f61e9d0" > print_SIZ()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "structindex__param.html#ac0cfeb5e5e37084dbf91cd4df98948be" > index_param::SIZ< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "structindex__param.html#a91e41933bf853c2a6cab52b41aa807a1" > index_param::tileheader< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "structindex__param.html#abbf2b7d27ed7e860fd67ba9a58af1514" > index_param::tilepart< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html#a79168a3b2807f62ba9efd85676e4ca7c" > SIZmarker_param::XTnum< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html#a5a9e6d3f2d4918549184415e4b19eea0" > SIZmarker_param::YTnum< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > Referenced by < a class = "el" href = "openjpip_8h.html#a2ff3d3894ccf463eb4f1fd87ca408dcb" > output_index()< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< / div >
< / div >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" id = "a13edadac7bbb0f6c68e320955f61e9d0" > < / a >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > void print_SIZ < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#aad063c864473ce7ae7a16d9955594f3a" > SIZmarker_param_t< / a >   < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > SIZ< / em > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > print Image and Tile SIZ parameters < / p >
< dl class = "params" > < dt > Parameters< / dt > < dd >
< table class = "params" >
< tr > < td class = "paramdir" > [in]< / td > < td class = "paramname" > SIZ< / td > < td > SIZ marker information < / td > < / tr >
< / table >
< / dd >
< / dl >
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > References < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html#a8de864778880574d3b7c27dd13462a85" > SIZmarker_param::Csiz< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8c.html#a31c99676da88bb0bcdb350710f00fa96" > logstream< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html#a87cc22a74996709f8ff25e4a80cc6e91" > SIZmarker_param::Rsiz< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html#a13718b50fb1f83e7e5eb9ef931a553e9" > SIZmarker_param::Ssiz< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html#aafe7317077e6f622c29cbad5c76b1e0e" > SIZmarker_param::XOsiz< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html#a79ad27514d2f6de09b1dc2487c41e59d" > SIZmarker_param::XRsiz< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html#a9a138921fb5a8e902b627ae02b6ffb3f" > SIZmarker_param::Xsiz< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html#a79168a3b2807f62ba9efd85676e4ca7c" > SIZmarker_param::XTnum< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html#a90f95a5cbb8edd382b995e8bfd0f56f9" > SIZmarker_param::XTOsiz< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html#ad8dca49bdd3b445532a377cf29cc5616" > SIZmarker_param::XTsiz< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html#a6871c1df6924ded7d2bbda1db7d4d22e" > SIZmarker_param::YOsiz< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html#a93eb50194320c4282d09617e853518c1" > SIZmarker_param::YRsiz< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html#a0f9f980e4c36fb394b87f4041b8344c6" > SIZmarker_param::Ysiz< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html#a5a9e6d3f2d4918549184415e4b19eea0" > SIZmarker_param::YTnum< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html#a3d2f0d96ab372070bcd8a9d3b85a2d07" > SIZmarker_param::YTOsiz< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "struct_s_i_zmarker__param.html#aa1dc0a9082714efdd8bfa4c6ed6e3327" > SIZmarker_param::YTsiz< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
2020-12-28 22:12:25 +01:00
< p > Referenced by < a class = "el" href = "index__manager_8h.html#acba4fd559491e3b10a80e0d14839c8bf" > print_index()< / a > .< / p >
2015-07-10 18:06:19 +02:00
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