diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog index 604a2de2..e449f465 100644 --- a/ChangeLog +++ b/ChangeLog @@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ What's New for OpenJPEG ! : changed + : added +January 31, 2008 +! [GB] In opjviewer, unification of JPEG 2000 family handlers (*.jp2, *.mj2, *.j2k) in a single file + January 22, 2008 ! [FOD] In image.c, changed the opj_image_create0() memory allocation from malloc() to calloc() in order to avoid segfaults when freeing the memory allocated for the coding of bad images. diff --git a/OPJViewer/OPJViewer.dsp b/OPJViewer/OPJViewer.dsp index dad478be..4939f646 100644 --- a/OPJViewer/OPJViewer.dsp +++ b/OPJViewer/OPJViewer.dsp @@ -42,16 +42,16 @@ RSC=rc.exe # PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 # PROP Target_Dir "" # ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c -# ADD CPP /nologo /G6 /MD /W3 /GX /O2 /I "d:\programmi\wxWidgets-2.8.0\lib\vc_lib\msw" /I "d:\programmi\wxWidgets-2.8.0\include" /I ".." /I "../libopenjpeg" /D "NDEBUG" /D "WIN32" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /D "_WINDOWS" /D WINVER=0x400 /D "_MT" /D wxUSE_GUI=1 /D "wxUSE_LIBOPENJPEG" /D "OPJ_STATIC" /D "USE_JPWL" /D "USE_JPSEC" /D "USE_MXF" /D "OPJ_HTMLABOUT" /D "OPJ_MANYFORMATS" /D "OPJ_INICONFIG" /FR /FD /c +# ADD CPP /nologo /G6 /MD /W3 /GX /O2 /I "$(WXWIN28)\lib\vc_lib\msw" /I "$(WXWIN28)\include" /I ".." /I "..\libopenjpeg" /I "$(MXFLIB)" /D "NDEBUG" /D "WIN32" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /D "_WINDOWS" /D WINVER=0x400 /D "_MT" /D wxUSE_GUI=1 /D "wxUSE_LIBOPENJPEG" /D "OPJ_STATIC" /D "USE_JPWL" /D "USE_JPSEC" /D "OPJ_HTMLABOUT" /D "OPJ_MANYFORMATS" /D "OPJ_INICONFIG" /FR /FD /Zm200 /c # ADD BASE RSC /l 0x410 /d "NDEBUG" -# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /i "d:\programmi\wxWidgets-2.8.0\include" /d "NDEBUG" +# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /i "$(WXWIN28)\include" /d "NDEBUG" BSC32=bscmake.exe # ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo # ADD BSC32 /nologo LINK32=link.exe # ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 -# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib comctl32.lib rpcrt4.lib wsock32.lib wxzlib.lib wxregex.lib wxpng.lib wxjpeg.lib wxbase28.lib wxmsw28_core.lib wxmsw28_html.lib wxmsw28_adv.lib wxmsw28_core.lib wxbase28.lib wxtiff.lib wxjpeg.lib wxpng.lib wxzlib.lib wxregex.lib wxexpat.lib LibOpenJPEG_JPWL.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib:"libcmt.lib" /libpath:"d:\programmi\wxWidgets-2.8.0\lib\vc_lib" /libpath:"..\jpwl\Release" /IGNORE:4089 -# SUBTRACT LINK32 /pdb:none +# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib comctl32.lib rpcrt4.lib wsock32.lib wxzlib.lib wxregex.lib wxpng.lib wxjpeg.lib wxbase28.lib wxmsw28_core.lib wxmsw28_html.lib wxmsw28_adv.lib wxmsw28_core.lib wxbase28.lib wxtiff.lib wxjpeg.lib wxpng.lib wxzlib.lib wxregex.lib wxexpat.lib LibOpenJPEG_JPWL.lib mxflib.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib:"libcmt.lib" /libpath:"$(WXWIN28)\lib\vc_lib" /libpath:"..\jpwl\Release" /libpath:"$(MXFLIB)\build\msvc\Release" /IGNORE:4089 +# SUBTRACT LINK32 /pdb:none /nodefaultlib # Begin Special Build Tool SOURCE="$(InputPath)" PostBuild_Desc=Update build number @@ -72,15 +72,15 @@ PostBuild_Cmds=buildupdate.bat # PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 # PROP Target_Dir "" # ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /GZ /c -# ADD CPP /nologo /MDd /W3 /Gm /GX /Zi /Od /I "c:\Programmi\wxWidgets-2.8.0\INCLUDE" /I "c:\programmi\wxWidgets-2.8.0\lib\vc_lib\msw" /I "c:\programmi\wxWidgets-2.8.0\include" /I ".." /D "_DEBUG" /D "__WXDEBUG__" /D WXDEBUG=1 /D "WIN32" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /D "_WINDOWS" /D WINVER=0x400 /D "_MT" /D wxUSE_GUI=1 /D "wxUSE_LIBOPENJPEG" /D "OPJ_STATIC" /D "USE_JPWL" /D "OPJ_HTMLABOUT" /FR /FD /GZ /c +# ADD CPP /nologo /MDd /W3 /Gm /GX /Zi /Od /I "$(WXWIN28)\INCLUDE" /I "$(WXWIN28)\lib\vc_lib\msw" /I "$(WXWIN28)\include" /I ".." /I "..\libopenjpeg" /I "$(MXFLIB)" /D "_DEBUG" /D "__WXDEBUG__" /D WXDEBUG=1 /D "WIN32" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /D "_WINDOWS" /D WINVER=0x400 /D "_MT" /D wxUSE_GUI=1 /D "wxUSE_LIBOPENJPEG" /D "OPJ_STATIC" /D "USE_JPWL" /D "OPJ_HTMLABOUT" /D "OPJ_INICONFIG" /D "OPJ_MANYFORMATS" /D "USE_JPSEC" /FR /FD /GZ /Zm200 /c # ADD BASE RSC /l 0x410 /d "_DEBUG" -# ADD RSC /l 0x410 /i "c:\programmi\wxWidgets-2.8.0\include" /d "_DEBUG" +# ADD RSC /l 0x410 /i "$(WXWIN28)\include" /d "_DEBUG" BSC32=bscmake.exe # ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo # ADD BSC32 /nologo LINK32=link.exe # ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept -# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib comctl32.lib rpcrt4.lib wsock32.lib wxzlibd.lib wxregexd.lib wxpngd.lib wxjpegd.lib wxtiffd.lib wxbase28d.lib wxmsw28d_core.lib wxmsw28d_html.lib wxmsw28d_adv.lib LibOpenJPEG_JPWLd.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /debug /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib:"libcmtd.lib" /pdbtype:sept /libpath:"c:\programmi\wxWidgets-2.8.0\lib\vc_lib" /libpath:"..\jpwl\Debug" +# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib comctl32.lib rpcrt4.lib wsock32.lib wxzlibd.lib wxregexd.lib wxpngd.lib wxjpegd.lib wxtiffd.lib wxbase28d.lib wxmsw28d_core.lib wxmsw28d_html.lib wxmsw28d_adv.lib LibOpenJPEG_JPWLd.lib mxflib.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /debug /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib:"libcmtd.lib" /pdbtype:sept /libpath:"$(WXWIN28)\lib\vc_lib" /libpath:"..\jpwl\Debug" /libpath:"$(MXFLIB)\build\msvc\Debug" # SUBTRACT LINK32 /pdb:none !ENDIF @@ -94,20 +94,7 @@ LINK32=link.exe # PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat" # Begin Source File -SOURCE=.\source\imagj2k.cpp -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\source\imagjp2.cpp -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - SOURCE=.\source\imagjpeg2000.cpp -# PROP Exclude_From_Build 1 -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\source\imagmj2.cpp # End Source File # Begin Source File @@ -152,27 +139,11 @@ SOURCE=.\source\about_htm.h # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\source\build.h - -!IF "$(CFG)" == "OPJViewer - Win32 Release" - # PROP Exclude_From_Build 1 - -!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "OPJViewer - Win32 Debug" - -!ENDIF - # End Source File # Begin Source File -SOURCE=.\source\imagj2k.h -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\source\imagjp2.h -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\source\imagmj2.h +SOURCE=.\source\imagjpeg2000.h # End Source File # Begin Source File diff --git a/OPJViewer/OPJViewer.dsw b/OPJViewer/OPJViewer.dsw index a4d64f93..772043d5 100644 --- a/OPJViewer/OPJViewer.dsw +++ b/OPJViewer/OPJViewer.dsw @@ -30,6 +30,18 @@ Package=<4> ############################################################################### +Project: "mxflib"="..\..\..\..\mxflib-1.0.0\build\msvc\mxflib.dsp" - Package Owner=<4> + +Package=<5> +{{{ +}}} + +Package=<4> +{{{ +}}} + +############################################################################### + Global: Package=<5> diff --git a/OPJViewer/source/OPJAbout.cpp b/OPJViewer/source/OPJAbout.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ecc5f45d --- /dev/null +++ b/OPJViewer/source/OPJAbout.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, Digital Signal Processing Laboratory, Universita'  degli studi di Perugia (UPG), Italy + * All rights reserved. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions + * are met: + * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS `AS IS' + * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE + * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE + * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE + * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR + * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF + * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS + * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN + * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) + * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE + * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + */ +#ifdef USE_MXF +#include "mxflib/mxflib.h" +#endif // USE_MXF + +#include "OPJViewer.h" + +// about window for the frame +void OPJFrame::OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) +{ +#ifdef OPJ_HTMLABOUT +#include "about_htm.h" +#include "opj_logo.xpm" + + wxBoxSizer *topsizer; + wxHtmlWindow *html; + wxDialog dlg(this, wxID_ANY, wxString(_("About"))); + + wxMemoryFSHandler::AddFile(wxT("opj_logo.xpm"), wxBitmap(opj_logo), wxBITMAP_TYPE_XPM); + + topsizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); + + html = new wxHtmlWindow(&dlg, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(320, 250), wxHW_SCROLLBAR_NEVER); + html->SetBorders(0); + //html->LoadPage(wxT("about/about.htm")); + //html->SetPage("Hello, world!"); + html->SetPage(htmlaboutpage); + html->SetSize(html->GetInternalRepresentation()->GetWidth(), + html->GetInternalRepresentation()->GetHeight()); + + topsizer->Add(html, 1, wxALL, 10); + + topsizer->Add(new wxStaticLine(&dlg, wxID_ANY), 0, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 10); + + wxButton *bu1 = new wxButton(&dlg, wxID_OK, wxT("OK")); + bu1->SetDefault(); + + topsizer->Add(bu1, 0, wxALL | wxALIGN_RIGHT, 15); + + dlg.SetSizer(topsizer); + topsizer->Fit(&dlg); + + dlg.ShowModal(); + +#else + + wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(OPJ_APPLICATION_TITLEBAR + wxT("\n\n") + wxT("Built with %s and OpenJPEG ") + wxT(OPENJPEG_VERSION) + wxT("\non ") wxT(__DATE__) wxT(", ") wxT(__TIME__) + wxT("\nRunning under %s\n\n") + OPJ_APPLICATION_COPYRIGHT, + wxVERSION_STRING, + wxGetOsDescription().c_str()), + wxT("About ") OPJ_APPLICATION_NAME, + wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, + this + ); + +#endif + +} diff --git a/OPJViewer/source/OPJThreads.cpp b/OPJViewer/source/OPJThreads.cpp index 55ed4ac8..3b59a892 100644 --- a/OPJViewer/source/OPJThreads.cpp +++ b/OPJViewer/source/OPJThreads.cpp @@ -86,37 +86,37 @@ void *OPJEncoThread::Entry() WriteText(text); // set handler properties - wxJ2KHandler *j2kkkhandler = (wxJ2KHandler *) wxImage::FindHandler( wxBITMAP_TYPE_J2K); - j2kkkhandler->m_subsampling = wxGetApp().m_subsampling; - j2kkkhandler->m_origin = wxGetApp().m_origin; - j2kkkhandler->m_rates = wxGetApp().m_rates; - j2kkkhandler->m_quality = wxGetApp().m_quality; - j2kkkhandler->m_enablequality = wxGetApp().m_enablequality; - j2kkkhandler->m_multicomp = wxGetApp().m_multicomp; - j2kkkhandler->m_irreversible = wxGetApp().m_irreversible; - j2kkkhandler->m_resolutions = wxGetApp().m_resolutions; - j2kkkhandler->m_progression = wxGetApp().m_progression; - j2kkkhandler->m_cbsize = wxGetApp().m_cbsize; - j2kkkhandler->m_prsize = wxGetApp().m_prsize; - j2kkkhandler->m_tsize = wxGetApp().m_tsize; - j2kkkhandler->m_torigin = wxGetApp().m_torigin; - j2kkkhandler->m_enablesop = wxGetApp().m_enablesop; - j2kkkhandler->m_enableeph = wxGetApp().m_enableeph; - j2kkkhandler->m_enablebypass = wxGetApp().m_enablebypass; - j2kkkhandler->m_enablerestart = wxGetApp().m_enablerestart; - j2kkkhandler->m_enablereset = wxGetApp().m_enablereset; - j2kkkhandler->m_enablesegmark = wxGetApp().m_enablesegmark; - j2kkkhandler->m_enableerterm = wxGetApp().m_enableerterm; - j2kkkhandler->m_enablevsc = wxGetApp().m_enablevsc; - j2kkkhandler->m_enableidx = wxGetApp().m_enableidx; - j2kkkhandler->m_index = m_canvas->m_savename.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME | wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR) + wxGetApp().m_index; - j2kkkhandler->m_enablecomm = wxGetApp().m_enablecomm; - j2kkkhandler->m_comment = wxGetApp().m_comment; - j2kkkhandler->m_enablepoc = wxGetApp().m_enablepoc; - j2kkkhandler->m_poc = wxGetApp().m_poc; + wxJPEG2000Handler *jpeg2000handler = (wxJPEG2000Handler *) wxImage::FindHandler(wxBITMAP_TYPE_JPEG2000); + jpeg2000handler->m_subsampling = wxGetApp().m_subsampling; + jpeg2000handler->m_origin = wxGetApp().m_origin; + jpeg2000handler->m_rates = wxGetApp().m_rates; + jpeg2000handler->m_quality = wxGetApp().m_quality; + jpeg2000handler->m_enablequality = wxGetApp().m_enablequality; + jpeg2000handler->m_multicomp = wxGetApp().m_multicomp; + jpeg2000handler->m_irreversible = wxGetApp().m_irreversible; + jpeg2000handler->m_resolutions = wxGetApp().m_resolutions; + jpeg2000handler->m_progression = wxGetApp().m_progression; + jpeg2000handler->m_cbsize = wxGetApp().m_cbsize; + jpeg2000handler->m_prsize = wxGetApp().m_prsize; + jpeg2000handler->m_tsize = wxGetApp().m_tsize; + jpeg2000handler->m_torigin = wxGetApp().m_torigin; + jpeg2000handler->m_enablesop = wxGetApp().m_enablesop; + jpeg2000handler->m_enableeph = wxGetApp().m_enableeph; + jpeg2000handler->m_enablebypass = wxGetApp().m_enablebypass; + jpeg2000handler->m_enablerestart = wxGetApp().m_enablerestart; + jpeg2000handler->m_enablereset = wxGetApp().m_enablereset; + jpeg2000handler->m_enablesegmark = wxGetApp().m_enablesegmark; + jpeg2000handler->m_enableerterm = wxGetApp().m_enableerterm; + jpeg2000handler->m_enablevsc = wxGetApp().m_enablevsc; + jpeg2000handler->m_enableidx = wxGetApp().m_enableidx; + jpeg2000handler->m_index = m_canvas->m_savename.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME | wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR) + wxGetApp().m_index; + jpeg2000handler->m_enablecomm = wxGetApp().m_enablecomm; + jpeg2000handler->m_comment = wxGetApp().m_comment; + jpeg2000handler->m_enablepoc = wxGetApp().m_enablepoc; + jpeg2000handler->m_poc = wxGetApp().m_poc; // save the file - if (!m_canvas->m_image100.SaveFile(m_canvas->m_savename.GetFullPath(), (wxBitmapType) wxBITMAP_TYPE_J2K)) { + if (!m_canvas->m_image100.SaveFile(m_canvas->m_savename.GetFullPath(), (wxBitmapType) wxBITMAP_TYPE_JPEG2000)) { WriteText(wxT("Can't save image")); return NULL; } @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ void *OPJDecoThread::Entry() // set handler properties - wxJ2KHandler *j2kkkhandler = (wxJ2KHandler *) wxImage::FindHandler( wxBITMAP_TYPE_J2K); +/* wxJ2KHandler *j2kkkhandler = (wxJ2KHandler *) wxImage::FindHandler( wxBITMAP_TYPE_J2K); j2kkkhandler->m_reducefactor = wxGetApp().m_reducefactor; j2kkkhandler->m_qualitylayers = wxGetApp().m_qualitylayers; j2kkkhandler->m_components = wxGetApp().m_components; @@ -204,9 +204,9 @@ void *OPJDecoThread::Entry() j2kkkhandler->m_enablejpwl = wxGetApp().m_enablejpwl; j2kkkhandler->m_expcomps = wxGetApp().m_expcomps; j2kkkhandler->m_maxtiles = wxGetApp().m_maxtiles; -#endif // USE_JPWL +#endif // USE_JPWL*/ - wxJP2Handler *jp222handler = (wxJP2Handler *) wxImage::FindHandler( wxBITMAP_TYPE_JP2); +/* wxJP2Handler *jp222handler = (wxJP2Handler *) wxImage::FindHandler( wxBITMAP_TYPE_JP2); jp222handler->m_reducefactor = wxGetApp().m_reducefactor; jp222handler->m_qualitylayers = wxGetApp().m_qualitylayers; jp222handler->m_components = wxGetApp().m_components; @@ -214,9 +214,9 @@ void *OPJDecoThread::Entry() jp222handler->m_enablejpwl = wxGetApp().m_enablejpwl; jp222handler->m_expcomps = wxGetApp().m_expcomps; jp222handler->m_maxtiles = wxGetApp().m_maxtiles; -#endif // USE_JPWL +#endif // USE_JPWL*/ - wxMJ2Handler *mj222handler = (wxMJ2Handler *) wxImage::FindHandler( wxBITMAP_TYPE_MJ2); +/* wxMJ2Handler *mj222handler = (wxMJ2Handler *) wxImage::FindHandler( wxBITMAP_TYPE_MJ2); mj222handler->m_reducefactor = wxGetApp().m_reducefactor; mj222handler->m_qualitylayers = wxGetApp().m_qualitylayers; mj222handler->m_components = wxGetApp().m_components; @@ -225,8 +225,33 @@ void *OPJDecoThread::Entry() mj222handler->m_enablejpwl = wxGetApp().m_enablejpwl; mj222handler->m_expcomps = wxGetApp().m_expcomps; mj222handler->m_maxtiles = wxGetApp().m_maxtiles; +#endif // USE_JPWL*/ + + wxJPEG2000Handler *jpeg2000handler = (wxJPEG2000Handler *) wxImage::FindHandler(wxBITMAP_TYPE_JPEG2000); + jpeg2000handler->m_reducefactor = wxGetApp().m_reducefactor; + jpeg2000handler->m_qualitylayers = wxGetApp().m_qualitylayers; + jpeg2000handler->m_components = wxGetApp().m_components; + jpeg2000handler->m_framenum = wxGetApp().m_framenum; +#ifdef USE_JPWL + jpeg2000handler->m_enablejpwl = wxGetApp().m_enablejpwl; + jpeg2000handler->m_expcomps = wxGetApp().m_expcomps; + jpeg2000handler->m_maxtiles = wxGetApp().m_maxtiles; #endif // USE_JPWL +#ifdef USE_MXF + wxMXFHandler *mxfffhandler = (wxMXFHandler *) wxImage::FindHandler( wxBITMAP_TYPE_MXF); + mxfffhandler->m_reducefactor = wxGetApp().m_reducefactor; + mxfffhandler->m_qualitylayers = wxGetApp().m_qualitylayers; + mxfffhandler->m_components = wxGetApp().m_components; + mxfffhandler->m_framenum = wxGetApp().m_framenum; + mxfffhandler->m_filename = m_canvas->m_fname; +#ifdef USE_JPWL + mxfffhandler->m_enablejpwl = wxGetApp().m_enablejpwl; + mxfffhandler->m_expcomps = wxGetApp().m_expcomps; + mxfffhandler->m_maxtiles = wxGetApp().m_maxtiles; +#endif // USE_JPWL +#endif // USE_MXF + if (wxGetApp().m_enabledeco) { // load the file @@ -237,7 +262,7 @@ void *OPJDecoThread::Entry() } else { - // display a macaron + // display a warning if (!image.Create(300, 5, false)) { WriteText(wxT("Can't create image")); return NULL; diff --git a/OPJViewer/source/OPJViewer.cpp b/OPJViewer/source/OPJViewer.cpp index 082a04fb..2cd2eb52 100644 --- a/OPJViewer/source/OPJViewer.cpp +++ b/OPJViewer/source/OPJViewer.cpp @@ -189,14 +189,15 @@ bool OPJViewerApp::OnInit(void) #if wxUSE_LIBJPEG wxImage::AddHandler( new wxJPEGHandler ); #endif +#if wxUSE_LIBOPENJPEG + //wxImage::AddHandler( new wxJ2KHandler ); + //wxImage::AddHandler( new wxJP2Handler ); + //wxImage::AddHandler( new wxMJ2Handler ); + wxImage::AddHandler( new wxJPEG2000Handler ); +#endif #if USE_MXF wxImage::AddHandler( new wxMXFHandler ); #endif // USE_MXF -#if wxUSE_LIBOPENJPEG - wxImage::AddHandler( new wxJ2KHandler ); - wxImage::AddHandler( new wxJP2Handler ); - wxImage::AddHandler( new wxMJ2Handler ); -#endif #if OPJ_MANYFORMATS wxImage::AddHandler( new wxBMPHandler ); wxImage::AddHandler( new wxPNGHandler ); @@ -474,6 +475,11 @@ void OPJViewerApp::ShowCmdLine(const wxCmdLineParser& parser) } // OPJFrame events + +// Event class for sending text messages between worker and GUI threads +DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_LOGMSG_EVENT, -1) +DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_LOGMSG_EVENT) + BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(OPJFrame, wxMDIParentFrame) EVT_MENU(OPJFRAME_HELPABOUT, OPJFrame::OnAbout) EVT_MENU(OPJFRAME_FILEOPEN, OPJFrame::OnFileOpen) @@ -504,6 +510,7 @@ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(OPJFrame, wxMDIParentFrame) EVT_MENU(OPJFRAME_SETSDECO, OPJFrame::OnSetsDeco) EVT_SASH_DRAGGED_RANGE(OPJFRAME_BROWSEWIN, OPJFRAME_LOGWIN, OPJFrame::OnSashDrag) EVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED(LEFT_NOTEBOOK_ID, OPJFrame::OnNotebook) + EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, wxEVT_LOGMSG_EVENT, OPJFrame::OnLogmsgEvent) END_EVENT_TABLE() // this is the frame constructor @@ -1462,6 +1469,16 @@ void OPJFrame::OnSize(wxSizeEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) layout.LayoutMDIFrame(this); } +void OPJFrame::OnLogmsgEvent(wxCommandEvent &event) +{ + // receive string + wxString text = event.GetString(); + + // show it on the log + wxLogMessage(text); +} + + // Note that OPJFRAME_FILEOPEN and OPJFRAME_HELPABOUT commands get passed // to the parent window for processing, so no need to // duplicate event handlers here. diff --git a/OPJViewer/source/OPJViewer.h b/OPJViewer/source/OPJViewer.h index d44f7e48..8d36bcc2 100644 --- a/OPJViewer/source/OPJViewer.h +++ b/OPJViewer/source/OPJViewer.h @@ -103,9 +103,10 @@ #include "libopenjpeg/openjpeg.h" -#include "imagj2k.h" -#include "imagjp2.h" -#include "imagmj2.h" +//#include "imagj2k.h" +//#include "imagjp2.h" +//#include "imagmj2.h" +#include "imagjpeg2000.h" #ifdef USE_MXF #include "imagmxf.h" #endif // USE_MXF @@ -131,9 +132,9 @@ typedef unsigned long long int8byte; #define OPJ_APPLICATION wxT("OPJViewer") #define OPJ_APPLICATION_NAME wxT("OpenJPEG Viewer") -#define OPJ_APPLICATION_VERSION wxT("0.3 alpha") +#define OPJ_APPLICATION_VERSION wxT("0.4 beta") #define OPJ_APPLICATION_TITLEBAR OPJ_APPLICATION_NAME wxT(" ") OPJ_APPLICATION_VERSION -#define OPJ_APPLICATION_COPYRIGHT wxT("(C) 2007, Giuseppe Baruffa") +#define OPJ_APPLICATION_COPYRIGHT wxT("(C) 2007-2008, Giuseppe Baruffa") #define OPJ_APPLICATION_VENDOR wxT("OpenJPEG") #ifdef __WXMSW__ @@ -442,6 +443,7 @@ class OPJFrame: public wxMDIParentFrame void SaveFile(wxArrayString paths, wxArrayString filenames); void OnNotebook(wxNotebookEvent& event); void Rescale(int scale, OPJChildFrame *child); + void OnLogmsgEvent(wxCommandEvent &event); OPJMarkerTreeHash m_treehash; OPJChildFrameHash m_childhash; diff --git a/OPJViewer/source/about_htm.h b/OPJViewer/source/about_htm.h index 20ec2772..c39fdc59 100644 --- a/OPJViewer/source/about_htm.h +++ b/OPJViewer/source/about_htm.h @@ -20,18 +20,23 @@ OPJ_APPLICATION " " OPJ_APPLICATION_VERSION "" "" "
" -"The OpenJPEG library is an open-source JPEG 2000 codec written in C language. " -"In addition to the basic codec, various other features are under development.
" +"

The OpenJPEG library is an open-source JPEG 2000 codec written in C language. " +"In addition to the basic codec, various other features are under development.

" "* Build: ") #include "build.h" wxT(", " __DATE__ ", " __TIME__ "
") wxT("* " wxVERSION_STRING "
") +wxT("* OpenJPEG " OPENJPEG_VERSION " (") #ifdef USE_JPWL -wxT("- Compiled with JPWL support
") +wxT("JPWL ") #endif // USE_JPWL #ifdef USE_JPSEC -wxT("- Compiled with JPSEC support") +wxT("JPSEC ") #endif // USE_JPSEC +wxT(")

") +#endif // USE_MXF wxT("" "" "" @@ -39,8 +44,8 @@ wxT("" "" "" "" -"OpenJPEG is © 2002-2007 TELE - Universite' Catholique de Louvain
" -"OPJViewer is also © 2007 DSPLab - Universita' degli studi di Perugia" +"OpenJPEG is © 2002-2008 TELE - Universite' Catholique de Louvain
" +"OPJViewer is © 2007-2008 DSPLab - Universita' degli studi di Perugia" "" "" "" diff --git a/OPJViewer/source/build.h b/OPJViewer/source/build.h index e7f871ba..f4941bb1 100644 --- a/OPJViewer/source/build.h +++ b/OPJViewer/source/build.h @@ -1 +1 @@ -wxT("404") +wxT("468") diff --git a/OPJViewer/source/imagj2k.cpp b/OPJViewer/source/imagj2k.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index e1c732d4..00000000 --- a/OPJViewer/source/imagj2k.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,721 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright (c) 2007, Digital Signal Processing Laboratory, Universitą degli studi di Perugia (UPG), Italy - * All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the - * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS `AS IS' - * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE - * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE - * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE - * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR - * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF - * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS - * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN - * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) - * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE - * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - */ -///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// Name: imagj2k.cpp -// Purpose: wxImage JPEG 2000 codestream handler -// Author: Giuseppe Baruffa - based on imagjpeg.cpp, Vaclav Slavik -// RCS-ID: $Id: imagj2k.cpp,v 0.00 2007/02/08 23:59:00 MW Exp $ -// Copyright: (c) Giuseppe Baruffa -// Licence: wxWindows licence -///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". -#include "wx/wxprec.h" - -#ifdef __BORLANDC__ - #pragma hdrstop -#endif - -#if wxUSE_IMAGE && wxUSE_LIBOPENJPEG - -#include "imagj2k.h" - -#ifndef WX_PRECOMP - #include "wx/log.h" - #include "wx/app.h" - #include "wx/intl.h" - #include "wx/bitmap.h" - #include "wx/module.h" -#endif - -#include "wx/filefn.h" -#include "wx/wfstream.h" - -// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// types -// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// wxJ2KHandler -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxJ2KHandler,wxImageHandler) - -#if wxUSE_STREAMS - -//------------- JPEG 2000 Data Source Manager - -#define J2K_CFMT 0 -#define JP2_CFMT 1 -#define JPT_CFMT 2 -#define MJ2_CFMT 3 -#define PXM_DFMT 0 -#define PGX_DFMT 1 -#define BMP_DFMT 2 -#define YUV_DFMT 3 - -#define MAX_MESSAGE_LEN 200 - -/* sample error callback expecting a FILE* client object */ -void j2k_error_callback(const char *msg, void *client_data) { - int message_len = strlen(msg) - 1; - if (msg[message_len] != '\n') - message_len = MAX_MESSAGE_LEN; -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiEnter(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ - wxLogMessage(wxT("[ERROR] %.*s"), message_len, msg); -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiLeave(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ -} - -/* sample warning callback expecting a FILE* client object */ -void j2k_warning_callback(const char *msg, void *client_data) { - int message_len = strlen(msg) - 1; - if (msg[message_len] != '\n') - message_len = MAX_MESSAGE_LEN; -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiEnter(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ - wxLogMessage(wxT("[WARNING] %.*s"), message_len, msg); -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiLeave(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ -} - -/* sample debug callback expecting no client object */ -void j2k_info_callback(const char *msg, void *client_data) { - int message_len = strlen(msg) - 1; - if (msg[message_len] != '\n') - message_len = MAX_MESSAGE_LEN; -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiEnter(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ - wxLogMessage(wxT("[INFO] %.*s"), message_len, msg); -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiLeave(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ -} - -// load the j2k codestream -bool wxJ2KHandler::LoadFile(wxImage *image, wxInputStream& stream, bool verbose, int index) -{ - opj_dparameters_t parameters; /* decompression parameters */ - opj_event_mgr_t event_mgr; /* event manager */ - opj_image_t *opjimage = NULL; - unsigned char *src = NULL; - unsigned char *ptr; - int file_length; - opj_codestream_info_t cstr_info; /* Codestream information structure */ - - // destroy the image - image->Destroy(); - - /* handle to a decompressor */ - opj_dinfo_t* dinfo = NULL; - opj_cio_t *cio = NULL; - - - /* configure the event callbacks (not required) */ - memset(&event_mgr, 0, sizeof(opj_event_mgr_t)); - event_mgr.error_handler = j2k_error_callback; - event_mgr.warning_handler = j2k_warning_callback; - event_mgr.info_handler = j2k_info_callback; - - /* set decoding parameters to default values */ - opj_set_default_decoder_parameters(¶meters); - - /* prepare parameters */ - strncpy(parameters.infile, "", sizeof(parameters.infile)-1); - strncpy(parameters.outfile, "", sizeof(parameters.outfile)-1); - parameters.decod_format = J2K_CFMT; - parameters.cod_format = BMP_DFMT; - if (m_reducefactor) - parameters.cp_reduce = m_reducefactor; - if (m_qualitylayers) - parameters.cp_layer = m_qualitylayers; - - /* JPWL only */ -#ifdef USE_JPWL - parameters.jpwl_exp_comps = m_expcomps; - parameters.jpwl_max_tiles = m_maxtiles; - parameters.jpwl_correct = m_enablejpwl; -#endif /* USE_JPWL */ - - /* get a decoder handle */ - dinfo = opj_create_decompress(CODEC_J2K); - - /* find length of the stream */ - stream.SeekI(0, wxFromEnd); - file_length = (int) stream.TellI(); - - /* get data */ - stream.SeekI(0, wxFromStart); - src = (unsigned char *) malloc(file_length); - stream.Read(src, file_length); - - /* catch events using our callbacks and give a local context */ - opj_set_event_mgr((opj_common_ptr)dinfo, &event_mgr, stderr); - - /* setup the decoder decoding parameters using user parameters */ - opj_setup_decoder(dinfo, ¶meters); - - /* open a byte stream */ - cio = opj_cio_open((opj_common_ptr)dinfo, src, file_length); - - /* decode the stream and fill the image structure */ - opjimage = opj_decode_with_info(dinfo, cio, &cstr_info); - if (!opjimage) { -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiEnter(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ - wxLogError(wxT("J2K: failed to decode image!")); -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiLeave(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ - opj_destroy_decompress(dinfo); - opj_cio_close(cio); - opj_image_destroy(opjimage); - free(src); - return false; - } - - /* close the byte stream */ - opj_cio_close(cio); - - /* common rendering method */ -#include "imagjpeg2000.cpp" - -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiEnter(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ - wxLogMessage(wxT("J2K: image loaded.")); -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiLeave(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ - - /* close openjpeg structs */ - opj_destroy_decompress(dinfo); - opj_image_destroy(opjimage); - free(src); - - if (!image->Ok()) - return false; - else - return true; - -} - -#define CINEMA_24_CS 1302083 /* Codestream length for 24fps */ -#define CINEMA_48_CS 651041 /* Codestream length for 48fps */ -#define COMP_24_CS 1041666 /* Maximum size per color component for 2K & 4K @ 24fps */ -#define COMP_48_CS 520833 /* Maximum size per color component for 2K @ 48fps */ - -// save the j2k codestream -bool wxJ2KHandler::SaveFile( wxImage *wimage, wxOutputStream& stream, bool verbose ) -{ - opj_cparameters_t parameters; /* compression parameters */ - opj_event_mgr_t event_mgr; /* event manager */ - opj_image_t *oimage = NULL; - opj_image_cmptparm_t *cmptparm; - opj_cio_t *cio = NULL; - opj_codestream_info_t cstr_info; - int codestream_length; - bool bSuccess; - int i; - char indexfilename[OPJ_PATH_LEN] = ""; /* index file name */ - - /* - configure the event callbacks (not required) - setting of each callback is optionnal - */ - memset(&event_mgr, 0, sizeof(opj_event_mgr_t)); - event_mgr.error_handler = j2k_error_callback; - event_mgr.warning_handler = j2k_warning_callback; - event_mgr.info_handler = j2k_info_callback; - - /* set encoding parameters to default values */ - opj_set_default_encoder_parameters(¶meters); - - /* load parameters */ - parameters.cp_cinema = OFF; - - /* subsampling */ - if (sscanf(m_subsampling.ToAscii(), "%d,%d", &(parameters.subsampling_dx), &(parameters.subsampling_dy)) != 2) { - wxLogError(wxT("Wrong sub-sampling encoder setting: dx,dy")); - return false; - } - - /* compression rates */ - if ((m_rates != wxT("")) && (!m_enablequality)) { - const char *s1 = m_rates.ToAscii(); - wxLogMessage(wxT("rates %s"), s1); - while (sscanf(s1, "%f", &(parameters.tcp_rates[parameters.tcp_numlayers])) == 1) { - parameters.tcp_numlayers++; - while (*s1 && *s1 != ',') { - s1++; - } - if (!*s1) - break; - s1++; - } - wxLogMessage(wxT("%d layers"), parameters.tcp_numlayers); - parameters.cp_disto_alloc = 1; - } - - /* image quality, dB */ - if ((m_quality != wxT("")) && (m_enablequality)) { - const char *s2 = m_quality.ToAscii(); - wxLogMessage(wxT("qualities %s"), s2); - while (sscanf(s2, "%f", ¶meters.tcp_distoratio[parameters.tcp_numlayers]) == 1) { - parameters.tcp_numlayers++; - while (*s2 && *s2 != ',') { - s2++; - } - if (!*s2) - break; - s2++; - } - wxLogMessage(wxT("%d layers"), parameters.tcp_numlayers); - parameters.cp_fixed_quality = 1; - } - - /* image origin */ - if (sscanf(m_origin.ToAscii(), "%d,%d", ¶meters.image_offset_x0, ¶meters.image_offset_y0) != 2) { - wxLogError(wxT("bad coordinate of the image origin: x0,y0")); - return false; - } - - /* Create comment for codestream */ - if(m_enablecomm) { - parameters.cp_comment = (char *) malloc(strlen(m_comment.ToAscii()) + 1); - if(parameters.cp_comment) { - strcpy(parameters.cp_comment, m_comment.ToAscii()); - } - } else { - parameters.cp_comment = NULL; - } - - /* indexing file */ - if (m_enableidx) { - strncpy(indexfilename, m_index.ToAscii(), OPJ_PATH_LEN); - wxLogMessage(wxT("index file is %s"), indexfilename); - } - - /* if no rate entered, lossless by default */ - if (parameters.tcp_numlayers == 0) { - parameters.tcp_rates[0] = 0; /* MOD antonin : losslessbug */ - parameters.tcp_numlayers++; - parameters.cp_disto_alloc = 1; - } - - /* irreversible transform */ - parameters.irreversible = (m_irreversible == true) ? 1 : 0; - - /* resolutions */ - parameters.numresolution = m_resolutions; - - /* codeblocks size */ - if (m_cbsize != wxT("")) { - int cblockw_init = 0, cblockh_init = 0; - sscanf(m_cbsize.ToAscii(), "%d,%d", &cblockw_init, &cblockh_init); - if (cblockw_init * cblockh_init > 4096 || cblockw_init > 1024 || cblockw_init < 4 || cblockh_init > 1024 || cblockh_init < 4) { - wxLogError(wxT("!! Size of code_block error !! Restrictions:\n width*height<=4096\n 4<=width,height<= 1024")); - return false; - } - parameters.cblockw_init = cblockw_init; - parameters.cblockh_init = cblockh_init; - } - - /* precincts size */ - if (m_prsize != wxT("")) { - char sep; - int res_spec = 0; - char *s = (char *) m_prsize.c_str(); - do { - sep = 0; - sscanf(s, "[%d,%d]%c", ¶meters.prcw_init[res_spec], ¶meters.prch_init[res_spec], &sep); - parameters.csty |= 0x01; - res_spec++; - s = strpbrk(s, "]") + 2; - } while (sep == ','); - parameters.res_spec = res_spec; - } - - /* tiles */ - if (m_tsize != wxT("")) { - sscanf(m_tsize.ToAscii(), "%d,%d", ¶meters.cp_tdx, ¶meters.cp_tdy); - parameters.tile_size_on = true; - } - - /* tile origin */ - if (sscanf(m_torigin.ToAscii(), "%d,%d", ¶meters.cp_tx0, ¶meters.cp_ty0) != 2) { - wxLogError(wxT("tile offset setting error: X0,Y0")); - return false; - } - - /* use SOP */ - if (m_enablesop) - parameters.csty |= 0x02; - - /* use EPH */ - if (m_enableeph) - parameters.csty |= 0x04; - - /* multiple component transform */ - if (m_multicomp) - parameters.tcp_mct = 1; - else - parameters.tcp_mct = 0; - - /* mode switch */ - parameters.mode = (m_enablebypass ? 1 : 0) + (m_enablereset ? 2 : 0) - + (m_enablerestart ? 4 : 0) + (m_enablevsc ? 8 : 0) - + (m_enableerterm ? 16 : 0) + (m_enablesegmark ? 32 : 0); - - /* progression order */ - switch (m_progression) { - - /* LRCP */ - case 0: - parameters.prog_order = LRCP; - break; - - /* RLCP */ - case 1: - parameters.prog_order = RLCP; - break; - - /* RPCL */ - case 2: - parameters.prog_order = RPCL; - break; - - /* PCRL */ - case 3: - parameters.prog_order = PCRL; - break; - - /* CPRL */ - case 4: - parameters.prog_order = CPRL; - break; - - /* DCI2K24 */ - case 5: - parameters.cp_cinema = CINEMA2K_24; - parameters.cp_rsiz = CINEMA2K; - break; - - /* DCI2K48 */ - case 6: - parameters.cp_cinema = CINEMA2K_48; - parameters.cp_rsiz = CINEMA2K; - break; - - /* DCI4K */ - case 7: - parameters.cp_cinema = CINEMA4K_24; - parameters.cp_rsiz = CINEMA4K; - break; - - default: - break; - } - - /* check cinema */ - if (parameters.cp_cinema) { - - /* set up */ - parameters.tile_size_on = false; - parameters.cp_tdx=1; - parameters.cp_tdy=1; - - /*Tile part*/ - parameters.tp_flag = 'C'; - parameters.tp_on = 1; - - /*Tile and Image shall be at (0,0)*/ - parameters.cp_tx0 = 0; - parameters.cp_ty0 = 0; - parameters.image_offset_x0 = 0; - parameters.image_offset_y0 = 0; - - /*Codeblock size= 32*32*/ - parameters.cblockw_init = 32; - parameters.cblockh_init = 32; - parameters.csty |= 0x01; - - /*The progression order shall be CPRL*/ - parameters.prog_order = CPRL; - - /* No ROI */ - parameters.roi_compno = -1; - - parameters.subsampling_dx = 1; - parameters.subsampling_dy = 1; - - /* 9-7 transform */ - parameters.irreversible = 1; - - } - - /* convert wx image into opj image */ - cmptparm = (opj_image_cmptparm_t*) malloc(3 * sizeof(opj_image_cmptparm_t)); - - /* initialize opj image components */ - memset(&cmptparm[0], 0, 3 * sizeof(opj_image_cmptparm_t)); - for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { - cmptparm[i].prec = 8; - cmptparm[i].bpp = 8; - cmptparm[i].sgnd = false; - cmptparm[i].dx = parameters.subsampling_dx; - cmptparm[i].dy = parameters.subsampling_dy; - cmptparm[i].w = wimage->GetWidth(); - cmptparm[i].h = wimage->GetHeight(); - } - - /* create the image */ - oimage = opj_image_create(3, &cmptparm[0], CLRSPC_SRGB); - if(!oimage) { - if (cmptparm) - free(cmptparm); - return false; - } - - /* set image offset and reference grid */ - oimage->x0 = parameters.image_offset_x0; - oimage->y0 = parameters.image_offset_y0; - oimage->x1 = parameters.image_offset_x0 + (wimage->GetWidth() - 1) * 1 + 1; - oimage->y1 = parameters.image_offset_y0 + (wimage->GetHeight() - 1) * 1 + 1; - - /* load image data */ - unsigned char *value = wimage->GetData(); - int area = wimage->GetWidth() * wimage->GetHeight(); - for (i = 0; i < area; i++) { - oimage->comps[0].data[i] = *(value++); - oimage->comps[1].data[i] = *(value++); - oimage->comps[2].data[i] = *(value++); - } - - /* check cinema again */ - if (parameters.cp_cinema) { - int i; - float temp_rate; - opj_poc_t *POC = NULL; - - switch (parameters.cp_cinema) { - - case CINEMA2K_24: - case CINEMA2K_48: - if (parameters.numresolution > 6) { - parameters.numresolution = 6; - } - if (!((oimage->comps[0].w == 2048) | (oimage->comps[0].h == 1080))) { - wxLogWarning(wxT("Image coordinates %d x %d is not 2K compliant. JPEG Digital Cinema Profile-3 " - "(2K profile) compliance requires that at least one of coordinates match 2048 x 1080"), - oimage->comps[0].w, oimage->comps[0].h); - parameters.cp_rsiz = STD_RSIZ; - } - break; - - case CINEMA4K_24: - if (parameters.numresolution < 1) { - parameters.numresolution = 1; - } else if (parameters.numresolution > 7) { - parameters.numresolution = 7; - } - if (!((oimage->comps[0].w == 4096) | (oimage->comps[0].h == 2160))) { - wxLogWarning(wxT("Image coordinates %d x %d is not 4K compliant. JPEG Digital Cinema Profile-4" - "(4K profile) compliance requires that at least one of coordinates match 4096 x 2160"), - oimage->comps[0].w, oimage->comps[0].h); - parameters.cp_rsiz = STD_RSIZ; - } - parameters.POC[0].tile = 1; - parameters.POC[0].resno0 = 0; - parameters.POC[0].compno0 = 0; - parameters.POC[0].layno1 = 1; - parameters.POC[0].resno1 = parameters.numresolution - 1; - parameters.POC[0].compno1 = 3; - parameters.POC[0].prg1 = CPRL; - parameters.POC[1].tile = 1; - parameters.POC[1].resno0 = parameters.numresolution - 1; - parameters.POC[1].compno0 = 0; - parameters.POC[1].layno1 = 1; - parameters.POC[1].resno1 = parameters.numresolution; - parameters.POC[1].compno1 = 3; - parameters.POC[1].prg1 = CPRL; - parameters.numpocs = 2; - break; - } - - switch (parameters.cp_cinema) { - case CINEMA2K_24: - case CINEMA4K_24: - for (i = 0 ; i < parameters.tcp_numlayers; i++) { - temp_rate = 0; - if (parameters.tcp_rates[i] == 0) { - parameters.tcp_rates[0] = ((float) (oimage->numcomps * oimage->comps[0].w * oimage->comps[0].h * oimage->comps[0].prec)) / - (CINEMA_24_CS * 8 * oimage->comps[0].dx * oimage->comps[0].dy); - }else{ - temp_rate = ((float) (oimage->numcomps * oimage->comps[0].w * oimage->comps[0].h * oimage->comps[0].prec)) / - (parameters.tcp_rates[i] * 8 * oimage->comps[0].dx * oimage->comps[0].dy); - if (temp_rate > CINEMA_24_CS ) { - parameters.tcp_rates[i]= ((float) (oimage->numcomps * oimage->comps[0].w * oimage->comps[0].h * oimage->comps[0].prec)) / - (CINEMA_24_CS * 8 * oimage->comps[0].dx * oimage->comps[0].dy); - } else { - /* do nothing */ - } - } - } - parameters.max_comp_size = COMP_24_CS; - break; - - case CINEMA2K_48: - for (i = 0; i < parameters.tcp_numlayers; i++) { - temp_rate = 0 ; - if (parameters.tcp_rates[i] == 0) { - parameters.tcp_rates[0] = ((float) (oimage->numcomps * oimage->comps[0].w * oimage->comps[0].h * oimage->comps[0].prec)) / - (CINEMA_48_CS * 8 * oimage->comps[0].dx * oimage->comps[0].dy); - }else{ - temp_rate =((float) (oimage->numcomps * oimage->comps[0].w * oimage->comps[0].h * oimage->comps[0].prec)) / - (parameters.tcp_rates[i] * 8 * oimage->comps[0].dx * oimage->comps[0].dy); - if (temp_rate > CINEMA_48_CS ){ - parameters.tcp_rates[0]= ((float) (oimage->numcomps * oimage->comps[0].w * oimage->comps[0].h * oimage->comps[0].prec)) / - (CINEMA_48_CS * 8 * oimage->comps[0].dx * oimage->comps[0].dy); - }else{ - /* do nothing */ - } - } - } - parameters.max_comp_size = COMP_48_CS; - break; - } - - parameters.cp_disto_alloc = 1; - } - - /* get a J2K compressor handle */ - opj_cinfo_t* cinfo = opj_create_compress(CODEC_J2K); - - /* catch events using our callbacks and give a local context */ - opj_set_event_mgr((opj_common_ptr)cinfo, &event_mgr, stderr); - - /* setup the encoder parameters using the current image and user parameters */ - opj_setup_encoder(cinfo, ¶meters, oimage); - - /* open a byte stream for writing */ - /* allocate memory for all tiles */ - cio = opj_cio_open((opj_common_ptr)cinfo, NULL, 0); - - /* encode the image */ - bSuccess = opj_encode_with_info(cinfo, cio, oimage, &cstr_info); - if (!bSuccess) { - - opj_cio_close(cio); - opj_destroy_compress(cinfo); - opj_image_destroy(oimage); - if (cmptparm) - free(cmptparm); - if(parameters.cp_comment) - free(parameters.cp_comment); - if(parameters.cp_matrice) - free(parameters.cp_matrice); - -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiEnter(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ - - wxLogError(wxT("failed to encode image")); - -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiLeave(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ - - return false; - } - codestream_length = cio_tell(cio); - wxLogMessage(wxT("Codestream: %d bytes"), codestream_length); - - /* write the buffer to stream */ - stream.Write(cio->buffer, codestream_length); - - /* close and free the byte stream */ - opj_cio_close(cio); - - /* Write the index to disk */ - if (*indexfilename) { - if (write_index_file(&cstr_info, indexfilename)) { - wxLogError(wxT("Failed to output index file")); - } - } - - /* free remaining compression structures */ - opj_destroy_compress(cinfo); - - /* free image data */ - opj_image_destroy(oimage); - - if (cmptparm) - free(cmptparm); - if(parameters.cp_comment) - free(parameters.cp_comment); - if(parameters.cp_matrice) - free(parameters.cp_matrice); - -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiEnter(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ - - wxLogMessage(wxT("J2K: Image encoded!")); - -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiLeave(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ - - return true; -} - -#ifdef __VISUALC__ - #pragma warning(default:4611) -#endif /* VC++ */ - -// recognize the 0xFF4F JPEG 2000 SOC marker -bool wxJ2KHandler::DoCanRead( wxInputStream& stream ) -{ - unsigned char hdr[2]; - - if ( !stream.Read(hdr, WXSIZEOF(hdr)) ) - return false; - - return hdr[0] == 0xFF && hdr[1] == 0x4F; -} - -#endif // wxUSE_STREAMS - -#endif // wxUSE_LIBOPENJPEG diff --git a/OPJViewer/source/imagjp2.cpp b/OPJViewer/source/imagjp2.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 3c61905b..00000000 --- a/OPJViewer/source/imagjp2.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,279 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright (c) 2007, Digital Signal Processing Laboratory, Universitą degli studi di Perugia (UPG), Italy - * All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the - * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS `AS IS' - * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE - * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE - * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE - * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR - * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF - * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS - * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN - * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) - * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE - * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - */ -///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// Name: imagjp2.cpp -// Purpose: wxImage JPEG 2000 file format handler -// Author: Giuseppe Baruffa - based on imagjpeg.cpp, Vaclav Slavik -// RCS-ID: $Id: imagjp2.cpp,v 0.00 2007/02/08 23:59:00 MW Exp $ -// Copyright: (c) Giuseppe Baruffa -// Licence: wxWindows licence -///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". -#include "wx/wxprec.h" - -#ifdef __BORLANDC__ - #pragma hdrstop -#endif - -#if wxUSE_IMAGE && wxUSE_LIBOPENJPEG - -#include "imagjp2.h" - -#ifndef WX_PRECOMP - #include "wx/log.h" - #include "wx/app.h" - #include "wx/intl.h" - #include "wx/bitmap.h" - #include "wx/module.h" -#endif - - -#include "libopenjpeg/openjpeg.h" - - -#include "wx/filefn.h" -#include "wx/wfstream.h" - -// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// types -// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// wxJP2Handler -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxJP2Handler,wxImageHandler) - -#if wxUSE_STREAMS - -//------------- JPEG 2000 Data Source Manager - -#define J2K_CFMT 0 -#define JP2_CFMT 1 -#define JPT_CFMT 2 -#define MJ2_CFMT 3 -#define PXM_DFMT 0 -#define PGX_DFMT 1 -#define BMP_DFMT 2 -#define YUV_DFMT 3 - -#define MAX_MESSAGE_LEN 200 - -/* sample error callback expecting a FILE* client object */ -void jp2_error_callback(const char *msg, void *client_data) { - int message_len = strlen(msg) - 1; - if (msg[message_len] != '\n') - message_len = MAX_MESSAGE_LEN; -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiEnter(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ - wxLogMessage(wxT("[ERROR] %.*s"), message_len, msg); -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiLeave(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ -} - -/* sample warning callback expecting a FILE* client object */ -void jp2_warning_callback(const char *msg, void *client_data) { - int message_len = strlen(msg) - 1; - if (msg[message_len] != '\n') - message_len = MAX_MESSAGE_LEN; -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiEnter(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ - wxLogMessage(wxT("[WARNING] %.*s"), message_len, msg); -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiLeave(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ -} - -/* sample debug callback expecting no client object */ -void jp2_info_callback(const char *msg, void *client_data) { - int message_len = strlen(msg) - 1; - if (msg[message_len] != '\n') - message_len = MAX_MESSAGE_LEN; -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiEnter(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ - wxLogMessage(wxT("[INFO] %.*s"), message_len, msg); -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiLeave(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ -} - -// load the jp2 file format -bool wxJP2Handler::LoadFile(wxImage *image, wxInputStream& stream, bool verbose, int index) -{ - opj_dparameters_t parameters; /* decompression parameters */ - opj_event_mgr_t event_mgr; /* event manager */ - opj_image_t *opjimage = NULL; - unsigned char *src = NULL; - unsigned char *ptr; - int file_length; - opj_codestream_info_t cstr_info; /* Codestream information structure */ - - // destroy the image - image->Destroy(); - - /* handle to a decompressor */ - opj_dinfo_t* dinfo = NULL; - opj_cio_t *cio = NULL; - - /* configure the event callbacks (not required) */ - memset(&event_mgr, 0, sizeof(opj_event_mgr_t)); - event_mgr.error_handler = jp2_error_callback; - event_mgr.warning_handler = jp2_warning_callback; - event_mgr.info_handler = jp2_info_callback; - - /* set decoding parameters to default values */ - opj_set_default_decoder_parameters(¶meters); - - /* prepare parameters */ - strncpy(parameters.infile, "", sizeof(parameters.infile)-1); - strncpy(parameters.outfile, "", sizeof(parameters.outfile)-1); - parameters.decod_format = JP2_CFMT; - parameters.cod_format = BMP_DFMT; - if (m_reducefactor) - parameters.cp_reduce = m_reducefactor; - if (m_qualitylayers) - parameters.cp_layer = m_qualitylayers; - /*if (n_components) - parameters. = n_components;*/ - - /* JPWL only */ -#ifdef USE_JPWL - parameters.jpwl_exp_comps = m_expcomps; - parameters.jpwl_max_tiles = m_maxtiles; - parameters.jpwl_correct = m_enablejpwl; -#endif /* USE_JPWL */ - - /* get a decoder handle */ - dinfo = opj_create_decompress(CODEC_JP2); - - /* find length of the stream */ - stream.SeekI(0, wxFromEnd); - file_length = (int) stream.TellI(); - - /* get data */ - stream.SeekI(0, wxFromStart); - src = (unsigned char *) malloc(file_length); - stream.Read(src, file_length); - - /* catch events using our callbacks and give a local context */ - opj_set_event_mgr((opj_common_ptr)dinfo, &event_mgr, stderr); - - /* setup the decoder decoding parameters using user parameters */ - opj_setup_decoder(dinfo, ¶meters); - - /* open a byte stream */ - cio = opj_cio_open((opj_common_ptr)dinfo, src, file_length); - - /* decode the stream and fill the image structure */ - opjimage = opj_decode_with_info(dinfo, cio, &cstr_info); - if (!opjimage) { -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiEnter(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ - wxLogError(wxT("JP2: failed to decode image!")); -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiLeave(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ - opj_destroy_decompress(dinfo); - opj_cio_close(cio); - free(src); - return false; - } - - /* close the byte stream */ - opj_cio_close(cio); - - /* common rendering method */ -#include "imagjpeg2000.cpp" - -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiEnter(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ - wxLogMessage(wxT("JP2: image loaded.")); -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiLeave(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ - - /* close openjpeg structs */ - opj_destroy_decompress(dinfo); - opj_image_destroy(opjimage); - free(src); - - if (!image->Ok()) - return false; - else - return true; - -} - -// save the jp2 file format -bool wxJP2Handler::SaveFile( wxImage *image, wxOutputStream& stream, bool verbose ) -{ -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiEnter(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ - wxLogError(wxT("JP2: Couldn't save image -> not implemented.")); -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiLeave(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ - - return false; -} - -#ifdef __VISUALC__ - #pragma warning(default:4611) -#endif /* VC++ */ - -// recognize the JPEG 2000 starting box -bool wxJP2Handler::DoCanRead( wxInputStream& stream ) -{ - unsigned char hdr[23]; - - if ( !stream.Read(hdr, WXSIZEOF(hdr)) ) - return false; - - return (hdr[0] == 0x00 && - hdr[1] == 0x00 && - hdr[2] == 0x00 && - hdr[3] == 0x0C && - hdr[4] == 0x6A && - hdr[5] == 0x50 && - hdr[6] == 0x20 && - hdr[7] == 0x20 && - hdr[20] == 0x6A && - hdr[21] == 0x70 && - hdr[22] == 0x32); -} - -#endif // wxUSE_STREAMS - -#endif // wxUSE_LIBOPENJPEG diff --git a/OPJViewer/source/imagjp2.h b/OPJViewer/source/imagjp2.h deleted file mode 100644 index b30f111a..00000000 --- a/OPJViewer/source/imagjp2.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,92 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright (c) 2007, Digital Signal Processing Laboratory, Universitą degli studi di Perugia (UPG), Italy - * All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the - * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS `AS IS' - * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE - * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE - * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE - * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR - * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF - * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS - * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN - * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) - * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE - * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - */ -///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// Name: imagjp2.h -// Purpose: wxImage JPEG 2000 file format handler -// Author: G. Baruffa - based on imagjpeg.h, Vaclav Slavik -// RCS-ID: $Id: imagjp2.h,v 0.0 2007/02/08 23:45:00 VZ Exp $ -// Copyright: (c) Giuseppe Baruffa -// Licence: wxWindows licence -///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -#ifndef _WX_IMAGJP2_H_ -#define _WX_IMAGJP2_H_ - -#include "wx/defs.h" - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// wxJP2Handler -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -#if wxUSE_LIBOPENJPEG - -#include "wx/image.h" -#include "libopenjpeg/openjpeg.h" - -#define wxBITMAP_TYPE_JP2 48 - -class WXDLLEXPORT wxJP2Handler: public wxImageHandler -{ -public: - inline wxJP2Handler() - { - m_name = wxT("JPEG 2000 file format"); - m_extension = wxT("jp2"); - m_type = wxBITMAP_TYPE_JP2; - m_mime = wxT("image/jp2"); - - m_reducefactor = 0; - m_qualitylayers = 0; - m_components = 0; -#ifdef USE_JPWL - m_enablejpwl = true; - m_expcomps = JPWL_EXPECTED_COMPONENTS; - m_maxtiles = JPWL_MAXIMUM_TILES; -#endif // USE_JPWL - } - - // decoding engine parameters - int m_reducefactor, m_qualitylayers, m_components; -#ifdef USE_JPWL - bool m_enablejpwl; - int m_expcomps, m_maxtiles; -#endif // USE_JPWL - -#if wxUSE_STREAMS - virtual bool LoadFile( wxImage *image, wxInputStream& stream, bool verbose=true, int index=-1 ); - virtual bool SaveFile( wxImage *image, wxOutputStream& stream, bool verbose=true ); -protected: - virtual bool DoCanRead( wxInputStream& stream ); -#endif - -private: - DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxJP2Handler) -}; - -#endif // wxUSE_LIBOPENJPEG - -#endif // _WX_IMAGJP2_H_ - diff --git a/OPJViewer/source/imagjpeg2000.cpp b/OPJViewer/source/imagjpeg2000.cpp index 78734b17..bcf1ca73 100644 --- a/OPJViewer/source/imagjpeg2000.cpp +++ b/OPJViewer/source/imagjpeg2000.cpp @@ -25,162 +25,1425 @@ */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: imagjpeg2000.cpp -// Purpose: wxImage JPEG 2000 imagage rendering common functions -// Author: Giuseppe Baruffa -// RCS-ID: $Id: imagjpeg2000.cpp,v 0.00 2007/04/27 22:11:00 MW Exp $ +// Purpose: wxImage JPEG 2000 family file format handler +// Author: Giuseppe Baruffa - based on imagjpeg.cpp, Vaclav Slavik +// RCS-ID: $Id: imagjpeg2000.cpp,v 0.00 2008/01/31 10:58:00 MW Exp $ // Copyright: (c) Giuseppe Baruffa // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -/* +// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". +#include "wx/wxprec.h" -- At this point, we have the structure "opjimage" that is filled with decompressed - data, as processed by the OpenJPEG decompression engine +#ifdef __BORLANDC__ + #pragma hdrstop +#endif -- We need to fill the class "image" with the proper pixel sample values +#if wxUSE_IMAGE && wxUSE_LIBOPENJPEG -*/ +#include "imagjpeg2000.h" + +#ifndef WX_PRECOMP + #include "wx/log.h" + #include "wx/app.h" + #include "wx/intl.h" + #include "wx/bitmap.h" + #include "wx/module.h" +#endif + +#include "libopenjpeg/openjpeg.h" + +#include "wx/filefn.h" +#include "wx/wfstream.h" + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// types +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// wxJPEG2000Handler +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxJPEG2000Handler,wxImageHandler) + +#if wxUSE_STREAMS + +//------------- JPEG 2000 Data Source Manager + +#define J2K_CFMT 0 +#define JP2_CFMT 1 +#define JPT_CFMT 2 +#define MJ2_CFMT 3 +#define PXM_DFMT 0 +#define PGX_DFMT 1 +#define BMP_DFMT 2 +#define YUV_DFMT 3 + +#define MAX_MESSAGE_LEN 200 + +/* check file type */ +int +jpeg2000familytype(unsigned char *hdr, int hdr_len) { - int shiftbpp; - int c, tempcomps; + // check length + if (hdr_len < 24) + return -1; - // check components number - if (m_components > opjimage->numcomps) - m_components = opjimage->numcomps; - - // check image depth (only on the first one, for now) - if (m_components) - shiftbpp = opjimage->comps[m_components - 1].prec - 8; + // check format + if (hdr[0] == 0x00 && + hdr[1] == 0x00 && + hdr[2] == 0x00 && + hdr[3] == 0x0C && + hdr[4] == 0x6A && + hdr[5] == 0x50 && + hdr[6] == 0x20 && + hdr[7] == 0x20 && + hdr[20] == 0x6A && + hdr[21] == 0x70 && + hdr[22] == 0x32) + // JP2 file format + return JP2_CFMT; + else if (hdr[0] == 0x00 && + hdr[1] == 0x00 && + hdr[2] == 0x00 && + hdr[3] == 0x0C && + hdr[4] == 0x6A && + hdr[5] == 0x50 && + hdr[6] == 0x20 && + hdr[7] == 0x20 && + hdr[20] == 0x6D && + hdr[21] == 0x6A && + hdr[22] == 0x70 && + hdr[23] == 0x32) + // MJ2 file format + return MJ2_CFMT; + else if (hdr[0] == 0xFF && + hdr[1] == 0x4F) + // J2K file format + return J2K_CFMT; else - shiftbpp = opjimage->comps[0].prec - 8; + // unknown format + return -1; - // prepare image size - if (m_components) - image->Create(opjimage->comps[m_components - 1].w, opjimage->comps[m_components - 1].h, true); - else - image->Create(opjimage->comps[0].w, opjimage->comps[0].h, true); +} - // access image raw data - image->SetMask(false); - ptr = image->GetData(); - - // workaround for components different from 1 or 3 - if ((opjimage->numcomps != 1) && (opjimage->numcomps != 3)) { +/* sample error callback expecting a FILE* client object */ +void jpeg2000_error_callback(const char *msg, void *client_data) { + int message_len = strlen(msg) - 1; + if (msg[message_len] != '\n') + message_len = MAX_MESSAGE_LEN; #ifndef __WXGTK__ wxMutexGuiEnter(); #endif /* __WXGTK__ */ - wxLogMessage(wxT("JPEG2000: weird number of components")); + wxLogMessage(wxT("[ERROR] %.*s"), message_len, msg); #ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiLeave(); + wxMutexGuiLeave(); #endif /* __WXGTK__ */ - tempcomps = 1; +} + +/* sample warning callback expecting a FILE* client object */ +void jpeg2000_warning_callback(const char *msg, void *client_data) { + int message_len = strlen(msg) - 1; + if (msg[message_len] != '\n') + message_len = MAX_MESSAGE_LEN; +#ifndef __WXGTK__ + wxMutexGuiEnter(); +#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ + wxLogMessage(wxT("[WARNING] %.*s"), message_len, msg); +#ifndef __WXGTK__ + wxMutexGuiLeave(); +#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ +} + +/* sample debug callback expecting no client object */ +void jpeg2000_info_callback(const char *msg, void *client_data) { + int message_len = strlen(msg) - 1; + if (msg[message_len] != '\n') + message_len = MAX_MESSAGE_LEN; +#ifndef __WXGTK__ + wxMutexGuiEnter(); +#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ + wxLogMessage(wxT("[INFO] %.*s"), message_len, msg); +#ifndef __WXGTK__ + wxMutexGuiLeave(); +#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ +} + +/* macro functions */ +/* From little endian to big endian, 2 and 4 bytes */ +#define BYTE_SWAP2(X) ((X & 0x00FF) << 8) | ((X & 0xFF00) >> 8) +#define BYTE_SWAP4(X) ((X & 0x000000FF) << 24) | ((X & 0x0000FF00) << 8) | ((X & 0x00FF0000) >> 8) | ((X & 0xFF000000) >> 24) + +#ifdef __WXGTK__ +#define BYTE_SWAP8(X) ((X & 0x00000000000000FFULL) << 56) | ((X & 0x000000000000FF00ULL) << 40) | \ + ((X & 0x0000000000FF0000ULL) << 24) | ((X & 0x00000000FF000000ULL) << 8) | \ + ((X & 0x000000FF00000000ULL) >> 8) | ((X & 0x0000FF0000000000ULL) >> 24) | \ + ((X & 0x00FF000000000000ULL) >> 40) | ((X & 0xFF00000000000000ULL) >> 56) +#else +#define BYTE_SWAP8(X) ((X & 0x00000000000000FF) << 56) | ((X & 0x000000000000FF00) << 40) | \ + ((X & 0x0000000000FF0000) << 24) | ((X & 0x00000000FF000000) << 8) | \ + ((X & 0x000000FF00000000) >> 8) | ((X & 0x0000FF0000000000) >> 24) | \ + ((X & 0x00FF000000000000) >> 40) | ((X & 0xFF00000000000000) >> 56) +#endif + +/* From codestream to int values */ +#define STREAM_TO_UINT32(C, P) (((unsigned long int) (C)[(P) + 0] << 24) + \ + ((unsigned long int) (C)[(P) + 1] << 16) + \ + ((unsigned long int) (C)[(P) + 2] << 8) + \ + ((unsigned long int) (C)[(P) + 3] << 0)) + +#define STREAM_TO_UINT16(C, P) (((unsigned long int) (C)[(P) + 0] << 8) + \ + ((unsigned long int) (C)[(P) + 1] << 0)) + +/* defines */ +#define SHORT_DESCR_LEN 32 +#define LONG_DESCR_LEN 256 + +/* enumeration for file formats */ +#define JPEG2000FILENUM 4 +typedef enum { + + JP2_FILE, + J2K_FILE, + MJ2_FILE, + UNK_FILE + +} jpeg2000filetype; + +/* enumeration for the box types */ +#define JPEG2000BOXNUM 23 +typedef enum { + + FILE_BOX, + JP_BOX, + FTYP_BOX, + JP2H_BOX, + IHDR_BOX, + COLR_BOX, + JP2C_BOX, + JP2I_BOX, + XML_BOX, + UUID_BOX, + UINF_BOX, + MOOV_BOX, + MVHD_BOX, + TRAK_BOX, + TKHD_BOX, + MDIA_BOX, + MINF_BOX, + STBL_BOX, + STSD_BOX, + MJP2_BOX, + MDAT_BOX, + ANY_BOX, + UNK_BOX + +} jpeg2000boxtype; + +/* jpeg2000 family box signatures */ +#define FILE_SIGN "" +#define JP_SIGN "jP\040\040" +#define FTYP_SIGN "ftyp" +#define JP2H_SIGN "jp2h" +#define IHDR_SIGN "ihdr" +#define COLR_SIGN "colr" +#define JP2C_SIGN "jp2c" +#define JP2I_SIGN "jp2i" +#define XML_SIGN "xml\040" +#define UUID_SIGN "uuid" +#define UINF_SIGN "uinf" +#define MOOV_SIGN "moov" +#define MVHD_SIGN "mvhd" +#define TRAK_SIGN "trak" +#define TKHD_SIGN "tkhd" +#define MDIA_SIGN "mdia" +#define MINF_SIGN "minf" +#define VMHD_SIGN "vmhd" +#define STBL_SIGN "stbl" +#define STSD_SIGN "stsd" +#define MJP2_SIGN "mjp2" +#define MDAT_SIGN "mdat" +#define ANY_SIGN "" +#define UNK_SIGN "" + +/* the box structure itself */ +struct jpeg2000boxdef { + + char value[5]; /* hexadecimal value/string*/ + char name[SHORT_DESCR_LEN]; /* short description */ + char descr[LONG_DESCR_LEN]; /* long description */ + int sbox; /* is it a superbox? */ + int req[JPEG2000FILENUM]; /* mandatory box */ + jpeg2000boxtype ins; /* contained in box... */ + +}; + +/* the possible boxes */ +struct jpeg2000boxdef jpeg2000box[] = +{ +/* sign */ {FILE_SIGN, +/* short */ "placeholder for nothing", +/* long */ "Nothing to say", +/* sbox */ 0, +/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, +/* ins */ FILE_BOX}, + +/* sign */ {JP_SIGN, +/* short */ "JPEG 2000 Signature box", +/* long */ "This box uniquely identifies the file as being part of the JPEG 2000 family of files", +/* sbox */ 0, +/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, +/* ins */ FILE_BOX}, + +/* sign */ {FTYP_SIGN, +/* short */ "File Type box", +/* long */ "This box specifies file type, version and compatibility information, including specifying if this file " + "is a conforming JP2 file or if it can be read by a conforming JP2 reader", +/* sbox */ 0, +/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, +/* ins */ FILE_BOX}, + +/* sign */ {JP2H_SIGN, +/* short */ "JP2 Header box", +/* long */ "This box contains a series of boxes that contain header-type information about the file", +/* sbox */ 1, +/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, +/* ins */ FILE_BOX}, + +/* sign */ {IHDR_SIGN, +/* short */ "Image Header box", +/* long */ "This box specifies the size of the image and other related fields", +/* sbox */ 0, +/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, +/* ins */ JP2H_BOX}, + +/* sign */ {COLR_SIGN, +/* short */ "Colour Specification box", +/* long */ "This box specifies the colourspace of the image", +/* sbox */ 0, +/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, +/* ins */ JP2H_BOX}, + +/* sign */ {JP2C_SIGN, +/* short */ "Contiguous Codestream box", +/* long */ "This box contains the codestream as defined by Annex A", +/* sbox */ 0, +/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, +/* ins */ FILE_BOX}, + +/* sign */ {JP2I_SIGN, +/* short */ "Intellectual Property box", +/* long */ "This box contains intellectual property information about the image", +/* sbox */ 0, +/* req */ {0, 0, 0}, +/* ins */ FILE_BOX}, + +/* sign */ {XML_SIGN, +/* short */ "XML box", +/* long */ "This box provides a tool by which vendors can add XML formatted information to a JP2 file", +/* sbox */ 0, +/* req */ {0, 0, 0}, +/* ins */ FILE_BOX}, + +/* sign */ {UUID_SIGN, +/* short */ "UUID box", +/* long */ "This box provides a tool by which vendors can add additional information to a file " + "without risking conflict with other vendors", +/* sbox */ 0, +/* req */ {0, 0, 0}, +/* ins */ FILE_BOX}, + +/* sign */ {UINF_SIGN, +/* short */ "UUID Info box", +/* long */ "This box provides a tool by which a vendor may provide access to additional information associated with a UUID", +/* sbox */ 0, +/* req */ {0, 0, 0}, +/* ins */ FILE_BOX}, + +/* sign */ {MOOV_SIGN, +/* short */ "Movie box", +/* long */ "This box contains the media data. In video tracks, this box would contain JPEG2000 video frames", +/* sbox */ 1, +/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, +/* ins */ FILE_BOX}, + +/* sign */ {MVHD_SIGN, +/* short */ "Movie Header box", +/* long */ "This box defines overall information which is media-independent, and relevant to the entire presentation " + "considered as a whole", +/* sbox */ 0, +/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, +/* ins */ MOOV_BOX}, + +/* sign */ {TRAK_SIGN, +/* short */ "Track box", +/* long */ "This is a container box for a single track of a presentation. A presentation may consist of one or more tracks", +/* sbox */ 1, +/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, +/* ins */ MOOV_BOX}, + +/* sign */ {TKHD_SIGN, +/* short */ "Track Header box", +/* long */ "This box specifies the characteristics of a single track. Exactly one Track Header Box is contained in a track", +/* sbox */ 0, +/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, +/* ins */ TRAK_BOX}, + +/* sign */ {MDIA_SIGN, +/* short */ "Media box", +/* long */ "The media declaration container contains all the objects which declare information about the media data " + "within a track", +/* sbox */ 1, +/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, +/* ins */ TRAK_BOX}, + +/* sign */ {MINF_SIGN, +/* short */ "Media Information box", +/* long */ "This box contains all the objects which declare characteristic information of the media in the track", +/* sbox */ 1, +/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, +/* ins */ MDIA_BOX}, + +/* sign */ {STBL_SIGN, +/* short */ "Sample Table box", +/* long */ "The sample table contains all the time and data indexing of the media samples in a track", +/* sbox */ 1, +/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, +/* ins */ MINF_BOX}, + +/* sign */ {STSD_SIGN, +/* short */ "Sample Description box", +/* long */ "The sample description table gives detailed information about the coding type used, and any initialization " + "information needed for that coding", +/* sbox */ 0, +/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, +/* ins */ MINF_BOX}, + +/* sign */ {MJP2_SIGN, +/* short */ "MJP2 Sample Description box", +/* long */ "The MJP2 sample description table gives detailed information about the coding type used, and any initialization " + "information needed for that coding", +/* sbox */ 0, +/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, +/* ins */ MINF_BOX}, + +/* sign */ {MDAT_SIGN, +/* short */ "Media Data box", +/* long */ "The meta-data for a presentation is stored in the single Movie Box which occurs at the top-level of a file", +/* sbox */ 1, +/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, +/* ins */ FILE_BOX}, + +/* sign */ {ANY_SIGN, +/* short */ "Any box", +/* long */ "All the existing boxes", +/* sbox */ 0, +/* req */ {0, 0, 0}, +/* ins */ FILE_BOX}, + +/* sign */ {UNK_SIGN, +/* short */ "Unknown Type box", +/* long */ "The signature is not recognised to be that of an existing box", +/* sbox */ 0, +/* req */ {0, 0, 0}, +/* ins */ ANY_BOX} + +}; + +/* declaration */ +int +jpeg2000_box_handler_function(jpeg2000boxtype boxtype, wxInputStream& stream, unsigned long int filepoint, + unsigned long int filelimit, int level, char *scansign, + unsigned long int *scanpoint); + +#ifdef __WXMSW__ +typedef unsigned __int64 int8byte; +#endif // __WXMSW__ + +#ifdef __WXGTK__ +typedef unsigned long long int8byte; +#endif // __WXGTK__ + +/* internal mini-search for a box signature */ +int +jpeg2000_file_parse(wxInputStream& stream, unsigned long int filepoint, unsigned long int filelimit, int level, + char *scansign, unsigned long int *scanpoint) +{ + unsigned long int LBox = 0x00000000; + char TBox[5] = "\0\0\0\0"; + int8byte XLBox = 0x0000000000000000; + unsigned long int box_length = 0; + int last_box = 0, box_num = 0; + int box_type = ANY_BOX; + unsigned char fourbytes[4]; + int box_number = 0; + + /* cycle all over the file */ + box_num = 0; + last_box = 0; + while (!last_box) { + + /* do not exceed file limit */ + if (filepoint >= filelimit) + return (0); + + /* seek on file */ + if (stream.SeekI(filepoint, wxFromStart) == wxInvalidOffset) + return (-1); + + /* read the mandatory LBox, 4 bytes */ + if (!stream.Read(fourbytes, 4)) { + wxLogError(wxT("Problem reading LBox from the file (file ended?)")); + return -1; + }; + LBox = STREAM_TO_UINT32(fourbytes, 0); + + /* read the mandatory TBox, 4 bytes */ + if (!stream.Read(TBox, 4)) { + wxLogError(wxT("Problem reading TBox from the file (file ended?)")); + return -1; + }; + + /* look if scansign is got */ + if ((scansign != NULL) && (memcmp(TBox, scansign, 4) == 0)) { + /* hack/exploit */ + // stop as soon as you find the level-th codebox + if (box_number == level) { + memcpy(scansign, " ", 4); + *scanpoint = filepoint; + return (0); + } else + box_number++; + + }; + + /* determine the box type */ + for (box_type = JP_BOX; box_type < UNK_BOX; box_type++) + if (memcmp(TBox, jpeg2000box[box_type].value, 4) == 0) + break; + + /* read the optional XLBox, 8 bytes */ + if (LBox == 1) { + + if (!stream.Read(&XLBox, 8)) { + wxLogError(wxT("Problem reading XLBox from the file (file ended?)")); + return -1; + }; + box_length = (unsigned long int) BYTE_SWAP8(XLBox); + + } else if (LBox == 0x00000000) { + + /* last box in file */ + last_box = 1; + box_length = filelimit - filepoint; + + } else + + box_length = LBox; + + + /* go deep in the box */ + jpeg2000_box_handler_function((jpeg2000boxtype) box_type, + stream, (LBox == 1) ? (filepoint + 16) : (filepoint + 8), + filepoint + box_length, level, scansign, scanpoint); + + /* if it's a superbox go inside it */ + if (jpeg2000box[box_type].sbox) + jpeg2000_file_parse(stream, (LBox == 1) ? (filepoint + 16) : (filepoint + 8), filepoint + box_length, + level, scansign, scanpoint); + + /* increment box number and filepoint*/ + box_num++; + filepoint += box_length; + + }; + + /* all good */ + return (0); +} + +// search first contiguos codestream box in an mj2 file +unsigned long int +searchjpeg2000c(wxInputStream& stream, unsigned long int fsize, int number) +{ + char scansign[] = "jp2c"; + unsigned long int scanpoint = 0L; + + wxLogMessage(wxT("Searching jp2c box... ")); + + /* do the parsing */ + if (jpeg2000_file_parse(stream, 0, fsize, number, scansign, &scanpoint) < 0) + wxLogMessage(wxT("Unrecoverable error during JPEG 2000 box parsing: stopping")); + + if (strcmp(scansign, " ")) + wxLogMessage(wxT("Box not found")); + else { + + wxLogMessage(wxString::Format(wxT("Box found at byte %d"), scanpoint)); + + }; + + return (scanpoint); +} + +// search the jp2h box in the file +unsigned long int +searchjpeg2000headerbox(wxInputStream& stream, unsigned long int fsize) +{ + char scansign[] = "jp2h"; + unsigned long int scanpoint = 0L; + + wxLogMessage(wxT("Searching jp2h box... ")); + + /* do the parsing */ + if (jpeg2000_file_parse(stream, 0, fsize, 0, scansign, &scanpoint) < 0) + wxLogMessage(wxT("Unrecoverable error during JPEG 2000 box parsing: stopping")); + + if (strcmp(scansign, " ")) + wxLogMessage(wxT("Box not found")); + else + wxLogMessage(wxString::Format(wxT("Box found at byte %d"), scanpoint)); + + return (scanpoint); +} + +/* handling functions */ +#define ITEM_PER_ROW 10 + +/* Box handler function */ +int +jpeg2000_box_handler_function(jpeg2000boxtype boxtype, wxInputStream& stream, unsigned long int filepoint, + unsigned long int filelimit, int level, + char *scansign, unsigned long int *scanpoint) +{ + switch (boxtype) { + + /* Sample Description box */ + case (STSD_BOX): + jpeg2000_file_parse(stream, filepoint + 8, filelimit, level, scansign, scanpoint); + break; + + /* MJP2 Sample Description box */ + case (MJP2_BOX): + jpeg2000_file_parse(stream, filepoint + 78, filelimit, level, scansign, scanpoint); + break; + + /* not yet implemented */ + default: + break; + + }; + + return (0); +} + +// the jP and ftyp parts of the header +#define jpeg2000headSIZE 32 +unsigned char jpeg2000head[jpeg2000headSIZE] = { + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0C, 'j', 'P', ' ', ' ', + 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x87, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x14, + 'f', 't', 'y', 'p', 'j', 'p', '2', ' ', + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 'j', 'p', '2', ' ' +}; + +///////////////////////////////////////////////// +///////////////////////////////////////////////// + +// load the jpeg2000 file format +bool wxJPEG2000Handler::LoadFile(wxImage *image, wxInputStream& stream, bool verbose, int index) +{ + opj_dparameters_t parameters; /* decompression parameters */ + opj_event_mgr_t event_mgr; /* event manager */ + opj_image_t *opjimage = NULL; + unsigned char *src = NULL; + unsigned char *ptr; + int file_length, jp2c_point, jp2h_point; + unsigned long int jp2hboxlen, jp2cboxlen; + opj_codestream_info_t cstr_info; /* Codestream information structure */ + unsigned char hdr[24]; + int jpfamform; + + // destroy the image + image->Destroy(); + + /* read the beginning of the file to check the type */ + if (!stream.Read(hdr, WXSIZEOF(hdr))) + return false; + if ((jpfamform = jpeg2000familytype(hdr, WXSIZEOF(hdr))) < 0) + return false; + stream.SeekI(0, wxFromStart); + + /* handle to a decompressor */ + opj_dinfo_t* dinfo = NULL; + opj_cio_t *cio = NULL; + + /* configure the event callbacks */ + memset(&event_mgr, 0, sizeof(opj_event_mgr_t)); + event_mgr.error_handler = jpeg2000_error_callback; + event_mgr.warning_handler = jpeg2000_warning_callback; + event_mgr.info_handler = jpeg2000_info_callback; + + /* set decoding parameters to default values */ + opj_set_default_decoder_parameters(¶meters); + + /* prepare parameters */ + strncpy(parameters.infile, "", sizeof(parameters.infile) - 1); + strncpy(parameters.outfile, "", sizeof(parameters.outfile) - 1); + parameters.decod_format = jpfamform; + parameters.cod_format = BMP_DFMT; + if (m_reducefactor) + parameters.cp_reduce = m_reducefactor; + if (m_qualitylayers) + parameters.cp_layer = m_qualitylayers; + /*if (n_components) + parameters. = n_components;*/ + + /* JPWL only */ +#ifdef USE_JPWL + parameters.jpwl_exp_comps = m_expcomps; + parameters.jpwl_max_tiles = m_maxtiles; + parameters.jpwl_correct = m_enablejpwl; +#endif /* USE_JPWL */ + + /* get a decoder handle */ + if (jpfamform == JP2_CFMT || jpfamform == MJ2_CFMT) + dinfo = opj_create_decompress(CODEC_JP2); + else if (jpfamform == J2K_CFMT) + dinfo = opj_create_decompress(CODEC_J2K); + else + return false; + + /* find length of the stream */ + stream.SeekI(0, wxFromEnd); + file_length = (int) stream.TellI(); + + /* it's a movie */ + if (jpfamform == MJ2_CFMT) { + /* search for the first codestream box and the movie header box */ + jp2c_point = searchjpeg2000c(stream, file_length, m_framenum); + jp2h_point = searchjpeg2000headerbox(stream, file_length); + + // read the jp2h box and store it + stream.SeekI(jp2h_point, wxFromStart); + stream.Read(&jp2hboxlen, sizeof(unsigned long int)); + jp2hboxlen = BYTE_SWAP4(jp2hboxlen); + + // read the jp2c box and store it + stream.SeekI(jp2c_point, wxFromStart); + stream.Read(&jp2cboxlen, sizeof(unsigned long int)); + jp2cboxlen = BYTE_SWAP4(jp2cboxlen); + + // malloc memory source + src = (unsigned char *) malloc(jpeg2000headSIZE + jp2hboxlen + jp2cboxlen); + + // copy the jP and ftyp + memcpy(src, jpeg2000head, jpeg2000headSIZE); + + // copy the jp2h + stream.SeekI(jp2h_point, wxFromStart); + stream.Read(&src[jpeg2000headSIZE], jp2hboxlen); + + // copy the jp2c + stream.SeekI(jp2c_point, wxFromStart); + stream.Read(&src[jpeg2000headSIZE + jp2hboxlen], jp2cboxlen); + } else if (jpfamform == JP2_CFMT || jpfamform == J2K_CFMT) { + /* It's a plain image */ + /* get data */ + stream.SeekI(0, wxFromStart); + src = (unsigned char *) malloc(file_length); + stream.Read(src, file_length); } else - tempcomps = opjimage->numcomps; + return false; - // workaround for subsampled components - for (c = 1; c < tempcomps; c++) { - if ((opjimage->comps[c].w != opjimage->comps[c - 1].w) || (opjimage->comps[c].h != opjimage->comps[c - 1].h)) { - tempcomps = 1; - break; - } + /* catch events using our callbacks and give a local context */ + opj_set_event_mgr((opj_common_ptr)dinfo, &event_mgr, stderr); + + /* setup the decoder decoding parameters using user parameters */ + opj_setup_decoder(dinfo, ¶meters); + + /* open a byte stream */ + if (jpfamform == MJ2_CFMT) + cio = opj_cio_open((opj_common_ptr)dinfo, src, jpeg2000headSIZE + jp2hboxlen + jp2cboxlen); + else if (jpfamform == JP2_CFMT || jpfamform == J2K_CFMT) + cio = opj_cio_open((opj_common_ptr)dinfo, src, file_length); + else { + free(src); + return false; } - // workaround for different precision components - for (c = 1; c < tempcomps; c++) { - if (opjimage->comps[c].bpp != opjimage->comps[c - 1].bpp) { - tempcomps = 1; - break; - } + /* decode the stream and fill the image structure */ + opjimage = opj_decode_with_info(dinfo, cio, &cstr_info); + if (!opjimage) { + wxMutexGuiEnter(); + wxLogError(wxT("JPEG 2000 failed to decode image!")); + wxMutexGuiLeave(); + opj_destroy_decompress(dinfo); + opj_cio_close(cio); + free(src); + return false; } - // only one component selected - if (m_components) - tempcomps = 1; + /* close the byte stream */ + opj_cio_close(cio); - // RGB color picture - if (tempcomps == 3) { - int row, col; - int *r = opjimage->comps[0].data; - int *g = opjimage->comps[1].data; - int *b = opjimage->comps[2].data; - if (shiftbpp > 0) { - for (row = 0; row < opjimage->comps[0].h; row++) { - for (col = 0; col < opjimage->comps[0].w; col++) { - - *(ptr++) = (*(r++)) >> shiftbpp; - *(ptr++) = (*(g++)) >> shiftbpp; - *(ptr++) = (*(b++)) >> shiftbpp; + /* - } - } + - At this point, we have the structure "opjimage" that is filled with decompressed + data, as processed by the OpenJPEG decompression engine - } else if (shiftbpp < 0) { - for (row = 0; row < opjimage->comps[0].h; row++) { - for (col = 0; col < opjimage->comps[0].w; col++) { - - *(ptr++) = (*(r++)) << -shiftbpp; - *(ptr++) = (*(g++)) << -shiftbpp; - *(ptr++) = (*(b++)) << -shiftbpp; + - We need to fill the class "image" with the proper pixel sample values - } - } - - } else { - for (row = 0; row < opjimage->comps[0].h; row++) { - for (col = 0; col < opjimage->comps[0].w; col++) { + */ + { + int shiftbpp; + int c, tempcomps; - *(ptr++) = *(r++); - *(ptr++) = *(g++); - *(ptr++) = *(b++); - - } - } - } - } - - // B/W picture - if (tempcomps == 1) { - int row, col; - int selcomp; + // check components number + if (m_components > opjimage->numcomps) + m_components = opjimage->numcomps; + // check image depth (only on the first one, for now) if (m_components) - selcomp = m_components - 1; + shiftbpp = opjimage->comps[m_components - 1].prec - 8; else - selcomp = 0; + shiftbpp = opjimage->comps[0].prec - 8; - int *y = opjimage->comps[selcomp].data; - if (shiftbpp > 0) { - for (row = 0; row < opjimage->comps[selcomp].h; row++) { - for (col = 0; col < opjimage->comps[selcomp].w; col++) { - - *(ptr++) = (*(y)) >> shiftbpp; - *(ptr++) = (*(y)) >> shiftbpp; - *(ptr++) = (*(y++)) >> shiftbpp; + // prepare image size + if (m_components) + image->Create(opjimage->comps[m_components - 1].w, opjimage->comps[m_components - 1].h, true); + else + image->Create(opjimage->comps[0].w, opjimage->comps[0].h, true); - } + // access image raw data + image->SetMask(false); + ptr = image->GetData(); + + // workaround for components different from 1 or 3 + if ((opjimage->numcomps != 1) && (opjimage->numcomps != 3)) { +#ifndef __WXGTK__ + wxMutexGuiEnter(); +#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ + wxLogMessage(wxT("JPEG2000: weird number of components")); +#ifndef __WXGTK__ + wxMutexGuiLeave(); +#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ + tempcomps = 1; + } else + tempcomps = opjimage->numcomps; + + // workaround for subsampled components + for (c = 1; c < tempcomps; c++) { + if ((opjimage->comps[c].w != opjimage->comps[c - 1].w) || (opjimage->comps[c].h != opjimage->comps[c - 1].h)) { + tempcomps = 1; + break; } - } else if (shiftbpp < 0) { - for (row = 0; row < opjimage->comps[selcomp].h; row++) { - for (col = 0; col < opjimage->comps[selcomp].w; col++) { - - *(ptr++) = (*(y)) << -shiftbpp; - *(ptr++) = (*(y)) << -shiftbpp; - *(ptr++) = (*(y++)) << -shiftbpp; + } - } + // workaround for different precision components + for (c = 1; c < tempcomps; c++) { + if (opjimage->comps[c].bpp != opjimage->comps[c - 1].bpp) { + tempcomps = 1; + break; } - } else { - for (row = 0; row < opjimage->comps[selcomp].h; row++) { - for (col = 0; col < opjimage->comps[selcomp].w; col++) { - - *(ptr++) = *(y); - *(ptr++) = *(y); - *(ptr++) = *(y++); + } + // only one component selected + if (m_components) + tempcomps = 1; + + // RGB color picture + if (tempcomps == 3) { + int row, col; + int *r = opjimage->comps[0].data; + int *g = opjimage->comps[1].data; + int *b = opjimage->comps[2].data; + if (shiftbpp > 0) { + for (row = 0; row < opjimage->comps[0].h; row++) { + for (col = 0; col < opjimage->comps[0].w; col++) { + + *(ptr++) = (*(r++)) >> shiftbpp; + *(ptr++) = (*(g++)) >> shiftbpp; + *(ptr++) = (*(b++)) >> shiftbpp; + + } + } + + } else if (shiftbpp < 0) { + for (row = 0; row < opjimage->comps[0].h; row++) { + for (col = 0; col < opjimage->comps[0].w; col++) { + + *(ptr++) = (*(r++)) << -shiftbpp; + *(ptr++) = (*(g++)) << -shiftbpp; + *(ptr++) = (*(b++)) << -shiftbpp; + + } + } + + } else { + for (row = 0; row < opjimage->comps[0].h; row++) { + for (col = 0; col < opjimage->comps[0].w; col++) { + + *(ptr++) = *(r++); + *(ptr++) = *(g++); + *(ptr++) = *(b++); + + } } } } + + // B/W picture + if (tempcomps == 1) { + int row, col; + int selcomp; + + if (m_components) + selcomp = m_components - 1; + else + selcomp = 0; + + int *y = opjimage->comps[selcomp].data; + if (shiftbpp > 0) { + for (row = 0; row < opjimage->comps[selcomp].h; row++) { + for (col = 0; col < opjimage->comps[selcomp].w; col++) { + + *(ptr++) = (*(y)) >> shiftbpp; + *(ptr++) = (*(y)) >> shiftbpp; + *(ptr++) = (*(y++)) >> shiftbpp; + + } + } + } else if (shiftbpp < 0) { + for (row = 0; row < opjimage->comps[selcomp].h; row++) { + for (col = 0; col < opjimage->comps[selcomp].w; col++) { + + *(ptr++) = (*(y)) << -shiftbpp; + *(ptr++) = (*(y)) << -shiftbpp; + *(ptr++) = (*(y++)) << -shiftbpp; + + } + } + } else { + for (row = 0; row < opjimage->comps[selcomp].h; row++) { + for (col = 0; col < opjimage->comps[selcomp].w; col++) { + + *(ptr++) = *(y); + *(ptr++) = *(y); + *(ptr++) = *(y++); + + } + } + } + } + + } + wxMutexGuiEnter(); + wxLogMessage(wxT("JPEG 2000 image loaded.")); + wxMutexGuiLeave(); + + /* close openjpeg structs */ + opj_destroy_decompress(dinfo); + opj_image_destroy(opjimage); + free(src); + + if (!image->Ok()) + return false; + else + return true; } + +#define CINEMA_24_CS 1302083 /* Codestream length for 24fps */ +#define CINEMA_48_CS 651041 /* Codestream length for 48fps */ +#define COMP_24_CS 1041666 /* Maximum size per color component for 2K & 4K @ 24fps */ +#define COMP_48_CS 520833 /* Maximum size per color component for 2K @ 48fps */ + +// save the j2k codestream +bool wxJPEG2000Handler::SaveFile( wxImage *wimage, wxOutputStream& stream, bool verbose ) +{ + opj_cparameters_t parameters; /* compression parameters */ + opj_event_mgr_t event_mgr; /* event manager */ + opj_image_t *oimage = NULL; + opj_image_cmptparm_t *cmptparm; + opj_cio_t *cio = NULL; + opj_codestream_info_t cstr_info; + int codestream_length; + bool bSuccess; + int i; + char indexfilename[OPJ_PATH_LEN] = ""; /* index file name */ + + /* + configure the event callbacks (not required) + setting of each callback is optionnal + */ + memset(&event_mgr, 0, sizeof(opj_event_mgr_t)); + event_mgr.error_handler = jpeg2000_error_callback; + event_mgr.warning_handler = jpeg2000_warning_callback; + event_mgr.info_handler = jpeg2000_info_callback; + + /* set encoding parameters to default values */ + opj_set_default_encoder_parameters(¶meters); + + /* load parameters */ + parameters.cp_cinema = OFF; + + /* subsampling */ + if (sscanf(m_subsampling.ToAscii(), "%d,%d", &(parameters.subsampling_dx), &(parameters.subsampling_dy)) != 2) { + wxLogError(wxT("Wrong sub-sampling encoder setting: dx,dy")); + return false; + } + + /* compression rates */ + if ((m_rates != wxT("")) && (!m_enablequality)) { + const char *s1 = m_rates.ToAscii(); + wxLogMessage(wxT("rates %s"), s1); + while (sscanf(s1, "%f", &(parameters.tcp_rates[parameters.tcp_numlayers])) == 1) { + parameters.tcp_numlayers++; + while (*s1 && *s1 != ',') { + s1++; + } + if (!*s1) + break; + s1++; + } + wxLogMessage(wxT("%d layers"), parameters.tcp_numlayers); + parameters.cp_disto_alloc = 1; + } + + /* image quality, dB */ + if ((m_quality != wxT("")) && (m_enablequality)) { + const char *s2 = m_quality.ToAscii(); + wxLogMessage(wxT("qualities %s"), s2); + while (sscanf(s2, "%f", ¶meters.tcp_distoratio[parameters.tcp_numlayers]) == 1) { + parameters.tcp_numlayers++; + while (*s2 && *s2 != ',') { + s2++; + } + if (!*s2) + break; + s2++; + } + wxLogMessage(wxT("%d layers"), parameters.tcp_numlayers); + parameters.cp_fixed_quality = 1; + } + + /* image origin */ + if (sscanf(m_origin.ToAscii(), "%d,%d", ¶meters.image_offset_x0, ¶meters.image_offset_y0) != 2) { + wxLogError(wxT("bad coordinate of the image origin: x0,y0")); + return false; + } + + /* Create comment for codestream */ + if(m_enablecomm) { + parameters.cp_comment = (char *) malloc(strlen(m_comment.ToAscii()) + 1); + if(parameters.cp_comment) { + strcpy(parameters.cp_comment, m_comment.ToAscii()); + } + } else { + parameters.cp_comment = NULL; + } + + /* indexing file */ + if (m_enableidx) { + strncpy(indexfilename, m_index.ToAscii(), OPJ_PATH_LEN); + wxLogMessage(wxT("index file is %s"), indexfilename); + } + + /* if no rate entered, lossless by default */ + if (parameters.tcp_numlayers == 0) { + parameters.tcp_rates[0] = 0; /* MOD antonin : losslessbug */ + parameters.tcp_numlayers++; + parameters.cp_disto_alloc = 1; + } + + /* irreversible transform */ + parameters.irreversible = (m_irreversible == true) ? 1 : 0; + + /* resolutions */ + parameters.numresolution = m_resolutions; + + /* codeblocks size */ + if (m_cbsize != wxT("")) { + int cblockw_init = 0, cblockh_init = 0; + sscanf(m_cbsize.ToAscii(), "%d,%d", &cblockw_init, &cblockh_init); + if (cblockw_init * cblockh_init > 4096 || cblockw_init > 1024 || cblockw_init < 4 || cblockh_init > 1024 || cblockh_init < 4) { + wxLogError(wxT("!! Size of code_block error !! Restrictions:\n width*height<=4096\n 4<=width,height<= 1024")); + return false; + } + parameters.cblockw_init = cblockw_init; + parameters.cblockh_init = cblockh_init; + } + + /* precincts size */ + if (m_prsize != wxT("")) { + char sep; + int res_spec = 0; + char *s = (char *) m_prsize.c_str(); + do { + sep = 0; + sscanf(s, "[%d,%d]%c", ¶meters.prcw_init[res_spec], ¶meters.prch_init[res_spec], &sep); + parameters.csty |= 0x01; + res_spec++; + s = strpbrk(s, "]") + 2; + } while (sep == ','); + parameters.res_spec = res_spec; + } + + /* tiles */ + if (m_tsize != wxT("")) { + sscanf(m_tsize.ToAscii(), "%d,%d", ¶meters.cp_tdx, ¶meters.cp_tdy); + parameters.tile_size_on = true; + } + + /* tile origin */ + if (sscanf(m_torigin.ToAscii(), "%d,%d", ¶meters.cp_tx0, ¶meters.cp_ty0) != 2) { + wxLogError(wxT("tile offset setting error: X0,Y0")); + return false; + } + + /* use SOP */ + if (m_enablesop) + parameters.csty |= 0x02; + + /* use EPH */ + if (m_enableeph) + parameters.csty |= 0x04; + + /* multiple component transform */ + if (m_multicomp) + parameters.tcp_mct = 1; + else + parameters.tcp_mct = 0; + + /* mode switch */ + parameters.mode = (m_enablebypass ? 1 : 0) + (m_enablereset ? 2 : 0) + + (m_enablerestart ? 4 : 0) + (m_enablevsc ? 8 : 0) + + (m_enableerterm ? 16 : 0) + (m_enablesegmark ? 32 : 0); + + /* progression order */ + switch (m_progression) { + + /* LRCP */ + case 0: + parameters.prog_order = LRCP; + break; + + /* RLCP */ + case 1: + parameters.prog_order = RLCP; + break; + + /* RPCL */ + case 2: + parameters.prog_order = RPCL; + break; + + /* PCRL */ + case 3: + parameters.prog_order = PCRL; + break; + + /* CPRL */ + case 4: + parameters.prog_order = CPRL; + break; + + /* DCI2K24 */ + case 5: + parameters.cp_cinema = CINEMA2K_24; + parameters.cp_rsiz = CINEMA2K; + break; + + /* DCI2K48 */ + case 6: + parameters.cp_cinema = CINEMA2K_48; + parameters.cp_rsiz = CINEMA2K; + break; + + /* DCI4K */ + case 7: + parameters.cp_cinema = CINEMA4K_24; + parameters.cp_rsiz = CINEMA4K; + break; + + default: + break; + } + + /* check cinema */ + if (parameters.cp_cinema) { + + /* set up */ + parameters.tile_size_on = false; + parameters.cp_tdx=1; + parameters.cp_tdy=1; + + /*Tile part*/ + parameters.tp_flag = 'C'; + parameters.tp_on = 1; + + /*Tile and Image shall be at (0,0)*/ + parameters.cp_tx0 = 0; + parameters.cp_ty0 = 0; + parameters.image_offset_x0 = 0; + parameters.image_offset_y0 = 0; + + /*Codeblock size= 32*32*/ + parameters.cblockw_init = 32; + parameters.cblockh_init = 32; + parameters.csty |= 0x01; + + /*The progression order shall be CPRL*/ + parameters.prog_order = CPRL; + + /* No ROI */ + parameters.roi_compno = -1; + + parameters.subsampling_dx = 1; + parameters.subsampling_dy = 1; + + /* 9-7 transform */ + parameters.irreversible = 1; + + } + + /* convert wx image into opj image */ + cmptparm = (opj_image_cmptparm_t*) malloc(3 * sizeof(opj_image_cmptparm_t)); + + /* initialize opj image components */ + memset(&cmptparm[0], 0, 3 * sizeof(opj_image_cmptparm_t)); + for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { + cmptparm[i].prec = 8; + cmptparm[i].bpp = 8; + cmptparm[i].sgnd = false; + cmptparm[i].dx = parameters.subsampling_dx; + cmptparm[i].dy = parameters.subsampling_dy; + cmptparm[i].w = wimage->GetWidth(); + cmptparm[i].h = wimage->GetHeight(); + } + + /* create the image */ + oimage = opj_image_create(3, &cmptparm[0], CLRSPC_SRGB); + if(!oimage) { + if (cmptparm) + free(cmptparm); + return false; + } + + /* set image offset and reference grid */ + oimage->x0 = parameters.image_offset_x0; + oimage->y0 = parameters.image_offset_y0; + oimage->x1 = parameters.image_offset_x0 + (wimage->GetWidth() - 1) * 1 + 1; + oimage->y1 = parameters.image_offset_y0 + (wimage->GetHeight() - 1) * 1 + 1; + + /* load image data */ + unsigned char *value = wimage->GetData(); + int area = wimage->GetWidth() * wimage->GetHeight(); + for (i = 0; i < area; i++) { + oimage->comps[0].data[i] = *(value++); + oimage->comps[1].data[i] = *(value++); + oimage->comps[2].data[i] = *(value++); + } + + /* check cinema again */ + if (parameters.cp_cinema) { + int i; + float temp_rate; + opj_poc_t *POC = NULL; + + switch (parameters.cp_cinema) { + + case CINEMA2K_24: + case CINEMA2K_48: + if (parameters.numresolution > 6) { + parameters.numresolution = 6; + } + if (!((oimage->comps[0].w == 2048) | (oimage->comps[0].h == 1080))) { + wxLogWarning(wxT("Image coordinates %d x %d is not 2K compliant. JPEG Digital Cinema Profile-3 " + "(2K profile) compliance requires that at least one of coordinates match 2048 x 1080"), + oimage->comps[0].w, oimage->comps[0].h); + parameters.cp_rsiz = STD_RSIZ; + } + break; + + case CINEMA4K_24: + if (parameters.numresolution < 1) { + parameters.numresolution = 1; + } else if (parameters.numresolution > 7) { + parameters.numresolution = 7; + } + if (!((oimage->comps[0].w == 4096) | (oimage->comps[0].h == 2160))) { + wxLogWarning(wxT("Image coordinates %d x %d is not 4K compliant. JPEG Digital Cinema Profile-4" + "(4K profile) compliance requires that at least one of coordinates match 4096 x 2160"), + oimage->comps[0].w, oimage->comps[0].h); + parameters.cp_rsiz = STD_RSIZ; + } + parameters.POC[0].tile = 1; + parameters.POC[0].resno0 = 0; + parameters.POC[0].compno0 = 0; + parameters.POC[0].layno1 = 1; + parameters.POC[0].resno1 = parameters.numresolution - 1; + parameters.POC[0].compno1 = 3; + parameters.POC[0].prg1 = CPRL; + parameters.POC[1].tile = 1; + parameters.POC[1].resno0 = parameters.numresolution - 1; + parameters.POC[1].compno0 = 0; + parameters.POC[1].layno1 = 1; + parameters.POC[1].resno1 = parameters.numresolution; + parameters.POC[1].compno1 = 3; + parameters.POC[1].prg1 = CPRL; + parameters.numpocs = 2; + break; + } + + switch (parameters.cp_cinema) { + case CINEMA2K_24: + case CINEMA4K_24: + for (i = 0 ; i < parameters.tcp_numlayers; i++) { + temp_rate = 0; + if (parameters.tcp_rates[i] == 0) { + parameters.tcp_rates[0] = ((float) (oimage->numcomps * oimage->comps[0].w * oimage->comps[0].h * oimage->comps[0].prec)) / + (CINEMA_24_CS * 8 * oimage->comps[0].dx * oimage->comps[0].dy); + }else{ + temp_rate = ((float) (oimage->numcomps * oimage->comps[0].w * oimage->comps[0].h * oimage->comps[0].prec)) / + (parameters.tcp_rates[i] * 8 * oimage->comps[0].dx * oimage->comps[0].dy); + if (temp_rate > CINEMA_24_CS ) { + parameters.tcp_rates[i]= ((float) (oimage->numcomps * oimage->comps[0].w * oimage->comps[0].h * oimage->comps[0].prec)) / + (CINEMA_24_CS * 8 * oimage->comps[0].dx * oimage->comps[0].dy); + } else { + /* do nothing */ + } + } + } + parameters.max_comp_size = COMP_24_CS; + break; + + case CINEMA2K_48: + for (i = 0; i < parameters.tcp_numlayers; i++) { + temp_rate = 0 ; + if (parameters.tcp_rates[i] == 0) { + parameters.tcp_rates[0] = ((float) (oimage->numcomps * oimage->comps[0].w * oimage->comps[0].h * oimage->comps[0].prec)) / + (CINEMA_48_CS * 8 * oimage->comps[0].dx * oimage->comps[0].dy); + }else{ + temp_rate =((float) (oimage->numcomps * oimage->comps[0].w * oimage->comps[0].h * oimage->comps[0].prec)) / + (parameters.tcp_rates[i] * 8 * oimage->comps[0].dx * oimage->comps[0].dy); + if (temp_rate > CINEMA_48_CS ){ + parameters.tcp_rates[0]= ((float) (oimage->numcomps * oimage->comps[0].w * oimage->comps[0].h * oimage->comps[0].prec)) / + (CINEMA_48_CS * 8 * oimage->comps[0].dx * oimage->comps[0].dy); + }else{ + /* do nothing */ + } + } + } + parameters.max_comp_size = COMP_48_CS; + break; + } + + parameters.cp_disto_alloc = 1; + } + + /* get a J2K compressor handle */ + opj_cinfo_t* cinfo = opj_create_compress(CODEC_J2K); + + /* catch events using our callbacks and give a local context */ + opj_set_event_mgr((opj_common_ptr)cinfo, &event_mgr, stderr); + + /* setup the encoder parameters using the current image and user parameters */ + opj_setup_encoder(cinfo, ¶meters, oimage); + + /* open a byte stream for writing */ + /* allocate memory for all tiles */ + cio = opj_cio_open((opj_common_ptr)cinfo, NULL, 0); + + /* encode the image */ + bSuccess = opj_encode_with_info(cinfo, cio, oimage, &cstr_info); + if (!bSuccess) { + + opj_cio_close(cio); + opj_destroy_compress(cinfo); + opj_image_destroy(oimage); + if (cmptparm) + free(cmptparm); + if(parameters.cp_comment) + free(parameters.cp_comment); + if(parameters.cp_matrice) + free(parameters.cp_matrice); + +#ifndef __WXGTK__ + wxMutexGuiEnter(); +#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ + + wxLogError(wxT("failed to encode image")); + +#ifndef __WXGTK__ + wxMutexGuiLeave(); +#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ + + return false; + } + codestream_length = cio_tell(cio); + wxLogMessage(wxT("Codestream: %d bytes"), codestream_length); + + /* write the buffer to stream */ + stream.Write(cio->buffer, codestream_length); + + /* close and free the byte stream */ + opj_cio_close(cio); + + /* Write the index to disk */ + if (*indexfilename) { + if (write_index_file(&cstr_info, indexfilename)) { + wxLogError(wxT("Failed to output index file")); + } + } + + /* free remaining compression structures */ + opj_destroy_compress(cinfo); + + /* free image data */ + opj_image_destroy(oimage); + + if (cmptparm) + free(cmptparm); + if(parameters.cp_comment) + free(parameters.cp_comment); + if(parameters.cp_matrice) + free(parameters.cp_matrice); + +#ifndef __WXGTK__ + wxMutexGuiEnter(); +#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ + + wxLogMessage(wxT("J2K: Image encoded!")); + +#ifndef __WXGTK__ + wxMutexGuiLeave(); +#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ + + return true; +} + +#ifdef __VISUALC__ + #pragma warning(default:4611) +#endif /* VC++ */ + +// recognize the JPEG 2000 family starting box or the 0xFF4F JPEG 2000 SOC marker +bool wxJPEG2000Handler::DoCanRead(wxInputStream& stream) +{ + unsigned char hdr[24]; + int jpfamform; + + if ( !stream.Read(hdr, WXSIZEOF(hdr)) ) + return false; + + jpfamform = jpeg2000familytype(hdr, WXSIZEOF(hdr)); + + return ((jpfamform == JP2_CFMT) || (jpfamform == MJ2_CFMT) || (jpfamform == J2K_CFMT)); +} + +#endif // wxUSE_STREAMS + +#endif // wxUSE_LIBOPENJPEG diff --git a/OPJViewer/source/imagj2k.h b/OPJViewer/source/imagjpeg2000.h similarity index 75% rename from OPJViewer/source/imagj2k.h rename to OPJViewer/source/imagjpeg2000.h index 72000e31..2fea20a8 100644 --- a/OPJViewer/source/imagj2k.h +++ b/OPJViewer/source/imagjpeg2000.h @@ -24,21 +24,21 @@ * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// Name: imagj2k.h -// Purpose: wxImage JPEG 2000 raw codestream handler +// Name: imagalljpeg2000.h +// Purpose: wxImage JPEG 2000 family file format handler // Author: G. Baruffa - based on imagjpeg.h, Vaclav Slavik -// RCS-ID: $Id: imagj2k.h,v 0.0 2007/02/08 23:45:00 VZ Exp $ +// RCS-ID: $Id: imagalljpeg2000.h,v 0.0 2008/01/31 11:22:00 VZ Exp $ // Copyright: (c) Giuseppe Baruffa // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -#ifndef _WX_IMAGJ2K_H_ -#define _WX_IMAGJ2K_H_ +#ifndef _WX_IMAGJPEG2000_H_ +#define _WX_IMAGJPEG2000_H_ #include "wx/defs.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// wxJ2KHandler +// wxJPEG2000Handler //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if wxUSE_LIBOPENJPEG @@ -47,26 +47,17 @@ #include "libopenjpeg/openjpeg.h" #include "codec/index.h" -#define wxBITMAP_TYPE_J2K 47 +#define wxBITMAP_TYPE_JPEG2000 50 -#define wxIMAGE_OPTION_REDUCEFACTOR wxString(_T("reducefactor")) -#define wxIMAGE_OPTION_QUALITYLAYERS wxString(_T("qualitylayers")) -#define wxIMAGE_OPTION_MAXCOMPS wxString(_T("maxcomps")) -#ifdef USE_JPWL -#define wxIMAGE_OPTION_ENABLEJPWL wxString(_T("enablejpwl")) -#define wxIMAGE_OPTION_EXPCOMPS wxString(_T("expcomps")) -#define wxIMAGE_OPTION_MAXTILES wxString(_T("maxtiles")) -#endif // USE_JPWL - -class WXDLLEXPORT wxJ2KHandler: public wxImageHandler +class WXDLLEXPORT wxJPEG2000Handler: public wxImageHandler { public: - inline wxJ2KHandler() + inline wxJPEG2000Handler() { - m_name = wxT("JPEG 2000 codestream file"); - m_extension = wxT("j2k"); - m_type = wxBITMAP_TYPE_J2K; - m_mime = wxT("image/j2k"); + m_name = wxT("JPEG 2000 family file format"); + m_extension = wxT("mj2"); + m_type = wxBITMAP_TYPE_JPEG2000; + m_mime = wxT("image/mj2"); /* decoding */ m_reducefactor = 0; @@ -128,7 +119,7 @@ public: } // decoding engine parameters - int m_reducefactor, m_qualitylayers, m_components; + int m_reducefactor, m_qualitylayers, m_components, m_framenum; #ifdef USE_JPWL bool m_enablejpwl; int m_expcomps, m_maxtiles; @@ -169,18 +160,18 @@ public: wxString m_poc; #if wxUSE_STREAMS - virtual bool LoadFile( wxImage *image, wxInputStream& stream, bool verbose=true, int index=-1 ); - virtual bool SaveFile( wxImage *image, wxOutputStream& stream, bool verbose=true ); + virtual bool LoadFile(wxImage *image, wxInputStream& stream, bool verbose=true, int index=-1); + virtual bool SaveFile(wxImage *image, wxOutputStream& stream, bool verbose=true); protected: - virtual bool DoCanRead( wxInputStream& stream ); + virtual bool DoCanRead(wxInputStream& stream); #endif private: OPJ_PROG_ORDER give_progression(char progression[4]); - DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxJ2KHandler) + DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxJPEG2000Handler) }; #endif // wxUSE_LIBOPENJPEG -#endif // _WX_IMAGJ2K_H_ +#endif // _WX_IMAGJPEG2000_H_ diff --git a/OPJViewer/source/imagmj2.cpp b/OPJViewer/source/imagmj2.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 83ed8e1d..00000000 --- a/OPJViewer/source/imagmj2.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,771 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright (c) 2007, Digital Signal Processing Laboratory, Universitą degli studi di Perugia (UPG), Italy - * All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the - * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS `AS IS' - * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE - * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE - * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE - * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR - * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF - * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS - * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN - * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) - * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE - * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - */ -///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// Name: imagmj2.cpp -// Purpose: wxImage Motion JPEG 2000 file format handler -// Author: Giuseppe Baruffa - based on imagjpeg.cpp, Vaclav Slavik -// RCS-ID: $Id: imagmj2.cpp,v 0.00 2007/02/18 23:59:00 MW Exp $ -// Copyright: (c) Giuseppe Baruffa -// Licence: wxWindows licence -///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". -#include "wx/wxprec.h" - -#ifdef __BORLANDC__ - #pragma hdrstop -#endif - -#if wxUSE_IMAGE && wxUSE_LIBOPENJPEG - -#include "imagmj2.h" - -#ifndef WX_PRECOMP - #include "wx/log.h" - #include "wx/app.h" - #include "wx/intl.h" - #include "wx/bitmap.h" - #include "wx/module.h" -#endif - - -#include "libopenjpeg/openjpeg.h" - - -#include "wx/filefn.h" -#include "wx/wfstream.h" - -// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// types -// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// wxMJ2Handler -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxMJ2Handler,wxImageHandler) - -#if wxUSE_STREAMS - -//------------- JPEG 2000 Data Source Manager - -#define J2K_CFMT 0 -#define JP2_CFMT 1 -#define JPT_CFMT 2 -#define MJ2_CFMT 3 -#define PXM_DFMT 0 -#define PGX_DFMT 1 -#define BMP_DFMT 2 -#define YUV_DFMT 3 - -#define MAX_MESSAGE_LEN 200 - -/* sample error callback expecting a FILE* client object */ -void mj2_error_callback(const char *msg, void *client_data) { - int message_len = strlen(msg) - 1; - if (msg[message_len] != '\n') - message_len = MAX_MESSAGE_LEN; -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiEnter(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ - wxLogMessage(wxT("[ERROR] %.*s"), message_len, msg); -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiLeave(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ -} - -/* sample warning callback expecting a FILE* client object */ -void mj2_warning_callback(const char *msg, void *client_data) { - int message_len = strlen(msg) - 1; - if (msg[message_len] != '\n') - message_len = MAX_MESSAGE_LEN; -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiEnter(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ - wxLogMessage(wxT("[WARNING] %.*s"), message_len, msg); -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiLeave(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ -} - -/* sample debug callback expecting no client object */ -void mj2_info_callback(const char *msg, void *client_data) { - int message_len = strlen(msg) - 1; - if (msg[message_len] != '\n') - message_len = MAX_MESSAGE_LEN; -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiEnter(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ - wxLogMessage(wxT("[INFO] %.*s"), message_len, msg); -#ifndef __WXGTK__ - wxMutexGuiLeave(); -#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ -} - -/* macro functions */ -/* From little endian to big endian, 2 and 4 bytes */ -#define BYTE_SWAP2(X) ((X & 0x00FF) << 8) | ((X & 0xFF00) >> 8) -#define BYTE_SWAP4(X) ((X & 0x000000FF) << 24) | ((X & 0x0000FF00) << 8) | ((X & 0x00FF0000) >> 8) | ((X & 0xFF000000) >> 24) - -#ifdef __WXGTK__ -#define BYTE_SWAP8(X) ((X & 0x00000000000000FFULL) << 56) | ((X & 0x000000000000FF00ULL) << 40) | \ - ((X & 0x0000000000FF0000ULL) << 24) | ((X & 0x00000000FF000000ULL) << 8) | \ - ((X & 0x000000FF00000000ULL) >> 8) | ((X & 0x0000FF0000000000ULL) >> 24) | \ - ((X & 0x00FF000000000000ULL) >> 40) | ((X & 0xFF00000000000000ULL) >> 56) -#else -#define BYTE_SWAP8(X) ((X & 0x00000000000000FF) << 56) | ((X & 0x000000000000FF00) << 40) | \ - ((X & 0x0000000000FF0000) << 24) | ((X & 0x00000000FF000000) << 8) | \ - ((X & 0x000000FF00000000) >> 8) | ((X & 0x0000FF0000000000) >> 24) | \ - ((X & 0x00FF000000000000) >> 40) | ((X & 0xFF00000000000000) >> 56) -#endif - -/* From codestream to int values */ -#define STREAM_TO_UINT32(C, P) (((unsigned long int) (C)[(P) + 0] << 24) + \ - ((unsigned long int) (C)[(P) + 1] << 16) + \ - ((unsigned long int) (C)[(P) + 2] << 8) + \ - ((unsigned long int) (C)[(P) + 3] << 0)) - -#define STREAM_TO_UINT16(C, P) (((unsigned long int) (C)[(P) + 0] << 8) + \ - ((unsigned long int) (C)[(P) + 1] << 0)) - -/* defines */ -#define SHORT_DESCR_LEN 32 -#define LONG_DESCR_LEN 256 - -/* enumeration for file formats */ -#define J2FILENUM 4 -typedef enum { - - JP2_FILE, - J2K_FILE, - MJ2_FILE, - UNK_FILE - -} my_j2filetype; - -/* enumeration for the box types */ -#define J2BOXNUM 23 -typedef enum { - - FILE_BOX, - JP_BOX, - FTYP_BOX, - JP2H_BOX, - IHDR_BOX, - COLR_BOX, - JP2C_BOX, - JP2I_BOX, - XML_BOX, - UUID_BOX, - UINF_BOX, - MOOV_BOX, - MVHD_BOX, - TRAK_BOX, - TKHD_BOX, - MDIA_BOX, - MINF_BOX, - STBL_BOX, - STSD_BOX, - MJP2_BOX, - MDAT_BOX, - ANY_BOX, - UNK_BOX - -} my_j2boxtype; - -/* jp2 family box signatures */ -#define FILE_SIGN "" -#define JP_SIGN "jP\040\040" -#define FTYP_SIGN "ftyp" -#define JP2H_SIGN "jp2h" -#define IHDR_SIGN "ihdr" -#define COLR_SIGN "colr" -#define JP2C_SIGN "jp2c" -#define JP2I_SIGN "jp2i" -#define XML_SIGN "xml\040" -#define UUID_SIGN "uuid" -#define UINF_SIGN "uinf" -#define MOOV_SIGN "moov" -#define MVHD_SIGN "mvhd" -#define TRAK_SIGN "trak" -#define TKHD_SIGN "tkhd" -#define MDIA_SIGN "mdia" -#define MINF_SIGN "minf" -#define VMHD_SIGN "vmhd" -#define STBL_SIGN "stbl" -#define STSD_SIGN "stsd" -#define MJP2_SIGN "mjp2" -#define MDAT_SIGN "mdat" -#define ANY_SIGN "" -#define UNK_SIGN "" - -/* the box structure itself */ -struct my_boxdef { - - char value[5]; /* hexadecimal value/string*/ - char name[SHORT_DESCR_LEN]; /* short description */ - char descr[LONG_DESCR_LEN]; /* long description */ - int sbox; /* is it a superbox? */ - int req[J2FILENUM]; /* mandatory box */ - my_j2boxtype ins; /* contained in box... */ - -}; - -/* the possible boxes */ -struct my_boxdef j2box[] = -{ -/* sign */ {FILE_SIGN, -/* short */ "placeholder for nothing", -/* long */ "Nothing to say", -/* sbox */ 0, -/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, -/* ins */ FILE_BOX}, - -/* sign */ {JP_SIGN, -/* short */ "JPEG 2000 Signature box", -/* long */ "This box uniquely identifies the file as being part of the JPEG 2000 family of files", -/* sbox */ 0, -/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, -/* ins */ FILE_BOX}, - -/* sign */ {FTYP_SIGN, -/* short */ "File Type box", -/* long */ "This box specifies file type, version and compatibility information, including specifying if this file " - "is a conforming JP2 file or if it can be read by a conforming JP2 reader", -/* sbox */ 0, -/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, -/* ins */ FILE_BOX}, - -/* sign */ {JP2H_SIGN, -/* short */ "JP2 Header box", -/* long */ "This box contains a series of boxes that contain header-type information about the file", -/* sbox */ 1, -/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, -/* ins */ FILE_BOX}, - -/* sign */ {IHDR_SIGN, -/* short */ "Image Header box", -/* long */ "This box specifies the size of the image and other related fields", -/* sbox */ 0, -/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, -/* ins */ JP2H_BOX}, - -/* sign */ {COLR_SIGN, -/* short */ "Colour Specification box", -/* long */ "This box specifies the colourspace of the image", -/* sbox */ 0, -/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, -/* ins */ JP2H_BOX}, - -/* sign */ {JP2C_SIGN, -/* short */ "Contiguous Codestream box", -/* long */ "This box contains the codestream as defined by Annex A", -/* sbox */ 0, -/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, -/* ins */ FILE_BOX}, - -/* sign */ {JP2I_SIGN, -/* short */ "Intellectual Property box", -/* long */ "This box contains intellectual property information about the image", -/* sbox */ 0, -/* req */ {0, 0, 0}, -/* ins */ FILE_BOX}, - -/* sign */ {XML_SIGN, -/* short */ "XML box", -/* long */ "This box provides a tool by which vendors can add XML formatted information to a JP2 file", -/* sbox */ 0, -/* req */ {0, 0, 0}, -/* ins */ FILE_BOX}, - -/* sign */ {UUID_SIGN, -/* short */ "UUID box", -/* long */ "This box provides a tool by which vendors can add additional information to a file " - "without risking conflict with other vendors", -/* sbox */ 0, -/* req */ {0, 0, 0}, -/* ins */ FILE_BOX}, - -/* sign */ {UINF_SIGN, -/* short */ "UUID Info box", -/* long */ "This box provides a tool by which a vendor may provide access to additional information associated with a UUID", -/* sbox */ 0, -/* req */ {0, 0, 0}, -/* ins */ FILE_BOX}, - -/* sign */ {MOOV_SIGN, -/* short */ "Movie box", -/* long */ "This box contains the media data. In video tracks, this box would contain JPEG2000 video frames", -/* sbox */ 1, -/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, -/* ins */ FILE_BOX}, - -/* sign */ {MVHD_SIGN, -/* short */ "Movie Header box", -/* long */ "This box defines overall information which is media-independent, and relevant to the entire presentation " - "considered as a whole", -/* sbox */ 0, -/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, -/* ins */ MOOV_BOX}, - -/* sign */ {TRAK_SIGN, -/* short */ "Track box", -/* long */ "This is a container box for a single track of a presentation. A presentation may consist of one or more tracks", -/* sbox */ 1, -/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, -/* ins */ MOOV_BOX}, - -/* sign */ {TKHD_SIGN, -/* short */ "Track Header box", -/* long */ "This box specifies the characteristics of a single track. Exactly one Track Header Box is contained in a track", -/* sbox */ 0, -/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, -/* ins */ TRAK_BOX}, - -/* sign */ {MDIA_SIGN, -/* short */ "Media box", -/* long */ "The media declaration container contains all the objects which declare information about the media data " - "within a track", -/* sbox */ 1, -/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, -/* ins */ TRAK_BOX}, - -/* sign */ {MINF_SIGN, -/* short */ "Media Information box", -/* long */ "This box contains all the objects which declare characteristic information of the media in the track", -/* sbox */ 1, -/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, -/* ins */ MDIA_BOX}, - -/* sign */ {STBL_SIGN, -/* short */ "Sample Table box", -/* long */ "The sample table contains all the time and data indexing of the media samples in a track", -/* sbox */ 1, -/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, -/* ins */ MINF_BOX}, - -/* sign */ {STSD_SIGN, -/* short */ "Sample Description box", -/* long */ "The sample description table gives detailed information about the coding type used, and any initialization " - "information needed for that coding", -/* sbox */ 0, -/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, -/* ins */ MINF_BOX}, - -/* sign */ {MJP2_SIGN, -/* short */ "MJP2 Sample Description box", -/* long */ "The MJP2 sample description table gives detailed information about the coding type used, and any initialization " - "information needed for that coding", -/* sbox */ 0, -/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, -/* ins */ MINF_BOX}, - -/* sign */ {MDAT_SIGN, -/* short */ "Media Data box", -/* long */ "The meta-data for a presentation is stored in the single Movie Box which occurs at the top-level of a file", -/* sbox */ 1, -/* req */ {1, 1, 1}, -/* ins */ FILE_BOX}, - -/* sign */ {ANY_SIGN, -/* short */ "Any box", -/* long */ "All the existing boxes", -/* sbox */ 0, -/* req */ {0, 0, 0}, -/* ins */ FILE_BOX}, - -/* sign */ {UNK_SIGN, -/* short */ "Unknown Type box", -/* long */ "The signature is not recognised to be that of an existing box", -/* sbox */ 0, -/* req */ {0, 0, 0}, -/* ins */ ANY_BOX} - -}; - -/* declaration */ -int -my_box_handler_function(my_j2boxtype boxtype, wxInputStream& stream, unsigned long int filepoint, unsigned long int filelimit, int level, - char *scansign, unsigned long int *scanpoint); - -#ifdef __WXMSW__ -typedef unsigned __int64 int8byte; -#endif // __WXMSW__ - -#ifdef __WXGTK__ -typedef unsigned long long int8byte; -#endif // __WXGTK__ - -/* internal mini-search for a box signature */ -int -my_jpeg2000parse(wxInputStream& stream, unsigned long int filepoint, unsigned long int filelimit, int level, - char *scansign, unsigned long int *scanpoint) -{ - unsigned long int LBox = 0x00000000; - //int LBox_read; - char TBox[5] = "\0\0\0\0"; - //int TBox_read; - int8byte XLBox = 0x0000000000000000; - //int XLBox_read; - unsigned long int box_length = 0; - int last_box = 0, box_num = 0; - int box_type = ANY_BOX; - unsigned char /*onebyte[1], twobytes[2],*/ fourbytes[4]; - int box_number = 0; - - /* cycle all over the file */ - box_num = 0; - last_box = 0; - while (!last_box) { - - /* do not exceed file limit */ - if (filepoint >= filelimit) - return (0); - - /* seek on file */ - if (stream.SeekI(filepoint, wxFromStart) == wxInvalidOffset) - return (-1); - - /* read the mandatory LBox, 4 bytes */ - if (!stream.Read(fourbytes, 4)) { - (wxT("Problem reading LBox from the file (file ended?)")); - return -1; - }; - LBox = STREAM_TO_UINT32(fourbytes, 0); - - /* read the mandatory TBox, 4 bytes */ - if (!stream.Read(TBox, 4)) { - wxLogError(wxT("Problem reading TBox from the file (file ended?)")); - return -1; - }; - - /* look if scansign is got */ - if ((scansign != NULL) && (memcmp(TBox, scansign, 4) == 0)) { - /* hack/exploit */ - // stop as soon as you find the level-th codebox - if (box_number == level) { - memcpy(scansign, " ", 4); - *scanpoint = filepoint; - return (0); - } else - box_number++; - - }; - - - /* determine the box type */ - for (box_type = JP_BOX; box_type < UNK_BOX; box_type++) - if (memcmp(TBox, j2box[box_type].value, 4) == 0) - break; - - /* read the optional XLBox, 8 bytes */ - if (LBox == 1) { - - if (!stream.Read(&XLBox, 8)) { - wxLogError(wxT("Problem reading XLBox from the file (file ended?)")); - return -1; - }; - box_length = (unsigned long int) BYTE_SWAP8(XLBox); - - } else if (LBox == 0x00000000) { - - /* last box in file */ - last_box = 1; - box_length = filelimit - filepoint; - - } else - - box_length = LBox; - - - /* go deep in the box */ - my_box_handler_function((my_j2boxtype) box_type, stream, (LBox == 1) ? (filepoint + 16) : (filepoint + 8), filepoint + box_length, level, - scansign, scanpoint); - - /* if it's a superbox go inside it */ - if (j2box[box_type].sbox) - my_jpeg2000parse(stream, (LBox == 1) ? (filepoint + 16) : (filepoint + 8), filepoint + box_length, - level, scansign, scanpoint); - - /* increment box number and filepoint*/ - box_num++; - filepoint += box_length; - - }; - - /* all good */ - return (0); -} - -// search first contiguos codestream box in an mj2 file -unsigned long int -searchjp2c(wxInputStream& stream, unsigned long int fsize, int number) -{ - char scansign[] = "jp2c"; - unsigned long int scanpoint = 0L; - - wxLogMessage(wxT("MJ2: searching jp2c box... ")); - - /* do the parsing */ - if (my_jpeg2000parse(stream, 0, fsize, number, scansign, &scanpoint) < 0) - wxLogMessage(wxT("MJ2: Unrecoverable error during file parsing: stopping")); - - if (strcmp(scansign, " ")) - wxLogMessage(wxT("MJ2: not found")); - else { - - wxLogMessage(wxString::Format(wxT("MJ2: found at byte %d"), scanpoint)); - - }; - - - return (scanpoint); -} - -// search the jp2h box in the file -unsigned long int -searchjpegheaderbox(wxInputStream& stream, unsigned long int fsize) -{ - char scansign[] = "jp2h"; - unsigned long int scanpoint = 0L; - - wxLogMessage(wxT("MJ2: searching jp2h box... ")); - - /* do the parsing */ - if (my_jpeg2000parse(stream, 0, fsize, 0, scansign, &scanpoint) < 0) - wxLogMessage(wxT("Unrecoverable error during file parsing: stopping")); - - if (strcmp(scansign, " ")) - wxLogMessage(wxT("MJ2: not found")); - else - wxLogMessage(wxString::Format(wxT("MJ2: found at byte %d"), scanpoint)); - - return (scanpoint); -} - -/* handling functions */ -#define ITEM_PER_ROW 10 - -/* Box handler function */ -int -my_box_handler_function(my_j2boxtype boxtype, wxInputStream& stream, unsigned long int filepoint, unsigned long int filelimit, int level, - char *scansign, unsigned long int *scanpoint) -{ - switch (boxtype) { - - /* Sample Description box */ - case (STSD_BOX): - my_jpeg2000parse(stream, filepoint + 8, filelimit, level, scansign, scanpoint); - break; - - /* MJP2 Sample Description box */ - case (MJP2_BOX): - my_jpeg2000parse(stream, filepoint + 78, filelimit, level, scansign, scanpoint); - break; - - /* not yet implemented */ - default: - break; - - }; - - return (0); -} - -// the jP and ftyp parts of the header -#define my_jPheadSIZE 32 -unsigned char my_jPhead[my_jPheadSIZE] = { - 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0C, 'j', 'P', ' ', ' ', - 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x87, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x14, - 'f', 't', 'y', 'p', 'j', 'p', '2', ' ', - 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 'j', 'p', '2', ' ' -}; - -///////////////////////////////////////////////// -///////////////////////////////////////////////// - -// load the mj2 file format -bool wxMJ2Handler::LoadFile(wxImage *image, wxInputStream& stream, bool verbose, int index) -{ - opj_dparameters_t parameters; /* decompression parameters */ - opj_event_mgr_t event_mgr; /* event manager */ - opj_image_t *opjimage = NULL; - unsigned char *src = NULL; - unsigned char *ptr; - int file_length, jp2c_point, jp2h_point; - unsigned long int jp2hboxlen, jp2cboxlen; - opj_codestream_info_t cstr_info; /* Codestream information structure */ - - // destroy the image - image->Destroy(); - - /* handle to a decompressor */ - opj_dinfo_t* dinfo = NULL; - opj_cio_t *cio = NULL; - - /* configure the event callbacks (not required) */ - memset(&event_mgr, 0, sizeof(opj_event_mgr_t)); - event_mgr.error_handler = mj2_error_callback; - event_mgr.warning_handler = mj2_warning_callback; - event_mgr.info_handler = mj2_info_callback; - - /* set decoding parameters to default values */ - opj_set_default_decoder_parameters(¶meters); - - /* prepare parameters */ - strncpy(parameters.infile, "", sizeof(parameters.infile)-1); - strncpy(parameters.outfile, "", sizeof(parameters.outfile)-1); - parameters.decod_format = JP2_CFMT; - parameters.cod_format = BMP_DFMT; - if (m_reducefactor) - parameters.cp_reduce = m_reducefactor; - if (m_qualitylayers) - parameters.cp_layer = m_qualitylayers; - /*if (n_components) - parameters. = n_components;*/ - - /* JPWL only */ -#ifdef USE_JPWL - parameters.jpwl_exp_comps = m_expcomps; - parameters.jpwl_max_tiles = m_maxtiles; - parameters.jpwl_correct = m_enablejpwl; -#endif /* USE_JPWL */ - - /* get a decoder handle */ - dinfo = opj_create_decompress(CODEC_JP2); - - /* find length of the stream */ - stream.SeekI(0, wxFromEnd); - file_length = (int) stream.TellI(); - - /* search for the first codestream box and the movie header box */ - jp2c_point = searchjp2c(stream, file_length, m_framenum); - jp2h_point = searchjpegheaderbox(stream, file_length); - - // read the jp2h box and store it - stream.SeekI(jp2h_point, wxFromStart); - stream.Read(&jp2hboxlen, sizeof(unsigned long int)); - jp2hboxlen = BYTE_SWAP4(jp2hboxlen); - - // read the jp2c box and store it - stream.SeekI(jp2c_point, wxFromStart); - stream.Read(&jp2cboxlen, sizeof(unsigned long int)); - jp2cboxlen = BYTE_SWAP4(jp2cboxlen); - - // malloc memory source - src = (unsigned char *) malloc(my_jPheadSIZE + jp2hboxlen + jp2cboxlen); - - // copy the jP and ftyp - memcpy(src, my_jPhead, my_jPheadSIZE); - - // copy the jp2h - stream.SeekI(jp2h_point, wxFromStart); - stream.Read(&src[my_jPheadSIZE], jp2hboxlen); - - // copy the jp2c - stream.SeekI(jp2c_point, wxFromStart); - stream.Read(&src[my_jPheadSIZE + jp2hboxlen], jp2cboxlen); - - /* catch events using our callbacks and give a local context */ - opj_set_event_mgr((opj_common_ptr)dinfo, &event_mgr, stderr); - - /* setup the decoder decoding parameters using user parameters */ - opj_setup_decoder(dinfo, ¶meters); - - /* open a byte stream */ - cio = opj_cio_open((opj_common_ptr)dinfo, src, my_jPheadSIZE + jp2hboxlen + jp2cboxlen); - - /* decode the stream and fill the image structure */ - opjimage = opj_decode_with_info(dinfo, cio, &cstr_info); - if (!opjimage) { - wxMutexGuiEnter(); - wxLogError(wxT("MJ2: failed to decode image!")); - wxMutexGuiLeave(); - opj_destroy_decompress(dinfo); - opj_cio_close(cio); - free(src); - return false; - } - - /* close the byte stream */ - opj_cio_close(cio); - - /* common rendering method */ -#include "imagjpeg2000.cpp" - - wxMutexGuiEnter(); - wxLogMessage(wxT("MJ2: image loaded.")); - wxMutexGuiLeave(); - - /* close openjpeg structs */ - opj_destroy_decompress(dinfo); - opj_image_destroy(opjimage); - free(src); - - if (!image->Ok()) - return false; - else - return true; - -} - -// save the mj2 file format -bool wxMJ2Handler::SaveFile( wxImage *image, wxOutputStream& stream, bool verbose ) -{ - wxLogError(wxT("MJ2: Couldn't save movie -> not implemented.")); - return false; -} - -#ifdef __VISUALC__ - #pragma warning(default:4611) -#endif /* VC++ */ - -// recognize the Motion JPEG 2000 starting box -bool wxMJ2Handler::DoCanRead( wxInputStream& stream ) -{ - unsigned char hdr[24]; - - if ( !stream.Read(hdr, WXSIZEOF(hdr)) ) - return false; - - return (hdr[0] == 0x00 && - hdr[1] == 0x00 && - hdr[2] == 0x00 && - hdr[3] == 0x0C && - hdr[4] == 0x6A && - hdr[5] == 0x50 && - hdr[6] == 0x20 && - hdr[7] == 0x20 && - hdr[20] == 0x6D && - hdr[21] == 0x6A && - hdr[22] == 0x70 && - hdr[23] == 0x32); -} - -#endif // wxUSE_STREAMS - -#endif // wxUSE_LIBOPENJPEG diff --git a/OPJViewer/source/imagmj2.h b/OPJViewer/source/imagmj2.h deleted file mode 100644 index 17cbd56b..00000000 --- a/OPJViewer/source/imagmj2.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,92 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright (c) 2007, Digital Signal Processing Laboratory, Universitą degli studi di Perugia (UPG), Italy - * All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the - * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS `AS IS' - * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE - * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE - * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE - * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR - * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF - * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS - * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN - * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) - * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE - * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - */ -///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// Name: imagmj2.h -// Purpose: wxImage Motion JPEG 2000 file format handler -// Author: G. Baruffa - based on imagjpeg.h, Vaclav Slavik -// RCS-ID: $Id: imagmj2.h,v 0.0 2007/02/18 23:45:00 VZ Exp $ -// Copyright: (c) Giuseppe Baruffa -// Licence: wxWindows licence -///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -#ifndef _WX_IMAGMJ2_H_ -#define _WX_IMAGMJ2_H_ - -#include "wx/defs.h" - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// wxMJ2Handler -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -#if wxUSE_LIBOPENJPEG - -#include "wx/image.h" -#include "libopenjpeg/openjpeg.h" - -#define wxBITMAP_TYPE_MJ2 49 - -class WXDLLEXPORT wxMJ2Handler: public wxImageHandler -{ -public: - inline wxMJ2Handler() - { - m_name = wxT("Motion JPEG 2000 file format"); - m_extension = wxT("mj2"); - m_type = wxBITMAP_TYPE_MJ2; - m_mime = wxT("image/mj2"); - - m_reducefactor = 0; - m_qualitylayers = 0; - m_components = 0; -#ifdef USE_JPWL - m_enablejpwl = true; - m_expcomps = JPWL_EXPECTED_COMPONENTS; - m_maxtiles = JPWL_MAXIMUM_TILES; -#endif // USE_JPWL - } - - // decoding engine parameters - int m_reducefactor, m_qualitylayers, m_components, m_framenum; -#ifdef USE_JPWL - bool m_enablejpwl; - int m_expcomps, m_maxtiles; -#endif // USE_JPWL - -#if wxUSE_STREAMS - virtual bool LoadFile( wxImage *image, wxInputStream& stream, bool verbose=true, int index=-1 ); - virtual bool SaveFile( wxImage *image, wxOutputStream& stream, bool verbose=true ); -protected: - virtual bool DoCanRead( wxInputStream& stream ); -#endif - -private: - DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxMJ2Handler) -}; - -#endif // wxUSE_LIBOPENJPEG - -#endif // _WX_IMAGMJ2_H_ - diff --git a/OPJViewer/source/imagmxf.cpp b/OPJViewer/source/imagmxf.cpp index 4bc4a2c5..99d0b939 100644 --- a/OPJViewer/source/imagmxf.cpp +++ b/OPJViewer/source/imagmxf.cpp @@ -34,6 +34,30 @@ #ifdef USE_MXF +#include "mxflib/mxflib.h" +using namespace mxflib; + +namespace +{ + //! Structure holding information about the essence in each body stream + struct EssenceInfo + { + UMIDPtr PackageID; + PackagePtr Package; + MDObjectPtr Descriptor; + }; + //! Map of EssenceInfo structures indexed by BodySID + typedef std::map EssenceInfoMap; + + //! The map of essence info for this file + EssenceInfoMap EssenceLookup; +}; + +//! Build an EssenceInfoMap for the essence in a given file +/*! \return True if al OK, else false + */ +bool BuildEssenceInfo(MXFFilePtr &File, EssenceInfoMap &EssenceLookup); + // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" @@ -73,6 +97,81 @@ IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxMXFHandler,wxImageHandler) #if wxUSE_STREAMS +#include +#define MAX_MESSAGE_LEN 200 + +//------------- MXF Manager + +// Debug and error messages + +//! Display a warning message +void mxflib::warning(const char *Fmt, ...) +{ + char msg[MAX_MESSAGE_LEN]; + va_list args; + + va_start(args, Fmt); + _vsnprintf(msg, MAX_MESSAGE_LEN, Fmt, args); + va_end(args); + + int message_len = strlen(msg) - 1; + if (msg[message_len] != '\n') + message_len = MAX_MESSAGE_LEN; +#ifndef __WXGTK__ + wxMutexGuiEnter(); +#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ + wxLogMessage(wxT("[WARNING_MXF] %.*s"), message_len, msg); +#ifndef __WXGTK__ + wxMutexGuiLeave(); +#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ +} + +//! Display an error message +void mxflib::error(const char *Fmt, ...) +{ + char msg[MAX_MESSAGE_LEN]; + va_list args; + + va_start(args, Fmt); + _vsnprintf(msg, MAX_MESSAGE_LEN, Fmt, args); + va_end(args); + + int message_len = strlen(msg) - 1; + if (msg[message_len] != '\n') + message_len = MAX_MESSAGE_LEN; +#ifndef __WXGTK__ + wxMutexGuiEnter(); +#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ + wxLogMessage(wxT("[ERROR_MXF] %.*s"), message_len, msg); +#ifndef __WXGTK__ + wxMutexGuiLeave(); +#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ +} + +//! Display an error message +void mxflib::debug(const char *Fmt, ...) +{ + char msg[MAX_MESSAGE_LEN]; + va_list args; + + va_start(args, Fmt); + _vsnprintf(msg, MAX_MESSAGE_LEN, Fmt, args); + va_end(args); + + int message_len = strlen(msg) - 1; + if (msg[message_len] != '\n') + message_len = MAX_MESSAGE_LEN; +#ifndef __WXGTK__ + wxMutexGuiEnter(); +#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ + wxLogMessage(wxT("[DEBUG_MXF] %.*s"), message_len, msg); +#ifndef __WXGTK__ + wxMutexGuiLeave(); +#endif /* __WXGTK__ */ +} + + + //------------- JPEG 2000 Data Source Manager #define J2K_CFMT 0 @@ -84,8 +183,6 @@ IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxMXFHandler,wxImageHandler) #define BMP_DFMT 2 #define YUV_DFMT 3 -#define MAX_MESSAGE_LEN 200 - /* sample error callback expecting a FILE* client object */ void mxf_error_callback(const char *msg, void *client_data) { int message_len = strlen(msg) - 1; @@ -142,7 +239,33 @@ bool wxMXFHandler::LoadFile(wxImage *image, wxInputStream& stream, bool verbose, unsigned char *ptr; int file_length, j2k_point, j2k_len; opj_codestream_info_t cstr_info; /* Codestream information structure */ + + // simply display the version of the library + wxLogMessage(wxT("Version of MXF: %s "), wxString::FromAscii(LibraryVersion().c_str())); + //wxLogMessage(wxT("MXF file name: %s"), m_filename.GetFullPath()); + // open MXF file + MXFFilePtr TestFile = new MXFFile; + if (! TestFile->Open(m_filename.GetFullPath().c_str(), true)) + { + wxLogError(wxT("Could not find %s"), m_filename.GetFullPath().c_str()); + return false; + } else + wxLogMessage(wxT("Found %s"), m_filename.GetFullPath().c_str()); + + // Get the size + TestFile->SeekEnd(); + wxLogMessage(wxT("Size is %d bytes"), TestFile->Tell()); + TestFile->Seek(0); + + // essence information + //BuildEssenceInfo(TestFile, EssenceLookup); + + // close MXF file + TestFile->Close(); + + return false; + // destroy the image image->Destroy(); @@ -266,6 +389,111 @@ bool wxMXFHandler::DoCanRead( wxInputStream& stream ) hdr[3] == 0x34); } +//! Build an EssenceInfoMap for the essence in a given file +/*! \return True if al OK, else false + */ +bool BuildEssenceInfo(MXFFilePtr &File, EssenceInfoMap &EssenceLookup) +{ + // Empty any old data + EssenceLookup.clear(); + + // Get the master metadata set (or the header if we must) + PartitionPtr MasterPartition = File->ReadMasterPartition(); + if(!MasterPartition) + { + File->Seek(0); + MasterPartition = File->ReadPartition(); + warning("File %s does not contain a cloased copy of header metadata - using the open copy in the file header\n", File->Name.c_str()); + } + + if(!MasterPartition) + { + error("Could not read header metadata from file %s\n", File->Name.c_str()); + return false; + } + + // Read and parse the metadata + MasterPartition->ReadMetadata(); + MetadataPtr HMeta = MasterPartition->ParseMetadata(); + + if(!HMeta) + { + error("Could not read header metadata from file %s\n", File->Name.c_str()); + return false; + } + + /* Scan the Essence container data sets to get PackageID to BodySID mapping */ + MDObjectPtr ECDSet = HMeta[ContentStorage_UL]; + if(ECDSet) ECDSet = ECDSet->GetLink(); + if(ECDSet) ECDSet = ECDSet[EssenceContainerDataBatch_UL]; + if(!ECDSet) + { + error("Header metadata in file %s does not contain an EssenceContainerData set\n", File->Name.c_str()); + return false; + } + + MDObject::iterator it = ECDSet->begin(); + while(it != ECDSet->end()) + { + MDObjectPtr ThisECDSet = (*it).second->GetLink(); + MDObjectPtr PackageID; + if(ThisECDSet) PackageID = ThisECDSet->Child(LinkedPackageUID_UL); + if(PackageID) + { + EssenceInfo NewEI; + NewEI.PackageID = new UMID(PackageID->PutData()->Data); + + // Inset the basic essence info - but not if this is external essence (BodySID == 0) + UInt32 BodySID = ThisECDSet->GetUInt(BodySID_UL); + if(BodySID) EssenceLookup[BodySID] = NewEI; + } + it++; + } + + /* Now find the other items for the essence lookup map */ + if(EssenceLookup.size()) + { + PackageList::iterator it = HMeta->Packages.begin(); + while(it != HMeta->Packages.end()) + { + // Only Source Packages are of interest + if((*it)->IsA(SourcePackage_UL)) + { + MDObjectPtr Descriptor = (*it)->Child(Descriptor_UL); + if(Descriptor) Descriptor = Descriptor->GetLink(); + + if(Descriptor) + { + MDObjectPtr PackageID = (*it)->Child(PackageUID_UL); + if(PackageID) + { + UMIDPtr TheID = new UMID(PackageID->PutData()->Data); + + /* Now do a lookup in the essence lookup map (it will need to be done the long way here */ + EssenceInfoMap::iterator EL_it = EssenceLookup.begin(); + while(EL_it != EssenceLookup.end()) + { + if((*((*EL_it).second.PackageID)) == (*TheID)) + { + // If found, set the missing items and stop searching + (*EL_it).second.Package = (*it); + (*EL_it).second.Descriptor = Descriptor; + break; + } + EL_it++; + } + } + } + } + + it++; + } + } + + return true; +} + + #endif // wxUSE_STREAMS #endif // wxUSE_LIBOPENJPEG diff --git a/OPJViewer/source/imagmxf.h b/OPJViewer/source/imagmxf.h index f747a1df..c87a4cb4 100644 --- a/OPJViewer/source/imagmxf.h +++ b/OPJViewer/source/imagmxf.h @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ #ifdef USE_MXF #include "wx/defs.h" +#include "wx/filename.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxMXFHandler @@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ #include "wx/image.h" #include "libopenjpeg/openjpeg.h" -#define wxBITMAP_TYPE_MXF 50 +#define wxBITMAP_TYPE_MXF 51 class WXDLLEXPORT wxMXFHandler: public wxImageHandler { @@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ public: m_reducefactor = 0; m_qualitylayers = 0; m_components = 0; + m_filename = wxT(""); #ifdef USE_JPWL m_enablejpwl = true; m_expcomps = JPWL_EXPECTED_COMPONENTS; @@ -72,6 +74,7 @@ public: // decoding engine parameters int m_reducefactor, m_qualitylayers, m_components, m_framenum; + wxFileName m_filename; #ifdef USE_JPWL bool m_enablejpwl; int m_expcomps, m_maxtiles;