Antonin Descampe
Added files to let people build openjpeg with configure tools ; Added makefiles to let people manually build openjpeg on *nix platforms ; Removed obsolete Makefiles ; Renamed dirent.h to windirent.h ; Made optional the PNG, TIFF, and LCMS support in CMake files ; Added opj_config* files to configure openjpeg before building it (opj_config.h generated by configure, cmake, or manually by the user) ; Renamed this file from ChangeLog to CHANGES ; Renamed License.txt to LICENSE ; Updated README files ; Added INSTALL and LICENSE files ; Added man pages
2010-10-05 10:33:15 +00:00 |
Giuseppe Baruffa
Added the knowledge of JPSEC SEC and INSEC markers (you have to compile the JPWL project). Management of these markers is limited to skipping them without crashing: no real security function at this stage. Deprecated USE_JPSEC and USE_JPWL will be removed next
2007-09-03 13:30:59 +00:00 |
Giuseppe Baruffa
Definition of USE_JPWL in doxygen file for building the corresponding documentation on JPWL module; creation of README file in JPWL directory
2006-12-13 11:50:24 +00:00 |
Antonin Descampe
OpenJPEG version 1.1
2005-12-08 09:38:47 +00:00 |