* -PLT switch added to opj_compress
* Add a opj_encoder_set_extra_options() function that
accepts a PLT=YES option, and could be expanded later
for other uses.
Testing with a Sentinel2 10m band, T36JTT_20160914T074612_B02.jp2,
coming from S2A_MSIL1C_20160914T074612_N0204_R135_T36JTT_20160914T081456.SAFE
Decompress it to TIFF:
opj_uncompress -i T36JTT_20160914T074612_B02.jp2 -o T36JTT_20160914T074612_B02.tif
Recompress it with similar parameters as original:
opj_compress -n 5 -c [256,256],[256,256],[256,256],[256,256],[256,256] -t 1024,1024 -PLT -i T36JTT_20160914T074612_B02.tif -o T36JTT_20160914T074612_B02_PLT.jp2
Dump codestream detail with GDAL dump_jp2.py utility (https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/blob/master/gdal/swig/python/samples/dump_jp2.py)
python dump_jp2.py T36JTT_20160914T074612_B02.jp2 > /tmp/dump_sentinel2_ori.txt
python dump_jp2.py T36JTT_20160914T074612_B02_PLT.jp2 > /tmp/dump_sentinel2_openjpeg_plt.txt
The diff between both show very similar structure, and identical number of packets in PLT markers
Now testing with Kakadu (KDU803_Demo_Apps_for_Linux-x86-64_200210)
Full file decompression:
kdu_expand -i T36JTT_20160914T074612_B02_PLT.jp2 -o tmp.tif
Consumed 121 tile-part(s) from a total of 121 tile(s).
Consumed 80,318,806 codestream bytes (excluding any file format) = 5.329697
Processed using the multi-threaded environment, with
8 parallel threads of execution
Partial decompresson (presumably using PLT markers):
kdu_expand -i T36JTT_20160914T074612_B02.jp2 -o tmp.pgm -region "{0.5,0.5},{0.01,0.01}"
kdu_expand -i T36JTT_20160914T074612_B02_PLT.jp2 -o tmp2.pgm -region "{0.5,0.5},{0.01,0.01}"
diff tmp.pgm tmp2.pgm && echo "same !"
Funded by ESA for S2-MPC project
This adds a opj_set_decoded_components(opj_codec_t *p_codec,
OPJ_UINT32 numcomps, const OPJ_UINT32* comps_indices) function,
and equivalent "opj_decompress -c compno[,compno]*" option.
When specified, neither the MCT transform nor JP2 channel transformations
will be applied.
Tests added for various combinations of whole image vs tiled-based decoding,
full or reduced resolution, use of decode area or not.
By default, only the main thread is used. If opj_codec_set_threads() is not used,
but the OPJ_NUM_THREADS environment variable is set, its value will be
used to initialize the number of threads. The value can be either an integer
number, or "ALL_CPUS". If OPJ_NUM_THREADS is set and this function is called,
this function will override the behaviour of the environment variable.