Giuseppe Baruffa
One more field in the codestream_info struct for recording the number of packets per tile part; JPWL now distributes the EPBs in all the tile part headers
2007-09-06 15:59:39 +00:00
Mathieu Malaterre
ENH: Add jpwl. Also remove old deprecated way of linking lib math on unix
2007-09-06 10:23:40 +00:00
Giuseppe Baruffa
Added some fields in the codestream_info structure: they are used to record the position of single tile parts. Changed also the write_index function in the codec, to reflect the presence of this new information.
2007-09-04 14:19:55 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Added information regarding the end of packet position in the index
2007-08-30 15:32:51 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Changed the OpenJPEG library interface to enable users to access information regarding the codestream (also called index).
2007-08-30 09:51:20 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Solved problems with codec reading from image file directory when filename had more than one "." in name
2007-08-21 10:50:47 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Added support for Visual Studio 2005
2007-08-21 10:17:35 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Fixed _strnicmp bug
2007-08-20 15:26:01 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Added support for the TGA file format in the codec
2007-08-20 15:20:42 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Fixed the DCinema filesize allocation. It now includes the SOT marker size
2007-08-08 09:41:16 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Updated libtiff library version to 3.8.2 (for WIN32)
Updated BMP and PxM truncation when decoding J2K files with more than 8 bits (convert.c)
2007-07-19 13:44:04 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Fixed raw option to encode raw images with more than three components.
2007-07-18 09:45:59 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Added support for RAW images. This module has been developped by the University of Perugia team. Thanks to them !
2007-07-17 16:19:41 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
2007-07-13 13:07:07 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Fixed the generation of index files. Now works with cinema formats.
2007-06-15 13:27:43 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Tipo corrected...
2007-06-04 13:32:25 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Bugs corrected in decoding of command line (getopt.c), in the handling of 16 bit files (t1.c and tcd.c) and the calculation of elapsed time for multiple tiles parts (tcd.c and tdc.h).
2007-06-04 13:23:26 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Fixed the handling of 16bit TIFF files for cinema compression. Modified "convert.c".
Fixed the parameters used for cinema compression (9-7 transform used instead of 5-3). Modified "image_to_j2k.c"
2007-05-31 09:13:44 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Possibility to choose to apply MCT (multiple component transform) enabled, and new decoding_limit: DECODE_ALL_BUT_PACKETS
2007-05-10 14:13:30 +00:00
Parvatha Elangovan
Fixed Error in tiftoimage(). Modification in convert.c.
2007-04-12 10:01:48 +00:00
Parvatha Elangovan
Accepting "j2c" as format for Encoding and Decoding. Modification in image_to_j2k.c.
Modified imagetotif() to read images with signed data. Modification in convert.c.
2007-04-10 16:23:48 +00:00
Parvatha Elangovan
Digital cinema compliance for 4K chosen by "-cinema4K" option. Modification in image_to_j2k.c.
Bit rate limitation for each color component. Modification in image_to_j2k.c, t2.c.
Modified and tested Progression order change "-POC" option. Modification in image_to_j2k.c, j2k.c, pi.c.
Function j2k_check_poc_val() to check for possible loss of packets in case of wrong POC declaration. Modification in j2k.c.
Structure T2_MODE. This tells if the t2_encode_packets() is called during Threshold calculation or in Final pass. Modification in j2k.h, tcd.c
2007-04-04 13:40:32 +00:00
Parvatha Elangovan
Enable accepting file names with `-´ symbol .Modification getopt.c
Rsiz profile name generation to be STD_RSIZ for profiles which are not DCI compliant.Modification in image_to_j2k.c
Renamed convert_progression_order to j2k_convert_progression_order. Modification j2k.c
Calculation of number of tile part in each tile in j2k_calculate_tp. Modification j2k.c
j2k_setup_encoder to set bit rate limitation for digital cinema compliance with quality option. Modification in j2k.c
Equation to check multiple tile precincts. Modification pi.c
array size generation of pi->include in pi_initialise_encode().Modification in pi.c
Modification in pi_create_encode for tile part generation.Modification in pi.c
In tcd_rateallocate a variable stable_threshold which holds the valid threshold value. This is used to avoid error in case of a wrong threshold value in the last iteration. Modification in tcd.c.
2007-03-29 14:15:14 +00:00
Parvatha Elangovan
Added feature for generation of tile parts. Modifications in image_to_j2k.c, openjpeg.c, j2k.c, pi.c
Added function j2k_write_tlm(),to generate TLM marker for a Digital cinema compliant codestream. Modifications in j2k.c.
2007-03-20 17:15:18 +00:00
Parvatha Elangovan
Added option for Digital cinema profile compliant codestream. This can be chosen by "-cinema2K" or "-cinema4K" for a 2K and 4K compliance respectively. The feature for tileparts has not been implemented in this version. Modification in image_to_j2k.c
Added the Digital Cinema profiles (CINEMA2K and CINEMA4K) to the list of profiles recognized in the codestream SIZ marker segment. Modification in openjpeg.h,j2k.c
Added feature for constant quality within bitrate defined in Digital cinema standards. Modification in tcd.c
Modified the method of generation of buffer length. Modification in cio.c
2007-03-07 16:04:33 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Modified codec projects (*.dsp) and makefile to include the tiff library (modified codec/image_to_j2k.dsp codec/j2k_to_image.dsp and codec/makefile)
2007-03-01 16:12:17 +00:00
Mathieu Malaterre
COMP: Fix compilation of executable linking to TIFF lib.
2007-03-01 14:39:31 +00:00
Parvatha Elangovan
Enabled compression of TIF image format to j2k by tifftoimage() and decompression of codestream to TIF image format using imagetotif(). Modifications in image_to_j2k.c, j2k_to_image.c, convert.c, convert.h
2007-02-28 15:31:56 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Corrected codec Makefile by adding the compilation of "compat/getopt.c"
2007-02-28 13:56:06 +00:00
Parvatha Elangovan
Made get_file_format function more robust. Modifications in image_to_j2k.c, j2k_to_image.c, getopt.c, getopt.h
2007-02-27 14:19:09 +00:00
Parvatha Elangovan
Added the dirent.h file used for opening and reading Directory holding image files. Used in image_to_j2k.c and j2k_to_image.c.
2007-02-27 08:54:56 +00:00
Parvatha Elangovan
Option to read images from a Folder whose path is specified in the Input parameters by "-ImgDir" along with output decod format specified by "-OutFor" . Modifications in image_to_j2k.c, j2k_to_image.c, getopt.c, getopt.h
Enabling use of multi character input parameters in the codec. Modifications in image_to_j2k.c, j2k_to_image.c, getopt.c, getopt.h
2007-02-26 15:40:01 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
David Fries suggestions. In image_to_j2k and j2k_to_image, strncpy() functions: instead of specifying the path size macro, let the compiler read the length out of the array entry.
2007-02-13 09:00:37 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Extra tokens at the end of #endif directive corrected in openjpeg.c, j2k.c and image_to_j2k.c -> no more warnings in linux compilation
2007-01-31 15:19:54 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Linux Makefile for the codec added
2007-01-31 14:57:26 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Use of OPJ_PATH_LEN (defined as 4096) to be the maximum allowed size for filenames instead of MAX_PATH which is not always defined. This caused some programs using OpenJPEG to crash. Modifications in openjpeg.h j2k_to_image.c and image_to_j2k.c
2007-01-30 10:51:29 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Copyright update
2007-01-15 09:55:40 +00:00
Giuseppe Baruffa
* Better fix of the TPH EPBs bug in JPWL module
* Fixed the UEP bug in JPWL module
+ Added some lines in the help of JPWL_image_to_j2k
2006-12-05 18:20:04 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
SVN file properties modified (EOL handled better)
2006-12-04 16:20:36 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
First integration of JPWL code
2006-12-04 14:55:38 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
First integration of JPWL code
2006-12-04 14:55:11 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Corrected incorrect fprintf formatting
2006-12-04 14:52:34 +00:00
Antonin Descampe
added the ability to specify the rate as "float" (before : integer)
2006-10-31 17:10:14 +00:00
Antonin Descampe
remove some needless cvs files
2006-10-27 17:51:08 +00:00
Antonin Descampe
2006-10-27 14:48:39 +00:00
Antonin Descampe
fixed a bug in j2k_to_image.c, that prevented the -l option to work correctly.
2006-08-18 10:10:47 +00:00
Mathieu Malaterre
ENH: Update CMake to do proper installation. Still using the 2.2 installation approach for now.
2006-07-22 03:47:02 +00:00
Mathieu Malaterre
ENH: Fix warning about assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target type
2006-07-22 03:35:17 +00:00
Mathieu Malaterre
STYLE: Fix style issue
2006-07-22 03:27:36 +00:00
Mathieu Malaterre
BUG: Do not leak with greyscale bmp. Solve problem with name>256 for pgx and resolve random memory access (reported by valgrind)
2006-07-22 03:26:10 +00:00