Mickael Savinaud
fixed glibc error with broken2 and broken4 images
2011-08-10 08:47:20 +00:00
Mickael Savinaud
removed unused parameters warnings with the solution proposed by myself and Bob Friesenhahn
2011-08-10 08:12:10 +00:00
Mickael Savinaud
manage case 0 frames inside yuv_num_frames function and correct some warnings with gcc4.5 (credit to Winfried)
2011-07-28 10:45:22 +00:00
Mathieu Malaterre
adding partno and numpart info as part of the warning message (issue #69 )
2011-06-03 08:47:30 +00:00
Antonin Descampe
defined new type "opj_bool", and new constants OPJ_FALSE and OPJ_TRUE, to avoid having to deal with "stdbool.h" (patch from Winfried)
2011-05-18 11:02:27 +00:00
Antonin Descampe
fixed part of issue 69, when tile-part index is inconsistent with the total number of tile-parts
2011-05-16 11:07:37 +00:00
Antonin Descampe
bug fixes to enable cmake compilation on WIN32 platform (see CHANGES for details)
2011-01-02 18:10:09 +00:00
Mathieu Malaterre
Also dump the image info as well as cp info.
2010-06-22 14:03:52 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Code improvements using 'g++-4.4.0' to trace the code (v1.4). Thanks to Winfried for this patch.
2010-03-24 11:20:45 +00:00
Antonin Descampe
fixed a bug in j2k.c (j2k_write_sod) that allowed to get negative rates, thanks zhong1985624 for pointing this.
2008-05-22 16:39:40 +00:00
Antonin Descampe
additional test to avoid crash due to invalid image size, patch by Christopher Layne
2008-05-22 12:34:29 +00:00
Parvatha Elangovan
In pi.c, removed the Recursive function pi_check_next_level() and modified the code.
2007-12-19 12:28:40 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Fixed the maximum number of resolutions a user can discard while decoding.
Added an error state in J2K_STATE (j2k.c)
2007-11-27 14:00:45 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Patch by Callum Lerwick. Instead of reinventing realloc, j2k_read_sod now just uses opj_realloc in j2k.c
2007-11-14 08:29:12 +00:00
Giuseppe Baruffa
Fixed a bug which prevented JPWL from working on multi-tiled images; added some more fields in the interface info structures (keep a list of markers, save start packet number for each tile)
2007-11-05 13:05:07 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Patch from Callum Lewick. Memset patch. See ChangeLog for more details. Thanks Callum !
2007-10-18 12:26:11 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Changed the way the image structure is allocated when the decoding parameters include some resolutions to discard. This should have a significant impact for the decoding of huge images when some resolutions are discarder (-r parameter)
Warning: The output image size is now reduced when discarding resolutions !
2007-10-12 15:04:34 +00:00
Parvatha Elangovan
Fixed issues with generation of SOP marker.
2007-09-19 14:56:19 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Fixed issues with cstr_info when codestream has components with different number of resolutions.
2007-09-17 14:00:43 +00:00
Giuseppe Baruffa
JPWL encoding is finalized correctly into the JP2 file format; added an additional structure in opj_codestream_info, to keep a record of the written markers
2007-09-11 15:21:12 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Indexes can now be generated when decoding J2K codestreams.
2007-09-07 15:01:55 +00:00
Giuseppe Baruffa
One more field in the codestream_info struct for recording the number of packets per tile part; JPWL now distributes the EPBs in all the tile part headers
2007-09-06 15:59:39 +00:00
Giuseppe Baruffa
Added some fields in the codestream_info structure: they are used to record the position of single tile parts. Changed also the write_index function in the codec, to reflect the presence of this new information.
2007-09-04 14:19:55 +00:00
Giuseppe Baruffa
Added the knowledge of JPSEC SEC and INSEC markers (you have to compile the JPWL project). Management of these markers is limited to skipping them without crashing: no real security function at this stage. Deprecated USE_JPSEC and USE_JPWL will be removed next
2007-09-03 13:30:59 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Changed the OpenJPEG library interface to enable users to access information regarding the codestream (also called index).
2007-08-30 09:51:20 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Fixed wrong destructors called in openjpeg.c
Fixed bug in j2k_decode_jpt_stream
2007-08-28 10:13:58 +00:00
Parvatha Elangovan
The end of main header is calculated after TLM and POC marker for Dcinema.
2007-08-24 15:11:01 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Memory leaks fixed
2007-08-21 12:21:35 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Fixed the DCinema filesize allocation. It now includes the SOT marker size
2007-08-08 09:41:16 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
2007-07-13 13:07:07 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Fixed the generation of index files. Now works with cinema formats.
2007-06-15 13:27:43 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Bug fixed by Sylvain Munaut. Change in the reading of the POC marker. Since COD/COC can be anywhere in the header, the decoder cannot always know while decoding the POC marker the value of numlayers and numresolution.
2007-05-23 16:04:50 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Possibility to choose to apply MCT (multiple component transform) enabled, and new decoding_limit: DECODE_ALL_BUT_PACKETS
2007-05-10 14:13:30 +00:00
Parvatha Elangovan
Digital cinema compliance for 4K chosen by "-cinema4K" option. Modification in image_to_j2k.c.
Bit rate limitation for each color component. Modification in image_to_j2k.c, t2.c.
Modified and tested Progression order change "-POC" option. Modification in image_to_j2k.c, j2k.c, pi.c.
Function j2k_check_poc_val() to check for possible loss of packets in case of wrong POC declaration. Modification in j2k.c.
Structure T2_MODE. This tells if the t2_encode_packets() is called during Threshold calculation or in Final pass. Modification in j2k.h, tcd.c
2007-04-04 13:40:32 +00:00
Parvatha Elangovan
Enable accepting file names with `-´ symbol .Modification getopt.c
Rsiz profile name generation to be STD_RSIZ for profiles which are not DCI compliant.Modification in image_to_j2k.c
Renamed convert_progression_order to j2k_convert_progression_order. Modification j2k.c
Calculation of number of tile part in each tile in j2k_calculate_tp. Modification j2k.c
j2k_setup_encoder to set bit rate limitation for digital cinema compliance with quality option. Modification in j2k.c
Equation to check multiple tile precincts. Modification pi.c
array size generation of pi->include in pi_initialise_encode().Modification in pi.c
Modification in pi_create_encode for tile part generation.Modification in pi.c
In tcd_rateallocate a variable stable_threshold which holds the valid threshold value. This is used to avoid error in case of a wrong threshold value in the last iteration. Modification in tcd.c.
2007-03-29 14:15:14 +00:00
Giuseppe Baruffa
Following to Hervé's suggestions, all the exit() calls, added by JPWL strict checking in t2.c and j2k.c, have been substituted with (object free'ing + opj_evt_message(EVT_ERROR) + return); added linking to TIFF library in the JPWL VC6 workspaces
2007-03-27 17:18:56 +00:00
Parvatha Elangovan
Fixed j2k_prog_order_list[]. Modifications in j2k.c.
Fixed t1_decode_cblks. Modifications in t1.c.
2007-03-21 13:01:15 +00:00
Parvatha Elangovan
Added feature for generation of tile parts. Modifications in image_to_j2k.c, openjpeg.c, j2k.c, pi.c
Added function j2k_write_tlm(),to generate TLM marker for a Digital cinema compliant codestream. Modifications in j2k.c.
2007-03-20 17:15:18 +00:00
Parvatha Elangovan
Added option for Digital cinema profile compliant codestream. This can be chosen by "-cinema2K" or "-cinema4K" for a 2K and 4K compliance respectively. The feature for tileparts has not been implemented in this version. Modification in image_to_j2k.c
Added the Digital Cinema profiles (CINEMA2K and CINEMA4K) to the list of profiles recognized in the codestream SIZ marker segment. Modification in openjpeg.h,j2k.c
Added feature for constant quality within bitrate defined in Digital cinema standards. Modification in tcd.c
Modified the method of generation of buffer length. Modification in cio.c
2007-03-07 16:04:33 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Added OPJ_LIMIT_DECODING enabling us to limit the decoding to main header
2007-02-19 09:59:29 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Extra tokens at the end of #endif directive corrected in openjpeg.c, j2k.c and image_to_j2k.c -> no more warnings in linux compilation
2007-01-31 15:19:54 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Copyright update
2007-01-15 09:55:40 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
First integration of JPWL code
2006-12-04 14:59:33 +00:00
Antonin Descampe
added the ability to specify the rate as "float" (before : integer)
2006-10-31 17:10:14 +00:00
changed the name of j2k_realloc to opj_realloc
2006-01-18 20:10:23 +00:00
Antonin Descampe
OpenJPEG version 1.1
2005-12-08 09:38:47 +00:00
Antonin Descampe
openjpeg version 1.0 (previous version still available with tag opj0-97)
2005-12-02 13:34:15 +00:00
Antonin Descampe
small changes to remove warnings related to signedness
2005-11-08 16:15:40 +00:00
Antonin Descampe
Changes proposed by Mathieu Malaterre from the GDCM project... Thanks a lot Mathieu
- '//' replaced by '/* */'
- inclusion of int.h in int.c
- inclusion of j2k.h in int.h in order to export symbols
- adding (void) var when a variable is declared but not used
- some explicit cast
- CLOCKS_PER_SEC is declared as float in bcc55, so there is a need to cast it to int for the modulo operation
- some variables changed from float -> double
2005-11-01 10:15:34 +00:00
Antonin Descampe
bug fixed when asking for an index with more than (layer*resolutions*100) packets per tile
2005-09-20 15:40:13 +00:00
Antonin Descampe
bug fixed when freeing the memory allocated if ppm-marker or ppt-marker is used
2005-09-13 14:17:09 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Conversions from int to unsigned int to ensure correct execution of int_min at line 626 to 628
2005-06-02 15:14:33 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
replaced by
2005-03-25 13:52:55 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Modifications made to enable the decoding of a J2K file headers without decoding all packets using #NO_PACKETS_DECODING
Used with MJ2_to_metadata
2005-03-16 12:11:40 +00:00
Antonin Descampe
* function getopt added to the decoder (to efficiently manage arguments
in command line)
* reduce_on, reduce_value grouped in a single variable reduce
* up-to-date usage display
* image_type renamed --> decod_format
* JPEG2000_format renamed --> cod_format
2005-01-26 08:59:49 +00:00
Antonin Descampe
Index structure adpated for other progression orders than LRCP
(thanks to Stefano Pensa)
2004-11-29 14:48:20 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
fprintf correctly redirected to stderr or stdout
2004-11-15 12:41:35 +00:00
Antonin Descampe
* Inserted tool for memory leaks fixing in debug mode
* Fixed some memory leaks in the decoder (some are still present when multiple tiles!)
2004-08-06 14:13:51 +00:00
Antonin Descampe
Better indentation
2004-08-03 14:14:44 +00:00
Antonin Descampe
Bug fixed in lossless mode
2004-08-03 14:06:10 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
minor changes
2004-07-16 13:17:23 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
Memory leaks at decoding fixed
2004-07-16 10:22:59 +00:00
Antonin Descampe
* PPM markers handling modified (comment keyword : ppmbug1)
* empty resolution level or subband handling (comment keyword : sizebug1)
* index_on field forwarded to j2k_cp_t structure
2004-07-14 08:52:15 +00:00
Antonin Descampe
Structure j2k_option_t deleted and option "-reduce" integrated to j2k_cp_t.
Parameters changed for j2k_decode, jp2_decode, j2k_decode_jpt_stream
2004-07-13 14:37:11 +00:00
Antonin Descampe
scalar_derived quantization type bug fixed (2)
2004-07-09 14:37:12 +00:00
Antonin Descampe
Bug fixed for scalar_derived quantization type
2004-07-09 14:04:06 +00:00
Francois-Olivier Devaux
j2k_encode can output data to a buffer or to a file
2004-07-07 07:37:14 +00:00
Antonin Descampe
small changes in the INDEX-file generation (in order to only use data from index data structures)
2004-05-07 14:41:45 +00:00
Antonin Descampe
* Fixed_quality option added : specifying -q psnr1,psnr2,psnr3,... at the command line when encoding an image generates layers with the corresponding psnr. You have to specify values in the increase order. This option is incompatible with "-r" or "-f" options.
* Old -q option is now available with -f
* The INDEX-file structure has been modified and is now like this :
image_width image_height
progression order
tile_width tile_height
nb_tiles_width nb_tiles_height
foreach resolution_level {[precinct_width,precinct_height]}
foreach tile {
tileno start_pos end_header end_pos squarred_error_total nb_pixels mean_squarred_error
foreach tile {
foreach packet {
packetno tileno layerno resno compno precinctno start_pos end_pos SE_reduction
SE max
SE total
2004-05-07 13:50:47 +00:00
Antonin Descampe
Various corrections to avoid "signed/unsigned mismatch" warnings during compilation
2004-04-30 09:20:22 +00:00
Sebastien Lugan
Reformatage : indent -kr -i2 -ci2 $(find . -name '*.c') $(find . -name '*.h')
2004-04-29 13:27:24 +00:00
Sebastien Lugan
Reformatage : indent -kr $(find . -name '*.c') $(find . -name '*.h')
2004-04-29 13:10:05 +00:00
Yannick Verschueren
Update to version 0.9 : option -reduce added on decoder
2004-03-05 14:42:53 +00:00
Yannick Verschueren
Update for version 0.8
2004-02-13 09:38:52 +00:00
Sebastien Lugan
Initial revision
2003-11-27 10:10:17 +00:00