# Build the demo app, small examples # First thing define the common source: SET(common_SRCS convert.c ) # Then check if getopt is present: INCLUDE (${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/CheckIncludeFile.cmake) SET(DONT_HAVE_GETOPT 1) IF(UNIX) #I am pretty sure only *nix sys have this anyway CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE("getopt.h" CMAKE_HAVE_GETOPT_H) # Seems like we need the contrary: IF(CMAKE_HAVE_GETOPT_H) SET(DONT_HAVE_GETOPT 0) ENDIF(CMAKE_HAVE_GETOPT_H) ENDIF(UNIX) # If not getopt was found then add it to the lib: IF(DONT_HAVE_GETOPT) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DDONT_HAVE_GETOPT) SET(common_SRCS ${common_SRCS} getopt.c ) ENDIF(DONT_HAVE_GETOPT) # Do the proper thing when building static...if only there was configured # headers or def files instead ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DOPJ_STATIC) #FIND_PACKAGE(TIFF REQUIRED) # Loop over all executables: FOREACH(exe jp3d_to_volume volume_to_jp3d) ADD_EXECUTABLE(${exe} ${exe}.c ${common_SRCS}) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${exe} ${OPENJPEG_LIBRARY_NAME}_JP3D.static) # ${TIFF_LIBRARIES}) # On unix you need to link to the math library: IF(UNIX) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${exe} m) ENDIF(UNIX) # Install exe INSTALL_TARGETS(/bin/ ${exe}) ENDFOREACH(exe)