{% capture jbcache %}{% comment %} Determine whether or not the site is being built in a production environment. Parameters: None. Returns: is_production: [true|false] jb_prod_env: [development|github|other] Examples: {% include JB/is_production %} {% if is_production != true %}

This is Private

I love to watch television in my undies. Don't tell anyone!

{% endif %}

This is Public

I have no unusual quirks.

{% endcomment %} {% assign is_production = false %} {% assign jb_prod_env = "development" %} {% if jekyll.environment != "development" %} {% assign is_production = true %} {% assign jb_prod_env = jekyll.environment %} {% endif %} {% if site.github %} {% assign is_production = true %} {% assign jb_prod_env = "github" %} {% endif %} {% endcapture %}{% assign jbcache = nil %}