/* * The copyright in this software is being made available under the 2-clauses * BSD License, included below. This software may be subject to other third * party and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights * are granted under this license. * * Copyright (c) 2002-2014, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium * Copyright (c) 2002-2014, Professor Benoit Macq * Copyright (c) 2001-2003, David Janssens * Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Yannick Verschueren * Copyright (c) 2003-2007, Francois-Olivier Devaux * Copyright (c) 2003-2014, Antonin Descampe * Copyright (c) 2005, Herve Drolon, FreeImage Team * Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Parvatha Elangovan * Copyright (c) 2008, 2011-2012, Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES), FR * Copyright (c) 2012, CS Systemes d'Information, France * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS `AS IS' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "opj_apps_config.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include "windirent.h" #else #include #endif /* _WIN32 */ #ifdef _WIN32 #include #define strcasecmp _stricmp #define strncasecmp _strnicmp #else #include #endif /* _WIN32 */ #include "openjpeg.h" #include "opj_getopt.h" #include "convert.h" #include "index.h" #ifdef OPJ_HAVE_LIBLCMS2 #include #endif #ifdef OPJ_HAVE_LIBLCMS1 #include #endif #include "color.h" #include "format_defs.h" typedef struct dircnt{ /** Buffer for holding images read from Directory*/ char *filename_buf; /** Pointer to the buffer*/ char **filename; }dircnt_t; typedef struct img_folder{ /** The directory path of the folder containing input images*/ char *imgdirpath; /** Output format*/ const char *out_format; /** Enable option*/ char set_imgdir; /** Enable Cod Format for output*/ char set_out_format; }img_fol_t; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Declarations */ int get_num_images(char *imgdirpath); int load_images(dircnt_t *dirptr, char *imgdirpath); int get_file_format(const char *filename); char get_next_file(int imageno,dircnt_t *dirptr,img_fol_t *img_fol, opj_dparameters_t *parameters); static int infile_format(const char *fname); int parse_cmdline_decoder(int argc, char **argv, opj_dparameters_t *parameters,img_fol_t *img_fol, char *indexfilename); int parse_DA_values( char* inArg, unsigned int *DA_x0, unsigned int *DA_y0, unsigned int *DA_x1, unsigned int *DA_y1); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void decode_help_display(void) { fprintf(stdout,"This is the opj_decompress utility from the OpenJPEG project.\n" "It has been compiled against openjp2 library v%s.\n\n",opj_version()); fprintf(stdout,"HELP\n----\n\n"); fprintf(stdout,"- the -h option displays this help information on screen\n\n"); /* UniPG>> */ fprintf(stdout,"List of parameters for the JPEG 2000 " #ifdef USE_JPWL "+ JPWL " #endif /* USE_JPWL */ "decoder:\n"); /* < \n"); fprintf(stdout," Currently accepts PGM, PPM, PNM, PGX, PNG, BMP, TIF, RAW and TGA formats\n"); fprintf(stdout," -i \n"); fprintf(stdout," REQUIRED only if an Input image directory not specified\n"); fprintf(stdout," Currently accepts J2K-files, JP2-files and JPT-files. The file type\n"); fprintf(stdout," is identified based on its suffix.\n"); fprintf(stdout," -o \n"); fprintf(stdout," REQUIRED\n"); fprintf(stdout," Currently accepts PGM, PPM, PNM, PGX, PNG, BMP, TIF, RAW and TGA files\n"); fprintf(stdout," Binary data is written to the file (not ascii). If a PGX\n"); fprintf(stdout," filename is given, there will be as many output files as there are\n"); fprintf(stdout," components: an indice starting from 0 will then be appended to the\n"); fprintf(stdout," output filename, just before the \"pgx\" extension. If a PGM filename\n"); fprintf(stdout," is given and there are more than one component, only the first component\n"); fprintf(stdout," will be written to the file.\n"); fprintf(stdout," -r \n"); fprintf(stdout," Set the number of highest resolution levels to be discarded. The\n"); fprintf(stdout," image resolution is effectively divided by 2 to the power of the\n"); fprintf(stdout," number of discarded levels. The reduce factor is limited by the\n"); fprintf(stdout," smallest total number of decomposition levels among tiles.\n"); fprintf(stdout," -l \n"); fprintf(stdout," Set the maximum number of quality layers to decode. If there are\n"); fprintf(stdout," less quality layers than the specified number, all the quality layers\n"); fprintf(stdout," are decoded.\n"); fprintf(stdout," -x \n"); fprintf(stdout," Create an index file *.Idx (-x index_name.Idx) \n"); fprintf(stdout," -d \n"); fprintf(stdout," OPTIONAL\n"); fprintf(stdout," Decoding area\n"); fprintf(stdout," By default all the image is decoded.\n"); fprintf(stdout," -t \n"); fprintf(stdout," OPTIONAL\n"); fprintf(stdout," Set the tile number of the decoded tile. Follow the JPEG2000 convention from left-up to bottom-up\n"); fprintf(stdout," By default all tiles are decoded.\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); /* UniPG>> */ #ifdef USE_JPWL fprintf(stdout," -W \n"); fprintf(stdout," Activates the JPWL correction capability, if the codestream complies.\n"); fprintf(stdout," Options can be a comma separated list of tokens:\n"); fprintf(stdout," c, c=numcomps\n"); fprintf(stdout," numcomps is the number of expected components in the codestream\n"); fprintf(stdout," (search of first EPB rely upon this, default is %d)\n", JPWL_EXPECTED_COMPONENTS); #endif /* USE_JPWL */ /* <d_name)==0 || strcmp("..",content->d_name)==0 ) continue; num_images++; } return num_images; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int load_images(dircnt_t *dirptr, char *imgdirpath){ DIR *dir; struct dirent* content; int i = 0; /*Reading the input images from given input directory*/ dir= opendir(imgdirpath); if(!dir){ fprintf(stderr,"Could not open Folder %s\n",imgdirpath); return 1; }else { fprintf(stderr,"Folder opened successfully\n"); } while((content=readdir(dir))!=NULL){ if(strcmp(".",content->d_name)==0 || strcmp("..",content->d_name)==0 ) continue; strcpy(dirptr->filename[i],content->d_name); i++; } return 0; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int get_file_format(const char *filename) { unsigned int i; static const char *extension[] = {"pgx", "pnm", "pgm", "ppm", "bmp","tif", "raw", "rawl", "tga", "png", "j2k", "jp2", "jpt", "j2c", "jpc" }; static const int format[] = { PGX_DFMT, PXM_DFMT, PXM_DFMT, PXM_DFMT, BMP_DFMT, TIF_DFMT, RAW_DFMT, RAWL_DFMT, TGA_DFMT, PNG_DFMT, J2K_CFMT, JP2_CFMT, JPT_CFMT, J2K_CFMT, J2K_CFMT }; char * ext = strrchr(filename, '.'); if (ext == NULL) return -1; ext++; if(*ext) { for(i = 0; i < sizeof(format)/sizeof(*format); i++) { if(strcasecmp(ext, extension[i]) == 0) { return format[i]; } } } return -1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ char get_next_file(int imageno,dircnt_t *dirptr,img_fol_t *img_fol, opj_dparameters_t *parameters){ char image_filename[OPJ_PATH_LEN], infilename[OPJ_PATH_LEN],outfilename[OPJ_PATH_LEN],temp_ofname[OPJ_PATH_LEN]; char *temp_p, temp1[OPJ_PATH_LEN]=""; strcpy(image_filename,dirptr->filename[imageno]); fprintf(stderr,"File Number %d \"%s\"\n",imageno,image_filename); parameters->decod_format = infile_format(image_filename); if (parameters->decod_format == -1) return 1; sprintf(infilename,"%s/%s",img_fol->imgdirpath,image_filename); strncpy(parameters->infile, infilename, sizeof(infilename)); /*Set output file*/ strcpy(temp_ofname,strtok(image_filename,".")); while((temp_p = strtok(NULL,".")) != NULL){ strcat(temp_ofname,temp1); sprintf(temp1,".%s",temp_p); } if(img_fol->set_out_format==1){ sprintf(outfilename,"%s/%s.%s",img_fol->imgdirpath,temp_ofname,img_fol->out_format); strncpy(parameters->outfile, outfilename, sizeof(outfilename)); } return 0; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define JP2_RFC3745_MAGIC "\x00\x00\x00\x0c\x6a\x50\x20\x20\x0d\x0a\x87\x0a" #define JP2_MAGIC "\x0d\x0a\x87\x0a" /* position 45: "\xff\x52" */ #define J2K_CODESTREAM_MAGIC "\xff\x4f\xff\x51" static int infile_format(const char *fname) { FILE *reader; const char *s, *magic_s; int ext_format, magic_format; unsigned char buf[12]; OPJ_SIZE_T l_nb_read; reader = fopen(fname, "rb"); if (reader == NULL) return -2; memset(buf, 0, 12); l_nb_read = fread(buf, 1, 12, reader); fclose(reader); if (l_nb_read != 12) return -1; ext_format = get_file_format(fname); if (ext_format == JPT_CFMT) return JPT_CFMT; if (memcmp(buf, JP2_RFC3745_MAGIC, 12) == 0 || memcmp(buf, JP2_MAGIC, 4) == 0) { magic_format = JP2_CFMT; magic_s = ".jp2"; } else if (memcmp(buf, J2K_CODESTREAM_MAGIC, 4) == 0) { magic_format = J2K_CFMT; magic_s = ".j2k or .jpc or .j2c"; } else return -1; if (magic_format == ext_format) return ext_format; s = fname + strlen(fname) - 4; fputs("\n===========================================\n", stderr); fprintf(stderr, "The extension of this file is incorrect.\n" "FOUND %s. SHOULD BE %s\n", s, magic_s); fputs("===========================================\n", stderr); return magic_format; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Parse the command line */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int parse_cmdline_decoder(int argc, char **argv, opj_dparameters_t *parameters,img_fol_t *img_fol, char *indexfilename) { /* parse the command line */ int totlen, c; opj_option_t long_option[]={ {"ImgDir",REQ_ARG, NULL ,'y'}, {"OutFor",REQ_ARG, NULL ,'O'} }; const char optlist[] = "i:o:r:l:x:d:t:" /* UniPG>> */ #ifdef USE_JPWL "W:" #endif /* USE_JPWL */ /* <set_out_format = 0; do { c = opj_getopt_long(argc, argv,optlist,long_option,totlen); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 'i': /* input file */ { char *infile = opj_optarg; parameters->decod_format = infile_format(infile); switch(parameters->decod_format) { case J2K_CFMT: break; case JP2_CFMT: break; case JPT_CFMT: break; case -2: fprintf(stderr, "!! infile cannot be read: %s !!\n\n", infile); return 1; default: fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] Unknown input file format: %s \n" " Known file formats are *.j2k, *.jp2, *.jpc or *.jpt\n", infile); return 1; } strncpy(parameters->infile, infile, sizeof(parameters->infile)-1); } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'o': /* output file */ { char *outfile = opj_optarg; parameters->cod_format = get_file_format(outfile); switch(parameters->cod_format) { case PGX_DFMT: break; case PXM_DFMT: break; case BMP_DFMT: break; case TIF_DFMT: break; case RAW_DFMT: break; case RAWL_DFMT: break; case TGA_DFMT: break; case PNG_DFMT: break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown output format image %s [only *.pnm, *.pgm, *.ppm, *.pgx, *.bmp, *.tif, *.raw or *.tga]!! \n", outfile); return 1; } strncpy(parameters->outfile, outfile, sizeof(parameters->outfile)-1); } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'O': /* output format */ { char outformat[50]; char *of = opj_optarg; sprintf(outformat,".%s",of); img_fol->set_out_format = 1; parameters->cod_format = get_file_format(outformat); switch(parameters->cod_format) { case PGX_DFMT: img_fol->out_format = "pgx"; break; case PXM_DFMT: img_fol->out_format = "ppm"; break; case BMP_DFMT: img_fol->out_format = "bmp"; break; case TIF_DFMT: img_fol->out_format = "tif"; break; case RAW_DFMT: img_fol->out_format = "raw"; break; case RAWL_DFMT: img_fol->out_format = "rawl"; break; case TGA_DFMT: img_fol->out_format = "raw"; break; case PNG_DFMT: img_fol->out_format = "png"; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown output format image %s [only *.pnm, *.pgm, *.ppm, *.pgx, *.bmp, *.tif, *.raw or *.tga]!! \n", outformat); return 1; break; } } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'r': /* reduce option */ { sscanf(opj_optarg, "%ud", ¶meters->cp_reduce); } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'l': /* layering option */ { sscanf(opj_optarg, "%ud", ¶meters->cp_layer); } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'h': /* display an help description */ decode_help_display(); return 1; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'y': /* Image Directory path */ { img_fol->imgdirpath = (char*)malloc(strlen(opj_optarg) + 1); strcpy(img_fol->imgdirpath,opj_optarg); img_fol->set_imgdir=1; } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'd': /* Input decode ROI */ { int size_optarg = (int)strlen(opj_optarg) + 1; char *ROI_values = (char*) malloc((size_t)size_optarg); ROI_values[0] = '\0'; strncpy(ROI_values, opj_optarg, strlen(opj_optarg)); ROI_values[strlen(opj_optarg)] = '\0'; /*printf("ROI_values = %s [%d / %d]\n", ROI_values, strlen(ROI_values), size_optarg ); */ parse_DA_values( ROI_values, ¶meters->DA_x0, ¶meters->DA_y0, ¶meters->DA_x1, ¶meters->DA_y1); free(ROI_values); } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 't': /* Input tile index */ { sscanf(opj_optarg, "%ud", ¶meters->tile_index); parameters->nb_tile_to_decode = 1; } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'x': /* Creation of index file */ { char *index = opj_optarg; strncpy(indexfilename, index, OPJ_PATH_LEN); } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* UniPG>> */ #ifdef USE_JPWL case 'W': /* activate JPWL correction */ { char *token = NULL; token = strtok(opj_optarg, ","); while(token != NULL) { /* search expected number of components */ if (*token == 'c') { static int compno; compno = JPWL_EXPECTED_COMPONENTS; /* predefined no. of components */ if(sscanf(token, "c=%d", &compno) == 1) { /* Specified */ if ((compno < 1) || (compno > 256)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid number of components c = %d\n", compno); return 1; } parameters->jpwl_exp_comps = compno; } else if (!strcmp(token, "c")) { /* default */ parameters->jpwl_exp_comps = compno; /* auto for default size */ } else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid components specified = %s\n", token); return 1; }; } /* search maximum number of tiles */ if (*token == 't') { static int tileno; tileno = JPWL_MAXIMUM_TILES; /* maximum no. of tiles */ if(sscanf(token, "t=%d", &tileno) == 1) { /* Specified */ if ((tileno < 1) || (tileno > JPWL_MAXIMUM_TILES)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid number of tiles t = %d\n", tileno); return 1; } parameters->jpwl_max_tiles = tileno; } else if (!strcmp(token, "t")) { /* default */ parameters->jpwl_max_tiles = tileno; /* auto for default size */ } else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid tiles specified = %s\n", token); return 1; }; } /* next token or bust */ token = strtok(NULL, ","); }; parameters->jpwl_correct = OPJ_TRUE; fprintf(stdout, "JPWL correction capability activated\n"); fprintf(stdout, "- expecting %d components\n", parameters->jpwl_exp_comps); } break; #endif /* USE_JPWL */ /* <set_imgdir==1){ if(!(parameters->infile[0]==0)){ fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] options -ImgDir and -i cannot be used together.\n"); return 1; } if(img_fol->set_out_format == 0){ fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] When -ImgDir is used, -OutFor must be used.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Only one format allowed.\n" "Valid format are PGM, PPM, PNM, PGX, BMP, TIF, RAW and TGA.\n"); return 1; } if(!((parameters->outfile[0] == 0))){ fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] options -ImgDir and -o cannot be used together.\n"); return 1; } }else{ if((parameters->infile[0] == 0) || (parameters->outfile[0] == 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] Required parameters are missing\n" "Example: %s -i image.j2k -o image.pgm\n",argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, " Help: %s -h\n",argv[0]); return 1; } } return 0; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Parse decoding area input values * separator = "," */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int parse_DA_values( char* inArg, unsigned int *DA_x0, unsigned int *DA_y0, unsigned int *DA_x1, unsigned int *DA_y1) { int it = 0; int values[4]; char delims[] = ","; char *result = NULL; result = strtok( inArg, delims ); while( (result != NULL) && (it < 4 ) ) { values[it] = atoi(result); result = strtok( NULL, delims ); it++; } if (it != 4) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } else{ *DA_x0 = (OPJ_UINT32)values[0]; *DA_y0 = (OPJ_UINT32)values[1]; *DA_x1 = (OPJ_UINT32)values[2]; *DA_y1 = (OPJ_UINT32)values[3]; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** sample error callback expecting a FILE* client object */ static void error_callback(const char *msg, void *client_data) { (void)client_data; fprintf(stdout, "[ERROR] %s", msg); } /** sample warning callback expecting a FILE* client object */ static void warning_callback(const char *msg, void *client_data) { (void)client_data; fprintf(stdout, "[WARNING] %s", msg); } /** sample debug callback expecting no client object */ static void info_callback(const char *msg, void *client_data) { (void)client_data; fprintf(stdout, "[INFO] %s", msg); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * OPJ_DECOMPRESS MAIN */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { opj_dparameters_t parameters; /* decompression parameters */ opj_image_t* image = NULL; opj_stream_t *l_stream = NULL; /* Stream */ opj_codec_t* l_codec = NULL; /* Handle to a decompressor */ opj_codestream_index_t* cstr_index = NULL; char indexfilename[OPJ_PATH_LEN]; /* index file name */ OPJ_INT32 num_images, imageno; img_fol_t img_fol; dircnt_t *dirptr = NULL; int failed = 0; /* set decoding parameters to default values */ opj_set_default_decoder_parameters(¶meters); /* FIXME Initialize indexfilename and img_fol */ *indexfilename = 0; /* Initialize img_fol */ memset(&img_fol,0,sizeof(img_fol_t)); /* parse input and get user encoding parameters */ if(parse_cmdline_decoder(argc, argv, ¶meters,&img_fol, indexfilename) == 1) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Initialize reading of directory */ if(img_fol.set_imgdir==1){ int it_image; num_images=get_num_images(img_fol.imgdirpath); dirptr=(dircnt_t*)malloc(sizeof(dircnt_t)); if(dirptr){ dirptr->filename_buf = (char*)malloc((size_t)num_images*OPJ_PATH_LEN*sizeof(char)); /* Stores at max 10 image file names*/ dirptr->filename = (char**) malloc((size_t)num_images*sizeof(char*)); if(!dirptr->filename_buf){ return EXIT_FAILURE; } for(it_image=0;it_imagefilename[it_image] = dirptr->filename_buf + it_image*OPJ_PATH_LEN; } } if(load_images(dirptr,img_fol.imgdirpath)==1){ return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (num_images==0){ fprintf(stdout,"Folder is empty\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } }else{ num_images=1; } /*Decoding image one by one*/ for(imageno = 0; imageno < num_images ; imageno++) { fprintf(stderr,"\n"); if(img_fol.set_imgdir==1){ if (get_next_file(imageno, dirptr,&img_fol, ¶meters)) { fprintf(stderr,"skipping file...\n"); continue; } } /* read the input file and put it in memory */ /* ---------------------------------------- */ l_stream = opj_stream_create_default_file_stream(parameters.infile,1); if (!l_stream){ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> failed to create the stream from the file %s\n", parameters.infile); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* decode the JPEG2000 stream */ /* ---------------------- */ switch(parameters.decod_format) { case J2K_CFMT: /* JPEG-2000 codestream */ { /* Get a decoder handle */ l_codec = opj_create_decompress(OPJ_CODEC_J2K); break; } case JP2_CFMT: /* JPEG 2000 compressed image data */ { /* Get a decoder handle */ l_codec = opj_create_decompress(OPJ_CODEC_JP2); break; } case JPT_CFMT: /* JPEG 2000, JPIP */ { /* Get a decoder handle */ l_codec = opj_create_decompress(OPJ_CODEC_JPT); break; } default: fprintf(stderr, "skipping file..\n"); opj_stream_destroy(l_stream); continue; } /* catch events using our callbacks and give a local context */ opj_set_info_handler(l_codec, info_callback,00); opj_set_warning_handler(l_codec, warning_callback,00); opj_set_error_handler(l_codec, error_callback,00); /* Setup the decoder decoding parameters using user parameters */ if ( !opj_setup_decoder(l_codec, ¶meters) ){ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> opj_compress: failed to setup the decoder\n"); opj_stream_destroy(l_stream); opj_destroy_codec(l_codec); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Read the main header of the codestream and if necessary the JP2 boxes*/ if(! opj_read_header(l_stream, l_codec, &image)){ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> opj_decompress: failed to read the header\n"); opj_stream_destroy(l_stream); opj_destroy_codec(l_codec); opj_image_destroy(image); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (!parameters.nb_tile_to_decode) { /* Optional if you want decode the entire image */ if (!opj_set_decode_area(l_codec, image, (OPJ_INT32)parameters.DA_x0, (OPJ_INT32)parameters.DA_y0, (OPJ_INT32)parameters.DA_x1, (OPJ_INT32)parameters.DA_y1)){ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> opj_decompress: failed to set the decoded area\n"); opj_stream_destroy(l_stream); opj_destroy_codec(l_codec); opj_image_destroy(image); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Get the decoded image */ if (!(opj_decode(l_codec, l_stream, image) && opj_end_decompress(l_codec, l_stream))) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR -> opj_decompress: failed to decode image!\n"); opj_destroy_codec(l_codec); opj_stream_destroy(l_stream); opj_image_destroy(image); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else { /* It is just here to illustrate how to use the resolution after set parameters */ /*if (!opj_set_decoded_resolution_factor(l_codec, 5)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> opj_decompress: failed to set the resolution factor tile!\n"); opj_destroy_codec(l_codec); opj_stream_destroy(l_stream); opj_image_destroy(image); return EXIT_FAILURE; }*/ if (!opj_get_decoded_tile(l_codec, l_stream, image, parameters.tile_index)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> opj_decompress: failed to decode tile!\n"); opj_destroy_codec(l_codec); opj_stream_destroy(l_stream); opj_image_destroy(image); return EXIT_FAILURE; } fprintf(stdout, "tile %d is decoded!\n\n", parameters.tile_index); } /* Close the byte stream */ opj_stream_destroy(l_stream); if(image->color_space == OPJ_CLRSPC_SYCC){ color_sycc_to_rgb(image); /* FIXME */ } if( image->color_space != OPJ_CLRSPC_SYCC && image->numcomps == 3 && image->comps[0].dx == image->comps[0].dy && image->comps[1].dx != 1 ) image->color_space = OPJ_CLRSPC_SYCC; else if (image->numcomps <= 2) image->color_space = OPJ_CLRSPC_GRAY; if(image->icc_profile_buf) { #if defined(OPJ_HAVE_LIBLCMS1) || defined(OPJ_HAVE_LIBLCMS2) color_apply_icc_profile(image); /* FIXME */ #endif free(image->icc_profile_buf); image->icc_profile_buf = NULL; image->icc_profile_len = 0; } /* create output image */ /* ------------------- */ switch (parameters.cod_format) { case PXM_DFMT: /* PNM PGM PPM */ if (imagetopnm(image, parameters.outfile)) { fprintf(stderr,"[ERROR] Outfile %s not generated\n",parameters.outfile); failed = 1; } else { fprintf(stdout,"[INFO] Generated Outfile %s\n",parameters.outfile); } break; case PGX_DFMT: /* PGX */ if(imagetopgx(image, parameters.outfile)){ fprintf(stderr,"[ERROR] Outfile %s not generated\n",parameters.outfile); failed = 1; } else { fprintf(stdout,"[INFO] Generated Outfile %s\n",parameters.outfile); } break; case BMP_DFMT: /* BMP */ if(imagetobmp(image, parameters.outfile)){ fprintf(stderr,"[ERROR] Outfile %s not generated\n",parameters.outfile); failed = 1; } else { fprintf(stdout,"[INFO] Generated Outfile %s\n",parameters.outfile); } break; #ifdef OPJ_HAVE_LIBTIFF case TIF_DFMT: /* TIFF */ if(imagetotif(image, parameters.outfile)){ fprintf(stderr,"[ERROR] Outfile %s not generated\n",parameters.outfile); failed = 1; } else { fprintf(stdout,"[INFO] Generated Outfile %s\n",parameters.outfile); } break; #endif /* OPJ_HAVE_LIBTIFF */ case RAW_DFMT: /* RAW */ if(imagetoraw(image, parameters.outfile)){ fprintf(stderr,"[ERROR] Error generating raw file. Outfile %s not generated\n",parameters.outfile); failed = 1; } else { fprintf(stdout,"[INFO] Generated Outfile %s\n",parameters.outfile); } break; case RAWL_DFMT: /* RAWL */ if(imagetorawl(image, parameters.outfile)){ fprintf(stderr,"[ERROR] Error generating rawl file. Outfile %s not generated\n",parameters.outfile); failed = 1; } else { fprintf(stdout,"[INFO] Generated Outfile %s\n",parameters.outfile); } break; case TGA_DFMT: /* TGA */ if(imagetotga(image, parameters.outfile)){ fprintf(stderr,"[ERROR] Error generating tga file. Outfile %s not generated\n",parameters.outfile); failed = 1; } else { fprintf(stdout,"[INFO] Generated Outfile %s\n",parameters.outfile); } break; #ifdef OPJ_HAVE_LIBPNG case PNG_DFMT: /* PNG */ if(imagetopng(image, parameters.outfile)){ fprintf(stderr,"[ERROR] Error generating png file. Outfile %s not generated\n",parameters.outfile); failed = 1; } else { fprintf(stdout,"[INFO] Generated Outfile %s\n",parameters.outfile); } break; #endif /* OPJ_HAVE_LIBPNG */ /* Can happen if output file is TIFF or PNG * and OPJ_HAVE_LIBTIF or OPJ_HAVE_LIBPNG is undefined */ default: fprintf(stderr,"[ERROR] Outfile %s not generated\n",parameters.outfile); failed = 1; } /* free remaining structures */ if (l_codec) { opj_destroy_codec(l_codec); } /* free image data structure */ opj_image_destroy(image); /* destroy the codestream index */ opj_destroy_cstr_index(&cstr_index); } return failed ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS; } /*end main*/