OpenJPEG  2.1.0
mct.h File Reference

Implementation of a multi-component transforms (MCT) More...

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Exported functions
void opj_mct_encode (OPJ_INT32 *c0, OPJ_INT32 *c1, OPJ_INT32 *c2, OPJ_UINT32 n)
 Apply a reversible multi-component transform to an image. More...
void opj_mct_decode (OPJ_INT32 *c0, OPJ_INT32 *c1, OPJ_INT32 *c2, OPJ_UINT32 n)
 Apply a reversible multi-component inverse transform to an image. More...
OPJ_FLOAT64 opj_mct_getnorm (OPJ_UINT32 compno)
 Get norm of the basis function used for the reversible multi-component transform. More...
void opj_mct_encode_real (OPJ_INT32 *c0, OPJ_INT32 *c1, OPJ_INT32 *c2, OPJ_UINT32 n)
 Apply an irreversible multi-component transform to an image. More...
void opj_mct_decode_real (OPJ_FLOAT32 *c0, OPJ_FLOAT32 *c1, OPJ_FLOAT32 *c2, OPJ_UINT32 n)
 Apply an irreversible multi-component inverse transform to an image. More...
OPJ_FLOAT64 opj_mct_getnorm_real (OPJ_UINT32 compno)
 Get norm of the basis function used for the irreversible multi-component transform. More...
OPJ_BOOL opj_mct_encode_custom (OPJ_BYTE *p_coding_data, OPJ_UINT32 n, OPJ_BYTE **p_data, OPJ_UINT32 p_nb_comp, OPJ_UINT32 is_signed)
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OPJ_BOOL opj_mct_decode_custom (OPJ_BYTE *pDecodingData, OPJ_UINT32 n, OPJ_BYTE **pData, OPJ_UINT32 pNbComp, OPJ_UINT32 isSigned)
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void opj_calculate_norms (OPJ_FLOAT64 *pNorms, OPJ_UINT32 p_nb_comps, OPJ_FLOAT32 *pMatrix)
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const OPJ_FLOAT64opj_mct_get_mct_norms (void)
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const OPJ_FLOAT64opj_mct_get_mct_norms_real (void)
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Detailed Description

Implementation of a multi-component transforms (MCT)

The functions in MCT.C have for goal to realize reversible and irreversible multicomponent transform. The functions in MCT.C are used by some function in TCD.C.