/* * $Id$ * * Copyright (c) 2002-2011, Communications and Remote Sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium * Copyright (c) 2002-2011, Professor Benoit Macq * Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Kaori Hagihara * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS `AS IS' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include "openjpip.h" #include "jpip_parser.h" #include "channel_manager.h" #include #include "dec_clientmsg_handler.h" #include "jpipstream_manager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "jp2k_encoder.h" server_record_t * init_JPIPserver() { server_record_t *record = (server_record_t *)malloc( sizeof(server_record_t)); record->sessionlist = gene_sessionlist(); record->targetlist = gene_targetlist(); return record; } void terminate_JPIPserver( server_record_t **rec) { delete_sessionlist( &(*rec)->sessionlist); delete_targetlist( &(*rec)->targetlist); free( *rec); } QR_t * parse_querystring( char *query_string) { QR_t *qr; qr = (QR_t *)malloc( sizeof(QR_t)); qr->query = parse_query( query_string); qr->msgqueue = NULL; return qr; } bool process_JPIPrequest( server_record_t *rec, QR_t *qr) { target_param_t *target = NULL; session_param_t *cursession = NULL; channel_param_t *curchannel = NULL; if( qr->query->target[0] != '\0' || qr->query->tid[0] != '\0'){ if( !identify_target( *(qr->query), rec->targetlist, &target)) return false; } if( qr->query->cid[0] != '\0'){ if( !associate_channel( *(qr->query), rec->sessionlist, &cursession, &curchannel)) return false; } if( qr->query->cnew){ if( !open_channel( *(qr->query), rec->sessionlist, target, &cursession, &curchannel)) return false; } if( qr->query->cclose[0][0] != '\0') if( !close_channel( *(qr->query), rec->sessionlist, &cursession, &curchannel)) return false; if( (qr->query->fx > 0 && qr->query->fy > 0) || qr->query->box_type[0][0] != 0) if( !gene_JPIPstream( *(qr->query), target, cursession, curchannel, &qr->msgqueue)) return false; return true; } void send_responsedata( QR_t *qr) { // Currently HTTP support only, find a way for TCP, UDP case emit_stream_from_msgqueue( qr->msgqueue); } void end_QRprocess( server_record_t *rec, QR_t **qr) { // TODO: record client preferences if necessary delete_query( &((*qr)->query)); delete_msgqueue( &((*qr)->msgqueue)); free( *qr); } void local_log( bool query, bool messages, bool sessions, bool targets, QR_t *qr, server_record_t *rec) { if( query) print_queryparam( *qr->query); if( messages) print_msgqueue( qr->msgqueue); if( sessions) print_allsession( rec->sessionlist); if( targets) print_alltarget( rec->targetlist); } #ifndef SERVER dec_server_record_t * init_dec_server() { dec_server_record_t *record = (dec_server_record_t *)malloc( sizeof(dec_server_record_t)); record->cachelist = gene_cachelist(); record->jpipstream = NULL; record->jpipstreamlen = 0; record->msgqueue = gene_msgqueue( true, NULL); record->listening_socket = open_listeningsocket(); return record; } void terminate_dec_server( dec_server_record_t **rec) { delete_cachelist( &(*rec)->cachelist); free( (*rec)->jpipstream); if( (*rec)->msgqueue) delete_msgqueue( &((*rec)->msgqueue)); if( close_socket( (*rec)->listening_socket) != 0) perror("close"); free( *rec); } client_t accept_connection( dec_server_record_t *rec) { client_t client; client = accept_socket( rec->listening_socket); if( client == -1) fprintf( stderr, "error: failed to connect to client\n"); return client; } bool handle_clientreq( client_t client, dec_server_record_t *rec) { bool quit = false; msgtype_t msgtype = identify_clientmsg( client); switch( msgtype){ case JPIPSTREAM: handle_JPIPstreamMSG( client, rec->cachelist, &rec->jpipstream, &rec->jpipstreamlen, rec->msgqueue); break; case PNMREQ: handle_PNMreqMSG( client, rec->jpipstream, rec->msgqueue, rec->cachelist); break; case XMLREQ: handle_XMLreqMSG( client, rec->jpipstream, rec->cachelist); break; case TIDREQ: handle_TIDreqMSG( client, rec->cachelist); break; case CIDREQ: handle_CIDreqMSG( client, rec->cachelist); break; case CIDDST: handle_dstCIDreqMSG( client, rec->cachelist); break; case JP2SAVE: handle_JP2saveMSG( client, rec->cachelist, rec->msgqueue, rec->jpipstream); break; case QUIT: quit = true; save_codestream( rec->jpipstream, rec->jpipstreamlen, "jpt"); break; case MSGERROR: break; } printf("\t end of the connection\n\n"); if( close_socket(client) != 0){ perror("close"); return false; } if( quit) return false; return true; } jpip_dec_param_t * init_jpipdecoder( bool jp2) { jpip_dec_param_t *dec; dec = (jpip_dec_param_t *)calloc( 1, sizeof(jpip_dec_param_t)); dec->msgqueue = gene_msgqueue( true, NULL); if( jp2) dec->metadatalist = gene_metadatalist(); return dec; } bool fread_jpip( char fname[], jpip_dec_param_t *dec) { int infd; struct stat sb; if(( infd = open( fname, O_RDONLY)) == -1){ fprintf( stderr, "file %s not exist\n", fname); return false; } if( fstat( infd, &sb) == -1){ fprintf( stderr, "input file stream is broken\n"); return false; } dec->jpiplen = (Byte8_t)sb.st_size; dec->jpipstream = (Byte_t *)malloc( dec->jpiplen); if( read( infd, dec->jpipstream, dec->jpiplen) != dec->jpiplen){ fprintf( stderr, "file reading error\n"); free( dec->jpipstream); return false; } close(infd); return true; } void decode_jpip( jpip_dec_param_t *dec) { parse_JPIPstream( dec->jpipstream, dec->jpiplen, 0, dec->msgqueue); if( dec->metadatalist){ // JP2 encoding parse_metamsg( dec->msgqueue, dec->jpipstream, dec->jpiplen, dec->metadatalist); dec->ihdrbox = gene_ihdrbox( dec->metadatalist, dec->jpipstream); dec->jp2kstream = recons_jp2( dec->msgqueue, dec->jpipstream, dec->msgqueue->first->csn, &dec->jp2klen); } else // J2k encoding // Notice: arguments fw, fh need to be set for LRCP, PCRL, CPRL dec->jp2kstream = recons_j2k( dec->msgqueue, dec->jpipstream, dec->msgqueue->first->csn, 0, 0, &dec->jp2klen); } bool fwrite_jp2k( char fname[], jpip_dec_param_t *dec) { int outfd; #ifdef _WIN32 if(( outfd = open( fname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE)) == -1){ #else if(( outfd = open( fname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG)) == -1){ #endif fprintf( stderr, "file %s open error\n", fname); return false; } if( write( outfd, dec->jp2kstream, dec->jp2klen) != dec->jp2klen) fprintf( stderr, "j2k file write error\n"); close(outfd); return true; } void output_log( bool messages, bool metadata, bool ihdrbox, jpip_dec_param_t *dec) { if( messages) print_msgqueue( dec->msgqueue); if( metadata) print_allmetadata( dec->metadatalist); if( ihdrbox){ printf("W*H: %d*%d\n", dec->ihdrbox->height, dec->ihdrbox->width); printf("NC: %d, bpc: %d\n", dec->ihdrbox->nc, dec->ihdrbox->bpc); } } void destroy_jpipdecoder( jpip_dec_param_t **dec) { free( (*dec)->jpipstream); delete_msgqueue( &(*dec)->msgqueue); if( (*dec)->metadatalist){ delete_metadatalist( &(*dec)->metadatalist); free( (*dec)->ihdrbox); } free( (*dec)->jp2kstream); free( *dec); } index_t * get_index_from_JP2file( int fd) { char *data; // Check resource is a JP family file. if( lseek( fd, 0, SEEK_SET)==-1){ fprintf( stderr, "Error: File broken (lseek error)\n"); return NULL; } data = (char *)malloc( 12); // size of header if( read( fd, data, 12) != 12){ free( data); fprintf( stderr, "Error: File broken (read error)\n"); return NULL; } if( *data || *(data + 1) || *(data + 2) || *(data + 3) != 12 || strncmp (data + 4, "jP \r\n\x87\n", 8)){ free( data); fprintf( stderr, "Error: No JPEG 2000 Signature box in this file\n"); return NULL; } free( data); return parse_jp2file( fd); } void destroy_index( index_t **idx) { delete_index( idx); } void output_index( index_t *index) { print_index( *index); } #endif //SERVER