/* * $Id: msgqueue_manager.c 53 2011-05-09 16:55:39Z kaori $ * * Copyright (c) 2002-2011, Communications and Remote Sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium * Copyright (c) 2002-2011, Professor Benoit Macq * Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Kaori Hagihara * Copyright (c) 2011, Lucian Corlaciu, GSoC * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS `AS IS' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #else #include #endif #include "msgqueue_manager.h" #include "metadata_manager.h" #include "index_manager.h" #include "opj_inttypes.h" #ifdef SERVER #include "fcgi_stdio.h" #define logstream FCGI_stdout #else #define FCGI_stdout stdout #define FCGI_stderr stderr #define logstream stderr #endif /*SERVER*/ msgqueue_param_t * gene_msgqueue( bool stateless, cachemodel_param_t *cachemodel) { msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue; msgqueue = (msgqueue_param_t *)malloc( sizeof(msgqueue_param_t)); msgqueue->first = NULL; msgqueue->last = NULL; msgqueue->stateless = stateless; msgqueue->cachemodel = cachemodel; return msgqueue; } void delete_msgqueue( msgqueue_param_t **msgqueue) { message_param_t *ptr, *next; if( !(*msgqueue)) return; ptr = (*msgqueue)->first; while( ptr){ next = ptr->next; free( ptr); ptr = next; } if( (*msgqueue)->stateless && (*msgqueue)->cachemodel) delete_cachemodel( &((*msgqueue)->cachemodel)); free(*msgqueue); } void print_msgqueue( msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue) { message_param_t *ptr; static const char *message_class[] = { "Precinct", "Ext-Prec", "TileHead", "non", "Tile", "Ext-Tile", "Main", "non", "Meta"}; if( !msgqueue) return; fprintf( logstream, "message queue:\n"); ptr = msgqueue->first; while( ptr){ fprintf( logstream, "\t class_id: %" PRId64 " %s\n", ptr->class_id, message_class[ptr->class_id]); fprintf( logstream, "\t in_class_id: %" PRId64 "\n", ptr->in_class_id ); fprintf( logstream, "\t csn: %" PRId64 "\n", ptr->csn ); fprintf( logstream, "\t bin_offset: %#" PRIx64 "\n", ptr->bin_offset ); fprintf( logstream, "\t length: %#" PRIx64 "\n", ptr->length ); if( ptr->class_id%2) fprintf( logstream, "\t aux: %" PRId64 "\n", ptr->aux ); fprintf( logstream, "\t last_byte: %d\n", ptr->last_byte ); if( ptr->phld) print_placeholder( ptr->phld); else fprintf( logstream, "\t res_offset: %#" PRIx64 "\n", ptr->res_offset ); fprintf( logstream, "\n"); ptr = ptr->next; } } void enqueue_message( message_param_t *msg, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue); void enqueue_mainheader( msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue) { cachemodel_param_t *cachemodel; target_param_t *target; index_param_t *codeidx; message_param_t *msg; cachemodel = msgqueue->cachemodel; target = cachemodel->target; codeidx = target->codeidx; msg = (message_param_t *)malloc( sizeof(message_param_t)); msg->last_byte = true; msg->in_class_id = 0; msg->class_id = MAINHEADER_MSG; msg->csn = target->csn; msg->bin_offset = 0; msg->length = codeidx->mhead_length; msg->aux = 0; /* non exist*/ msg->res_offset = codeidx->offset; msg->phld = NULL; msg->next = NULL; enqueue_message( msg, msgqueue); cachemodel->mhead_model = true; } void enqueue_tileheader( int tile_id, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue) { cachemodel_param_t *cachemodel; target_param_t *target; index_param_t *codeidx; message_param_t *msg; cachemodel = msgqueue->cachemodel; target = cachemodel->target; codeidx = target->codeidx; if( !cachemodel->th_model[ tile_id]){ msg = (message_param_t *)malloc( sizeof(message_param_t)); msg->last_byte = true; msg->in_class_id = tile_id; msg->class_id = TILE_HEADER_MSG; msg->csn = target->csn; msg->bin_offset = 0; msg->length = codeidx->tileheader[tile_id]->tlen-2; /* SOT marker segment is removed*/ msg->aux = 0; /* non exist*/ msg->res_offset = codeidx->offset + get_elemOff( codeidx->tilepart, 0, tile_id) + 2; /* skip SOT marker seg*/ msg->phld = NULL; msg->next = NULL; enqueue_message( msg, msgqueue); cachemodel->th_model[ tile_id] = true; } } void enqueue_tile( Byte4_t tile_id, int level, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue) { cachemodel_param_t *cachemodel; target_param_t *target; bool *tp_model; Byte8_t numOftparts; /* num of tile parts par tile*/ Byte8_t numOftiles; index_param_t *codeidx; faixbox_param_t *tilepart; message_param_t *msg; Byte8_t binOffset, binLength, class_id; int i; cachemodel = msgqueue->cachemodel; target = cachemodel->target; codeidx = target->codeidx; tilepart = codeidx->tilepart; numOftparts = get_nmax( tilepart); numOftiles = get_m( tilepart); class_id = (numOftparts==1) ? TILE_MSG : EXT_TILE_MSG; if( tile_id < 0 || (int)numOftiles <= tile_id){ fprintf( FCGI_stderr, "Error, Invalid tile-id %d\n", tile_id); return; } tp_model = &cachemodel->tp_model[ tile_id*numOftparts]; binOffset=0; for( i=0; i<(int)numOftparts-level; i++){ binLength = get_elemLen( tilepart, i, tile_id); if( !tp_model[i]){ msg = (message_param_t *)malloc( sizeof(message_param_t)); msg->last_byte = (i==(int)numOftparts-1); msg->in_class_id = tile_id; msg->class_id = class_id; msg->csn = target->csn; msg->bin_offset = binOffset; msg->length = binLength; msg->aux = numOftparts-i; msg->res_offset = codeidx->offset+get_elemOff( tilepart, i, tile_id)/*-1*/; msg->phld = NULL; msg->next = NULL; enqueue_message( msg, msgqueue); tp_model[i] = true; } binOffset += binLength; } } void enqueue_precinct( int seq_id, int tile_id, int comp_id, int layers, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue) { cachemodel_param_t *cachemodel; index_param_t *codeidx; faixbox_param_t *precpacket; message_param_t *msg; Byte8_t nmax, binOffset, binLength; int layer_id, numOflayers; cachemodel = msgqueue->cachemodel; codeidx = cachemodel->target->codeidx; precpacket = codeidx->precpacket[ comp_id]; numOflayers = codeidx->COD.numOflayers; nmax = get_nmax(precpacket); if( layers < 0) layers = numOflayers; binOffset = 0; for( layer_id = 0; layer_id < layers; layer_id++){ binLength = get_elemLen( precpacket, seq_id*numOflayers+layer_id, tile_id); if( !cachemodel->pp_model[comp_id][ tile_id*nmax+seq_id*numOflayers+layer_id]){ msg = (message_param_t *)malloc( sizeof(message_param_t)); msg->last_byte = (layer_id == (numOflayers-1)); msg->in_class_id = comp_precinct_id( tile_id, comp_id, seq_id, codeidx->SIZ.Csiz, codeidx->SIZ.XTnum * codeidx->SIZ.YTnum); msg->class_id = PRECINCT_MSG; msg->csn = cachemodel->target->csn; msg->bin_offset = binOffset; msg->length = binLength; msg->aux = 0; msg->res_offset = codeidx->offset+get_elemOff( precpacket, seq_id*numOflayers+layer_id, tile_id); msg->phld = NULL; msg->next = NULL; enqueue_message( msg, msgqueue); cachemodel->pp_model[comp_id][ tile_id*nmax+seq_id*numOflayers+layer_id] = true; } binOffset += binLength; } } /* MM FIXME: each params is coded on int, this is really not clear from the specs what it should be */ Byte8_t comp_precinct_id( int t, int c, int s, int num_components, int num_tiles) { return t + (c + s * num_components ) * num_tiles; } void enqueue_box( int meta_id, boxlist_param_t *boxlist, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue, Byte8_t *binOffset); void enqueue_phld( int meta_id, placeholderlist_param_t *phldlist, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue, Byte8_t *binOffset); void enqueue_boxcontents( int meta_id, boxcontents_param_t *boxcontents, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue, Byte8_t *binOffset); void enqueue_metadata( Byte8_t meta_id, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue) { metadatalist_param_t *metadatalist; metadata_param_t *metadata; Byte8_t binOffset; metadatalist = msgqueue->cachemodel->target->codeidx->metadatalist; metadata = search_metadata( meta_id, metadatalist); if( !metadata){ fprintf( FCGI_stderr, "Error: metadata-bin %d not found\n", meta_id); return; } binOffset = 0; if( metadata->boxlist) enqueue_box( meta_id, metadata->boxlist, msgqueue, &binOffset); if( metadata->placeholderlist) enqueue_phld( meta_id, metadata->placeholderlist, msgqueue, &binOffset); if( metadata->boxcontents) enqueue_boxcontents( meta_id, metadata->boxcontents, msgqueue, &binOffset); msgqueue->last->last_byte = true; } message_param_t * gene_metamsg( int meta_id, Byte8_t binoffset, Byte8_t length, Byte8_t res_offset, placeholder_param_t *phld, Byte8_t csn); void enqueue_box( int meta_id, boxlist_param_t *boxlist, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue, Byte8_t *binOffset) { box_param_t *box; message_param_t *msg; box = boxlist->first; while( box){ msg = gene_metamsg( meta_id, *binOffset, box->length, box->offset, NULL, msgqueue->cachemodel->target->csn); enqueue_message( msg, msgqueue); *binOffset += box->length; box = box->next; } } void enqueue_phld( int meta_id, placeholderlist_param_t *phldlist, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue, Byte8_t *binOffset) { placeholder_param_t *phld; message_param_t *msg; phld = phldlist->first; while( phld){ msg = gene_metamsg( meta_id, *binOffset, phld->LBox, 0, phld, msgqueue->cachemodel->target->csn); enqueue_message( msg, msgqueue); *binOffset += phld->LBox; phld = phld->next; } } void enqueue_boxcontents( int meta_id, boxcontents_param_t *boxcontents, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue, Byte8_t *binOffset) { message_param_t *msg; msg = gene_metamsg( meta_id, *binOffset, boxcontents->length, boxcontents->offset, NULL, msgqueue->cachemodel->target->csn); enqueue_message( msg, msgqueue); *binOffset += boxcontents->length; } message_param_t * gene_metamsg( int meta_id, Byte8_t binOffset, Byte8_t length, Byte8_t res_offset, placeholder_param_t *phld, Byte8_t csn) { message_param_t *msg; msg = (message_param_t *)malloc( sizeof(message_param_t)); msg->last_byte = false; msg->in_class_id = meta_id; msg->class_id = METADATA_MSG; msg->csn = csn; msg->bin_offset = binOffset; msg->length = length; msg->aux = 0; /* non exist*/ msg->res_offset = res_offset; msg->phld = phld; msg->next = NULL; return msg; } void enqueue_message( message_param_t *msg, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue) { if( msgqueue->first) msgqueue->last->next = msg; else msgqueue->first = msg; msgqueue->last = msg; } void add_bin_id_vbas_stream( Byte_t bb, Byte_t c, Byte8_t in_class_id, int tmpfd); void add_vbas_stream( Byte8_t code, int tmpfd); void add_body_stream( message_param_t *msg, int fd, int tmpfd); void add_placeholder_stream( placeholder_param_t *phld, int tmpfd); void recons_stream_from_msgqueue( msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue, int tmpfd) { message_param_t *msg; Byte8_t class_id, csn; Byte_t bb, c; if( !(msgqueue)) return; msg = msgqueue->first; class_id = -1; csn = -1; while( msg){ if( msg->csn == csn){ if( msg->class_id == class_id) bb = 1; else{ bb = 2; class_id = msg->class_id; } } else{ bb = 3; class_id = msg->class_id; csn = msg->csn; } c = msg->last_byte ? 1 : 0; add_bin_id_vbas_stream( bb, c, msg->in_class_id, tmpfd); if( bb >= 2) add_vbas_stream( class_id, tmpfd); if (bb == 3) add_vbas_stream( csn, tmpfd); add_vbas_stream( msg->bin_offset, tmpfd); add_vbas_stream (msg->length, tmpfd); if( msg->class_id%2) /* Aux is present only if the id is odd*/ add_vbas_stream( msg->aux, tmpfd); if( msg->phld) add_placeholder_stream( msg->phld, tmpfd); else add_body_stream( msg, msgqueue->cachemodel->target->fd, tmpfd); msg = msg->next; } } void add_vbas_with_bytelen_stream( Byte8_t code, int bytelength, int tmpfd); void print_binarycode( Byte8_t n, int segmentlen); void add_bin_id_vbas_stream( Byte_t bb, Byte_t c, Byte8_t in_class_id, int tmpfd) { int bytelength; Byte8_t tmp; /* A.2.3 In-class identifiers */ /* 7k-3bits, where k is the number of bytes in the VBAS*/ bytelength = 1; tmp = in_class_id >> 4; while( tmp){ bytelength ++; tmp >>= 7; } in_class_id |= (((bb & 3) << 5) | (c & 1) << 4) << ((bytelength-1)*7); add_vbas_with_bytelen_stream( in_class_id, bytelength, tmpfd); } void add_vbas_stream( Byte8_t code, int tmpfd) { int bytelength; Byte8_t tmp; bytelength = 1; tmp = code; while( tmp >>= 7) bytelength ++; add_vbas_with_bytelen_stream( code, bytelength, tmpfd); } void add_vbas_with_bytelen_stream( Byte8_t code, int bytelength, int tmpfd) { int n; Byte8_t seg; n = bytelength - 1; while( n >= 0) { seg = ( code >> (n*7)) & 0x7f; if( n) seg |= 0x80; if( write( tmpfd, ( Byte4_t *)&seg, 1) != 1){ fprintf( FCGI_stderr, "Error: failed to write vbas\n"); return; } n--; } } void add_body_stream( message_param_t *msg, int fd, int tmpfd) { Byte_t *data; if( !(data = fetch_bytes( fd, msg->res_offset, msg->length))){ fprintf( FCGI_stderr, "Error: fetch_bytes in add_body_stream()\n"); return; } if( write( tmpfd, data, msg->length) < 1){ free( data); fprintf( FCGI_stderr, "Error: fwrite in add_body_stream()\n"); return; } free(data); } void add_bigendian_bytestream( Byte8_t code, int bytelength, int tmpfd); void add_placeholder_stream( placeholder_param_t *phld, int tmpfd) { add_bigendian_bytestream( phld->LBox, 4, tmpfd); if( write( tmpfd, phld->TBox, 4) < 1){ fprintf( FCGI_stderr, "Error: fwrite in add_placeholder_stream()\n"); return; } add_bigendian_bytestream( phld->Flags, 4, tmpfd); add_bigendian_bytestream( phld->OrigID, 8, tmpfd); if( write( tmpfd, phld->OrigBH, phld->OrigBHlen) < 1){ fprintf( FCGI_stderr, "Error: fwrite in add_placeholder_stream()\n"); return; } } void add_bigendian_bytestream( Byte8_t code, int bytelength, int tmpfd) { int n; Byte8_t seg; n = bytelength - 1; while( n >= 0) { seg = ( code >> (n*8)) & 0xff; if( write( tmpfd, ( Byte4_t *)&seg, 1) != 1){ fprintf( FCGI_stderr, "ERROR: failed to write bigendian_bytestream\n"); return; } n--; } } void print_binarycode( Byte8_t n, int segmentlen) { char buf[256]; int i=0, j, k; do{ buf[i++] = n%2 ? '1' : '0'; }while((n=n/2)); for( j=segmentlen-1; j>=i; j--) putchar('0'); for( j=i-1, k=0; j>=0; j--, k++){ putchar( buf[j]); if( !((k+1)%segmentlen)) printf(" "); } printf("\n"); } Byte_t * parse_bin_id_vbas( Byte_t *streamptr, Byte_t *bb, Byte_t *c, Byte8_t *in_class_id); Byte_t * parse_vbas( Byte_t *streamptr, Byte8_t *elem); void parse_JPIPstream( Byte_t *JPIPstream, Byte8_t streamlen, Byte8_t offset, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue) { Byte_t *ptr; /* stream pointer*/ message_param_t *msg; Byte_t bb, c; Byte8_t class_id, csn; class_id = -1; /* dummy*/ csn = -1; ptr = JPIPstream; while( (Byte8_t)(ptr-JPIPstream) < streamlen){ msg = (message_param_t *)malloc( sizeof(message_param_t)); ptr = parse_bin_id_vbas( ptr, &bb, &c, &msg->in_class_id); msg->last_byte = c == 1 ? true : false; if( bb >= 2) ptr = parse_vbas( ptr, &class_id); msg->class_id = class_id; if (bb == 3) ptr = parse_vbas( ptr, &csn); msg->csn = csn; ptr = parse_vbas( ptr, &msg->bin_offset); ptr = parse_vbas( ptr, &msg->length); if( msg->class_id%2) /* Aux is present only if the id is odd*/ ptr = parse_vbas( ptr, &msg->aux); else msg->aux = 0; msg->res_offset = ptr-JPIPstream+offset; msg->phld = NULL; msg->next = NULL; if(msgqueue->first) msgqueue->last->next = msg; else msgqueue->first = msg; msgqueue->last = msg; ptr += msg->length; } } void parse_metadata( metadata_param_t *metadata, message_param_t *msg, Byte_t *stream); void parse_metamsg( msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue, Byte_t *stream, Byte8_t streamlen, metadatalist_param_t *metadatalist) { message_param_t *msg; (void)streamlen; if( metadatalist == NULL) return; msg = msgqueue->first; while( msg){ if( msg->class_id == METADATA_MSG){ metadata_param_t *metadata = gene_metadata( msg->in_class_id, NULL, NULL, NULL); insert_metadata_into_list( metadata, metadatalist); parse_metadata( metadata, msg, stream+msg->res_offset); } msg = msg->next; } } placeholder_param_t * parse_phld( Byte_t *datastream, Byte8_t metalength); void parse_metadata( metadata_param_t *metadata, message_param_t *msg, Byte_t *datastream) { box_param_t *box; placeholder_param_t *phld; char *boxtype = (char *)(datastream+4); msg->phld = NULL; if( strncmp( boxtype, "phld", 4) == 0){ if( !metadata->placeholderlist) metadata->placeholderlist = gene_placeholderlist(); phld = parse_phld( datastream, msg->length); msg->phld = phld; insert_placeholder_into_list( phld, metadata->placeholderlist); } else if( isalpha(boxtype[0]) && isalpha(boxtype[1]) && (isalnum(boxtype[2])||isspace(boxtype[2])) && (isalpha(boxtype[3])||isspace(boxtype[3]))){ if( !metadata->boxlist) metadata->boxlist = gene_boxlist(); box = gene_boxbyOffinStream( datastream, msg->res_offset); insert_box_into_list( box, metadata->boxlist); } else metadata->boxcontents = gene_boxcontents( msg->res_offset, msg->length); } placeholder_param_t * parse_phld( Byte_t *datastream, Byte8_t metalength) { placeholder_param_t *phld; phld = (placeholder_param_t *)malloc( sizeof(placeholder_param_t)); phld->LBox = big4( datastream); strcpy( phld->TBox, "phld"); phld->Flags = big4( datastream+8); phld->OrigID = big8( datastream+12); phld->OrigBHlen = (Byte_t)(metalength - 20); phld->OrigBH = (Byte_t *)malloc(phld->OrigBHlen); memcpy( phld->OrigBH, datastream+20, phld->OrigBHlen); phld->next = NULL; return phld; } Byte_t * parse_bin_id_vbas( Byte_t *streamptr, Byte_t *bb, Byte_t *c, Byte8_t *in_class_id) { Byte_t code; Byte_t *ptr; ptr = streamptr; code = *(ptr++); *bb = (code >> 5) & 3; *c = (code >> 4) & 1; *in_class_id = code & 15; while(code >> 7){ code = *(ptr++); *in_class_id = (*in_class_id << 7) | (code & 0x7f); } return ptr; } Byte_t * parse_vbas( Byte_t *streamptr, Byte8_t *elem) { Byte_t code; Byte_t *ptr; *elem = 0; ptr = streamptr; do{ code = *(ptr++); *elem = (*elem << 7) | (code & 0x7f); }while(code >> 7); return ptr; } void delete_message_in_msgqueue( message_param_t **msg, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue) { message_param_t *ptr; if( !(*msg)) return; if( *msg == msgqueue->first) msgqueue->first = (*msg)->next; else{ ptr = msgqueue->first; while( ptr->next != *msg){ ptr=ptr->next; } ptr->next = (*msg)->next; if( *msg == msgqueue->last) msgqueue->last = ptr; } free( *msg); }