Preliminary DTD for Open JPEG "mj2_to_metadata" function.
Last revised: April 20, 2005
Author:  Glenn Pearson, at U.S. National Library of Medicine.
See mj2_to_metadata.c regarding copyright, license, disclaimer status.

While the vocabulary of this DTD is based on the relevant portions of the
ISO/IEC JPEG 200 standard, the detailed representation is the author's own.
It is neither an ISO/IEC nor NLM official or consensus representation.
Furthermore, it deviates from a pure representation of the ISO/IEC standard
in these aspects:

  - it is incomplete in a number of ways (which to some extent may be
    addressed over time);
  - it has extensions for "derived" data and "statistics";
  - it is more flexible.  That is, some elements are marked as optional
    not because they are optional in an MJ2 file, but because reporting
    of them is optional based on current or projected mj2_to_metadata
    command-line flags.
<!ELEMENT MJ2_File (JP2?, FileType?, MovieBox?)>
<!ATTLIST JP2 BoxType CDATA #FIXED "jP[space][space]">
<!ATTLIST JP2 Signature CDATA #FIXED "0x0d0a870a">
<!ELEMENT FileType (Brand, MinorVersion, CompatibilityList)>
<!ATTLIST FileType BoxType CDATA #FIXED "ftyp">
<!ELEMENT Brand (#PCDATA)> <!-- 4 characters max -->
<!ELEMENT MinorVersion (#PCDATA)> <!-- 4 chararcters max -->
<!ELEMENT CompatibilityList (CompatibleBrand)*>
<!ATTLIST CompatibilityList Count CDATA #REQUIRED>  <!-- Count >= 0 -->
<!ELEMENT CompatibleBrand (#PCDATA)> <!-- 4 characters max -->
<!ELEMENT MovieBox (MovieHeader, Statistics?, Track*)>
<!ATTLIST MovieBox BoxType CDATA #FIXED "moov">
<!ELEMENT MovieHeader (CreationTime, ModificationTime, Timescale, Rate, Duration, Volume, TransformationMatrix)>
<!ATTLIST MovieHeader BoxType CDATA #FIXED "mvhd">
<!ELEMENT CreationTime (InSeconds?,AsLocalTime?)>
<!ELEMENT InSeconds (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT AsLocalTime (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT ModificationTime (InSeconds?,AsLocalTime?)>
<!ELEMENT Timescale (#PCDATA)> <!-- Timescale defines time units in one second -->
<!ELEMENT Rate (AsHex | (AsHex, AsDecimal) | AsDecimal)>  <!-- Decimal is Approximation; Optional on input. -->
<!ELEMENT AsDecimal (#PCDATA)> 
<!ELEMENT Duration (InTimeUnits | (InTimeUnits, InSeconds) | InSeconds)>  <!-- InSeconds Optional on input. -->
<!ELEMENT InTimeUnits (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Volume (AsHex | (AsHex, AsDecimal) | AsDecimal)>   <!-- hex default = 0x0100 -->
<!-- Fixed 8.8 value of audio volume.  Full, normal value is 1.0 (0x0100) -->
<!ELEMENT TransformationMatrix (TMa,TMb,TMu,TMc,TMd,TMv,TMx,TMy,TMw)> <!-- for video -->
<!-- 3 x 3 Video Transformation Matrix {a,b,u,c,d,v,x,y,w}.  Required: u=0, v=0, w=1 -->
<!-- Maps decompressed point (p,q) to rendered point (ap + cq + x, bp + dq + y) -->
<!-- Stored as Fixed Point Hex: all are 16.16, except u,v,w are 2.30 -->
<!-- Unity = 0x00010000,0,0,0,0x00010000,0,0,0,0x40000000 -->
<!ELEMENT TMu (#PCDATA)> <!--Always "0x00000000" -->
<!ELEMENT TMv (#PCDATA)> <!--Always "0x00000000" -->
<!ELEMENT TMw (#PCDATA)> <!--Always "0x40000000" -->

<!ELEMENT Statistics (TracksFound)>
<!ELEMENT TracksFound (Video,Audio,Hint)>

<!-- For now, output info on at most one video track -->

<!ELEMENT Track (TrackHeader, TrackReferenceContainer?, EditListContainer?, Media, JP2_Frame?)>  <!-- JP2_Frame is mj2_to_metadata extension -->
<!ATTLIST Track BoxType CDATA #FIXED "trak">
<!ELEMENT TrackHeader (TrackID, TrackLayer?, Volume?, TransformationMatrix?, Width?, Height?)>
<!ATTLIST TrackHeader BoxType CDATA #FIXED "tkhd">
<!-- Not shown here: CreationTime, ModificationTime, Duration. -->
<!-- These 3 fields are reported under MediaHeader below.   When reading these 3, -->
<!-- m2j_to_metadata currently doesn't distinguish between TrackHeader and MediaHeader source. -->
<!-- If both found, value read from MediaHeader is used. -->
<!ELEMENT TrackLayer (#PCDATA)>  <!-- front-to-back ordering of video tracks. 0 = normal, -1 is closer, etc. -->
<!-- "Volume" element described above; here it is for particular audio track.  Full, normal (default = 0x0100) -->
<!-- "TransformationMatrix" element described above; matrix here is applied before MovieHeader one. -->
<!ELEMENT Width (AsHex | (AsHex, AsDecimal) | AsDecimal)>
<!ELEMENT Height (AsHex | (AsHex, AsDecimal) | AsDecimal)>
<!-- AsHex, AsDecimal already defined above -->
 <!-- Width and Height are for the presentation; frames will be scaled to this -->
<!-- /TrackHeader -->
<!ELEMENT TrackReferenceContainer ANY>  <!-- TO DO: TrackReferenceContainer 'tref'  just used in hint track -->
<!ELEMENT EditListContainer ANY>  <!-- TO DO: EditListContainer 'edts', contains EditList 'elst' with media-time, segment-duration, media-rate -->
<!ELEMENT Media (MediaHeader, HandlerReference,MediaInfoContainer)>
<!ATTLIST Media BoxType CDATA #FIXED "mdia">
<!ELEMENT MediaHeader (CreationTime,ModificationTime,Timescale,Duration,Language)>
<!ATTLIST MediaHeader BoxType CDATA #FIXED "mdhd">
<!-- Elements already defined above: CreationTime, ModificationTime, Timescale, Duration -->
<!ELEMENT Language (#PCDATA)> <!-- 3 chars max.  There's an enumeration available -->
<!ELEMENT HandlerReference (HandlerType)>
<!ATTLIST HandlerReference BoxType CDATA #FIXED "hdlr">
<!ELEMENT HandlerType (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST HandlerType Code ( vide | soun | hint ) "vide">

<!-- make the media headers multiple? -->
<!ELEMENT MediaInfoContainer ((VideoMediaHeader | SoundMediaHeader | HintMediaHeader), DataInfo, SampleTable)>
<!ATTLIST MediaInfoContainer BoxType CDATA #FIXED "minf">
<!ELEMENT VideoMediaHeader (GraphicsMode, Opcolor)>
<!ATTLIST VideoMediaHeader BoxType CDATA #FIXED "vmhd">
<!ELEMENT GraphicsMode (#PCDATA)>
          <!-- Enumerated values of graphics mode: -->
          <!--  0x00 = copy (over existing image); -->
          <!--  0x24 = transparent; 'blue-screen' this image using opcolor; -->
          <!--  0x100 = alpha; alpha-blend this image -->
          <!--  0x101 = whitealpha; alpha-blend this image, which has been blended with white; -->
          <!--  0x102 = blackalpha; alpha-blend this image, which has been blended with black. -->
<!ELEMENT Opcolor (Red,Green,Blue)>
<!ELEMENT SoundMediaHeader (Balance)>
<!ATTLIST SoundMediaHeader BoxType CDATA #FIXED "smhd">
<!ELEMENT Balance (#PCDATA)>
          <!-- Fixed Point 8.8, fixes mono track in stereo space. -->
          <!-- 0.0 = center, -1.0 = full left, 1.0 = full right -->
<!ELEMENT HintMediaHeader (MaxPDU_Size, AvgPDU_Size, MaxBitRate, AvgBitRate, SlidingAvgBitRate)>
<!ATTLIST HintMediaHeader BoxType CDATA #FIXED "hmhd">
          <!-- Size in bytes of largest PDU in this hint stream. -->
           <!-- Average size in bytes of a PDU over the entire presentation. -->
          <!-- Maximum rate in bits per second over any window of 1 second. -->
          <!-- Averate rate in bits per second over the entire presentation. -->
<!ELEMENT SlidingAvgBit (#PCDATA)>
          <!-- Maximum rate in bits per second over any window of one minute. -->
<!ELEMENT DataInfo (DataReference)>
<!ATTLIST DataInfo BoxType CDATA #FIXED "dinf">
<!ELEMENT DataReference (DataEntryUrlBox | DataEntryUrnBox )*>
<!ATTLIST DataReference BoxType CDATA #FIXED "dref">
<!ATTLIST DataReference URN_Count CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- table w. flags, URLs, URNs -->
<!--  // Data structure does not distinguish between single URL, single URN, or DREF table or URLs & URNs.
  // We could infer those, but for now just present everything as a DREF table.
              <!-- No entries here mean that file is self-contained, as required by Simple Profile. -->

<!ELEMENT DataEntryUrlBox (Location)>
<!ATTLIST DataEntryUrlBox BoxType CDATA #FIXED "url[space]"> <!-- table w. flags, URLs, URNs -->
            <!-- Only the first 16 bytes of URL location are recorded in mj2_to_metadata data structure. -->
<!ELEMENT DataEntryUrnBox (Name, Location?)>
<!ATTLIST DataEntryUrnBox BoxType CDATA #FIXED "urn[space]\">
            <!-- Only the first 16 bytes each of URN name and optional location are recorded in mj2_to_metadata data structure. -->

<!ELEMENT SampleTable (VisualSampleEntry,TimeToSample,SampleToChunk,SampleSize,ChunkOffset)>  <!-- structure doesn't do non-visual sample entry yet -->
<!ATTLIST SampleTable BoxType CDATA #FIXED "stbl">  <!-- to add: entry count -->
            <!-- Next are instances of generic SampleDescription BoxType=\"stsd\" -->
    <!-- There could be multiple instances of this, but "entry_count" is just a local at read-time.
       And it's used wrong, too, as count of just visual type, when it's really all 3 types.
       This is referred to as "smj2" within mj2.c -->
<!ELEMENT VisualSampleEntry (WidthAsInteger, HeightAsInteger, HorizontalRes, VerticalRes, CompressorName, Depth, JP2Header?, FieldCoding?, MJP2_Profile?, MJP2_Prefix?, MJP2_SubSampling?, MJP2_OriginalFormat?)>
<!ATTLIST VisualSampleEntry BoxType CDATA #FIXED "mjp2">
          <!-- If multiple instances of this, only first is shown here. -->
<!ELEMENT WidthAsInteger (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT HeightAsInteger (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT HorizontalRes (AsHex | (AsHex, AsDecimal) | AsDecimal)>
<!ELEMENT VerticalRes (AsHex | (AsHex, AsDecimal) | AsDecimal)>
<!-- Typical value for both resolution is 72 (0x00480000) -->
<!ELEMENT CompressorName (#PCDATA)>
          <!-- Compressor name for debugging.  Standard restricts max length to 31 bytes. -->
          <!-- Usually blank or \"Motion JPEG2000\" -->
          <!-- Depth is: -->
          <!--   0x20: alpha channels present (color or grayscale) -->
          <!--   0x28: grayscale without alpha -->
          <!--   0x18: color without alpha -->

<!-- TODO somewhere: tk->jp2_struct.numcomps -->
<!ELEMENT JP2Header (ImageHeader, ColourSpecification)>
<!ATTLIST JP2Header BoxType CDATA #FIXED "jp2h">
<!ATTLIST ImageHeader BoxType CDATA #FIXED "ihdr">
<!ELEMENT HEIGHT (#PCDATA)>  <!-- If 2 fields/frame, total deinterlaced height -->
<!ELEMENT NC (#PCDATA)>  <!-- number of components -->
<!ELEMENT BPC (AsHex | (AsHex,BitsPerPixel,Signed) | (BitsPerPixel,Signed))>
<!ELEMENT BitsPerPixel (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT C (#PCDATA)>  <!-- Compression type.  Only "7" defined -->
<!ELEMENT UnkC (#PCDATA)>  <!-- Colourspace Unknown. 1 = unknown, 0 = known -->
<!ELEMENT IPR (#PCDATA)>  <!-- 1 = frame has Intellectual Prop. box; otherwise 0 -->
<!ELEMENT ColourSpecification (METH, PREC, APPROX, EnumCS)>
<!ATTLIST ColourSpecification BoxType CDATA #FIXED "colr">
<!ELEMENT METH (#PCDATA)>  <!-- 1 = EnumCS field; 2 = PROFILE field (not yet generated) -->
<!ELEMENT PREC (#PCDATA)> <!-- precedence must be 0 so far -->
<!ELEMENT APPROX (#PCDATA)>  <!-- colourspace approximation must be 0 so far -->
<!ELEMENT EnumCS (#PCDATA)> <!-- Valid enumerated MJ2 colourspaces: 16 (sRGB), 17 (grey sRGB), 18 (YCC) -->

<!-- Following subboxes are optional -->
<!ELEMENT FieldCoding (FieldCount, FieldOrder)>
<!ATTLIST FieldCoding BoxType CDATA #FIXED "fiel">
<!ELEMENT FieldCount (#PCDATA)>
            <!-- Must be either 1 or 2 -->
<!ELEMENT FieldOrder (#PCDATA)>
            <!-- When FieldCount=2, FieldOrder means: -->
            <!--   0: Field coding unknown -->
            <!--   1: Field with topmost line is stored first in sample; fields are in temporal order -->
            <!--   6: Field with topmost line is stored second in sample; fields are in temporal order -->
            <!-- Defaults: FieldCount=1, FieldOrder=0 if FieldCoding box not present -->
            <!-- Current implementation doesn't retain whether box was actually present. -->

<!ELEMENT MJP2_Profile (CompatibleBrand*)>
<!ATTLIST MJP2_Profile BoxType CDATA #FIXED "jp2p">

<!ELEMENT MJP2_Prefix (Data*)>
<!ATTLIST MJP2_Prefix BoxType CDATA #FIXED "jp2x">
<!-- We'll probably need better formatting than this  -->
<!ELEMENT Data (#PCDATA)>    <!-- Multiple. Each entry is single byte -->

<!ELEMENT MJP2_SubSampling (HorizontalSub, VerticalSub, HorizontalOffset, VerticalOffset)>
<!ATTLIST MJP2_SubSampling BoxType CDATA #FIXED "jsub">
<!-- These values are all 1 byte -->
            <!-- Typical subsample value is 2 for 4:2:0 -->
<!ELEMENT HorizontalSub (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT VerticalSub (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT HorizontalOffset (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT VerticalOffset (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT MJP2_OriginalFormat (OriginalFieldCount, OriginalFieldOrder)>
<!ATTLIST MJP2_OriginalFormat BoxType CDATA #FIXED "orfo"> <!-- Part III Appx. 2 -->
<!ELEMENT OriginalFieldCount (#PCDATA)>
            <!-- In original material before encoding.  Must be either 1 or 2 -->
<!ELEMENT OriginalFieldOrder (#PCDATA)>
            <!-- When FieldCount=2, FieldOrder means: -->
            <!--   0: Field coding unknown -->
            <!--   11: Topmost line came from the earlier field; -->
            <!--   16:  Topmost line came form the later field. -->
            <!-- Defaults: FieldCount=1, FieldOrder=0 if FieldCoding box not present -->
            <!-- Current implementation doesn't retain whether box was actually present. -->

            <!-- mj2_to_metadata's data structure doesn't record Audio and Hint sample data currently. -->

<!-- Within SampleTable: -->
<!ELEMENT TimeToSample (SampleStatistics, SampleEntries)>
<!ATTLIST TimeToSample BoxType CDATA #FIXED "stts">  
<!ELEMENT SampleStatistics (TotalSamples)>  <!-- Not part of standard -->  
<!ELEMENT TotalSamples (#PCDATA)>
                <!-- For video, gives the total frames in the track, by summing all entries in the Sample Table -->

<!ELEMENT SampleEntries (Table*)>
<!ATTLIST SampleEntries EntryCount CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT Table EMPTY> <!-- Multiple.  Attributes have values -->

<!-- Within SampleTable: -->
<!ELEMENT SampleToChunk (FirstChunk,SamplesPerChunk,SampleDescrIndex)>
<!ATTLIST SampleToChunk BoxType CDATA #FIXED "stsc">
<!ELEMENT FirstChunk (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT SamplesPerChunk (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT SampleDescrIndex (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT SampleSize (Sample_Size,Sample_Count,EntrySize*)>
<!ATTLIST SampleSize BoxType CDATA #FIXED "stsz">
<!ELEMENT Sample_Size (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Sample_Count (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT EntrySize (#PCDATA)>  <!-- appears multiply, but only with mj2_to_metadata option -t -->
<!ELEMENT ChunkOffset (EntryCount, Chunk_Offset*)>
<!ATTLIST ChunkOffset BoxType CDATA #FIXED "stco">
<!ELEMENT EntryCount (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Chunk_Offset (#PCDATA)>  <!-- appears multiply, but only with mj2_to_metadata option -t -->
<!-- </SampleTable> </MediaInfoContainer> </Media> -->

<!-- TO DO: optional UserData 'udat', can contain multiple Copyright 'cprt' -->

<!-- Optional, and only for Visual Track: given individual frame -->
<!ELEMENT JP2_Frame (MainHeader, TilePartHeaders)>
<!ELEMENT MainHeader (StartOfCodestream,ImageAndFileSize,CodingStyleDefault,QuantizationDefault,QuantizationComponent*,RegionOfInterest?,ProgressionOrderChange*)>
<!ELEMENT StartOfCodestream EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST StartOfCodestream Marker CDATA #FIXED "SOC">
<!ELEMENT ImageAndFileSize (Xsiz,Ysiz,XOsiz,YOsiz,XTsiz,YTsiz,XTOsiz,YTOsiz,Csiz,Component+)>
<!ATTLIST ImageAndFileSize Marker CDATA #FIXED "SIZ">
<!ELEMENT Ysiz (#PCDATA)>  <!-- Xsiz, Ysiz is the size of the reference grid. -->
<!ELEMENT YOsiz (#PCDATA)>  <!-- XOsiz, YOsiz are offsets from grid origin to image origin. -->
<!ELEMENT YTsiz (#PCDATA)>  <!-- XTsiz, YTsiz is the size of one tile with respect to the grid. -->
<!ELEMENT YTOsiz (#PCDATA)> <!-- XTOsiz, YTOsiz are offsets from grid origin to first tile origin. -->
<!ELEMENT Csiz (#PCDATA)>  <!-- Csiz is the number of components in the image. -->
<!-- For image components next -->
<!ELEMENT Component (Ssiz,XRsiz,YRsiz,WidthOfData,HeightOfData)>
<!ELEMENT Ssiz (AsHex | (AsHex,Signed,PrecisionInBits) | (Signed,PrecisionInBits))>
<!-- Signed already defined -->
<!ELEMENT PrecisionInBits (#PCDATA)>  <!--   Bits per pixel (bpp) or pixel depth. -->
<!ELEMENT YRsiz (#PCDATA)> <!-- XRsiz, YRsiz denote pixel-sample-spacing on the grid, per Part I Annex B. -->
<!ELEMENT WidthOfData (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT HeightOfData (#PCDATA)>  <!-- WidthOfData and HeightOfData are calculated values, e.g.: w = roundup((Xsiz - XOsiz)/ XRsiz) -->
<!-- -->
<!ELEMENT CodingStyleDefault (Scod,SGcod,SPcod)>
<!ATTLIST CodingStyleDefault Marker CDATA #FIXED "COD">
          <!-- For Scod, specific bits mean (where bit 0 is lowest or rightmost): -->
          <!-- bit 0: Defines entropy coder precincts -->
          <!--        0 = (PPx=15, PPy=15); 1 = precincts defined below. -->
          <!-- bit 1: 1 = SOP marker may be used; 0 = not. -->
          <!-- bit 2: 1 = EPH marker may be used; 0 = not. -->
<!ELEMENT SGcod (ProgressionOrder,NumberOfLayers,MultipleComponentTransformation)>
<!ELEMENT ProgressionOrder (#PCDATA)>
            <!-- Defined Progression Order Values are: -->
            <!-- 0 = LRCP; 1 = RLCP; 2 = RPCL; 3 = PCRL; 4 = CPRL -->
            <!-- where L = "layer", R = "resolution level", C = "component", P = "position". -->
<!ELEMENT NumberOfLayers (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT MultipleComponentTransformation (#PCDATA)>
            <!-- For MCT, 0 = none, 1 = transform first 3 components for efficiency, per Part I Annex G -->
<!ELEMENT SPcod (NumberOfDecompositionLevels,CodeblockWidth,CodeblockHeight,CodeblockStyle,Transformation)>
<!ELEMENT NumberOfDecompositionLevels (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT CodeblockWidth (#PCDATA)>   <!-- CBW and CBH are non-negative, and summed cannot exceed 8 -->
<!ELEMENT CodeblockHeight (#PCDATA)>  <!-- Codeblock dimension is 2^(value + 2) -->
<!ELEMENT CodeblockStyle (#PCDATA)>
            <!-- For CodeblockStyle, bits mean (with value 1=feature on, 0=off): -->
            <!-- bit 0: Selective arithmetic coding bypass. -->
            <!-- bit 1: Reset context probabilities on coding pass boundaries. -->
            <!-- bit 2: Termination on each coding pass. -->
            <!-- bit 3: Vertically causal context. -->
            <!-- bit 4: Predictable termination. -->
            <!-- bit 5: Segmentation symbols are used. -->
<!ELEMENT Transformation (#PCDATA)> <!-- For Transformation, 0="9-7 irreversible filter", 1="5-3 reversible filter" -->
        <!-- mj2_to_metadata implementation always reports component[0] as using default COD, -->
        <!-- and any other component, with main-header style values different from [0], as COC. -->
<!ELEMENT QuantizationDefault (Sqcd,SPqcd)>
<!ATTLIST QuantizationDefault Marker CDATA #FIXED "QCD">
<!ELEMENT Sqcd (AsHex | (AsHex,QuantizationStyle,NumberOfGuardBits) | (QuantizationStyle,NumberOfGuardBits))>
<!ELEMENT QuantizationStyle (#PCDATA)>  <!-- Default quantization style for all components. -->
            <!-- Quantization style (in Sqcd's low 5 bits) may be: -->
            <!--   0 = No quantization. SPqcd size = 8 bits-->
            <!--   1 = Scalar derived (values signaled for N(L)LL subband only). Use Eq. E.5. SPqcd size = 16. -->
            <!--   2 = Scalar expounded (values signaled for each subband). SPqcd size = 16. -->
<!ELEMENT NumberOfGuardBits (#PCDATA)>  <!-- 0-7 guard bits allowed (stored in Sqcd's high 3 bits) -->
<!ELEMENT SPqcd (ReversibleStepSizeValue | QuantizationStepSizeValues )>  <!-- TO DO: Irreversible choices -->
<!ELEMENT ReversibleStepSizeValue (DynamicRangeExponent+)>
            <!-- Current mj2_to_metadata implementation dumps entire internal table, -->
            <!-- until an exponent with zero value is reached. -->
            <!-- Exponent epsilon(b) of reversible dynamic range. -->
            <!-- Hex value is as stored, in high-order 5 bits. -->
<!ELEMENT DynamicRangeExponent (AsHex | (AsHex, AsDecimal) | AsDecimal)>
<!ATTLIST DynamicRangeExponent Subband CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT QuantizationStepSizeValues (QuantizationValues+, CalculatedExponent*)>  <!-- Calculated exponents iff only subband 0 reported -->
<!ELEMENT QuantizationValues (AsHex | (AsHex,Exponent,Mantissa) | (Exponent,Mantissa))>
<!ATTLIST QuantizationValues Subband CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT Exponent (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Mantissa (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT CalculatedExponent (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST CalculatedExponent Subband CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!-- /QuantizationDefault -->
        <!-- mj2_to_metadata implementation always reports component[0] as using default QCD, -->
        <!-- and any other component, with main-header quantization values different from [0], as QCC. -->
<!ELEMENT QuantizationComponent (Sqcc,SPqcc)>
<!ATTLIST QuantizationComponent Marker CDATA #FIXED "QCC">
<!ATTLIST QuantizationComponent Component CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT Sqcc (AsHex | (AsHex,QuantizationStyle,NumberOfGuardBits) | (QuantizationStyle,NumberOfGuardBits))>
<!ELEMENT SPqcc (ReversibleStepSizeValue | QuantizationStepSizeValues )>  <!-- TO DO: Irreversible choices -->
<!-- /QuantizationComponent -->
<!-- Don't know if MJ2 files can have regions of interest.  Assume yes -->
<!ELEMENT RegionOfInterest (Srgn,Crgn,Sprgn)> <!-- Optional in main header, at most 1 per component -->
<!ATTLIST RegionOfInterest Marker CDATA #FIXED "RGN">
<!ELEMENT Srgn (#PCDATA)>  <!-- ROI style.  Only style=0 defined: Implicit ROI (max. shift) -->
<!ELEMENT Crgn (#PCDATA)>  <!-- Zero-based component number. -->
<!ELEMENT SPrgn (#PCDATA)> <!-- Implicit ROI shift, i.e., binary shifting of ROI coefficients above background. -->
<!-- </RegionOfInterest> -->
<!ELEMENT ProgressionOrderChange (Progression+)> <!-- Optional in main header, at most 1 per component (but impl allows more?) -->
<!ATTLIST ProgressionOrderChange Marker CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT Progression (RSpoc,CSpoc,LYEpoc,REpoc,CEpoc,Ppoc)>
<!ELEMENT RSpoc (#PCDATA)> <!-- Resolution level index (inclusive) for progression start. Range: 0 to 33 -->
<!ELEMENT CSpoc (#PCDATA)> <!-- Component index (inclusive) for progression start. -->
<!ELEMENT LYEpoc (#PCDATA)> <!-- Layer index (exclusive) for progression end. -->
<!ELEMENT REpoc (#PCDATA)> <!-- Resolution level index (exclusive) for progression end. Range: RSpoc to 33 -->
<!ELEMENT CEpoc (#PCDATA)> <!-- Component index (exclusive) for progression end.  Minimum: CSpoc -->
<!ELEMENT Ppoc (#PCDATA)> <!-- Defined Progression Order Values are: -->
                          <!-- 0 = LRCP; 1 = RLCP; 2 = RPCL; 3 = PCRL; 4 = CPRL -->
                          <!-- where L = "layer", R = "resolution level", C = "component", P = "position". -->
<!-- </Progression>, </ProgressionOrderChange -->
<!-- /MainHeader -->
<!ELEMENT TilePartHeaders (TilePartHeader+)>
<!ATTLIST TilePartHeaders Count CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT TilePartHeader (StartOfTilePart,CodingStyleDefault,QuantizationDefault,QuantizationComponent*,RegionOfInterest?,ProgressionOrderChange*,StartOfData)>
<!ELEMENT StartOfTilePart EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST StartOfTilePart Marker CDATA #FIXED "SOT">
<!-- CodingStyleDefault, QuantizationDefault, QuantizationComponent already defined -->
        <!-- mj2_to_metadata implementation always reports component[0] as using default QCD, -->
        <!-- and any other component, with tile-part-header quantization values different from [0], as QCC. -->
<!ELEMENT StartOfData EMPTY> <!-- always empty for now -->
<!ATTLIST StartOfData Marker CDATA #FIXED "SOD">
          <!-- Tile-part bitstream, not shown, follows tile-part header and SOD marker. -->
<!-- /TilePartHeader, /TilePartHeaders, /JP2_Frame -->
<!-- </Track> -->

<!-- to come:
  <MovieExtends mvek> // possibly not in Simple Profile
  <UserDataBox udat> contains <CopyrightBox cprt>
<!-- /MovieBox -->
<!-- To come:
  <moof>  // probably not in Simple Profile
<!-- </MJ2_File> -->