#include "opj_includes.h" /*-------------------------------------------------------- Matrix für sYCC, Amendment 1 to IEC 61966-2-1 Y : 0.299 0.587 0.114 :R Cb: -0.1687 -0.3312 0.5 :G Cr: 0.5 -0.4187 -0.0812 :B Inverse: R: 1 -3.68213e-05 1.40199 :Y G: 1.00003 -0.344125 -0.714128 :Cb - 2^(prec - 1) B: 0.999823 1.77204 -8.04142e-06 :Cr - 2^(prec - 1) -----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void sycc_to_rgb(int offset, int upb, int y, int cb, int cr, int *out_r, int *out_g, int *out_b) { int r, g, b; cb -= offset; cr -= offset; r = y + (int)(1.402 * (float)cr); if(r < 0) r = 0; else if(r > upb) r = upb; *out_r = r; g = y - (int)(0.344 * (float)cb + 0.714 * (float)cr); if(g < 0) g = 0; else if(g > upb) g = upb; *out_g = g; b = y + (int)(1.772 * (float)cb); if(b < 0) b = 0; else if(b > upb) b = upb; *out_b = b; } static void opj_convert_sycc444(opj_image_t *img) { int *d0, *d1, *d2, *r, *g, *b; const int *y, *cb, *cr; int maxw, maxh, max, i, offset, upb; i = img->comps[0].prec; offset = 1<<(i - 1); upb = (1<comps[0].w; maxh = img->comps[0].h; max = maxw * maxh; y = img->comps[0].data; cb = img->comps[1].data; cr = img->comps[2].data; d0 = r = (int*)opj_malloc(sizeof(int) * max); d1 = g = (int*)opj_malloc(sizeof(int) * max); d2 = b = (int*)opj_malloc(sizeof(int) * max); for(i = 0; i < max; ++i) { sycc_to_rgb(offset, upb, *y, *cb, *cr, r, g, b); ++y; ++cb; ++cr; ++r; ++g; ++b; } opj_free(img->comps[0].data); img->comps[0].data = d0; opj_free(img->comps[1].data); img->comps[1].data = d1; opj_free(img->comps[2].data); img->comps[2].data = d2; }/* opj_convert_sycc444() */ static void opj_convert_sycc422(opj_image_t *img) { int *d0, *d1, *d2, *r, *g, *b; const int *y, *cb, *cr; int maxw, maxh, max, offset, upb; int i, j; i = img->comps[0].prec; offset = 1<<(i - 1); upb = (1<comps[0].w; maxh = img->comps[0].h; max = maxw * maxh; y = img->comps[0].data; cb = img->comps[1].data; cr = img->comps[2].data; d0 = r = (int*)opj_malloc(sizeof(int) * max); d1 = g = (int*)opj_malloc(sizeof(int) * max); d2 = b = (int*)opj_malloc(sizeof(int) * max); for(i=0; i < maxh; ++i) { for(j=0; j < maxw; j += 2) { sycc_to_rgb(offset, upb, *y, *cb, *cr, r, g, b); ++y; ++r; ++g; ++b; sycc_to_rgb(offset, upb, *y, *cb, *cr, r, g, b); ++y; ++r; ++g; ++b; ++cb; ++cr; } } opj_free(img->comps[0].data); img->comps[0].data = d0; opj_free(img->comps[1].data); img->comps[1].data = d1; opj_free(img->comps[2].data); img->comps[2].data = d2; img->comps[1].w = maxw; img->comps[1].h = maxh; img->comps[2].w = maxw; img->comps[2].h = maxh; img->comps[1].dx = img->comps[0].dx; img->comps[2].dx = img->comps[0].dx; img->comps[1].dy = img->comps[0].dy; img->comps[2].dy = img->comps[0].dy; }/* opj_convert_sycc422() */ static void opj_convert_sycc420(opj_image_t *img) { int *d0, *d1, *d2, *r, *g, *b, *nr, *ng, *nb; const int *y, *cb, *cr, *ny; int maxw, maxh, max, offset, upb; int i, j; i = img->comps[0].prec; offset = 1<<(i - 1); upb = (1<comps[0].w; maxh = img->comps[0].h; max = maxw * maxh; y = img->comps[0].data; cb = img->comps[1].data; cr = img->comps[2].data; d0 = r = (int*)opj_malloc(sizeof(int) * max); d1 = g = (int*)opj_malloc(sizeof(int) * max); d2 = b = (int*)opj_malloc(sizeof(int) * max); for(i=0; i < maxh; i += 2) { ny = y + maxw; nr = r + maxw; ng = g + maxw; nb = b + maxw; for(j=0; j < maxw; j += 2) { sycc_to_rgb(offset, upb, *y, *cb, *cr, r, g, b); ++y; ++r; ++g; ++b; sycc_to_rgb(offset, upb, *y, *cb, *cr, r, g, b); ++y; ++r; ++g; ++b; sycc_to_rgb(offset, upb, *ny, *cb, *cr, nr, ng, nb); ++ny; ++nr; ++ng; ++nb; sycc_to_rgb(offset, upb, *ny, *cb, *cr, nr, ng, nb); ++ny; ++nr; ++ng; ++nb; ++cb; ++cr; } y += maxw; r += maxw; g += maxw; b += maxw; } opj_free(img->comps[0].data); img->comps[0].data = d0; opj_free(img->comps[1].data); img->comps[1].data = d1; opj_free(img->comps[2].data); img->comps[2].data = d2; img->comps[1].w = maxw; img->comps[1].h = maxh; img->comps[2].w = maxw; img->comps[2].h = maxh; img->comps[1].dx = img->comps[0].dx; img->comps[2].dx = img->comps[0].dx; img->comps[1].dy = img->comps[0].dy; img->comps[2].dy = img->comps[0].dy; }/* opj_convert_sycc420() */ void opj_convert_sycc_to_rgb(opj_image_t *img) { if(img->numcomps < 3) { img->color_space = CLRSPC_GRAY; return; } if((img->comps[0].dx == 1) && (img->comps[1].dx == 2) && (img->comps[2].dx == 2) && (img->comps[0].dy == 1) && (img->comps[1].dy == 2) && (img->comps[2].dy == 2))/* horizontal and vertical sub-sample */ { opj_convert_sycc420(img); } else if((img->comps[0].dx == 1) && (img->comps[1].dx == 2) && (img->comps[2].dx == 2) && (img->comps[0].dy == 1) && (img->comps[1].dy == 1) && (img->comps[2].dy == 1))/* horizontal sub-sample only */ { opj_convert_sycc422(img); } else if((img->comps[0].dx == 1) && (img->comps[1].dx == 1) && (img->comps[2].dx == 1) && (img->comps[0].dy == 1) && (img->comps[1].dy == 1) && (img->comps[2].dy == 1))/* no sub-sample */ { opj_convert_sycc444(img); } else { fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d:opj_convert_sycc_to_rgb\n\tCAN NOT CONVERT\n", __FILE__,__LINE__); return; } img->color_space = CLRSPC_SRGB; }/* opj_convert_sycc_to_rgb() */