/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Communications and Remote Sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium * Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Professor Benoit Macq * Copyright (c) 2001-2003, David Janssens * Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Yannick Verschueren * Copyright (c) 2003-2007, Francois-Olivier Devaux and Antonin Descampe * Copyright (c) 2005, Herve Drolon, FreeImage Team * Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Parvatha Elangovan * Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Kaori Hagihara * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS `AS IS' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef OPENJPEG_H #define OPENJPEG_H /* ========================================================== Compiler directives ========================================================== */ #if defined(OPJ_STATIC) || !defined(_WIN32) #define OPJ_API #define OPJ_CALLCONV #else #define OPJ_CALLCONV __stdcall /* The following ifdef block is the standard way of creating macros which make exporting from a DLL simpler. All files within this DLL are compiled with the OPJ_EXPORTS symbol defined on the command line. this symbol should not be defined on any project that uses this DLL. This way any other project whose source files include this file see OPJ_API functions as being imported from a DLL, wheras this DLL sees symbols defined with this macro as being exported. */ #if defined(OPJ_EXPORTS) || defined(DLL_EXPORT) #define OPJ_API __declspec(dllexport) #else #define OPJ_API __declspec(dllimport) #endif /* OPJ_EXPORTS */ #endif /* !OPJ_STATIC || !_WIN32 */ typedef int opj_bool; #define OPJ_TRUE 1 #define OPJ_FALSE 0 typedef unsigned int OPJ_UINT32; typedef int OPJ_INT32; typedef unsigned short OPJ_UINT16; typedef short OPJ_INT16; typedef char OPJ_CHAR; typedef unsigned char OPJ_BYTE; typedef unsigned int OPJ_SIZE_T; typedef double OPJ_FLOAT64; typedef float OPJ_FLOAT32; // Avoid compile-time warning because parameter is not used #define OPJ_ARG_NOT_USED(x) (void)(x) /* ========================================================== Useful constant definitions ========================================================== */ #define OPJ_PATH_LEN 4096 /**< Maximum allowed size for filenames */ #define J2K_MAXRLVLS 33 /**< Number of maximum resolution level authorized */ #define J2K_MAXBANDS (3*J2K_MAXRLVLS-2) /**< Number of maximum sub-band linked to number of resolution level */ #define J2K_DEFAULT_NB_SEGS 10 #define J2K_STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE 0x100000 /** 1 mega by default */ #define J2K_DEFAULT_HEADER_SIZE 1000 #define J2K_MCC_DEFAULT_NB_RECORDS 10 #define J2K_MCT_DEFAULT_NB_RECORDS 10 /* UniPG>> */ #define JPWL_MAX_NO_TILESPECS 16 /**< Maximum number of tile parts expected by JPWL: increase at your will */ #define JPWL_MAX_NO_PACKSPECS 16 /**< Maximum number of packet parts expected by JPWL: increase at your will */ #define JPWL_MAX_NO_MARKERS 512 /**< Maximum number of JPWL markers: increase at your will */ #define JPWL_PRIVATEINDEX_NAME "jpwl_index_privatefilename" /**< index file name used when JPWL is on */ #define JPWL_EXPECTED_COMPONENTS 3 /**< Expect this number of components, so you'll find better the first EPB */ #define JPWL_MAXIMUM_TILES 8192 /**< Expect this maximum number of tiles, to avoid some crashes */ #define JPWL_MAXIMUM_HAMMING 2 /**< Expect this maximum number of bit errors in marker id's */ #define JPWL_MAXIMUM_EPB_ROOM 65450 /**< Expect this maximum number of bytes for composition of EPBs */ /* <
  • Error messages
  • Warning messages
  • Debugging messages */ typedef struct opj_event_mgr { void* client_data; /** Error message callback if available, NULL otherwise */ opj_msg_callback error_handler; /** Warning message callback if available, NULL otherwise */ opj_msg_callback warning_handler; /** Debug message callback if available, NULL otherwise */ opj_msg_callback info_handler; } opj_event_mgr_t; /* ========================================================== codec typedef definitions ========================================================== */ /** Progression order changes */ typedef struct opj_poc { /** Resolution num start, Component num start, given by POC */ int resno0, compno0; /** Layer num end,Resolution num end, Component num end, given by POC */ int layno1, resno1, compno1; /** Layer num start,Precinct num start, Precinct num end */ int layno0, precno0, precno1; /** Progression order enum*/ OPJ_PROG_ORDER prg1,prg; /** Progression order string*/ char progorder[5]; /** Tile number */ int tile; /** Start and end values for Tile width and height*/ int tx0,tx1,ty0,ty1; /** Start value, initialised in pi_initialise_encode*/ int layS, resS, compS, prcS; /** End value, initialised in pi_initialise_encode */ int layE, resE, compE, prcE; /** Start and end values of Tile width and height, initialised in pi_initialise_encode*/ int txS,txE,tyS,tyE,dx,dy; /** Temporary values for Tile parts, initialised in pi_create_encode */ int lay_t, res_t, comp_t, prc_t,tx0_t,ty0_t; } opj_poc_t; /** Compression parameters */ typedef struct opj_cparameters { /** size of tile: tile_size_on = false (not in argument) or = true (in argument) */ opj_bool tile_size_on; /** XTOsiz */ int cp_tx0; /** YTOsiz */ int cp_ty0; /** XTsiz */ int cp_tdx; /** YTsiz */ int cp_tdy; /** allocation by rate/distortion */ int cp_disto_alloc; /** allocation by fixed layer */ int cp_fixed_alloc; /** add fixed_quality */ int cp_fixed_quality; /** fixed layer */ int *cp_matrice; /** comment for coding */ char *cp_comment; /** csty : coding style */ int csty; /** progression order (default LRCP) */ OPJ_PROG_ORDER prog_order; /** progression order changes */ opj_poc_t POC[32]; /** number of progression order changes (POC), default to 0 */ int numpocs; /** number of layers */ int tcp_numlayers; /** rates of layers */ float tcp_rates[100]; /** different psnr for successive layers */ float tcp_distoratio[100]; /** number of resolutions */ int numresolution; /** initial code block width, default to 64 */ int cblockw_init; /** initial code block height, default to 64 */ int cblockh_init; /** mode switch (cblk_style) */ int mode; /** 1 : use the irreversible DWT 9-7, 0 : use lossless compression (default) */ int irreversible; /** region of interest: affected component in [0..3], -1 means no ROI */ int roi_compno; /** region of interest: upshift value */ int roi_shift; /* number of precinct size specifications */ int res_spec; /** initial precinct width */ int prcw_init[J2K_MAXRLVLS]; /** initial precinct height */ int prch_init[J2K_MAXRLVLS]; /**@name command line encoder parameters (not used inside the library) */ /*@{*/ /** input file name */ char infile[OPJ_PATH_LEN]; /** output file name */ char outfile[OPJ_PATH_LEN]; /** DEPRECATED. Index generation is now handeld with the opj_encode_with_info() function. Set to NULL */ int index_on; /** DEPRECATED. Index generation is now handeld with the opj_encode_with_info() function. Set to NULL */ char index[OPJ_PATH_LEN]; /** subimage encoding: origin image offset in x direction */ int image_offset_x0; /** subimage encoding: origin image offset in y direction */ int image_offset_y0; /** subsampling value for dx */ int subsampling_dx; /** subsampling value for dy */ int subsampling_dy; /** input file format 0: PGX, 1: PxM, 2: BMP 3:TIF*/ int decod_format; /** output file format 0: J2K, 1: JP2, 2: JPT */ int cod_format; /*@}*/ /* UniPG>> */ /**@name JPWL encoding parameters */ /*@{*/ /** enables writing of EPC in MH, thus activating JPWL */ opj_bool jpwl_epc_on; /** error protection method for MH (0,1,16,32,37-128) */ int jpwl_hprot_MH; /** tile number of header protection specification (>=0) */ int jpwl_hprot_TPH_tileno[JPWL_MAX_NO_TILESPECS]; /** error protection methods for TPHs (0,1,16,32,37-128) */ int jpwl_hprot_TPH[JPWL_MAX_NO_TILESPECS]; /** tile number of packet protection specification (>=0) */ int jpwl_pprot_tileno[JPWL_MAX_NO_PACKSPECS]; /** packet number of packet protection specification (>=0) */ int jpwl_pprot_packno[JPWL_MAX_NO_PACKSPECS]; /** error protection methods for packets (0,1,16,32,37-128) */ int jpwl_pprot[JPWL_MAX_NO_PACKSPECS]; /** enables writing of ESD, (0=no/1/2 bytes) */ int jpwl_sens_size; /** sensitivity addressing size (0=auto/2/4 bytes) */ int jpwl_sens_addr; /** sensitivity range (0-3) */ int jpwl_sens_range; /** sensitivity method for MH (-1=no,0-7) */ int jpwl_sens_MH; /** tile number of sensitivity specification (>=0) */ int jpwl_sens_TPH_tileno[JPWL_MAX_NO_TILESPECS]; /** sensitivity methods for TPHs (-1=no,0-7) */ int jpwl_sens_TPH[JPWL_MAX_NO_TILESPECS]; /*@}*/ /* <> */ /**@name JPWL decoding parameters */ /*@{*/ /** activates the JPWL correction capabilities */ opj_bool jpwl_correct; /** expected number of components */ int jpwl_exp_comps; /** maximum number of tiles */ int jpwl_max_tiles; /*@}*/ /* <> */ /** Marker structure */ typedef struct opj_marker_info_t { /** marker type */ unsigned short int type; /** position in codestream */ int pos; /** length, marker val included */ int len; } opj_marker_info_t; /* <> */ /** number of markers */ int marknum; /** list of markers */ opj_marker_info_t *marker; /** actual size of markers array */ int maxmarknum; /* <> */ /** number of markers */ int marknum; /** list of markers */ opj_marker_info_t *marker; /** actual size of markers array */ int maxmarknum; /* <cp. @param dinfo decompressor handle @param parameters decompression parameters */ OPJ_API void OPJ_CALLCONV opj_setup_decoder(opj_dinfo_t *dinfo, opj_dparameters_t *parameters); OPJ_API opj_bool OPJ_CALLCONV opj_setup_decoder_v2( opj_codec_t *p_info, opj_dparameters_t *parameters, opj_event_mgr_t* event_mgr); /** Decode an image from a JPEG-2000 codestream @param dinfo decompressor handle @param cio Input buffer stream @return Returns a decoded image if successful, returns NULL otherwise */ OPJ_API opj_image_t* OPJ_CALLCONV opj_decode(opj_dinfo_t *dinfo, opj_cio_t *cio); /** Decode an image from a JPEG-2000 codestream and extract the codestream information @param dinfo decompressor handle @param cio Input buffer stream @param cstr_info Codestream information structure if needed afterwards, NULL otherwise @return Returns a decoded image if successful, returns NULL otherwise */ OPJ_API opj_image_t* OPJ_CALLCONV opj_decode_with_info(opj_dinfo_t *dinfo, opj_cio_t *cio, opj_codestream_info_t *cstr_info); /** Creates a J2K/JP2 compression structure @param format Coder to select @return Returns a handle to a compressor if successful, returns NULL otherwise */ OPJ_API opj_cinfo_t* OPJ_CALLCONV opj_create_compress(OPJ_CODEC_FORMAT format); /** Destroy a compressor handle @param cinfo compressor handle to destroy */ OPJ_API void OPJ_CALLCONV opj_destroy_compress(opj_cinfo_t *cinfo); /** Set encoding parameters to default values, that means :
    • Lossless
    • 1 tile
    • Size of precinct : 2^15 x 2^15 (means 1 precinct)
    • Size of code-block : 64 x 64
    • Number of resolutions: 6
    • No SOP marker in the codestream
    • No EPH marker in the codestream
    • No sub-sampling in x or y direction
    • No mode switch activated
    • Progression order: LRCP
    • No index file
    • No ROI upshifted
    • No offset of the origin of the image
    • No offset of the origin of the tiles
    • Reversible DWT 5-3
    @param parameters Compression parameters */ OPJ_API void OPJ_CALLCONV opj_set_default_encoder_parameters(opj_cparameters_t *parameters); /** Setup the encoder parameters using the current image and using user parameters. @param cinfo Compressor handle @param parameters Compression parameters @param image Input filled image */ OPJ_API void OPJ_CALLCONV opj_setup_encoder(opj_cinfo_t *cinfo, opj_cparameters_t *parameters, opj_image_t *image); /** Encode an image into a JPEG-2000 codestream 3@param cinfo compressor handle @param cio Output buffer stream @param image Image to encode @param index Depreacted -> Set to NULL. To extract index, used opj_encode_wci() @return Returns true if successful, returns false otherwise */ OPJ_API opj_bool OPJ_CALLCONV opj_encode(opj_cinfo_t *cinfo, opj_cio_t *cio, opj_image_t *image, char *index); /** Encode an image into a JPEG-2000 codestream and extract the codestream information @param cinfo compressor handle @param cio Output buffer stream @param image Image to encode @param cstr_info Codestream information structure if needed afterwards, NULL otherwise @return Returns true if successful, returns false otherwise */ OPJ_API opj_bool OPJ_CALLCONV opj_encode_with_info(opj_cinfo_t *cinfo, opj_cio_t *cio, opj_image_t *image, opj_codestream_info_t *cstr_info); /** Destroy Codestream information after compression or decompression @param cstr_info Codestream information structure */ OPJ_API void OPJ_CALLCONV opj_destroy_cstr_info(opj_codestream_info_t *cstr_info); /** * Decodes an image header. * * @param p_codec codec to use to decode the image. * @param p_image pointer to a previously created image. * @param p_tile_x0 pointer to a value that will hold the reference point x0 of the tiling grid. * @param p_tile_y0 pointer to a value that will hold the reference point y0 of the tiling grid. * @param p_tile_width pointer to a value that will hold the size in x of a tile in the grid. * @param p_tile_height pointer to a value that will hold the size in y of a tile in the grid. * @param p_nb_tiles_x pointer to a value that will hold the number of tiles in the x direction. * @param p_nb_tiles_y pointer to a value that will hold the number of tiles in the y direction. */ OPJ_API opj_bool OPJ_CALLCONV opj_read_header ( opj_stream_t *p_cio, opj_codec_t *p_codec, opj_file_info_t * p_file_info, OPJ_INT32 file_info_flag); /** Destroy a decompressor handle @param dinfo decompressor handle to destroy */ OPJ_API void OPJ_CALLCONV opj_destroy_codec(opj_codec_t * p_codec); /** * Sets the given area to be decoded. This function should be called right after opj_read_header and before any tile header reading. * * @param p_codec the jpeg2000 codec. * @param p_start_x the left position of the rectangle to decode (in image coordinates). * @param p_end_x the right position of the rectangle to decode (in image coordinates). * @param p_start_y the up position of the rectangle to decode (in image coordinates). * @param p_end_y the bottom position of the rectangle to decode (in image coordinates). * * @return true if the area could be set. */ OPJ_API opj_bool OPJ_CALLCONV opj_set_decode_area( opj_codec_t *p_codec, OPJ_INT32 p_start_x, OPJ_INT32 p_start_y, OPJ_INT32 p_end_x, OPJ_INT32 p_end_y ); /** * Reads a tile header. This function is compulsory and allows one to know the size of the tile thta will be decoded. * The user may need to refer to the image got by opj_read_header to understand the size being taken by the tile. * * @param p_codec the jpeg2000 codec. * @param p_tile_index pointer to a value that will hold the index of the tile being decoded, in case of success. * @param p_data_size pointer to a value that will hold the maximum size of the decoded data, in case of success. In case * of truncated codestreams, the actual number of bytes decoded may be lower. The computation of the size is the same * as depicted in opj_write_tile. * @param p_tile_x0 pointer to a value that will hold the x0 pos of the tile (in the image). * @param p_tile_y0 pointer to a value that will hold the y0 pos of the tile (in the image). * @param p_tile_x1 pointer to a value that will hold the x1 pos of the tile (in the image). * @param p_tile_y1 pointer to a value that will hold the y1 pos of the tile (in the image). * @param p_nb_comps pointer to a value that will hold the number of components in the tile. * @param p_should_go_on pointer to a boolean that will hold the fact that the decoding should go on. In case the * codestream is over at the time of the call, the value will be set to false. The user should then stop * the decoding. * @param p_stream the stream to decode. * @return true if the tile header could be decoded. In case the decoding should end, the returned value is still true. * returning false may be the result of a shortage of memory or an internal error. */ OPJ_API opj_bool OPJ_CALLCONV opj_read_tile_header( opj_codec_t *p_codec, opj_stream_t * p_stream, OPJ_UINT32 * p_tile_index, OPJ_UINT32 * p_data_size, OPJ_INT32 * p_tile_x0, OPJ_INT32 * p_tile_y0, OPJ_INT32 * p_tile_x1, OPJ_INT32 * p_tile_y1, OPJ_UINT32 * p_nb_comps, opj_bool * p_should_go_on ); /** * Reads a tile data. This function is compulsory and allows one to decode tile data. opj_read_tile_header should be called before. * The user may need to refer to the image got by opj_read_header to understand the size being taken by the tile. * * @param p_codec the jpeg2000 codec. * @param p_tile_index the index of the tile being decoded, this should be the value set by opj_read_tile_header. * @param p_data pointer to a memory block that will hold the decoded data. * @param p_data_size size of p_data. p_data_size should be bigger or equal to the value set by opj_read_tile_header. * @param p_stream the stream to decode. * * @return true if the data could be decoded. */ OPJ_API opj_bool OPJ_CALLCONV opj_decode_tile_data( opj_codec_t *p_codec, OPJ_UINT32 p_tile_index, OPJ_BYTE * p_data, OPJ_UINT32 p_data_size, opj_stream_t *p_stream ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* OPENJPEG_H */