{% capture jbcache %}{% comment %} Sort the given array or map. Parameters: collection: the array or map to sort [REQUIRED] sort_by: the property to sort by [OPTIONAL] sort_descending: reverse the collection [OPTIONAL] Returns: sort_result: the sorted collection Examples:


    {% include JB/sort_collection collection=site.pages sort_by="title" %} {% assign pages_list = sort_result %} {% include JB/pages_list %}

Pages [Reversed]

    {% include JB/sort_collection collection=site.pages sort_by="title" sort_descending=true %} {% assign pages_list = sort_result %} {% include JB/pages_list %}


    {% assign test_array = "one,two,three,four" | split: "," %} {% include JB/sort_collection collection=test_array %} {% for test in sort_result %}
  1. {{test}}
  2. {% endfor %}

Array [Reversed]

    {% assign test_array = "one,two,three,four" | split: "," %} {% include JB/sort_collection collection=test_array sort_descending=true %} {% for test in sort_result %}
  1. {{test}}
  2. {% endfor %}
{% endcomment %} {% assign is_array = true %} {% assign sort_result = "," | split: "," %} {% assign collection = include.collection %} {% if include.sort_by %} {% assign sort_by = include.sort_by %} {% else %} {% assign sort_by = "title" %} {% endif %} {% if collection and collection.size > 0 %} {% for x in collection.first %} {% if x[1].size > 0 %} {% assign is_array = false %} {% endif %} {% break %} {% endfor %} {% if is_array == false %} {% assign sort_result = collection | sort: sort_by %} {% else %} {% assign sort_result = collection | sort %} {% endif %} {% if include.sort_descending %} {% assign reversed = "," | split: "," %} {% for index in (1..sort_result.size) %} {% assign i = sort_result.size | minus: index %} {% assign reversed = reversed | push: sort_result[i] %} {% endfor %} {% assign sort_result = reversed %} {% assign reversed = nil %} {% endif %} {% endif %}{% endcapture %}{% assign jbcache = nil %}