#!/bin/bash cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/scripts if [ -z "$TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE" -a -z "$GITHUB_SHA" ]; then echo "No commit range given" exit 0 fi if ! type -p astyle.sh >/dev/null; then echo astyle.sh not found exit 1 fi set -e ASTYLEDIFF=/tmp/astyle.diff >$ASTYLEDIFF if [ ! -z $GITHUB_BASE_REF ] && [ ! -z $GITHUB_HEAD_REF ]; then # on a PR echo "GitHub PR COMMIT RANGE: ${GITHUB_BASE_REF}..${GITHUB_HEAD_REF}" git branch tmp_${GITHUB_BASE_REF} origin/${GITHUB_BASE_REF} BASE_SHA1=$(git rev-parse tmp_${GITHUB_BASE_REF}) FILES=$(git diff --diff-filter=AMR --name-only ${BASE_SHA1}..${GITHUB_SHA} | tr '\n' ' ' ) elif [ ! -z $GITHUB_SHA ]; then echo "GitHub push COMMIT $GITHUB_SHA" FILES=$(git diff --diff-filter=AMR --name-only ${GITHUB_SHA}~1..${GITHUB_SHA} | tr '\n' ' ' ) elif [ ! -z $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH ]; then # if on a PR, just analyse the changed files echo "TRAVIS PR BRANCH: $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH" FILES=$(git diff --diff-filter=AMR --name-only $(git merge-base HEAD master) | tr '\n' ' ' ) elif [ ! -z $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE ]; then echo "TRAVIS COMMIT RANGE: $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE" FILES=$(git diff --diff-filter=AMR --name-only ${TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE/.../..} | tr '\n' ' ' ) fi for f in $FILES; do if ! [ -f "$f" ]; then echo "$f was removed." >>/tmp/ctest-important.log continue fi echo "Checking $f" >>/tmp/ctest-important.log case "$f" in thirdparty*) echo "$f skipped" continue ;; *.cpp|*.c|*.h|*.cxx|*.hxx|*.c++|*.h++|*.cc|*.hh|*.C|*.H|*.sip|*.py) ;; *) continue ;; esac m="$f.prepare" cp "$f" "$m" astyle.sh "$f" if diff -u "$m" "$f" >>$ASTYLEDIFF; then rm "$m" else echo "File $f needs indentation" fi done if [ -s "$ASTYLEDIFF" ]; then echo echo "Required indentation updates:" cat "$ASTYLEDIFF" cat <<EOF Tips to prevent and resolve: * Enable WITH_ASTYLE in your cmake configuration to format C++ code * Install autopep8 (>= 1.2.1) to format python code * Use "scripts/astyle.sh file" to fix the now badly indented files * Consider using scripts/prepare-commit.sh as pre-commit hook to avoid this in the future (ln -s scripts/prepare-commit.sh .git/hooks/pre-commit) or run it manually before each commit. EOF exit 1 fi