/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Communications and Remote Sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium * Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Professor Benoit Macq * Copyright (c) 2001-2003, David Janssens * Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Yannick Verschueren * Copyright (c) 2003-2007, Francois-Olivier Devaux and Antonin Descampe * Copyright (c) 2005, Herve Drolon, FreeImage Team * Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Parvatha Elangovan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS `AS IS' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "opj_config.h" #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #define BYTE_ORDER LITTLE_ENDIAN #elif __APPLE__ #include #else #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBTIFF #ifdef _WIN32 #include "../libs/libtiff/tiffio.h" #else #include #endif /* _WIN32 */ #endif /* HAVE_LIBTIFF */ #ifdef HAVE_LIBPNG #ifdef _WIN32 #include "../libs/png/png.h" #else #include #endif /* _WIN32 */ #endif /* HAVE_LIBPNG */ #include "../libopenjpeg/openjpeg.h" #include "convert.h" /* * Get logarithm of an integer and round downwards. * * log2(a) */ static int int_floorlog2(int a) { int l; for (l = 0; a > 1; l++) { a >>= 1; } return l; } /* -->> -->> -->> -->> TGA IMAGE FORMAT <<-- <<-- <<-- <<-- */ // TGA header definition. #pragma pack(push,1) // Pack structure byte aligned typedef struct tga_header { unsigned char id_length; /* Image id field length */ unsigned char colour_map_type; /* Colour map type */ unsigned char image_type; /* Image type */ /* ** Colour map specification */ unsigned short colour_map_index; /* First entry index */ unsigned short colour_map_length; /* Colour map length */ unsigned char colour_map_entry_size; /* Colour map entry size */ /* ** Image specification */ unsigned short x_origin; /* x origin of image */ unsigned short y_origin; /* u origin of image */ unsigned short image_width; /* Image width */ unsigned short image_height; /* Image height */ unsigned char pixel_depth; /* Pixel depth */ unsigned char image_desc; /* Image descriptor */ } tga_header; #pragma pack(pop) // Return to normal structure packing alignment. int tga_readheader(FILE *fp, unsigned int *bits_per_pixel, unsigned int *width, unsigned int *height, int *flip_image) { int palette_size; tga_header tga ; if (!bits_per_pixel || !width || !height || !flip_image) return 0; // Read TGA header fread((unsigned char*)&tga, sizeof(tga_header), 1, fp); *bits_per_pixel = tga.pixel_depth; *width = tga.image_width; *height = tga.image_height ; // Ignore tga identifier, if present ... if (tga.id_length) { unsigned char *id = (unsigned char *) malloc(tga.id_length); fread(id, tga.id_length, 1, fp); free(id); } // Test for compressed formats ... not yet supported ... // Note :- 9 - RLE encoded palettized. // 10 - RLE encoded RGB. if (tga.image_type > 8) { fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, compressed tga files are not currently supported.\n"); return 0 ; } *flip_image = !(tga.image_desc & 32); // Palettized formats are not yet supported, skip over the palette, if present ... palette_size = tga.colour_map_length * (tga.colour_map_entry_size/8); if (palette_size>0) { fprintf(stderr, "File contains a palette - not yet supported."); fseek(fp, palette_size, SEEK_CUR); } return 1; } int tga_writeheader(FILE *fp, int bits_per_pixel, int width, int height, bool flip_image) { tga_header tga; if (!bits_per_pixel || !width || !height) return 0; memset(&tga, 0, sizeof(tga_header)); tga.pixel_depth = bits_per_pixel; tga.image_width = width; tga.image_height = height; tga.image_type = 2; // Uncompressed. tga.image_desc = 8; // 8 bits per component. if (flip_image) tga.image_desc |= 32; // Write TGA header fwrite((unsigned char*)&tga, sizeof(tga_header), 1, fp); return 1; } opj_image_t* tgatoimage(const char *filename, opj_cparameters_t *parameters) { FILE *f; opj_image_t *image; unsigned int image_width, image_height, pixel_bit_depth; unsigned int x, y; int flip_image=0; opj_image_cmptparm_t cmptparm[4]; /* maximum 4 components */ int numcomps; OPJ_COLOR_SPACE color_space; bool mono ; bool save_alpha; int subsampling_dx, subsampling_dy; int i; f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!f) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s for reading !!\n", filename); return 0; } if (!tga_readheader(f, &pixel_bit_depth, &image_width, &image_height, &flip_image)) return NULL; // We currently only support 24 & 32 bit tga's ... if (!((pixel_bit_depth == 24) || (pixel_bit_depth == 32))) return NULL; /* initialize image components */ memset(&cmptparm[0], 0, 4 * sizeof(opj_image_cmptparm_t)); mono = (pixel_bit_depth == 8) || (pixel_bit_depth == 16); // Mono with & without alpha. save_alpha = (pixel_bit_depth == 16) || (pixel_bit_depth == 32); // Mono with alpha, or RGB with alpha if (mono) { color_space = CLRSPC_GRAY; numcomps = save_alpha ? 2 : 1; } else { numcomps = save_alpha ? 4 : 3; color_space = CLRSPC_SRGB; } subsampling_dx = parameters->subsampling_dx; subsampling_dy = parameters->subsampling_dy; for (i = 0; i < numcomps; i++) { cmptparm[i].prec = 8; cmptparm[i].bpp = 8; cmptparm[i].sgnd = 0; cmptparm[i].dx = subsampling_dx; cmptparm[i].dy = subsampling_dy; cmptparm[i].w = image_width; cmptparm[i].h = image_height; } /* create the image */ image = opj_image_create(numcomps, &cmptparm[0], color_space); if (!image) return NULL; /* set image offset and reference grid */ image->x0 = parameters->image_offset_x0; image->y0 = parameters->image_offset_y0; image->x1 = !image->x0 ? (image_width - 1) * subsampling_dx + 1 : image->x0 + (image_width - 1) * subsampling_dx + 1; image->y1 = !image->y0 ? (image_height - 1) * subsampling_dy + 1 : image->y0 + (image_height - 1) * subsampling_dy + 1; /* set image data */ for (y=0; y < image_height; y++) { int index; if (flip_image) index = (image_height-y-1)*image_width; else index = y*image_width; if (numcomps==3) { for (x=0;xcomps[0].data[index]=r; image->comps[1].data[index]=g; image->comps[2].data[index]=b; index++; } } else if (numcomps==4) { for (x=0;xcomps[0].data[index]=r; image->comps[1].data[index]=g; image->comps[2].data[index]=b; image->comps[3].data[index]=a; index++; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Currently unsupported bit depth : %s\n", filename); } } return image; } int imagetotga(opj_image_t * image, const char *outfile) { int width, height, bpp, x, y; bool write_alpha; int i; unsigned int alpha_channel; float r,g,b,a; unsigned char value; float scale; FILE *fdest; fdest = fopen(outfile, "wb"); if (!fdest) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> failed to open %s for writing\n", outfile); return 1; } for (i = 0; i < image->numcomps-1; i++) { if ((image->comps[0].dx != image->comps[i+1].dx) ||(image->comps[0].dy != image->comps[i+1].dy) ||(image->comps[0].prec != image->comps[i+1].prec)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create a tga file with such J2K image charateristics."); return 1; } } width = image->comps[0].w; height = image->comps[0].h; // Mono with alpha, or RGB with alpha. write_alpha = (image->numcomps==2) || (image->numcomps==4); // Write TGA header bpp = write_alpha ? 32 : 24; if (!tga_writeheader(fdest, bpp, width , height, true)) return 1; alpha_channel = image->numcomps-1; scale = 255.0f / (float)((1<comps[0].prec)-1); for (y=0; y < height; y++) { unsigned int index=y*width; for (x=0; x < width; x++, index++) { r = (float)(image->comps[0].data[index]); if (image->numcomps>2) { g = (float)(image->comps[1].data[index]); b = (float)(image->comps[2].data[index]); } else {// Greyscale ... g = r; b = r; } // TGA format writes BGR ... value = (unsigned char)(b*scale); fwrite(&value,1,1,fdest); value = (unsigned char)(g*scale); fwrite(&value,1,1,fdest); value = (unsigned char)(r*scale); fwrite(&value,1,1,fdest); if (write_alpha) { a = (float)(image->comps[alpha_channel].data[index]); value = (unsigned char)(a*scale); fwrite(&value,1,1,fdest); } } } return 0; } /* -->> -->> -->> -->> BMP IMAGE FORMAT <<-- <<-- <<-- <<-- */ /* WORD defines a two byte word */ typedef unsigned short int WORD; /* DWORD defines a four byte word */ typedef unsigned long int DWORD; typedef struct { WORD bfType; /* 'BM' for Bitmap (19776) */ DWORD bfSize; /* Size of the file */ WORD bfReserved1; /* Reserved : 0 */ WORD bfReserved2; /* Reserved : 0 */ DWORD bfOffBits; /* Offset */ } BITMAPFILEHEADER_t; typedef struct { DWORD biSize; /* Size of the structure in bytes */ DWORD biWidth; /* Width of the image in pixels */ DWORD biHeight; /* Heigth of the image in pixels */ WORD biPlanes; /* 1 */ WORD biBitCount; /* Number of color bits by pixels */ DWORD biCompression; /* Type of encoding 0: none 1: RLE8 2: RLE4 */ DWORD biSizeImage; /* Size of the image in bytes */ DWORD biXpelsPerMeter; /* Horizontal (X) resolution in pixels/meter */ DWORD biYpelsPerMeter; /* Vertical (Y) resolution in pixels/meter */ DWORD biClrUsed; /* Number of color used in the image (0: ALL) */ DWORD biClrImportant; /* Number of important color (0: ALL) */ } BITMAPINFOHEADER_t; opj_image_t* bmptoimage(const char *filename, opj_cparameters_t *parameters) { int subsampling_dx = parameters->subsampling_dx; int subsampling_dy = parameters->subsampling_dy; int i, numcomps, w, h; OPJ_COLOR_SPACE color_space; opj_image_cmptparm_t cmptparm[3]; /* maximum of 3 components */ opj_image_t * image = NULL; FILE *IN; BITMAPFILEHEADER_t File_h; BITMAPINFOHEADER_t Info_h; unsigned char *RGB; unsigned char *table_R, *table_G, *table_B; unsigned int j, PAD = 0; int x, y, index; int gray_scale = 1, not_end_file = 1; unsigned int line = 0, col = 0; unsigned char v, v2; DWORD W, H; IN = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!IN) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s for reading !!\n", filename); return 0; } File_h.bfType = getc(IN); File_h.bfType = (getc(IN) << 8) + File_h.bfType; if (File_h.bfType != 19778) { fprintf(stderr,"Error, not a BMP file!\n"); return 0; } else { /* FILE HEADER */ /* ------------- */ File_h.bfSize = getc(IN); File_h.bfSize = (getc(IN) << 8) + File_h.bfSize; File_h.bfSize = (getc(IN) << 16) + File_h.bfSize; File_h.bfSize = (getc(IN) << 24) + File_h.bfSize; File_h.bfReserved1 = getc(IN); File_h.bfReserved1 = (getc(IN) << 8) + File_h.bfReserved1; File_h.bfReserved2 = getc(IN); File_h.bfReserved2 = (getc(IN) << 8) + File_h.bfReserved2; File_h.bfOffBits = getc(IN); File_h.bfOffBits = (getc(IN) << 8) + File_h.bfOffBits; File_h.bfOffBits = (getc(IN) << 16) + File_h.bfOffBits; File_h.bfOffBits = (getc(IN) << 24) + File_h.bfOffBits; /* INFO HEADER */ /* ------------- */ Info_h.biSize = getc(IN); Info_h.biSize = (getc(IN) << 8) + Info_h.biSize; Info_h.biSize = (getc(IN) << 16) + Info_h.biSize; Info_h.biSize = (getc(IN) << 24) + Info_h.biSize; Info_h.biWidth = getc(IN); Info_h.biWidth = (getc(IN) << 8) + Info_h.biWidth; Info_h.biWidth = (getc(IN) << 16) + Info_h.biWidth; Info_h.biWidth = (getc(IN) << 24) + Info_h.biWidth; w = Info_h.biWidth; Info_h.biHeight = getc(IN); Info_h.biHeight = (getc(IN) << 8) + Info_h.biHeight; Info_h.biHeight = (getc(IN) << 16) + Info_h.biHeight; Info_h.biHeight = (getc(IN) << 24) + Info_h.biHeight; h = Info_h.biHeight; Info_h.biPlanes = getc(IN); Info_h.biPlanes = (getc(IN) << 8) + Info_h.biPlanes; Info_h.biBitCount = getc(IN); Info_h.biBitCount = (getc(IN) << 8) + Info_h.biBitCount; Info_h.biCompression = getc(IN); Info_h.biCompression = (getc(IN) << 8) + Info_h.biCompression; Info_h.biCompression = (getc(IN) << 16) + Info_h.biCompression; Info_h.biCompression = (getc(IN) << 24) + Info_h.biCompression; Info_h.biSizeImage = getc(IN); Info_h.biSizeImage = (getc(IN) << 8) + Info_h.biSizeImage; Info_h.biSizeImage = (getc(IN) << 16) + Info_h.biSizeImage; Info_h.biSizeImage = (getc(IN) << 24) + Info_h.biSizeImage; Info_h.biXpelsPerMeter = getc(IN); Info_h.biXpelsPerMeter = (getc(IN) << 8) + Info_h.biXpelsPerMeter; Info_h.biXpelsPerMeter = (getc(IN) << 16) + Info_h.biXpelsPerMeter; Info_h.biXpelsPerMeter = (getc(IN) << 24) + Info_h.biXpelsPerMeter; Info_h.biYpelsPerMeter = getc(IN); Info_h.biYpelsPerMeter = (getc(IN) << 8) + Info_h.biYpelsPerMeter; Info_h.biYpelsPerMeter = (getc(IN) << 16) + Info_h.biYpelsPerMeter; Info_h.biYpelsPerMeter = (getc(IN) << 24) + Info_h.biYpelsPerMeter; Info_h.biClrUsed = getc(IN); Info_h.biClrUsed = (getc(IN) << 8) + Info_h.biClrUsed; Info_h.biClrUsed = (getc(IN) << 16) + Info_h.biClrUsed; Info_h.biClrUsed = (getc(IN) << 24) + Info_h.biClrUsed; Info_h.biClrImportant = getc(IN); Info_h.biClrImportant = (getc(IN) << 8) + Info_h.biClrImportant; Info_h.biClrImportant = (getc(IN) << 16) + Info_h.biClrImportant; Info_h.biClrImportant = (getc(IN) << 24) + Info_h.biClrImportant; /* Read the data and store them in the OUT file */ if (Info_h.biBitCount == 24) { numcomps = 3; color_space = CLRSPC_SRGB; /* initialize image components */ memset(&cmptparm[0], 0, 3 * sizeof(opj_image_cmptparm_t)); for(i = 0; i < numcomps; i++) { cmptparm[i].prec = 8; cmptparm[i].bpp = 8; cmptparm[i].sgnd = 0; cmptparm[i].dx = subsampling_dx; cmptparm[i].dy = subsampling_dy; cmptparm[i].w = w; cmptparm[i].h = h; } /* create the image */ image = opj_image_create(numcomps, &cmptparm[0], color_space); if(!image) { fclose(IN); return NULL; } /* set image offset and reference grid */ image->x0 = parameters->image_offset_x0; image->y0 = parameters->image_offset_y0; image->x1 = !image->x0 ? (w - 1) * subsampling_dx + 1 : image->x0 + (w - 1) * subsampling_dx + 1; image->y1 = !image->y0 ? (h - 1) * subsampling_dy + 1 : image->y0 + (h - 1) * subsampling_dy + 1; /* set image data */ /* Place the cursor at the beginning of the image information */ fseek(IN, 0, SEEK_SET); fseek(IN, File_h.bfOffBits, SEEK_SET); W = Info_h.biWidth; H = Info_h.biHeight; /* PAD = 4 - (3 * W) % 4; */ /* PAD = (PAD == 4) ? 0 : PAD; */ PAD = (3 * W) % 4 ? 4 - (3 * W) % 4 : 0; RGB = (unsigned char *) malloc((3 * W + PAD) * H * sizeof(unsigned char)); fread(RGB, sizeof(unsigned char), (3 * W + PAD) * H, IN); index = 0; for(y = 0; y < (int)H; y++) { unsigned char *scanline = RGB + (3 * W + PAD) * (H - 1 - y); for(x = 0; x < (int)W; x++) { unsigned char *pixel = &scanline[3 * x]; image->comps[0].data[index] = pixel[2]; /* R */ image->comps[1].data[index] = pixel[1]; /* G */ image->comps[2].data[index] = pixel[0]; /* B */ index++; } } free(RGB); } else if (Info_h.biBitCount == 8 && Info_h.biCompression == 0) { table_R = (unsigned char *) malloc(256 * sizeof(unsigned char)); table_G = (unsigned char *) malloc(256 * sizeof(unsigned char)); table_B = (unsigned char *) malloc(256 * sizeof(unsigned char)); for (j = 0; j < Info_h.biClrUsed; j++) { table_B[j] = getc(IN); table_G[j] = getc(IN); table_R[j] = getc(IN); getc(IN); if (table_R[j] != table_G[j] && table_R[j] != table_B[j] && table_G[j] != table_B[j]) gray_scale = 0; } /* Place the cursor at the beginning of the image information */ fseek(IN, 0, SEEK_SET); fseek(IN, File_h.bfOffBits, SEEK_SET); W = Info_h.biWidth; H = Info_h.biHeight; if (Info_h.biWidth % 2) W++; numcomps = gray_scale ? 1 : 3; color_space = gray_scale ? CLRSPC_GRAY : CLRSPC_SRGB; /* initialize image components */ memset(&cmptparm[0], 0, 3 * sizeof(opj_image_cmptparm_t)); for(i = 0; i < numcomps; i++) { cmptparm[i].prec = 8; cmptparm[i].bpp = 8; cmptparm[i].sgnd = 0; cmptparm[i].dx = subsampling_dx; cmptparm[i].dy = subsampling_dy; cmptparm[i].w = w; cmptparm[i].h = h; } /* create the image */ image = opj_image_create(numcomps, &cmptparm[0], color_space); if(!image) { fclose(IN); return NULL; } /* set image offset and reference grid */ image->x0 = parameters->image_offset_x0; image->y0 = parameters->image_offset_y0; image->x1 = !image->x0 ? (w - 1) * subsampling_dx + 1 : image->x0 + (w - 1) * subsampling_dx + 1; image->y1 = !image->y0 ? (h - 1) * subsampling_dy + 1 : image->y0 + (h - 1) * subsampling_dy + 1; /* set image data */ RGB = (unsigned char *) malloc(W * H * sizeof(unsigned char)); fread(RGB, sizeof(unsigned char), W * H, IN); if (gray_scale) { index = 0; for (j = 0; j < W * H; j++) { if ((j % W < W - 1 && Info_h.biWidth % 2) || !(Info_h.biWidth % 2)) { image->comps[0].data[index] = table_R[RGB[W * H - ((j) / (W) + 1) * W + (j) % (W)]]; index++; } } } else { index = 0; for (j = 0; j < W * H; j++) { if ((j % W < W - 1 && Info_h.biWidth % 2) || !(Info_h.biWidth % 2)) { unsigned char pixel_index = RGB[W * H - ((j) / (W) + 1) * W + (j) % (W)]; image->comps[0].data[index] = table_R[pixel_index]; image->comps[1].data[index] = table_G[pixel_index]; image->comps[2].data[index] = table_B[pixel_index]; index++; } } } free(RGB); free(table_R); free(table_G); free(table_B); } else if (Info_h.biBitCount == 8 && Info_h.biCompression == 1) { table_R = (unsigned char *) malloc(256 * sizeof(unsigned char)); table_G = (unsigned char *) malloc(256 * sizeof(unsigned char)); table_B = (unsigned char *) malloc(256 * sizeof(unsigned char)); for (j = 0; j < Info_h.biClrUsed; j++) { table_B[j] = getc(IN); table_G[j] = getc(IN); table_R[j] = getc(IN); getc(IN); if (table_R[j] != table_G[j] && table_R[j] != table_B[j] && table_G[j] != table_B[j]) gray_scale = 0; } numcomps = gray_scale ? 1 : 3; color_space = gray_scale ? CLRSPC_GRAY : CLRSPC_SRGB; /* initialize image components */ memset(&cmptparm[0], 0, 3 * sizeof(opj_image_cmptparm_t)); for(i = 0; i < numcomps; i++) { cmptparm[i].prec = 8; cmptparm[i].bpp = 8; cmptparm[i].sgnd = 0; cmptparm[i].dx = subsampling_dx; cmptparm[i].dy = subsampling_dy; cmptparm[i].w = w; cmptparm[i].h = h; } /* create the image */ image = opj_image_create(numcomps, &cmptparm[0], color_space); if(!image) { fclose(IN); return NULL; } /* set image offset and reference grid */ image->x0 = parameters->image_offset_x0; image->y0 = parameters->image_offset_y0; image->x1 = !image->x0 ? (w - 1) * subsampling_dx + 1 : image->x0 + (w - 1) * subsampling_dx + 1; image->y1 = !image->y0 ? (h - 1) * subsampling_dy + 1 : image->y0 + (h - 1) * subsampling_dy + 1; /* set image data */ /* Place the cursor at the beginning of the image information */ fseek(IN, 0, SEEK_SET); fseek(IN, File_h.bfOffBits, SEEK_SET); RGB = (unsigned char *) malloc(Info_h.biWidth * Info_h.biHeight * sizeof(unsigned char)); while (not_end_file) { v = getc(IN); if (v) { v2 = getc(IN); for (i = 0; i < (int) v; i++) { RGB[line * Info_h.biWidth + col] = v2; col++; } } else { v = getc(IN); switch (v) { case 0: col = 0; line++; break; case 1: line++; not_end_file = 0; break; case 2: fprintf(stderr,"No Delta supported\n"); opj_image_destroy(image); fclose(IN); return NULL; default: for (i = 0; i < v; i++) { v2 = getc(IN); RGB[line * Info_h.biWidth + col] = v2; col++; } if (v % 2) v2 = getc(IN); break; } } } if (gray_scale) { index = 0; for (line = 0; line < Info_h.biHeight; line++) { for (col = 0; col < Info_h.biWidth; col++) { image->comps[0].data[index] = table_R[(int)RGB[(Info_h.biHeight - line - 1) * Info_h.biWidth + col]]; index++; } } } else { index = 0; for (line = 0; line < Info_h.biHeight; line++) { for (col = 0; col < Info_h.biWidth; col++) { unsigned char pixel_index = (int)RGB[(Info_h.biHeight - line - 1) * Info_h.biWidth + col]; image->comps[0].data[index] = table_R[pixel_index]; image->comps[1].data[index] = table_G[pixel_index]; image->comps[2].data[index] = table_B[pixel_index]; index++; } } } free(RGB); free(table_R); free(table_G); free(table_B); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Other system than 24 bits/pixels or 8 bits (no RLE coding) is not yet implemented [%d]\n", Info_h.biBitCount); } fclose(IN); } return image; } int imagetobmp(opj_image_t * image, const char *outfile) { int w, h; int i, pad; FILE *fdest = NULL; int adjustR, adjustG, adjustB; if (image->numcomps == 3 && image->comps[0].dx == image->comps[1].dx && image->comps[1].dx == image->comps[2].dx && image->comps[0].dy == image->comps[1].dy && image->comps[1].dy == image->comps[2].dy && image->comps[0].prec == image->comps[1].prec && image->comps[1].prec == image->comps[2].prec) { /* -->> -->> -->> -->> 24 bits color <<-- <<-- <<-- <<-- */ fdest = fopen(outfile, "wb"); if (!fdest) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> failed to open %s for writing\n", outfile); return 1; } w = image->comps[0].w; h = image->comps[0].h; fprintf(fdest, "BM"); /* FILE HEADER */ /* ------------- */ fprintf(fdest, "%c%c%c%c", (unsigned char) (h * w * 3 + 3 * h * (w % 2) + 54) & 0xff, (unsigned char) ((h * w * 3 + 3 * h * (w % 2) + 54) >> 8) & 0xff, (unsigned char) ((h * w * 3 + 3 * h * (w % 2) + 54) >> 16) & 0xff, (unsigned char) ((h * w * 3 + 3 * h * (w % 2) + 54) >> 24) & 0xff); fprintf(fdest, "%c%c%c%c", (0) & 0xff, ((0) >> 8) & 0xff, ((0) >> 16) & 0xff, ((0) >> 24) & 0xff); fprintf(fdest, "%c%c%c%c", (54) & 0xff, ((54) >> 8) & 0xff,((54) >> 16) & 0xff, ((54) >> 24) & 0xff); /* INFO HEADER */ /* ------------- */ fprintf(fdest, "%c%c%c%c", (40) & 0xff, ((40) >> 8) & 0xff, ((40) >> 16) & 0xff, ((40) >> 24) & 0xff); fprintf(fdest, "%c%c%c%c", (unsigned char) ((w) & 0xff), (unsigned char) ((w) >> 8) & 0xff, (unsigned char) ((w) >> 16) & 0xff, (unsigned char) ((w) >> 24) & 0xff); fprintf(fdest, "%c%c%c%c", (unsigned char) ((h) & 0xff), (unsigned char) ((h) >> 8) & 0xff, (unsigned char) ((h) >> 16) & 0xff, (unsigned char) ((h) >> 24) & 0xff); fprintf(fdest, "%c%c", (1) & 0xff, ((1) >> 8) & 0xff); fprintf(fdest, "%c%c", (24) & 0xff, ((24) >> 8) & 0xff); fprintf(fdest, "%c%c%c%c", (0) & 0xff, ((0) >> 8) & 0xff, ((0) >> 16) & 0xff, ((0) >> 24) & 0xff); fprintf(fdest, "%c%c%c%c", (unsigned char) (3 * h * w + 3 * h * (w % 2)) & 0xff, (unsigned char) ((h * w * 3 + 3 * h * (w % 2)) >> 8) & 0xff, (unsigned char) ((h * w * 3 + 3 * h * (w % 2)) >> 16) & 0xff, (unsigned char) ((h * w * 3 + 3 * h * (w % 2)) >> 24) & 0xff); fprintf(fdest, "%c%c%c%c", (7834) & 0xff, ((7834) >> 8) & 0xff, ((7834) >> 16) & 0xff, ((7834) >> 24) & 0xff); fprintf(fdest, "%c%c%c%c", (7834) & 0xff, ((7834) >> 8) & 0xff, ((7834) >> 16) & 0xff, ((7834) >> 24) & 0xff); fprintf(fdest, "%c%c%c%c", (0) & 0xff, ((0) >> 8) & 0xff, ((0) >> 16) & 0xff, ((0) >> 24) & 0xff); fprintf(fdest, "%c%c%c%c", (0) & 0xff, ((0) >> 8) & 0xff, ((0) >> 16) & 0xff, ((0) >> 24) & 0xff); if (image->comps[0].prec > 8) { adjustR = image->comps[0].prec - 8; printf("BMP CONVERSION: Truncating component 0 from %d bits to 8 bits\n", image->comps[0].prec); } else adjustR = 0; if (image->comps[1].prec > 8) { adjustG = image->comps[1].prec - 8; printf("BMP CONVERSION: Truncating component 1 from %d bits to 8 bits\n", image->comps[1].prec); } else adjustG = 0; if (image->comps[2].prec > 8) { adjustB = image->comps[2].prec - 8; printf("BMP CONVERSION: Truncating component 2 from %d bits to 8 bits\n", image->comps[2].prec); } else adjustB = 0; for (i = 0; i < w * h; i++) { unsigned char rc, gc, bc; int r, g, b; r = image->comps[0].data[w * h - ((i) / (w) + 1) * w + (i) % (w)]; r += (image->comps[0].sgnd ? 1 << (image->comps[0].prec - 1) : 0); rc = (unsigned char) ((r >> adjustR)+((r >> (adjustR-1))%2)); g = image->comps[1].data[w * h - ((i) / (w) + 1) * w + (i) % (w)]; g += (image->comps[1].sgnd ? 1 << (image->comps[1].prec - 1) : 0); gc = (unsigned char) ((g >> adjustG)+((g >> (adjustG-1))%2)); b = image->comps[2].data[w * h - ((i) / (w) + 1) * w + (i) % (w)]; b += (image->comps[2].sgnd ? 1 << (image->comps[2].prec - 1) : 0); bc = (unsigned char) ((b >> adjustB)+((b >> (adjustB-1))%2)); fprintf(fdest, "%c%c%c", bc, gc, rc); if ((i + 1) % w == 0) { for (pad = (3 * w) % 4 ? 4 - (3 * w) % 4 : 0; pad > 0; pad--) /* ADD */ fprintf(fdest, "%c", 0); } } fclose(fdest); } else { /* Gray-scale */ /* -->> -->> -->> -->> 8 bits non code (Gray scale) <<-- <<-- <<-- <<-- */ fdest = fopen(outfile, "wb"); w = image->comps[0].w; h = image->comps[0].h; fprintf(fdest, "BM"); /* FILE HEADER */ /* ------------- */ fprintf(fdest, "%c%c%c%c", (unsigned char) (h * w + 54 + 1024 + h * (w % 2)) & 0xff, (unsigned char) ((h * w + 54 + 1024 + h * (w % 2)) >> 8) & 0xff, (unsigned char) ((h * w + 54 + 1024 + h * (w % 2)) >> 16) & 0xff, (unsigned char) ((h * w + 54 + 1024 + w * (w % 2)) >> 24) & 0xff); fprintf(fdest, "%c%c%c%c", (0) & 0xff, ((0) >> 8) & 0xff, ((0) >> 16) & 0xff, ((0) >> 24) & 0xff); fprintf(fdest, "%c%c%c%c", (54 + 1024) & 0xff, ((54 + 1024) >> 8) & 0xff, ((54 + 1024) >> 16) & 0xff, ((54 + 1024) >> 24) & 0xff); /* INFO HEADER */ /* ------------- */ fprintf(fdest, "%c%c%c%c", (40) & 0xff, ((40) >> 8) & 0xff, ((40) >> 16) & 0xff, ((40) >> 24) & 0xff); fprintf(fdest, "%c%c%c%c", (unsigned char) ((w) & 0xff), (unsigned char) ((w) >> 8) & 0xff, (unsigned char) ((w) >> 16) & 0xff, (unsigned char) ((w) >> 24) & 0xff); fprintf(fdest, "%c%c%c%c", (unsigned char) ((h) & 0xff), (unsigned char) ((h) >> 8) & 0xff, (unsigned char) ((h) >> 16) & 0xff, (unsigned char) ((h) >> 24) & 0xff); fprintf(fdest, "%c%c", (1) & 0xff, ((1) >> 8) & 0xff); fprintf(fdest, "%c%c", (8) & 0xff, ((8) >> 8) & 0xff); fprintf(fdest, "%c%c%c%c", (0) & 0xff, ((0) >> 8) & 0xff, ((0) >> 16) & 0xff, ((0) >> 24) & 0xff); fprintf(fdest, "%c%c%c%c", (unsigned char) (h * w + h * (w % 2)) & 0xff, (unsigned char) ((h * w + h * (w % 2)) >> 8) & 0xff, (unsigned char) ((h * w + h * (w % 2)) >> 16) & 0xff, (unsigned char) ((h * w + h * (w % 2)) >> 24) & 0xff); fprintf(fdest, "%c%c%c%c", (7834) & 0xff, ((7834) >> 8) & 0xff, ((7834) >> 16) & 0xff, ((7834) >> 24) & 0xff); fprintf(fdest, "%c%c%c%c", (7834) & 0xff, ((7834) >> 8) & 0xff, ((7834) >> 16) & 0xff, ((7834) >> 24) & 0xff); fprintf(fdest, "%c%c%c%c", (256) & 0xff, ((256) >> 8) & 0xff, ((256) >> 16) & 0xff, ((256) >> 24) & 0xff); fprintf(fdest, "%c%c%c%c", (256) & 0xff, ((256) >> 8) & 0xff, ((256) >> 16) & 0xff, ((256) >> 24) & 0xff); if (image->comps[0].prec > 8) { adjustR = image->comps[0].prec - 8; printf("BMP CONVERSION: Truncating component 0 from %d bits to 8 bits\n", image->comps[0].prec); }else adjustR = 0; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { fprintf(fdest, "%c%c%c%c", i, i, i, 0); } for (i = 0; i < w * h; i++) { unsigned char rc; int r; r = image->comps[0].data[w * h - ((i) / (w) + 1) * w + (i) % (w)]; r += (image->comps[0].sgnd ? 1 << (image->comps[0].prec - 1) : 0); rc = (unsigned char) ((r >> adjustR)+((r >> (adjustR-1))%2)); fprintf(fdest, "%c", rc); if ((i + 1) % w == 0) { for (pad = w % 4 ? 4 - w % 4 : 0; pad > 0; pad--) /* ADD */ fprintf(fdest, "%c", 0); } } fclose(fdest); } return 0; } /* -->> -->> -->> -->> PGX IMAGE FORMAT <<-- <<-- <<-- <<-- */ unsigned char readuchar(FILE * f) { unsigned char c1; fread(&c1, 1, 1, f); return c1; } unsigned short readushort(FILE * f, int bigendian) { unsigned char c1, c2; fread(&c1, 1, 1, f); fread(&c2, 1, 1, f); if (bigendian) return (c1 << 8) + c2; else return (c2 << 8) + c1; } unsigned int readuint(FILE * f, int bigendian) { unsigned char c1, c2, c3, c4; fread(&c1, 1, 1, f); fread(&c2, 1, 1, f); fread(&c3, 1, 1, f); fread(&c4, 1, 1, f); if (bigendian) return (c1 << 24) + (c2 << 16) + (c3 << 8) + c4; else return (c4 << 24) + (c3 << 16) + (c2 << 8) + c1; } opj_image_t* pgxtoimage(const char *filename, opj_cparameters_t *parameters) { FILE *f = NULL; int w, h, prec; int i, numcomps, max; OPJ_COLOR_SPACE color_space; opj_image_cmptparm_t cmptparm; /* maximum of 1 component */ opj_image_t * image = NULL; char endian1,endian2,sign; char signtmp[32]; char temp[32]; int bigendian; opj_image_comp_t *comp = NULL; numcomps = 1; color_space = CLRSPC_GRAY; memset(&cmptparm, 0, sizeof(opj_image_cmptparm_t)); max = 0; f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!f) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s for reading !\n", filename); return NULL; } fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); fscanf(f, "PG%[ \t]%c%c%[ \t+-]%d%[ \t]%d%[ \t]%d",temp,&endian1,&endian2,signtmp,&prec,temp,&w,temp,&h); i=0; sign='+'; while (signtmp[i]!='\0') { if (signtmp[i]=='-') sign='-'; i++; } fgetc(f); if (endian1=='M' && endian2=='L') { bigendian = 1; } else if (endian2=='M' && endian1=='L') { bigendian = 0; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Bad pgx header, please check input file\n"); return NULL; } /* initialize image component */ cmptparm.x0 = parameters->image_offset_x0; cmptparm.y0 = parameters->image_offset_y0; cmptparm.w = !cmptparm.x0 ? (w - 1) * parameters->subsampling_dx + 1 : cmptparm.x0 + (w - 1) * parameters->subsampling_dx + 1; cmptparm.h = !cmptparm.y0 ? (h - 1) * parameters->subsampling_dy + 1 : cmptparm.y0 + (h - 1) * parameters->subsampling_dy + 1; if (sign == '-') { cmptparm.sgnd = 1; } else { cmptparm.sgnd = 0; } cmptparm.prec = prec; cmptparm.bpp = prec; cmptparm.dx = parameters->subsampling_dx; cmptparm.dy = parameters->subsampling_dy; /* create the image */ image = opj_image_create(numcomps, &cmptparm, color_space); if(!image) { fclose(f); return NULL; } /* set image offset and reference grid */ image->x0 = cmptparm.x0; image->y0 = cmptparm.x0; image->x1 = cmptparm.w; image->y1 = cmptparm.h; /* set image data */ comp = &image->comps[0]; for (i = 0; i < w * h; i++) { int v; if (comp->prec <= 8) { if (!comp->sgnd) { v = readuchar(f); } else { v = (char) readuchar(f); } } else if (comp->prec <= 16) { if (!comp->sgnd) { v = readushort(f, bigendian); } else { v = (short) readushort(f, bigendian); } } else { if (!comp->sgnd) { v = readuint(f, bigendian); } else { v = (int) readuint(f, bigendian); } } if (v > max) max = v; comp->data[i] = v; } fclose(f); comp->bpp = int_floorlog2(max) + 1; return image; } int imagetopgx(opj_image_t * image, const char *outfile) { int w, h; int i, j, compno; FILE *fdest = NULL; for (compno = 0; compno < image->numcomps; compno++) { opj_image_comp_t *comp = &image->comps[compno]; char bname[256]; /* buffer for name */ char *name = bname; /* pointer */ int nbytes = 0; const size_t olen = strlen(outfile); const size_t dotpos = olen - 4; const size_t total = dotpos + 1 + 1 + 4; /* '-' + '[1-3]' + '.pgx' */ if( outfile[dotpos] != '.' ) { /* `pgx` was recognized but there is no dot at expected position */ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> Impossible happen." ); return 1; } if( total > 256 ) { name = (char*)malloc(total+1); } strncpy(name, outfile, dotpos); if (image->numcomps > 1) { sprintf(name+dotpos, "-%d.pgx", compno); } else { strcpy(name+dotpos, ".pgx"); } fdest = fopen(name, "wb"); if (!fdest) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> failed to open %s for writing\n", name); return 1; } /* dont need name anymore */ if( total > 256 ) { free(name); } w = image->comps[compno].w; h = image->comps[compno].h; fprintf(fdest, "PG ML %c %d %d %d\n", comp->sgnd ? '-' : '+', comp->prec, w, h); if (comp->prec <= 8) { nbytes = 1; } else if (comp->prec <= 16) { nbytes = 2; } else { nbytes = 4; } for (i = 0; i < w * h; i++) { int v = image->comps[compno].data[i]; for (j = nbytes - 1; j >= 0; j--) { char byte = (char) (v >> (j * 8)); fwrite(&byte, 1, 1, fdest); } } fclose(fdest); } return 0; } /* -->> -->> -->> -->> PNM IMAGE FORMAT <<-- <<-- <<-- <<-- */ opj_image_t* pnmtoimage(const char *filename, opj_cparameters_t *parameters) { int subsampling_dx = parameters->subsampling_dx; int subsampling_dy = parameters->subsampling_dy; FILE *f = NULL; int i, compno, numcomps, w, h; OPJ_COLOR_SPACE color_space; opj_image_cmptparm_t cmptparm[3]; /* maximum of 3 components */ opj_image_t * image = NULL; char value; f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!f) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s for reading !!\n", filename); return 0; } if (fgetc(f) != 'P') return 0; value = fgetc(f); switch(value) { case '2': /* greyscale image type */ case '5': numcomps = 1; color_space = CLRSPC_GRAY; break; case '3': /* RGB image type */ case '6': numcomps = 3; color_space = CLRSPC_SRGB; break; default: fclose(f); return NULL; } fgetc(f); /* skip comments */ while(fgetc(f) == '#') while(fgetc(f) != '\n'); fseek(f, -1, SEEK_CUR); fscanf(f, "%d %d\n255", &w, &h); fgetc(f); /* */ /* initialize image components */ memset(&cmptparm[0], 0, 3 * sizeof(opj_image_cmptparm_t)); for(i = 0; i < numcomps; i++) { cmptparm[i].prec = 8; cmptparm[i].bpp = 8; cmptparm[i].sgnd = 0; cmptparm[i].dx = subsampling_dx; cmptparm[i].dy = subsampling_dy; cmptparm[i].w = w; cmptparm[i].h = h; } /* create the image */ image = opj_image_create(numcomps, &cmptparm[0], color_space); if(!image) { fclose(f); return NULL; } /* set image offset and reference grid */ image->x0 = parameters->image_offset_x0; image->y0 = parameters->image_offset_y0; image->x1 = parameters->image_offset_x0 + (w - 1) * subsampling_dx + 1; image->y1 = parameters->image_offset_y0 + (h - 1) * subsampling_dy + 1; /* set image data */ if ((value == '2') || (value == '3')) { /* ASCII */ for (i = 0; i < w * h; i++) { for(compno = 0; compno < numcomps; compno++) { unsigned int index = 0; fscanf(f, "%u", &index); /* compno : 0 = GREY, (0, 1, 2) = (R, G, B) */ image->comps[compno].data[i] = index; } } } else if ((value == '5') || (value == '6')) { /* BINARY */ for (i = 0; i < w * h; i++) { for(compno = 0; compno < numcomps; compno++) { unsigned char index = 0; fread(&index, 1, 1, f); /* compno : 0 = GREY, (0, 1, 2) = (R, G, B) */ image->comps[compno].data[i] = index; } } } fclose(f); return image; } int imagetopnm(opj_image_t * image, const char *outfile) { int *red, *green, *blue, *alpha; int wr, hr, max; int i, compno, ncomp; int adjustR, adjustG, adjustB; int fails, is16, force16, want_gray, has_alpha; int prec, opj_prec, ushift, dshift, v; FILE *fdest = NULL; const char *tmp = outfile; char *destname; if((opj_prec = image->comps[0].prec) > 16) { fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d:imagetopnm\n\tprecision %d is larger than 16" "\n\t: refused.\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,opj_prec); return 1; } prec = opj_prec; is16 = force16 = ushift = dshift = has_alpha = 0; fails = 1; if(prec > 8 && prec < 16) { prec = 16; force16 = 1; } while (*tmp) ++tmp; tmp -= 2; want_gray = (*tmp == 'g' || *tmp == 'G'); ncomp = image->numcomps; if (ncomp > 2 && image->comps[0].dx == image->comps[1].dx && image->comps[1].dx == image->comps[2].dx && image->comps[0].dy == image->comps[1].dy && image->comps[1].dy == image->comps[2].dy && image->comps[0].prec == image->comps[1].prec && image->comps[1].prec == image->comps[2].prec && !want_gray ) { fdest = fopen(outfile, "wb"); if (!fdest) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> failed to open %s for writing\n", outfile); return fails; } wr = image->comps[0].w; hr = image->comps[0].h; max = (1<comps[0].data; green = image->comps[1].data; blue = image->comps[2].data; if(has_alpha) { fprintf(fdest, "P7\n# OpenJPEG-%s\nWIDTH %d\nHEIGHT %d\nDEPTH 4\n" "MAXVAL %d\nTUPLTYPE RGB_ALPHA\nENDHDR\n", opj_version(), wr, hr, max); alpha = image->comps[3].data; } else { fprintf(fdest, "P6\n# OpenJPEG-%s\n%d %d\n%d\n", opj_version(), wr, hr, max); alpha = NULL; } if(force16) { ushift = 16 - opj_prec; dshift = opj_prec - ushift; } adjustR = (image->comps[0].sgnd ? 1 << (image->comps[0].prec - 1) : 0); adjustG = (image->comps[1].sgnd ? 1 << (image->comps[1].prec - 1) : 0); adjustB = (image->comps[2].sgnd ? 1 << (image->comps[2].prec - 1) : 0); for(i = 0; i < wr * hr; ++i) { if(is16) { /* MSB first: 'man ppm' */ v = *red + adjustR; ++red; if(force16) { v = (v<>dshift); } #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN fprintf(fdest, "%c%c",(unsigned char)v, (unsigned char)(v/256)); #else fprintf(fdest, "%c%c",(unsigned char)(v/256), (unsigned char)v); #endif v = *green + adjustG; ++green; if(force16) { v = (v<>dshift); } #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN fprintf(fdest, "%c%c",(unsigned char)v, (unsigned char)(v/256)); #else fprintf(fdest, "%c%c",(unsigned char)(v/256), (unsigned char)v); #endif v = *blue + adjustB; ++blue; if(force16) { v = (v<>dshift); } #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN fprintf(fdest, "%c%c",(unsigned char)v, (unsigned char)(v/256)); #else fprintf(fdest, "%c%c",(unsigned char)(v/256), (unsigned char)v); #endif if(has_alpha) { v = *alpha++; if(force16) { v = (v<>dshift); } #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN fprintf(fdest, "%c%c",(unsigned char)v, (unsigned char)(v/256)); #else fprintf(fdest, "%c%c",(unsigned char)(v/256), (unsigned char)v); #endif } continue; } /* prec <= 8: */ fprintf(fdest, "%c%c%c",(unsigned char)*red++, (unsigned char)*green++, (unsigned char)*blue++); if(has_alpha) fprintf(fdest, "%c", (unsigned char)*alpha++); } /* for(i */ fclose(fdest); return 0; } if(force16) { ushift = 16 - opj_prec; dshift = opj_prec - ushift; } /* YUV or MONO: */ if(want_gray) ncomp = 1; //FIXME: with[out] alpha ? has_alpha = 0; alpha = NULL; if (image->numcomps > ncomp) { fprintf(stderr,"WARNING -> [PGM file] Only the first component\n"); fprintf(stderr," is written to the file\n"); } destname = (char*)malloc(strlen(outfile) + 8); for (compno = 0; compno < ncomp; compno++) { if (ncomp > 1) sprintf(destname, "%d.%s", compno, outfile); else sprintf(destname, "%s", outfile); fdest = fopen(destname, "wb"); if (!fdest) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> failed to open %s for writing\n", destname); free(destname); return 1; } wr = image->comps[compno].w; hr = image->comps[compno].h; max = (1<comps[compno].data; adjustR = (image->comps[compno].sgnd ? 1 << (image->comps[compno].prec - 1) : 0); if(prec > 8) { /* MSB first: 'man ppm' */ for (i = 0; i < wr * hr; i++) { v = *red + adjustR; ++red; if(force16) { v = (v<>dshift); } #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN fprintf(fdest, "%c%c",(unsigned char)v, (unsigned char)(v/256)); #else fprintf(fdest, "%c%c",(unsigned char)(v/256), (unsigned char)v); #endif if(has_alpha) { v = *alpha++; if(force16) { v = (v<>dshift); } #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN fprintf(fdest, "%c%c",(unsigned char)v, (unsigned char)(v/256)); #else fprintf(fdest, "%c%c",(unsigned char)(v/256), (unsigned char)v); #endif } }/* for(i */ } else /* prec <= 8 */ { for(i = 0; i < wr * hr; ++i) { fprintf(fdest, "%c", (unsigned char)(*red + adjustR)); ++red; } } fclose(fdest); } /* for (compno */ free(destname); return 0; }/* imagetopnm() */ #ifdef HAVE_LIBTIFF /* -->> -->> -->> -->> TIFF IMAGE FORMAT <<-- <<-- <<-- <<-- */ typedef struct tiff_infoheader{ DWORD tiWidth; // Width of Image in pixel DWORD tiHeight; // Height of Image in pixel DWORD tiPhoto; // Photometric WORD tiBps; // Bits per sample WORD tiSf; // Sample Format WORD tiSpp; // Sample per pixel 1-bilevel,gray scale , 2- RGB WORD tiPC; // Planar config (1-Interleaved, 2-Planarcomp) }tiff_infoheader_t; int imagetotif(opj_image_t * image, const char *outfile) { int width, height, imgsize; int bps,index,adjust = 0; int last_i=0; TIFF *tif; tdata_t buf; tstrip_t strip; tsize_t strip_size; if (image->numcomps == 3 && image->comps[0].dx == image->comps[1].dx && image->comps[1].dx == image->comps[2].dx && image->comps[0].dy == image->comps[1].dy && image->comps[1].dy == image->comps[2].dy && image->comps[0].prec == image->comps[1].prec && image->comps[1].prec == image->comps[2].prec) { /* -->> -->> -->> RGB color <<-- <<-- <<-- */ tif = TIFFOpen(outfile, "wb"); if (!tif) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> failed to open %s for writing\n", outfile); return 1; } width = image->comps[0].w; height = image->comps[0].h; imgsize = width * height ; bps = image->comps[0].prec; /* Set tags */ TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, width); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, height); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, 3); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, bps); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION, ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG, PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, PHOTOMETRIC_RGB); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP, 1); /* Get a buffer for the data */ strip_size=TIFFStripSize(tif); buf = _TIFFmalloc(strip_size); index=0; adjust = image->comps[0].sgnd ? 1 << (image->comps[0].prec - 1) : 0; for (strip = 0; strip < TIFFNumberOfStrips(tif); strip++) { unsigned char *dat8; tsize_t i, ssize; ssize = TIFFStripSize(tif); dat8 = (unsigned char*)buf; if (image->comps[0].prec == 8){ for (i=0; icomps[0].data[index]; g = image->comps[1].data[index]; b = image->comps[2].data[index]; if (image->comps[0].sgnd){ r += adjust; g += adjust; b += adjust; } dat8[i+0] = r ; // R dat8[i+1] = g ; // G dat8[i+2] = b ; // B index++; last_i = i+3; }else break; } if(last_i < ssize){ for (i=last_i; icomps[0].data[index]; g = image->comps[1].data[index]; b = image->comps[2].data[index]; if (image->comps[0].sgnd){ r += adjust; g += adjust; b += adjust; } dat8[i+0] = r ; // R if(i+1 comps[0].prec == 12){ for (i=0; icomps[0].data[index]; g = image->comps[1].data[index]; b = image->comps[2].data[index]; r1 = image->comps[0].data[index+1]; g1 = image->comps[1].data[index+1]; b1 = image->comps[2].data[index+1]; if (image->comps[0].sgnd){ r += adjust; g += adjust; b += adjust; r1 += adjust; g1 += adjust; b1 += adjust; } dat8[i+0] = (r >> 4); dat8[i+1] = ((r & 0x0f) << 4 )|((g >> 8)& 0x0f); dat8[i+2] = g ; dat8[i+3] = (b >> 4); dat8[i+4] = ((b & 0x0f) << 4 )|((r1 >> 8)& 0x0f); dat8[i+5] = r1; dat8[i+6] = (g1 >> 4); dat8[i+7] = ((g1 & 0x0f)<< 4 )|((b1 >> 8)& 0x0f); dat8[i+8] = b1; index+=2; last_i = i+9; }else break; } if(last_i < ssize){ for (i= last_i; icomps[0].data[index]; g = image->comps[1].data[index]; b = image->comps[2].data[index]; r1 = image->comps[0].data[index+1]; g1 = image->comps[1].data[index+1]; b1 = image->comps[2].data[index+1]; if (image->comps[0].sgnd){ r += adjust; g += adjust; b += adjust; r1 += adjust; g1 += adjust; b1 += adjust; } dat8[i+0] = (r >> 4); if(i+1 > 8)& 0x0f); else break; if(i+2 > 4); else break; if(i+4 > 8)& 0x0f);else break; if(i+5 > 4); else break; if(i+7 > 8)& 0x0f);else break; if(i+8 comps[0].prec == 16){ for (i=0 ; icomps[0].data[index]; g = image->comps[1].data[index]; b = image->comps[2].data[index]; if (image->comps[0].sgnd){ r += adjust; g += adjust; b += adjust; } dat8[i+0] = r;//LSB dat8[i+1] = (r >> 8);//MSB dat8[i+2] = g; dat8[i+3] = (g >> 8); dat8[i+4] = b; dat8[i+5] = (b >> 8); index++; last_i = i+6; }else break; } if(last_i < ssize){ for (i=0 ; icomps[0].data[index]; g = image->comps[1].data[index]; b = image->comps[2].data[index]; if (image->comps[0].sgnd){ r += adjust; g += adjust; b += adjust; } dat8[i+0] = r;//LSB if(i+1 > 8);else break;//MSB if(i+2 > 8);else break; if(i+4 > 8);else break; index++; }else break; } } }else{ fprintf(stderr,"Bits=%d, Only 8,12,16 bits implemented\n",image->comps[0].prec); fprintf(stderr,"Aborting\n"); return 1; } (void)TIFFWriteEncodedStrip(tif, strip, (void*)buf, strip_size); } _TIFFfree((void*)buf); TIFFClose(tif); }else if (image->numcomps == 1){ /* -->> -->> -->> Black and White <<-- <<-- <<-- */ tif = TIFFOpen(outfile, "wb"); if (!tif) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> failed to open %s for writing\n", outfile); return 1; } width = image->comps[0].w; height = image->comps[0].h; imgsize = width * height; bps = image->comps[0].prec; /* Set tags */ TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, width); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, height); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, 1); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, bps); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION, ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG, PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP, 1); /* Get a buffer for the data */ strip_size = TIFFStripSize(tif); buf = _TIFFmalloc(strip_size); index = 0; for (strip = 0; strip < TIFFNumberOfStrips(tif); strip++) { unsigned char *dat8; tsize_t i; dat8 = (unsigned char*)buf; if (image->comps[0].prec == 8){ for (i=0; icomps[0].data[index]; if (image->comps[0].sgnd){ r += adjust; } dat8[i+0] = r; index++; }else break; } }else if (image->comps[0].prec == 12){ for (i = 0; icomps[0].data[index]; r1 = image->comps[0].data[index+1]; if (image->comps[0].sgnd){ r += adjust; r1 += adjust; } dat8[i+0] = (r >> 4); dat8[i+1] = ((r & 0x0f) << 4 )|((r1 >> 8)& 0x0f); dat8[i+2] = r1 ; index+=2; }else break; } }else if (image->comps[0].prec == 16){ for (i=0; icomps[0].data[index]; if (image->comps[0].sgnd){ r += adjust; } dat8[i+0] = r; dat8[i+1] = r >> 8; index++; }else break; } }else{ fprintf(stderr,"TIFF file creation. Bits=%d, Only 8,12,16 bits implemented\n",image->comps[0].prec); fprintf(stderr,"Aborting\n"); return 1; } (void)TIFFWriteEncodedStrip(tif, strip, (void*)buf, strip_size); } _TIFFfree(buf); TIFFClose(tif); }else{ fprintf(stderr,"TIFF file creation. Bad color format. Only RGB & Grayscale has been implemented\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Aborting\n"); return 1; } return 0; } opj_image_t* tiftoimage(const char *filename, opj_cparameters_t *parameters) { int subsampling_dx = parameters->subsampling_dx; int subsampling_dy = parameters->subsampling_dy; TIFF *tif; tiff_infoheader_t Info; tdata_t buf; tstrip_t strip; tsize_t strip_size; int j, numcomps, w, h,index; OPJ_COLOR_SPACE color_space; opj_image_cmptparm_t cmptparm[3]; opj_image_t * image = NULL; int imgsize = 0; tif = TIFFOpen(filename, "r"); if (!tif) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s for reading\n", filename); return 0; } TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, &Info.tiWidth); TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, &Info.tiHeight); TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, &Info.tiBps); TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_SAMPLEFORMAT, &Info.tiSf); TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, &Info.tiSpp); Info.tiPhoto = 0; TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, &Info.tiPhoto); TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG, &Info.tiPC); w= Info.tiWidth; h= Info.tiHeight; if (Info.tiPhoto == 2) { /* -->> -->> -->> RGB color <<-- <<-- <<-- */ numcomps = 3; color_space = CLRSPC_SRGB; /* initialize image components*/ memset(&cmptparm[0], 0, 3 * sizeof(opj_image_cmptparm_t)); for(j = 0; j < numcomps; j++) { if (parameters->cp_cinema) { cmptparm[j].prec = 12; cmptparm[j].bpp = 12; }else{ cmptparm[j].prec = Info.tiBps; cmptparm[j].bpp = Info.tiBps; } cmptparm[j].sgnd = 0; cmptparm[j].dx = subsampling_dx; cmptparm[j].dy = subsampling_dy; cmptparm[j].w = w; cmptparm[j].h = h; } /* create the image*/ image = opj_image_create(numcomps, &cmptparm[0], color_space); if(!image) { TIFFClose(tif); return NULL; } /* set image offset and reference grid */ image->x0 = parameters->image_offset_x0; image->y0 = parameters->image_offset_y0; image->x1 = !image->x0 ? (w - 1) * subsampling_dx + 1 : image->x0 + (w - 1) * subsampling_dx + 1; image->y1 = !image->y0 ? (h - 1) * subsampling_dy + 1 : image->y0 + (h - 1) * subsampling_dy + 1; buf = _TIFFmalloc(TIFFStripSize(tif)); strip_size=0; strip_size=TIFFStripSize(tif); index = 0; imgsize = image->comps[0].w * image->comps[0].h ; /* Read the Image components*/ for (strip = 0; strip < TIFFNumberOfStrips(tif); strip++) { unsigned char *dat8; int i, ssize; ssize = TIFFReadEncodedStrip(tif, strip, buf, strip_size); dat8 = (unsigned char*)buf; if (Info.tiBps==12){ for (i=0; icomps[0].data[index] = ( dat8[i+0]<<4 ) |(dat8[i+1]>>4); image->comps[1].data[index] = ((dat8[i+1]& 0x0f)<< 8) | dat8[i+2]; image->comps[2].data[index] = ( dat8[i+3]<<4) |(dat8[i+4]>>4); image->comps[0].data[index+1] = ((dat8[i+4]& 0x0f)<< 8) | dat8[i+5]; image->comps[1].data[index+1] = ( dat8[i+6] <<4) |(dat8[i+7]>>4); image->comps[2].data[index+1] = ((dat8[i+7]& 0x0f)<< 8) | dat8[i+8]; index+=2; }else break; } } else if( Info.tiBps==16){ for (i=0; icomps[0].data[index] = ( dat8[i+1] << 8 ) | dat8[i+0]; // R image->comps[1].data[index] = ( dat8[i+3] << 8 ) | dat8[i+2]; // G image->comps[2].data[index] = ( dat8[i+5] << 8 ) | dat8[i+4]; // B if(parameters->cp_cinema){/* Rounding to 12 bits*/ image->comps[0].data[index] = (image->comps[0].data[index] + 0x08) >> 4 ; image->comps[1].data[index] = (image->comps[1].data[index] + 0x08) >> 4 ; image->comps[2].data[index] = (image->comps[2].data[index] + 0x08) >> 4 ; } index++; }else break; } } else if ( Info.tiBps==8){ for (i=0; icomps[0].data[index] = dat8[i+0];// R image->comps[1].data[index] = dat8[i+1];// G image->comps[2].data[index] = dat8[i+2];// B if(parameters->cp_cinema){/* Rounding to 12 bits*/ image->comps[0].data[index] = image->comps[0].data[index] << 4 ; image->comps[1].data[index] = image->comps[1].data[index] << 4 ; image->comps[2].data[index] = image->comps[2].data[index] << 4 ; } index++; }else break; } } else{ fprintf(stderr,"TIFF file creation. Bits=%d, Only 8,12,16 bits implemented\n",Info.tiBps); fprintf(stderr,"Aborting\n"); return NULL; } } _TIFFfree(buf); TIFFClose(tif); }else if(Info.tiPhoto == 1) { /* -->> -->> -->> Black and White <<-- <<-- <<-- */ numcomps = 1; color_space = CLRSPC_GRAY; /* initialize image components*/ memset(&cmptparm[0], 0, sizeof(opj_image_cmptparm_t)); cmptparm[0].prec = Info.tiBps; cmptparm[0].bpp = Info.tiBps; cmptparm[0].sgnd = 0; cmptparm[0].dx = subsampling_dx; cmptparm[0].dy = subsampling_dy; cmptparm[0].w = w; cmptparm[0].h = h; /* create the image*/ image = opj_image_create(numcomps, &cmptparm[0], color_space); if(!image) { TIFFClose(tif); return NULL; } /* set image offset and reference grid */ image->x0 = parameters->image_offset_x0; image->y0 = parameters->image_offset_y0; image->x1 = !image->x0 ? (w - 1) * subsampling_dx + 1 : image->x0 + (w - 1) * subsampling_dx + 1; image->y1 = !image->y0 ? (h - 1) * subsampling_dy + 1 : image->y0 + (h - 1) * subsampling_dy + 1; buf = _TIFFmalloc(TIFFStripSize(tif)); strip_size = 0; strip_size = TIFFStripSize(tif); index = 0; imgsize = image->comps[0].w * image->comps[0].h ; /* Read the Image components*/ for (strip = 0; strip < TIFFNumberOfStrips(tif); strip++) { unsigned char *dat8; int i, ssize; ssize = TIFFReadEncodedStrip(tif, strip, buf, strip_size); dat8 = (unsigned char*)buf; if (Info.tiBps==12){ for (i=0; icomps[0].data[index] = ( dat8[i+0]<<4 ) |(dat8[i+1]>>4) ; image->comps[0].data[index+1] = ((dat8[i+1]& 0x0f)<< 8) | dat8[i+2]; index+=2; }else break; } } else if( Info.tiBps==16){ for (i=0; icomps[0].data[index] = ( dat8[i+1] << 8 ) | dat8[i+0]; index++; }else break; } } else if ( Info.tiBps==8){ for (i=0; icomps[0].data[index] = dat8[i+0]; index++; }else break; } } else{ fprintf(stderr,"TIFF file creation. Bits=%d, Only 8,12,16 bits implemented\n",Info.tiBps); fprintf(stderr,"Aborting\n"); return NULL; } } _TIFFfree(buf); TIFFClose(tif); }else{ fprintf(stderr,"TIFF file creation. Bad color format. Only RGB & Grayscale has been implemented\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Aborting\n"); return NULL; } return image; } #endif /* HAVE_LIBTIFF */ /* -->> -->> -->> -->> RAW IMAGE FORMAT <<-- <<-- <<-- <<-- */ opj_image_t* rawtoimage(const char *filename, opj_cparameters_t *parameters, raw_cparameters_t *raw_cp) { int subsampling_dx = parameters->subsampling_dx; int subsampling_dy = parameters->subsampling_dy; FILE *f = NULL; int i, compno, numcomps, w, h; OPJ_COLOR_SPACE color_space; opj_image_cmptparm_t *cmptparm; opj_image_t * image = NULL; unsigned short ch; if((! (raw_cp->rawWidth & raw_cp->rawHeight & raw_cp->rawComp & raw_cp->rawBitDepth)) == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"\nError: invalid raw image parameters\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Please use the Format option -F:\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-F rawWidth,rawHeight,rawComp,rawBitDepth,s/u (Signed/Unsigned)\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Example: -i lena.raw -o lena.j2k -F 512,512,3,8,u\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Aborting\n"); return NULL; } f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!f) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s for reading !!\n", filename); fprintf(stderr,"Aborting\n"); return NULL; } numcomps = raw_cp->rawComp; color_space = CLRSPC_SRGB; w = raw_cp->rawWidth; h = raw_cp->rawHeight; cmptparm = (opj_image_cmptparm_t*) malloc(numcomps * sizeof(opj_image_cmptparm_t)); /* initialize image components */ memset(&cmptparm[0], 0, numcomps * sizeof(opj_image_cmptparm_t)); for(i = 0; i < numcomps; i++) { cmptparm[i].prec = raw_cp->rawBitDepth; cmptparm[i].bpp = raw_cp->rawBitDepth; cmptparm[i].sgnd = raw_cp->rawSigned; cmptparm[i].dx = subsampling_dx; cmptparm[i].dy = subsampling_dy; cmptparm[i].w = w; cmptparm[i].h = h; } /* create the image */ image = opj_image_create(numcomps, &cmptparm[0], color_space); if(!image) { fclose(f); return NULL; } /* set image offset and reference grid */ image->x0 = parameters->image_offset_x0; image->y0 = parameters->image_offset_y0; image->x1 = parameters->image_offset_x0 + (w - 1) * subsampling_dx + 1; image->y1 = parameters->image_offset_y0 + (h - 1) * subsampling_dy + 1; if(raw_cp->rawBitDepth <= 8) { unsigned char value = 0; for(compno = 0; compno < numcomps; compno++) { for (i = 0; i < w * h; i++) { if (!fread(&value, 1, 1, f)) { fprintf(stderr,"Error reading raw file. End of file probably reached.\n"); return NULL; } image->comps[compno].data[i] = raw_cp->rawSigned?(char)value:value; } } } else if(raw_cp->rawBitDepth <= 16) { unsigned short value; for(compno = 0; compno < numcomps; compno++) { for (i = 0; i < w * h; i++) { unsigned char temp; if (!fread(&temp, 1, 1, f)) { fprintf(stderr,"Error reading raw file. End of file probably reached.\n"); return NULL; } value = temp << 8; if (!fread(&temp, 1, 1, f)) { fprintf(stderr,"Error reading raw file. End of file probably reached.\n"); return NULL; } value += temp; image->comps[compno].data[i] = raw_cp->rawSigned?(short)value:value; } } } else { fprintf(stderr,"OpenJPEG cannot encode raw components with bit depth higher than 16 bits.\n"); return NULL; } if (fread(&ch, 1, 1, f)) { fprintf(stderr,"Warning. End of raw file not reached... processing anyway\n"); } fclose(f); return image; } int imagetoraw(opj_image_t * image, const char *outfile) { FILE *rawFile = NULL; int compno; int w, h; int line, row; int *ptr; if((image->numcomps * image->x1 * image->y1) == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"\nError: invalid raw image parameters\n"); return 1; } rawFile = fopen(outfile, "wb"); if (!rawFile) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s for writing !!\n", outfile); return 1; } fprintf(stdout,"Raw image characteristics: %d components\n", image->numcomps); for(compno = 0; compno < image->numcomps; compno++) { fprintf(stdout,"Component %d characteristics: %dx%dx%d %s\n", compno, image->comps[compno].w, image->comps[compno].h, image->comps[compno].prec, image->comps[compno].sgnd==1 ? "signed": "unsigned"); w = image->comps[compno].w; h = image->comps[compno].h; if(image->comps[compno].prec <= 8) { if(image->comps[compno].sgnd == 1) { signed char curr; int mask = (1 << image->comps[compno].prec) - 1; ptr = image->comps[compno].data; for (line = 0; line < h; line++) { for(row = 0; row < w; row++) { curr = (signed char) (*ptr & mask); fwrite(&curr, sizeof(signed char), 1, rawFile); ptr++; } } } else if(image->comps[compno].sgnd == 0) { unsigned char curr; int mask = (1 << image->comps[compno].prec) - 1; ptr = image->comps[compno].data; for (line = 0; line < h; line++) { for(row = 0; row < w; row++) { curr = (unsigned char) (*ptr & mask); fwrite(&curr, sizeof(unsigned char), 1, rawFile); ptr++; } } } } else if(image->comps[compno].prec <= 16) { if(image->comps[compno].sgnd == 1) { signed short int curr; int mask = (1 << image->comps[compno].prec) - 1; ptr = image->comps[compno].data; for (line = 0; line < h; line++) { for(row = 0; row < w; row++) { unsigned char temp; curr = (signed short int) (*ptr & mask); temp = (unsigned char) (curr >> 8); fwrite(&temp, 1, 1, rawFile); temp = (unsigned char) curr; fwrite(&temp, 1, 1, rawFile); ptr++; } } } else if(image->comps[compno].sgnd == 0) { unsigned short int curr; int mask = (1 << image->comps[compno].prec) - 1; ptr = image->comps[compno].data; for (line = 0; line < h; line++) { for(row = 0; row < w; row++) { unsigned char temp; curr = (unsigned short int) (*ptr & mask); temp = (unsigned char) (curr >> 8); fwrite(&temp, 1, 1, rawFile); temp = (unsigned char) curr; fwrite(&temp, 1, 1, rawFile); ptr++; } } } } else if (image->comps[compno].prec <= 32) { fprintf(stderr,"More than 16 bits per component no handled yet\n"); return 1; } else { fprintf(stderr,"Error: invalid precision: %d\n", image->comps[compno].prec); return 1; } } fclose(rawFile); return 0; } #ifdef HAVE_LIBPNG #define PNG_MAGIC "\x89PNG\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a" #define MAGIC_SIZE 8 /* PNG allows bits per sample: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 */ opj_image_t *pngtoimage(const char *read_idf, opj_cparameters_t * params) { png_structp png; png_infop info; double gamma, display_exponent; int bit_depth, interlace_type,compression_type, filter_type; int unit; png_uint_32 resx, resy; unsigned int i, j; png_uint_32 width, height; int color_type, has_alpha, is16; unsigned char *s; FILE *reader; unsigned char **rows; /* j2k: */ opj_image_t *image; opj_image_cmptparm_t cmptparm[4]; int sub_dx, sub_dy; unsigned int nr_comp; int *r, *g, *b, *a; unsigned char sigbuf[8]; if((reader = fopen(read_idf, "rb")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"pngtoimage: can not open %s\n",read_idf); return NULL; } image = NULL; png = NULL; rows = NULL; if(fread(sigbuf, 1, MAGIC_SIZE, reader) != MAGIC_SIZE || memcmp(sigbuf, PNG_MAGIC, MAGIC_SIZE) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"pngtoimage: %s is no valid PNG file\n",read_idf); goto fin; } /* libpng-VERSION/example.c: * PC : screen_gamma = 2.2; * Mac: screen_gamma = 1.7 or 1.0; */ display_exponent = 2.2; if((png = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL)) == NULL) goto fin; if((info = png_create_info_struct(png)) == NULL) goto fin; if(setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png))) goto fin; png_init_io(png, reader); png_set_sig_bytes(png, MAGIC_SIZE); png_read_info(png, info); if(png_get_IHDR(png, info, &width, &height, &bit_depth, &color_type, &interlace_type, &compression_type, &filter_type) == 0) goto fin; /* png_set_expand(): * expand paletted images to RGB, expand grayscale images of * less than 8-bit depth to 8-bit depth, and expand tRNS chunks * to alpha channels. */ if(color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) png_set_expand(png); else if(color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY && bit_depth < 8) png_set_expand(png); if(png_get_valid(png, info, PNG_INFO_tRNS)) png_set_expand(png); is16 = (bit_depth == 16); /* GRAY => RGB; GRAY_ALPHA => RGBA */ if(color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY || color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA) { png_set_gray_to_rgb(png); color_type = (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY? PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB: PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA); } if( !png_get_gAMA(png, info, &gamma)) gamma = 0.45455; png_set_gamma(png, display_exponent, gamma); png_read_update_info(png, info); png_get_pHYs(png, info, &resx, &resy, &unit); color_type = png_get_color_type(png, info); has_alpha = (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA); nr_comp = 3 + has_alpha; bit_depth = png_get_bit_depth(png, info); rows = (unsigned char**)calloc(height+1, sizeof(unsigned char*)); for(i = 0; i < height; ++i) rows[i] = (unsigned char*)malloc(png_get_rowbytes(png,info)); png_read_image(png, rows); memset(&cmptparm, 0, 4 * sizeof(opj_image_cmptparm_t)); sub_dx = params->subsampling_dx; sub_dy = params->subsampling_dy; for(i = 0; i < nr_comp; ++i) { cmptparm[i].prec = bit_depth; /* bits_per_pixel: 8 or 16 */ cmptparm[i].bpp = bit_depth; cmptparm[i].sgnd = 0; cmptparm[i].dx = sub_dx; cmptparm[i].dy = sub_dy; cmptparm[i].w = width; cmptparm[i].h = height; } image = opj_image_create(nr_comp, &cmptparm[0], CLRSPC_SRGB); if(image == NULL) goto fin; image->x0 = params->image_offset_x0; image->y0 = params->image_offset_y0; image->x1 = image->x0 + (width - 1) * sub_dx + 1 + image->x0; image->y1 = image->y0 + (height - 1) * sub_dy + 1 + image->y0; r = image->comps[0].data; g = image->comps[1].data; b = image->comps[2].data; a = image->comps[3].data; for(i = 0; i < height; ++i) { s = rows[i]; for(j = 0; j < width; ++j) { if(is16) { *r++ = s[0]<<8|s[1]; s += 2; *g++ = s[0]<<8|s[1]; s += 2; *b++ = s[0]<<8|s[1]; s += 2; if(has_alpha) { *a++ = s[0]<<8|s[1]; s += 2; } continue; } *r++ = *s++; *g++ = *s++; *b++ = *s++; if(has_alpha) *a++ = *s++; } } fin: if(rows) { for(i = 0; i < height; ++i) free(rows[i]); free(rows); } if(png) png_destroy_read_struct(&png, &info, NULL); fclose(reader); return image; }/* pngtoimage() */ int imagetopng(opj_image_t * image, const char *write_idf) { FILE *writer; png_structp png; png_infop info; int *red, *green, *blue, *alpha; unsigned char *row_buf, *d; int has_alpha, width, height, nr_comp, color_type; int adjustR, adjustG, adjustB, x, y, fails, is16, force16; int opj_prec, prec, ushift, dshift; unsigned short mask = 0xffff; png_color_8 sig_bit; is16 = force16 = ushift = dshift = 0; fails = 1; prec = opj_prec = image->comps[0].prec; if(prec > 8 && prec < 16) { prec = 16; force16 = 1; } if(prec != 1 && prec != 2 && prec != 4 && prec != 8 && prec != 16) { fprintf(stderr,"imagetopng: can not create %s" "\n\twrong bit_depth %d\n", write_idf, prec); return fails; } writer = fopen(write_idf, "wb"); if(writer == NULL) return fails; info = NULL; has_alpha = 0; /* Create and initialize the png_struct with the desired error handler * functions. If you want to use the default stderr and longjump method, * you can supply NULL for the last three parameters. We also check that * the library version is compatible with the one used at compile time, * in case we are using dynamically linked libraries. REQUIRED. */ png = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL); /*png_voidp user_error_ptr, user_error_fn, user_warning_fn); */ if(png == NULL) goto fin; /* Allocate/initialize the image information data. REQUIRED */ info = png_create_info_struct(png); if(info == NULL) goto fin; /* Set error handling. REQUIRED if you are not supplying your own * error handling functions in the png_create_write_struct() call. */ if(setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png))) goto fin; /* I/O initialization functions is REQUIRED */ png_init_io(png, writer); /* Set the image information here. Width and height are up to 2^31, * bit_depth is one of 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16, but valid values also depend on * the color_type selected. color_type is one of PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY, * PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA, PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE, PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB, * or PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA. interlace is either PNG_INTERLACE_NONE or * PNG_INTERLACE_ADAM7, and the compression_type and filter_type MUST * currently be PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_BASE and PNG_FILTER_TYPE_BASE. * REQUIRED */ png_set_compression_level(png, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION); if(prec == 16) mask = 0xffff; else if(prec == 8) mask = 0x00ff; else if(prec == 4) mask = 0x000f; else if(prec == 2) mask = 0x0003; else if(prec == 1) mask = 0x0001; nr_comp = image->numcomps; if(nr_comp >= 3 && image->comps[0].dx == image->comps[1].dx && image->comps[1].dx == image->comps[2].dx && image->comps[0].dy == image->comps[1].dy && image->comps[1].dy == image->comps[2].dy && image->comps[0].prec == image->comps[1].prec && image->comps[1].prec == image->comps[2].prec) { int v; has_alpha = (nr_comp > 3); is16 = (prec == 16); width = image->comps[0].w; height = image->comps[0].h; red = image->comps[0].data; green = image->comps[1].data; blue = image->comps[2].data; sig_bit.red = sig_bit.green = sig_bit.blue = prec; if(has_alpha) { sig_bit.alpha = prec; alpha = image->comps[3].data; color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA; } else { sig_bit.alpha = 0; alpha = NULL; color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB; } png_set_sBIT(png, info, &sig_bit); png_set_IHDR(png, info, width, height, prec, color_type, PNG_INTERLACE_NONE, PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_BASE, PNG_FILTER_TYPE_BASE); /*=============================*/ png_write_info(png, info); /*=============================*/ if(opj_prec < 8) { png_set_packing(png); } if(force16) { ushift = 16 - opj_prec; dshift = opj_prec - ushift; } adjustR = (image->comps[0].sgnd ? 1 << (image->comps[0].prec - 1) : 0); adjustG = (image->comps[1].sgnd ? 1 << (image->comps[1].prec - 1) : 0); adjustB = (image->comps[2].sgnd ? 1 << (image->comps[2].prec - 1) : 0); row_buf = (unsigned char*)malloc(width * nr_comp * 2); for(y = 0; y < height; ++y) { d = row_buf; for(x = 0; x < width; ++x) { if(is16) { /* Network byte order */ v = *red + adjustR; ++red; if(force16) { v = (v<>dshift); } #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN *d++ = (unsigned char)(v>>8); *d++ = (unsigned char)v; #else *d++ = (unsigned char)(v>>24); *d++ = (unsigned char)(v>>16); #endif v = *green + adjustG; ++green; if(force16) { v = (v<>dshift); } #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN *d++ = (unsigned char)(v>>8); *d++ = (unsigned char)v; #else *d++ = (unsigned char)(v>>24); *d++ = (unsigned char)(v>>16); #endif v = *blue + adjustB; ++blue; if(force16) { v = (v<>dshift); } #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN *d++ = (unsigned char)(v>>8); *d++ = (unsigned char)v; #else *d++ = (unsigned char)(v>>24); *d++ = (unsigned char)(v>>16); #endif if(has_alpha) { v = *alpha++; if(force16) { v = (v<>dshift); } #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN *d++ = (unsigned char)(v>>8); *d++ = (unsigned char)v; #else *d++ = (unsigned char)(v>>24); *d++ = (unsigned char)(v>>16); #endif } continue; } *d++ = (unsigned char)((*red + adjustR) & mask); ++red; *d++ = (unsigned char)((*green + adjustG) & mask); ++green; *d++ = (unsigned char)((*blue + adjustB) & mask); ++blue; if(has_alpha) { *d++ = (unsigned char)(*alpha & mask); ++alpha; } } /* for(x) */ png_write_row(png, row_buf); } /* for(y) */ free(row_buf); }/* nr_comp >= 3 */ else if(nr_comp == 1 /* GRAY */ || ( nr_comp == 2 /* GRAY_ALPHA */ && image->comps[0].dx == image->comps[1].dx && image->comps[0].dy == image->comps[1].dy && image->comps[0].prec == image->comps[1].prec)) { int v; red = image->comps[0].data; if(force16) { ushift = 16 - opj_prec; dshift = opj_prec - ushift; } sig_bit.gray = prec; sig_bit.red = sig_bit.green = sig_bit.blue = sig_bit.alpha = 0; alpha = NULL; color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY; if(nr_comp == 2) { has_alpha = 1; sig_bit.alpha = prec; alpha = image->comps[1].data; color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA; } width = image->comps[0].w; height = image->comps[0].h; png_set_IHDR(png, info, width, height, sig_bit.gray, color_type, PNG_INTERLACE_NONE, PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_BASE, PNG_FILTER_TYPE_BASE); png_set_sBIT(png, info, &sig_bit); /*=============================*/ png_write_info(png, info); /*=============================*/ adjustR = (image->comps[0].sgnd ? 1 << (image->comps[0].prec - 1) : 0); if(opj_prec < 8) { png_set_packing(png); } if(prec > 8) { /* Network byte order */ row_buf = (unsigned char*) malloc(width * nr_comp * sizeof(unsigned short)); for(y = 0; y < height; ++y) { d = row_buf; for(x = 0; x < width; ++x) { v = *red + adjustR; ++red; if(force16) { v = (v<>dshift); } #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN *d++ = (unsigned char)(v>>8); *d++ = (unsigned char)v; #else *d++ = (unsigned char)(v>>24); *d++ = (unsigned char)(v>>16); #endif if(has_alpha) { v = *alpha++; if(force16) { v = (v<>dshift); } #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN *d++ = (unsigned char)(v>>8); *d++ = (unsigned char)v; #else *d++ = (unsigned char)(v>>24); *d++ = (unsigned char)(v>>16); #endif } }/* for(x) */ png_write_row(png, row_buf); } /* for(y) */ free(row_buf); } else /* prec <= 8 */ { row_buf = (unsigned char*)calloc(width, nr_comp * 2); for(y = 0; y < height; ++y) { d = row_buf; for(x = 0; x < width; ++x) { *d++ = (unsigned char)((*red + adjustR) & mask); ++red; if(has_alpha) { *d++ = (unsigned char)(*alpha & mask); ++alpha; } }/* for(x) */ png_write_row(png, row_buf); } /* for(y) */ free(row_buf); } } else { fprintf(stderr,"imagetopng: can not create %s\n",write_idf); goto fin; } png_write_end(png, info); fails = 0; fin: if(png) { png_destroy_write_struct(&png, &info); } fclose(writer); if(fails) remove(write_idf); return fails; }/* imagetopng() */ #endif /* HAVE_LIBPNG */