/* * $Id: query_parser.c 53 2011-05-09 16:55:39Z kaori $ * * Copyright (c) 2002-2011, Communications and Remote Sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium * Copyright (c) 2002-2011, Professor Benoit Macq * Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Kaori Hagihara * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS `AS IS' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifdef _WIN32 #include #define strcasecmp _stricmp #else #include #endif #include #include #include "query_parser.h" #ifdef SERVER #include "fcgi_stdio.h" #define logstream FCGI_stdout #else #define FCGI_stdout stdout #define FCGI_stderr stderr #define logstream stderr #endif //SERVER /** * initialize query parameters * * @param[in,out] query_param query parameters */ void init_queryparam( query_param_t *query_param); /* * get a pair of field name and value from the string starting fieldname=fieldval&... format * * @param[in] stringptr pointer to the beginning of the parsing string * @param[out] fieldname string to copy the field name, if not found, NULL * @param[out] fieldval string to copy the field value, if not found, NULL * @return pointer to the next field string, if there is none, NULL */ char * get_fieldparam( char *stringptr, char *fieldname, char *fieldval); /** * parse string to string array * * @param[in] src src string * @param[out] cclose parsed string array */ void str2cclose( char *src, char cclose[][MAX_LENOFCID]); void parse_metareq( char *field, query_param_t *query_param); //! maximum length of field name #define MAX_LENOFFIELDNAME 10 //! maximum length of field value #define MAX_LENOFFIELDVAL 128 void parse_query( char *query_string, query_param_t *query_param) { char *pquery, fieldname[MAX_LENOFFIELDNAME], fieldval[MAX_LENOFFIELDVAL]; init_queryparam( query_param); pquery = query_string; while( pquery!=NULL) { pquery = get_fieldparam( pquery, fieldname, fieldval); if( fieldname[0] != '\0'){ if( strcasecmp( fieldname, "target") == 0) strcpy( query_param->target,fieldval); else if( strcasecmp( fieldname, "fsiz") == 0) sscanf( fieldval, "%d,%d", &query_param->fx, &query_param->fy); else if( strcasecmp( fieldname, "roff") == 0) sscanf( fieldval, "%d,%d", &query_param->rx, &query_param->ry); else if( strcasecmp( fieldname, "rsiz") == 0) sscanf( fieldval, "%d,%d", &query_param->rw, &query_param->rh); else if( strcasecmp( fieldname, "cid") == 0) strcpy( query_param->cid, fieldval); else if( strcasecmp( fieldname, "cnew") == 0) query_param->cnew = true; else if( strcasecmp( fieldname, "cclose") == 0) str2cclose( fieldval, query_param->cclose); else if( strcasecmp( fieldname, "metareq") == 0) parse_metareq( fieldval, query_param); } } } void init_queryparam( query_param_t *query_param) { int i; query_param->target[0]='\0'; query_param->fx=-1; query_param->fy=-1; query_param->rx=-1; query_param->ry=-1; query_param->rw=-1; query_param->rh=-1; query_param->cid[0]='\0'; query_param->cnew=false; memset( query_param->cclose, 0, MAX_NUMOFCCLOSE*MAX_LENOFCID); memset( query_param->box_type, 0, MAX_NUMOFBOX*4); memset( query_param->limit, 0, MAX_NUMOFBOX*sizeof(int)); for( i=0; iw[i] = false; query_param->s[i] = false; query_param->g[i] = false; query_param->a[i] = false; query_param->priority[i] = false; } query_param->root_bin = 0; query_param->max_depth = -1; query_param->metadata_only = false; } char * get_fieldparam( char *stringptr, char *fieldname, char *fieldval) { char *eqp, *andp, *nexfieldptr; if((eqp = strchr( stringptr, '='))==NULL){ fprintf( stderr, "= not found\n"); strcpy( fieldname, ""); strcpy( fieldval, ""); return NULL; } if((andp = strchr( stringptr, '&'))==NULL){ andp = strchr( stringptr, '\0'); nexfieldptr = NULL; } else nexfieldptr = andp+1; strncpy( fieldname, stringptr, eqp-stringptr); fieldname[eqp-stringptr]='\0'; strncpy( fieldval, eqp+1, andp-eqp-1); fieldval[andp-eqp-1]='\0'; return nexfieldptr; } void print_queryparam( query_param_t query_param) { int i; fprintf( logstream, "query parameters:\n"); fprintf( logstream, "\t target: %s\n", query_param.target); fprintf( logstream, "\t fx,fy: %d, %d\n", query_param.fx, query_param.fy); fprintf( logstream, "\t rx,ry: %d, %d \t rw,rh: %d, %d\n", query_param.rx, query_param.ry, query_param.rw, query_param.rh); fprintf( logstream, "\t cnew: %d\n", query_param.cnew); fprintf( logstream, "\t cid: %s\n", query_param.cid); fprintf( logstream, "\t cclose: "); for( i=0; query_param.cclose[i][0]!=0 && iroot_bin)); if(( ptr = strchr( field, 'D'))) sscanf( ptr+1, "%d", &(query_param->max_depth)); if(( ptr = strstr( field, "!!"))) query_param->metadata_only = true; } void parse_req_box_prop( char *req_box_prop, int idx, query_param_t *query_param) { char *ptr; if( *req_box_prop == '*') query_param->box_type[idx][0]='*'; else strncpy( query_param->box_type[idx], req_box_prop, 4); if(( ptr = strchr( req_box_prop, ':'))){ if( *(ptr+1)=='r') query_param->limit[idx] = -1; else sscanf( ptr+1, "%d", &(query_param->limit[idx])); } if(( ptr = strchr( req_box_prop, '/'))){ ptr++; while( *ptr=='w' || *ptr=='s' || *ptr=='g' || *ptr=='a'){ switch( *ptr){ case 'w': query_param->w[idx] = true; break; case 's': query_param->s[idx] = true; break; case 'g': query_param->g[idx] = true; break; case 'a': query_param->a[idx] = true; break; } ptr++; } } else{ query_param->g[idx] = true; query_param->s[idx] = true; query_param->w[idx] = true; } if((ptr = strchr( req_box_prop, '!'))) query_param->priority[idx] = true; idx++; }