/* * Copyright (c) 2001-2003, David Janssens * Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Yannick Verschueren * Copyright (c) 2003-2005, Francois Devaux and Antonin Descampe * Copyright (c) 2005, Hervé Drolon, FreeImage Team * Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain, Belgium * Copyright (c) 2005-2006, Dept. of Electronic and Information Engineering, Universita' degli Studi di Perugia, Italy * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS `AS IS' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef __JPWL_H #define __JPWL_H #ifdef USE_JPWL #include "crc.h" #include "rs.h" /** @file jpwl.h @brief The JPEG-2000 Part11 (JPWL) marker segments manager The functions in JPWL.C have for goal to read/write the markers added by JPWL. */ /** @defgroup JPWL JPWL - JPEG-2000 Part11 (JPWL) codestream manager */ /*@{*/ /** Assume a basic codestream structure, so you can resort better from uncorrected errors */ #define JPWL_ASSUME true /** EPB (Error Protection Block) Marker segment */ typedef struct jpwl_epb_ms { /**@name Private fields set by epb_create */ /*@{*/ /** is the latest in header? */ bool latest; /** is it in packed mode? */ bool packed; /** TH where this marker has been placed (-1 means MH) */ int tileno; /** index in current header (0-63) */ unsigned char index; /** error protection method [-1=absent 0=none 1=predefined 16=CRC-16 32=CRC-32 37-128=RS] */ int hprot; /** message word length of pre-data */ int k_pre; /** code word length of pre-data */ int n_pre; /** length of pre-data */ int pre_len; /** message word length of post-data */ int k_post; /** code word length of post-data */ int n_post; /** length of post-data */ int post_len; /*@}*/ /**@name Marker segment fields */ /*@{*/ /** two bytes for the length of EPB MS, exluding the marker itself (11 to 65535 bytes) */ unsigned short int Lepb; /** single byte for the style */ unsigned char Depb; /** four bytes, from 0 to 2^31-1 */ unsigned long int LDPepb; /** four bytes, next error management method */ unsigned long int Pepb; /** EPB data, variable size */ unsigned char *data; /*@}*/ } jpwl_epb_ms_t; /** EPC (Error Protection Capability) Marker segment */ typedef struct jpwl_epc_ms { /** is ESD active? */ bool esd_on; /** is RED active? */ bool red_on; /** is EPB active? */ bool epb_on; /** are informative techniques active? */ bool info_on; /**@name Marker segment fields */ /*@{*/ /** two bytes for the length of EPC MS, exluding the marker itself (9 to 65535 bytes) */ unsigned short int Lepc; /** two bytes, CRC for the EPC, excluding Pcrc itself */ unsigned short int Pcrc; /** four bytes, the codestream length from SOC to EOC */ unsigned long int DL; /** one byte, signals JPWL techniques adoption */ unsigned char Pepc; /** EPC data, variable length */ unsigned char *data; /*@}*/ } jpwl_epc_ms_t; /** ESD (Error Sensitivity Descriptor) Marker segment */ typedef struct jpwl_esd_ms { /** codestream addressing mode [0=packet, 1=byte range, 2=packet range, 3=reserved] */ unsigned char addrm; /** size of codestream addresses [2/4 bytes] */ unsigned char ad_size; /** type of sensitivity [0=relative error, 1=MSE, 2=MSE reduction, 3=PSNR, 4=PSNR increment, 5=MAXERR (absolute peak error), 6=TSE (total squared error), 7=reserved */ unsigned char senst; /** size of sensitivity data (1/2 bytes) */ unsigned char se_size; /**@name Marker segment fields */ /*@{*/ /** two bytes for the length of ESD MS, exluding the marker itself (4 to 65535 bytes) */ unsigned short int Lesd; /** two bytes, component of error sensitivity */ unsigned short int Cesd; /** one byte, signals JPWL techniques adoption */ unsigned char Pesd; /** ESD data, variable length */ unsigned char *data; /*@}*/ /**@name Fields set by esd_create (only internal use) */ /*@{*/ /** number of components in the image */ int numcomps; /** tile where this marker has been placed (-1 means MH) */ int tileno; /** number of sensitivity values */ unsigned long int svalnum; /** size of a single sensitivity pair (address+value) */ size_t sensval_size; /*@}*/ } jpwl_esd_ms_t; /** RED (Residual Error Descriptor) Marker segment */ typedef struct jpwl_red_ms { /** two bytes for the length of RED MS, exluding the marker itself (3 to 65535 bytes) */ unsigned short int Lred; /** one byte, signals JPWL techniques adoption */ unsigned char Pred; /** RED data, variable length */ unsigned char *data; } jpwl_red_ms_t; /** Structure used to store JPWL markers temporary position and readyness */ typedef struct jpwl_marker { /** marker value (J2K_MS_EPC, etc.) */ int id; /** union keeping the pointer to the real marker struct */ union { /** pointer to EPB marker */ jpwl_epb_ms_t *epbmark; /** pointer to EPC marker */ jpwl_epc_ms_t *epcmark; /** pointer to ESD marker */ jpwl_esd_ms_t *esdmark; /** pointer to RED marker */ jpwl_red_ms_t *redmark; }; /** position where the marker should go, in the pre-JPWL codestream */ unsigned long int pos; /** same as before, only written as a double, so we can sort it better */ double dpos; /** length of the marker segment (marker excluded) */ unsigned short int len; /** the marker length is ready or not? */ bool len_ready; /** the marker position is ready or not? */ bool pos_ready; /** the marker parameters are ready or not? */ bool parms_ready; /** are the written data ready or not */ bool data_ready; } jpwl_marker_t; /** Prepare the list of JPWL markers, after the Part 1 codestream has been finalized (index struct is full) @param j2k J2K handle @param cio codestream handle @param image image handle */ void jpwl_prepare_marks(opj_j2k_t *j2k, opj_cio_t *cio, opj_image_t *image); /** Dump the list of JPWL markers, after it has been prepared @param j2k J2K handle @param cio codestream handle @param image image handle */ void jpwl_dump_marks(opj_j2k_t *j2k, opj_cio_t *cio, opj_image_t *image); /** Read the EPC marker (Error Protection Capability) @param j2k J2K handle */ void j2k_read_epc(opj_j2k_t *j2k); /** Write the EPC marker (Error Protection Capability), BUT the DL field is always set to 0 (this simplifies the management of EPBs and it is openly stated in the standard as a possible value, mening that the information is not available) and the informative techniques are not yet implemented @param j2k J2K handle */ void j2k_write_epc(opj_j2k_t *j2k); /** Read the EPB marker (Error Protection Block) @param j2k J2K handle */ void j2k_read_epb(opj_j2k_t *j2k); /** Write the EPB marker (Error Protection Block) @param j2k J2K handle */ void j2k_write_epb(opj_j2k_t *j2k); /** Read the ESD marker (Error Sensitivity Descriptor) @param j2k J2K handle */ void j2k_read_esd(opj_j2k_t *j2k); /** Read the RED marker (Residual Error Descriptor) @param j2k J2K handle */ void j2k_read_red(opj_j2k_t *j2k); /** create an EPB marker segment @param j2k J2K compressor handle @param latest it is the latest EPB in the header @param packed EPB is in packed style @param tileno tile number where the marker has been placed (-1 means MH) @param idx current EPB running index @param hprot applied protection type (-1/0,1,16,32,37-128) @param pre_len length of pre-protected data @param post_len length of post-protected data @return returns the freshly created EPB */ jpwl_epb_ms_t *jpwl_epb_create(opj_j2k_t *j2k, bool latest, bool packed, int tileno, int idx, int hprot, unsigned long int pre_len, unsigned long int post_len); /** add a number of EPB marker segments @param j2k J2K compressor handle @param jwmarker pointer to the JPWL markers list @param jwmarker_num pointer to the number of JPWL markers (gets updated) @param latest it is the latest group of EPBs in the header @param packed EPBs are in packed style @param insideMH it is in the MH @param idx pointer to the starting EPB running index (gets updated) @param hprot applied protection type (-1/0,1,16,32,37-128) @param place_pos place in original codestream where EPBs should go @param tileno tile number of these EPBs @param pre_len length of pre-protected data @param post_len length of post-protected data @return returns the length of all added markers */ int jpwl_epbs_add(opj_j2k_t *j2k, jpwl_marker_t *jwmarker, int *jwmarker_num, bool latest, bool packed, bool insideMH, int *idx, int hprot, double place_pos, int tileno, unsigned long int pre_len, unsigned long int post_len); /** add a number of ESD marker segments @param j2k J2K compressor handle @param jwmarker pointer to the JPWL markers list @param jwmarker_num pointer to the number of JPWL markers (gets updated) @param comps considered component (-1=average, 0/1/2/...=component no.) @param addrm addressing mode (0=packet, 1=byte range, 2=packet range, 3=reserved) @param ad_size size of addresses (2/4 bytes) @param senst sensitivity type @param se_size sensitivity values size (1/2 bytes) @param place_pos place in original codestream where EPBs should go @param tileno tile number of these EPBs @return returns the length of all added markers */ int jpwl_esds_add(opj_j2k_t *j2k, jpwl_marker_t *jwmarker, int *jwmarker_num, int comps, unsigned char addrm, unsigned char ad_size, unsigned char senst, unsigned char se_size, double place_pos, int tileno); /** updates the information structure by modifying the positions and lengths @param j2k J2K compressor handle @param jwmarker pointer to JPWL markers list @param jwmarker_num number of JPWL markers @return returns true in case of success */ bool jpwl_update_info(opj_j2k_t *j2k, jpwl_marker_t *jwmarker, int jwmarker_num); bool jpwl_esd_fill(opj_j2k_t *j2k, jpwl_esd_ms_t *esdmark, unsigned char *buf); bool jpwl_epb_fill(opj_j2k_t *j2k, jpwl_epb_ms_t *epbmark, unsigned char *buf, unsigned char *post_buf); /** corrects the data in the JPWL codestream @param j2k J2K compressor handle @return true if correction is performed correctly */ bool jpwl_correct(opj_j2k_t *j2k); /** corrects the data protected by an EPB @param j2k J2K compressor handle @param buffer pointer to the EPB position @param type type of EPB: 0=MH, 1=TPH, 2=other, 3=auto @param pre_len length of pre-data @param post_len length of post_data @param conn is a pointer to the length of all connected (packed) EPBs @param L4_bufp is a pointer to the buffer pointer of redundancy data @return returns true if correction could be succesfully performed */ bool jpwl_epb_correct(opj_j2k_t *j2k, unsigned char *buffer, int type, int pre_len, int post_len, int *conn, unsigned char **L4_bufp); /** check that a tile and its children have valid data @param j2k J2K decompressor handle @param tcd Tile decompressor handle @param tileno number of the tile to check */ bool jpwl_check_tile(opj_j2k_t *j2k, opj_tcd_t *tcd, int tileno); /** Macro functions for CRC computation */ /** Computes the CRC-16, as stated in JPWL specs @param CRC two bytes containing the CRC value (must be initialized with 0x0000) @param DATA byte for which the CRC is computed; call this on every byte of the sequence and get the CRC at the end */ #define jpwl_updateCRC16(CRC, DATA) updateCRC16(CRC, DATA) /** Computes the CRC-32, as stated in JPWL specs @param CRC four bytes containing the CRC value (must be initialized with 0x00000000) @param DATA byte for which the CRC is computed; call this on every byte of the sequence and get the CRC at the end */ #define jpwl_updateCRC32(CRC, DATA) updateCRC32(CRC, DATA) /*@}*/ #endif /* USE_JPWL */ #endif /* __JPWL_H */