CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 2.6) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${OPENJPEG_SOURCE_DIR}/libopenjpeg ${OPENJPEG_SOURCE_DIR}/applications/codec ${OPENJPEG_SOURCE_DIR}/applications/common ) # First thing define the common source: SET(comparePGXimages_SRCS comparePGXimages.c ${OPENJPEG_SOURCE_DIR}/applications/codec/convert.c) # If not getopt was found then add it to the exe: IF(DONT_HAVE_GETOPT) message("dont have getopt, we will add it") SET(common_SRCS ${common_SRCS} ${OPENJPEG_SOURCE_DIR}/applications/common/getopt.c ) ENDIF(DONT_HAVE_GETOPT) ADD_EXECUTABLE(comparePGXimages ${comparePGXimages_SRCS}) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(comparePGXimages ${OPENJPEG_LIBRARY_NAME} ${PNG_LIBNAME} ${TIFF_LIBNAME} ) # No image send to the dashboard if lib PNG is not available. IF(NOT HAVE_LIBPNG) MESSAGE(WARNING "Lib PNG seems to be not available: if you want run the non-regression tests with images reported to the dashboard, you need it (try BUILD_THIRDPARTY)") ENDIF(NOT HAVE_LIBPNG) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(conformance)