#!/bin/bash # This script executes the script step when running under travis-ci #if cygwin, check path case ${MACHTYPE} in *cygwin*) OPJ_CI_IS_CYGWIN=1;; *) ;; esac # Hack for appveyor to get GNU find in path before windows one. export PATH=$(dirname ${BASH}):$PATH # Set-up some bash options set -o nounset ## set -u : exit the script if you try to use an uninitialised variable set -o errexit ## set -e : exit the script if any statement returns a non-true return value set -o pipefail ## Fail on error in pipe function opjpath () { if [ "${OPJ_CI_IS_CYGWIN:-}" == "1" ]; then cygpath $1 "$2" else echo "$2" fi } # ABI check is done by abi-check.sh if [ "${OPJ_CI_ABI_CHECK:-}" == "1" ]; then exit 0 fi if [ "${OPJ_CI_CC:-}" != "" ]; then export CC=${OPJ_CI_CC} echo "Using ${CC}" fi if [ "${OPJ_CI_CXX:-}" != "" ]; then export CXX=${OPJ_CI_CXX} echo "Using ${CXX}" fi # Set-up some variables if [ "${OPJ_CI_BUILD_CONFIGURATION:-}" == "" ]; then export OPJ_CI_BUILD_CONFIGURATION=Release #default fi OPJ_SOURCE_DIR=$(cd $(dirname $0)/../.. && pwd) if [ "${OPJ_DO_SUBMIT:-}" == "" ]; then OPJ_DO_SUBMIT=0 # Do not flood cdash by default fi if [ "${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG:-}" != "" ]; then OPJ_OWNER=$(echo "${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}" | sed 's/\(^.*\)\/.*/\1/') OPJ_SITE="${OPJ_OWNER}.travis-ci.org" if [ "${OPJ_OWNER}" == "uclouvain" ]; then OPJ_DO_SUBMIT=1 fi elif [ "${APPVEYOR_REPO_NAME:-}" != "" ]; then OPJ_OWNER=$(echo "${APPVEYOR_REPO_NAME}" | sed 's/\(^.*\)\/.*/\1/') OPJ_SITE="${OPJ_OWNER}.appveyor.com" if [ "${OPJ_OWNER}" == "uclouvain" ]; then OPJ_DO_SUBMIT=1 fi else OPJ_SITE="$(hostname)" fi if [ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME:-}" == "" ]; then # Let's guess OS for testing purposes echo "Guessing OS" if uname -s | grep -i Darwin &> /dev/null; then TRAVIS_OS_NAME=osx elif uname -s | grep -i Linux &> /dev/null; then TRAVIS_OS_NAME=linux if [ "${CC:-}" == "" ]; then # default to gcc export CC=gcc fi elif uname -s | grep -i CYGWIN &> /dev/null; then TRAVIS_OS_NAME=windows elif uname -s | grep -i MINGW &> /dev/null; then TRAVIS_OS_NAME=windows elif [ "${APPVEYOR:-}" == "True" ]; then TRAVIS_OS_NAME=windows else echo "Failed to guess OS"; exit 1 fi echo "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" fi if [ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == "osx" ]; then OPJ_OS_NAME=$(sw_vers -productName | tr -d ' ')$(sw_vers -productVersion | sed 's/\([^0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*/\1/') OPJ_CC_VERSION=$(xcodebuild -version | grep -i xcode) OPJ_CC_VERSION=xcode${OPJ_CC_VERSION:6} elif [ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == "linux" ]; then OPJ_OS_NAME=linux if which lsb_release > /dev/null; then OPJ_OS_NAME=$(lsb_release -si)$(lsb_release -sr | sed 's/\([^0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*/\1/') fi if [ -z "${CC##*gcc*}" ]; then OPJ_CC_VERSION=$(${CC} --version | head -1 | sed 's/.*\ \([0-9.]*[0-9]\)/\1/') if [ -z "${CC##*mingw*}" ]; then OPJ_CC_VERSION=mingw${OPJ_CC_VERSION} # disable testing for now export OPJ_CI_SKIP_TESTS=1 else OPJ_CC_VERSION=gcc${OPJ_CC_VERSION} fi elif [ -z "${CC##*clang*}" ]; then OPJ_CC_VERSION=clang$(${CC} --version | grep version | sed 's/.*version \([^0-9.]*[0-9.]*\).*/\1/') else echo "Compiler not supported: ${CC}"; exit 1 fi if [ "${OPJ_CI_INSTRUCTION_SETS-:}" == "-mavx2" ]; then AVX2_AVAIL=1 cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep avx2 >/dev/null || AVX2_AVAIL=0 if [[ "${AVX2_AVAIL}" == "1" ]]; then echo "AVX2 available on CPU" else echo "AVX2 not available on CPU. Disabling tests" cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep flags | head -n 1 export OPJ_CI_SKIP_TESTS=1 fi fi elif [ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == "windows" ]; then OPJ_OS_NAME=windows if which cl > /dev/null; then OPJ_CL_VERSION=$(cl 2>&1 | grep Version | sed 's/.*Version \([0-9]*\).*/\1/') if [ ${OPJ_CL_VERSION} -eq 19 ]; then OPJ_CC_VERSION=vs2015 elif [ ${OPJ_CL_VERSION} -eq 18 ]; then OPJ_CC_VERSION=vs2013 elif [ ${OPJ_CL_VERSION} -eq 17 ]; then OPJ_CC_VERSION=vs2012 elif [ ${OPJ_CL_VERSION} -eq 16 ]; then OPJ_CC_VERSION=vs2010 elif [ ${OPJ_CL_VERSION} -eq 15 ]; then OPJ_CC_VERSION=vs2008 elif [ ${OPJ_CL_VERSION} -eq 14 ]; then OPJ_CC_VERSION=vs2005 else OPJ_CC_VERSION=vs???? fi fi if [ "${OPJ_CI_INSTRUCTION_SETS-:}" == "/arch:AVX2" ]; then cl $PWD/tools/travis-ci/detect-avx2.c if ./detect-avx2.exe; then echo "AVX2 available on CPU" else echo "AVX2 not available on CPU. Disabling tests" export OPJ_CI_SKIP_TESTS=1 fi fi else echo "OS not supported: ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}"; exit 1 fi if [ "${OPJ_CI_ARCH:-}" == "" ]; then echo "Guessing build architecture" MACHINE_ARCH=$(uname -m) if [ "${MACHINE_ARCH}" == "x86_64" ]; then export OPJ_CI_ARCH=x86_64 fi echo "${OPJ_CI_ARCH}" fi if [ "${TRAVIS_BRANCH:-}" == "" ]; then if [ "${APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH:-}" != "" ]; then TRAVIS_BRANCH=${APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH} else echo "Guessing branch" TRAVIS_BRANCH=$(git -C ${OPJ_SOURCE_DIR} branch | grep '*' | tr -d '*[[:blank:]]') fi fi OPJ_BUILDNAME=${OPJ_OS_NAME}-${OPJ_CC_VERSION}-${OPJ_CI_ARCH}-${TRAVIS_BRANCH} OPJ_BUILDNAME_TEST=${OPJ_OS_NAME}-${OPJ_CC_VERSION}-${OPJ_CI_ARCH} if [ "${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST:-}" != "false" ] && [ "${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST:-}" != "" ]; then OPJ_BUILDNAME=${OPJ_BUILDNAME}-pr${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST} elif [ "${APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER:-}" != "" ]; then OPJ_BUILDNAME=${OPJ_BUILDNAME}-pr${APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER} fi OPJ_BUILDNAME=${OPJ_BUILDNAME}-${OPJ_CI_BUILD_CONFIGURATION}-3rdP OPJ_BUILDNAME_TEST=${OPJ_BUILDNAME_TEST}-${OPJ_CI_BUILD_CONFIGURATION}-3rdP if [ "${OPJ_CI_ASAN:-}" == "1" ]; then OPJ_BUILDNAME=${OPJ_BUILDNAME}-ASan OPJ_BUILDNAME_TEST=${OPJ_BUILDNAME_TEST}-ASan fi if [ "${OPJ_NONCOMMERCIAL:-}" == "1" ] && [ "${OPJ_CI_SKIP_TESTS:-}" != "1" ] && [ -d kdu ]; then echo " Testing will use Kakadu trial binaries. Here's the copyright notice from kakadu: Copyright is owned by NewSouth Innovations Pty Limited, commercial arm of the UNSW Australia in Sydney. You are free to trial these executables and even to re-distribute them, so long as such use or re-distribution is accompanied with this copyright notice and is not for commercial gain. Note: Binaries can only be used for non-commercial purposes. " fi if [ -d cmake-install ]; then export PATH=${PWD}/cmake-install/bin:${PATH} fi set -x # This will print configuration # travis-ci doesn't dump cmake version in system info, let's print it cmake --version export TRAVIS_OS_NAME=${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} export OPJ_SITE=${OPJ_SITE} export OPJ_BUILDNAME=${OPJ_BUILDNAME} export OPJ_SOURCE_DIR=$(opjpath -m ${OPJ_SOURCE_DIR}) export OPJ_BINARY_DIR=$(opjpath -m ${PWD}/build) export OPJ_BUILD_CONFIGURATION=${OPJ_CI_BUILD_CONFIGURATION} export OPJ_DO_SUBMIT=${OPJ_DO_SUBMIT} if [ "${OPJ_SKIP_REBUILD:-}" != "1" ]; then ctest -S ${OPJ_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/ctest_scripts/travis-ci.cmake -V || true fi # ctest will exit with various error codes depending on version. # ignore ctest exit code & parse this ourselves set +x if [ "${OPJ_CI_CHECK_STYLE:-}" == "1" ]; then export OPJSTYLE=${PWD}/scripts/opjstyle export PATH=${HOME}/.local/bin:${PATH} scripts/verify-indentation.sh fi # Deployment if needed #--------------------- if [ "${TRAVIS_TAG:-}" != "" ]; then OPJ_TAG_NAME=${TRAVIS_TAG} elif [ "${APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG:-}" == "true" ]; then OPJ_TAG_NAME=${APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG_NAME} else OPJ_TAG_NAME="" fi if [ "${OPJ_CI_INCLUDE_IF_DEPLOY:-}" == "1" ] && [ "${OPJ_TAG_NAME:-}" != "" ]; then #if [ "${OPJ_CI_INCLUDE_IF_DEPLOY:-}" == "1" ]; then OPJ_CI_DEPLOY=1 # unused for now OPJ_CUR_DIR=${PWD} if [ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME:-}" == "linux" ]; then OPJ_PACK_GENERATOR="TGZ" # ZIP generator currently segfaults on linux else OPJ_PACK_GENERATOR="ZIP" fi OPJ_PACK_NAME="openjpeg-${OPJ_TAG_NAME}-${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}-${OPJ_CI_ARCH}" cd ${OPJ_BINARY_DIR} cmake -D CPACK_GENERATOR:STRING=${OPJ_PACK_GENERATOR} -D CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME:STRING=${OPJ_PACK_NAME} ${OPJ_SOURCE_DIR} cd ${OPJ_CUR_DIR} cmake --build ${OPJ_BINARY_DIR} --target package echo "ready to deploy $(ls ${OPJ_BINARY_DIR}/${OPJ_PACK_NAME}*) to GitHub releases" if [ "${APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG:-}" == "true" ]; then appveyor PushArtifact "${OPJ_BINARY_DIR}/${OPJ_PACK_NAME}.zip" fi else OPJ_CI_DEPLOY=0 fi # let's parse configure/build/tests for failure echo " Parsing logs for failures " OPJ_CI_RESULT=0 # 1st configure step OPJ_CONFIGURE_XML=$(find build -path 'build/Testing/*' -name 'Configure.xml') if [ ! -f "${OPJ_CONFIGURE_XML}" ]; then echo "No configure log found" OPJ_CI_RESULT=1 else if ! grep '0' ${OPJ_CONFIGURE_XML} &> /dev/null; then echo "Errors were found in configure log" OPJ_CI_RESULT=1 fi fi # 2nd build step # We must have one Build.xml file OPJ_BUILD_XML=$(find build -path 'build/Testing/*' -name 'Build.xml') if [ ! -f "${OPJ_BUILD_XML}" ]; then echo "No build log found" OPJ_CI_RESULT=1 else if grep '' ${OPJ_BUILD_XML} &> /dev/null; then echo "Errors were found in build log" OPJ_CI_RESULT=1 fi fi if [ ${OPJ_CI_RESULT} -ne 0 ]; then # Don't trash output with failing tests when there are configure/build errors exit ${OPJ_CI_RESULT} fi if [ "${OPJ_CI_SKIP_TESTS:-}" != "1" ]; then OPJ_TEST_XML=$(find build -path 'build/Testing/*' -name 'Test.xml') if [ ! -f "${OPJ_TEST_XML}" ]; then echo "No test log found" OPJ_CI_RESULT=1 else echo "Parsing tests for new/unknown failures" # 3rd test step OPJ_FAILEDTEST_LOG=$(find build -path 'build/Testing/Temporary/*' -name 'LastTestsFailed_*.log') if [ -f "${OPJ_FAILEDTEST_LOG}" ]; then awk -F: '{ print $2 }' ${OPJ_FAILEDTEST_LOG} > failures.txt while read FAILEDTEST; do # Start with common errors if grep -x "${FAILEDTEST}" $(opjpath -u ${OPJ_SOURCE_DIR})/tools/travis-ci/knownfailures-all.txt > /dev/null; then continue fi if [ -f $(opjpath -u ${OPJ_SOURCE_DIR})/tools/travis-ci/knownfailures-${OPJ_BUILDNAME_TEST}.txt ]; then if grep -x "${FAILEDTEST}" $(opjpath -u ${OPJ_SOURCE_DIR})/tools/travis-ci/knownfailures-${OPJ_BUILDNAME_TEST}.txt > /dev/null; then continue fi fi echo "${FAILEDTEST}" OPJ_CI_RESULT=1 done < failures.txt fi fi if [ ${OPJ_CI_RESULT} -eq 0 ]; then echo "No new/unknown test failure found " else echo " New/unknown test failure found!!! " fi # 4th memcheck step OPJ_MEMCHECK_XML=$(find build -path 'build/Testing/*' -name 'DynamicAnalysis.xml') if [ -f "${OPJ_MEMCHECK_XML}" ]; then if grep ' /dev/null; then echo "Errors were found in dynamic analysis log" OPJ_CI_RESULT=1 fi fi fi if [ "${OPJ_CI_BUILD_FUZZERS:-}" == "1" ]; then cd tests/fuzzers make cd ../.. fi if [ "${OPJ_CI_PERF_TESTS:-}" == "1" ]; then cd tests/performance echo "Running performance tests on current version (dry-run)" PATH=../../build/bin:$PATH python ./perf_test.py echo "Running performance tests on current version" PATH=../../build/bin:$PATH python ./perf_test.py -o /tmp/new.csv if [ "${OPJ_NONCOMMERCIAL:-}" == "1" ] && [ -d ../../kdu ]; then echo "Running performances tests with Kakadu" LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../../kdu PATH=../../kdu::$PATH python ./perf_test.py -kakadu -o /tmp/kakadu.csv echo "Comparing current version with Kakadu" python compare_perfs.py /tmp/kakadu.csv /tmp/new.csv || true fi cd ../.. REF_VERSION=master if [ "${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST:-false}" == "false" ]; then REF_VERSION=v2.1.2 fi if [ ! -d ref_opj ]; then git clone https://github.com/thinkoid/openjpeg ref_opj fi echo "Building reference version (${REF_VERSION})" cd ref_opj git checkout ${REF_VERSION} mkdir -p build cd build cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${OPJ_BUILD_CONFIGURATION} make -j3 cd ../.. cd tests/performance echo "Running performance tests on ${REF_VERSION} version (dry-run)" PATH=../../ref_opj/build/bin:$PATH python ./perf_test.py echo "Running performance tests on ${REF_VERSION} version" PATH=../../ref_opj/build/bin:$PATH python ./perf_test.py -o /tmp/ref.csv echo "Comparing current version with ${REF_VERSION} version" # we should normally set OPJ_CI_RESULT=1 in case of failure, but # this is too unreliable python compare_perfs.py /tmp/ref.csv /tmp/new.csv || true cd ../.. fi if [ "${OPJ_CI_PROFILE:-}" == "1" ]; then rm -rf build_gprof mkdir build_gprof cd build_gprof # We need static linking for gprof cmake "-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-pg -O3" -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=-pg -DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS=-pg -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF .. make -j3 cd .. build_gprof/bin/opj_decompress -i data/input/nonregression/kodak_2layers_lrcp.j2c -o out.tif > /dev/null echo "Most CPU consuming functions:" gprof build_gprof/bin/opj_decompress gmon.out | head || true rm -f massif.out.* valgrind --tool=massif build/bin/opj_decompress -i data/input/nonregression/kodak_2layers_lrcp.j2c -o out.tif >/dev/null 2>/dev/null echo "" echo "Memory consumption profile:" python tests/profiling/filter_massif_output.py massif.out.* fi exit ${OPJ_CI_RESULT}