/* meta_out.c */ /* Dump MJ2, JP2 metadata (partial so far) to xml file */ /* Callable from mj2_to_metadata */ /* Contributed to Open JPEG by Glenn Pearson, contract software developer, U.S. National Library of Medicine. The base code in this file was developed by the author as part of a video archiving project for the U.S. National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD. It is the policy of NLM (and U.S. government) to not assert copyright. A non-exclusive copy of this code has been contributed to the Open JPEG project. Except for copyright, inclusion of the code within Open JPEG for distribution and use can be bound by the Open JPEG open-source license and disclaimer, expressed elsewhere. */ #include #include #include #include "mj2.h" #include //MEMORY LEAK #ifdef _DEBUG #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include // Must be included first #include #endif //MEM #include /* for time functions */ #include #include "meta_out.h" #include jmp_buf j2k_error; extern j2k_tcp_t j2k_default_tcp; static BOOL notes = TRUE; static BOOL sampletables = FALSE; static BOOL raw = TRUE; static BOOL derived = TRUE; /* Forwards */ int xml_write_overall_header(FILE *file, FILE *xmlout, mj2_movie_t * movie, unsigned int sampleframe); int xml_write_moov(FILE *file, FILE *xmlout, mj2_movie_t * movie, unsigned int sampleframe); void uint_to_chars(unsigned int value, char* buf); void xml_write_trak(FILE *file, FILE *xmlout, mj2_tk_t *track, unsigned int tnum, unsigned int sampleframe); void xml_write_tkhd(FILE* file, FILE* xmlout, mj2_tk_t *track, unsigned int tnum); void xml_write_udta(FILE* file, FILE* xmlout, mj2_tk_t *track, unsigned int tnum); void xml_write_mdia(FILE* file, FILE* xmlout, mj2_tk_t *track, unsigned int tnum); void xml_write_stbl(FILE* file, FILE* xmlout, mj2_tk_t *track, unsigned int tnum); void UnixTimeToFileTime(time_t t, LPFILETIME pft); void UnixTimeToSystemTime(time_t t, LPSYSTEMTIME pst); void xml_time_out(FILE* xmlout, time_t t); void int16_to_3packedchars(short int value, char* buf); void xml_write_moov_udta(FILE* xmlout, mj2_movie_t * movie); void xml_write_free_and_skip(FILE* xmlout, mj2_movie_t * movie); void xml_write_uuid(FILE* xmlout, mj2_movie_t * movie); int xml_out_frame(FILE* file, FILE* xmlout, mj2_sample_t *sample, unsigned int snum); void xml_out_frame_siz(FILE* xmlout, j2k_image_t *img, j2k_cp_t *cp); void xml_out_frame_cod(FILE* xmlout, j2k_tcp_t *tcp); void xml_out_frame_coc(FILE* xmlout, j2k_tcp_t *tcp, int numcomps); /* j2k_image_t *img); */ BOOL same_component_style(j2k_tccp_t *tccp1, j2k_tccp_t *tccp2); void xml_out_frame_qcd(FILE* xmlout, j2k_tcp_t *tcp); void xml_out_frame_qcc(FILE* xmlout, j2k_tcp_t *tcp, int numcomps); /* j2k_image_t *img); */ BOOL same_component_quantization(j2k_tccp_t *tccp1, j2k_tccp_t *tccp2); void xml_out_frame_rgn(FILE* xmlout, j2k_tcp_t *tcp, int numcomps);/* j2k_image_t *img);*/ void xml_out_frame_poc(FILE* xmlout, j2k_tcp_t *tcp); void xml_out_frame_ppm(FILE* xmlout, j2k_cp_t *cp); void xml_out_frame_ppt(FILE* xmlout, j2k_tcp_t *tcp); void xml_out_frame_tlm(FILE* xmlout); /* j2k_default_tcp is passed globally */ /* NO-OP. TLM NOT SAVED IN DATA STRUCTURE */ void xml_out_frame_plm(FILE* xmlout); /* j2k_default_tcp is passed globally */ /* NO-OP. PLM NOT SAVED IN DATA STRUCTURE. opt in main; can be used in conjunction with PLT */ void xml_out_frame_plt(FILE* xmlout, j2k_tcp_t *tcp); /* NO-OP. PLM NOT SAVED IN DATA STRUCTURE. opt in main; can be used in conjunction with PLT */ void xml_out_frame_crg(FILE* xmlout); /* j2k_default_tcp is passed globally */ /* opt in main; */ void xml_out_frame_com(FILE* xmlout, j2k_tcp_t *tcp); /* NO-OP. COM NOT SAVED IN DATA STRUCTURE */ /* opt in main; */ void xml_out_dump_hex(FILE* xmlout, char *data, int data_len, char* s); void xml_out_dump_hex_and_ascii(FILE* xmlout, char *data, int data_len, char* s); void xml_out_frame_jp2h(FILE* xmlout, jp2_struct_t *jp2_struct); #ifdef NOTYET /* Shown with cp, extended, as data structure... but it could be a new different one */ void xml_out_frame_jp2i(FILE* xmlout, j2k_cp_t *cp);/* IntellectualProperty 'jp2i' (no restrictions on location) */ void xml_out_frame_xml(FILE* xmlout, j2k_cp_t *cp); /* XML 'xml\040' (0x786d6c20). Can appear multiply */ void xml_out_frame_uuid(FILE* xmlout, j2k_cp_t *cp); /* UUID 'uuid' (top level only) */ void xml_out_frame_uinf(FILE* xmlout, j2k_cp_t *cp); /* UUIDInfo 'uinf', includes UUIDList 'ulst' and URL 'url\40' */ void xml_out_frame_unknown_type(FILE* xmlout, j2k_cp_t *cp); #endif /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void xml_write_init(BOOL n, BOOL t, BOOL r, BOOL d) { /* Init file globals */ notes = n; sampletables = t; raw = r; derived = d; } int xml_write_struct(FILE* file, FILE *xmlout, mj2_movie_t * movie, unsigned int sampleframe, char* stringDTD) { if(stringDTD != NULL) { fprintf(xmlout,"\n"); /* stringDTD is known to start with "SYSTEM " or "PUBLIC " */ /* typical: SYSTEM mj2_to_metadata.dtd */ stringDTD[6] = '\0'; /* Break into two strings at space, so quotes can be inserted. */ fprintf(xmlout,"\n", stringDTD, stringDTD+7); stringDTD[6] = ' '; /* restore for sake of debugger or memory allocator */ } else fprintf(xmlout,"\n"); fprintf(xmlout, "\n"); xml_write_overall_header(file, xmlout, movie, sampleframe); fprintf(xmlout, ""); return 0; } /* ------------- */ int xml_write_overall_header(FILE *file, FILE *xmlout, mj2_movie_t * movie, unsigned int sampleframe) { int i; char buf[5]; buf[4] = '\0'; fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); // Called after structure initialized by mj2_read_ftyp fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); uint_to_chars(movie->brand, buf); fprintf(xmlout, " %s\n", buf); /* 4 character; BR */ fprintf(xmlout, " %u\n", movie->minversion); /* 4 char; MinV */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n",movie->num_cl); for (i = movie->num_cl - 1; i > -1; i--) /* read routine stored in reverse order, so let's undo damage */ { uint_to_chars(movie->cl[i], buf); fprintf(xmlout, " %s\n", buf); /*4 characters, each CLi */ } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); xml_write_moov(file, xmlout, movie, sampleframe); // To come? // This is the container for media data that can also be accessed through track structures, // so is redundant, and simply not of interest as metadata // // Allows incremental build up of movie. Probably not in Simple Profile xml_write_free_and_skip(xmlout, movie); /* NO OP so far */ /* May be a place where user squirrels metadata */ xml_write_uuid(xmlout, movie); /* NO OP so far */ /* May be a place where user squirrels metadata */ return 0; } /* ------------- */ int xml_write_moov(FILE *file, FILE *xmlout, mj2_movie_t * movie, unsigned int sampleframe) { unsigned int tnum; mj2_tk_t *track; fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); if(raw) fprintf(xmlout, " %u\n", movie->creation_time); if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* 2082844800 = seconds between 1/1/04 and 1/1/70 */ /* There's still a time zone offset problem not solved... but spec is ambigous as to whether stored time should be local or UTC */ if(derived) { fprintf(xmlout, " "); xml_time_out(xmlout, movie->creation_time - 2082844800); fprintf(xmlout,"\n"); } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); if(raw) fprintf(xmlout, " %u\n", movie->modification_time); if(derived) { fprintf(xmlout, " "); xml_time_out(xmlout, movie->modification_time - 2082844800); fprintf(xmlout,"\n"); } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", movie->timescale); if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* Rate to play presentation (default = 0x00010000) */ #define CURRENTSTRUCT #ifdef CURRENTSTRUCT movie->rate = movie->rate << 16; #endif if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } if(raw) fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%08x\n", movie->rate); if(derived) fprintf(xmlout, " %12.6f\n", (double)movie->rate/(double)0x00010000); #ifdef CURRENTSTRUCT if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); movie->rate = movie->rate >> 16; #endif fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); if(raw) fprintf(xmlout, " %u\n", movie->duration); if(derived) fprintf(xmlout, " %12.3f\n", (double)movie->duration/(double)movie->timescale); // Make this double later to get fractional seconds fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); #ifdef CURRENTSTRUCT movie->volume = movie->volume << 8; #endif fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } if(raw) fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%04x\n", movie->volume); if(derived) fprintf(xmlout, " %6.3f\n", (double)movie->volume/(double)0x0100); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); #ifdef CURRENTSTRUCT if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); movie->volume = movie->volume >> 8; #endif /* Transformation matrix for video */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%08x\n", movie->trans_matrix[0]); fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%08x\n", movie->trans_matrix[1]); fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%08x\n", movie->trans_matrix[2]); fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%08x\n", movie->trans_matrix[3]); fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%08x\n", movie->trans_matrix[4]); fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%08x\n", movie->trans_matrix[5]); fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%08x\n", movie->trans_matrix[6]); fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%08x\n", movie->trans_matrix[7]); fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%08x\n", movie->trans_matrix[8]); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n", movie->num_vtk); fprintf(xmlout, " \n", movie->num_stk); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", movie->num_htk); if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* See Part 3 Amend 2 Section 4.2 for relation of MJ2 to Part 12 Sections 7 and 10 hints */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* Idea for the future: It would be possible to add code to verify that the file values: 1) are legal and self-consistent 2) comply with particular JP2 and/or MJ2 profiles. This could be reported here as additional XML elements */ // Find first video track tnum = 0; while (movie->tk[tnum].track_type != 0) tnum ++; track = &(movie->tk[tnum]); // For now, output info on first video track xml_write_trak(file, xmlout, track, tnum, sampleframe); // to come: // possibly not in Simple Profile xml_write_moov_udta(xmlout, movie); /* NO OP so far */ /* contains */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); return 0; } /* --------------- */ void uint_to_chars(unsigned int value, char* buf) { /* buf is at least char[5] */ int i; for (i = 3; i >= 0; i--) { buf[i] = (value & 0x000000ff); value = (value >> 8); } buf[4] = '\0'; /* Precautionary */ } /* ------------- */ /* WINDOWS SPECIFIC */ void UnixTimeToFileTime(time_t t, LPFILETIME pft) { /* Windows specific. From MS Q167296 */ /* 'time_t' represents seconds since midnight January 1, 1970 UTC (coordinated universal time). */ /* 64-bit FILETIME structure represents the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 UTC (coordinate universal time). */ LONGLONG ll; /* LONGLONG is a 64-bit value. */ ll = Int32x32To64(t, 10000000) + 116444736000000000; pft->dwLowDateTime = (DWORD)ll; /* pft->dwLowDateTime = (DWORD)(0x00000000ffffffff & ll); */ pft->dwHighDateTime = (DWORD)(ll >> 32); } // Once the UNIX time is converted to a FILETIME structure, // other Win32 time formats can be easily obtained by using Win32 functions such // as FileTimeToSystemTime() and FileTimeToDosDateTime(). /* ------------- */ void UnixTimeToSystemTime(time_t t, LPSYSTEMTIME pst) { /* Windows specific */ FILETIME ft; UnixTimeToFileTime(t, &ft); FileTimeToLocalFileTime( &ft, &ft ); /* Adjust from UTC to local time zone */ FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, pst); } /* ------------- */ void xml_time_out(FILE* xmlout, time_t t) { /* Windows specific */ SYSTEMTIME st; char szLocalDate[255], szLocalTime[255]; UnixTimeToSystemTime( t, &st ); GetDateFormat( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_LONGDATE, &st, NULL, szLocalDate, 255 ); GetTimeFormat( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &st, NULL, szLocalTime, 255 ); fprintf(xmlout, "%s %s", szLocalDate, szLocalTime ); } /* END WINDOWS SPECIFIC */ /* ------------- */ void xml_write_moov_udta(FILE* xmlout, mj2_movie_t * movie) { /* Compare with xml_write_udta */ #ifdef NOTYET /* NO-OP so far. Optional UserData 'udta' (zero or one in moov or each trak) can contain multiple Copyright 'cprt' with different language codes */ /* There may be nested non-standard boxes within udta */ IMAGINE movie->udta, movie->copyright_count, movie->copyright_language[i] (array of 16bit ints), movie->copyright_notice[i] (array of buffers) PROBABLY ALSO NEED movie->udta_len or special handler for non-standard boxes char buf[5]; int i; if(movie->udta != 1) return; /* Not present */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); for(i = 0; i < movie->copyright_count; i++) { fprintf(xmlout, " Instance=\"%d\">\n", i+1); int16_to_3packedchars((short int)movie->copyright_languages[i], buf); fprintf(xmlout, " %s\n", buf); /* 3 chars */ fprintf(xmlout, " %s\n",movie->copyright_notices[i]); fprintf(xmlout, " \n", i+1); } /* TO DO: Non-standard boxes */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); #endif } void xml_write_free_and_skip(FILE* xmlout, mj2_movie_t * movie) { #ifdef NOTYET /* NO-OP so far. There can be zero or more instances of free and/or skip at the top level of the file. This may be a place where the user squirrel's metadata. Let's assume unstructured, and do a dump */ IMAGINE movie->free_and_skip, movie->free_and_skip_count, movie->free_and_skip_content[i] (array of buffers), movie->free_and_skip_len[i] (array of ints), movie->is_skip[i] (array of BOOL) int i; if(movie->free_and_skip != 1) return; /* Not present */ for(i = 0; i < movie->free_and_skip_count; i++) { if(movie->is_skip[i]) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); else fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); xml_out_dump_hex_and_ascii(xmlout, movie->free_and_skip_contents[i], movie->free_and_skip_len[i]); if(movie->is_skip[i]) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); else fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } #endif } void xml_write_uuid(FILE* xmlout, mj2_movie_t * movie) { /* Univeral Unique IDs of 16 bytes. */ #ifdef NOTYET /* NO-OP so far. There can be zero or more instances of private uuid boxes in a file. This function supports the top level of the file, but uuid may be elsewhere [not yet supported]. This may be a place where the user squirrel's metadata. Let's assume unstructured, and do a dump */ IMAGINE movie->uuid, movie->uuid_count, movie->uuid_content[i] (array of buffers), movie->uuid_len[i] (array of ints), movie->uuid_type[i] (array of 17-byte (16+null termination) buffers) int i; if(movie->uuid != 1) return; /* Not present */ for(i = 0; i < movie->uuid_count; i++) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n", movie->uuid_type[i]); // See Part III section 5.2.1, 6.1, 6.2 xml_out_dump_hex_and_ascii(xmlout, movie->uuid_contents[i], movie->uuid_len[i]); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } #endif } /* ------------- */ void xml_write_trak(FILE* file, FILE* xmlout, mj2_tk_t *track, unsigned int tnum, unsigned int sampleframe) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n", tnum); xml_write_tkhd(file, xmlout, track, tnum); // TO DO: TrackReferenceContainer 'tref' just used in hint track // TO DO: EditListContainer 'edts', contains EditList 'elst' with media-time, segment-duration, media-rate xml_write_mdia(file, xmlout, track, tnum); xml_write_udta(file, xmlout, track, tnum); // NO-OP so far. Optional UserData 'udta', can contain multiple Copyright 'cprt' if(track->track_type==0) { /* Only do for visual track */ /* sampleframe is from user option -f. 1 = first frame */ /* sampleframe of 0 is a user requests: no jp2 header */ /* Treat out-of-bounds values in the same way */ if(sampleframe > 0 && sampleframe <= track->num_samples) { mj2_sample_t *sample; unsigned int snum; snum = sampleframe-1; // Someday maybe do a smart range scan... for (snum=0; snum < track->num_samples; snum++){ // fprintf(stdout,"Frame %d: ",snum+1); sample = &track->sample[snum]; if(xml_out_frame(file, xmlout, sample, snum)) return; /* Not great error handling here */ } } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } /* ------------- */ void xml_write_tkhd(FILE* file, FILE* xmlout, mj2_tk_t *track, unsigned int tnum) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } fprintf(xmlout, " %u\n", track->track_ID); if(track->track_type==0) /* For visual track */ { fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", track->layer); if(notes) fprintf(xmlout," \n"); } if(track->track_type!=0) /* volume irrelevant for visual track */ { #ifdef CURRENTSTRUCT track->volume = track->volume << 8; #endif fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout," \n"); fprintf(xmlout," \n"); } if(raw) fprintf(xmlout," 0x%04x\n", track->volume); if(derived) fprintf(xmlout," %6.3f\n", (double)track->volume/(double)0x0100); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); #ifdef CURRENTSTRUCT if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); track->volume = track->volume >> 8; #endif } if(track->track_type==0) { /* Transformation matrix for video */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout," \n"); fprintf(xmlout," \n"); } fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%08x\n", track->trans_matrix[0]); fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%08x\n", track->trans_matrix[1]); fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%08x\n", track->trans_matrix[2]); fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%08x\n", track->trans_matrix[3]); fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%08x\n", track->trans_matrix[4]); fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%08x\n", track->trans_matrix[5]); fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%08x\n", track->trans_matrix[6]); fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%08x\n", track->trans_matrix[7]); fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%08x\n", track->trans_matrix[8]); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } #ifdef CURRENTSTRUCT track->w = track->w << 16; track->h = track->h << 16; #endif if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); if(raw) fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%08x\n", track->w); if(derived) fprintf(xmlout, " %12.6f\n", (double)track->w/(double)0x00010000); /* Rate to play presentation (default = 0x00010000) */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); if(raw) fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%08x\n", track->h); if(derived) fprintf(xmlout, " %12.6f\n", (double)track->h/(double)0x00010000); /* Rate to play presentation (default = 0x00010000) */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); #ifdef CURRENTSTRUCT if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } track->w = track->w >> 16; track->h = track->h >> 16; #endif fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } /* ------------- */ void xml_write_udta(FILE* file, FILE* xmlout, mj2_tk_t *track, unsigned int tnum) { /* NO-OP so far. Optional UserData 'udta' (zero or one in moov or each trak) can contain multiple Copyright 'cprt' with different language codes */ /* There may be nested non-standard boxes within udta */ #ifdef NOTYET IMAGINE track->udta, track->copyright_count, track->copyright_language[i] (array of 16bit ints), track->copyright_notice[i] (array of buffers) PROBABLY ALSO NEED track->udta_len or special handler for non-standard boxes char buf[5]; int i; if(track->udta != 1) return; /* Not present */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); for(i = 0; i < track->copyright_count; i++) { fprintf(xmlout, " Instance=\"%d\">\n", i+1); int16_to_3packedchars((short int)track->copyright_languages[i], buf); fprintf(xmlout, " %s\n", buf); /* 3 chars */ fprintf(xmlout, " %s\n",track->copyright_notices[i]); fprintf(xmlout, " \n", i+1); } /* TO DO: Non-standard boxes */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); #endif } /* ------------- */ void xml_write_mdia(FILE* file, FILE* xmlout, mj2_tk_t *track, unsigned int tnum) { char buf[5]; int i, k; buf[4] = '\0'; fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); if(raw) fprintf(xmlout, " %u\n", track->creation_time); if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* 2082844800 = seconds between 1/1/04 and 1/1/70 */ /* There's still a time zone offset problem not solved... but spec is ambigous as to whether stored time should be local or UTC */ if(derived) { fprintf(xmlout, " "); xml_time_out(xmlout, track->creation_time - 2082844800); fprintf(xmlout,"\n"); } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); if(raw) fprintf(xmlout, " %u\n", track->modification_time); if(derived) { fprintf(xmlout, " "); xml_time_out(xmlout, track->modification_time - 2082844800); fprintf(xmlout,"\n"); } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", track->timescale); if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); if(raw) fprintf(xmlout, " %u\n", track->duration); if(derived) fprintf(xmlout, " %12.3f\n", (double)track->duration/(double)track->timescale); // Make this double later to get fractional seconds fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); int16_to_3packedchars((short int)track->language, buf); fprintf(xmlout, " %s\n", buf); /* 3 chars */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); switch(track->track_type) { case 0: fprintf(xmlout, " video media track\n"); break; case 1: fprintf(xmlout, " Sound\n"); break; case 2: fprintf(xmlout, " Hint\n"); break; } if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); switch(track->track_type) { case 0: fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%02x\n", track->graphicsmode); if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout," \n"); fprintf(xmlout," \n"); fprintf(xmlout," \n"); fprintf(xmlout," \n"); /* fprintf(xmlout," \n"); This was evidently dropped upon amendment */ fprintf(xmlout," \n"); fprintf(xmlout," \n"); } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%02x\n", track->opcolor[0]); fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%02x\n",track->opcolor[1]); fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%02x\n",track->opcolor[2]); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); break; case 1: fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); #ifdef CURRENTSTRUCT track->balance = track->balance << 8; #endif fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout," \n"); fprintf(xmlout," \n"); fprintf(xmlout," \n"); } if(raw) fprintf(xmlout," 0x%04x\n", track->balance); if(derived) fprintf(xmlout," %6.3f\n", (double)track->balance/(double)0x0100); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); #ifdef CURRENTSTRUCT if(notes) fprintf(xmlout," \n"); track->balance = track->balance >> 8; #endif fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); break; case 2: fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", track->maxPDUsize); if(notes) fprintf(xmlout," \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", track->avgPDUsize); if(notes) fprintf(xmlout," \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", track->maxbitrate); if(notes) fprintf(xmlout," \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", track->avgbitrate); if(notes) fprintf(xmlout," \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", track->slidingavgbitrate); if(notes) fprintf(xmlout," \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); break; } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n", track->num_url, track->num_urn); // table w. flags, URLs, URNs // Data structure does not distinguish between single URL, single URN, or DREF table or URLs & URNs. // We could infer those, but for now just present everything as a DREF table. if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); for(k = 0; k < track->num_url; k++) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); // table w. flags, URLs, URNs if(notes) fprintf(xmlout," \n"); for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { uint_to_chars(track->url[track->num_url].location[i], buf); fprintf(xmlout, " %s\n"); } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); // table w. flags, URLs, URNs } for(k = 0; k < track->num_urn; k++) { fprintf(xmlout," \n"); // table w. flags, URLs, URNs // Only the first 16 bytes are recorded in the data structure currently. if(notes) fprintf(xmlout," \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " "); for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { uint_to_chars(track->urn[track->num_urn].name[i], buf); fprintf(xmlout,"%s", buf); } fprintf(xmlout, "\n"); fprintf(xmlout, " "); for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { uint_to_chars(track->urn[track->num_urn].location[i], buf); fprintf(xmlout,"%s"); } fprintf(xmlout, "\n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); xml_write_stbl(file, xmlout, track, tnum); /* SampleTable */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } /* ------------- */ void xml_write_stbl(FILE* file, FILE* xmlout, mj2_tk_t *track, unsigned int tnum) { char buf[5], buf33[33]; int i, len; buf[4] = '\0'; fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); switch(track->track_type) { case 0: // There could be multiple instances of this, but "entry_count" is just a local at read-time. // And it's used wrong, too, as count of just visual type, when it's really all 3 types. // This is referred to as "smj2" within mj2.c fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } /* No shifting required. If CURRENTSTRUCT gets changed, then may need to revisit treatment of these */ fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", track->w); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", track->h); // Horizresolution and vertresolution don't require shifting, already stored right in CURRENTSTRUCT if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); if(raw) fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%08x\n", track->horizresolution); if(derived) fprintf(xmlout, " %12.6f\n", (double)track->horizresolution/(double)0x00010000); /* Rate to play presentation (default = 0x00010000) */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); if(raw) fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%08x\n", track->vertresolution); if(derived) fprintf(xmlout, " %12.6f\n", (double)track->vertresolution/(double)0x00010000); /* Rate to play presentation (default = 0x00010000) */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); buf33[0] = '\0'; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { uint_to_chars((unsigned int)track->compressorname[i], buf); strcat(buf33, buf); /* This loads up (4 * 8) + 1 chars, but trailing ones are usually junk */ } len = (int)buf33[0]; /* First byte has string length in bytes. There may be garbage beyond it. */ buf33[len+1] = '\0'; /* Suppress it */ fprintf(xmlout, " %s\n", buf33+1); /* Start beyond first byte */ if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%02x\n",track->depth); if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } xml_out_frame_jp2h(xmlout, &(track->jp2_struct)); /* JP2 Header */ /* Following subboxes are optional */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", (unsigned int)track->fieldcount); /* uchar as 1 byte uint */ if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", (unsigned int)track->fieldorder); /* uchar as 1 byte uint */ if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n",track->num_br); for (i = 0; i < track->num_br; i++) /* read routine stored in reverse order, so let's undo damage */ { uint_to_chars(track->br[i], buf); fprintf(xmlout, " %s\n", buf); /*4 characters, each CLi */ } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n",track->num_jp2x); for (i = 0; i < track->num_jp2x; i++) { // We'll probably need better formatting than this fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%02x\n", track->jp2xdata[i]); /* Each entry is single byte */ } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* These values are all 1 byte */ if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", track->hsub); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", track->vsub); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", track->hoff); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", track->voff); if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* These values are all 1 byte */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* Part III Appx. 2 */ fprintf(xmlout, " %u\n", (unsigned int)track->or_fieldcount); /* uchar as 1-byte uint */ if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " %u\n", (unsigned int)track->or_fieldorder); /* uchar as 1-byte uint */ if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); break; case 1: case 2: if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); break; } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", track->num_samples); if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n", track->num_tts); for (i = 0; i < track->num_tts; i++) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n", i+1, track->tts[i].sample_count, track->tts[i].sample_delta); } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n", track->num_samplestochunk); for (i = 0; i < track->num_samplestochunk; i++) { fprintf(xmlout, " %u\n",track->sampletochunk[i].first_chunk); /* 4 bytes */ fprintf(xmlout, " %u\n",track->sampletochunk[i].samples_per_chunk); /* 4 bytes */ fprintf(xmlout, " %u\n",track->sampletochunk[i].sample_descr_idx); /* 4 bytes */ } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); // After reading this info in, track->num_chunks is calculated and a decompressed table established internally. fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); if(track->same_sample_size) { // all values in track->sample[i].sample_size are equal. Grab the first one. fprintf(xmlout, " %u\n", track->sample[0].sample_size); if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } } else { fprintf(xmlout, " 0\n"); if(notes) if(sampletables) fprintf(xmlout," \n"); else fprintf(xmlout," \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " %u\n", track->num_samples); if(sampletables) for (i = 0; i < (int)track->num_samples; i++) { fprintf(xmlout, " %u\n", i+1, track->sample[i].sample_size); } } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); // Structure not yet - Variant ChunkLargeOffset 'co64' fprintf(xmlout, " %u\n", track->num_chunks); if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } if(sampletables) for (i = 0; i < (int)track->num_chunks; i++) fprintf(xmlout, " %u\n", i+1, track->chunk[i].offset); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } /* ------------- */ int xml_out_frame(FILE* file, FILE* xmlout, mj2_sample_t *sample, unsigned int snum) { j2k_image_t img; j2k_cp_t cp; int i; int numcomps; unsigned char* frame_codestream; /* char xmloutname[50]; */ frame_codestream = (unsigned char*) malloc (sample->sample_size-8); /* Skipping JP2C marker */ if(frame_codestream == NULL) return 1; fseek(file,sample->offset+8,SEEK_SET); fread(frame_codestream,sample->sample_size-8,1, file); /* Assuming that jp and ftyp markers size do */ /* Decode J2K to image: */ if (!j2k_decode(frame_codestream, sample->sample_size-8, &img, &cp)) { free(frame_codestream); #ifndef NO_PACKETS_DECODING for (i=0; i\n", snum+1); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* There can be multiple codestreams; a particular image is entirely within a single codestream */ /* TO DO: A frame can be represented by two I-guess-contigious codestreams if its interleaved. */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* "cp" stands for "coding parameter"; "tcp" is tile coding parameters, "tccp" is tile-component coding parameters */ xml_out_frame_siz(xmlout, &img, &cp); /* reqd in main */ xml_out_frame_cod(xmlout, &j2k_default_tcp); /* reqd in main */ xml_out_frame_coc(xmlout, &j2k_default_tcp, numcomps); /* opt in main, at most 1 per component */ xml_out_frame_qcd(xmlout, &j2k_default_tcp); /* reqd in main */ xml_out_frame_qcc(xmlout, &j2k_default_tcp, numcomps); /* opt in main, at most 1 per component */ xml_out_frame_rgn(xmlout, &j2k_default_tcp, numcomps); /* opt, at most 1 per component */ xml_out_frame_poc(xmlout, &j2k_default_tcp); /* opt (but reqd in main or tile for any progression order changes) */ /* Next four get j2k_default_tcp passed globally: */ #ifdef SUPPRESS_FOR_NOW xml_out_frame_ppm(xmlout, &cp); /* opt (but either PPM or PPT [distributed in tile headers] or codestream packet header reqd) */ #endif xml_out_frame_tlm(xmlout); /* NO-OP. TLM NOT SAVED IN DATA STRUCTURE */ /* opt */ xml_out_frame_plm(xmlout); /* NO-OP. PLM NOT SAVED IN DATA STRUCTURE */ /* opt in main; can be used in conjunction with PLT */ xml_out_frame_crg(xmlout); /* NO-OP. CRG NOT SAVED IN DATA STRUCTURE */ /* opt in main; */ xml_out_frame_com(xmlout, &j2k_default_tcp); /* NO-OP. COM NOT SAVED IN DATA STRUCTURE */ /* opt in main; */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* TO DO: all the tile headers (sigh) */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n", cp.tileno_size); /* size of the vector tileno */ for(i = 0; i < cp.tileno_size; i++) { /* I think cp.tileno_size will be same number as (cp.tw * cp.th) or as global j2k_curtileno */ // Standard seems to use zero-based # for tile-part. fprintf(xmlout, " \n", i, cp.tileno[i]); /* ID number of the tiles present in the codestream */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* All markers in tile-part headers (between SOT and SOD) are optional, unless structure requires. */ if(i == 0) { xml_out_frame_cod(xmlout, &(cp.tcps[i])); /* No more than 1 per tile */ xml_out_frame_coc(xmlout, &(cp.tcps[i]), numcomps); /* No more than 1 per component */ xml_out_frame_qcd(xmlout, &(cp.tcps[i])); /* No more than 1 per tile */ xml_out_frame_qcc(xmlout, &(cp.tcps[i]), numcomps); /* No more than 1 per component */ xml_out_frame_rgn(xmlout, &(cp.tcps[i]), numcomps); /* No more than 1 per component */ } xml_out_frame_poc(xmlout, &(cp.tcps[i])); /* Reqd only if any progression order changes different from main POC */ #ifdef SUPPRESS_FOR_NOW xml_out_frame_ppt(xmlout, &(cp.tcps[i])); /* Either PPT [distributed in tile headers] or PPM or codestream packet header reqd. */ #endif xml_out_frame_plt(xmlout, &(cp.tcps[i])); /* NO-OP. PLT NOT SAVED IN DATA STRUCTURE */ /* Can be used in conjunction with main's PLM */ xml_out_frame_com(xmlout, &(cp.tcps[i])); /* NO-OP. COM NOT SAVED IN DATA STRUCTURE */ /* j2k_tcp_t * cp.tcps; "tile coding parameters" */ /* Maybe not: fprintf(xmlout, " <>%d, cp.matrice[i]; */ /* Fixed layer */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* size of the vector tileno */ #ifdef NOTYET IMAGINE the cp object has data to support the following... but we could use an new different data structure instead /* I'm unclear if the span of the original fread(frame_codestream...) included the following items if they're trailing. */ /* ALSO TO DO, BUT DATA STRUCTURE DOESN'T HANDLE YET: boxes (anywhere in file except before the Filetype box): */ xml_out_frame_jp2i(xmlout, &cp); /* IntellectualProperty 'jp2i' (no restrictions on location) */ xml_out_frame_xml(xmlout, &cp); /* XML 'xml\040' (0x786d6c20). Can appear multiply */ xml_out_frame_uuid(xmlout, &cp); /* UUID 'uuid' (top level only) */ xml_out_frame_uinf(xmlout, &cp); /* UUIDInfo 'uinf', includes UUIDList 'ulst' and URL 'url\40' */ #endif fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* Extra commentary: */ if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); if (((img.numcomps == 3) && (img.comps[0].dx == img.comps[1].dx / 2) && (img.comps[0].dx == img.comps[2].dx / 2 ) && (img.comps[0].dx == 1)) || (img.numcomps == 1)) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } else if ((img.numcomps == 3) && (img.comps[0].dx == 1) && (img.comps[1].dx == 1)&& (img.comps[2].dx == 1)) {// If YUV 4:4:4 input --> to bmp fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } else { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } } #ifndef NO_PACKETS_DECODING for (i=0; i= 0; i--) { buf[i] = (value & 0x001f) + 0x60; value = (value >>5); } buf[3] = '\0'; } /* ------------- */ void xml_out_frame_siz(FILE* xmlout, j2k_image_t *img, j2k_cp_t *cp) { j2k_comp_t *comp; int i; fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); // This is similar to j2k.c's j2k_dump_image. // Not of interest: Lsiz, Rsiz fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", img->x1); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", img->y1); if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", img->x0); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", img->y0); if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", cp->tdx); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", cp->tdy); if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", cp->tx0); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", cp->ty0); if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", img->numcomps); if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); //fprintf(xmlout," \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } for (i = 0; i < img->numcomps; i++) {/* image-components */ comp = &(img->comps[i]); fprintf(xmlout, " \n", i+1); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); if(raw) fprintf(xmlout," 0x%02x\n", (comp->sgnd << 7) & (comp->prec - 1)); if(derived) { fprintf(xmlout," %d\n", comp->sgnd); fprintf(xmlout," %d\n", comp->prec); } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", comp->dx); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", comp->dy); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", comp->w); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", comp->h); /* Rest of these aren't calculated when SIZ is read: fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", comp->x0); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", comp->y0); if(notes) fprintf(xmlout," \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", comp->bpp); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", comp->resno_decoded); */ // SUPPRESS: n/a to mj2_to_metadata. fprintf(xmlout," %dfactor); /* factor = number of division by 2 of the out image compare to the original size of image */ // TO DO comp->data: int *data; /* image-component data */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } /* ------------- */ void xml_out_frame_cod(FILE* xmlout, j2k_tcp_t *tcp) { /* Could be called with tcp = &j2k_default_tcp; /* Or, for tile-part header, with &j2k_cp->tcps[j2k_curtileno] /* Alignment for main:" < < < < To help maintain xml pretty-printing */ /* Alignment for tile:" < < < To help maintain xml pretty-printing */ j2k_tccp_t *tccp; int i; char spaces[13] = " "; /* 12 spaces if tilepart*/ char* s = spaces; if(tcp == &j2k_default_tcp) { s++;s++; /* shorten s to 10 spaces if main */ } tccp = &(tcp->tccps[0]); fprintf(xmlout, "%s\n",s); /* Required in main header */ /* Not retained or of interest: Lcod */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s 0x%02x\n", s, tcp->csty); /* 1 byte */ if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n",s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n",s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n",s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n",s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n",s); } fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n",s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s %d\n", s, tcp->prg); /* 1 byte, SGcod (A) */ if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n",s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n",s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n",s); } fprintf(xmlout, "%s %d\n", s, tcp->numlayers); /* 2 bytes, SGcod (B) */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s %d\n", s, tcp->mct); /* 1 byte, SGcod (C). More or less boolean */ if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n",s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n",s); /* This code will compile only if declaration of j2k_default_tcp is changed from static (to implicit extern) in j2k.c */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n",s); /* Internal data structure tccp defines separate defaults for each component, but they all get the same values */ /* So we only have to report the first component's values here. */ /* Compare j2k_read_cox(...) */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s %d\n", s, tccp->numresolutions - 1); /* 1 byte, SPcox (D) */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s %d\n", s, tccp->cblkw - 2); /* 1 byte, SPcox (E) */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s %d\n", s, tccp->cblkh - 2); /* 1 byte, SPcox (F) */ if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n",s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); } fprintf(xmlout, "%s 0x%02x\n", s, tccp->cblksty); /* 1 byte, SPcox (G) */ if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n",s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n",s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n",s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n",s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n",s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n",s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n",s); } fprintf(xmlout, "%s %d\n", s, tccp->qmfbid); /* 1 byte, SPcox (H) */ if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n",s); if (tccp->csty & J2K_CP_CSTY_PRT) { fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n",s); /* 1 byte, SPcox (I_i) */ if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n",s); for (i = 0; i < tccp->numresolutions; i++) { fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s, i); if(raw) fprintf(xmlout,"%s 0x%02x\n", s, (tccp->prch[i] << 4) | tccp->prcw[i]); /* packed into 1 byte, SPcox (G) */ if(derived) { fprintf(xmlout,"%s %d\n", s, tccp->prcw[i]); fprintf(xmlout,"%s %d\n", s, tccp->prch[i]); } fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s, i); } fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n",s); /* 1 byte, SPcox (I_i) */ } fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n",s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s\n",s); } /* ------------- */ void xml_out_frame_coc(FILE* xmlout, j2k_tcp_t *tcp, int numcomps) /* Optional in main & tile-part headers */ { /* Uses global j2k_default_tcp */ j2k_tccp_t *tccp, *firstcomp_tccp; int i, compno; char spaces[13] = " "; /* 12 spaces if tilepart*/ char* s = spaces; if(tcp == &j2k_default_tcp) { s++;s++; /* shorten s to 10 spaces if main */ } firstcomp_tccp = &(tcp->tccps[0]); /* Internal data structure tccp defines separate defaults for each component, set from main */ /* default, then selectively overwritten. */ /* Compare j2k_read_cox(...) */ /* We don't really know which was the default, and which were not */ /* Let's pretend that [0] is the default and all others are not */ if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, "%s\n", s); if(tcp == &j2k_default_tcp) fprintf(xmlout, "%s\n", s); else fprintf(xmlout, "%s\n", s); } for (compno = 1; compno < numcomps; compno++) /* spec says components are zero-based */ { tccp = &tcp->tccps[compno]; if(same_component_style(firstcomp_tccp, tccp)) continue; /* Alignments: " < < < < < To help maintain xml pretty-printing */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s\n", s); /* Optional in main header, at most 1 per component */ if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); /* Overrides the main COD for the specific component */ /* Not retained or of interest: Lcod */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s 0x%02x\n", s, tccp->csty); /* 1 byte */ if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); } fprintf(xmlout, "%s %d\n", s, compno); /* 1 or 2 bytes */ /* Unfortunately compo isn't retained in j2k_read_coc: compno = cio_read(j2k_img->numcomps <= 256 ? 1 : 2); /* Ccoc */ /*if(j2k_img_numcomps <=256) component is 1 byte else compno is 2 byte */ /* This code will compile only if declaration of j2k_default_tcp is changed from static (to implicit extern) in j2k.c */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s %d\n", s, tccp->numresolutions - 1); /* 1 byte, SPcox (D) */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s %d\n", s, tccp->cblkw - 2); /* 1 byte, SPcox (E) */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s %d\n", s, tccp->cblkh - 2); /* 1 byte, SPcox (F) */ if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); } fprintf(xmlout, "%s 0x%02x\n", s, tccp->cblksty); /* 1 byte, SPcox (G) */ if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); } fprintf(xmlout, "%s %d\n", s, tccp->qmfbid); /* 1 byte, SPcox (H) */ if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); if (tccp->csty & J2K_CP_CSTY_PRT) { fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); /* 1 byte, SPcox (I_i) */ if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); for (i = 0; i < tccp->numresolutions-1; i++) { /* subtract 1 to get # of decomposition levels */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s, i); if(raw) fprintf(xmlout,"%s 0x%02x\n", s, (tccp->prch[i] << 4) | tccp->prcw[i]); /* packed into 1 byte, SPcox (G) */ if(derived) { fprintf(xmlout,"%s %d\n", s, tccp->prcw[i]); fprintf(xmlout,"%s %d\n", s, tccp->prch[i]); } fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s, i); } fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); /* 1 byte, SPcox (I_i) */ } fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s\n", s); } } /* ------------- */ BOOL same_component_style(j2k_tccp_t *tccp1, j2k_tccp_t *tccp2) { int i; if(tccp1->numresolutions != tccp2->numresolutions) return FALSE; if(tccp1->cblkw != tccp2->cblkw) return FALSE; if(tccp1->cblkh != tccp2->cblkh) return FALSE; if(tccp1->cblksty != tccp2->cblksty) return FALSE; if(tccp1->csty != tccp2->csty) return FALSE; if (tccp1->csty & J2K_CP_CSTY_PRT) { for (i = 0; i < tccp1->numresolutions; i++) { if(tccp1->prcw[i] != tccp2->prcw[i] || tccp1->prch[i] != tccp2->prch[i]) return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /* ------------- */ void xml_out_frame_qcd(FILE* xmlout, j2k_tcp_t *tcp) { /* This code will compile only if declaration of j2k_default_tcp is changed from static (to implicit extern) in j2k.c */ j2k_tccp_t *tccp; int bandno, numbands; char spaces[13] = " "; /* 12 spaces if tilepart*/ char* s = spaces; if(tcp == &j2k_default_tcp) { s++;s++; /* shorten s to 10 spaces if main */ } /* Compare j2k_read_qcx */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s\n", s); /* Required in main header, single occurrence */ tccp = &(tcp->tccps[0]); /* Not retained or of interest: Lqcd */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); /* 1 byte */ if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); if(raw) fprintf(xmlout, "%s 0x%02x\n", s, (tccp->numgbits) << 5 | tccp->qntsty); if(derived) fprintf(xmlout, "%s %d\n", s, tccp->qntsty); if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); } if(derived) fprintf(xmlout, "%s %d\n", s, tccp->numgbits); if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); /* Problem: numbands in some cases is calculated from len, which is not retained or available here at this time */ /* So we'll just dump all internal values */ /* We could calculate it, but I'm having trouble believing the length equations in the standard */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); switch(tccp->qntsty) { case J2K_CCP_QNTSTY_NOQNT: /* no quantization */ /* This is what standard says, but I don't believe it: len = 4 + (3*decomp); */ numbands = J2K_MAXBANDS; /* should be: numbands = len - 1; */ /* Better: IMAGINE numbands = tccp->stepsize_numbands; */ /* Instead look for first zero exponent, quit there. Adequate? */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); } for (bandno = 0; bandno < numbands; bandno++) { if(tccp->stepsizes[bandno].expn == 0) break; /* Remove when we have real numbands */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s, bandno); if(raw) fprintf(xmlout,"%s 0x%02x\n", s, tccp->stepsizes[bandno].expn << 3); if(derived) fprintf(xmlout,"%s %d\n", s, tccp->stepsizes[bandno].expn); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); } fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); break; case J2K_CCP_QNTSTY_SIQNT: /* scalar quantization derived */ /* This is what standard says. Should I believe it:: len = 5; /* numbands = 1; */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); } for (bandno = 1; bandno < J2K_MAXBANDS; bandno++) { if(tccp->stepsizes[bandno].expn == 0) break; fprintf(xmlout, "%s %d\n", s, bandno, tccp->stepsizes[bandno].expn); } fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); break; default: /* J2K_CCP_QNTSTY_SEQNT */ /* scalar quantization expounded */ /* This is what standard says, but should I believe it: len = 5 + 6*decomp; */ numbands = J2K_MAXBANDS; /* should be: (len - 1) / 2;*/ /* Better: IMAGINE numbands = tccp->stepsize_numbands; */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); } for (bandno = 0; bandno < numbands; bandno++) { if(tccp->stepsizes[bandno].expn == 0 && tccp->stepsizes[bandno].mant == 0) break; /* Remove when we have real numbands */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s, bandno); if(raw) fprintf(xmlout,"%s 0x%02x\n", s, (tccp->stepsizes[bandno].expn << 11) | tccp->stepsizes[bandno].mant); if(derived) { fprintf(xmlout,"%s %d\n", s, tccp->stepsizes[bandno].expn); fprintf(xmlout,"%s %d\n", s, tccp->stepsizes[bandno].mant); } fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); } fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); break; } /* switch */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s\n", s); /* Alignments: " < < < < < To help maintain xml pretty-printing */ } /* ------------- */ void xml_out_frame_qcc(FILE* xmlout, j2k_tcp_t *tcp, int numcomps) { /* Uses global j2k_default_tcp */ /* This code will compile only if declaration of j2k_default_tcp is changed from static (to implicit extern) in j2k.c */ j2k_tccp_t *tccp, *firstcomp_tccp; int bandno, numbands; int compno; char spaces[13] = " "; /* 12 spaces if tilepart*/ char* s = spaces; if(tcp == &j2k_default_tcp) { s++;s++; /* shorten s to 10 spaces if main */ } firstcomp_tccp = &(tcp->tccps[0]); /* Internal data structure tccp defines separate defaults for each component, set from main */ /* default, then selectively overwritten. */ /* Compare j2k_read_qcx(...) */ /* We don't really know which was the default, and which were not */ /* Let's pretend that [0] is the default and all others are not */ if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, "%s\n", s); if(tcp == &j2k_default_tcp) fprintf(xmlout, "%s\n", s); else fprintf(xmlout, "%s\n", s); } for (compno = 1; compno < numcomps; compno++) /* spec says components are zero-based */ { tccp = &(tcp->tccps[compno]); if(same_component_quantization(firstcomp_tccp, tccp)) continue; /* Compare j2k_read_qcx */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s\n", s, compno); /* Required in main header, single occurrence */ tccp = &j2k_default_tcp.tccps[0]; /* Not retained or perhaps of interest: Lqcd It maybe can be calculated. */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); /* 1 byte */ if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); if(raw) fprintf(xmlout, "%s 0x%02x\n", s, (tccp->numgbits) << 5 | tccp->qntsty); if(derived) fprintf(xmlout, "%s %d\n", s, tccp->qntsty); if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); } if(derived) fprintf(xmlout, "%s %d\n", s, tccp->numgbits); if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); /* Problem: numbands in some cases is calculated from len, which is not retained or available here at this time */ /* So we'll just dump all internal values */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); switch(tccp->qntsty) { case J2K_CCP_QNTSTY_NOQNT: numbands = J2K_MAXBANDS; /* should be: numbands = len - 1; */ /* Better: IMAGINE numbands = tccp->stepsize_numbands; */ /* Instead look for first zero exponent, quit there. Adequate? */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); } for (bandno = 0; bandno < numbands; bandno++) { if(tccp->stepsizes[bandno].expn == 0) break; /* Remove this once we have real numbands */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s, bandno); if(raw) fprintf(xmlout,"%s 0x%02x\n", s, tccp->stepsizes[bandno].expn << 3); if(derived) fprintf(xmlout,"%s %d\n", s, tccp->stepsizes[bandno].expn); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); } fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); break; case J2K_CCP_QNTSTY_SIQNT: /* numbands = 1; */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); } for (bandno = 1; bandno < J2K_MAXBANDS; bandno++) { if(tccp->stepsizes[bandno].expn == 0) break; fprintf(xmlout, "%s %d\n", s, bandno, tccp->stepsizes[bandno].expn); } fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); break; default: /* J2K_CCP_QNTSTY_SEQNT */ numbands = J2K_MAXBANDS; /* should be: (len - 1) / 2;*/ /* Better: IMAGINE numbands = tccp->stepsize_numbands; */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); } for (bandno = 0; bandno < numbands; bandno++) { if(tccp->stepsizes[bandno].expn == 0 && tccp->stepsizes[bandno].mant == 0) break; /* Remove this once we have real numbands count */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s, bandno); if(raw) fprintf(xmlout,"%s 0x%02x\n", s, (tccp->stepsizes[bandno].expn << 11) | tccp->stepsizes[bandno].mant); if(derived) { fprintf(xmlout,"%s %d\n", s, tccp->stepsizes[bandno].expn); fprintf(xmlout,"%s %d\n", s, tccp->stepsizes[bandno].mant); } fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); } fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); break; } /* switch */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s\n", s); } /* Alignments: " < < < < < To help maintain xml pretty-printing */ } /* ------------- */ BOOL same_component_quantization(j2k_tccp_t *tccp1, j2k_tccp_t *tccp2) { int bandno, numbands; if(tccp1->qntsty != tccp2->qntsty) return FALSE; if(tccp1->numgbits != tccp2->numgbits) return FALSE; switch(tccp1->qntsty) { case J2K_CCP_QNTSTY_NOQNT: numbands = J2K_MAXBANDS; /* should be: numbands = len - 1; */ /* Instead look for first zero exponent, quit there. Adequate? */ for (bandno = 0; bandno < numbands; bandno++) { if(tccp1->stepsizes[bandno].expn == 0) break; if(tccp1->stepsizes[bandno].expn != tccp2->stepsizes[bandno].expn) return FALSE; } break; case J2K_CCP_QNTSTY_SIQNT: /* numbands = 1; */ if(tccp1->stepsizes[0].expn != tccp2->stepsizes[0].expn || tccp1->stepsizes[0].mant != tccp2->stepsizes[0].mant) return FALSE; /* Don't need to check remainder, since they are calculated from [0] */ break; default: /* J2K_CCP_QNTSTY_SEQNT */ numbands = J2K_MAXBANDS; /* should be: (len - 1) / 2;*/ /* This comparison may cause us problems with trailing junk values. */ for (bandno = 0; bandno < numbands; bandno++) { if(tccp1->stepsizes[bandno].expn != tccp2->stepsizes[bandno].expn || tccp1->stepsizes[bandno].mant != tccp2->stepsizes[bandno].mant); return FALSE; } break; } /* switch */ return TRUE; } /* ------------- */ void xml_out_frame_rgn(FILE* xmlout, j2k_tcp_t *tcp, int numcomps) { int compno, SPrgn; /* MJ2 files can have regions of interest if hybridized with JPX Part II */ char spaces[13] = " "; /* 12 spaces if tilepart*/ char* s = spaces; if(tcp == &j2k_default_tcp) { s++;s++; /* shorten s to 10 spaces if main */ } for(compno = 0; compno < numcomps; compno++) { SPrgn = tcp->tccps[compno].roishift; /* 1 byte; SPrgn */ if(SPrgn == 0) continue; /* Yet another kludge */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s\n", s); /* Optional in main header, at most 1 per component */ if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, "%s\n", s); /* Not retained or of interest: Lrgd */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s 0\n", s); /* 1 byte */ if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s %d\n", s, compno); /* 1 or 2 bytes */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s %d\n", s, SPrgn); /* 1 byte */ if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "POC != 1) return; /* Not present */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s\n", s); /* Optional in main header, at most 1 per component */ /* j2k_read_poc seems to allow accumulation of default pocs from multiple POC segments, but does the spec really allow that? */ /* 2 bytes, not retained; Lpoc */ /* I probably didn't get this dump precisely right. */ for (i = 0; i < tcp->numpocs; i++) { poc = &tcp->pocs[i]; fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s, i+1); fprintf(xmlout, "%S %d\n", s, poc->resno0); /* 1 byte, RSpoc_i */ if(notes) fprintf(xmlout,"%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s %d\n", s, poc->compno0);/* j2k_img->numcomps <= 256 ? 1 byte : 2 bytes; CSpoc_i */ if(notes) fprintf(xmlout,"%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s %d\n", s, poc->layno1); /* int_min(cio_read(2), tcp->numlayers); /* 2 bytes; LYEpoc_i */ if(notes) fprintf(xmlout,"%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s %d\n", s, poc->resno1); /*int_min(cio_read(1), tccp->numresolutions); /* REpoc_i */ if(notes) fprintf(xmlout,"%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s %d\n", s, poc->compno1); /* int_min(cio_read(j2k_img->numcomps <= 256 ? 1 : 2), j2k_img->numcomps); /* CEpoc_i */ if(notes) fprintf(xmlout,"%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s %d\n", s, poc->prg); /* 1 byte Ppoc_i */ if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout,"%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout,"%s \n", s); fprintf(xmlout,"%s \n", s); } fprintf(xmlout, "%s \n", s); } fprintf(xmlout, "%sppm != 1) return; /* Not present */ /* Main header uses indent of 10 spaces */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* Optional in main header, but if not, must be in PPT or codestream */ /* 2 bytes Lppm not saved */ if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } /* 1 byte, not retained ; Zppm is sequence # of this PPM header */ /* 4 bytes, possibly overwritten multiple times in j2k_cp->ppm_previous: Nppm */ /* Use j symbol for index instead of i, to make comparable with j2k_read_ppm */ /* Not real clear whether to use ppm->store or ppm_len as upper bound */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); xml_out_dump_hex(xmlout, cp->ppm_data, cp->ppm_len); /* Dump packet headers 1 byte at a time: lppm[i][j] */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* Optional in main header, but if not, must be in PPT or codestream */ } /* ------------- */ void xml_out_frame_ppt(FILE *xmlout, j2k_tcp_t *tcp) { /* For tile-part header, not main (which uses PPM instead). */ /* Either the PPM or PPT is required if the packet headers are not distributed in the bit stream */ /* Use of PPM and PPT are mutually exclusive. */ /* Compare j2k_read_ppt() */ int j; if(tcp->ppt != 1) return; /* Not present */ /* Tile-part indents are 12 spaces */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* Optional in main header, but if not, must be in PPT or codestream */ /* 2 bytes Lppm not saved */ if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } /* 1 byte, not retained ; Zppt is sequence # of this PPT header */ /* 4 bytes, possibly overwritten multiple times in j2k_cp->ppt_previous: Nppt */ /* Use j symbol for index instead of i, to make comparable with j2k_read_ppt */ /* Not real clear whether to use ppt->store or ppt_len as upper bound */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); xml_out_dump_hex(xmlout, tcp->ppt_data, tcp->ppt_len); /* Dump packet headers 1 byte at a time: lppt[i][j] */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* Optional in tile-part header, but if not, must be in PPM or codestream */ } #endif SUPPRESS_FOR_NOW /* ------------- */ void xml_out_frame_tlm(FILE* xmlout) { /* opt, main header only. May be multiple. */ /* Compare j2k_read_tlm()... which doesn't retain anything! */ /* Plan: Since this is only called from main header, not tilepart, use global j2k_default_tcp rather than parameter */ /* Main header indents are 10 spaces */ } /* ------------- */ void xml_out_frame_plm(FILE* xmlout) { /* opt, main header only; can be used in conjunction with tile-part's PLT */ /* NO-OP. PLM NOT SAVED IN DATA STRUCTURE */ /* Compare j2k_read_plm()... which doesn't retain anything! */ /* Plan: Since this is only called from main header, not tilepart, use global j2k_default_tcp rather than parameter */ /* Main header indents are 10 spaces */ } /* ------------- */ void xml_out_frame_plt(FILE* xmlout, j2k_tcp_t *tcp) { /* opt, tile-part headers only; can be used in conjunction with main header's PLM */ /* NO-OP. PLT NOT SAVED IN DATA STRUCTURE */ /* Compare j2k_read_plt()... which doesn't retain anything! */ /* Tile-part header indents are 12 spaces */ } /* ------------- */ void xml_out_frame_crg(FILE* xmlout) { /* NO-OP. CRG NOT SAVED IN DATA STRUCTURE */ /* opt, main header only; */ /* Compare j2k_read_crg()... which doesn't retain anything! */ /* Plan: Since this is only called from main header, not tilepart, use global j2k_default_tcp rather than parameter */ #ifdef NOTYET THIS PSEUDOCODE IMAGINES THESE EXIST: j2k_default_tcp->crg, j2k_default_tcp->crg_i, j2k_default_tcp->crg_xcrg*, j2k_default_tcp->crg_ycrg* (POSSIBLY DON'T NEED crg_i, CAN GET NUMBER OR COMPONENTS FROM ELSEWHERE) if(j2k_default_tcp->crg != 1 || j2k_default_tcp->crg_i == 0) return; /* Not present */ /* Main header indents are 10 spaces */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n", j2k_default_tcp->crg_i); if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } /* This isn't the most compact form of table, but is OK when number of components is small, as is likely. */ for (i = 0; i < j2k_default_tcp->crg_i; i++) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n", i+1); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); if(raw) fprintf(xmlout," %d\n", j2k_default_tcp->crg_xcrg[i]); if(derived) { /* Calculate n * 100%/65536; 4 digits after decimal point is sufficiently accurate */ fprintf(xmlout," %.4f\n", ((double)j2k_default_tcp->crg_xcrg[i])/655.36); /* We could do another calculation that include XRsiz[i]; maybe later. */ } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); if(raw) fprintf(xmlout," %d\n", j2k_default_tcp->crg_ycrg[i]); if(derived) { fprintf(xmlout," %f\n", ((double)j2k_default_tcp->crg_ycrg[i])/655.36); } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); #endif } /* ------------- */ /* Regrettably from a metadata point of view, j2k_read_com() skips over any comments in main header or tile-part-header */ void xml_out_frame_com(FILE* xmlout, j2k_tcp_t *tcp) { /* NO-OP. COM NOT SAVED IN DATA STRUCTURE */ /* opt in main or tile-part headers; */ /* Compare j2k_read_com()... which doesn't retain anything! */ #ifdef NOTYET char spaces[13] = " "; /* 12 spaces if tilepart*/ char* s = spaces; if(tcp == &j2k_default_tcp) { s++;s++; /* shorten s to 10 spaces if main */ } THIS PSEUDOCODE IMAGINES THESE EXIST: tcp->com, tcp->com_len, tcp->com_data array if(tcp->com != 1) return; /* Not present */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s\n", s); /* Optional in main or tile-part header */ xml_out_dump_hex_and_ascii(tcp->com_data, tcp->com_len, s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s\n", s); #endif } void xml_out_dump_hex(FILE* xmlout, char *data, int data_len, char* s) { /* s is a string of spaces for indent */ int i; /* This is called when raw is true, or there is no appropriate derived form */ fprintf(xmlout, "%s\n", s); fprintf(xmlout, "%s ", s); /* Inadequate for pretty printing */ for (i = 0; i < data_len; i++) { /* Dump packet headers */ fprintf(xmlout, "%02x", data[i]); } fprintf(xmlout, "%s\n", s); } /* Define this as an even number: */ #define BYTES_PER_DUMP_LINE 40 /* Current total width for Hex and ASCII is : 11 spaces lead + (3 * BPDL) + 2 spaces + BPDL */ void xml_out_dump_hex_and_ascii(FILE* xmlout, char *data, int data_len, char* s) { /* s is a string of spaces for indent */ int i,j; if(raw) xml_out_dump_hex(xmlout, data, data_len, s); if(derived) { fprintf(xmlout, "%s\n", s); for (i = 0; i < data_len; ) { fprintf(xmlout,"%s ", s); /* Additional leading space added in loop */ /* First column: hex */ for (j = 0; j < BYTES_PER_DUMP_LINE; j++) /* Dump bytes */ fprintf(xmlout," %02x", data[i+j]); /* Space between columns... */ fprintf(xmlout, " "); /* Second column: ASCII */ for (j = 0; j < BYTES_PER_DUMP_LINE; j++, i++) { if(isprint((int)data[i]) && i < data_len) fprintf(xmlout,"%c", data[i]); else fprintf(xmlout," "); } /* If we also wanted to output UCS-2 Unicode as a third column, then entire document must use fwprintf. Forget about it for now. As it stands, if data is UCS-2 format but still the ASCII set, then we'll be able to read every other byte as ASCII in column 2. If data is UTF-8 format but still ASCII, then we'll be able to read every byte as ASCII in column 2. */ } fprintf(xmlout, "%s\n", s); } } /* ------------- */ void xml_out_frame_jp2h(FILE* xmlout, jp2_struct_t *jp2_struct) { /* JP2 Header */ /* Compare jp2_read_jp2h(jp2_struct_t * jp2_struct) */ int i; fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* Compare jp2_read_ihdr(jp2_struct)) */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", jp2_struct->h); /* 4 bytes */ fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", jp2_struct->w); /* 4 bytes */ if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", jp2_struct->numcomps); /* 2 bytes */ if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* 2 bytes */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* 1 byte */ if(jp2_struct->bpc == 255) { fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%02x\n", jp2_struct->bpc); /* 1 byte */ if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } else { /* Not 0xff */ if(raw) { fprintf(xmlout, " 0x%02x\n", jp2_struct->bpc); /* 1 byte */ if(notes) fprintf(xmlout," \n"); } if(derived) { fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", jp2_struct->bpc & 0x7f); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", jp2_struct->bpc >> 7); } } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", jp2_struct->C); /* 1 byte */ if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* 2 bytes */ fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", jp2_struct->UnkC); /* 1 byte */ if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* 1 byte */ fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", jp2_struct->IPR); /* 1 byte */ if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* 2 bytes */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); if (jp2_struct->bpc == 255) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* Bits per pixel varies with components */ /* Compare jp2_read_bpcc(jp2_struct) */ for (i = 0; i < (int)jp2_struct->numcomps; i++) { if(raw) fprintf(xmlout," 0x%02x\n", jp2_struct->comps[i].bpcc); /* 1 byte */ if(derived) { fprintf(xmlout," %d\n", (jp2_struct->comps[i].bpcc & 0x7f)+1); fprintf(xmlout," %d\n", jp2_struct->comps[i].bpcc >> 7); } } fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } /* Compare jp2_read_colr(jp2_struct) */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", jp2_struct->meth); /* 1 byte */ if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", jp2_struct->precedence); /* 1 byte */ if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", jp2_struct->approx); /* 1 byte */ if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); if (jp2_struct->meth == 1) { fprintf(xmlout, " %d\n", jp2_struct->enumcs); /* 4 bytes */ if(notes) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } } else if(notes) fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* only 1 byte is read and nothing stored */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* TO DO? No OpenJPEG support. Palette 'pclr' ComponentMapping 'cmap' ChannelDefinition 'cdef' Resolution 'res' */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } /* ------------- */ #ifdef NOTYET IMAGE these use cp structure, extended... but we could use a new data structure instead void xml_out_frame_jp2i(FILE* xmlout, j2k_cp_t *cp) { /* IntellectualProperty 'jp2i' (no restrictions on location) */ int i; IMAGE cp->jp2i, cp->jp2i_count, cp->jp2i_data (array of chars), cp->cp2i_len (array of ints) if(cp->jp2i != 1) return; /* Not present */ for(i = 0; i < cp->jp2i_count; i++) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* I think this can be anything, including binary, so do a dump */ /* Is it better to indent or not indent this content? Indent is better for reading, but worse for cut/paste. */ xml_out_dump_hex_and_ascii(xmlout, cp->jp2i_data[i], cp->jp2i_len[i]); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } } void xml_out_frame_xml(FILE* xmlout, j2k_cp_t *cp) { /* XML 'xml\040' (0x786d6c20). Can appear multiply, before or after jp2c codestreams */ IMAGE cp->xml, cp->xml_count, cp->xml_data (array of chars) MAYBE WE DON'T NEED cp->xml_len (array of ints) IF WE ASSUME xml_data IS NULL-TERMINATED. ASSUME ASSUME EACH LINE IS ENDED BY \n. int i; if(cp->xml != 1) return; /* Not present */ for(i = 0; i < cp->xml_count; i++) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n", i+1); /* Is it better to indent or not indent this content? Indent is better for reading, but worse for cut/paste. Being lazy, didn't indent here. */ fprintf(xmlout,cp->xml_data[i]); /* May be multiple lines */ /* Could check if this is well-formed */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } } void xml_out_frame_uuid(FILE* xmlout, j2k_cp_t *cp) { /* UUID 'uuid' (top level only) */ /* Part I 1.7.2 says: may appear multiply in JP2 file, anywhere except before File Type box */ /* Part III 5.2.1 says: Private extensions shall be achieved through the 'uuid' type. */ /* A UUID is a 16-byte value. There is a conventional string representation for it: "0x12345678-9ABC-DEF0-1234-567890ABCDEF". Let's assume that is what is stored in uuid_value */ /* Part III 6.1 Any other MJ2 box type could be alternatively written as a 'uuid' box, with value given as : 0xXXXXXXXX-0011-0010-8000-00AA00389B71, where the Xs are the boxtype in hex. However, such a file is "not compliant; systems may choose to read [such] objects ... as equivalent to the box of the same type, or not." Here, we choose not to. */ int i; IMAGE cp->uuid, cp->uuid_count, cp->uuid_value (array of uuids... let's say fixed-length strings) cp->uuid_data (array of char buffers), cp->uuid_len (array of ints) if(cp->juuid != 1) return; /* Not present */ for(i = 0; i < cp->uuid_count; i++) { fprintf(xmlout, " fprintf(xmlout, " %s\n", cp->uuid_value[i]); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* I think this can be anything, including binary, so do a dump */ /* Is it better to indent or not indent this content? Indent is better for reading, but worse for cut/paste. */ xml_out_dump_hex_and_ascii(xmlout, cp->uuid_data[i], cp->uuid_len[i]); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } } void xml_out_frame_uinf(FILE* xmlout, j2k_cp_t *cp) { /* UUIDInfo 'uinf', includes UUIDList 'ulst' and URL 'url\40' */ /* Part I 1.7.3 says: may appear multiply in JP2 file, anywhere at the top level except before File Type box */ /* So there may be multiple ulst's, and each can have multiple UUIDs listed (with a single URL) */ /* This is not quite as vendor-specific as UUIDs, or at least is meant to be generally readable */ /* Assume UUIDs stored in canonical string format */ int i, j; IMAGE cp->uinf, cp->uinf_count, cp->uinf_ulst_nu (array of ints) cp->uinf_uuid (2 dimensional array of uuids... let's say fixed-length strings), cp->uinf_url (array of char buffers) if(cp->uinf != 1) return; /* Not present */ for(i = 0; i < cp->uuid_count; i++) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n",cp->cp->uinf_ulst_nu[i]); for(j = 0; j < cp->uinf_ulst_nu[i]; j++) fprintf(xmlout, " %s\n", cp->uuif_uuid[i][j], j+1); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); /* Could add VERS and FLAG here */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " %s",cp->uinf_url[i]); /* Probably single line, so indent works */ /* In theory, could check if this is well-formed, or good live link */ fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } } IMAGE these use cp structure, extended... but we could use a new data structure instead void xml_out_frame_unknown_type(FILE* xmlout, j2k_cp_t *cp) { /* Part III 5.2.1 says "Type fields not defined here are reserved. Private extensions shall be acieved through the 'uuid' type." [This implies an unknown type would be an error, but then...] "Boxes not explicitly defined in this standard, or otherwise unrecognized by a reader, may be ignored." Also, it says "the following types are not and will not be used, or used only in their existing sense, in future versions of this specification, to avoid conflict with existing content using earlier pre-standard versions of this format: clip, crgn, matt, kmat, pnot, ctab, load, imap; track reference types tmcd, chap, sync,scpt, ssrc" [But good luck figuring out the mapping.] Part III Amend. 2 4.1 is stronger: "All these specifications [of this family, e.g., JP2 Part I, ISO Base format (Part 12) leading to MP4, Quicktime, and possibly including MJ2] require that readers ignore objects that are unrecognizable to them". */ int i; IMAGE cp->unknown_type, cp->unknown_type_count, cp->unknown_type_boxtype (array of buf[5]s), cp->unknown_type_data (array of chars), cp->unknown_type_len (array of ints) if(cp->unknown_type != 1) return; /* Not present */ for(i = 0; i < cp->unknown_type_count; i++) { fprintf(xmlout, " \n", cp->unknown_type_boxtype[i]); /* Can be anything, including binary, so do a dump */ /* Is it better to indent or not indent this content? Indent is better for reading, but worse for cut/paste. */ xml_out_dump_hex_and_ascii(xmlout, cp->unknown_type_data[i], cp->unknown_type_len[i]); fprintf(xmlout, " \n"); } } #endif