#include #include #include #include #include "mj2.h" #include #include #include #define MJ2_MJ2 0x6d6a7032 #define MJ2_MJ2S 0x6d6a3273 #define JP2_JP2C 0x6a703263 #define MJ2_MDAT 0x6d646174 //MEMORY LEAK #ifdef _DEBUG #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include // Must be included first #include #endif //MEM jmp_buf j2k_error; void j2k_read_siz_marker(FILE *file, j2k_image_t *j2k_img) { int len,i; char buf, buf2[2]; char *siz_buffer; fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); do { fread(&buf,1,1, file); if (buf==(char)0xff) fread(&buf,1,1, file); } while (!(buf==(char)0x51)); fread(buf2,2,1,file); /* Lsiz */ len = ((buf2[0])<<8) + buf2[1]; siz_buffer = (char*) malloc(len * sizeof(char)); fread(siz_buffer,len, 1, file); cio_init(siz_buffer,len); cio_read(2); /* Rsiz (capabilities) */ j2k_img->x1 = cio_read(4); /* Xsiz */ j2k_img->y1 = cio_read(4); /* Ysiz */ j2k_img->x0 = cio_read(4); /* X0siz */ j2k_img->y0 = cio_read(4); /* Y0siz */ cio_skip(16); /* XTsiz, YTsiz, XT0siz, YT0siz */ j2k_img->numcomps = cio_read(2); /* Csiz */ j2k_img->comps = (j2k_comp_t *) malloc(j2k_img->numcomps * sizeof(j2k_comp_t)); for (i = 0; i < j2k_img->numcomps; i++) { int tmp; tmp = cio_read(1); /* Ssiz_i */ j2k_img->comps[i].prec = (tmp & 0x7f) + 1; j2k_img->comps[i].sgnd = tmp >> 7; j2k_img->comps[i].dx = cio_read(1); /* XRsiz_i */ j2k_img->comps[i].dy = cio_read(1); /* YRsiz_i */ j2k_img->comps[i].resno_decoded = 0; /* number of resolution decoded */ j2k_img->comps[i].factor = 0; /* reducing factor by component */ } free(siz_buffer); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); } void setparams(mj2_movie_t *movie, j2k_image_t *img) { int i, depth_0, depth, sign; movie->tk[0].sample_rate = 25; movie->tk[0].w = int_ceildiv(img->x1 - img->x0, img->comps[0].dx); movie->tk[0].h = int_ceildiv(img->y1 - img->y0, img->comps[0].dy); mj2_init_stdmovie(movie); movie->tk[0].depth = img->comps[0].prec; if (img->numcomps==3) { if ((img->comps[0].dx == 1) && (img->comps[1].dx == 1) && (img->comps[1].dx == 1)) movie->tk[0].CbCr_subsampling_dx = 1; else if ((img->comps[0].dx == 1) && (img->comps[1].dx == 2) && (img->comps[1].dx == 2)) movie->tk[0].CbCr_subsampling_dx = 2; else fprintf(stderr,"Image component sizes are incoherent\n"); if ((img->comps[0].dy == 1) && (img->comps[1].dy == 1) && (img->comps[1].dy == 1)) movie->tk[0].CbCr_subsampling_dy = 1; else if ((img->comps[0].dy == 1) && (img->comps[1].dy == 2) && (img->comps[1].dy == 2)) movie->tk[0].CbCr_subsampling_dy = 2; else fprintf(stderr,"Image component sizes are incoherent\n"); } movie->tk[0].sample_rate = 25; movie->tk[0].jp2_struct.numcomps = img->numcomps; // NC jp2_init_stdjp2(&movie->tk[0].jp2_struct); movie->tk[0].jp2_struct.w = int_ceildiv(img->x1 - img->x0, img->comps[0].dx); movie->tk[0].jp2_struct.h = int_ceildiv(img->y1 - img->y0, img->comps[0].dy); depth_0 = img->comps[0].prec - 1; sign = img->comps[0].sgnd; movie->tk[0].jp2_struct.bpc = depth_0 + (sign << 7); for (i = 1; i < img->numcomps; i++) { depth = img->comps[i].prec - 1; sign = img->comps[i].sgnd; if (depth_0 != depth) movie->tk[0].jp2_struct.bpc = 255; } for (i = 0; i < img->numcomps; i++) movie->tk[0].jp2_struct.comps[i].bpcc = img->comps[i].prec - 1 + (img->comps[i].sgnd << 7); if ((img->numcomps == 1 || img->numcomps == 3) && (movie->tk[0].jp2_struct.bpc != 255)) movie->tk[0].jp2_struct.meth = 1; else movie->tk[0].jp2_struct.meth = 2; if (img->numcomps == 1) movie->tk[0].jp2_struct.enumcs = 17; // Grayscale else if ((img->comps[0].dx == 1) && (img->comps[1].dx == 1) && (img->comps[1].dx == 1) && (img->comps[0].dy == 1) && (img->comps[1].dy == 1) && (img->comps[1].dy == 1)) movie->tk[0].jp2_struct.enumcs = 16; // RGB else if ((img->comps[0].dx == 1) && (img->comps[1].dx == 2) && (img->comps[1].dx == 2) && (img->comps[0].dy == 1) && (img->comps[1].dy == 2) && (img->comps[1].dy == 2)) movie->tk[0].jp2_struct.enumcs = 18; // YUV else movie->tk[0].jp2_struct.enumcs = 0; // Unkown profile */ } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned int snum; mj2_movie_t movie; mj2_sample_t *sample; unsigned char* frame_codestream; FILE *mj2file, *j2kfile; char j2kfilename[50]; char *buf; int offset, mdat_initpos; j2k_image_t img; int i; if (argc != 3) { printf("Bad syntax: Usage: MJ2_Wrapper source_location mj2_filename\n"); printf("Example: MJ2_Wrapper input/input output.mj2\n"); return 1; } mj2file = fopen(argv[2], "wb"); if (!mj2file) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to open %s for writing\n", argv[2]); return 1; } // Initialing the movie (parameters used in the JP and FTYP boxes movie.num_htk = 0; // No hint tracks movie.num_stk = 0; // No sound tracks movie.num_vtk = 1; // One video track movie.tk = (mj2_tk_t*) malloc (sizeof(mj2_tk_t)); //Memory allocation for the video track movie.tk[0].sample = (mj2_sample_t*) malloc (sizeof(mj2_sample_t)); movie.tk[0].chunk = (mj2_chunk_t *) malloc(sizeof(mj2_chunk_t)); movie.tk[0].track_type = 0; // Video track movie.tk[0].track_ID = 1; // Track ID = 1 movie.brand = MJ2_MJ2; // One brand: MJ2 movie.num_cl = 2; // Two compatible brands: MJ2 and MJ2S movie.cl = (unsigned int *) malloc(movie.num_cl * sizeof(unsigned int)); movie.cl[0] = MJ2_MJ2; movie.cl[1] = MJ2_MJ2S; movie.minversion = 0; // Minimum version: 0 // Writing JP, FTYP and MDAT boxes buf = (char*) malloc (300 * sizeof(char)); // Assuming that the JP and FTYP // boxes won't be longer than 300 bytes cio_init(buf , 300); mj2_write_jp(); mj2_write_ftyp(&movie); mdat_initpos = cio_tell(); cio_skip(4); cio_write(MJ2_MDAT, 4); fwrite(buf,cio_tell(),1,mj2file); free(buf); // Insert each j2k codestream in a JP2C box snum=0; offset = 0; while(1) { sample = &movie.tk[0].sample[snum]; sprintf(j2kfilename,"%s_%d.j2k",argv[1],snum); j2kfile = fopen(j2kfilename, "rb"); if (!j2kfile) { if (snum==0) { // Could not open a single codestream fprintf(stderr, "failed to open %s for reading\n",j2kfilename); return 1; } else { // Tried to open a inexistant codestream fprintf(stdout,"%d frames created\n",snum); break; } } // Calculating offset for samples and chunks offset += cio_tell(); sample->offset = offset; movie.tk[0].chunk[snum].offset = offset; // There will be one sample per chunk // Calculating sample size fseek(j2kfile,0,SEEK_END); sample->sample_size = ftell(j2kfile) + 8; // Sample size is codestream + JP2C box header fseek(j2kfile,0,SEEK_SET); // Reading siz marker of j2k image for the first codestream if (snum==0) j2k_read_siz_marker(j2kfile, &img); // Writing JP2C box header frame_codestream = (unsigned char*) malloc (sample->sample_size+8); cio_init(frame_codestream, sample->sample_size); cio_write(sample->sample_size, 4); // Sample size cio_write(JP2_JP2C, 4); // JP2C // Writing codestream from J2K file to MJ2 file fread(frame_codestream+8,sample->sample_size-8,1,j2kfile); fwrite(frame_codestream,sample->sample_size,1,mj2file); cio_skip(sample->sample_size-8); // Ending loop fclose(j2kfile); snum++; movie.tk[0].sample = realloc(movie.tk[0].sample, (snum+1) * sizeof(mj2_sample_t)); movie.tk[0].chunk = realloc(movie.tk[0].chunk, (snum+1) * sizeof(mj2_chunk_t)); free(frame_codestream); } // Writing the MDAT box length in header offset += cio_tell(); buf = (char*) malloc (4 * sizeof(char)); cio_init(buf,4); cio_write(offset-mdat_initpos,4); // Write MDAT length in MDAT box header fseek(mj2file,(long)mdat_initpos,SEEK_SET); fwrite(buf,4,1,mj2file); fseek(mj2file,0,SEEK_END); free(buf); // Setting movie parameters movie.tk[0].num_samples=snum; movie.tk[0].num_chunks=snum; setparams(&movie, &img); // Writing MOOV box i=1; buf = (char*) malloc (10000 * sizeof(char)); cio_init(buf , i*10000); if (setjmp(j2k_error)) { i++; buf = realloc(buf,i*10000* sizeof(char)); cio_init(buf , i*10000); } mj2_write_moov(&movie); fwrite(buf,cio_tell(),1,mj2file); // Ending program fclose(mj2file); free(img.comps); free(buf); mj2_memory_free(&movie); //MEMORY LEAK #ifdef _DEBUG _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); #endif //MEM return 0; }