/* * Copyright (c) 2007, Digital Signal Processing Laboratory, Università degli studi di Perugia (UPG), Italy * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS `AS IS' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "OPJViewer.h" /* From little endian to big endian, 2 bytes */ #define BYTE_SWAP2(X) ((X & 0x00FF) << 8) | ((X & 0xFF00) >> 8) #define BYTE_SWAP4(X) ((X & 0x000000FF) << 24) | ((X & 0x0000FF00) << 8) | ((X & 0x00FF0000) >> 8) | ((X & 0xFF000000) >> 24) /* From codestream to int values */ #define STREAM_TO_UINT32(C, P) (((unsigned long int) (C)[(P) + 0] << 24) + \ ((unsigned long int) (C)[(P) + 1] << 16) + \ ((unsigned long int) (C)[(P) + 2] << 8) + \ ((unsigned long int) (C)[(P) + 3] << 0)) #define STREAM_TO_UINT16(C, P) (((unsigned long int) (C)[(P) + 0] << 8) + \ ((unsigned long int) (C)[(P) + 1] << 0)) /* Markers values */ enum { SOC_VAL = 0xFF4F, SOT_VAL = 0xFF90, SOD_VAL = 0xFF93, EOC_VAL = 0xFFD9, SIZ_VAL = 0xFF51, COD_VAL = 0xFF52, COC_VAL = 0xFF53, RGN_VAL = 0xFF5E, QCD_VAL = 0xFF5C, QCC_VAL = 0xFF5D, POD_VAL = 0xFF5F, TLM_VAL = 0xFF55, PLM_VAL = 0xFF57, PLT_VAL = 0xFF58, PPM_VAL = 0xFF60, PPT_VAL = 0xFF61, SOP_VAL = 0xFF91, EPH_VAL = 0xFF92, CME_VAL = 0xFF64, #ifndef USEOLDJPWL EPB_VAL = 0xFF66, ESD_VAL = 0xFF67, EPC_VAL = 0xFF68, RED_VAL = 0xFF69 #else EPB_VAL = 0xFF96, ESD_VAL = 0xFF98, EPC_VAL = 0xFF97, RED_VAL = 0xFF99 #endif }; // All the markers in one vector unsigned short int marker_val[] = { SOC_VAL, SOT_VAL, SOD_VAL, EOC_VAL, SIZ_VAL, COD_VAL, COC_VAL, RGN_VAL, QCD_VAL, QCC_VAL, POD_VAL, TLM_VAL, PLM_VAL, PLT_VAL, PPM_VAL, PPT_VAL, SOP_VAL, EPH_VAL, CME_VAL, EPB_VAL, ESD_VAL, EPC_VAL, RED_VAL }; // Marker names char *marker_name[] = { "SOC", "SOT", "SOD", "EOC", "SIZ", "COD", "COC", "RGN", "QCD", "QCC", "POD", "TLM", "PLM", "PLT", "PPM", "PPT", "SOP", "EPH", "CME", "EPB", "ESD", "EPC", "RED" }; // Marker descriptions char *marker_descr[] = { "Start of codestream", "Start of tile-part", "Start of data", "End of codestream", "Image and tile size", "Coding style default", "Coding style component", "Region-of-interest", "Quantization default", "Quantization component", "Progression order change, default", "Tile-part lengths, main header", "Packet length, main header", "Packets length, tile-part header", "Packed packet headers, main header", "Packed packet headers, tile-part header", "Start of packet", "End of packet header", "Comment and extension", "Error Protection Block", "Error Sensitivity Descriptor", "Error Protection Capability", "Residual Errors Descriptor" }; void OPJParseThread::ParseJ2KFile(wxFile *m_file, wxFileOffset offset, wxFileOffset length, wxTreeItemId parentid) { // check if the file is opened if (m_file->IsOpened()) WriteText(wxT("File OK")); else return; // position at the beginning m_file->Seek(offset, wxFromStart); //WriteText(wxString::Format(wxT("from to %d"), length)); // navigate the file int m, inside_sod = 0, nmarks = 0, maxmarks = 10000, done = 0; unsigned char onebyte[1]; unsigned char twobytes[2]; unsigned char fourbytes[4]; unsigned short int currmark; unsigned short int currlen; int lastPsot = 0, lastsotpos = 0; WriteText(wxT("Start search...")); while ((offset < length) && (!m_file->Eof())) { done = 0; // read da marka if (m_file->Read(twobytes, 2) != 2) break; currmark = (((unsigned short int) twobytes[0]) << 8) + (unsigned short int) twobytes[1]; // Markers cycle for (m = 0; m < 23; m++) { // check the marker if (currmark == marker_val[m]) { if (currmark == SOD_VAL) { // we enter SOD currlen = 0; inside_sod = 1; } else if ((currmark == SOC_VAL) || (currmark == EOC_VAL) || (currmark == EPH_VAL)) currlen = 0; else { // read length if (m_file->Read(twobytes, 2) != 2) break; currlen = (((unsigned short int) twobytes[0]) << 8) + (unsigned short int) twobytes[1]; } // inside SOD, only some markers are allowed if (inside_sod && (currmark != SOD_VAL) && (currmark != SOT_VAL) && (currmark != EOC_VAL) && (currmark != SOP_VAL) && (currmark != EPH_VAL)) break; /*randomly marker coincident data */ if (inside_sod && (currmark == SOT_VAL) && (lastPsot == 0)) inside_sod = 0; /* random data coincident with SOT, but last SOT was the last one */ if (inside_sod && (currmark == SOT_VAL)) inside_sod = 0; /* new tile part */ // here we pass to AppendItem() normal and selected item images (we // suppose that selected image follows the normal one in the enum) int image, imageSel; image = m_tree->TreeCtrlIcon_Folder; imageSel = image + 1; // append the marker wxTreeItemId currid = m_tree->AppendItem(parentid, wxString::Format(wxT("%03d: %s (0x%04X)"), nmarks, marker_name[m], marker_val[m]), image, imageSel, new OPJMarkerData(wxT("MARK"), m_tree->m_fname.GetFullPath(), offset, offset + currlen + 1) ); // append some info image = m_tree->TreeCtrlIcon_File; imageSel = image + 1; // marker name wxTreeItemId subcurrid1 = m_tree->AppendItem(currid, wxT("*** ") + wxString::Format(wxT("%s"), marker_descr[m]) + wxT(" ***"), image, imageSel, new OPJMarkerData(wxT("INFO")) ); m_tree->SetItemFont(subcurrid1, *wxITALIC_FONT); // position and length wxTreeItemId subcurrid2 = m_tree->AppendItem(currid, wxLongLong(offset).ToString() + wxT(" > ") + wxLongLong(offset + currlen + 1).ToString() + wxT(", ") + wxString::Format(wxT("%d + 2 (%d)"), currlen, currlen + 2), image, imageSel, new OPJMarkerData(wxT("INFO")) ); // give additional info on markers switch (currmark) { case SOP_VAL: { // read packet number if (m_file->Read(twobytes, 2) != 2) break; int packnum = STREAM_TO_UINT16(twobytes, 0);; wxTreeItemId subcurrid3 = m_tree->AppendItem(currid, wxString::Format(wxT("Pack. no. %d"), packnum), image, imageSel, new OPJMarkerData(wxT("INFO")) ); } break; case SIZ_VAL: { m_file->Seek(2, wxFromCurrent); if (m_file->Read(fourbytes, 4) != 4) break; unsigned long int xsiz = STREAM_TO_UINT32(fourbytes, 0); if (m_file->Read(fourbytes, 4) != 4) break; unsigned long int ysiz = STREAM_TO_UINT32(fourbytes, 0); m_file->Seek(24, wxFromCurrent); if (m_file->Read(twobytes, 2) != 2) break; unsigned short int csiz = STREAM_TO_UINT16(twobytes, 0); if (m_file->Read(onebyte, 1) != 1) break; unsigned char ssiz = onebyte[0]; wxTreeItemId subcurrid3 = m_tree->AppendItem(currid, wxString::Format(wxT("%d x %d, %d comps. @ %d bpp"), xsiz, ysiz, csiz, (ssiz + 1) & 0xEF), image, imageSel, new OPJMarkerData(wxT("INFO")) ); } break; case SOT_VAL: { if (m_file->Read(twobytes, 2) != 2) break; unsigned short int isot = STREAM_TO_UINT16(twobytes, 0); if (m_file->Read(fourbytes, 4) != 4) break; unsigned long int psot = STREAM_TO_UINT32(fourbytes, 0); if (m_file->Read(onebyte, 1) != 1) break; unsigned char tpsot = onebyte[0]; if (m_file->Read(onebyte, 1) != 1) break; unsigned char tnsot = onebyte[0]; wxTreeItemId subcurrid3 = m_tree->AppendItem(currid, wxString::Format(wxT("tile %d, psot = %d, part %d of %d"), isot, psot, tpsot, tnsot), image, imageSel, new OPJMarkerData(wxT("INFO")) ); lastPsot = psot; lastsotpos = offset; }; break; case CME_VAL: { #define showlen 25 unsigned char comment[showlen]; m_file->Seek(2, wxFromCurrent); if (m_file->Read(comment, showlen) != showlen) break; wxTreeItemId subcurrid3 = m_tree->AppendItem(currid, wxString::Format(wxT("%.*s%s"), wxMin(showlen, currlen - 4), comment, (((currlen - 4) > showlen) ? "..." : "")), image, imageSel, new OPJMarkerData(wxT("INFO")) ); } break; default: break; } // increment number of markers nmarks++; if (nmarks >= maxmarks) break; // increment offset if (currmark == SOD_VAL) offset += lastPsot - (offset - lastsotpos); else offset += (2 + currlen); m_file->Seek(offset, wxFromStart); done = 1; break; } } if (done) continue; else { offset++; m_file->Seek(offset, wxFromStart); } } }