/* * Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES), France * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS `AS IS' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * compare_images.c * * Created on: 8 juil. 2011 * Author: mickael */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <assert.h> #include "opj_apps_config.h" #include "opj_getopt.h" #include "openjpeg.h" #include "format_defs.h" #include "convert.h" #ifdef OPJ_HAVE_LIBTIFF #include <tiffio.h> /* TIFFSetWarningHandler */ #endif /* OPJ_HAVE_LIBTIFF */ /******************************************************************************* * Parse MSE and PEAK input values ( * separator = ":" *******************************************************************************/ static double* parseToleranceValues( char* inArg, const int nbcomp) { double* outArgs= malloc((size_t)nbcomp * sizeof(double)); int it_comp = 0; const char delims[] = ":"; char *result = strtok( inArg, delims ); while( (result != NULL) && (it_comp < nbcomp )) { outArgs[it_comp] = atof(result); result = strtok( NULL, delims ); it_comp++; } if (it_comp != nbcomp) { free(outArgs); return NULL; } /* else */ return outArgs; } /******************************************************************************* * Command line help function *******************************************************************************/ static void compare_images_help_display(void) { fprintf(stdout,"\nList of parameters for the compare_images function \n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout," -b \t REQUIRED \t filename to the reference/baseline PGX/TIF/PNM image \n"); fprintf(stdout," -t \t REQUIRED \t filename to the test PGX/TIF/PNM image\n"); fprintf(stdout," -n \t REQUIRED \t number of component of the image (used to generate correct filename, not used when both input files are TIF)\n"); fprintf(stdout," -m \t OPTIONAL \t list of MSE tolerances, separated by : (size must correspond to the number of component) of \n"); fprintf(stdout," -p \t OPTIONAL \t list of PEAK tolerances, separated by : (size must correspond to the number of component) \n"); fprintf(stdout," -s \t OPTIONAL \t 1 or 2 filename separator to take into account PGX/PNM image with different components, " "please indicate b or t before separator to indicate respectively the separator " "for ref/base file and for test file. \n"); fprintf(stdout," -d \t OPTIONAL \t indicate if you want to run this function as conformance test or as non regression test\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); } static int get_decod_format_from_string(const char *filename) { const int dot = '.'; char * ext = strrchr(filename, dot); if( strcmp(ext,".pgx") == 0 ) return PGX_DFMT; if( strcmp(ext,".tif") == 0 ) return TIF_DFMT; if( strcmp(ext,".ppm") == 0 ) return PXM_DFMT; return -1; } /******************************************************************************* * Create filenames from a filename using separator and nb components * (begin from 0) *******************************************************************************/ static char* createMultiComponentsFilename(const char* inFilename, const int indexF, const char* separator) { char s[255]; char *outFilename, *ptr; const char token = '.'; size_t posToken = 0; int decod_format; /*printf("inFilename = %s\n", inFilename);*/ if ((ptr = strrchr(inFilename, token)) != NULL) { posToken = strlen(inFilename) - strlen(ptr); /*printf("Position of %c character inside inFilename = %d\n", token, posToken);*/ } else { /*printf("Token %c not found\n", token);*/ outFilename = (char*)malloc(1); outFilename[0] = '\0'; return outFilename; } outFilename = (char*)malloc((posToken + 7) * sizeof(char)); /*6*/ strncpy(outFilename, inFilename, posToken); outFilename[posToken] = '\0'; strcat(outFilename, separator); sprintf(s, "%i", indexF); strcat(outFilename, s); decod_format = get_decod_format_from_string(inFilename); if( decod_format == PGX_DFMT ) { strcat(outFilename, ".pgx"); } else if( decod_format == PXM_DFMT ) { strcat(outFilename, ".pgm"); } /*printf("outfilename: %s\n", outFilename);*/ return outFilename; } /******************************************************************************* * *******************************************************************************/ static opj_image_t* readImageFromFilePPM(const char* filename, int nbFilenamePGX, const char *separator) { int it_file; opj_image_t* image_read = NULL; opj_image_t* image = NULL; opj_cparameters_t parameters; opj_image_cmptparm_t* param_image_read; int** data; /* If separator is empty => nb file to read is equal to one*/ if ( strlen(separator) == 0 ) nbFilenamePGX = 1; /* set encoding parameters to default values */ opj_set_default_encoder_parameters(¶meters); parameters.decod_format = PXM_DFMT; strcpy(parameters.infile, filename); /* Allocate memory*/ param_image_read = malloc((size_t)nbFilenamePGX * sizeof(opj_image_cmptparm_t)); data = malloc((size_t)nbFilenamePGX * sizeof(*data)); for (it_file = 0; it_file < nbFilenamePGX; it_file++) { /* Create the right filename*/ char *filenameComponentPGX; if (strlen(separator) == 0) { filenameComponentPGX = malloc((strlen(filename) + 1) * sizeof(*filenameComponentPGX)); strcpy(filenameComponentPGX, filename); } else filenameComponentPGX = createMultiComponentsFilename(filename, it_file, separator); /* Read the tif file corresponding to the component */ image_read = pnmtoimage(filenameComponentPGX, ¶meters); if (!image_read) { int it_free_data; fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load ppm file: %s\n", filenameComponentPGX); free(param_image_read); for (it_free_data = 0; it_free_data < it_file; it_free_data++) { free(data[it_free_data]); } free(data); free(filenameComponentPGX); return NULL; } /* Set the image_read parameters*/ param_image_read[it_file].x0 = 0; param_image_read[it_file].y0 = 0; param_image_read[it_file].dx = 0; param_image_read[it_file].dy = 0; param_image_read[it_file].h = image_read->comps->h; param_image_read[it_file].w = image_read->comps->w; param_image_read[it_file].bpp = image_read->comps->bpp; param_image_read[it_file].prec = image_read->comps->prec; param_image_read[it_file].sgnd = image_read->comps->sgnd; /* Copy data*/ data[it_file] = malloc(param_image_read[it_file].h * param_image_read[it_file].w * sizeof(int)); memcpy(data[it_file], image_read->comps->data, image_read->comps->h * image_read->comps->w * sizeof(int)); /* Free memory*/ opj_image_destroy(image_read); free(filenameComponentPGX); } image = opj_image_create((OPJ_UINT32)nbFilenamePGX, param_image_read, OPJ_CLRSPC_UNSPECIFIED); for (it_file = 0; it_file < nbFilenamePGX; it_file++) { /* Copy data into output image and free memory*/ memcpy(image->comps[it_file].data, data[it_file], image->comps[it_file].h * image->comps[it_file].w * sizeof(int)); free(data[it_file]); } /* Free memory*/ free(param_image_read); free(data); return image; } static opj_image_t* readImageFromFileTIF(const char* filename, int nbFilenamePGX, const char *separator) { opj_image_t* image_read = NULL; opj_cparameters_t parameters; (void)nbFilenamePGX; (void)separator; /* conformance test suite produce annoying warning/error: * TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, /.../data/baseline/conformance/jp2_1.tif: unknown field with tag 37724 (0x935c) encountered. * TIFFOpen: /.../data/baseline/nonregression/opj_jp2_1.tif: Cannot open. * On Win32 this open a message box by default, so remove it from the test suite: */ #ifdef OPJ_HAVE_LIBTIFF TIFFSetWarningHandler(NULL); TIFFSetErrorHandler(NULL); #endif if ( strlen(separator) != 0 ) return NULL; /* set encoding parameters to default values */ opj_set_default_encoder_parameters(¶meters); parameters.decod_format = TIF_DFMT; strcpy(parameters.infile, filename); /* Read the tif file corresponding to the component */ #ifdef OPJ_HAVE_LIBTIFF image_read = tiftoimage(filename, ¶meters); #endif if (!image_read) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load TIF file\n"); return NULL; } return image_read; } static opj_image_t* readImageFromFilePGX(const char* filename, int nbFilenamePGX, const char *separator) { int it_file; opj_image_t* image_read = NULL; opj_image_t* image = NULL; opj_cparameters_t parameters; opj_image_cmptparm_t* param_image_read; int** data; /* If separator is empty => nb file to read is equal to one*/ if ( strlen(separator) == 0 ) nbFilenamePGX = 1; /* set encoding parameters to default values */ opj_set_default_encoder_parameters(¶meters); parameters.decod_format = PGX_DFMT; strcpy(parameters.infile, filename); /* Allocate memory*/ param_image_read = malloc((size_t)nbFilenamePGX * sizeof(opj_image_cmptparm_t)); data = malloc((size_t)nbFilenamePGX * sizeof(*data)); for (it_file = 0; it_file < nbFilenamePGX; it_file++) { /* Create the right filename*/ char *filenameComponentPGX; if (strlen(separator) == 0) { filenameComponentPGX = malloc((strlen(filename) + 1) * sizeof(*filenameComponentPGX)); strcpy(filenameComponentPGX, filename); } else filenameComponentPGX = createMultiComponentsFilename(filename, it_file, separator); /* Read the pgx file corresponding to the component */ image_read = pgxtoimage(filenameComponentPGX, ¶meters); if (!image_read) { int it_free_data; fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load pgx file\n"); free(param_image_read); for (it_free_data = 0; it_free_data < it_file; it_free_data++) { free(data[it_free_data]); } free(data); free(filenameComponentPGX); return NULL; } /* Set the image_read parameters*/ param_image_read[it_file].x0 = 0; param_image_read[it_file].y0 = 0; param_image_read[it_file].dx = 0; param_image_read[it_file].dy = 0; param_image_read[it_file].h = image_read->comps->h; param_image_read[it_file].w = image_read->comps->w; param_image_read[it_file].bpp = image_read->comps->bpp; param_image_read[it_file].prec = image_read->comps->prec; param_image_read[it_file].sgnd = image_read->comps->sgnd; /* Copy data*/ data[it_file] = malloc(param_image_read[it_file].h * param_image_read[it_file].w * sizeof(int)); memcpy(data[it_file], image_read->comps->data, image_read->comps->h * image_read->comps->w * sizeof(int)); /* Free memory*/ opj_image_destroy(image_read); free(filenameComponentPGX); } image = opj_image_create((OPJ_UINT32)nbFilenamePGX, param_image_read, OPJ_CLRSPC_UNSPECIFIED); for (it_file = 0; it_file < nbFilenamePGX; it_file++) { /* Copy data into output image and free memory*/ memcpy(image->comps[it_file].data, data[it_file], image->comps[it_file].h * image->comps[it_file].w * sizeof(int)); free(data[it_file]); } /* Free memory*/ free(param_image_read); free(data); return image; } #if defined(OPJ_HAVE_LIBPNG) && 0 /* remove for now */ /******************************************************************************* * *******************************************************************************/ static int imageToPNG(const opj_image_t* image, const char* filename, int num_comp_select) { opj_image_cmptparm_t param_image_write; opj_image_t* image_write = NULL; param_image_write.x0 = 0; param_image_write.y0 = 0; param_image_write.dx = 0; param_image_write.dy = 0; param_image_write.h = image->comps[num_comp_select].h; param_image_write.w = image->comps[num_comp_select].w; param_image_write.bpp = image->comps[num_comp_select].bpp; param_image_write.prec = image->comps[num_comp_select].prec; param_image_write.sgnd = image->comps[num_comp_select].sgnd; image_write = opj_image_create(1u, ¶m_image_write, OPJ_CLRSPC_GRAY); memcpy(image_write->comps->data, image->comps[num_comp_select].data, param_image_write.h * param_image_write.w * sizeof(int)); imagetopng(image_write, filename); opj_image_destroy(image_write); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } #endif typedef struct test_cmp_parameters { /** */ char* base_filename; /** */ char* test_filename; /** Number of components */ int nbcomp; /** */ double* tabMSEvalues; /** */ double* tabPEAKvalues; /** */ int nr_flag; /** */ char separator_base[2]; /** */ char separator_test[2]; } test_cmp_parameters; /* return decode format PGX / TIF / PPM , return -1 on error */ static int get_decod_format(test_cmp_parameters* param) { int base_format = get_decod_format_from_string( param->base_filename ); int test_format = get_decod_format_from_string( param->test_filename ); if( base_format != test_format ) return -1; /* handle case -1: */ return base_format; } /******************************************************************************* * Parse command line *******************************************************************************/ static int parse_cmdline_cmp(int argc, char **argv, test_cmp_parameters* param) { char *MSElistvalues = NULL; char *PEAKlistvalues= NULL; char *separatorList = NULL; size_t sizemembasefile, sizememtestfile; int index, flagM=0, flagP=0; const char optlist[] = "b:t:n:m:p:s:d"; int c; /* Init parameters*/ param->base_filename = NULL; param->test_filename = NULL; param->nbcomp = 0; param->tabMSEvalues = NULL; param->tabPEAKvalues = NULL; param->nr_flag = 0; param->separator_base[0] = 0; param->separator_test[0] = 0; opj_opterr = 0; while ((c = opj_getopt(argc, argv, optlist)) != -1) switch (c) { case 'b': sizemembasefile = strlen(opj_optarg) + 1; param->base_filename = (char*) malloc(sizemembasefile); strcpy(param->base_filename, opj_optarg); /*printf("param->base_filename = %s [%d / %d]\n", param->base_filename, strlen(param->base_filename), sizemembasefile );*/ break; case 't': sizememtestfile = strlen(opj_optarg) + 1; param->test_filename = (char*) malloc(sizememtestfile); strcpy(param->test_filename, opj_optarg); /*printf("param->test_filename = %s [%d / %d]\n", param->test_filename, strlen(param->test_filename), sizememtestfile);*/ break; case 'n': param->nbcomp = atoi(opj_optarg); break; case 'm': MSElistvalues = opj_optarg; flagM = 1; break; case 'p': PEAKlistvalues = opj_optarg; flagP = 1; break; case 'd': param->nr_flag = 1; break; case 's': separatorList = opj_optarg; break; case '?': if ((opj_optopt == 'b') || (opj_optopt == 't') || (opj_optopt == 'n') || (opj_optopt == 'p') || (opj_optopt == 'm') || (opj_optopt == 's')) fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c requires an argument.\n", opj_optopt); else if (isprint(opj_optopt)) fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option `-%c'.\n", opj_optopt); else fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option character `\\x%x'.\n", opj_optopt); return 1; default: fprintf(stderr, "WARNING -> this option is not valid \"-%c %s\"\n", c, opj_optarg); break; } if (opj_optind != argc) { for (index = opj_optind; index < argc; index++) fprintf(stderr,"Non-option argument %s\n", argv[index]); return 1; } if (param->nbcomp == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Need to indicate the number of components !\n"); return 1; } /* else */ if ( flagM && flagP ) { param->tabMSEvalues = parseToleranceValues( MSElistvalues, param->nbcomp); param->tabPEAKvalues = parseToleranceValues( PEAKlistvalues, param->nbcomp); if ( (param->tabMSEvalues == NULL) || (param->tabPEAKvalues == NULL)) { fprintf(stderr,"MSE and PEAK values are not correct (respectively need %d values)\n",param->nbcomp); return 1; } } /* Get separators after corresponding letter (b or t)*/ if (separatorList != NULL) { if( (strlen(separatorList) ==2) || (strlen(separatorList) ==4) ) { /* keep original string*/ size_t sizeseplist = strlen(separatorList)+1; char* separatorList2 = (char*)malloc( sizeseplist ); strcpy(separatorList2, separatorList); /*printf("separatorList2 = %s [%d / %d]\n", separatorList2, strlen(separatorList2), sizeseplist);*/ if (strlen(separatorList) == 2) /* one separator behind b or t*/ { char *resultT = NULL; resultT = strtok(separatorList2, "t"); if (strlen(resultT) == strlen(separatorList)) /* didn't find t character, try to find b*/ { char *resultB = NULL; resultB = strtok(resultT, "b"); if (strlen(resultB) == 1) { param->separator_base[0] = separatorList[1]; param->separator_base[1] = 0; param->separator_test[0] = 0; } else /* not found b*/ { free(separatorList2); return 1; } } else /* found t*/ { param->separator_base[0] = 0; param->separator_test[0] = separatorList[1]; param->separator_test[1] = 0; } /*printf("sep b = %s [%d] and sep t = %s [%d]\n",param->separator_base, strlen(param->separator_base), param->separator_test, strlen(param->separator_test) );*/ } else /* == 4 characters we must found t and b*/ { char *resultT = NULL; resultT = strtok(separatorList2, "t"); if (strlen(resultT) == 3) /* found t in first place*/ { char *resultB = NULL; resultB = strtok(resultT, "b"); if (strlen(resultB) == 1) /* found b after t*/ { param->separator_test[0] = separatorList[1]; param->separator_test[1] = 0; param->separator_base[0] = separatorList[3]; param->separator_base[1] = 0; } else /* didn't find b after t*/ { free(separatorList2); return 1; } } else /* == 2, didn't find t in first place*/ { char *resultB = NULL; resultB = strtok(resultT, "b"); if (strlen(resultB) == 1) /* found b in first place*/ { param->separator_base[0] = separatorList[1]; param->separator_base[1] = 0; param->separator_test[0] = separatorList[3]; param->separator_test[1] = 0; } else /* didn't found b in first place => problem*/ { free(separatorList2); return 1; } } } free(separatorList2); } else /* wrong number of argument after -s*/ { return 1; } } else { if (param->nbcomp == 1) { assert( param->separator_base[0] == 0 ); assert( param->separator_test[0] == 0 ); } else { fprintf(stderr,"If number of component is > 1, we need separator\n"); return 1; } } if ( (param->nr_flag) && (flagP || flagM) ) { fprintf(stderr,"Wrong input parameters list: it is non-regression test or tolerance comparison\n"); return 1; } if ( (!param->nr_flag) && (!flagP || !flagM) ) { fprintf(stderr,"Wrong input parameters list: it is non-regression test or tolerance comparison\n"); return 1; } return 0; } /******************************************************************************* * MAIN *******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { test_cmp_parameters inParam; OPJ_UINT32 it_comp, itpxl; int failed = 1; int nbFilenamePGXbase = 0, nbFilenamePGXtest = 0; char *filenamePNGtest= NULL, *filenamePNGbase = NULL, *filenamePNGdiff = NULL; size_t memsizebasefilename, memsizetestfilename; size_t memsizedifffilename; int valueDiff = 0, nbPixelDiff = 0; double sumDiff = 0.0; /* Structures to store image parameters and data*/ opj_image_t *imageBase = NULL, *imageTest = NULL, *imageDiff = NULL; opj_image_cmptparm_t* param_image_diff = NULL; int decod_format; /* Get parameters from command line*/ if( parse_cmdline_cmp(argc, argv, &inParam) ) { compare_images_help_display(); goto cleanup; } /* Display Parameters*/ printf("******Parameters********* \n"); printf(" base_filename = %s\n" " test_filename = %s\n" " nb of Components = %d\n" " Non regression test = %d\n" " separator Base = %s\n" " separator Test = %s\n", inParam.base_filename, inParam.test_filename, inParam.nbcomp, inParam.nr_flag, inParam.separator_base, inParam.separator_test); if ( (inParam.tabMSEvalues != NULL) && (inParam.tabPEAKvalues != NULL)) { int it_comp2; printf(" MSE values = ["); for (it_comp2 = 0; it_comp2 < inParam.nbcomp; it_comp2++) printf(" %f ", inParam.tabMSEvalues[it_comp2]); printf("]\n"); printf(" PEAK values = ["); for (it_comp2 = 0; it_comp2 < inParam.nbcomp; it_comp2++) printf(" %f ", inParam.tabPEAKvalues[it_comp2]); printf("]\n"); printf(" Non-regression test = %d\n", inParam.nr_flag); } if (strlen(inParam.separator_base) != 0) nbFilenamePGXbase = inParam.nbcomp; if (strlen(inParam.separator_test) != 0) nbFilenamePGXtest = inParam.nbcomp; printf(" NbFilename to generate from base filename = %d\n", nbFilenamePGXbase); printf(" NbFilename to generate from test filename = %d\n", nbFilenamePGXtest); printf("************************* \n"); /*----------BASELINE IMAGE--------*/ memsizebasefilename = strlen(inParam.test_filename) + 1 + 5 + 2 + 4; memsizetestfilename = strlen(inParam.test_filename) + 1 + 5 + 2 + 4; decod_format = get_decod_format(&inParam); if( decod_format == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unhandled file format\n" ); goto cleanup; } assert( decod_format == PGX_DFMT || decod_format == TIF_DFMT || decod_format == PXM_DFMT ); if( decod_format == PGX_DFMT ) { imageBase = readImageFromFilePGX( inParam.base_filename, nbFilenamePGXbase, inParam.separator_base); if ( imageBase == NULL ) goto cleanup; } else if( decod_format == TIF_DFMT ) { imageBase = readImageFromFileTIF( inParam.base_filename, nbFilenamePGXbase, ""); if ( imageBase == NULL ) goto cleanup; } else if( decod_format == PXM_DFMT ) { imageBase = readImageFromFilePPM( inParam.base_filename, nbFilenamePGXbase, inParam.separator_base); if ( imageBase == NULL ) goto cleanup; } filenamePNGbase = (char*) malloc(memsizebasefilename); strcpy(filenamePNGbase, inParam.test_filename); strcat(filenamePNGbase, ".base"); /*printf("filenamePNGbase = %s [%d / %d octets]\n",filenamePNGbase, strlen(filenamePNGbase),memsizebasefilename );*/ /*----------TEST IMAGE--------*/ if( decod_format == PGX_DFMT ) { imageTest = readImageFromFilePGX(inParam.test_filename, nbFilenamePGXtest, inParam.separator_test); if ( imageTest == NULL ) goto cleanup; } else if( decod_format == TIF_DFMT ) { imageTest = readImageFromFileTIF(inParam.test_filename, nbFilenamePGXtest, ""); if ( imageTest == NULL ) goto cleanup; } else if( decod_format == PXM_DFMT ) { imageTest = readImageFromFilePPM(inParam.test_filename, nbFilenamePGXtest, inParam.separator_test); if ( imageTest == NULL ) goto cleanup; } filenamePNGtest = (char*) malloc(memsizetestfilename); strcpy(filenamePNGtest, inParam.test_filename); strcat(filenamePNGtest, ".test"); /*printf("filenamePNGtest = %s [%d / %d octets]\n",filenamePNGtest, strlen(filenamePNGtest),memsizetestfilename );*/ /*----------DIFF IMAGE--------*/ /* Allocate memory*/ param_image_diff = malloc( imageBase->numcomps * sizeof(opj_image_cmptparm_t)); /* Comparison of header parameters*/ printf("Step 1 -> Header comparison\n"); /* check dimensions (issue 286)*/ if(imageBase->numcomps != imageTest->numcomps ) { printf("ERROR: dim mismatch (%d><%d)\n", imageBase->numcomps, imageTest->numcomps); goto cleanup; } for (it_comp = 0; it_comp < imageBase->numcomps; it_comp++) { param_image_diff[it_comp].x0 = 0; param_image_diff[it_comp].y0 = 0; param_image_diff[it_comp].dx = 0; param_image_diff[it_comp].dy = 0; param_image_diff[it_comp].sgnd = 0; param_image_diff[it_comp].prec = 8; param_image_diff[it_comp].bpp = 1; param_image_diff[it_comp].h = imageBase->comps[it_comp].h; param_image_diff[it_comp].w = imageBase->comps[it_comp].w; if (imageBase->comps[it_comp].sgnd != imageTest->comps[it_comp].sgnd) { printf("ERROR: sign mismatch [comp %d] (%d><%d)\n", it_comp, ((imageBase->comps)[it_comp]).sgnd, ((imageTest->comps)[it_comp]).sgnd); goto cleanup; } if (((imageBase->comps)[it_comp]).prec != ((imageTest->comps)[it_comp]).prec) { printf("ERROR: prec mismatch [comp %d] (%d><%d)\n", it_comp, ((imageBase->comps)[it_comp]).prec, ((imageTest->comps)[it_comp]).prec); goto cleanup; } if (((imageBase->comps)[it_comp]).bpp != ((imageTest->comps)[it_comp]).bpp) { printf("ERROR: byte per pixel mismatch [comp %d] (%d><%d)\n", it_comp, ((imageBase->comps)[it_comp]).bpp, ((imageTest->comps)[it_comp]).bpp); goto cleanup; } if (((imageBase->comps)[it_comp]).h != ((imageTest->comps)[it_comp]).h) { printf("ERROR: height mismatch [comp %d] (%d><%d)\n", it_comp, ((imageBase->comps)[it_comp]).h, ((imageTest->comps)[it_comp]).h); goto cleanup; } if (((imageBase->comps)[it_comp]).w != ((imageTest->comps)[it_comp]).w) { printf("ERROR: width mismatch [comp %d] (%d><%d)\n", it_comp, ((imageBase->comps)[it_comp]).w, ((imageTest->comps)[it_comp]).w); goto cleanup; } } imageDiff = opj_image_create(imageBase->numcomps, param_image_diff, OPJ_CLRSPC_UNSPECIFIED); /* Free memory*/ free(param_image_diff); param_image_diff = NULL; /* Measurement computation*/ printf("Step 2 -> measurement comparison\n"); memsizedifffilename = strlen(inParam.test_filename) + 1 + 5 + 2 + 4; filenamePNGdiff = (char*) malloc(memsizedifffilename); strcpy(filenamePNGdiff, inParam.test_filename); strcat(filenamePNGdiff, ".diff"); /*printf("filenamePNGdiff = %s [%d / %d octets]\n",filenamePNGdiff, strlen(filenamePNGdiff),memsizedifffilename );*/ /* Compute pixel diff*/ for (it_comp = 0; it_comp < imageDiff->numcomps; it_comp++) { double SE=0,PEAK=0; double MSE=0; for (itpxl = 0; itpxl < ((imageDiff->comps)[it_comp]).w * ((imageDiff->comps)[it_comp]).h; itpxl++) { if (abs( ((imageBase->comps)[it_comp]).data[itpxl] - ((imageTest->comps)[it_comp]).data[itpxl] ) > 0) { valueDiff = ((imageBase->comps)[it_comp]).data[itpxl] - ((imageTest->comps)[it_comp]).data[itpxl]; ((imageDiff->comps)[it_comp]).data[itpxl] = abs(valueDiff); sumDiff += valueDiff; nbPixelDiff++; SE += (double)valueDiff * valueDiff; PEAK = (PEAK > abs(valueDiff)) ? PEAK : abs(valueDiff); } else ((imageDiff->comps)[it_comp]).data[itpxl] = 0; }/* h*w loop */ MSE = SE / ( ((imageDiff->comps)[it_comp]).w * ((imageDiff->comps)[it_comp]).h ); if (!inParam.nr_flag && (inParam.tabMSEvalues != NULL) && (inParam.tabPEAKvalues != NULL)) { /* Conformance test*/ printf("<DartMeasurement name=\"PEAK_%d\" type=\"numeric/double\"> %f </DartMeasurement> \n", it_comp, PEAK); printf("<DartMeasurement name=\"MSE_%d\" type=\"numeric/double\"> %f </DartMeasurement> \n", it_comp, MSE); if ( (MSE > inParam.tabMSEvalues[it_comp]) || (PEAK > inParam.tabPEAKvalues[it_comp]) ) { printf("ERROR: MSE (%f) or PEAK (%f) values produced by the decoded file are greater " "than the allowable error (respectively %f and %f) \n", MSE, PEAK, inParam.tabMSEvalues[it_comp], inParam.tabPEAKvalues[it_comp]); goto cleanup; } } else /* Non regression-test */ { if ( nbPixelDiff > 0) { char it_compc[255]; it_compc[0] = 0; printf("<DartMeasurement name=\"NumberOfPixelsWithDifferences_%d\" type=\"numeric/int\"> %d </DartMeasurement> \n", it_comp, nbPixelDiff); printf("<DartMeasurement name=\"ComponentError_%d\" type=\"numeric/double\"> %f </DartMeasurement> \n", it_comp, sumDiff); #ifdef OPJ_HAVE_LIBPNG { char *filenamePNGbase_it_comp, *filenamePNGtest_it_comp, *filenamePNGdiff_it_comp; filenamePNGbase_it_comp = (char*) malloc(memsizebasefilename); strcpy(filenamePNGbase_it_comp,filenamePNGbase); filenamePNGtest_it_comp = (char*) malloc(memsizetestfilename); strcpy(filenamePNGtest_it_comp,filenamePNGtest); filenamePNGdiff_it_comp = (char*) malloc(memsizedifffilename); strcpy(filenamePNGdiff_it_comp,filenamePNGdiff); sprintf(it_compc, "_%i", it_comp); strcat(it_compc,".png"); strcat(filenamePNGbase_it_comp, it_compc); /*printf("filenamePNGbase_it = %s [%d / %d octets]\n",filenamePNGbase_it_comp, strlen(filenamePNGbase_it_comp),memsizebasefilename );*/ strcat(filenamePNGtest_it_comp, it_compc); /*printf("filenamePNGtest_it = %s [%d / %d octets]\n",filenamePNGtest_it_comp, strlen(filenamePNGtest_it_comp),memsizetestfilename );*/ strcat(filenamePNGdiff_it_comp, it_compc); /*printf("filenamePNGdiff_it = %s [%d / %d octets]\n",filenamePNGdiff_it_comp, strlen(filenamePNGdiff_it_comp),memsizedifffilename );*/ /* if ( imageToPNG(imageBase, filenamePNGbase_it_comp, it_comp) == EXIT_SUCCESS ) { printf("<DartMeasurementFile name=\"BaselineImage_%d\" type=\"image/png\"> %s </DartMeasurementFile> \n", it_comp, filenamePNGbase_it_comp); } if ( imageToPNG(imageTest, filenamePNGtest_it_comp, it_comp) == EXIT_SUCCESS ) { printf("<DartMeasurementFile name=\"TestImage_%d\" type=\"image/png\"> %s </DartMeasurementFile> \n", it_comp, filenamePNGtest_it_comp); } if ( imageToPNG(imageDiff, filenamePNGdiff_it_comp, it_comp) == EXIT_SUCCESS ) { printf("<DartMeasurementFile name=\"DiffferenceImage_%d\" type=\"image/png\"> %s </DartMeasurementFile> \n", it_comp, filenamePNGdiff_it_comp); } */ free(filenamePNGbase_it_comp); free(filenamePNGtest_it_comp); free(filenamePNGdiff_it_comp); } #endif goto cleanup; } } } /* it_comp loop */ printf("---- TEST SUCCEED ----\n"); failed = 0; cleanup: /*-----------------------------*/ free(param_image_diff); /* Free memory */ opj_image_destroy(imageBase); opj_image_destroy(imageTest); opj_image_destroy(imageDiff); free(filenamePNGbase); free(filenamePNGtest); free(filenamePNGdiff); free(inParam.tabMSEvalues); free(inParam.tabPEAKvalues); free(inParam.base_filename); free(inParam.test_filename); return failed ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS; }