/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Communications and Remote Sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium * Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Professor Benoit Macq * Copyright (c) 2001-2003, David Janssens * Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Yannick Verschueren * Copyright (c) 2003-2007, Francois-Olivier Devaux and Antonin Descampe * Copyright (c) 2005, Herve Drolon, FreeImage Team * Copyright (c) 2007, Callum Lerwick * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS `AS IS' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "opj_includes.h" #include "t1_luts.h" /** @defgroup T1 T1 - Implementation of the tier-1 coding */ /*@{*/ /** @name Local static functions */ /*@{*/ static INLINE char t1_getctxno_zc(int f, int orient); static char t1_getctxno_sc(int f); static INLINE int t1_getctxno_mag(int f); static char t1_getspb(int f); static short t1_getnmsedec_sig(int x, int bitpos); static short t1_getnmsedec_ref(int x, int bitpos); static void t1_updateflags(flag_t *flagsp, int s, int stride); /** Encode significant pass */ static void opj_t1_enc_sigpass_step(opj_t1_t *t1, flag_t *flagsp, OPJ_INT32 *datap, OPJ_UINT32 orient, OPJ_INT32 bpno, OPJ_INT32 one, OPJ_INT32 *nmsedec, OPJ_BYTE type, OPJ_UINT32 vsc); /** Decode significant pass */ static void t1_dec_sigpass_step( opj_t1_t *t1, flag_t *flagsp, OPJ_INT32 *datap, OPJ_UINT32 orient, OPJ_INT32 oneplushalf, OPJ_BYTE type, OPJ_UINT32 vsc); /** Decode significant pass */ static INLINE void t1_dec_sigpass_step_raw( opj_t1_t *t1, flag_t *flagsp, int *datap, int orient, int oneplushalf, int vsc); static INLINE void t1_dec_sigpass_step_mqc( opj_t1_t *t1, flag_t *flagsp, int *datap, int orient, int oneplushalf); static INLINE void t1_dec_sigpass_step_mqc_vsc( opj_t1_t *t1, flag_t *flagsp, int *datap, int orient, int oneplushalf, int vsc); /** Encode significant pass */ static void opj_t1_enc_sigpass( opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 bpno, OPJ_UINT32 orient, OPJ_INT32 *nmsedec, OPJ_BYTE type, OPJ_UINT32 cblksty); /** Decode significant pass */ static void t1_dec_sigpass( opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 bpno, OPJ_UINT32 orient, OPJ_BYTE type, OPJ_UINT32 cblksty); /** Decode significant pass */ static void t1_dec_sigpass_raw( opj_t1_t *t1, int bpno, int orient, int cblksty); static void t1_dec_sigpass_mqc( opj_t1_t *t1, int bpno, int orient); static void t1_dec_sigpass_mqc_vsc( opj_t1_t *t1, int bpno, int orient); /** Encode refinement pass */ static void t1_enc_refpass_step( opj_t1_t *t1, flag_t *flagsp, int *datap, int bpno, int one, int *nmsedec, char type, int vsc); /** Decode refinement pass */ static INLINE void t1_dec_refpass_step_raw( opj_t1_t *t1, flag_t *flagsp, int *datap, int poshalf, int neghalf, int vsc); static INLINE void t1_dec_refpass_step_mqc( opj_t1_t *t1, flag_t *flagsp, int *datap, int poshalf, int neghalf); static INLINE void t1_dec_refpass_step_mqc_vsc( opj_t1_t *t1, flag_t *flagsp, int *datap, int poshalf, int neghalf, int vsc); /** Encode refinement pass */ static void t1_enc_refpass( opj_t1_t *t1, int bpno, int *nmsedec, char type, int cblksty); /** Decode refinement pass */ static void t1_dec_refpass( opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 bpno, OPJ_BYTE type, OPJ_UINT32 cblksty); /** Decode refinement pass */ static void t1_dec_refpass_step( opj_t1_t *t1, flag_t *flagsp, OPJ_INT32 *datap, OPJ_INT32 poshalf, OPJ_INT32 neghalf, OPJ_BYTE type, OPJ_UINT32 vsc); /** Decode refinement pass */ static void t1_dec_refpass_raw( opj_t1_t *t1, int bpno, int cblksty); static void t1_dec_refpass_mqc( opj_t1_t *t1, int bpno); static void t1_dec_refpass_mqc_vsc( opj_t1_t *t1, int bpno); /** Encode clean-up pass */ static void t1_enc_clnpass_step( opj_t1_t *t1, flag_t *flagsp, int *datap, int orient, int bpno, int one, int *nmsedec, int partial, int vsc); /** Decode clean-up pass */ static void t1_dec_clnpass_step_partial( opj_t1_t *t1, flag_t *flagsp, int *datap, int orient, int oneplushalf); static void t1_dec_clnpass_step( opj_t1_t *t1, flag_t *flagsp, int *datap, int orient, int oneplushalf); static void t1_dec_clnpass_step_vsc( opj_t1_t *t1, flag_t *flagsp, int *datap, int orient, int oneplushalf, int partial, int vsc); /** Encode clean-up pass */ static void t1_enc_clnpass( opj_t1_t *t1, int bpno, int orient, int *nmsedec, int cblksty); /** Decode clean-up pass */ static void t1_dec_clnpass( opj_t1_t *t1, int bpno, int orient, int cblksty); static double t1_getwmsedec( int nmsedec, int compno, int level, int orient, int bpno, int qmfbid, double stepsize, int numcomps, int mct); static OPJ_FLOAT64 t1_getwmsedec_v2( OPJ_INT32 nmsedec, OPJ_UINT32 compno, OPJ_UINT32 level, OPJ_UINT32 orient, OPJ_INT32 bpno, OPJ_UINT32 qmfbid, OPJ_FLOAT64 stepsize, OPJ_UINT32 numcomps, const OPJ_FLOAT64 * mct_norms); /** Encode 1 code-block @param t1 T1 handle @param cblk Code-block coding parameters @param orient @param compno Component number @param level @param qmfbid @param stepsize @param cblksty Code-block style @param numcomps @param mct @param tile */ static void t1_encode_cblk( opj_t1_t *t1, opj_tcd_cblk_enc_t* cblk, int orient, int compno, int level, int qmfbid, double stepsize, int cblksty, int numcomps, int mct, opj_tcd_tile_t * tile); static void t1_encode_cblk_v2( opj_t1_t *t1, opj_tcd_cblk_enc_v2_t* cblk, OPJ_UINT32 orient, OPJ_UINT32 compno, OPJ_UINT32 level, OPJ_UINT32 qmfbid, OPJ_FLOAT64 stepsize, OPJ_UINT32 cblksty, OPJ_UINT32 numcomps, opj_tcd_tile_v2_t * tile, const OPJ_FLOAT64 * mct_norms); /** Decode 1 code-block @param t1 T1 handle @param cblk Code-block coding parameters @param orient @param roishift Region of interest shifting value @param cblksty Code-block style */ static void t1_decode_cblk( opj_t1_t *t1, opj_tcd_cblk_dec_t* cblk, int orient, int roishift, int cblksty); /** Decode 1 code-block @param t1 T1 handle @param cblk Code-block coding parameters @param orient @param roishift Region of interest shifting value @param cblksty Code-block style */ static void t1_decode_cblk_v2( opj_t1_t *t1, opj_tcd_cblk_dec_v2_t* cblk, OPJ_UINT32 orient, OPJ_UINT32 roishift, OPJ_UINT32 cblksty); /*@}*/ /*@}*/ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static char t1_getctxno_zc(int f, int orient) { return lut_ctxno_zc[(orient << 8) | (f & T1_SIG_OTH)]; } static char t1_getctxno_sc(int f) { return lut_ctxno_sc[(f & (T1_SIG_PRIM | T1_SGN)) >> 4]; } static int t1_getctxno_mag(int f) { int tmp1 = (f & T1_SIG_OTH) ? T1_CTXNO_MAG + 1 : T1_CTXNO_MAG; int tmp2 = (f & T1_REFINE) ? T1_CTXNO_MAG + 2 : tmp1; return (tmp2); } static char t1_getspb(int f) { return lut_spb[(f & (T1_SIG_PRIM | T1_SGN)) >> 4]; } static short t1_getnmsedec_sig(int x, int bitpos) { if (bitpos > T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS) { return lut_nmsedec_sig[(x >> (bitpos - T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS)) & ((1 << T1_NMSEDEC_BITS) - 1)]; } return lut_nmsedec_sig0[x & ((1 << T1_NMSEDEC_BITS) - 1)]; } static short t1_getnmsedec_ref(int x, int bitpos) { if (bitpos > T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS) { return lut_nmsedec_ref[(x >> (bitpos - T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS)) & ((1 << T1_NMSEDEC_BITS) - 1)]; } return lut_nmsedec_ref0[x & ((1 << T1_NMSEDEC_BITS) - 1)]; } static void t1_updateflags(flag_t *flagsp, int s, int stride) { flag_t *np = flagsp - stride; flag_t *sp = flagsp + stride; static const flag_t mod[] = { T1_SIG_S, T1_SIG_S|T1_SGN_S, T1_SIG_E, T1_SIG_E|T1_SGN_E, T1_SIG_W, T1_SIG_W|T1_SGN_W, T1_SIG_N, T1_SIG_N|T1_SGN_N }; np[-1] |= T1_SIG_SE; np[0] |= mod[s]; np[1] |= T1_SIG_SW; flagsp[-1] |= mod[s+2]; flagsp[0] |= T1_SIG; flagsp[1] |= mod[s+4]; sp[-1] |= T1_SIG_NE; sp[0] |= mod[s+6]; sp[1] |= T1_SIG_NW; } void opj_t1_enc_sigpass_step( opj_t1_t *t1, flag_t *flagsp, OPJ_INT32 *datap, OPJ_UINT32 orient, OPJ_INT32 bpno, OPJ_INT32 one, OPJ_INT32 *nmsedec, OPJ_BYTE type, OPJ_UINT32 vsc ) { OPJ_INT32 v; OPJ_UINT32 flag; opj_mqc_t *mqc = t1->mqc; /* MQC component */ flag = vsc ? ((*flagsp) & (~(T1_SIG_S | T1_SIG_SE | T1_SIG_SW | T1_SGN_S))) : (*flagsp); if ((flag & T1_SIG_OTH) && !(flag & (T1_SIG | T1_VISIT))) { v = int_abs(*datap) & one ? 1 : 0; mqc_setcurctx(mqc, t1_getctxno_zc(flag, orient)); /* ESSAI */ if (type == T1_TYPE_RAW) { /* BYPASS/LAZY MODE */ mqc_bypass_enc(mqc, v); } else { mqc_encode(mqc, v); } if (v) { v = *datap < 0 ? 1 : 0; *nmsedec += t1_getnmsedec_sig(int_abs(*datap), bpno + T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS); mqc_setcurctx(mqc, t1_getctxno_sc(flag)); /* ESSAI */ if (type == T1_TYPE_RAW) { /* BYPASS/LAZY MODE */ mqc_bypass_enc(mqc, v); } else { mqc_encode(mqc, v ^ t1_getspb(flag)); } t1_updateflags(flagsp, v, t1->flags_stride); } *flagsp |= T1_VISIT; } } static INLINE void t1_dec_sigpass_step_raw( opj_t1_t *t1, flag_t *flagsp, int *datap, int orient, int oneplushalf, int vsc) { int v, flag; opj_raw_t *raw = t1->raw; /* RAW component */ OPJ_ARG_NOT_USED(orient); flag = vsc ? ((*flagsp) & (~(T1_SIG_S | T1_SIG_SE | T1_SIG_SW | T1_SGN_S))) : (*flagsp); if ((flag & T1_SIG_OTH) && !(flag & (T1_SIG | T1_VISIT))) { if (raw_decode(raw)) { v = raw_decode(raw); /* ESSAI */ *datap = v ? -oneplushalf : oneplushalf; t1_updateflags(flagsp, v, t1->flags_stride); } *flagsp |= T1_VISIT; } } /* VSC and BYPASS by Antonin */ static INLINE void t1_dec_sigpass_step_mqc( opj_t1_t *t1, flag_t *flagsp, int *datap, int orient, int oneplushalf) { int v, flag; opj_mqc_t *mqc = t1->mqc; /* MQC component */ flag = *flagsp; if ((flag & T1_SIG_OTH) && !(flag & (T1_SIG | T1_VISIT))) { mqc_setcurctx(mqc, t1_getctxno_zc(flag, orient)); if (mqc_decode(mqc)) { mqc_setcurctx(mqc, t1_getctxno_sc(flag)); v = mqc_decode(mqc) ^ t1_getspb(flag); *datap = v ? -oneplushalf : oneplushalf; t1_updateflags(flagsp, v, t1->flags_stride); } *flagsp |= T1_VISIT; } } /* VSC and BYPASS by Antonin */ static INLINE void t1_dec_sigpass_step_mqc_vsc( opj_t1_t *t1, flag_t *flagsp, int *datap, int orient, int oneplushalf, int vsc) { int v, flag; opj_mqc_t *mqc = t1->mqc; /* MQC component */ flag = vsc ? ((*flagsp) & (~(T1_SIG_S | T1_SIG_SE | T1_SIG_SW | T1_SGN_S))) : (*flagsp); if ((flag & T1_SIG_OTH) && !(flag & (T1_SIG | T1_VISIT))) { mqc_setcurctx(mqc, t1_getctxno_zc(flag, orient)); if (mqc_decode(mqc)) { mqc_setcurctx(mqc, t1_getctxno_sc(flag)); v = mqc_decode(mqc) ^ t1_getspb(flag); *datap = v ? -oneplushalf : oneplushalf; t1_updateflags(flagsp, v, t1->flags_stride); } *flagsp |= T1_VISIT; } } /* VSC and BYPASS by Antonin */ void opj_t1_enc_sigpass(opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 bpno, OPJ_UINT32 orient, OPJ_INT32 *nmsedec, OPJ_BYTE type, OPJ_UINT32 cblksty ) { OPJ_UINT32 i, j, k, vsc; OPJ_INT32 one; *nmsedec = 0; one = 1 << (bpno + T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS); for (k = 0; k < t1->h; k += 4) { for (i = 0; i < t1->w; ++i) { for (j = k; j < k + 4 && j < t1->h; ++j) { vsc = ((cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_VSC) && (j == k + 3 || j == t1->h - 1)) ? 1 : 0; opj_t1_enc_sigpass_step( t1, &t1->flags[((j+1) * t1->flags_stride) + i + 1], &t1->data[(j * t1->w) + i], orient, bpno, one, nmsedec, type, vsc); } } } } static void t1_dec_sigpass_raw( opj_t1_t *t1, int bpno, int orient, int cblksty) { int i, j, k, one, half, oneplushalf, vsc; one = 1 << bpno; half = one >> 1; oneplushalf = one | half; for (k = 0; k < t1->h; k += 4) { for (i = 0; i < t1->w; ++i) { for (j = k; j < k + 4 && j < t1->h; ++j) { vsc = ((cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_VSC) && (j == k + 3 || j == t1->h - 1)) ? 1 : 0; t1_dec_sigpass_step_raw( t1, &t1->flags[((j+1) * t1->flags_stride) + i + 1], &t1->data[(j * t1->w) + i], orient, oneplushalf, vsc); } } } } /* VSC and BYPASS by Antonin */ static void t1_dec_sigpass_mqc( opj_t1_t *t1, int bpno, int orient) { int i, j, k, one, half, oneplushalf; int *data1 = t1->data; flag_t *flags1 = &t1->flags[1]; one = 1 << bpno; half = one >> 1; oneplushalf = one | half; for (k = 0; k < (t1->h & ~3); k += 4) { for (i = 0; i < t1->w; ++i) { int *data2 = data1 + i; flag_t *flags2 = flags1 + i; flags2 += t1->flags_stride; t1_dec_sigpass_step_mqc(t1, flags2, data2, orient, oneplushalf); data2 += t1->w; flags2 += t1->flags_stride; t1_dec_sigpass_step_mqc(t1, flags2, data2, orient, oneplushalf); data2 += t1->w; flags2 += t1->flags_stride; t1_dec_sigpass_step_mqc(t1, flags2, data2, orient, oneplushalf); data2 += t1->w; flags2 += t1->flags_stride; t1_dec_sigpass_step_mqc(t1, flags2, data2, orient, oneplushalf); data2 += t1->w; } data1 += t1->w << 2; flags1 += t1->flags_stride << 2; } for (i = 0; i < t1->w; ++i) { int *data2 = data1 + i; flag_t *flags2 = flags1 + i; for (j = k; j < t1->h; ++j) { flags2 += t1->flags_stride; t1_dec_sigpass_step_mqc(t1, flags2, data2, orient, oneplushalf); data2 += t1->w; } } } /* VSC and BYPASS by Antonin */ static void t1_dec_sigpass_mqc_vsc( opj_t1_t *t1, int bpno, int orient) { int i, j, k, one, half, oneplushalf, vsc; one = 1 << bpno; half = one >> 1; oneplushalf = one | half; for (k = 0; k < t1->h; k += 4) { for (i = 0; i < t1->w; ++i) { for (j = k; j < k + 4 && j < t1->h; ++j) { vsc = (j == k + 3 || j == t1->h - 1) ? 1 : 0; t1_dec_sigpass_step_mqc_vsc( t1, &t1->flags[((j+1) * t1->flags_stride) + i + 1], &t1->data[(j * t1->w) + i], orient, oneplushalf, vsc); } } } } /* VSC and BYPASS by Antonin */ static void t1_enc_refpass_step( opj_t1_t *t1, flag_t *flagsp, int *datap, int bpno, int one, int *nmsedec, char type, int vsc) { int v, flag; opj_mqc_t *mqc = t1->mqc; /* MQC component */ flag = vsc ? ((*flagsp) & (~(T1_SIG_S | T1_SIG_SE | T1_SIG_SW | T1_SGN_S))) : (*flagsp); if ((flag & (T1_SIG | T1_VISIT)) == T1_SIG) { *nmsedec += t1_getnmsedec_ref(int_abs(*datap), bpno + T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS); v = int_abs(*datap) & one ? 1 : 0; mqc_setcurctx(mqc, t1_getctxno_mag(flag)); /* ESSAI */ if (type == T1_TYPE_RAW) { /* BYPASS/LAZY MODE */ mqc_bypass_enc(mqc, v); } else { mqc_encode(mqc, v); } *flagsp |= T1_REFINE; } } static INLINE void t1_dec_refpass_step_raw( opj_t1_t *t1, flag_t *flagsp, int *datap, int poshalf, int neghalf, int vsc) { int v, t, flag; opj_raw_t *raw = t1->raw; /* RAW component */ flag = vsc ? ((*flagsp) & (~(T1_SIG_S | T1_SIG_SE | T1_SIG_SW | T1_SGN_S))) : (*flagsp); if ((flag & (T1_SIG | T1_VISIT)) == T1_SIG) { v = raw_decode(raw); t = v ? poshalf : neghalf; *datap += *datap < 0 ? -t : t; *flagsp |= T1_REFINE; } } /* VSC and BYPASS by Antonin */ static INLINE void t1_dec_refpass_step_mqc( opj_t1_t *t1, flag_t *flagsp, int *datap, int poshalf, int neghalf) { int v, t, flag; opj_mqc_t *mqc = t1->mqc; /* MQC component */ flag = *flagsp; if ((flag & (T1_SIG | T1_VISIT)) == T1_SIG) { mqc_setcurctx(mqc, t1_getctxno_mag(flag)); /* ESSAI */ v = mqc_decode(mqc); t = v ? poshalf : neghalf; *datap += *datap < 0 ? -t : t; *flagsp |= T1_REFINE; } } /* VSC and BYPASS by Antonin */ static INLINE void t1_dec_refpass_step_mqc_vsc( opj_t1_t *t1, flag_t *flagsp, int *datap, int poshalf, int neghalf, int vsc) { int v, t, flag; opj_mqc_t *mqc = t1->mqc; /* MQC component */ flag = vsc ? ((*flagsp) & (~(T1_SIG_S | T1_SIG_SE | T1_SIG_SW | T1_SGN_S))) : (*flagsp); if ((flag & (T1_SIG | T1_VISIT)) == T1_SIG) { mqc_setcurctx(mqc, t1_getctxno_mag(flag)); /* ESSAI */ v = mqc_decode(mqc); t = v ? poshalf : neghalf; *datap += *datap < 0 ? -t : t; *flagsp |= T1_REFINE; } } /* VSC and BYPASS by Antonin */ static void t1_enc_refpass( opj_t1_t *t1, int bpno, int *nmsedec, char type, int cblksty) { int i, j, k, one, vsc; *nmsedec = 0; one = 1 << (bpno + T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS); for (k = 0; k < t1->h; k += 4) { for (i = 0; i < t1->w; ++i) { for (j = k; j < k + 4 && j < t1->h; ++j) { vsc = ((cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_VSC) && (j == k + 3 || j == t1->h - 1)) ? 1 : 0; t1_enc_refpass_step( t1, &t1->flags[((j+1) * t1->flags_stride) + i + 1], &t1->data[(j * t1->w) + i], bpno, one, nmsedec, type, vsc); } } } } static void t1_dec_refpass_raw( opj_t1_t *t1, int bpno, int cblksty) { int i, j, k, one, poshalf, neghalf; int vsc; one = 1 << bpno; poshalf = one >> 1; neghalf = bpno > 0 ? -poshalf : -1; for (k = 0; k < t1->h; k += 4) { for (i = 0; i < t1->w; ++i) { for (j = k; j < k + 4 && j < t1->h; ++j) { vsc = ((cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_VSC) && (j == k + 3 || j == t1->h - 1)) ? 1 : 0; t1_dec_refpass_step_raw( t1, &t1->flags[((j+1) * t1->flags_stride) + i + 1], &t1->data[(j * t1->w) + i], poshalf, neghalf, vsc); } } } } /* VSC and BYPASS by Antonin */ static void t1_dec_refpass_mqc( opj_t1_t *t1, int bpno) { int i, j, k, one, poshalf, neghalf; int *data1 = t1->data; flag_t *flags1 = &t1->flags[1]; one = 1 << bpno; poshalf = one >> 1; neghalf = bpno > 0 ? -poshalf : -1; for (k = 0; k < (t1->h & ~3); k += 4) { for (i = 0; i < t1->w; ++i) { int *data2 = data1 + i; flag_t *flags2 = flags1 + i; flags2 += t1->flags_stride; t1_dec_refpass_step_mqc(t1, flags2, data2, poshalf, neghalf); data2 += t1->w; flags2 += t1->flags_stride; t1_dec_refpass_step_mqc(t1, flags2, data2, poshalf, neghalf); data2 += t1->w; flags2 += t1->flags_stride; t1_dec_refpass_step_mqc(t1, flags2, data2, poshalf, neghalf); data2 += t1->w; flags2 += t1->flags_stride; t1_dec_refpass_step_mqc(t1, flags2, data2, poshalf, neghalf); data2 += t1->w; } data1 += t1->w << 2; flags1 += t1->flags_stride << 2; } for (i = 0; i < t1->w; ++i) { int *data2 = data1 + i; flag_t *flags2 = flags1 + i; for (j = k; j < t1->h; ++j) { flags2 += t1->flags_stride; t1_dec_refpass_step_mqc(t1, flags2, data2, poshalf, neghalf); data2 += t1->w; } } } /* VSC and BYPASS by Antonin */ static void t1_dec_refpass_mqc_vsc( opj_t1_t *t1, int bpno) { int i, j, k, one, poshalf, neghalf; int vsc; one = 1 << bpno; poshalf = one >> 1; neghalf = bpno > 0 ? -poshalf : -1; for (k = 0; k < t1->h; k += 4) { for (i = 0; i < t1->w; ++i) { for (j = k; j < k + 4 && j < t1->h; ++j) { vsc = ((j == k + 3 || j == t1->h - 1)) ? 1 : 0; t1_dec_refpass_step_mqc_vsc( t1, &t1->flags[((j+1) * t1->flags_stride) + i + 1], &t1->data[(j * t1->w) + i], poshalf, neghalf, vsc); } } } } /* VSC and BYPASS by Antonin */ static void t1_enc_clnpass_step( opj_t1_t *t1, flag_t *flagsp, int *datap, int orient, int bpno, int one, int *nmsedec, int partial, int vsc) { int v, flag; opj_mqc_t *mqc = t1->mqc; /* MQC component */ flag = vsc ? ((*flagsp) & (~(T1_SIG_S | T1_SIG_SE | T1_SIG_SW | T1_SGN_S))) : (*flagsp); if (partial) { goto LABEL_PARTIAL; } if (!(*flagsp & (T1_SIG | T1_VISIT))) { mqc_setcurctx(mqc, t1_getctxno_zc(flag, orient)); v = int_abs(*datap) & one ? 1 : 0; mqc_encode(mqc, v); if (v) { LABEL_PARTIAL: *nmsedec += t1_getnmsedec_sig(int_abs(*datap), bpno + T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS); mqc_setcurctx(mqc, t1_getctxno_sc(flag)); v = *datap < 0 ? 1 : 0; mqc_encode(mqc, v ^ t1_getspb(flag)); t1_updateflags(flagsp, v, t1->flags_stride); } } *flagsp &= ~T1_VISIT; } static void t1_dec_clnpass_step_partial( opj_t1_t *t1, flag_t *flagsp, int *datap, int orient, int oneplushalf) { int v, flag; opj_mqc_t *mqc = t1->mqc; /* MQC component */ OPJ_ARG_NOT_USED(orient); flag = *flagsp; mqc_setcurctx(mqc, t1_getctxno_sc(flag)); v = mqc_decode(mqc) ^ t1_getspb(flag); *datap = v ? -oneplushalf : oneplushalf; t1_updateflags(flagsp, v, t1->flags_stride); *flagsp &= ~T1_VISIT; } /* VSC and BYPASS by Antonin */ static void t1_dec_clnpass_step( opj_t1_t *t1, flag_t *flagsp, int *datap, int orient, int oneplushalf) { int v, flag; opj_mqc_t *mqc = t1->mqc; /* MQC component */ flag = *flagsp; if (!(flag & (T1_SIG | T1_VISIT))) { mqc_setcurctx(mqc, t1_getctxno_zc(flag, orient)); if (mqc_decode(mqc)) { mqc_setcurctx(mqc, t1_getctxno_sc(flag)); v = mqc_decode(mqc) ^ t1_getspb(flag); *datap = v ? -oneplushalf : oneplushalf; t1_updateflags(flagsp, v, t1->flags_stride); } } *flagsp &= ~T1_VISIT; } /* VSC and BYPASS by Antonin */ static void t1_dec_clnpass_step_vsc( opj_t1_t *t1, flag_t *flagsp, int *datap, int orient, int oneplushalf, int partial, int vsc) { int v, flag; opj_mqc_t *mqc = t1->mqc; /* MQC component */ flag = vsc ? ((*flagsp) & (~(T1_SIG_S | T1_SIG_SE | T1_SIG_SW | T1_SGN_S))) : (*flagsp); if (partial) { goto LABEL_PARTIAL; } if (!(flag & (T1_SIG | T1_VISIT))) { mqc_setcurctx(mqc, t1_getctxno_zc(flag, orient)); if (mqc_decode(mqc)) { LABEL_PARTIAL: mqc_setcurctx(mqc, t1_getctxno_sc(flag)); v = mqc_decode(mqc) ^ t1_getspb(flag); *datap = v ? -oneplushalf : oneplushalf; t1_updateflags(flagsp, v, t1->flags_stride); } } *flagsp &= ~T1_VISIT; } static void t1_enc_clnpass( opj_t1_t *t1, int bpno, int orient, int *nmsedec, int cblksty) { int i, j, k, one, agg, runlen, vsc; opj_mqc_t *mqc = t1->mqc; /* MQC component */ *nmsedec = 0; one = 1 << (bpno + T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS); for (k = 0; k < t1->h; k += 4) { for (i = 0; i < t1->w; ++i) { if (k + 3 < t1->h) { if (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_VSC) { agg = !(MACRO_t1_flags(1 + k,1 + i) & (T1_SIG | T1_VISIT | T1_SIG_OTH) || MACRO_t1_flags(1 + k + 1,1 + i) & (T1_SIG | T1_VISIT | T1_SIG_OTH) || MACRO_t1_flags(1 + k + 2,1 + i) & (T1_SIG | T1_VISIT | T1_SIG_OTH) || (MACRO_t1_flags(1 + k + 3,1 + i) & (~(T1_SIG_S | T1_SIG_SE | T1_SIG_SW | T1_SGN_S))) & (T1_SIG | T1_VISIT | T1_SIG_OTH)); } else { agg = !(MACRO_t1_flags(1 + k,1 + i) & (T1_SIG | T1_VISIT | T1_SIG_OTH) || MACRO_t1_flags(1 + k + 1,1 + i) & (T1_SIG | T1_VISIT | T1_SIG_OTH) || MACRO_t1_flags(1 + k + 2,1 + i) & (T1_SIG | T1_VISIT | T1_SIG_OTH) || MACRO_t1_flags(1 + k + 3,1 + i) & (T1_SIG | T1_VISIT | T1_SIG_OTH)); } } else { agg = 0; } if (agg) { for (runlen = 0; runlen < 4; ++runlen) { if (int_abs(t1->data[((k + runlen)*t1->w) + i]) & one) break; } mqc_setcurctx(mqc, T1_CTXNO_AGG); mqc_encode(mqc, runlen != 4); if (runlen == 4) { continue; } mqc_setcurctx(mqc, T1_CTXNO_UNI); mqc_encode(mqc, runlen >> 1); mqc_encode(mqc, runlen & 1); } else { runlen = 0; } for (j = k + runlen; j < k + 4 && j < t1->h; ++j) { vsc = ((cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_VSC) && (j == k + 3 || j == t1->h - 1)) ? 1 : 0; t1_enc_clnpass_step( t1, &t1->flags[((j+1) * t1->flags_stride) + i + 1], &t1->data[(j * t1->w) + i], orient, bpno, one, nmsedec, agg && (j == k + runlen), vsc); } } } } static void t1_dec_clnpass( opj_t1_t *t1, int bpno, int orient, int cblksty) { int i, j, k, one, half, oneplushalf, agg, runlen, vsc; int segsym = cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_SEGSYM; opj_mqc_t *mqc = t1->mqc; /* MQC component */ one = 1 << bpno; half = one >> 1; oneplushalf = one | half; if (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_VSC) { for (k = 0; k < t1->h; k += 4) { for (i = 0; i < t1->w; ++i) { if (k + 3 < t1->h) { agg = !(MACRO_t1_flags(1 + k,1 + i) & (T1_SIG | T1_VISIT | T1_SIG_OTH) || MACRO_t1_flags(1 + k + 1,1 + i) & (T1_SIG | T1_VISIT | T1_SIG_OTH) || MACRO_t1_flags(1 + k + 2,1 + i) & (T1_SIG | T1_VISIT | T1_SIG_OTH) || (MACRO_t1_flags(1 + k + 3,1 + i) & (~(T1_SIG_S | T1_SIG_SE | T1_SIG_SW | T1_SGN_S))) & (T1_SIG | T1_VISIT | T1_SIG_OTH)); } else { agg = 0; } if (agg) { mqc_setcurctx(mqc, T1_CTXNO_AGG); if (!mqc_decode(mqc)) { continue; } mqc_setcurctx(mqc, T1_CTXNO_UNI); runlen = mqc_decode(mqc); runlen = (runlen << 1) | mqc_decode(mqc); } else { runlen = 0; } for (j = k + runlen; j < k + 4 && j < t1->h; ++j) { vsc = (j == k + 3 || j == t1->h - 1) ? 1 : 0; t1_dec_clnpass_step_vsc( t1, &t1->flags[((j+1) * t1->flags_stride) + i + 1], &t1->data[(j * t1->w) + i], orient, oneplushalf, agg && (j == k + runlen), vsc); } } } } else { int *data1 = t1->data; flag_t *flags1 = &t1->flags[1]; for (k = 0; k < (t1->h & ~3); k += 4) { for (i = 0; i < t1->w; ++i) { int *data2 = data1 + i; flag_t *flags2 = flags1 + i; agg = !(MACRO_t1_flags(1 + k,1 + i) & (T1_SIG | T1_VISIT | T1_SIG_OTH) || MACRO_t1_flags(1 + k + 1,1 + i) & (T1_SIG | T1_VISIT | T1_SIG_OTH) || MACRO_t1_flags(1 + k + 2,1 + i) & (T1_SIG | T1_VISIT | T1_SIG_OTH) || MACRO_t1_flags(1 + k + 3,1 + i) & (T1_SIG | T1_VISIT | T1_SIG_OTH)); if (agg) { mqc_setcurctx(mqc, T1_CTXNO_AGG); if (!mqc_decode(mqc)) { continue; } mqc_setcurctx(mqc, T1_CTXNO_UNI); runlen = mqc_decode(mqc); runlen = (runlen << 1) | mqc_decode(mqc); flags2 += runlen * t1->flags_stride; data2 += runlen * t1->w; for (j = k + runlen; j < k + 4 && j < t1->h; ++j) { flags2 += t1->flags_stride; if (agg && (j == k + runlen)) { t1_dec_clnpass_step_partial(t1, flags2, data2, orient, oneplushalf); } else { t1_dec_clnpass_step(t1, flags2, data2, orient, oneplushalf); } data2 += t1->w; } } else { flags2 += t1->flags_stride; t1_dec_clnpass_step(t1, flags2, data2, orient, oneplushalf); data2 += t1->w; flags2 += t1->flags_stride; t1_dec_clnpass_step(t1, flags2, data2, orient, oneplushalf); data2 += t1->w; flags2 += t1->flags_stride; t1_dec_clnpass_step(t1, flags2, data2, orient, oneplushalf); data2 += t1->w; flags2 += t1->flags_stride; t1_dec_clnpass_step(t1, flags2, data2, orient, oneplushalf); data2 += t1->w; } } data1 += t1->w << 2; flags1 += t1->flags_stride << 2; } for (i = 0; i < t1->w; ++i) { int *data2 = data1 + i; flag_t *flags2 = flags1 + i; for (j = k; j < t1->h; ++j) { flags2 += t1->flags_stride; t1_dec_clnpass_step(t1, flags2, data2, orient, oneplushalf); data2 += t1->w; } } } if (segsym) { int v = 0; mqc_setcurctx(mqc, T1_CTXNO_UNI); v = mqc_decode(mqc); v = (v << 1) | mqc_decode(mqc); v = (v << 1) | mqc_decode(mqc); v = (v << 1) | mqc_decode(mqc); /* if (v!=0xa) { opj_event_msg(t1->cinfo, EVT_WARNING, "Bad segmentation symbol %x\n", v); } */ } } /* VSC and BYPASS by Antonin */ /** mod fixed_quality */ static double t1_getwmsedec( int nmsedec, int compno, int level, int orient, int bpno, int qmfbid, double stepsize, int numcomps, int mct) { double w1, w2, wmsedec; if (qmfbid == 1) { w1 = (mct && numcomps==3) ? mct_getnorm(compno) : 1.0; w2 = dwt_getnorm(level, orient); } else { /* if (qmfbid == 0) */ w1 = (mct && numcomps==3) ? mct_getnorm_real(compno) : 1.0; w2 = dwt_getnorm_real(level, orient); } wmsedec = w1 * w2 * stepsize * (1 << bpno); wmsedec *= wmsedec * nmsedec / 8192.0; return wmsedec; } /** mod fixed_quality */ static OPJ_FLOAT64 t1_getwmsedec_v2( OPJ_INT32 nmsedec, OPJ_UINT32 compno, OPJ_UINT32 level, OPJ_UINT32 orient, OPJ_INT32 bpno, OPJ_UINT32 qmfbid, OPJ_FLOAT64 stepsize, OPJ_UINT32 numcomps, const OPJ_FLOAT64 * mct_norms) { OPJ_FLOAT64 w1 = 1, w2, wmsedec; if (mct_norms) { w1 = mct_norms[compno]; } if (qmfbid == 1) { w2 = opj_dwt_getnorm(level, orient); } else { /* if (qmfbid == 0) */ w2 = opj_dwt_getnorm_real(level, orient); } wmsedec = w1 * w2 * stepsize * (1 << bpno); wmsedec *= wmsedec * nmsedec / 8192.0; return wmsedec; } static opj_bool allocate_buffers( opj_t1_t *t1, int w, int h) { int datasize=w * h; int flagssize; if(datasize > t1->datasize){ opj_aligned_free(t1->data); t1->data = (int*) opj_aligned_malloc(datasize * sizeof(int)); if(!t1->data){ return OPJ_FALSE; } t1->datasize=datasize; } memset(t1->data,0,datasize * sizeof(int)); t1->flags_stride=w+2; flagssize=t1->flags_stride * (h+2); if(flagssize > t1->flagssize){ opj_aligned_free(t1->flags); t1->flags = (flag_t*) opj_aligned_malloc(flagssize * sizeof(flag_t)); if(!t1->flags){ return OPJ_FALSE; } t1->flagssize=flagssize; } memset(t1->flags,0,flagssize * sizeof(flag_t)); t1->w=w; t1->h=h; return OPJ_TRUE; } /** mod fixed_quality */ static void t1_encode_cblk( opj_t1_t *t1, opj_tcd_cblk_enc_t* cblk, int orient, int compno, int level, int qmfbid, double stepsize, int cblksty, int numcomps, int mct, opj_tcd_tile_t * tile) { double cumwmsedec = 0.0; opj_mqc_t *mqc = t1->mqc; /* MQC component */ int passno, bpno, passtype; int nmsedec = 0; int i, max; char type = T1_TYPE_MQ; double tempwmsedec; max = 0; for (i = 0; i < t1->w * t1->h; ++i) { int tmp = abs(t1->data[i]); max = int_max(max, tmp); } cblk->numbps = max ? (int_floorlog2(max) + 1) - T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS : 0; bpno = cblk->numbps - 1; passtype = 2; mqc_resetstates(mqc); mqc_setstate(mqc, T1_CTXNO_UNI, 0, 46); mqc_setstate(mqc, T1_CTXNO_AGG, 0, 3); mqc_setstate(mqc, T1_CTXNO_ZC, 0, 4); mqc_init_enc(mqc, cblk->data); for (passno = 0; bpno >= 0; ++passno) { opj_tcd_pass_t *pass = &cblk->passes[passno]; int correction = 3; type = ((bpno < (cblk->numbps - 4)) && (passtype < 2) && (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_LAZY)) ? T1_TYPE_RAW : T1_TYPE_MQ; switch (passtype) { case 0: opj_t1_enc_sigpass(t1, bpno, orient, &nmsedec, type, cblksty); break; case 1: t1_enc_refpass(t1, bpno, &nmsedec, type, cblksty); break; case 2: t1_enc_clnpass(t1, bpno, orient, &nmsedec, cblksty); /* code switch SEGMARK (i.e. SEGSYM) */ if (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_SEGSYM) mqc_segmark_enc(mqc); break; } /* fixed_quality */ tempwmsedec = t1_getwmsedec(nmsedec, compno, level, orient, bpno, qmfbid, stepsize, numcomps, mct); cumwmsedec += tempwmsedec; tile->distotile += tempwmsedec; /* Code switch "RESTART" (i.e. TERMALL) */ if ((cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_TERMALL) && !((passtype == 2) && (bpno - 1 < 0))) { if (type == T1_TYPE_RAW) { mqc_flush(mqc); correction = 1; /* correction = mqc_bypass_flush_enc(); */ } else { /* correction = mqc_restart_enc(); */ mqc_flush(mqc); correction = 1; } pass->term = 1; } else { if (((bpno < (cblk->numbps - 4) && (passtype > 0)) || ((bpno == (cblk->numbps - 4)) && (passtype == 2))) && (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_LAZY)) { if (type == T1_TYPE_RAW) { mqc_flush(mqc); correction = 1; /* correction = mqc_bypass_flush_enc(); */ } else { /* correction = mqc_restart_enc(); */ mqc_flush(mqc); correction = 1; } pass->term = 1; } else { pass->term = 0; } } if (++passtype == 3) { passtype = 0; bpno--; } if (pass->term && bpno > 0) { type = ((bpno < (cblk->numbps - 4)) && (passtype < 2) && (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_LAZY)) ? T1_TYPE_RAW : T1_TYPE_MQ; if (type == T1_TYPE_RAW) mqc_bypass_init_enc(mqc); else mqc_restart_init_enc(mqc); } pass->distortiondec = cumwmsedec; pass->rate = mqc_numbytes(mqc) + correction; /* FIXME */ /* Code-switch "RESET" */ if (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_RESET) mqc_reset_enc(mqc); } /* Code switch "ERTERM" (i.e. PTERM) */ if (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_PTERM) mqc_erterm_enc(mqc); else /* Default coding */ if (!(cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_LAZY)) mqc_flush(mqc); cblk->totalpasses = passno; for (passno = 0; passnototalpasses; passno++) { opj_tcd_pass_t *pass = &cblk->passes[passno]; if (pass->rate > mqc_numbytes(mqc)) pass->rate = mqc_numbytes(mqc); /*Preventing generation of FF as last data byte of a pass*/ if((pass->rate>1) && (cblk->data[pass->rate - 1] == 0xFF)){ pass->rate--; } pass->len = pass->rate - (passno == 0 ? 0 : cblk->passes[passno - 1].rate); } } static void t1_decode_cblk( opj_t1_t *t1, opj_tcd_cblk_dec_t* cblk, int orient, int roishift, int cblksty) { opj_raw_t *raw = t1->raw; /* RAW component */ opj_mqc_t *mqc = t1->mqc; /* MQC component */ int bpno, passtype; int segno, passno; char type = T1_TYPE_MQ; /* BYPASS mode */ if(!allocate_buffers( t1, cblk->x1 - cblk->x0, cblk->y1 - cblk->y0)) { return; } bpno = roishift + cblk->numbps - 1; passtype = 2; mqc_resetstates(mqc); mqc_setstate(mqc, T1_CTXNO_UNI, 0, 46); mqc_setstate(mqc, T1_CTXNO_AGG, 0, 3); mqc_setstate(mqc, T1_CTXNO_ZC, 0, 4); for (segno = 0; segno < cblk->numsegs; ++segno) { opj_tcd_seg_t *seg = &cblk->segs[segno]; /* BYPASS mode */ type = ((bpno <= (cblk->numbps - 1) - 4) && (passtype < 2) && (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_LAZY)) ? T1_TYPE_RAW : T1_TYPE_MQ; /* FIXME: slviewer gets here with a null pointer. Why? Partially downloaded and/or corrupt textures? */ if(seg->data == NULL){ continue; } if (type == T1_TYPE_RAW) { raw_init_dec(raw, (*seg->data) + seg->dataindex, seg->len); } else { mqc_init_dec(mqc, (*seg->data) + seg->dataindex, seg->len); } for (passno = 0; passno < seg->numpasses; ++passno) { switch (passtype) { case 0: if (type == T1_TYPE_RAW) { t1_dec_sigpass_raw(t1, bpno+1, orient, cblksty); } else { if (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_VSC) { t1_dec_sigpass_mqc_vsc(t1, bpno+1, orient); } else { t1_dec_sigpass_mqc(t1, bpno+1, orient); } } break; case 1: if (type == T1_TYPE_RAW) { t1_dec_refpass_raw(t1, bpno+1, cblksty); } else { if (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_VSC) { t1_dec_refpass_mqc_vsc(t1, bpno+1); } else { t1_dec_refpass_mqc(t1, bpno+1); } } break; case 2: t1_dec_clnpass(t1, bpno+1, orient, cblksty); break; } if ((cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_RESET) && type == T1_TYPE_MQ) { mqc_resetstates(mqc); mqc_setstate(mqc, T1_CTXNO_UNI, 0, 46); mqc_setstate(mqc, T1_CTXNO_AGG, 0, 3); mqc_setstate(mqc, T1_CTXNO_ZC, 0, 4); } if (++passtype == 3) { passtype = 0; bpno--; } } } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void t1_encode_cblks( opj_t1_t *t1, opj_tcd_tile_t *tile, opj_tcp_t *tcp) { int compno, resno, bandno, precno, cblkno; tile->distotile = 0; /* fixed_quality */ for (compno = 0; compno < tile->numcomps; ++compno) { opj_tcd_tilecomp_t* tilec = &tile->comps[compno]; opj_tccp_t* tccp = &tcp->tccps[compno]; int tile_w = tilec->x1 - tilec->x0; for (resno = 0; resno < tilec->numresolutions; ++resno) { opj_tcd_resolution_t *res = &tilec->resolutions[resno]; for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; ++bandno) { opj_tcd_band_t* restrict band = &res->bands[bandno]; int bandconst = 8192 * 8192 / ((int) floor(band->stepsize * 8192)); for (precno = 0; precno < res->pw * res->ph; ++precno) { opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno]; for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cw * prc->ch; ++cblkno) { opj_tcd_cblk_enc_t* cblk = &prc->cblks.enc[cblkno]; int* restrict datap; int* restrict tiledp; int cblk_w; int cblk_h; int i, j; int x = cblk->x0 - band->x0; int y = cblk->y0 - band->y0; if (band->bandno & 1) { opj_tcd_resolution_t *pres = &tilec->resolutions[resno - 1]; x += pres->x1 - pres->x0; } if (band->bandno & 2) { opj_tcd_resolution_t *pres = &tilec->resolutions[resno - 1]; y += pres->y1 - pres->y0; } if(!allocate_buffers( t1, cblk->x1 - cblk->x0, cblk->y1 - cblk->y0)) { return; } datap=t1->data; cblk_w = t1->w; cblk_h = t1->h; tiledp=&tilec->data[(y * tile_w) + x]; if (tccp->qmfbid == 1) { for (j = 0; j < cblk_h; ++j) { for (i = 0; i < cblk_w; ++i) { int tmp = tiledp[(j * tile_w) + i]; datap[(j * cblk_w) + i] = tmp << T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS; } } } else { /* if (tccp->qmfbid == 0) */ for (j = 0; j < cblk_h; ++j) { for (i = 0; i < cblk_w; ++i) { int tmp = tiledp[(j * tile_w) + i]; datap[(j * cblk_w) + i] = fix_mul( tmp, bandconst) >> (11 - T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS); } } } t1_encode_cblk( t1, cblk, band->bandno, compno, tilec->numresolutions - 1 - resno, tccp->qmfbid, band->stepsize, tccp->cblksty, tile->numcomps, tcp->mct, tile); } /* cblkno */ } /* precno */ } /* bandno */ } /* resno */ } /* compno */ } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Creates a new Tier 1 handle * and initializes the look-up tables of the Tier-1 coder/decoder * @return a new T1 handle if successful, returns NULL otherwise */ opj_t1_t* opj_t1_create() { opj_t1_t *l_t1 = 00; l_t1 = (opj_t1_t*) opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_t1_t)); if (!l_t1) { return 00; } memset(l_t1,0,sizeof(opj_t1_t)); /* create MQC and RAW handles */ l_t1->mqc = mqc_create(); if (! l_t1->mqc) { opj_t1_destroy(l_t1); return 00; } l_t1->raw = raw_create(); if (! l_t1->raw) { opj_t1_destroy(l_t1); return 00; } return l_t1; } /** * Destroys a previously created T1 handle * * @param p_t1 Tier 1 handle to destroy */ void opj_t1_destroy(opj_t1_t *p_t1) { if (! p_t1) { return; } /* destroy MQC and RAW handles */ mqc_destroy(p_t1->mqc); p_t1->mqc = 00; raw_destroy(p_t1->raw); p_t1->raw = 00; if (p_t1->data) { opj_aligned_free(p_t1->data); p_t1->data = 00; } if (p_t1->flags) { opj_aligned_free(p_t1->flags); p_t1->flags = 00; } opj_free(p_t1); } void opj_t1_decode_cblks( opj_t1_t* t1, opj_tcd_tilecomp_v2_t* tilec, opj_tccp_t* tccp ) { OPJ_UINT32 resno, bandno, precno, cblkno; OPJ_UINT32 tile_w = tilec->x1 - tilec->x0; for (resno = 0; resno < tilec->minimum_num_resolutions; ++resno) { opj_tcd_resolution_v2_t* res = &tilec->resolutions[resno]; for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; ++bandno) { opj_tcd_band_v2_t* restrict band = &res->bands[bandno]; for (precno = 0; precno < res->pw * res->ph; ++precno) { opj_tcd_precinct_v2_t* precinct = &band->precincts[precno]; for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < precinct->cw * precinct->ch; ++cblkno) { opj_tcd_cblk_dec_v2_t* cblk = &precinct->cblks.dec[cblkno]; OPJ_INT32* restrict datap; void* restrict tiledp; OPJ_UINT32 cblk_w, cblk_h; OPJ_INT32 x, y; OPJ_UINT32 i, j; t1_decode_cblk_v2( t1, cblk, band->bandno, tccp->roishift, tccp->cblksty); x = cblk->x0 - band->x0; y = cblk->y0 - band->y0; if (band->bandno & 1) { opj_tcd_resolution_v2_t* pres = &tilec->resolutions[resno - 1]; x += pres->x1 - pres->x0; } if (band->bandno & 2) { opj_tcd_resolution_v2_t* pres = &tilec->resolutions[resno - 1]; y += pres->y1 - pres->y0; } datap=t1->data; cblk_w = t1->w; cblk_h = t1->h; if (tccp->roishift) { OPJ_INT32 thresh = 1 << tccp->roishift; for (j = 0; j < cblk_h; ++j) { for (i = 0; i < cblk_w; ++i) { OPJ_INT32 val = datap[(j * cblk_w) + i]; OPJ_INT32 mag = abs(val); if (mag >= thresh) { mag >>= tccp->roishift; datap[(j * cblk_w) + i] = val < 0 ? -mag : mag; } } } } tiledp=(void*)&tilec->data[(y * tile_w) + x]; if (tccp->qmfbid == 1) { for (j = 0; j < cblk_h; ++j) { for (i = 0; i < cblk_w; ++i) { OPJ_INT32 tmp = datap[(j * cblk_w) + i]; ((OPJ_INT32*)tiledp)[(j * tile_w) + i] = tmp / 2; } } } else { /* if (tccp->qmfbid == 0) */ for (j = 0; j < cblk_h; ++j) { for (i = 0; i < cblk_w; ++i) { float tmp = datap[(j * cblk_w) + i] * band->stepsize; ((float*)tiledp)[(j * tile_w) + i] = tmp; } } } //opj_free(cblk->segs); //cblk->segs = 00; } /* cblkno */ } /* precno */ } /* bandno */ } /* resno */ } static void t1_decode_cblk_v2( opj_t1_t *t1, opj_tcd_cblk_dec_v2_t* cblk, OPJ_UINT32 orient, OPJ_UINT32 roishift, OPJ_UINT32 cblksty) { opj_raw_t *raw = t1->raw; /* RAW component */ opj_mqc_t *mqc = t1->mqc; /* MQC component */ OPJ_INT32 bpno; OPJ_UINT32 passtype; OPJ_UINT32 segno, passno; OPJ_BYTE type = T1_TYPE_MQ; /* BYPASS mode */ if(!allocate_buffers( t1, cblk->x1 - cblk->x0, cblk->y1 - cblk->y0)) { return; } bpno = roishift + cblk->numbps - 1; passtype = 2; mqc_resetstates(mqc); mqc_setstate(mqc, T1_CTXNO_UNI, 0, 46); mqc_setstate(mqc, T1_CTXNO_AGG, 0, 3); mqc_setstate(mqc, T1_CTXNO_ZC, 0, 4); for (segno = 0; segno < cblk->real_num_segs; ++segno) { opj_tcd_seg_t *seg = &cblk->segs[segno]; /* BYPASS mode */ type = ((bpno <= ((OPJ_INT32) (cblk->numbps) - 1) - 4) && (passtype < 2) && (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_LAZY)) ? T1_TYPE_RAW : T1_TYPE_MQ; /* FIXME: slviewer gets here with a null pointer. Why? Partially downloaded and/or corrupt textures? */ if(seg->data == 00){ continue; } if (type == T1_TYPE_RAW) { raw_init_dec(raw, (*seg->data) + seg->dataindex, seg->len); } else { mqc_init_dec(mqc, (*seg->data) + seg->dataindex, seg->len); } for (passno = 0; passno < seg->real_num_passes; ++passno) { switch (passtype) { case 0: t1_dec_sigpass(t1, bpno+1, orient, type, cblksty); break; case 1: t1_dec_refpass(t1, bpno+1, type, cblksty); break; case 2: t1_dec_clnpass(t1, bpno+1, orient, cblksty); break; } if ((cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_RESET) && type == T1_TYPE_MQ) { mqc_resetstates(mqc); mqc_setstate(mqc, T1_CTXNO_UNI, 0, 46); mqc_setstate(mqc, T1_CTXNO_AGG, 0, 3); mqc_setstate(mqc, T1_CTXNO_ZC, 0, 4); } if (++passtype == 3) { passtype = 0; bpno--; } } } } opj_bool opj_t1_encode_cblks( opj_t1_t *t1, opj_tcd_tile_v2_t *tile, opj_tcp_v2_t *tcp, const OPJ_FLOAT64 * mct_norms ) { OPJ_UINT32 compno, resno, bandno, precno, cblkno; tile->distotile = 0; /* fixed_quality */ for (compno = 0; compno < tile->numcomps; ++compno) { opj_tcd_tilecomp_v2_t* tilec = &tile->comps[compno]; opj_tccp_t* tccp = &tcp->tccps[compno]; OPJ_UINT32 tile_w = tilec->x1 - tilec->x0; for (resno = 0; resno < tilec->numresolutions; ++resno) { opj_tcd_resolution_v2_t *res = &tilec->resolutions[resno]; for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; ++bandno) { opj_tcd_band_v2_t* restrict band = &res->bands[bandno]; OPJ_INT32 bandconst = 8192 * 8192 / ((OPJ_INT32) floor(band->stepsize * 8192)); for (precno = 0; precno < res->pw * res->ph; ++precno) { opj_tcd_precinct_v2_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno]; for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cw * prc->ch; ++cblkno) { opj_tcd_cblk_enc_v2_t* cblk = &prc->cblks.enc[cblkno]; OPJ_INT32 * restrict datap; OPJ_INT32* restrict tiledp; OPJ_UINT32 cblk_w; OPJ_UINT32 cblk_h; OPJ_UINT32 i, j; OPJ_INT32 x = cblk->x0 - band->x0; OPJ_INT32 y = cblk->y0 - band->y0; if (band->bandno & 1) { opj_tcd_resolution_v2_t *pres = &tilec->resolutions[resno - 1]; x += pres->x1 - pres->x0; } if (band->bandno & 2) { opj_tcd_resolution_v2_t *pres = &tilec->resolutions[resno - 1]; y += pres->y1 - pres->y0; } if(!allocate_buffers( t1, cblk->x1 - cblk->x0, cblk->y1 - cblk->y0)) { return OPJ_FALSE; } datap=t1->data; cblk_w = t1->w; cblk_h = t1->h; tiledp=&tilec->data[(y * tile_w) + x]; if (tccp->qmfbid == 1) { for (j = 0; j < cblk_h; ++j) { for (i = 0; i < cblk_w; ++i) { OPJ_INT32 tmp = tiledp[(j * tile_w) + i]; datap[(j * cblk_w) + i] = tmp << T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS; } } } else { /* if (tccp->qmfbid == 0) */ for (j = 0; j < cblk_h; ++j) { for (i = 0; i < cblk_w; ++i) { OPJ_INT32 tmp = tiledp[(j * tile_w) + i]; datap[(j * cblk_w) + i] = fix_mul( tmp, bandconst) >> (11 - T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS); } } } t1_encode_cblk_v2( t1, cblk, band->bandno, compno, tilec->numresolutions - 1 - resno, tccp->qmfbid, band->stepsize, tccp->cblksty, tile->numcomps, tile, mct_norms); } /* cblkno */ } /* precno */ } /* bandno */ } /* resno */ } /* compno */ return OPJ_TRUE; } /** mod fixed_quality */ static void t1_encode_cblk_v2( opj_t1_t *t1, opj_tcd_cblk_enc_v2_t* cblk, OPJ_UINT32 orient, OPJ_UINT32 compno, OPJ_UINT32 level, OPJ_UINT32 qmfbid, OPJ_FLOAT64 stepsize, OPJ_UINT32 cblksty, OPJ_UINT32 numcomps, opj_tcd_tile_v2_t * tile, const OPJ_FLOAT64 * mct_norms) { OPJ_FLOAT64 cumwmsedec = 0.0; opj_mqc_t *mqc = t1->mqc; /* MQC component */ OPJ_UINT32 passno; OPJ_INT32 bpno; OPJ_UINT32 passtype; OPJ_INT32 nmsedec = 0; OPJ_INT32 max; OPJ_UINT32 i; OPJ_BYTE type = T1_TYPE_MQ; OPJ_FLOAT64 tempwmsedec; max = 0; for (i = 0; i < t1->w * t1->h; ++i) { OPJ_INT32 tmp = abs(t1->data[i]); max = int_max(max, tmp); } cblk->numbps = max ? (int_floorlog2(max) + 1) - T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS : 0; bpno = cblk->numbps - 1; passtype = 2; mqc_resetstates(mqc); mqc_setstate(mqc, T1_CTXNO_UNI, 0, 46); mqc_setstate(mqc, T1_CTXNO_AGG, 0, 3); mqc_setstate(mqc, T1_CTXNO_ZC, 0, 4); mqc_init_enc(mqc, cblk->data); for (passno = 0; bpno >= 0; ++passno) { opj_tcd_pass_v2_t *pass = &cblk->passes[passno]; OPJ_UINT32 correction = 3; type = ((bpno < ((OPJ_INT32) (cblk->numbps) - 4)) && (passtype < 2) && (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_LAZY)) ? T1_TYPE_RAW : T1_TYPE_MQ; switch (passtype) { case 0: opj_t1_enc_sigpass(t1, bpno, orient, &nmsedec, type, cblksty); break; case 1: t1_enc_refpass(t1, bpno, &nmsedec, type, cblksty); break; case 2: t1_enc_clnpass(t1, bpno, orient, &nmsedec, cblksty); /* code switch SEGMARK (i.e. SEGSYM) */ if (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_SEGSYM) mqc_segmark_enc(mqc); break; } /* fixed_quality */ tempwmsedec = t1_getwmsedec_v2(nmsedec, compno, level, orient, bpno, qmfbid, stepsize, numcomps,mct_norms) ; cumwmsedec += tempwmsedec; tile->distotile += tempwmsedec; /* Code switch "RESTART" (i.e. TERMALL) */ if ((cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_TERMALL) && !((passtype == 2) && (bpno - 1 < 0))) { if (type == T1_TYPE_RAW) { mqc_flush(mqc); correction = 1; /* correction = mqc_bypass_flush_enc(); */ } else { /* correction = mqc_restart_enc(); */ mqc_flush(mqc); correction = 1; } pass->term = 1; } else { if (((bpno < ((OPJ_INT32) (cblk->numbps) - 4) && (passtype > 0)) || ((bpno == (cblk->numbps - 4)) && (passtype == 2))) && (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_LAZY)) { if (type == T1_TYPE_RAW) { mqc_flush(mqc); correction = 1; /* correction = mqc_bypass_flush_enc(); */ } else { /* correction = mqc_restart_enc(); */ mqc_flush(mqc); correction = 1; } pass->term = 1; } else { pass->term = 0; } } if (++passtype == 3) { passtype = 0; bpno--; } if (pass->term && bpno > 0) { type = ((bpno < ((OPJ_INT32) (cblk->numbps) - 4)) && (passtype < 2) && (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_LAZY)) ? T1_TYPE_RAW : T1_TYPE_MQ; if (type == T1_TYPE_RAW) mqc_bypass_init_enc(mqc); else mqc_restart_init_enc(mqc); } pass->distortiondec = cumwmsedec; pass->rate = mqc_numbytes(mqc) + correction; /* FIXME */ /* Code-switch "RESET" */ if (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_RESET) mqc_reset_enc(mqc); } /* Code switch "ERTERM" (i.e. PTERM) */ if (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_PTERM) mqc_erterm_enc(mqc); else /* Default coding */ if (!(cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_LAZY)) mqc_flush(mqc); cblk->totalpasses = passno; for (passno = 0; passnototalpasses; passno++) { opj_tcd_pass_v2_t *pass = &cblk->passes[passno]; if (pass->rate > mqc_numbytes(mqc)) pass->rate = mqc_numbytes(mqc); /*Preventing generation of FF as last data byte of a pass*/ if((pass->rate>1) && (cblk->data[pass->rate - 1] == 0xFF)){ pass->rate--; } pass->len = pass->rate - (passno == 0 ? 0 : cblk->passes[passno - 1].rate); } } static void t1_dec_refpass( opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 bpno, OPJ_BYTE type, OPJ_UINT32 cblksty) { OPJ_UINT32 i, j, k; OPJ_INT32 one, poshalf, neghalf; OPJ_UINT32 vsc; one = 1 << bpno; poshalf = one >> 1; neghalf = bpno > 0 ? -poshalf : -1; for (k = 0; k < t1->h; k += 4) { for (i = 0; i < t1->w; ++i) { for (j = k; j < k + 4 && j < t1->h; ++j) { vsc = ((cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_VSC) && (j == k + 3 || j == t1->h - 1)) ? 1 : 0; t1_dec_refpass_step( t1, &t1->flags[((j+1) * t1->flags_stride) + i + 1], &t1->data[(j * t1->w) + i], poshalf, neghalf, type, vsc); } } } } /* VSC and BYPASS by Antonin */ static void t1_dec_refpass_step( opj_t1_t *t1, flag_t *flagsp, OPJ_INT32 *datap, OPJ_INT32 poshalf, OPJ_INT32 neghalf, OPJ_BYTE type, OPJ_UINT32 vsc) { OPJ_INT32 t; OPJ_UINT32 v,flag; opj_mqc_t *mqc = t1->mqc; /* MQC component */ opj_raw_t *raw = t1->raw; /* RAW component */ flag = vsc ? ((*flagsp) & (~(T1_SIG_S | T1_SIG_SE | T1_SIG_SW | T1_SGN_S))) : (*flagsp); if ((flag & (T1_SIG | T1_VISIT)) == T1_SIG) { mqc_setcurctx(mqc, t1_getctxno_mag(flag)); /* ESSAI */ if (type == T1_TYPE_RAW) { v = raw_decode(raw); } else { v = mqc_decode(mqc); } t = v ? poshalf : neghalf; *datap += *datap < 0 ? -t : t; *flagsp |= T1_REFINE; } } /* VSC and BYPASS by Antonin */ static void t1_dec_sigpass( opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 bpno, OPJ_UINT32 orient, OPJ_BYTE type, OPJ_UINT32 cblksty) { OPJ_UINT32 i, j, k, vsc; OPJ_INT32 one, half, oneplushalf; one = 1 << bpno; half = one >> 1; oneplushalf = one | half; for (k = 0; k < t1->h; k += 4) { for (i = 0; i < t1->w; ++i) { for (j = k; j < k + 4 && j < t1->h; ++j) { vsc = ((cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_VSC) && (j == k + 3 || j == t1->h - 1)) ? 1 : 0; t1_dec_sigpass_step( t1, &t1->flags[((j+1) * t1->flags_stride) + i + 1], &t1->data[(j * t1->w) + i], orient, oneplushalf, type, vsc); } } } } /* VSC and BYPASS by Antonin */ static void t1_dec_sigpass_step( opj_t1_t *t1, flag_t *flagsp, OPJ_INT32 *datap, OPJ_UINT32 orient, OPJ_INT32 oneplushalf, OPJ_BYTE type, OPJ_UINT32 vsc) { OPJ_UINT32 v, flag; opj_raw_t *raw = t1->raw; /* RAW component */ opj_mqc_t *mqc = t1->mqc; /* MQC component */ flag = vsc ? ((*flagsp) & (~(T1_SIG_S | T1_SIG_SE | T1_SIG_SW | T1_SGN_S))) : (*flagsp); if ((flag & T1_SIG_OTH) && !(flag & (T1_SIG | T1_VISIT))) { if (type == T1_TYPE_RAW) { if (raw_decode(raw)) { v = raw_decode(raw); /* ESSAI */ *datap = v ? -oneplushalf : oneplushalf; t1_updateflags(flagsp, v, t1->flags_stride); } } else { mqc_setcurctx(mqc, t1_getctxno_zc(flag, orient)); if (mqc_decode(mqc)) { mqc_setcurctx(mqc, t1_getctxno_sc(flag)); v = mqc_decode(mqc) ^ t1_getspb(flag); *datap = v ? -oneplushalf : oneplushalf; t1_updateflags(flagsp, v, t1->flags_stride); } } *flagsp |= T1_VISIT; } } /* VSC and BYPASS by Antonin */