Check-list OpenJPEG Release * update MAJOR, MINOR, BUILD, SOVERSION in CMakeLists.txt * update MAJOR, MINOR, BUILD in appveyor.yml * update CHANGELOG with `github_changelog_generator --token TOKEN_HERE --exclude-labels gcode_fixed,OpjVersion-1.x --release-url "" --since-tag v2.3.1 --future-release v2.4.0 --output --user uclouvain --project openjpeg --exclude-tags version.1.0` . TOKEN_HERE is created at * update * git tag -a v2.4.0 -m "OpenJPEG v2.4.0 release" * git push origin --tags * add post to OpenJPEG website in gh-pages branch in _posts/ subdirectory. See commit * change binversion of openjpeg website in _config.yml in gh-pages branch * update release description if needed * update openjpeg.json with latest release * update OPJ_LATEST_VERSION in, uncomment and update OPJ_PREVIOUS_VERSION in, and push * comment back OPJ_PREVIOUS_VERSION and push * build doc and update Doxygen on website * manual build on Windows: - cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -A x64 -DCMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES=Release -DBUILD_THIRDPARTY=ON -D CPACK_GENERATOR:STRING=ZIP -D CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME:STRING=openjpeg-v2.4.0-windows-x64 - cmake --build . --target package --config Release * send email to ML opj, comp.compression, iiif * tweet